Rain Makes You Wetter

I like to write scripts for sexy videos and I post them on another site. Some are based on real experiences and most are just fantasies that I would like to see made into videos and watch. I have almost 100 posted, and this is the most recent one.

I encourage you to imagine this video-script as a movie as well as a story. It doesn't have extensive plot or tension, but I hope you feel it has some very sexy scenes for a 20-30 minute video. What actresses would you like to cast in the three roles?

Scene 120: Rain Makes You Wetter

The scene begins with an attractive woman in her mid-20s running through a neighborhood in a downpour. She has peach colored running shorts on and a sports bra. What started as a jog on an overcast day has surprised her by becoming a major thunderstorm. She runs to an upscale apartment complex and up the outdoor stairs to her apartment. The rain streams over her body as she struggles to quickly unlock her door. She finally gets it open and rushes inside and slams it behind her.

She stands and shivers on a fluffy rug just inside the door; she has the wet dog look. The living room is very elegant. She stays on the rug instead of dripping on the hardwood floor. "Kylie, are you home?" she shouts. There's no answer. She locks the door behind her. She uses her hands to push water down her body on to the rug. She pulls her wet bra over her head, slides down her shorts and panties, and holds them while she plans her next step. The camera rotates around her desirable body and shows the droplets on her breasts and gliding down the curves of her body. She walks quickly across the room over to the bathroom and tosses her clothes into the tub. She reaches up and takes a bath towel from a shelf in the closet. She dries off her body before dropping the towel to the floor. Next, she blow dries her hair and fluffs it again.

Now that she's dry, she can take care of the apartment. She wraps the wet clothes in the towel. She takes off her tennis shoes and adds her socks to the pile of wet clothes. The camera admires her cute butt and follows her as she walks through the living room and kitchen and into the laundry room. She deposits the wet clothes into the washing machine. Then she returns to the living room and gets on her hands and knees and uses the tool to wipe up all of the water that dripped as she crossed the room. She's finally satisfied that everything is dry and gets up and adds the towel to the washer. As she closes the lid, she hears the front door slam shut and voices from the living room. She goes into the kitchen and peeks above the pass-through bar into the living room.

She sees her roommate and another young woman trying to both stand on the rug and stay off of the wood. Both are close to her age and very attractive Her petite roommate is wearing a thin, pale yellow blouse and a grey skirt that ends above her knees — low enough to be professional but short enough to attract attention. Both girls are holding their high heels that they must have removed to run through the rain. Her blouse is plastered to her body, and we can see a lacy white bra.

Her friend is wearing a thin, white, one-piece, cotton pantsuit. The rain has made her suit completely transparent, and it's clear that she's braless and wearing yellow bikini panties. "I am so completely soaked to the bone!"

"Remember try not to drip on the wood. I'll get us a couple of towels, and I'll put our clothes in the dryer while we work on our project." The roommate undoes her skirt and displays a sexy thong. She takes off her top and her bra and leaves the clothes in a bundle on the rug and then rolls down the wet thong and puts it on top.

"What about your roommate?"

"Oh, Allie? She's not home. Her car wasn't in her parking spot. If you hear her come home and try to open the door, just crack it and ask her to wait a minute while we get dressed."

"In the rain?"

The roommate is already crossing the room and calls back to her. "She'll already be soaked if she came from the parking lot without an umbrella, and another minute won't matter."

The friend seems convinced and peels off her suit. It clings tightly to her wet skin as she wriggles out of it, and then she finishes stripping off her panties. She stands uncomfortably naked in a strange apartment with her hands awkwardly covering her shaven nudity.

Back in the kitchen, Allie is amazed by what she's witnessing. Her mouth is agape, and her fingers are busy trying to satisfy her pussy that is yearning for the seductive bodies she's watching. She's surprised by how suddenly she became horny and wonders if it's from being a voyeur for the first time. She retreats back to the laundry room, spreads her legs, and leans back against the machines as she continues masturbating wildly. She slides down the machine until her ass touches the floor. Her strokes slow down; her fingers spend more time inside of her, and she takes a washcloth from the laundry basket of folded clothes next to her and holds it to her mouth to muffle any sound while she shudders and cums.

