Pt. 1: Kate and Cassie - Mom Daughter fuck toys.
I had been planning the trip for several months. After graduation from College, I would See the Country, as they say. It was the end of August and I had just finished my Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy. A completely useless degree as it turned out.
I had been walking cross country for a few weeks, seeing the sites and working a day or two here and there, just to get a little food money. I had emptied my bank account in Florida before I left, but it never hurt to have a few extra bucks in my pocket. And taking a break from walking for a couple days was a nice rest. I was in no hurry since I was not going anywhere in particular.
As I entered a small town in Mississippi, I saw a roadside dinner ahead. I decided to stop for lunch and see if they needed a dishwasher or busboy for a few days.
Entering the place it had a comfortable feel. There was a table with three older men drinking coffee and a younger couple, close to my age, setting at the counter. I found a booth and pulled the menu from its holder at the edge of the table next to the wall. A few moments later a man approached me.
“Sorry,” he said, “my waitress isn’t here yet, but I can take your order.” He was in his mid-50s, clean shaven with a small-roll over his belt. He looked like someone who had probably been in this town all his life.
“I’ll take a cheeseburger and Pepsi,” I replied.
Just then he glanced toward the entryway of the dinner. There was a sudden good-natured cascade of voices directed at the woman who was entering. “’bout time,”… “Late night -- sleep in this morning?” came the voices from the men at the table.
The man who stood near me taking my order grinned at them and said jokingly, “Just can’t get her out of bed in the morning.” Everyone laughed.
Looking at the woman entering the dinner I was struck by how out-of-place she appeared. While all the men who were teasing her, appeared to be locals, perhaps farmers or just average, she was anything but! In her mid-40s, I guessed, she was no taller than 5”4’ slim, long blonde hair, deep blue eyes that seemed to smile at the teasing. As she passed by me, headed to the back room, a strong smell of expensive perfume floated in the air. I glanced at her small ass as she walked by me. I wondered how her tiny frame could support her tits.
That was her one feature that was not small. While not an expert on breast size, I guessed she was at least a D-cup. I had dated a girl in college who was a D-cup and they certainly looked similar in size.
A few minutes later she re-emerged from the back room. The men at the table continued to tease her about being late to work. Listening to the conversation, I learned her name was Kate. When she brought my food from the kitchen, I made a conscious effort to look her in the eyes. Though, my mind was on other parts of her body. I said, “I am just passing through, seeing the country, was wondering if the owner might have any work I could do for a few days?”
Standing suddenly upright as if somewhat shocked, she smiled and replied, “This is your luck day. My husband and I are the owners, and our dishwasher had to leave on a family emergency yesterday. He will be gone for a couple weeks. Would you be interested in staying that long?”
“Sure,” I quickly replied, “I have nowhere to be. That would be a nice break from the road.” And, I thought to myself, two weeks of looking at Kate would be a nice treats as well.
Learning Secrets
Kate’s husband, Ben, the man who had taken my cheeseburger order, walked from the back room just then. Kate called him over to my table and explained the situation. Seeming very pleased with his sudden good-fortune, he asked, “You have a place to stay?”
“Not really, I just walked into town.”
“We have a small storage room, if you want to bunk down in it, we can make room for a bed on the floor,” he said. “It’s small, but I think you will be OK in it for a few nights. Our daughter has a small TV, we can bring for you, if you want.”
Everything seemed to be going so smooth I could hardly believe my luck. “After you finish eating, I’ll put you to work. Dinner rush is about to start,” Ben said with a smile.
The work was easy, but by the end of the evening I was ready for bed. Kate showed me the storage room and told me to move what I needed to, in order to be comfortable. “Dinner opens at 7am, so get some rest. And,” she said, in an oddly mysterious voice, “Enjoy your night.” Smiling, she walked away. As she reached the passageway between the kitchen and front part of the dinner, she glanced back at me and smiled.
Small town people! I thought to myself. Laying down on my sleeping bag I passed out almost immediately.
What is that? In my foggy mental state, I could hear sounds, but was not sure what I was hearing. Shaking the sleep from my mind, I sat up on my sleeping bag. There were voices on the other side of the door. No, they were on the other side of the wall. Checking my watch I saw it was after 11:00pm. Looking up to the ceiling I saw a small stream of light piercing the darkness of the storage room. Standing quietly, I leaned forward, placing my eye to the opening. There was a man, or at least his ass, moving in a rhythmic motion. It was obvious he was fucking someone in the room next to me.
I moved my head slightly to the side, but there was a can of food on the shelf in that room blocking my view. He was a tall man, perhaps in his 30s. He occasionally leaned back slightly, forcing his cock deeper into whoever he was fucking. I could see feet hanging off the edge of a small bed, they appeared small and I assumed they were a woman’s. From their position, I could tell she was on her knees. I could hear soft moans of a woman’s voice.
“That’s it,” a voice from another man encouraged, “fuck this slut. She likes it when she has a few cocks buried inside her.” There was what sounded like a chuckle from another voice, though I couldn’t be sure.
The man’s ass that I could see, began to fuck faster and harder. “Pull her down on your cock,” the original voice said. That voice sounded familiar, but I couldn’t place where I had heard it. The man speaking was obviously excited. His voice was low and gravely. “Open your Slut mouth now,” I heard him say. “And when we cum in it, you swallow ever drop you fucking cunt.”
Unable to see more than the man’s ass fucking someone, I frantically moved my head side to side, wishing to see more. I realized my own cock was hard listening to the events of the next room.
“Ooooooh, take it whore,” a new voice said.
“Good cum slut, dump it all in her Ed,” the first voice said, “then she can have mine too. Swallow it all,” he commanded.
