Revealed: The psychology behind my BBC addiction
When I was a 17 yr old senior in high school I had zero affinity for black guys. I was living in South Carolina at the time in the midst of racial tensions. There was this one black guy in particular who had it out for me. Reasons unknown. So, he started fucking with my gf during one of our classes. I suppose doing so was part of his psychological torture of me. He sat right behind Mary in class and would taunt her. He would lean just behind her ear and whisper "your boyfriend is a fag...I know he's not fucking you proper like I need a real man to fuck you proper...and my 10 inches will devour every part of your female interior if ya know what I mean.
Every day I would ask Mary what Nathan was saying to her, and she'd grin nervously to tell me Nathan was just teasing her. "Nothing for you to worry about," she once again stated with a nervous vibe I didn't like.
The next day got worse. I watched as he leaned forward to start his usual harassment, but this time was different. He started putting his fingers down the back of her blouse where everyone behind her could see what he was doing. Admittedly she dressed nicely yet provocatively. Her blouse was thin enough to see the outline of her bra straps including the tag which showed her bra size through the thin material. He had written her bra size on a piece of paper and passed it to the guy sitting behind him. It was circulated among the males in class. Nathan leaned forward again and unclasped her bra through her thin blouse. Something I thought was an impossible feat had been accomplished. I witnessed her horror as she jumped very hard. Gravity caused her large breasts to lower her bra slightly. Mary's jaw dropped in horror to the events unfolding. She grabbed the front of her shirt and excused herself from class. Nathan looked right at me across one isle from where he sat behind my gf and winked. At that moment I had never felt so emasculated. I was so angry at that point I was shaking. Shaking from anger and fear.
Nathan was our star running back at the high school and got away with everything. He had already been accused of sexual assault of another white girl but she refused to press charges. He had an imposing frame standing at 6'3" 190lbs. Unfortunately, he and I had gym class together last period. It was there that I was able to grasp the full nature of his masculinity. As we stood in the showers I watched as he turned to me and said "your gf is a hot piece of ass...I'd put my 10" cock down her throat and make you watch." Again, I was mad as hell and told him to fuck off as he stroked his meat and laughed in my face. "You ain't gonna do shit white boy." I was watching him in fear as Nathan moved closer with his dick in hand. I was humiliated beyond measure. Admittedly, his manhood was the envy of most men. His long cock had the girth that made it look even more imposing. I wasn't gay or bi at that point in life but there was something about his stature that was impressive. But I simply turned and left. "Caught you staring at my black dick white boy," Nathan chimed. Again, the feeling of emasculation reached the inner core of my psyche. Some deep, inner rumbling within my loins made my dick twinge to partial erection just thinking about what I had just witnessed.
After school I didn't say anything to Mary about how I was humiliated in the showers by Nathan and his 10" manhood. But I demanded to know the truth about what he had been saying to her. She burst out crying, "trust me, you don't want to know." But I pushed for details of what he had been saying and I heard the vile things Nathan had said and done to Mary. One particular day he had pulled her into one of the hallway janitor closets. Although it was only for 5 minutes, his hand breached her panties after pulling her skirt up. She said that his fingers fully penetrated her. The only thing Mary could do at that point was turn her head in shame. I boiled in anger. At this point I had enough and told my gf I was going to confront him. She begged me not to say anything thinking it would make matters worse. The thought of Nathans hands inside Mary turned my stomach.
We were walking down the hallway towards the exit when I saw Nathan walking toward us from a distance. I looked at my gf who had the same look of horror as she did earlier in the classroom. She looked at me and begged me not to say anything. I couldn't let it go. I had to say something in order to salvage my masculinity. As soon as Nathan was within hearing distance I put on my best macho bravado and said "yo Nathan, you and I need to talk buddy." Nathan stopped right in front of us with a glare that would stoke fear in anyone. Nathan continued staring directly into my eyes. "What's a little bitch like you gonna say to me, white boy." Again, the shakes returned as I began trembling in fear of what he might do. "I wa..wa..want you to leave Mary alone from now on or there will be consequences," I replied with a shaky voice. He could smell fear on me the same way a predator can smell fear on their prey. "What the fuck you gonna do about it" Nathan barked. Now it was my jaw, not Mary's, dropping in horror as to what I would do next, if anything. I looked at my gf looking for some way out of this mess. She just stared at me waiting for me to do or say something. A full minute passed before he said, "that's exactly what I ain't gonna do shit white boy bitch. He pushed me aside and proceeded down the hallway with a cocky strut. Mary stared at me in disbelief. "I told you not to say anything because I've heard from others what he's capable of doing to you...and you put me in further danger now that he knows you can't or won't do a damn thing."
That night I couldn't sleep at all thinking about how badly Nathan had emasculated me in front of my gf. My phone next to my bed rang. When I picked up I was shocked that it was Nathan. "I'm gonna fuck your gf until she screams for more black dick and I am going to make you watch...if you are lucky I might leave you something to play with. "He laughed and hung up while calling me a white boy sissy. Shortly after Nathans call my phone rocked me to my feet. I knew it had to be Nathan calling again. But it was Mary calling to tell me she had just received a terrifying phone call from our mutual "friend." He spent 10 minutes describing what he was going to do to her. She was pretty upset so I went to her house and listened to everything she shared with me about Nathans sexual commentary on the phone. It was graphic! "All Nathan seems to care about is his big 10" cock but I believe he's just bragging about something he wishes he had Mary quipped. I didn't say a word about what I witnessed in the gym shower regarding the actual size of his manhood. He talked about his sexual confidence with a certain confidence, knowing that he could back it all up just being Nathan; the young man with a 10" black cock that many of the white girls talked about.
I had to put a plan in place that would deter Nathan. So, the next day before classes started I shared my dilemma with some of my buddies who played football with him. I was hoping they would lean on him just enough to put the fear of god in Nathan. Surely these guys could do something to him. My buddies told me flat out not to fuck with Nathan because he was a psychopath on and off the football field. They said he would fuck them up too if they got in his way. All hope of taming Nathan had vanished. He was hell bent on filling his warped mission of humiliating me in front of my girlfriend. He loved emasculating white boys. Turns out, Nathan was no stranger to this method - using white guys to get to their girlfriends.
