No Negative Produced
My Wife and I were married during the 1989 Motorcycle Rally held in Sturgis, South Dakota. I believe the place where they sell the marriage licenses told us we were one of 75 couples that had got married so far that week(Friday). 1200 miles from home. Plenty of alcohol. The Bike, as well as our partying Brothers and Sisters, naturally induced raucious behavior.
We never saw anyone from home we knew. I used this fact to allay fears in order to encourage her to participate in Easy Riders promotional,"Take Your Old Shirt Off, And We'll Give You A New One"......Saved the moment using the best technology available at the time.....My, now our, Poloroid Camera.
Ah yes, how would l have got along without the Poloroid Camera? I hope the guy that invented it made a Zillion Dollars. He was a true genious, and the Patron Saint of Women Watchers of The World. After our nuptuals, to entice me to hurry home, my lovely bride included a poloroid of her mommy parts in my lunch box one day. The photo carried the caption,"Hurry Home, This is Waiting For You".......I had to have a little fun with her. I came in the house playing dumb and disinterested, studiously reading the evening paper. It was HARD to ignore such a fetching wench as l had married. I truly had a difficult time controlling my libidious "Urges". I don't think My Love ever witnessed me taking my pants off without also viewing my manhood at least 3/4 Erect, and Growing.....A favorite memory of mine is of my naive, midwestern girl asking me,"Do I really Affect You THAT MUCH, in THAT WAY???"
"Uh yeah Baby, Uh Baby, come here........."
This would often cause her to back up, lower her hands about hip level, in a defensive posture, and whisper,"Not Now." Then start giggling.....Especially when I followed with the question,"When ?"
She asked me if l "Enjoyed My Lunch?"
Keeping my nose in the newspaper, and answering her vaguely, "Naw, I got busier than the Devil. I ended up giving it to the mechanic at work. Told him to get after it, before it spoiled.......Why?....You fix me something special?"............Oh what l would give to have a picture of my Loving Wife's Expression at that moment!
I didn't maintain my composure much longer, and soon began laughing.
Spent time outside the 1 hour Photo Developing shop also. Whether we'd run out of the Poloroid film, or l (Or We) thought it was worth the risk of losing our anominity in an effort for a better quality photo. Trying not to meet the gaze of the attendant on duty, no matter what.........Those folks had to truly love their work.
With this in mind Dear Readers, picture Yours Truly's mindset when he notices a sign amongst the various vendors reading, "No Negative Produced" .......I had to investigate.
You could have the photographer photo something, they process this like a slide, then put it into a view-finder tube. Raise the tube up to some light, or the sun, and the photo appears. It is in a kind of 3-D form, and really pretty cool. The process does not produce a negative. So the photo, or slide, in the view finder, can not be copied.
"Huh" l say to myself, as the lascivious wheels in my dirty mind begin to spin................It's a married couple running the booth. They seem knowledgeable. Portraying the confidence of a veteran of their craft. My guess is they are in their late 50's to early 60's. Adding that much more in their confidence factor. I asked the husband for a private consultation.
My first query to tghe gentleman proprietor was had they ever been asked to photograph anything of explicit adult behavior? They had a few examples of landscapes, people with their pets, lovers hugging. That's when he reached behind the counter and produced view finders with guys sucking on their girls tits, girls fellating their men, various ones "Shooting The Moon"......Now we are getting somewhere.....I furthered the conversation by asking if there were a place that could afford us some privacy? Their answer was in the affirmative, and they pointed to some wires suspended on their perimeter. The wires could perform a multitude of tasks. Clothes drying, secure base for decorative lighting, advertisements, etc......
"Now young man, what is it you would like?"is poised to me. I am trying to maintain a business-like approach to the business at hand. My Beloved Bride's attention is picqueing. I have explained some of my idea to her, but not all.The Dearest is becoming more aware that there is more in the offing than she previously expected. Yet do to our chemistry, she is not at all put off. In fact she is blatantly excited, wanting details, time for her thoughts and suggestions, and approximate time of her curtain call. She is my ideall co-conspirator. I surely chose the right one for me and my life.
