My Ultimate Fantasy

Hello everyone my name is Snena and today wanted to share my ultimate fantasy’s. so this will not be a story off such just inner thoughts off my mind and my most ultimate fantasy’s.

Would be a creampie gangbang but with a lot off twists

So before I go any further yes I done gangbangs before yes I have been creampie gangbanged before

But never like this or the dynamics off it all

So size off the gangbang would be 8 to 10 friends or people that don’t mind getting a bit messy and can all go multiple rounds each like 4 or 5 rounds each

For me I have to book a hotel room to stay in for the night part off the dynamic off the scenario and twist will come in to play later

For them 1 off the 8-10 people to host the gangbang at they house again part off the dynamics off it all

Clothing that I have to wear black dress and black stockings heels and lingerie can be different colours but stockings and dress must be black again part off the dynamic it will show it off better

Now on to the good bits

Host has everyone come over before i arrive and has some party goodies there for me and just me once everyone is there the host then calls me who will be waiting in a hotel about 10-30 miles away

I book a taxi and get a taxi to the house

Once I arrive they fill me with the party goodies leaving just a little for the finish off the party

Then the fun begins
They all use me for multiple rounds I want my stockings ripped and laddered below my dress line want them all to cum in my ass at least once’s also want them to cum on my dress maybe 1 round each so that be 8-10 loads on my dress hence the black dress so when it drys in it can been seen

Also want them all to cum 1 round on my stockings bellow the dress line so that be another 8-10 loads

That’s 3 rounds off fucking and cuming

4th round want a mix off cum in my ass on my dress and stockings from hafe so be it 8 or 10 so like 4 loads one in my ass one on my dress one on my stockings and the other whare ever they like

he other 4 keep they last loads for close to end

Next up 2 out off the 8-10 people give me a golden shower can do all as I don’t want to be to wet and wash away the cum stains that have dried in over the course off the night

After that the 4 that keep they loads blow them over my face and down my dress they make me finish the party goods

And then call me a taxi tell the taxi the address and then throw me out in the street used and make me wait on the taxi covered in piss and cum and looking real used

I have to shamefully get a in taxi and walk back in to the hotel with the ripped stockings cum stains on my dress soaked in piss and cum on my face and cum stains on my stockings
Published by Horny_lopez
1 year ago
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bighucknchickn 1 year ago
to Horny_lopez : Oh yess I wants
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Horny_lopez Publisher 1 year ago
to bighucknchickn : wow you like my story Thanks baby i will make more stories if you wants
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bighucknchickn 1 year ago
Great story i want to see more dear. Please 