3rd period class rolled around and I waited until the last bell before I walked into the classroom. Apparently, Nathan had received word through the rumor mill of my talk with his teammates. He glared at me and snarled his lips. The teacher left the room saying "I'll be back in 15 mins...please be ready to discuss chapter 7 when I return. Then a sadistic look came over his face. He leaned in my direction and said "watch this" as he brazenly leaned forward with his right hand extended while rubbing and kneading her right breast. I could see her expressions from my vantagepoint. Her eyes were closed tight with pursed lips. NOBODY said anything. Apparently everyone feared Nathan as well. The guy sitting behind me whispered to me "dude, why don't you do something?" He was right! Why didn't I do something. Anything. Speak up I said to myself. At that moment a voice came over the PA system "Nathan, report to the main office." I was soooo relieved. Nathan left the room but not before tearing into me verbally. He leaned forward and loudly stated "I'm going to fuck you up white boy."
My nerves were so shaken that I skipped gym class that day just praying I would not run in to him. I was also afraid for Mary knowing how much he wanted to bury his black man meat right deep inside her tight white pussy. Those were his words spoken to Mary. What would he do to my gf if he got her alone. He had been brazen enough up to this point so what would stop him if he knew there would be no consequences as was the case with the first white girl he ****d, or at least the first white girl we knew of.
I worked up an "avoidance strategy" with Mary. After her last class we decided to leave school immediately and changed our usual walking route from the main sidewalks to the backwoods. Taking the backwoods was also a great shortcut to her house. We talked a bit about Nathan as we walked toward home. I asked her if she was angry with me for not making Nathan stop his harassment of her body. She looked at me and said, "I was humiliated for the hallway I witnessed the emasculation in your eyes perpetrated by him. But then she went on to talk about how she felt bad for him because of his awful background and how it probably turned him into the sadistic person he had become. I was thunderstruck! She felt sorry for HIM? Really?! I was pissed. She insisted that if we could be nicer to him he would probably leave us alone. "Nicer to him....the fuck you say," was all that came out of my mouth. She wouldn't speak to me as we continued walking.
Then I started thinking about her words to me about being emasculated by Nathan. For some unknown reason I started to get hard thinking about how I had, in fact, been emasculated by Nathan in front of Mary. DAMN! I had been totally emasculated twice. The first time was in the hallway, the 2nd was in the classroom where I watched him grope Mary. Basically, she had been abused for about 8 weeks straight. And I let it happen because I was too much of a chicken shit to do anything. Nathan had made me look like a bitch.
We were only a couple hundred yards from Mary's home when Nathan popped up out of nowhere. I was shocked that he found our trail. I found out later one of my buddies had given up the location of our secret path. We were quickly herded by Nathan off the main path and taken to a densely wooded area that was partially cleared out. Nathan walked right up to me and just stood there staring me down. I felt a burning sensation as his hand came across my face. The slap made my head jerked so hard I almost fell down. "I want you to apologize to me white boy," Nathan exclaimed. Mary stood between the two of us and pleaded with him not to hurt me. He gently pushed her aside saying "I ain't done with your boy just yet," he conveyed to Mary. Then he slapped me harder knocking me to the ground.. Mary leaned down to comfort me to no avail. Then I noticed Nathan's hand on her ass as he started rubbing his hands in circles. She raised up and reached for his hand and gently removed it while nervously smiling, "why are you angry with my boyfriend and I all the time?" "What's the matter Mary, your man can't stand up for you," Nathan was a sadistic predator without fail. But Mary had some crack pot idea earlier about being nice to him so he would leave us alone.
Her plan of being nice failed miserably. Nathan reached out and slapped me again. This time I was the one asking him to please stop hitting me. "What are you going to do to stop me, sissy?" I was mortified! There was nothing I could do stop him and he knew it. "I can pay you if you wish," I babbled to Nathan. Now Nathan seemed angrier than I've seen him before. "I don't want your fucking money white boy...if I wanted your money I would just take it from your sissy ass...the same way I'm gonna fuck Mary right in front of you." I could see Mary staring at me with a mix of sorrow and contempt; the kind of contempt a woman has when she loses respect for her man.
I had a bad feeling in my stomach about the dire predicament we were in. "So, you thought you would get to me through my teammates, eh? I spoke with the Principal about your "situation"and he reached the conclusion that the issue is a personal matter between the two of us...well he's a sissy white boy just like you. He does whatever I tell him. In fact, I fucked the hell out of his wife last weekend as hubby watched and he did nothing, all the while she was screaming. When I wasn't fucking her she was slurping on my ten fact, I've fucked his woman so often that now he just sits in the corner and watches me pound her while he jerks his puny dick." I found out later that Nathan had been seducing his wife for quite some time. He had boldly told others about his conquest over the principals wife. It was allegedly a consensual relationship between the wife and Nathan. More like coerced. But who cares about semantics when a man is forced to watch his wife suck and fuck a large black dude.
He turned to his attention to Mary. He pulled her close to him as his hands reached for her chest. "Damn I love a girl with big titties". Mary closed her eyes as his advances continued. "I want you to slowly strip for me Mary." Her eyes flew open as if going into some sort of shock. She just stood there as her trembling hands started with the top button of her blouse. Now her eyes were wide open with a look of desperation. Her hands continued downward one button at a time until she reached the last button of her blouse. Nathan told her to stop. She immediately complied. "Good girl, now let me get a better look at those 36c tits of yours," as he stepped forward and parted her blouse, doing the honors of unbuttoning the last button on her blouse. Nathan reached into his pocket and pulled out a blade. That look of horror reappeared on her face. I could see her ample breasts behind her white bra nearly pouring out as he groped her firm breasts with the blade clinched between his teeth. He spent a great deal of time ******* at her breasts like she was his property. He then placed the knife under the bridge of her bra that kept her breasts from spilling out. There was nothing I could do except watch. And Nathan was intent on me having a perfect view. He barked another order at me, "get your ass over here and kneel down next to me, sissy white boy because I want you to have a good look at what I'm doing." As I sat there in a prone kneeling position I looked up as his blade sliced right through the bridge. Her breasts, no longer confined, popped out and pushed the two halves to the side. Again, I looked up as Nathan began gently massaging her massive melons. He began taunting her with comments regarding the size of her areolas. They were silver dollars size. Was Nathan really going to fuck Mary. I began pleading with him not to do anything else to Mary. And received another slap that knocked me back on my ass. "I will do as I damn well please with Mary's always there isn't a damn thing you can do but watch me satisfy your sit your ass back up in kneeling position while you watch her new black man go to work on your woman's sexuality."