I would love to have two viefinders. One, The Most Sensual Lady on the planet, and my favorite adult film actress, now my wife,on her knees before me in a sitting position. The Sexual Savage of a Wifewill be shirtless, save the necklace hanging tastefully between her conical breasts. She will have her tight, body molding jeans, and leather chaps on. Gentlemen Readers, If you have a motorcycle and a girlfriend. Take her to get some custom made/custom fit leather chaps. Trust me. This life is too short to pass up such a stimulating experience.
Myself, i will be shirtless. Displaying my notable pecs. My not too much, but not too little chest Hair. Lastl, but certainly not least, a good 8 1/2 inches bof thick and increasingly more turgid male phalanx. The goal for the photographer is to capture the subject at full staff, with the vein therin swollen as much as possible. One photo with my lover engulfing all that she can. The other reversed almost completely. This will afford the casual observer the true dimensions and capacities of all things concerned in this project.
Tarpaulins are affixed to the wires. Security in place. My favorite actress is pulling off her top. Oh Lord, her breasts are displaying that perfect conical symetry. She has me rock hard. As much as l love the feel of her togue, soft lips on my turgid member........l can not keep from looking at that tight, round butt. Accentuated that much more by the perfectly fitted leather chaps. I wonder if she has begun to moisten in the hopes of receiving my enraged member in her tight honeypot ?????
The artist signals me he has both views as ordered, and will begin processing......Then he adds," You're not gonna leave like THAT? ...ARE YOU ??????....." ....."It would be a shame to waste all her fine work........By all means FINISH !"
This middle-aged husband and wife are giddy at the thought of witnessing me ejaculating a wad of semen into my wanton bride's pretty mouth, then too seeing her swallow it down and leaving just a mischevious grin on her face........I did just that. My God l am blessed with a beautiful lover. It may not return to the flaccid state for the rest of the day.
When we got home i noticed her talking very closely, guardedly, with her best friend. A few minutes later l saw the friend look to the sky with an apparent view finder......Then......"Wow ! Girl, you wasn't k**ding!"
We never saw anyone from home we knew. I used this fact to allay fears in order to encourage her to participate in Easy Riders promotional,"Take Your Old Shirt Off, And We'll Give You A New One"......Saved the moment using the best technology available at the time.....My, now our, Poloroid Camera.
Ah yes, how would l have got along without the Poloroid Camera? I hope the guy that invented it made a Zillion Dollars. He was a true genious, and the Patron Saint of Women Watchers of The World. After our nuptuals, to entice me to hurry home, my lovely bride included a poloroid of her mommy parts in my lunch box one day. The photo carried the caption,"Hurry Home, This is Waiting For You".......I had to have a little fun with her. I came in the house playing dumb and disinterested, studiously reading the evening paper. It was HARD to ignore such a fetching wench as l had married. I truly had a difficult time controlling my libidious "Urges". I don't think My Love ever witnessed me taking my pants off without also viewing my manhood at least 3/4 Erect, and Growing.....A favorite memory of mine is of my naive, midwestern girl asking me,"Do I really Affect You THAT MUCH, in THAT WAY???"
"Uh yeah Baby, Uh Baby, come here........."
This would often cause her to back up, lower her hands about hip level, in a defensive posture, and whisper,"Not Now." Then start giggling.....Especially when I followed with the question,"When ?"
She asked me if l "Enjoyed My Lunch?"
Keeping my nose in the newspaper, and answering her vaguely, "Naw, I got busier than the Devil. I ended up giving it to the mechanic at work. Told him to get after it, before it spoiled.......Why?....You fix me something special?"............Oh what l would give to have a picture of my Loving Wife's Expression at that moment!
I didn't maintain my composure much longer, and soon began laughing.