I heard a noise, it was… what? Focusing on the man’s ass, I saw him lean back again, pushing his cock into an unknown woman’s pussy. “Slap her again for me, now.” He said as he made another hard thrust forward. “Cumming now,” he groaned out.
There was the noise again. It was one of the unknown men, slapping her. “Now my cum slut. Here is mine for you, open up,” the low gravelly voice instructed.
After a few moments there was only silence on the other side of the wall. I watched through the small whole in the wall, hoping to see what came next. The woman had been fucked by three men, and slapped. Was she alright, I wondered. The man who’s ass I had watched bob forward and back, moved backward, pulling his cock from her pussy. Catching a quick glance at his face, I thought I had seen him in the restaurant earlier that day. But I wasn’t sure.
“Damn, you were great… as always,” a new voice said with a chuckle.
“Best cum swallowing slut I have ever had my cock in,” the gravelly voice said in an agreeing tone.
I saw the woman’s feet moving backward toward the edge of the bed. As she stood up at the foot of the bed, she said, “You only like me because I swallow.” There was a unison of laughter, from all four. “Well, and maybe because I am great to fuck too.”
I instantly recognized the voice. As she stood naked, at the foot of the bed, her D-cum tits jettisoned forward into the air. It had been Kate moaning as she was being fucked. It was her mouth the two unknown men had used for their cum-destination. It was her face that had been slapped.
“I have to get home, have to get to work on time tomorrow. Guess I can tell Ben each of you had a nice time with me?” She asked, knowing the answer.
“You can tell Ben, he is the luckiest husband in these parts,” the gravelly voice said.
“I was hoping all of you,” Kate said, as she turned her head toward the small whole through which I was peeking, “enjoyed me tonight.” I wasn’t sure if she knew I had been watching, but I couldn’t imagine she didn’t know. She was the only one of the four that knew I was in that room. Looking back in the direction of the men who had just fucked her, she said softly, “Have a good night, and I’ll see you tomorrow.” Glancing back at the tiny opening, Kate smiled before disappearing out of site.
The next morning came too soon. I had not gotten much sleep after the group left. I kept going over and over in my mind what I had seen… and not seen… but wished I had.
Mid-afternoon a man came in for a late lunch. Kate took his order as she had all the others that morning. After finishing his meal, he strolled to the cash register. I had noticed Kate actions with the customers. She seemed to be an insatiable flirt.
I moved to a table needing bussing as Kate talked to the man. As she leaned forward, I noticed Kate unbuttoned the top three buttons on her blouse. The man slowly moved his left hand, palm up, forward and into her open blouse. I could see he was massaging her right tit. Kate had positioned herself so no one else in the dinner could see what was happening. She seemed to be completely ignoring my point-of-view, for I could clearly see.
Just then I notice Ben emerging from the back. I knew I didn’t want to be around for a husband/wife confrontation. Ben strolled up to the register, next to Kate. “Hi Ed,” he said.
My mind was flooded with sudden images of the night before. One of the men who had cum in Kate’s mouth was a man named Ed. Was this him? He had his hand on Kate’s tit at this very moment, and even more bizarre, Ben, Kate’s husband, who was standing next to her, didn’t seem to mind. Ben had to see what was happening right in front of him. But he wasn’t upset! This was not the reaction I was expecting.
The three stood talking as if they were talking about the weather, all the time, Ed’s hand was on Kate’s very nice tit, squeezing it. A couple times, a look of excitement came over Kate’s face as she closed her eyes slowly – seemingly enjoying the moment.
Ed reached up with his right hand, touching Kate’s chin, turning her head gently to the right, facing Ben. “No marks or bruises,” Ed said with a note of satisfaction in his voice. “You know Joey, he likes us to slap her as he cums in her,” he said with a small look of satisfaction on his own face.
The image of Kate standing at the foot of the bed the previous night, naked, looking at me – as I stared through the small opening in the wall – filled my mind. I knew I had to get out of site. My cock was hard by this time. Kate turned her gaze toward me, just as I took a step away from the table. Straightening her posture slightly to improve my view, I could clearly see Ed’s’ hand inside her blouse.
Kate made a prolonged glance at the bulge in my jeans. Looking back into my eyes, she gave a slight smile, then a tiny flick of her tongue over her lower lip.
Picking up the tub of dirty dished I had gathered from the dinner’s table, I quickly moved to the back room. My cock was screaming for room as it was bent downward in my jeans. Seeing Kate throughout the remainder of the day, caused my cock to ache for release. But there was nothing I could do but suffer the remaining hours until closing time.
Finally it was time to close. As I washed the final dishes for the evening, I heard the dinner’s door open. I hoped it was not another customer. Looking around the corner into the dinner room, I saw a young petite girl, I guessed to be perhaps 15.
“Hi Cassie,” Kate said, “We are about done here.” Thankfully it appeared this girl was not a customer, but rather a local girl who Kate knew.
Just then Ben came through the back door. “You are doing a really good job,” he said to me. “I know there is no shower in our storage room,” he said as he chuckled, “but if you wanted to come over to our house, you can take one there.”
“That would be really great,” I said as I hung up the last towel in the kitchen.
“OK, let’s go,” the girl said. “I need a shower.”
Looking at her with a confused look on my face, Kate said, “This is our daughter, Cassie. She turned 18 last month and now she is always in a hurry. She is my little fire cracker – born on the 4th of July.” Kate and Ben laughed at their own joke.
