America faces a scourge, a social affliction, that has for too long been underplayed or denied. Each and every day America’s fit young men waste their spunk, jerking off into their socks and briefs, because they have no other outlet for their natural sexual urges. SOMETHING MUST BE DONE NOW to stop this daily loss of an ocean of cum. Every day more of our young men’s rich seed is spilled on their own bellies, cooling rapidly, drying to a sticky wad. Not because that spunk is not valued by others, but because those young men lack a convenient hole into which to deposit their anxious loads. I am calling on you, friends, to help our young men NOW.
Let’s be frank. There are physical issues around young men not having sex with others. Too much jerking off causes young men to risk going BLIND and having HAIRY PALMS. There is the health danger if dudes allow too much sperm to build up in their balls. Blue balls are not a joke! And, for those who are versatile or natural bottoms, failure to get their prostrates pummelled regularly could cause long term issues with that vital male organ. A healthy prostrate is one that gets massaged by a big cock, or two or three, every day.
Let’s not ignore the mental health damage caused by young studs, 18 to 23, still doing nothing but pulling their puds like kids. They know that they should be fucking. They feel that being unable to find a partner to fuck makes them less worthy as a person and a man. Failure to move from self-gratification to the full sex risks making our young men immature mentally. Too much solo work doesn’t teach them what they have to know to be great sexual partners for the rest of their lives. For their sense of well-being, and the good of America more widely, young males need regular full sex with a wide variety of people. That way they can become men who know how to give a great fuck.
COVID-19 and the subsequent lock downs led to many young men becoming isolated, with fewer close friends and fewer opportunities to bond with other young men like themselves. Too much time sitting alone in their bedrooms with their computers, jerking off while watching porn. To allow America’s young men to have a great male bonding experience, opportunities must be provided for groups of young men to meet up to do what they all want to do – together with a bunch of other dudes, make a joke, admire their buddies, and together get their dicks into a tight throat or tighter ass and blow their wads.
Our society does not facilitate the easy availability of sex partners for young men. In all too many cases a young man, desperate to fuck anything, anyone, anywhere, has nowhere to turn. These young men, crazy to shoot their load up some hot, tight hole, don’t know where to go to get what they so badly need. There is a crying need for an organization to take this issue by the balls and get something done, NOW. The practical difficulties of finding a cumdumping hole delay these young men’s future as mature, complete sexual animals, damaging them and our society.
I propose we establish a charity to provide sexual release to young men, thereby promoting their physical and mental well-being. How? We need an organization that will provide a free, convenient, fast and professional cum discharge service. Open for use by all young men, 18 to 23, the charity will provide sex to these young men free of charge at the point of delivery. Sexual relief on tap. Names not required. Conversation not required. Just hot, hard, anonymous sex, giving them the ability to dump their loads and then move on.
The charity would set up houses in all of our major cities and close to all major universities, military bases and sports facilities. The charity would recruit talented and enthusiastic young bottoms as volunteers to staff its houses. Cumdumps who understand the importance of their help to the studs they service. Cumdumps who need yards of big cock and gallons of hot jizz every day, if not every hour of every day. Cumdumps who will find joy, intense personal satisfaction and their own sexual relief by milking load after load of super rich spunk from the dudes who use their services.
On entering a charity house, our top dudes would find these able and passionate volunteer bottoms naked, ass up or kneeling, and available 24/7. Those cumdump volunteers would be trained to help these young men get their nut not just quickly, but satisfyingly. Young male clients will be encouraged to remain in the house until their balls are truly empty and to return daily to discharge the cumloads that build up hour by hour in their hyperactive balls.
The charity would also recruit volunteer trainers, 18 to 70, who have the necessary experience, sexual equipment and brass balls required to provide all new cumdumps with intensive training in the cocksucking and bottoming skills they will need to professionally service the charity’s stud, male clients. These experienced trainers will also be tasked with checking that the cumdumps have continued to develop their dicksucking and bottoming skills and retain their passion for delivering a first class service to our male clients. I believe that with appropriate social media outreach recruiting both volunteer bottoms and trainers for the charity’s houses will be possible.
The charity’s age verification processes will be strict. ID can be faked! The charity’s trainer volunteers will be charged with privately taking aside new young men and checking them based on scientifically measurable indicators. The science is clear. A young man’s age can be determined primarily by his cock size (length and girth), the number of times he can come in an hour, and the quantity and quality of his spunk (weight and volume of jizz; number of shots for each orgasm; velocity and distance reached for each explosion; viscosity; visual appeal; saltiness and richness of taste). If in helping a young man produce his sperm for this check the dude's spunk disappears up a volunteer's hole or down a throat, the young man can be asked to repeat the test.