Meanwhile, her roommate, Kylie, has gone into the bathroom to grab a couple of towels. She dries off her body with one of them and wraps it around herself. She takes the other towel to her friend. The friend is feeling more uncomfortable every minute that passes. Kylie slows down as she crosses the room and stares at Blaire's nude form. "Wow, I never really stopped and realized how sexy you are until now."

"I'm not sexy! I'm wet and dripping and just give me that towel!"

Kylie laughs, hands her the towel, and continues looking at her. Blaire takes it with the hand that was covering her breasts and turns her back to dry off. "I guess maybe it's just because I've always seen you fully dressed before. And, I don't know, I guess I never thought of what you look like, you know, …." Kylie's voice trails off. She unwraps her towel and uses it to dry her hair before wrapping in it again. Then she gets down on her knees to wipe up the water on the floor with a hand towel that she also brought into the room. She backs up towards the kitchen as she dries the floor, always maintaining her gaze on her friend as if seeing her for the first time.

Allie takes advantage of the girls facing the other way to crawl out of the kitchen and into the bathroom. Her own bedroom door is closed, and she doesn't dare open it (or close the bathroom door) and alert them that she's there. She slips inside the bathroom and climbs into the tub so she can raise her legs and rest them on the edges while she masturbates vigorously again. She's still surprised that spying on her nude roommate and friend has taken control of her mind and body so thoroughly. She fantasizes about surprising them in the hallway and licking and feeling their hot bodies, and she whimpers into the cloth as another orgasm washes over her. She rolls over flat onto her stomach. The cold tub against her bare breasts reminds her of her vulnerability. The thought of the girls finding her like this turns her on almost as much as being a voyeur, and she fingers herself with both hands at the same time, one from below and one from above. The risk of discovery excites her, and she feels another orgasm approaching. Part of her hopes they look and find her; she feels that if they walked in and caught her performing like this, it would give her the strongest orgasm ever. She knows that she could just close the door and let them know she was home, but that wouldn't feel as … what? Exhilarating? Naughty? Her next orgasm hits her while she's considering her exposure and her naughtiness, but she knows for a fact that she will need another one soon.

Blaire finishes drying and wraps the towel around herself. The towel she has is smaller than Kylie's, and she's also taller; the towel barely covers half of her buns, and she's clearly uncomfortable again and has to decide whether to exhibit her breasts or her pussy. Kylie finishes wiping up the floor and recognizes her friend's discomfort. "I'm sorry, I should've given you the longer towel." She removes her towel as she walks back to the front door and hands it to Blaire.

Blaire's mouth hangs open for a moment, and she pauses before accepting the towel. Is it because she's going to have to disrobe again or because now she's really seeing Kylie's cute breasts and figure for the first time. She trades towels and looks like she wants to tell her tempting partner something but can't think of how to say it.

Kylie gathers up all of the wet items and bundles them into the towel that Blaire gave to her. "Let's get these wet things into the dryer, and then we'll get you some clothes to wear while we work." She leads Blaire through the kitchen and into the laundry room. Blaire's attention is mostly on the bare butt in front of her and how irresistible it looks as Kylie walks. At the washer, Kylie holds out her hand for Blaire's towel. Blaire gives it to her without any reservation this time, and Kylie tosses it and hers towels into the washer. Her preoccupation with Blaire's long legs that lead to the pretty pussy that she's no longer covering prevent Kylie from noticing that the items in the washer are also wet.

This feels kind of surreal to Blaire's shy nature. Sure, she gets up in the morning and makes breakfast and eats in just her panties, and that prurient act makes her so horny that she always has to masturbate in the dining room before she can get dressed and go to work. She starts to feel the same salacious desire, walking around totally nude in a strange apartment, and she also can't stop thinking even more of how smooth and soft Kylie's butt looks. And as Kylie leans over the machine to reach the dial and start it, Blaire can't help but admire how perfect and smooth and squeezable her breasts look. She turns away to break the spell but also is afraid that her hardening nipples would betray this unexpected attraction. She worries that Kylie would hear her moaning if she asked to use the bathroom and make herself cum.