I glanced at Cassie again. 18, I wondered, she didn’t look it. Her hair was a light chestnut brown, closer to Ben’s hair color. Though she was small like Kate, she had not inherited Kate’s best and biggest feature. I guessed Cassie’s tits were no more than perhaps a B-cup. It was her small size that had caused me to underestimate her age so badly.
“Grab some clean thing, and we will meet you in our car,” Ben said.
A few minutes later we pulled into their driveway. As Ben and Kate showed me their house, Cassie quickly made her way up the stairs to the bathroom. “She will only be a few minutes in the shower, she never takes long one,” Kate said. Truth be told, I was perfectly happy standing there talking to Kate. As she had walked into her home, she had managed to unbutton two of her top buttons on her blouse again. She seemed to be very adept at doing that. But the thought of what would Ben say, crossed my mind.
The cleavage of her large tits was now fully exposed. It took all my self-control to keep my hands at my sides. And I could feel my cock growing in my jeans again. Just then, “Shower is free,” Cassie called down from upstairs after what seemed like an extremely short shower. I was glad for the exit from this situation.
Entering the bathroom, I laid my clean clothes on the sink. Closing the door something on the floor caught my eye. It was a pair of panties, a very small pair of panties. They were Cassie’s very small black lacy panties. I stared at them for a moment, then reached down to pick them up. As I did I felt something wet. Glancing at them I couldn’t help noticing the crotch was filled with cum! I had seen my girlfriend’s panties many times when she took them off. I knew there was always a little pussy-juice on panties. Cassie’s panties, however, were soaked! This was not just what had happened over the course of the day. This was cum from having been recently fucked, very recently, I suspected. Whoever had fucked her had deposited a large load of cum in her tiny pussy and it had slowly ****** out into this pair of panties.
Laying them back onto the floor, I left the cum-filled crotch clearly visible. I knew what was going to happen next. I climbed into the shower, turned on the hot water and shot a load of cum into the tub drain. Between Kate’s constant presences all day and now her 18 year-old daughter’s cum filled panties, I could hold out no longer.
The shower felt great and the release of my cum from my own cock, was what I needed. Walking downstairs Ben asked, “You didn’t get any dinner tonight, care to join us for dinner?” How could I refuse? During the meal I eyed both Kate and Cassie. Ben never seemed to notice, though I couldn’t imagine how he could be so blind. I tried to be subtle, but I know even as I sat at the table, I was too obvious for my own good.
Kate’s Request
After dinner, I decided it was time for my exit. I thanked them for the meal and said I would see them in the morning. Gathering my dirty things, I heard Kate say, “I’ll give you a ride back.” I told them I didn’t mind walking, but Ben insisted Kate drive me.
About halfway back, Kate pulled into a parking space at the front of a store that appeared to have been closed for some time. I looked over at her. She moved her hands to the buttons on her blouse and began to slowly undo them. “Did you enjoy the show last night?” she asked without any hesitation. “I knew you were watching, or, at least I hoped you were watching.” Her voice was soft and seductive.
I smiled at her, shaking my head in the affirmative. “What I could see of it,” I said rather sheepishly. She gave me a slightly confused look. “There was a can of something in my way. I couldn’t see you until you stood up. I didn’t know it was you until then,” I continued.
Her blouse now fully unbuttoned, she leaned forward, unfastening her bra. Her large tits sprang forward, suddenly freed from their confinement. “I was thinking about you watching me. It really made me excited to think you were.”
After a pause, I said, “I didn’t know who was being fucked, but as soon as I saw it was you… my… my cock got even hard.” I was not used to talking to women like this. I was not sure what to say.
Hearing me talk about my cock’s excitement at the site of her, seemed to please her. Pulling her open blouse to the side, her tits now fully exposed, she turned her body sideways. “You like them?” she asked in a teasing way.
Smiling at her, knowing she had probably asked many others that same question, “Oh yes, what guy wouldn’t?”
Reaching with her right hand, Kate grasped the growing bulge in my jeans. “Why don’t you let that out where I can see it,” She said with a smile. I had wanted to do that all day and all night. It didn’t take any more encouragement on her part. Unfastening my jeans and unzipping them, I pulled my ass off the car seat, pushing my jean and underwear down at the same time. The night air had barely blown across my exposed cock before I felt a single fingertip at the topside of the base of my cock. Kate had moved her hand to my cock, pushing it slightly downward, toward the seat and away from my body. At the same moment, before I could relax my locked legs and set down on the seat, her mouth engulfed about 3 inches of it.
Her lips closed tightly around the upper part of the shaft and I could feel her very talented tongue flicking over the head of my cock. Though I had not seen the pre-cum, I had no doubt it was there. Leaking into her mouth at this moment. I felt her lips close slightly tighter as I realized she was swallowing. Kate was drinking my pre-cum. The thought sent a sudden shutter throughout my entire body.
Slowly I lowered my ass to the car seat, not wanting to inadvertently pull my cock from her mouth. She followed my cock down. However, when my cock stopped lowering itself, her mouth didn’t stop its downward movement. I felt the head of my cock bump against something and knew instantly it was the opening to her throat. Still she didn’t stop.
Forcing her own mouth to the base of my shaft, the head of my cock slipped into her throat. It was a sensation better than I had imagined. This woman, knew how to suck cock. I remembered the night before, she had obviously sucked two of the men. They had cum in her mouth and now she was eager to have my cum as well.
I moved my left hand to her right breast which bobbed up and down as her mouth did its work on my cock. Moving the palm of my hand under her, I cupped her large right tit. Her nipple was very firm. I knew from past experience, a firm nipple was an excited nipple. It felt nice in the palm of my hand. I felt her mouth moving up to the head of my cock, then lifting off, allowing my cock to come free from her lips.