As soon as I regained my position Nathan began licking her breasts as she winced. He was enthralled with her breasts while his hands and lips were doing their work on Mary's breasts. "I'll be damned if these nipples ain't getting perky and hard," cited Nathan. I looked up when I heard his comment and noticed Mary's face was crimson red. Sure enough, her nipples were hard and engorged.
"I want you to kiss me bitch, much the same as you would kiss your sissy boyfriend...with passion." He took each of her arms and placed them over his shoulders. Her hands clasped behind his neck as her 5.2 ft frame stared upward to meet the gaze of his eyes resting within his 6'3" frame. I'm only 5'7" so Nathan must be an adjustment for Mary. Why wouldn't she look at me I wondered. He reached down with his left hand and placed it beneath her chin lifting her lips to meet his. Nathans tongue was gently rolling over her lips as her eyes closed. His hand now firmly placed on the back of her head he pulled her mouth tightly against his as her chest began heaving up and down with heavy breaths. The debauchery taking place before my eyes was too much. I was furious yet hard as a rock. What was wrong with me! His hands made their way down her back until they reached the zipper of her skirt. I knew he was going to fuck her when I heard her zipper sliding down. How was I going to stop Nathan? I wasn't because I couldn't. With a slight push by Nathan on both sides of her skirt it fell to the ground leaving her standing there in my favorite lingerie style pink panties that she said made her feel like a woman. At this point, I was hoping Mary still felt like a woman, not a slut.
The two continued their passionate kissing as Nathans hands ran down her backside to her beautiful round ass. Mary was definitely a tits and ass girl; large tits, nice round ass. He began again with his hands on her ass while moving hips in a rhythmic undulation up and down, back and forth motion that left little room for imagination. I noticed her hands had moved to his hips. Was she actually pulling him in closer? YES she was. I was officially startled knowing that I couldn't derail this train in motion. His hands clasped both sides of her sexy underwear as they were pulled to the ground and she stepped out of them. Mary was proud of her neatly trimmed bush that she always managed to keep for my sake. I loved going down on her. Her scent was to die for. It was always her scent that made me hard.
Nathan picked up the underwear and tugged it over my head. Now I could really smell her scent. She must be wet too because I could feel the dampness linger across my face. God forgive me. I am hard as a rock watching this black man seduce my girlfriend. I wanted to rub my cock so badly except for Mary's presence. I couldn't let her know.
Nathan reached down and took one of her hands and placed it on his crotch. Her eyes widened as she felt his enormity. The extreme scale of what she was feeling through his pants was unfathomable. His hands were gently rubbing her clit back and forth, mixed with circular motions. "Unbuckle my pants Mary and unzip me," Nathan commanded of Mary. Mary's hands were trembling as she reached forward. Her shaking hands began unbuckling his pants followed by the sound of his zipper sliding down, my face merely a few inches from his crotch as Mary kept looking down at me in obvious fear of what was happening. Mary and I watched as he grabbed both sides of his jeans and slid them down to his knees. "I'm already hard just thinking about putting my big black cock in your woman's pussy." As he was saying this he pulled the head of his cock upward past his belly button so that his monster size balls stood out over Mary's face. "Service my nuts, Mary...put your tongue under my balls and lick upward toward the tip of my dick." She reluctantly lowered herself to her knees.
Suddenly, Nathan told me to drop my pants. He knew from the locker room scene that I had a tiny penis compared to what he was packing. This was his way of furthering my humiliation. "Look at your boy, Mary", Nathan stated abruptly. Her mouth was released from his manhood for a moment, just enough time for her to stare at my oozing penis. "My God Mary shouted...I didn't realize..." She stopped mid-sentence knowing the reality of my tiny penis was hard as rock and dripping pre-cum. Mary rolled her eyes in disappointment knowing that I was, in some sick way, turned on.
Sure enough, with Nathans now hard 10" cock jutting out from his masculine frame, our mutual bully was about to become Mary's DADDY. "From here on I want you to call me "Daddy" , Nathan ordered. I was shocked to hear Mary reply "Yes, DADDY" as she leaned forward with her tongue now moving in on his nut sack. She did as she was told and licked from his nut sack to the base of his superior cock and upward to the tip. She repeated this action over and over except her hand was now stroking his cock as she licked. Her hand did not fit around his girthy cock. With force, he grabbed the back of her head with one firm hand and instructed her to suck his 10" BBC. She was drooling so much that it was pouring drool over my face. I couldn't stop feeling the anger any more than I could stop the feelings of total emasculation. BUT I also couldn't stop the throbbing in my cock. The same little cock that had fucked Mary just two nights before (with condom) was my own , oozing pre-cum as my eyes were fixed on Mary's tongue as she was bathing the head of his cock with her lips and tongue. Suddenly, Nathan's 10" black cock was sliding down Mary's throat. He let it rest at the back of her throat until it just sat there throbbing and vibing within the depths of her throat. The vile, contorted look on her face with that big cock stretching her mouth beyond recognition made me oooz more pre-cum.