These physical inspections of each young man will be hands on. Checks for height, weight, muscle development, size of their hands and feet and the amount of hair in their groin and arm pits and on their legs. The weight of a young man's balls when full of jizz, his "big swinging cock" attitude and his demonstration of prior sexual experience, are key indicators that need to be confirmed as well. This visual and physical evidence is the best proof that a young man is of an age to take full and frequent advantage of our cumdump services.
Our volunteer trainers will have the training and skills necessary to ensure that this system works. And even if a few young men slip through despite these extensive and scientifically valid tests, these hung dudes will clearly have demonstrated that they already have the desperate need for and the equipment and attitude necessary to take full advantage of the unloading services the charity offers. Better one horny young man starts enjoying full sex early than ten be denied the opportunity they so badly need.
I propose that we commission a university professor to produce a scientific study to prove the effectiveness of our age verification process by using his college students and their younger brothers, cousins and friends as test subjects. Frats and varsity sports teams will be specifically recruited to be the lab rats. All varsity teams (football, baseball, swimming, wrestling, soccer, etc.) will be invited to participate in the study, and I am sure they will enthusiastically answer this call in the name of science.
We will also need volunteers to serve as lab assistants to help the professor take important measurements and confirm the other indicators. As spunk dries it rapidly loses weight and volume, viscosity, visual appeal and taste, so lab assistants will be required for each test to ensure the prompt measurements that will back up the validity of the study.
In respect of funding, I suggest that Sketchy Sex ( provides a basic funding model. Volunteers only, so no staff costs. Unavoidable costs such as renting apartments, utilities, social media outreach or sexual health services would be earned by filming our clients and volunteers and using that footage to populate a for pay website for the enjoyment of millions.
I believe as well that there are many people who will gladly donate funds to the charity in order to provide such a necessary and socially important service to America's young men. Opportunities will be provided to top level donors to meet with our cumdump and trainer volunteers, and with some of the charity’s very grateful clients, to experience first hand the services those volunteers provide and our young male clients enjoy. And as a charity, their donations would be tax deductible!
As a charity asking for donations of cash, good record keeping will be required to let our generous donors know how much help we have provided to our top dudes. Each volunteer cum dump will be asked to report to the house master at the end of their shift how many cocks and loads they took, descriptions of the cock (length, thickness, shape) and the stud they serviced, positions they assumed, etc.
Will you answer the call? Would you be willing to volunteer? Help beat the scourge of these dudes' wasted semen. Help promote young men’s physical and mental health through real, multi-partner sexual release in an place where they can bond with other young men. Help young cumdumps learn the cocksucking and bottoming skills they will use for the rest of their lives. LET’S ACT NOW!
Let’s be frank. There are physical issues around young men not having sex with others. Too much jerking off causes young men to risk going BLIND and having HAIRY PALMS. There is the health danger if dudes allow too much sperm to build up in their balls. Blue balls are not a joke! And, for those who are versatile or natural bottoms, failure to get their prostrates pummelled regularly could cause long term issues with that vital male organ. A healthy prostrate is one that gets massaged by a big cock, or two or three, every day.
Let’s not ignore the mental health damage caused by young studs, 18 to 23, still doing nothing but pulling their puds like kids. They know that they should be fucking. They feel that being unable to find a partner to fuck makes them less worthy as a person and a man. Failure to move from self-gratification to the full sex risks making our young men immature mentally. Too much solo work doesn’t teach them what they have to know to be great sexual partners for the rest of their lives. For their sense of well-being, and the good of America more widely, young males need regular full sex with a wide variety of people. That way they can become men who know how to give a great fuck.
COVID-19 and the subsequent lock downs led to many young men becoming isolated, with fewer close friends and fewer opportunities to bond with other young men like themselves. Too much time sitting alone in their bedrooms with their computers, jerking off while watching porn. To allow America’s young men to have a great male bonding experience, opportunities must be provided for groups of young men to meet up to do what they all want to do – together with a bunch of other dudes, make a joke, admire their buddies, and together get their dicks into a tight throat or tighter ass and blow their wads.
Our society does not facilitate the easy availability of sex partners for young men. In all too many cases a young man, desperate to fuck anything, anyone, anywhere, has nowhere to turn. These young men, crazy to shoot their load up some hot, tight hole, don’t know where to go to get what they so badly need. There is a crying need for an organization to take this issue by the balls and get something done, NOW. The practical difficulties of finding a cumdumping hole delay these young men’s future as mature, complete sexual animals, damaging them and our society.
I propose we establish a charity to provide sexual release to young men, thereby promoting their physical and mental well-being. How? We need an organization that will provide a free, convenient, fast and professional cum discharge service. Open for use by all young men, 18 to 23, the charity will provide sex to these young men free of charge at the point of delivery. Sexual relief on tap. Names not required. Conversation not required. Just hot, hard, anonymous sex, giving them the ability to dump their loads and then move on.