“Noooooooo,” I screamed in my head. I was suddenly afraid she was not going to finish the job. I wanted… I needed her mouth to continue its action.
“Force me down on your cock. Gag me,” she whispered softly. I could feel her lips grazing over the tip of the head of my cock as she spoke. Her lips tickled the tip of my pre-cum covered cock. “Make me your slut. Do to me whatever you want to do. Like they did last night.”
Lowering her head slightly, I felt her lips parting as the head of my cock slipped back between her lips.
Raising my right hand to the back of her head, I ran my fingers through her long blonde hair. Clinching my hand slightly, I intertwined my fingers in her hair. Holding her head in place I raised my ass off the seat, pushing my cock into her throat with a single thrust. Her body seemed to respond to my upward motion. Feeling her firm nipple on the palm of my left hand, I moved my index and middle fingers to each side of it. Squeezing firmly on her nipple and at the same time I pushed down on the back of her head, forcing my cock deeper into her throat.
Her body suddenly jerked upward, she was gagging from the sudden thrust. I pulled her head up with my right hand, pulling her hair at the same time. As her mouth came up she moaned. It was the same moan she had made the night before when the three men were fucking her. This was how she liked to be treated. Fine, I could do that for …. Her.
I rotated my left hand so as to have more of her huge tit in my hand. I began squeezing it, pulling on her nipple, pinching it between my fingers. Each time, she seemed to enjoy it more, seemed to want more.
“You want to be my slut, Kate?” I asked as I held her mouth a few inches down on my cock.
She quickly nodded her head in the affirmative.
“Then take my cock in your throat. I am going to fuck your throat like it was your cunt. No mercy whore.” I could hardly believe the words were coming out of my mouth.
I tightened my grip on the back of her head. Pushing her lips wide, her mouth to the base of my cock, I could feel the head of my cock inside her throat. I held her there until her small body jerked upward. Though my left hand was on her tit, I could tell her tummy was tightening from being gagged. The thought of this woman, who I had just met 48 hours earlier, asking me to use her like a slut, excited me beyond belief.
I pulled her head up from the base of my cock. “Take a breath whore,” I said, “because you may not get another one until after I cum in your mouth.” I heard her take two quick breaths before I pushed down on the back of her head. “Take it all, Kate. Take my cock into your slut throat.”
I wasn’t sure what she was doing, but there was suddenly a sensation I had never felt before. I had been in a couple girls throat’s in college, but this was different. Kate was… she was swallowing… she was trying to swallow my cock. Then I felt something warm on my balls. Kate was licking the top of my balls. She had pushed her tongue out of her mouth and was licking me.
It was too much. I pushed down hard on the back of her head. Forcing the final centimeter of my cock into her mouth.
At the last moment, I jerked her head upwards, pulling hard on her hair. My hand, tangled in her long beautiful blonde hair, pulled her mouth to the upper part of my cock. Her lips locked tight around the circumference of my cock. She knew what was about to happen. She had suck many cocks… how many I wondered. She knew her mouth was about to be filled with cum.
“Ohhhhhh, you fucking slut, drink it cunt,” I shouted as the first stream shot from the tip of my cock. I could only imagine how my cum must have felt inside her mouth. She never pulled away. Her lips locked firmly on me as my balls were emptied into her hungry mouth. I had just cum in her shower an hour or so before, but my cock shot one, then two, then three hard streams into her mouth.
When I was nearly finished, without warning, Kate slammed her mouth down the full length of my shaft. Though I was purged of all cum, my cock was still momentarily hard. She wanted to feel the head of my cock buried in her throat one more time. Massaging the base of my cock with her lips, she squeezed them tight around it. Slowly pulling her mouth and lips upward toward the tip of the head, she was pulling the final drop of cum from my shaft. This incredible slut didn’t want to waste a drop.
I wondered how many cocks she had sucked like this in her life. Who had been the first lucky man to get his cock in her mouth? Where had she learned this technique to gather and savor that final drop of cum?
As I felt her lips release their grip on my cock, it fell limp from her mouth. Slowly she lifted her body to an upright setting position. Her large tits and firm nipples still so close and so seductive.
“Sorry you didn’t get to see the show I put on for you last night, but I hope that makes up for it a little.” She said, looking at me smiling.
I sat in the passenger’s seat, my jeans still down to my knees, my limp cock exposed to the night air. I had just fucked this woman’s mouth, filled it with my cum and she was apologizing to me for my inability to watch her being fucked by three men. I wasn’t sure if she was serious or not.
“I would have enjoyed seeing you last night,” I said, in a serious tone of voice. “However, this more than made up for my lack of a good view.”
I sat there contemplating what I should do next, having never been in this situation. Looking into her blue eyes, I could see a small smear of cum near the side of her mouth. I suddenly realized how much I wanted to kiss her. Leaning over toward her, she responded without hesitation. Raising my right hand to her left breast, I cupped and gently squeezed it as our lips met.
Leaning back into my seat after we kissed, she said, “Guess I better get you to the dinner so you can get some rest. We start work at 7am.” Her tone was soft, but almost nonchalant.
As I climbed out of her car at the backdoor of the dinner, she rolled down the passenger’s window. Leaning toward me from behind the steering wheel, she said, “I guess you found Cassie’s panties? I asked her to leave them for you. I saw how you were looking at her on our way home, and I knew she had just been fucked by one of our friends. Thought you might enjoy them. And by the way, before you decide to leave -- she would love to fuck you.”
Kate gave me a small smile as she rolled up the window of the car and slowly pulled away. Suddenly she stopped, opening her door, she leaned out and said loudly, “I’ll tell Cassie and Ben how wonderfully you treated me, and how I want to do it again.”