Spent time outside the 1 hour Photo Developing shop also. Whether we'd run out of the Poloroid film, or l (Or We) thought it was worth the risk of losing our anominity in an effort for a better quality photo. Trying not to meet the gaze of the attendant on duty, no matter what.........Those folks had to truly love their work.
With this in mind Dear Readers, picture Yours Truly's mindset when he notices a sign amongst the various vendors reading, "No Negative Produced" .......I had to investigate.
You could have the photographer photo something, they process this like a slide, then put it into a view-finder tube. Raise the tube up to some light, or the sun, and the photo appears. It is in a kind of 3-D form, and really pretty cool. The process does not produce a negative. So the photo, or slide, in the view finder, can not be copied.
"Huh" l say to myself, as the lascivious wheels in my dirty mind begin to spin................It's a married couple running the booth. They seem knowledgeable. Portraying the confidence of a veteran of their craft. My guess is they are in their late 50's to early 60's. Adding that much more in their confidence factor. I asked the husband for a private consultation.
My first query to tghe gentleman proprietor was had they ever been asked to photograph anything of explicit adult behavior? They had a few examples of landscapes, people with their pets, lovers hugging. That's when he reached behind the counter and produced view finders with guys sucking on their girls tits, girls fellating their men, various ones "Shooting The Moon"......Now we are getting somewhere.....I furthered the conversation by asking if there were a place that could afford us some privacy? Their answer was in the affirmative, and they pointed to some wires suspended on their perimeter. The wires could perform a multitude of tasks. Clothes drying, secure base for decorative lighting, advertisements, etc......
"Now young man, what is it you would like?"is poised to me. I am trying to maintain a business-like approach to the business at hand. My Beloved Bride's attention is picqueing. I have explained some of my idea to her, but not all.The Dearest is becoming more aware that there is more in the offing than she previously expected. Yet do to our chemistry, she is not at all put off. In fact she is blatantly excited, wanting details, time for her thoughts and suggestions, and approximate time of her curtain call. She is my ideall co-conspirator. I surely chose the right one for me and my life.
I would love to have two viefinders. One, The Most Sensual Lady on the planet, and my favorite adult film actress, now my wife,on her knees before me in a sitting position. The Sexual Savage of a Wifewill be shirtless, save the necklace hanging tastefully between her conical breasts. She will have her tight, body molding jeans, and leather chaps on. Gentlemen Readers, If you have a motorcycle and a girlfriend. Take her to get some custom made/custom fit leather chaps. Trust me. This life is too short to pass up such a stimulating experience.
Myself, i will be shirtless. Displaying my notable pecs. My not too much, but not too little chest Hair. Lastl, but certainly not least, a good 8 1/2 inches bof thick and increasingly more turgid male phalanx. The goal for the photographer is to capture the subject at full staff, with the vein therin swollen as much as possible. One photo with my lover engulfing all that she can. The other reversed almost completely. This will afford the casual observer the true dimensions and capacities of all things concerned in this project.
Tarpaulins are affixed to the wires. Security in place. My favorite actress is pulling off her top. Oh Lord, her breasts are displaying that perfect conical symetry. She has me rock hard. As much as l love the feel of her togue, soft lips on my turgid member........l can not keep from looking at that tight, round butt. Accentuated that much more by the perfectly fitted leather chaps. I wonder if she has begun to moisten in the hopes of receiving my enraged member in her tight honeypot ?????
The artist signals me he has both views as ordered, and will begin processing......Then he adds," You're not gonna leave like THAT? ...ARE YOU ??????....." ....."It would be a shame to waste all her fine work........By all means FINISH !"
This middle-aged husband and wife are giddy at the thought of witnessing me ejaculating a wad of semen into my wanton bride's pretty mouth, then too seeing her swallow it down and leaving just a mischevious grin on her face........I did just that. My God l am blessed with a beautiful lover. It may not return to the flaccid state for the rest of the day.
When we got home i noticed her talking very closely, guardedly, with her best friend. A few minutes later l saw the friend look to the sky with an apparent view finder......Then......"Wow ! Girl, you wasn't k**ding!"
1 year ago