The charity would set up houses in all of our major cities and close to all major universities, military bases and sports facilities. The charity would recruit talented and enthusiastic young bottoms as volunteers to staff its houses. Cumdumps who understand the importance of their help to the studs they service. Cumdumps who need yards of big cock and gallons of hot jizz every day, if not every hour of every day. Cumdumps who will find joy, intense personal satisfaction and their own sexual relief by milking load after load of super rich spunk from the dudes who use their services.
On entering a charity house, our top dudes would find these able and passionate volunteer bottoms naked, ass up or kneeling, and available 24/7. Those cumdump volunteers would be trained to help these young men get their nut not just quickly, but satisfyingly. Young male clients will be encouraged to remain in the house until their balls are truly empty and to return daily to discharge the cumloads that build up hour by hour in their hyperactive balls.
The charity would also recruit volunteer trainers, 18 to 70, who have the necessary experience, sexual equipment and brass balls required to provide all new cumdumps with intensive training in the cocksucking and bottoming skills they will need to professionally service the charity’s stud, male clients. These experienced trainers will also be tasked with checking that the cumdumps have continued to develop their dicksucking and bottoming skills and retain their passion for delivering a first class service to our male clients. I believe that with appropriate social media outreach recruiting both volunteer bottoms and trainers for the charity’s houses will be possible.
The charity’s age verification processes will be strict. ID can be faked! The charity’s trainer volunteers will be charged with privately taking aside new young men and checking them based on scientifically measurable indicators. The science is clear. A young man’s age can be determined primarily by his cock size (length and girth), the number of times he can come in an hour, and the quantity and quality of his spunk (weight and volume of jizz; number of shots for each orgasm; velocity and distance reached for each explosion; viscosity; visual appeal; saltiness and richness of taste). If in helping a young man produce his sperm for this check the dude's spunk disappears up a volunteer's hole or down a throat, the young man can be asked to repeat the test.
These physical inspections of each young man will be hands on. Checks for height, weight, muscle development, size of their hands and feet and the amount of hair in their groin and arm pits and on their legs. The weight of a young man's balls when full of jizz, his "big swinging cock" attitude and his demonstration of prior sexual experience, are key indicators that need to be confirmed as well. This visual and physical evidence is the best proof that a young man is of an age to take full and frequent advantage of our cumdump services.
Our volunteer trainers will have the training and skills necessary to ensure that this system works. And even if a few young men slip through despite these extensive and scientifically valid tests, these hung dudes will clearly have demonstrated that they already have the desperate need for and the equipment and attitude necessary to take full advantage of the unloading services the charity offers. Better one horny young man starts enjoying full sex early than ten be denied the opportunity they so badly need.
I propose that we commission a university professor to produce a scientific study to prove the effectiveness of our age verification process by using his college students and their younger brothers, cousins and friends as test subjects. Frats and varsity sports teams will be specifically recruited to be the lab rats. All varsity teams (football, baseball, swimming, wrestling, soccer, etc.) will be invited to participate in the study, and I am sure they will enthusiastically answer this call in the name of science.
We will also need volunteers to serve as lab assistants to help the professor take important measurements and confirm the other indicators. As spunk dries it rapidly loses weight and volume, viscosity, visual appeal and taste, so lab assistants will be required for each test to ensure the prompt measurements that will back up the validity of the study.
In respect of funding, I suggest that Sketchy Sex ( provides a basic funding model. Volunteers only, so no staff costs. Unavoidable costs such as renting apartments, utilities, social media outreach or sexual health services would be earned by filming our clients and volunteers and using that footage to populate a for pay website for the enjoyment of millions.
I believe as well that there are many people who will gladly donate funds to the charity in order to provide such a necessary and socially important service to America's young men. Opportunities will be provided to top level donors to meet with our cumdump and trainer volunteers, and with some of the charity’s very grateful clients, to experience first hand the services those volunteers provide and our young male clients enjoy. And as a charity, their donations would be tax deductible!
As a charity asking for donations of cash, good record keeping will be required to let our generous donors know how much help we have provided to our top dudes. Each volunteer cum dump will be asked to report to the house master at the end of their shift how many cocks and loads they took, descriptions of the cock (length, thickness, shape) and the stud they serviced, positions they assumed, etc.
Will you answer the call? Would you be willing to volunteer? Help beat the scourge of these dudes' wasted semen. Help promote young men’s physical and mental health through real, multi-partner sexual release in an place where they can bond with other young men. Help young cumdumps learn the cocksucking and bottoming skills they will use for the rest of their lives. LET’S ACT NOW!
1 year ago
But maybe also for older people...