I had been walking cross country for a few weeks, seeing the sites and working a day or two here and there, just to get a little food money. I had emptied my bank account in Florida before I left, but it never hurt to have a few extra bucks in my pocket. And taking a break from walking for a couple days was a nice rest. I was in no hurry since I was not going anywhere in particular.
As I entered a small town in Mississippi, I saw a roadside dinner ahead. I decided to stop for lunch and see if they needed a dishwasher or busboy for a few days.
Entering the place it had a comfortable feel. There was a table with three older men drinking coffee and a younger couple, close to my age, setting at the counter. I found a booth and pulled the menu from its holder at the edge of the table next to the wall. A few moments later a man approached me.
“Sorry,” he said, “my waitress isn’t here yet, but I can take your order.” He was in his mid-50s, clean shaven with a small-roll over his belt. He looked like someone who had probably been in this town all his life.
“I’ll take a cheeseburger and Pepsi,” I replied.
Just then he glanced toward the entryway of the dinner. There was a sudden good-natured cascade of voices directed at the woman who was entering. “’bout time,”… “Late night -- sleep in this morning?” came the voices from the men at the table.
The man who stood near me taking my order grinned at them and said jokingly, “Just can’t get her out of bed in the morning.” Everyone laughed.
Looking at the woman entering the dinner I was struck by how out-of-place she appeared. While all the men who were teasing her, appeared to be locals, perhaps farmers or just average, she was anything but! In her mid-40s, I guessed, she was no taller than 5”4’ slim, long blonde hair, deep blue eyes that seemed to smile at the teasing. As she passed by me, headed to the back room, a strong smell of expensive perfume floated in the air. I glanced at her small ass as she walked by me. I wondered how her tiny frame could support her tits.
That was her one feature that was not small. While not an expert on breast size, I guessed she was at least a D-cup. I had dated a girl in college who was a D-cup and they certainly looked similar in size.
A few minutes later she re-emerged from the back room. The men at the table continued to tease her about being late to work. Listening to the conversation, I learned her name was Kate. When she brought my food from the kitchen, I made a conscious effort to look her in the eyes. Though, my mind was on other parts of her body. I said, “I am just passing through, seeing the country, was wondering if the owner might have any work I could do for a few days?”
Standing suddenly upright as if somewhat shocked, she smiled and replied, “This is your luck day. My husband and I are the owners, and our dishwasher had to leave on a family emergency yesterday. He will be gone for a couple weeks. Would you be interested in staying that long?”
“Sure,” I quickly replied, “I have nowhere to be. That would be a nice break from the road.” And, I thought to myself, two weeks of looking at Kate would be a nice treats as well.
Learning Secrets
Kate’s husband, Ben, the man who had taken my cheeseburger order, walked from the back room just then. Kate called him over to my table and explained the situation. Seeming very pleased with his sudden good-fortune, he asked, “You have a place to stay?”
“Not really, I just walked into town.”
“We have a small storage room, if you want to bunk down in it, we can make room for a bed on the floor,” he said. “It’s small, but I think you will be OK in it for a few nights. Our daughter has a small TV, we can bring for you, if you want.”
Everything seemed to be going so smooth I could hardly believe my luck. “After you finish eating, I’ll put you to work. Dinner rush is about to start,” Ben said with a smile.
The work was easy, but by the end of the evening I was ready for bed. Kate showed me the storage room and told me to move what I needed to, in order to be comfortable. “Dinner opens at 7am, so get some rest. And,” she said, in an oddly mysterious voice, “Enjoy your night.” Smiling, she walked away. As she reached the passageway between the kitchen and front part of the dinner, she glanced back at me and smiled.
Small town people! I thought to myself. Laying down on my sleeping bag I passed out almost immediately.
What is that? In my foggy mental state, I could hear sounds, but was not sure what I was hearing. Shaking the sleep from my mind, I sat up on my sleeping bag. There were voices on the other side of the door. No, they were on the other side of the wall. Checking my watch I saw it was after 11:00pm. Looking up to the ceiling I saw a small stream of light piercing the darkness of the storage room. Standing quietly, I leaned forward, placing my eye to the opening. There was a man, or at least his ass, moving in a rhythmic motion. It was obvious he was fucking someone in the room next to me.
I moved my head slightly to the side, but there was a can of food on the shelf in that room blocking my view. He was a tall man, perhaps in his 30s. He occasionally leaned back slightly, forcing his cock deeper into whoever he was fucking. I could see feet hanging off the edge of a small bed, they appeared small and I assumed they were a woman’s. From their position, I could tell she was on her knees. I could hear soft moans of a woman’s voice.
“That’s it,” a voice from another man encouraged, “fuck this slut. She likes it when she has a few cocks buried inside her.” There was what sounded like a chuckle from another voice, though I couldn’t be sure.
The man’s ass that I could see, began to fuck faster and harder. “Pull her down on your cock,” the original voice said. That voice sounded familiar, but I couldn’t place where I had heard it. The man speaking was obviously excited. His voice was low and gravely. “Open your Slut mouth now,” I heard him say. “And when we cum in it, you swallow ever drop you fucking cunt.”
Unable to see more than the man’s ass fucking someone, I frantically moved my head side to side, wishing to see more. I realized my own cock was hard listening to the events of the next room.
“Ooooooh, take it whore,” a new voice said.
“Good cum slut, dump it all in her Ed,” the first voice said, “then she can have mine too. Swallow it all,” he commanded.
