Oggi sono super felice, dopo molto tempo fatto di dialoghi e confronto siamo arrivati finalmente al giorno x, da oggi sono ufficialmente un marito felicemente cornuto.
E stato forte, ero presente, sono ancora sulle nuvole, meravigllioso.....
Today I'm super happy, after a long time made up of dialogues and comparisons we have finally arrived at day x, from today I am officially a happily cuckolded husband.
It was strong, I was there, I'm still in the clouds, wonderful.....
E stato forte, ero presente, sono ancora sulle nuvole, meravigllioso.....
Today I'm super happy, after a long time made up of dialogues and comparisons we have finally arrived at day x, from today I am officially a happily cuckolded husband.
It was strong, I was there, I'm still in the clouds, wonderful.....
1 year ago