Писюн в маминых руках/Dick in mom's hands
Я был в 5м классе, мне было лет 10. Думаю вы знаете, что головка писюна не всегда откриваеться и крайняя плоть как бы прирастает к ней. Не знаю что пришло маме в голову, она решила этот момент проверить. Я как раз собирался купаться, она зашла, и говорит "Дайка я что-то проверю" присела на унитаз и наклонилась к моему писюну, двумя пальцами взяла его и попыталась открыть. У нее это не получилось, говорит "шкурочка должна отодвигатся больше, для этого надо делать "зарядку". (Надо обмолвится, на тот момент я уже знал что такое дрочить, активно этим занимался, читаете предыдущую историю). Сказала чтоб я сел в ванную, взяла писюн и начала потихоньку делать "зарядку". На тот момент мой писюн был немного больше ее указательного пальца, яички поджатие и не было ни одного волоска. Мама дрочила не торопливо, нежно. Я понимал, что она дрочит мне, но не видел в этом ничего плохого и у меня не было ни капли смущения. Спустя некоторое время я почувствовал надрыв и сильное жжение, и фразу "на сегодня хватит". Через пару деней она проверила и сказала, что надо продолжить. Я снова уселся в теплую воду, но на этот раз она сперва пощекотала мои лисий яички, и когда писюн начал расти приступила к "зарядке", еще немного надорвала. Последующие разы я уже делал "зарядку" сам под ее надзором.
I was in the 5th grade, I was about 10 years old. I think you know that the head of the penis does not always open and the foreskin seems to stick to it. I don’t know what came into my mother’s mind, she decided to check this moment. I was just about to bathe, she came in and said: “I need to check something,” sat on the toilet and leaned over to my cock, took it with two fingers and tried to open it. She didn’t succeed, she says, “the skin should move more, for this you need to do“ exercises ”. , took a member and began to slowly do "exercises". At that time, my penis was slightly larger than her index finger, the testicles were tightened and there was not a single hair. Mom masturbated slowly, gently. I understood that she was jerking off to me, but I did not see anything terrible in this and did not feel a bit of embarrassment. After a while, I felt longing and a strong burning sensation, as well as the phrase "enough for today." After a couple of days, she checked and said that we should continue. I again sat down in warm water, but this time she first tickled my fox testicles, and when the member began to grow, she began to "train", kicked a little more. The next time I did the "exercises" myself under it. supervision.
I was in the 5th grade, I was about 10 years old. I think you know that the head of the penis does not always open and the foreskin seems to stick to it. I don’t know what came into my mother’s mind, she decided to check this moment. I was just about to bathe, she came in and said: “I need to check something,” sat on the toilet and leaned over to my cock, took it with two fingers and tried to open it. She didn’t succeed, she says, “the skin should move more, for this you need to do“ exercises ”. , took a member and began to slowly do "exercises". At that time, my penis was slightly larger than her index finger, the testicles were tightened and there was not a single hair. Mom masturbated slowly, gently. I understood that she was jerking off to me, but I did not see anything terrible in this and did not feel a bit of embarrassment. After a while, I felt longing and a strong burning sensation, as well as the phrase "enough for today." After a couple of days, she checked and said that we should continue. I again sat down in warm water, but this time she first tickled my fox testicles, and when the member began to grow, she began to "train", kicked a little more. The next time I did the "exercises" myself under it. supervision.
1 year ago