I heard a noise, it was… what? Focusing on the man’s ass, I saw him lean back again, pushing his cock into an unknown woman’s pussy. “Slap her again for me, now.” He said as he made another hard thrust forward. “Cumming now,” he groaned out.
There was the noise again. It was one of the unknown men, slapping her. “Now my cum slut. Here is mine for you, open up,” the low gravelly voice instructed.
After a few moments there was only silence on the other side of the wall. I watched through the small whole in the wall, hoping to see what came next. The woman had been fucked by three men, and slapped. Was she alright, I wondered. The man who’s ass I had watched bob forward and back, moved backward, pulling his cock from her pussy. Catching a quick glance at his face, I thought I had seen him in the restaurant earlier that day. But I wasn’t sure.
“Damn, you were great… as always,” a new voice said with a chuckle.
“Best cum swallowing slut I have ever had my cock in,” the gravelly voice said in an agreeing tone.
I saw the woman’s feet moving backward toward the edge of the bed. As she stood up at the foot of the bed, she said, “You only like me because I swallow.” There was a unison of laughter, from all four. “Well, and maybe because I am great to fuck too.”
I instantly recognized the voice. As she stood naked, at the foot of the bed, her D-cum tits jettisoned forward into the air. It had been Kate moaning as she was being fucked. It was her mouth the two unknown men had used for their cum-destination. It was her face that had been slapped.
“I have to get home, have to get to work on time tomorrow. Guess I can tell Ben each of you had a nice time with me?” She asked, knowing the answer.
“You can tell Ben, he is the luckiest husband in these parts,” the gravelly voice said.
“I was hoping all of you,” Kate said, as she turned her head toward the small whole through which I was peeking, “enjoyed me tonight.” I wasn’t sure if she knew I had been watching, but I couldn’t imagine she didn’t know. She was the only one of the four that knew I was in that room. Looking back in the direction of the men who had just fucked her, she said softly, “Have a good night, and I’ll see you tomorrow.” Glancing back at the tiny opening, Kate smiled before disappearing out of site.
The next morning came too soon. I had not gotten much sleep after the group left. I kept going over and over in my mind what I had seen… and not seen… but wished I had.
Mid-afternoon a man came in for a late lunch. Kate took his order as she had all the others that morning. After finishing his meal, he strolled to the cash register. I had noticed Kate actions with the customers. She seemed to be an insatiable flirt.
I moved to a table needing bussing as Kate talked to the man. As she leaned forward, I noticed Kate unbuttoned the top three buttons on her blouse. The man slowly moved his left hand, palm up, forward and into her open blouse. I could see he was massaging her right tit. Kate had positioned herself so no one else in the dinner could see what was happening. She seemed to be completely ignoring my point-of-view, for I could clearly see.
Just then I notice Ben emerging from the back. I knew I didn’t want to be around for a husband/wife confrontation. Ben strolled up to the register, next to Kate. “Hi Ed,” he said.
My mind was flooded with sudden images of the night before. One of the men who had cum in Kate’s mouth was a man named Ed. Was this him? He had his hand on Kate’s tit at this very moment, and even more bizarre, Ben, Kate’s husband, who was standing next to her, didn’t seem to mind. Ben had to see what was happening right in front of him. But he wasn’t upset! This was not the reaction I was expecting.
The three stood talking as if they were talking about the weather, all the time, Ed’s hand was on Kate’s very nice tit, squeezing it. A couple times, a look of excitement came over Kate’s face as she closed her eyes slowly – seemingly enjoying the moment.
Ed reached up with his right hand, touching Kate’s chin, turning her head gently to the right, facing Ben. “No marks or bruises,” Ed said with a note of satisfaction in his voice. “You know Joey, he likes us to slap her as he cums in her,” he said with a small look of satisfaction on his own face.
The image of Kate standing at the foot of the bed the previous night, naked, looking at me – as I stared through the small opening in the wall – filled my mind. I knew I had to get out of site. My cock was hard by this time. Kate turned her gaze toward me, just as I took a step away from the table. Straightening her posture slightly to improve my view, I could clearly see Ed’s’ hand inside her blouse.
Kate made a prolonged glance at the bulge in my jeans. Looking back into my eyes, she gave a slight smile, then a tiny flick of her tongue over her lower lip.
Picking up the tub of dirty dished I had gathered from the dinner’s table, I quickly moved to the back room. My cock was screaming for room as it was bent downward in my jeans. Seeing Kate throughout the remainder of the day, caused my cock to ache for release. But there was nothing I could do but suffer the remaining hours until closing time.
Finally it was time to close. As I washed the final dishes for the evening, I heard the dinner’s door open. I hoped it was not another customer. Looking around the corner into the dinner room, I saw a young petite girl, I guessed to be perhaps 15.
“Hi Cassie,” Kate said, “We are about done here.” Thankfully it appeared this girl was not a customer, but rather a local girl who Kate knew.
Just then Ben came through the back door. “You are doing a really good job,” he said to me. “I know there is no shower in our storage room,” he said as he chuckled, “but if you wanted to come over to our house, you can take one there.”
“That would be really great,” I said as I hung up the last towel in the kitchen.
“OK, let’s go,” the girl said. “I need a shower.”
Looking at her with a confused look on my face, Kate said, “This is our daughter, Cassie. She turned 18 last month and now she is always in a hurry. She is my little fire cracker – born on the 4th of July.” Kate and Ben laughed at their own joke.
I glanced at Cassie again. 18, I wondered, she didn’t look it. Her hair was a light chestnut brown, closer to Ben’s hair color. Though she was small like Kate, she had not inherited Kate’s best and biggest feature. I guessed Cassie’s tits were no more than perhaps a B-cup. It was her small size that had caused me to underestimate her age so badly.