No sooner had Nathan buried his cock deep in there throat did he slowly pull his cock from her contorted face. She was sucking so hard that his big cock made a pop sound when his vessel left her mouth. His hand now forcefully pulled her face back onto his cock while he began to thrust with a noticeable rhythm as he now easily slid his superior manhood in and out, back and forth. Mary was rocking back and forth on her heels as her head bobbed up & down. This went on for about 10 minutes until I heard Nathan begin a loud grunting and moaning sound. He was cuming in my girlfriends mouth as I watched. [Nathan was true to his word... he was letting me watch Mary while she sucked his cock.] I could see her cheeks swell when the inevitable happened. Globs of Nathans cum came streaming from her mouth. What sounded like a thunderclap was actually Nathan's voice. "MARY! HOLD THAT CUM IN YOUR MOUTH UNTIL TOLD OTHERWISE." With that said, Nathan continued, "Mary, I want you to lean down with that slutty mouth full of my nut that I know you are holding back like a dam and give Loverboy a nice long, wet, juicy, cum kiss." When Mary leaned down our eyes locked. That look of fear in her eyes had disappeared. Was it lust? I wasn't sure. Her mouth reached mine and at the moment. I felt our lips touch I could feel Nathan's cum entering my mouth. It was a bucket! I was so turned on by his depravity that I ejaculated. Again, Mary rolled her eyes in shame and disgust. For some strange reason, I felt like I needed his approval. As though he had become my master with his seed now resting like a raw oyster at the base of my stomach.
Whatever the reason, I looked up to Nathan in a some primal sense. Something stirred in my loins again as I watched Mary caress and stroke Nathan's already erect cock. Damn, "he recovers fast" I said to out loud. Mary continued stroking his hard cock as she spit on it
for extra lubrication. I, too, was getting hard watching her service her new-found "DADDY."
Nathan looked down at both of us and laughed with a menacing roar as he yelled, "Master is ready for his two new slaves. And it was still daylight.
All three of us were naked as Nathan barked new orders. "I want you on all fours, a dog bitch in heat." Mary did as she was told. Then he told me he wanted me to have the perfect view of him penetrating my gf. With that said, I was told to slide underneath Mary's body so my head and mouth were were fixed right below Mary's pretty pussy. I would have the perfect view of Nathan penetrating her pussy. In the dense thickness of woods, a black man, also from the south, was about to sexually violate two white people with whom he loathed.
As I became adjusted to my position underneath Mary I had an upside view of Nathan as he approached Mary's vulnerable ass. I could see two knees drop down in front of my eyes and looked up to see Nathan's ten inch cock as he began to bounce his thick, veiny, black cock on Mary's white butt cheeks. The contrast was exhilarating. I was already hard. I watched upward as Mary's booty began to sway side to side as if inviting his monster cock. It was then that I watched in awe as he placed his cock head at the entrance of Mary's hot womanhood and began sliding it up and down the entrance to her passage. Then I watched as his head parted her pussy lips. She was damn tight when I was with her a few nights ago so I wasn't sure how she was going to accommodate his manhood. Again, I looked up and watched as she pushed her butt to meet the head of his cock, now penetrating her luscious lips and beyond. Suddenly, Nathans cock head pushed slightly pass the entrance. At this point I was dying to see her face. For now I could only imagine what her face must look like but I had to accept the auditory penetration of my mind as I could hear her loud moans...the kind of guttural moan you hear from a woman in the midst of a lust filled moment in the middle of getting fucked.
Nathan laughed as he pressed forward forcing ALL 10 inches deep into her womb. She didn't scream but I could hear a loud yelp. I looked upward and his balls were the only thing in sight. He told Mary to lower her ass. As she did, I could feel his balls scraping my nose and then my mouth. Instinctively my tongue darted out and began licking his heavy balls. I had cotton balls compared to his bulldozers. It was sick but something in me wanted to please Nathan. This made me cock really swell. Mary was moaning "oh god yes, please fuck me, Daddy." I could not believe my ears. My eyes had a full POV of his monster that I could see her vaginal canal taking Nathan's cock. I was able to reach my hands up around her waist and behind her ass where I found her round ass cheeks and pulled them apart. Now I could see her vaginal canal as she took his cock balls deep. He started really pounding and said "thanks for the assistance, sissy boy...your girl is tight as fuck." Then Mary started her own verbal debasement "fuck me harder, Nathan" as her words pierced the hot air that was causing her body to sweat profusely. Suddenly, I felt Mary's hand on my cock as she began stroking. I wouldn't last long. I was on the verge of cumming and Mary was keen to this fact as her mouth wrapped her sweet lips around my cock and took my load.
Mary was being pounded so hard that her shoulders collapsed into my lap. I could hear the sounds of flesh being slapped as his hands were busy smacking both ass cheeks. "Oh my god, yes, slap my ass harder, Nathan." Mary had worked herself into an insatiable sexual frenzy as she babbled and muttered nonsensically. Then it happened. Mary screamed loudly, "Oh my god I'm cumming...on Nathans big cock...I want it deep...I want it, I want it, yes give me more please." Nathan couldn't hold back either. He smacked my hands free of her ass cheeks and took hold as he began a maniacal thrusting that amazing to watch from my POV mere inches away. After he came inside her unprotected womb I hear Mary utter the words "Yes, breed me, Nathan."
Mary's pussy was now filled with his cum. He reach down and grabbed the back of my head and pushed it toward in vaginal entry. She knew what to do somehow. She sat her vagina on my face and began rocking back and forth, "clean my pussy out sissy boy." I was thunderstruck by her comment.
And just as quickly as it started it had ended with little "fanfare." As Nathan was getting dressed he advised, "from now on you two are my servants. In public, you will address me as SIR and WHEN I HAVE YOU TWO TO MYSELF AGAIN, you two will address me as that understood. "Yes Master" we replied in unison. "Ok, I'll see you two lovebirds in class tomorrow...remember what I just told you." Nathan was sure certain to ensure his emphasis on his words 'When I Have You Two TO Myself Again'. Those words resonated throughout my being. Yes, I wanted to used further by Nathan.
THE NEXT DAY: 3rd period had just started and Mary and I took our seats. As the final bell rang Nathan walked in and took his seat behind Mary. "Good morning, Mary" stated Nathan. She turned and smiled, "Good morning, sir." Nathan glanced back at me and winked "Bet you slept hard as a rock last night." "Good Morning, Sir," was my cuck reply. Nathan was right. I jerked off before sleep night before thinking about how I had watched Nathan's 10" of bbc pipe Mary's pussy until he came.
