Life Update ..... Getting married
So a few people who know about myself and Sarah also know I plan to Marry her So on or About September 17 Her and I will be in Las Vegas the plan is to gett married by a precher man who looks like Elvis (Reason for the Preacher who looks like Elivs its from a song both Sarah and i love by Jason Aldean, Johnny Cash)Was the first song I sang her after a night of drinking . Sarah is my perfect Submissive partner . We also have Katie She lives with Sarah and I she too is coming to Vegas with us. BOTH Sarah and Katie are my live in 24/7 pet girls Both of them are Dog friendly and willing to do anything I request of them as they trust me totally . This year started off crappy family drama and such But great a Woman I had never met in person aka my online Sub SubmissivePuppy Woke my heart back up to feeling romantic love again during our long chats off here . She helped me get my Sarah . I owe MY GOOD DOGGIE more than I could ever repay her I will keep her name Private but my Valkyrja I love you and you will ever be apart of my heart ...
1 year ago