“Grab some clean thing, and we will meet you in our car,” Ben said.
A few minutes later we pulled into their driveway. As Ben and Kate showed me their house, Cassie quickly made her way up the stairs to the bathroom. “She will only be a few minutes in the shower, she never takes long one,” Kate said. Truth be told, I was perfectly happy standing there talking to Kate. As she had walked into her home, she had managed to unbutton two of her top buttons on her blouse again. She seemed to be very adept at doing that. But the thought of what would Ben say, crossed my mind.
The cleavage of her large tits was now fully exposed. It took all my self-control to keep my hands at my sides. And I could feel my cock growing in my jeans again. Just then, “Shower is free,” Cassie called down from upstairs after what seemed like an extremely short shower. I was glad for the exit from this situation.
Entering the bathroom, I laid my clean clothes on the sink. Closing the door something on the floor caught my eye. It was a pair of panties, a very small pair of panties. They were Cassie’s very small black lacy panties. I stared at them for a moment, then reached down to pick them up. As I did I felt something wet. Glancing at them I couldn’t help noticing the crotch was filled with cum! I had seen my girlfriend’s panties many times when she took them off. I knew there was always a little pussy-juice on panties. Cassie’s panties, however, were soaked! This was not just what had happened over the course of the day. This was cum from having been recently fucked, very recently, I suspected. Whoever had fucked her had deposited a large load of cum in her tiny pussy and it had slowly ****** out into this pair of panties.
Laying them back onto the floor, I left the cum-filled crotch clearly visible. I knew what was going to happen next. I climbed into the shower, turned on the hot water and shot a load of cum into the tub drain. Between Kate’s constant presences all day and now her 18 year-old daughter’s cum filled panties, I could hold out no longer.
The shower felt great and the release of my cum from my own cock, was what I needed. Walking downstairs Ben asked, “You didn’t get any dinner tonight, care to join us for dinner?” How could I refuse? During the meal I eyed both Kate and Cassie. Ben never seemed to notice, though I couldn’t imagine how he could be so blind. I tried to be subtle, but I know even as I sat at the table, I was too obvious for my own good.
Kate’s Request
After dinner, I decided it was time for my exit. I thanked them for the meal and said I would see them in the morning. Gathering my dirty things, I heard Kate say, “I’ll give you a ride back.” I told them I didn’t mind walking, but Ben insisted Kate drive me.
About halfway back, Kate pulled into a parking space at the front of a store that appeared to have been closed for some time. I looked over at her. She moved her hands to the buttons on her blouse and began to slowly undo them. “Did you enjoy the show last night?” she asked without any hesitation. “I knew you were watching, or, at least I hoped you were watching.” Her voice was soft and seductive.
I smiled at her, shaking my head in the affirmative. “What I could see of it,” I said rather sheepishly. She gave me a slightly confused look. “There was a can of something in my way. I couldn’t see you until you stood up. I didn’t know it was you until then,” I continued.
Her blouse now fully unbuttoned, she leaned forward, unfastening her bra. Her large tits sprang forward, suddenly freed from their confinement. “I was thinking about you watching me. It really made me excited to think you were.”
After a pause, I said, “I didn’t know who was being fucked, but as soon as I saw it was you… my… my cock got even hard.” I was not used to talking to women like this. I was not sure what to say.
Hearing me talk about my cock’s excitement at the site of her, seemed to please her. Pulling her open blouse to the side, her tits now fully exposed, she turned her body sideways. “You like them?” she asked in a teasing way.
Smiling at her, knowing she had probably asked many others that same question, “Oh yes, what guy wouldn’t?”
Reaching with her right hand, Kate grasped the growing bulge in my jeans. “Why don’t you let that out where I can see it,” She said with a smile. I had wanted to do that all day and all night. It didn’t take any more encouragement on her part. Unfastening my jeans and unzipping them, I pulled my ass off the car seat, pushing my jean and underwear down at the same time. The night air had barely blown across my exposed cock before I felt a single fingertip at the topside of the base of my cock. Kate had moved her hand to my cock, pushing it slightly downward, toward the seat and away from my body. At the same moment, before I could relax my locked legs and set down on the seat, her mouth engulfed about 3 inches of it.
Her lips closed tightly around the upper part of the shaft and I could feel her very talented tongue flicking over the head of my cock. Though I had not seen the pre-cum, I had no doubt it was there. Leaking into her mouth at this moment. I felt her lips close slightly tighter as I realized she was swallowing. Kate was drinking my pre-cum. The thought sent a sudden shutter throughout my entire body.
Slowly I lowered my ass to the car seat, not wanting to inadvertently pull my cock from her mouth. She followed my cock down. However, when my cock stopped lowering itself, her mouth didn’t stop its downward movement. I felt the head of my cock bump against something and knew instantly it was the opening to her throat. Still she didn’t stop.
Forcing her own mouth to the base of my shaft, the head of my cock slipped into her throat. It was a sensation better than I had imagined. This woman, knew how to suck cock. I remembered the night before, she had obviously sucked two of the men. They had cum in her mouth and now she was eager to have my cum as well.
I moved my left hand to her right breast which bobbed up and down as her mouth did its work on my cock. Moving the palm of my hand under her, I cupped her large right tit. Her nipple was very firm. I knew from past experience, a firm nipple was an excited nipple. It felt nice in the palm of my hand. I felt her mouth moving up to the head of my cock, then lifting off, allowing my cock to come free from her lips.
“Noooooooo,” I screamed in my head. I was suddenly afraid she was not going to finish the job. I wanted… I needed her mouth to continue its action.