Our mutual bully had become our black Master. It made me wonder how many other innocent young whites he had managed to collect over the last 4 years of high school. i was get hard just thinking about it.
Every day I would ask Mary what Nathan was saying to her, and she'd grin nervously to tell me Nathan was just teasing her. "Nothing for you to worry about," she once again stated with a nervous vibe I didn't like.
The next day got worse. I watched as he leaned forward to start his usual harassment, but this time was different. He started putting his fingers down the back of her blouse where everyone behind her could see what he was doing. Admittedly she dressed nicely yet provocatively. Her blouse was thin enough to see the outline of her bra straps including the tag which showed her bra size through the thin material. He had written her bra size on a piece of paper and passed it to the guy sitting behind him. It was circulated among the males in class. Nathan leaned forward again and unclasped her bra through her thin blouse. Something I thought was an impossible feat had been accomplished. I witnessed her horror as she jumped very hard. Gravity caused her large breasts to lower her bra slightly. Mary's jaw dropped in horror to the events unfolding. She grabbed the front of her shirt and excused herself from class. Nathan looked right at me across one isle from where he sat behind my gf and winked. At that moment I had never felt so emasculated. I was so angry at that point I was shaking. Shaking from anger and fear.
Nathan was our star running back at the high school and got away with everything. He had already been accused of sexual assault of another white girl but she refused to press charges. He had an imposing frame standing at 6'3" 190lbs. Unfortunately, he and I had gym class together last period. It was there that I was able to grasp the full nature of his masculinity. As we stood in the showers I watched as he turned to me and said "your gf is a hot piece of ass...I'd put my 10" cock down her throat and make you watch." Again, I was mad as hell and told him to fuck off as he stroked his meat and laughed in my face. "You ain't gonna do shit white boy." I was watching him in fear as Nathan moved closer with his dick in hand. I was humiliated beyond measure. Admittedly, his manhood was the envy of most men. His long cock had the girth that made it look even more imposing. I wasn't gay or bi at that point in life but there was something about his stature that was impressive. But I simply turned and left. "Caught you staring at my black dick white boy," Nathan chimed. Again, the feeling of emasculation reached the inner core of my psyche. Some deep, inner rumbling within my loins made my dick twinge to partial erection just thinking about what I had just witnessed.
After school I didn't say anything to Mary about how I was humiliated in the showers by Nathan and his 10" manhood. But I demanded to know the truth about what he had been saying to her. She burst out crying, "trust me, you don't want to know." But I pushed for details of what he had been saying and I heard the vile things Nathan had said and done to Mary. One particular day he had pulled her into one of the hallway janitor closets. Although it was only for 5 minutes, his hand breached her panties after pulling her skirt up. She said that his fingers fully penetrated her. The only thing Mary could do at that point was turn her head in shame. I boiled in anger. At this point I had enough and told my gf I was going to confront him. She begged me not to say anything thinking it would make matters worse. The thought of Nathans hands inside Mary turned my stomach.
We were walking down the hallway towards the exit when I saw Nathan walking toward us from a distance. I looked at my gf who had the same look of horror as she did earlier in the classroom. She looked at me and begged me not to say anything. I couldn't let it go. I had to say something in order to salvage my masculinity. As soon as Nathan was within hearing distance I put on my best macho bravado and said "yo Nathan, you and I need to talk buddy." Nathan stopped right in front of us with a glare that would stoke fear in anyone. Nathan continued staring directly into my eyes. "What's a little bitch like you gonna say to me, white boy." Again, the shakes returned as I began trembling in fear of what he might do. "I wa..wa..want you to leave Mary alone from now on or there will be consequences," I replied with a shaky voice. He could smell fear on me the same way a predator can smell fear on their prey. "What the fuck you gonna do about it" Nathan barked. Now it was my jaw, not Mary's, dropping in horror as to what I would do next, if anything. I looked at my gf looking for some way out of this mess. She just stared at me waiting for me to do or say something. A full minute passed before he said, "that's exactly what I ain't gonna do shit white boy bitch. He pushed me aside and proceeded down the hallway with a cocky strut. Mary stared at me in disbelief. "I told you not to say anything because I've heard from others what he's capable of doing to you...and you put me in further danger now that he knows you can't or won't do a damn thing."
That night I couldn't sleep at all thinking about how badly Nathan had emasculated me in front of my gf. My phone next to my bed rang. When I picked up I was shocked that it was Nathan. "I'm gonna fuck your gf until she screams for more black dick and I am going to make you watch...if you are lucky I might leave you something to play with. "He laughed and hung up while calling me a white boy sissy. Shortly after Nathans call my phone rocked me to my feet. I knew it had to be Nathan calling again. But it was Mary calling to tell me she had just received a terrifying phone call from our mutual "friend." He spent 10 minutes describing what he was going to do to her. She was pretty upset so I went to her house and listened to everything she shared with me about Nathans sexual commentary on the phone. It was graphic! "All Nathan seems to care about is his big 10" cock but I believe he's just bragging about something he wishes he had Mary quipped. I didn't say a word about what I witnessed in the gym shower regarding the actual size of his manhood. He talked about his sexual confidence with a certain confidence, knowing that he could back it all up just being Nathan; the young man with a 10" black cock that many of the white girls talked about.
I had to put a plan in place that would deter Nathan. So, the next day before classes started I shared my dilemma with some of my buddies who played football with him. I was hoping they would lean on him just enough to put the fear of god in Nathan. Surely these guys could do something to him. My buddies told me flat out not to fuck with Nathan because he was a psychopath on and off the football field. They said he would fuck them up too if they got in his way. All hope of taming Nathan had vanished. He was hell bent on filling his warped mission of humiliating me in front of my girlfriend. He loved emasculating white boys. Turns out, Nathan was no stranger to this method - using white guys to get to their girlfriends.
