Health update .... Cancer round 3

So I have been trying to deny the reality of me getting Sick again . So sortly before xmas I had some manditory blood work done . Well my white cells were out of normal numbers so further tests were done and no easy way to say it but I hae cancer yet again . This time in my prostate . Yay me right . Finnaly have my life on the right track and boom reality kicks me square in my prosteic balls again. Treatment is being started normal kemo and a bit of alturnative stuff to shrink / eliminate the cancer growth / cells. This is to inform all who have gotten to know the real me though messages on here and off , I might be less able to talk at times due to being worn down .. I still entend to work and build my company up have had to hire outside help from my former firm I worked for years ago. Thankfully they left that shit hole company as well once they discovered like I did they cared more about seeming to be progressive ie hiring / promoting so called diverse people with less skill and or time in the job before any of us more skilled but wrong gender / skined toned people . Anyway yes Cancer is back for a 3rd round fight ... I KO'd it 2 times lets hope I destroy it again . I am a Strong Viking Warrior , I am her Thor . Ekkert afl getur þorað að drepa mig
Published by asher86
1 year ago
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TrainU2serve 8 months ago
Going through a 3rd cancer diagnosis is brutal.  Don't know you, but found this post and I am wishing you the best.  Hope that your next update is to tell us that you are cancer free.  Stay Strong Brother!!
Lucy6107 1 year ago
My dear friend you WILL kick cancer’s ass. 💋💋💋🩷💕🥰
asher86 Publisher 1 year ago
to DadGuyMaddix : Oh I am more than ready for the knock down drag out fight . 
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DadGuyMaddix 1 year ago
Keep up the good fight... there's nothing like putting a fucker on the ropes for a third time!
pied_piper 1 year ago
All the best juju to you, and I hope you kick cancer’s ass!! 
Penguin-Lad 1 year ago
Stay strong!
asher86 Publisher 1 year ago
Huge thank you to all who are sending well wishes . 
Concordski 1 year ago
Master..DONT YOU DARE GIVE IN TO THIS SHIT.. I will never forgive you if you do..
nastybutnice1 1 year ago
sorry to hear this.
Openveiw 1 year ago
You are strong and will beat it We know what it’s like to go go through all the shit of cancer, from my perspective it is the hardest thing in the world to watch someone you love go through it, Liz got diagnosed with breast cancer 3 years ago, she had surgery, chemo and radiation therapy, we thought it was gone but in June 23 she was diagnosed nosed with it again only its spread to her lung, liver, spine, sternum and left breast. We send you our love and support. John and Liz xxxx
Lucy6107 1 year ago
You’re gonna fucking kick cancer’s ass. 