“Force me down on your cock. Gag me,” she whispered softly. I could feel her lips grazing over the tip of the head of my cock as she spoke. Her lips tickled the tip of my pre-cum covered cock. “Make me your slut. Do to me whatever you want to do. Like they did last night.”
Lowering her head slightly, I felt her lips parting as the head of my cock slipped back between her lips.
Raising my right hand to the back of her head, I ran my fingers through her long blonde hair. Clinching my hand slightly, I intertwined my fingers in her hair. Holding her head in place I raised my ass off the seat, pushing my cock into her throat with a single thrust. Her body seemed to respond to my upward motion. Feeling her firm nipple on the palm of my left hand, I moved my index and middle fingers to each side of it. Squeezing firmly on her nipple and at the same time I pushed down on the back of her head, forcing my cock deeper into her throat.
Her body suddenly jerked upward, she was gagging from the sudden thrust. I pulled her head up with my right hand, pulling her hair at the same time. As her mouth came up she moaned. It was the same moan she had made the night before when the three men were fucking her. This was how she liked to be treated. Fine, I could do that for …. Her.
I rotated my left hand so as to have more of her huge tit in my hand. I began squeezing it, pulling on her nipple, pinching it between my fingers. Each time, she seemed to enjoy it more, seemed to want more.
“You want to be my slut, Kate?” I asked as I held her mouth a few inches down on my cock.
She quickly nodded her head in the affirmative.
“Then take my cock in your throat. I am going to fuck your throat like it was your cunt. No mercy whore.” I could hardly believe the words were coming out of my mouth.
I tightened my grip on the back of her head. Pushing her lips wide, her mouth to the base of my cock, I could feel the head of my cock inside her throat. I held her there until her small body jerked upward. Though my left hand was on her tit, I could tell her tummy was tightening from being gagged. The thought of this woman, who I had just met 48 hours earlier, asking me to use her like a slut, excited me beyond belief.
I pulled her head up from the base of my cock. “Take a breath whore,” I said, “because you may not get another one until after I cum in your mouth.” I heard her take two quick breaths before I pushed down on the back of her head. “Take it all, Kate. Take my cock into your slut throat.”
I wasn’t sure what she was doing, but there was suddenly a sensation I had never felt before. I had been in a couple girls throat’s in college, but this was different. Kate was… she was swallowing… she was trying to swallow my cock. Then I felt something warm on my balls. Kate was licking the top of my balls. She had pushed her tongue out of her mouth and was licking me.
It was too much. I pushed down hard on the back of her head. Forcing the final centimeter of my cock into her mouth.
At the last moment, I jerked her head upwards, pulling hard on her hair. My hand, tangled in her long beautiful blonde hair, pulled her mouth to the upper part of my cock. Her lips locked tight around the circumference of my cock. She knew what was about to happen. She had suck many cocks… how many I wondered. She knew her mouth was about to be filled with cum.
“Ohhhhhh, you fucking slut, drink it cunt,” I shouted as the first stream shot from the tip of my cock. I could only imagine how my cum must have felt inside her mouth. She never pulled away. Her lips locked firmly on me as my balls were emptied into her hungry mouth. I had just cum in her shower an hour or so before, but my cock shot one, then two, then three hard streams into her mouth.
When I was nearly finished, without warning, Kate slammed her mouth down the full length of my shaft. Though I was purged of all cum, my cock was still momentarily hard. She wanted to feel the head of my cock buried in her throat one more time. Massaging the base of my cock with her lips, she squeezed them tight around it. Slowly pulling her mouth and lips upward toward the tip of the head, she was pulling the final drop of cum from my shaft. This incredible slut didn’t want to waste a drop.
I wondered how many cocks she had sucked like this in her life. Who had been the first lucky man to get his cock in her mouth? Where had she learned this technique to gather and savor that final drop of cum?
As I felt her lips release their grip on my cock, it fell limp from her mouth. Slowly she lifted her body to an upright setting position. Her large tits and firm nipples still so close and so seductive.
“Sorry you didn’t get to see the show I put on for you last night, but I hope that makes up for it a little.” She said, looking at me smiling.
I sat in the passenger’s seat, my jeans still down to my knees, my limp cock exposed to the night air. I had just fucked this woman’s mouth, filled it with my cum and she was apologizing to me for my inability to watch her being fucked by three men. I wasn’t sure if she was serious or not.
“I would have enjoyed seeing you last night,” I said, in a serious tone of voice. “However, this more than made up for my lack of a good view.”
I sat there contemplating what I should do next, having never been in this situation. Looking into her blue eyes, I could see a small smear of cum near the side of her mouth. I suddenly realized how much I wanted to kiss her. Leaning over toward her, she responded without hesitation. Raising my right hand to her left breast, I cupped and gently squeezed it as our lips met.
Leaning back into my seat after we kissed, she said, “Guess I better get you to the dinner so you can get some rest. We start work at 7am.” Her tone was soft, but almost nonchalant.
As I climbed out of her car at the backdoor of the dinner, she rolled down the passenger’s window. Leaning toward me from behind the steering wheel, she said, “I guess you found Cassie’s panties? I asked her to leave them for you. I saw how you were looking at her on our way home, and I knew she had just been fucked by one of our friends. Thought you might enjoy them. And by the way, before you decide to leave -- she would love to fuck you.”
Kate gave me a small smile as she rolled up the window of the car and slowly pulled away. Suddenly she stopped, opening her door, she leaned out and said loudly, “I’ll tell Cassie and Ben how wonderfully you treated me, and how I want to do it again.”
1 year ago