3rd period class rolled around and I waited until the last bell before I walked into the classroom. Apparently, Nathan had received word through the rumor mill of my talk with his teammates. He glared at me and snarled his lips. The teacher left the room saying "I'll be back in 15 mins...please be ready to discuss chapter 7 when I return. Then a sadistic look came over his face. He leaned in my direction and said "watch this" as he brazenly leaned forward with his right hand extended while rubbing and kneading her right breast. I could see her expressions from my vantagepoint. Her eyes were closed tight with pursed lips. NOBODY said anything. Apparently everyone feared Nathan as well. The guy sitting behind me whispered to me "dude, why don't you do something?" He was right! Why didn't I do something. Anything. Speak up I said to myself. At that moment a voice came over the PA system "Nathan, report to the main office." I was soooo relieved. Nathan left the room but not before tearing into me verbally. He leaned forward and loudly stated "I'm going to fuck you up white boy."
My nerves were so shaken that I skipped gym class that day just praying I would not run in to him. I was also afraid for Mary knowing how much he wanted to bury his black man meat right deep inside her tight white pussy. Those were his words spoken to Mary. What would he do to my gf if he got her alone. He had been brazen enough up to this point so what would stop him if he knew there would be no consequences as was the case with the first white girl he ****d, or at least the first white girl we knew of.
I worked up an "avoidance strategy" with Mary. After her last class we decided to leave school immediately and changed our usual walking route from the main sidewalks to the backwoods. Taking the backwoods was also a great shortcut to her house. We talked a bit about Nathan as we walked toward home. I asked her if she was angry with me for not making Nathan stop his harassment of her body. She looked at me and said, "I was humiliated for the hallway I witnessed the emasculation in your eyes perpetrated by him. But then she went on to talk about how she felt bad for him because of his awful background and how it probably turned him into the sadistic person he had become. I was thunderstruck! She felt sorry for HIM? Really?! I was pissed. She insisted that if we could be nicer to him he would probably leave us alone. "Nicer to him....the fuck you say," was all that came out of my mouth. She wouldn't speak to me as we continued walking.
Then I started thinking about her words to me about being emasculated by Nathan. For some unknown reason I started to get hard thinking about how I had, in fact, been emasculated by Nathan in front of Mary. DAMN! I had been totally emasculated twice. The first time was in the hallway, the 2nd was in the classroom where I watched him grope Mary. Basically, she had been abused for about 8 weeks straight. And I let it happen because I was too much of a chicken shit to do anything. Nathan had made me look like a bitch.
We were only a couple hundred yards from Mary's home when Nathan popped up out of nowhere. I was shocked that he found our trail. I found out later one of my buddies had given up the location of our secret path. We were quickly herded by Nathan off the main path and taken to a densely wooded area that was partially cleared out. Nathan walked right up to me and just stood there staring me down. I felt a burning sensation as his hand came across my face. The slap made my head jerked so hard I almost fell down. "I want you to apologize to me white boy," Nathan exclaimed. Mary stood between the two of us and pleaded with him not to hurt me. He gently pushed her aside saying "I ain't done with your boy just yet," he conveyed to Mary. Then he slapped me harder knocking me to the ground.. Mary leaned down to comfort me to no avail. Then I noticed Nathan's hand on her ass as he started rubbing his hands in circles. She raised up and reached for his hand and gently removed it while nervously smiling, "why are you angry with my boyfriend and I all the time?" "What's the matter Mary, your man can't stand up for you," Nathan was a sadistic predator without fail. But Mary had some crack pot idea earlier about being nice to him so he would leave us alone.
Her plan of being nice failed miserably. Nathan reached out and slapped me again. This time I was the one asking him to please stop hitting me. "What are you going to do to stop me, sissy?" I was mortified! There was nothing I could do stop him and he knew it. "I can pay you if you wish," I babbled to Nathan. Now Nathan seemed angrier than I've seen him before. "I don't want your fucking money white boy...if I wanted your money I would just take it from your sissy ass...the same way I'm gonna fuck Mary right in front of you." I could see Mary staring at me with a mix of sorrow and contempt; the kind of contempt a woman has when she loses respect for her man.
I had a bad feeling in my stomach about the dire predicament we were in. "So, you thought you would get to me through my teammates, eh? I spoke with the Principal about your "situation"and he reached the conclusion that the issue is a personal matter between the two of us...well he's a sissy white boy just like you. He does whatever I tell him. In fact, I fucked the hell out of his wife last weekend as hubby watched and he did nothing, all the while she was screaming. When I wasn't fucking her she was slurping on my ten fact, I've fucked his woman so often that now he just sits in the corner and watches me pound her while he jerks his puny dick." I found out later that Nathan had been seducing his wife for quite some time. He had boldly told others about his conquest over the principals wife. It was allegedly a consensual relationship between the wife and Nathan. More like coerced. But who cares about semantics when a man is forced to watch his wife suck and fuck a large black dude.
He turned to his attention to Mary. He pulled her close to him as his hands reached for her chest. "Damn I love a girl with big titties". Mary closed her eyes as his advances continued. "I want you to slowly strip for me Mary." Her eyes flew open as if going into some sort of shock. She just stood there as her trembling hands started with the top button of her blouse. Now her eyes were wide open with a look of desperation. Her hands continued downward one button at a time until she reached the last button of her blouse. Nathan told her to stop. She immediately complied. "Good girl, now let me get a better look at those 36c tits of yours," as he stepped forward and parted her blouse, doing the honors of unbuttoning the last button on her blouse. Nathan reached into his pocket and pulled out a blade. That look of horror reappeared on her face. I could see her ample breasts behind her white bra nearly pouring out as he groped her firm breasts with the blade clinched between his teeth. He spent a great deal of time ******* at her breasts like she was his property. He then placed the knife under the bridge of her bra that kept her breasts from spilling out. There was nothing I could do except watch. And Nathan was intent on me having a perfect view. He barked another order at me, "get your ass over here and kneel down next to me, sissy white boy because I want you to have a good look at what I'm doing." As I sat there in a prone kneeling position I looked up as his blade sliced right through the bridge. Her breasts, no longer confined, popped out and pushed the two halves to the side. Again, I looked up as Nathan began gently massaging her massive melons. He began taunting her with comments regarding the size of her areolas. They were silver dollars size. Was Nathan really going to fuck Mary. I began pleading with him not to do anything else to Mary. And received another slap that knocked me back on my ass. "I will do as I damn well please with Mary's always there isn't a damn thing you can do but watch me satisfy your sit your ass back up in kneeling position while you watch her new black man go to work on your woman's sexuality."