Kylie sees Blaire turn around and assumes that it's her shyness. Kylie won't object, because now she can see Blaire's butt again and starts to wonder what it would be like to cup it in her hand, and rub it, and move her hand down and massage her inner thigh. She's never touched another girl there. She also realizes that if she keeps staring and thinking about it, she's going to embarrass herself and her friend. She quickly walks past Blaire and towards her room, and Blaire follows. The two girls are feeling way more conscious of the other's nudity as they walk through the kitchen and down the hallway than of their own.

In her room, Kylie apologizes that she doesn't think she has any lingerie that will fit Blaire comfortably, but she can put on one of her t-shirts and sweats until the clothes are washed and dried. She takes some items off of the hangars in her closet and hands them to Blaire. Blaire takes them but hesitates putting them on. She realizes that she's staring at Kylie's breasts and forces her eyes away — but they settle on Kylie's pussy instead. "You're very sexy, too."

"Huh?" Kylie feels Blaire's gaze and instinctively starts to move her hands to cover herself, but she consciously decides to put them on her hips instead. Blaire is hypnotized as Kylie gradually moves them up to her breasts and plays with her nipples. Kylie takes a deep breath and sucks on her lower lip to gather her courage. "Do you remember that time we were in the club and we felt like slow dancing and no one else would, so we ended up dancing with each other?"

Blaire smiles and laughs. "Yeah, that was kind of silly." Then she hurries to add "… and I liked dancing with you."

"And I liked dancing with you." Kylie gathers her courage to continue. "Would you like to do that now? Pretend that the band's playing?"

Blaire opens her arms and the two girls put their hands on each other and slowly sway back and forth. Their hands move up and down each other's sides as they enjoy touching another girl in a way they'd never dreamed of before.

Kylie whispers "have you ever kissed another girl?"

Blaire looks up into Kylie's eyes. "No. What about you?"

"Not until now." With that, she leans towards Blaire; Blaire also leans forward, and they kiss. They seem scared to move too fast and bring the other closer — fearful to do anything the other isn't ready for. Their soft lips part, and their tongues join the kiss. They keep inching closer to each other while their tongues are grappling. They're startled when their breasts finally meet, and they abruptly stop their kissing and catch their breaths.

They look sheepishly at each other. Kylie admits "I never ever thought that I would kiss a girl and like it so much." She gives Blaire an earnest smile. "What about you?"

"Well, the idea always kind of creeped me out until when you were leaning over the washing machine and I was thinking of playing with your breasts." She stares again at Kylie's breasts and the nipples that have become so prominent. "Can I touch them?

"If I can touch yours."

They rub each other's breasts tentatively, and then go on to pinch and squeeze the nipples that have become very prominent. They resume their kissing, but now it's wilder, less reserved, and they have fun licking their girlfriend's tongue and inside and outside the mouth. Then they hear a soft moaning sound from the door that interrupts their pleasure. Together they turn and are astonished to see Allie, nude in the doorway with one hand covering her mouth with a washcloth and the other rubbing her pussy furiously.

The girls have dramatically different reactions. Blaire turns away from the door and considers hiding in the closet. But it's evident that Kylie is furious that Allie was spying on them.

"Wait, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I was trying to sneak past your room without you seeing me, and I peaked to see if you were looking this way. And when I saw you kissing, it froze me. I couldn't go. I had to watch. I've been so horny since I saw the two of you take off your clothes. I've been masturbating in the bathroom this whole time, and I was scared you'd find me — but I also sort of hoped you would. I'm just so horny, and, and, I want to kiss you, Kylie."

Blaire looks back over her shoulder. She was enjoying her first lesbian kisses and assesses this sudden rival. She concludes that Allle is very sexy, maybe sexier than she is. She puts a hand on Kylie's thigh and moves it up slowly until the side of it touches Kylie's crotch, and she holds it there tightly.

Blaire's touch calms Kylie down a lot, and she reaches out a hand and places it against Blaire's body. Blaire opens her legs enough to let Kylie's hand reach her pussy and start to caress it. Both girls turn and look in the other's eyes and smiles form and cover their faces.

"Do you want to make this a threeway?" Allle asks.

