Dildo (cock) Sucking.....New

For the next week, its mouth hole will be used and abused. It was instructed to write, "it is nothing but a cock/dildo sucking slave to have its mouth used and abused"....50 times....every day.

After its lines, slave inserted its "dildo gag" in its mouth and tied it in place. This is to be in its mouth all day, with a few exceptions when it can be removed. Very, very uncomfortable having a dildo all the way in all day long...lol. After a few minutes, the drool slowly started. Turning into a slow stream. After an hour, slave removed the gag, licking it clean. Then had breakfast. After brushing its teeth, it stuck the large dildo to the wall and worshipped the dildo....sucking and deep throating while playing with the clit for 30 minutes without cumming. When done, the dildo gag was inserted back in its mouth.

This is to be repeated all day when the dildo gag is removed....and every day for one week, unless company is over.

slave is still open for deep throating its dildo....
Published by gutterpig1
1 year ago
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oldjacker67 9 months ago
Why should company interrupt your training. They could comment on how well you are doing.
Neugierig61 1 year ago
Oooh yes love to watch you
gutterpig1 Publisher 1 year ago
to justfarmdoghank : Tomorrow slaves required tasks end. And it started a new post, as it can't leave a new comment here. 
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HDrider80 1 year ago
Piggy is instructed to get on its back and let that pussy be pumped for hours until piggy cums
Lookingfortrash 1 year ago
to gutterpig1 : It learned to beg.  The secret word.  Fuck yes pig cum. Cum like old faithful
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justfarmdoghank 1 year ago
Now so as to not intrude in some vary "nice " sounding play .do let me know when you have finished your "requirements"'.  I have a little thought or two and might enjoy seeing how you do ,(, and  naturally respond  to them)
gutterpig1 Publisher 1 year ago
So it did another day long session....first writing its lines, then fucking its cunt hard while sucking and deep throating its dildo....with a little change. It is instructed to repeat the deep throating and cunt fucking on every even hour for 20 minutes....without cumming. When done, the dildo gag was inserted in its mouth and tied in place until the next even hour. At the end of the afternoon (6 pm), its throat and mouth was sore. And still is, as it continues to do this today.  If anyone is reading this, can you please give it permission to cum? Please, may it cum?? 
Lookingfortrash 1 year ago
to gutterpig1 : Fuck no no cumming. One session and it thinks it deserves an orgasm?  Did it pound its cunt or just lie on that diildo?  Cumming has to be earned.  
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gutterpig1 Publisher 1 year ago
So it was instructed to fuck its cunt while deep throwing its dildo...After it wrote its lines and had breakfast, it insertd its dildo gag in its mouth and tied it in place. After three long hours and a very sore jaw, it removed the gag. After lunch, it attached one dildo to the wall and one to the floor. Then it sat on the dildo and started fucking its cunt while sucking and deep throating the other dildo. Tears flowed down its face and drool dripped. After 30 minutes of continuous fucking and sucking, Slave stopped.....and now is begging anyone who reads this......may slave please cum? Please, oh, please??

This will be repeated for the next 4 days. Once again.....may it please cum???
justfarmdoghank 1 year ago
and a vary fine post it is .. you have my attention ... you will vary likely find something from me soon .. 
justfarmdoghank 1 year ago
mmmmm now that is how to get ready for some weekend use.. vary nice... i do love some good long fourplay ..( someone is lucky to have others think of wonderful thing to  do to her .. cheers )