As soon as I regained my position Nathan began licking her breasts as she winced. He was enthralled with her breasts while his hands and lips were doing their work on Mary's breasts. "I'll be damned if these nipples ain't getting perky and hard," cited Nathan. I looked up when I heard his comment and noticed Mary's face was crimson red. Sure enough, her nipples were hard and engorged.
"I want you to kiss me bitch, much the same as you would kiss your sissy boyfriend...with passion." He took each of her arms and placed them over his shoulders. Her hands clasped behind his neck as her 5.2 ft frame stared upward to meet the gaze of his eyes resting within his 6'3" frame. I'm only 5'7" so Nathan must be an adjustment for Mary. Why wouldn't she look at me I wondered. He reached down with his left hand and placed it beneath her chin lifting her lips to meet his. Nathans tongue was gently rolling over her lips as her eyes closed. His hand now firmly placed on the back of her head he pulled her mouth tightly against his as her chest began heaving up and down with heavy breaths. The debauchery taking place before my eyes was too much. I was furious yet hard as a rock. What was wrong with me! His hands made their way down her back until they reached the zipper of her skirt. I knew he was going to fuck her when I heard her zipper sliding down. How was I going to stop Nathan? I wasn't because I couldn't. With a slight push by Nathan on both sides of her skirt it fell to the ground leaving her standing there in my favorite lingerie style pink panties that she said made her feel like a woman. At this point, I was hoping Mary still felt like a woman, not a slut.
The two continued their passionate kissing as Nathans hands ran down her backside to her beautiful round ass. Mary was definitely a tits and ass girl; large tits, nice round ass. He began again with his hands on her ass while moving hips in a rhythmic undulation up and down, back and forth motion that left little room for imagination. I noticed her hands had moved to his hips. Was she actually pulling him in closer? YES she was. I was officially startled knowing that I couldn't derail this train in motion. His hands clasped both sides of her sexy underwear as they were pulled to the ground and she stepped out of them. Mary was proud of her neatly trimmed bush that she always managed to keep for my sake. I loved going down on her. Her scent was to die for. It was always her scent that made me hard.
Nathan picked up the underwear and tugged it over my head. Now I could really smell her scent. She must be wet too because I could feel the dampness linger across my face. God forgive me. I am hard as a rock watching this black man seduce my girlfriend. I wanted to rub my cock so badly except for Mary's presence. I couldn't let her know.
Nathan reached down and took one of her hands and placed it on his crotch. Her eyes widened as she felt his enormity. The extreme scale of what she was feeling through his pants was unfathomable. His hands were gently rubbing her clit back and forth, mixed with circular motions. "Unbuckle my pants Mary and unzip me," Nathan commanded of Mary. Mary's hands were trembling as she reached forward. Her shaking hands began unbuckling his pants followed by the sound of his zipper sliding down, my face merely a few inches from his crotch as Mary kept looking down at me in obvious fear of what was happening. Mary and I watched as he grabbed both sides of his jeans and slid them down to his knees. "I'm already hard just thinking about putting my big black cock in your woman's pussy." As he was saying this he pulled the head of his cock upward past his belly button so that his monster size balls stood out over Mary's face. "Service my nuts, Mary...put your tongue under my balls and lick upward toward the tip of my dick." She reluctantly lowered herself to her knees.
Suddenly, Nathan told me to drop my pants. He knew from the locker room scene that I had a tiny penis compared to what he was packing. This was his way of furthering my humiliation. "Look at your boy, Mary", Nathan stated abruptly. Her mouth was released from his manhood for a moment, just enough time for her to stare at my oozing penis. "My God Mary shouted...I didn't realize..." She stopped mid-sentence knowing the reality of my tiny penis was hard as rock and dripping pre-cum. Mary rolled her eyes in disappointment knowing that I was, in some sick way, turned on.
Sure enough, with Nathans now hard 10" cock jutting out from his masculine frame, our mutual bully was about to become Mary's DADDY. "From here on I want you to call me "Daddy" , Nathan ordered. I was shocked to hear Mary reply "Yes, DADDY" as she leaned forward with her tongue now moving in on his nut sack. She did as she was told and licked from his nut sack to the base of his superior cock and upward to the tip. She repeated this action over and over except her hand was now stroking his cock as she licked. Her hand did not fit around his girthy cock. With force, he grabbed the back of her head with one firm hand and instructed her to suck his 10" BBC. She was drooling so much that it was pouring drool over my face. I couldn't stop feeling the anger any more than I could stop the feelings of total emasculation. BUT I also couldn't stop the throbbing in my cock. The same little cock that had fucked Mary just two nights before (with condom) was my own , oozing pre-cum as my eyes were fixed on Mary's tongue as she was bathing the head of his cock with her lips and tongue. Suddenly, Nathan's 10" black cock was sliding down Mary's throat. He let it rest at the back of her throat until it just sat there throbbing and vibing within the depths of her throat. The vile, contorted look on her face with that big cock stretching her mouth beyond recognition made me oooz more pre-cum.