Blaire just wants to keep kissing Kylie and feel that warmth and excitement. And Kylie's finger reminds her that she would also like trying sex with her friend. She wants to tell Allie to just go away but also feels that this is an issue between the roommates. She glances over at Allie again and wonders briefly what it would be like to kiss Kylie while that other lovely girl licked between her legs. She leans towards Kylie and began kissing her again, before Kylie decides to choose Allie instead of her.

The rest of Kylie's tenseness evaporated as she and Kylie began kissing again, and they rub each other more seriously.

"At least let me watch while I masturbate. Please let me watch. And I'll be here if you want me to join you later" she pleads. The girls' sexy kissing continues, and Allie's fingers reach her pussy again. "I know you'd like it if I finger or lick you both on the bed while you keep kissing."

Kylie gives Blaire an especially long kiss as if she's trying to suck the air out of her mouth and nods her head at Allie's suggestion. She stops kissing long enough to say "maybe, but I want to cum with Blaire first."

Blaire feels a finger enter her pussy as Kylie claims Blaire's body. That and the affirmation of desire for Blaire cause her knees to buckle slightly. Kylie feels the change in her partner and guides her to the bed where they slowly lie on it and continue kissing. They maneuver their legs to try to keep them pressed against the other girl but also to present easy access to their pussies.

The heightened intensity between the girls also has an effect on Allie. She rushes over and kneels on the fluffy beanbag chair in the corner of the room and bunches up the center so she can hump it while playing with her nipples. She can see Blaire's and Kylie's fingers disappearing and reappearing in each other, and she begins panting and whimpering as a long orgasm takes control.

Kylie also feels the orgasm approaching and takes charge. She rolls Blaire on her back so she can grind their clits together, ever faster and harder as the orgasm hits. And, Blaire is consumed with the feeling of Kylie taking control and wanting her completely. She can't stop announcing "I'm cumming" and "I love you" as she cums, until Kylie fills her mouth with her tongue again.

The grinding girls begin to slow down and enjoy kissing in their afterglow. They want to continue holding each other and feeling the soft, smooth, naked body against their own. They both are whispering "I love you" between their kisses.

Allie is still wild — maybe more so while watching the two beauties lying there nude and available for her. She crawls over to the bed, and while the girls are engaged in another long kiss, Allie reaches up and touches their pussies with her fingers. The girls don't want to quit kissing, but they acknowledge the touch and spread apart their legs so that Allie can continue to fondle them. Allie alternates between the girls — slowly licking from the base of the pussy up to the clit on one while slowly rubbing the other and just barely penetrating. She keeps switching back and forth between the girls and intensifying the strokes. The girls are content letting the warmth pass through their bodies while they continue kissing. But Allie can sense that their mood has changed. The kissing is a little more agitated and distracted; they each have a hand near their pussy to play with their clit some and to try and direct Allie's fingers and tongue some. Suddenly, Allie pushes her tongue deeply into Blair and pushes her fingers into Kylie as far as possible. Both girls stop kissing as they concentrate on objects immersed in their pussies and triggering their g-spots. First Kylie begins moaning rhythmically, and then Blair joins her in harmony as their orgasm paralyzes their minds.

After just nearly forever, Allie retreats from the gentle caves and pets around their pussy and their thighs while the girls recover. Then the two insatiable girls race to cover Allie's body with kisses. Allie leans back until she is flat on the ground and stretches out her arms and legs flat while the sexy women hover over her and kiss and lick them. The girls are boundless in their passion to give Allie the orgasm that she's wanted from them all night, and it's Allie's turn to cry out as she finally receives her satisfaction.

Ultimately, the three lovers slowly climb into the bed. They want to keep touching and kissing each other, but they're all too exhausted to do any more than that, and they happily fall asleep as they cuddle together, Allie in the center.
Published by morganj-16
1 year ago
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haiche 1 year ago
to morganj-16 : Total sexy stuff 
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morganj-16 Publisher 1 year ago
to haiche : Glad you like it. I've got about a hundred stories on Literotica.
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haiche 1 year ago
Beautiful stories you create 
morganj-16 Publisher 1 year ago
Sometimes I write a story based on a real experience -- sometimes mine and sometimes one another friend has told me about. But most of them are just fantasies. Lots of them, when I think about them, there are particular friends or actresses that I imagine in that role.