No sooner had Nathan buried his cock deep in there throat did he slowly pull his cock from her contorted face. She was sucking so hard that his big cock made a pop sound when his vessel left her mouth. His hand now forcefully pulled her face back onto his cock while he began to thrust with a noticeable rhythm as he now easily slid his superior manhood in and out, back and forth. Mary was rocking back and forth on her heels as her head bobbed up & down. This went on for about 10 minutes until I heard Nathan begin a loud grunting and moaning sound. He was cuming in my girlfriends mouth as I watched. [Nathan was true to his word... he was letting me watch Mary while she sucked his cock.] I could see her cheeks swell when the inevitable happened. Globs of Nathans cum came streaming from her mouth. What sounded like a thunderclap was actually Nathan's voice. "MARY! HOLD THAT CUM IN YOUR MOUTH UNTIL TOLD OTHERWISE." With that said, Nathan continued, "Mary, I want you to lean down with that slutty mouth full of my nut that I know you are holding back like a dam and give Loverboy a nice long, wet, juicy, cum kiss." When Mary leaned down our eyes locked. That look of fear in her eyes had disappeared. Was it lust? I wasn't sure. Her mouth reached mine and at the moment. I felt our lips touch I could feel Nathan's cum entering my mouth. It was a bucket! I was so turned on by his depravity that I ejaculated. Again, Mary rolled her eyes in shame and disgust. For some strange reason, I felt like I needed his approval. As though he had become my master with his seed now resting like a raw oyster at the base of my stomach.
Whatever the reason, I looked up to Nathan in a some primal sense. Something stirred in my loins again as I watched Mary caress and stroke Nathan's already erect cock. Damn, "he recovers fast" I said to out loud. Mary continued stroking his hard cock as she spit on it
for extra lubrication. I, too, was getting hard watching her service her new-found "DADDY."
Nathan looked down at both of us and laughed with a menacing roar as he yelled, "Master is ready for his two new slaves. And it was still daylight.
All three of us were naked as Nathan barked new orders. "I want you on all fours, a dog bitch in heat." Mary did as she was told. Then he told me he wanted me to have the perfect view of him penetrating my gf. With that said, I was told to slide underneath Mary's body so my head and mouth were were fixed right below Mary's pretty pussy. I would have the perfect view of Nathan penetrating her pussy. In the dense thickness of woods, a black man, also from the south, was about to sexually violate two white people with whom he loathed.
As I became adjusted to my position underneath Mary I had an upside view of Nathan as he approached Mary's vulnerable ass. I could see two knees drop down in front of my eyes and looked up to see Nathan's ten inch cock as he began to bounce his thick, veiny, black cock on Mary's white butt cheeks. The contrast was exhilarating. I was already hard. I watched upward as Mary's booty began to sway side to side as if inviting his monster cock. It was then that I watched in awe as he placed his cock head at the entrance of Mary's hot womanhood and began sliding it up and down the entrance to her passage. Then I watched as his head parted her pussy lips. She was damn tight when I was with her a few nights ago so I wasn't sure how she was going to accommodate his manhood. Again, I looked up and watched as she pushed her butt to meet the head of his cock, now penetrating her luscious lips and beyond. Suddenly, Nathans cock head pushed slightly pass the entrance. At this point I was dying to see her face. For now I could only imagine what her face must look like but I had to accept the auditory penetration of my mind as I could hear her loud moans...the kind of guttural moan you hear from a woman in the midst of a lust filled moment in the middle of getting fucked.
Nathan laughed as he pressed forward forcing ALL 10 inches deep into her womb. She didn't scream but I could hear a loud yelp. I looked upward and his balls were the only thing in sight. He told Mary to lower her ass. As she did, I could feel his balls scraping my nose and then my mouth. Instinctively my tongue darted out and began licking his heavy balls. I had cotton balls compared to his bulldozers. It was sick but something in me wanted to please Nathan. This made me cock really swell. Mary was moaning "oh god yes, please fuck me, Daddy." I could not believe my ears. My eyes had a full POV of his monster that I could see her vaginal canal taking Nathan's cock. I was able to reach my hands up around her waist and behind her ass where I found her round ass cheeks and pulled them apart. Now I could see her vaginal canal as she took his cock balls deep. He started really pounding and said "thanks for the assistance, sissy boy...your girl is tight as fuck." Then Mary started her own verbal debasement "fuck me harder, Nathan" as her words pierced the hot air that was causing her body to sweat profusely. Suddenly, I felt Mary's hand on my cock as she began stroking. I wouldn't last long. I was on the verge of cumming and Mary was keen to this fact as her mouth wrapped her sweet lips around my cock and took my load.
Mary was being pounded so hard that her shoulders collapsed into my lap. I could hear the sounds of flesh being slapped as his hands were busy smacking both ass cheeks. "Oh my god, yes, slap my ass harder, Nathan." Mary had worked herself into an insatiable sexual frenzy as she babbled and muttered nonsensically. Then it happened. Mary screamed loudly, "Oh my god I'm cumming...on Nathans big cock...I want it deep...I want it, I want it, yes give me more please." Nathan couldn't hold back either. He smacked my hands free of her ass cheeks and took hold as he began a maniacal thrusting that amazing to watch from my POV mere inches away. After he came inside her unprotected womb I hear Mary utter the words "Yes, breed me, Nathan."
Mary's pussy was now filled with his cum. He reach down and grabbed the back of my head and pushed it toward in vaginal entry. She knew what to do somehow. She sat her vagina on my face and began rocking back and forth, "clean my pussy out sissy boy." I was thunderstruck by her comment.
And just as quickly as it started it had ended with little "fanfare." As Nathan was getting dressed he advised, "from now on you two are my servants. In public, you will address me as SIR and WHEN I HAVE YOU TWO TO MYSELF AGAIN, you two will address me as that understood. "Yes Master" we replied in unison. "Ok, I'll see you two lovebirds in class tomorrow...remember what I just told you." Nathan was sure certain to ensure his emphasis on his words 'When I Have You Two TO Myself Again'. Those words resonated throughout my being. Yes, I wanted to used further by Nathan.
THE NEXT DAY: 3rd period had just started and Mary and I took our seats. As the final bell rang Nathan walked in and took his seat behind Mary. "Good morning, Mary" stated Nathan. She turned and smiled, "Good morning, sir." Nathan glanced back at me and winked "Bet you slept hard as a rock last night." "Good Morning, Sir," was my cuck reply. Nathan was right. I jerked off before sleep night before thinking about how I had watched Nathan's 10" of bbc pipe Mary's pussy until he came.
Our mutual bully had become our black Master. It made me wonder how many other innocent young whites he had managed to collect over the last 4 years of high school. i was get hard just thinking about it.
1 year ago