Sonia and Amy
When I was about ten, we moved house. The new house was situated directly across from the only junior high school in town. We had a thick hedge at the front of the yard, and I remember having fun many times, stripped naked and stroking my cock as students, parents and others walked past. I couldn’t say how many times I shot my load just feet away from some hot young schoolgirl. It was a brilliant place to live!
Junior High went for two years, from the ages of 10 or 11 through to 12 or 13, then it was off to high school. The high school I attended was less than a 10-minute walk and was situated a few blocks over, behind the junior high. A few hundred yards up the street was a walkway, between the junior high on one side, and the local hospital on the other. I walked that path every day, to and from school.
This event occurred during my second year of high school and, like all my other writings, is 100% true.
I normally walked to and from school with a friend named Paul. We were just friends, he wasn’t my type, but he was a good guy. We would talk about music or tv, or sometimes we would have in depth discussions about aliens or whatever. Or girls. Typical teenage boy stuff.
One afternoon, I think it was a Tuesday, we were walking home together. As we approached the end of the path, I noticed two girls sitting on the grass near the fence that separated the path from the junior high grounds. They were both young, eleven or twelve, and both wore the junior high uniform – a rather unflattering one-piece light blue checkered dress, short sleeved and finishing just above the knee.
As we got closer, they were both looking at us and talking in hushed giggly whispers, the silly way young girls do. Paul seemed oblivious to them, but I was watching them like a hawk. By the time we got close to them, they were only about ten feet from the fence, the conversation between them seemed over and, with nods of agreement, the older looking girl – a cute brunette with s short, cropped haircut, readied herself. She momentarily gathered some courage and rose up a little so her back was straight. I did not miss the fact that this girl had some very visible breasts under her shapeless uniform!
With a big smile on her face, and with a big wave, she yelled,
Paul seemed shocked, like he had only just noticed them. He didn’t break stride, nor did he acknowledge the girls at all. I, on the other hand replied with “Hi.”
The girls looked at each other and smiled, and the brunette asked our names. Paul again said nothing and, eyes in front, kept his pace. I replied, “I’m Michael.”
“I’m Sonia,” said the brunette, “And this is Amy.” The pretty girl with almost platinum blonde hair gave a little wave and then slumped down and tried her best to hide behind her more outgoing friend. They were so cute!
“Stop and talk to us” said Sonia, but with Paul there, and him obviously wanting nothing to do with members of the other sex, I was a little reluctant to stop…no matter how much I wanted to. I replied that we were sorry, we had to be somewhere, and continued walking. I did manage to glance back as we reached the end of the path and Sonia was still watching.
I definitely got a vibe off the girls, especially Sonia. I wished I had been alone!
The next few days I made every effort to walk home alone, and did a couple of times, but I didn’t see either of the girls again. One morning, with Paul in tow, we walked down my driveway and onto the street and there, less than 50 feet ahead and walking towards us was Sonia! A beaming smile flashed across her face.
“Hi Michael,” she said as we approached each other.
“Hi,” I replied as we passed each other.
She didn’t take her eyes off me as we passed, smiling all the time. I realized I was smiling back. She was very pretty. Her hair was done in a Pat Benatar style, with a fringe that hung down over her beautiful brown eyes. She had freckles across her nose and cheekbones, making her look super cute, and a very pretty smile. Definitely a cutie!
I couldn’t stop thinking about her all day, but the walk home proved fruitless.
As we had seen the girls on Tuesday afternoon, but not since, I wondered if they might be there on the next Tuesday. Monday’s walk home ended without seeing them, so I made sure I walked home alone on Tuesday. I had to lie to Paul and tell him I had to see one of the teachers after school. This meant I had to hang back after the bell, which also meant I was one of the last to leave school that afternoon. I certainly didn’t want anyone else to see me chatting to two young girls, but I was also running the risk of the girls having left by the time I got there.
As I entered the walkway, there were only a few others on the path, and they were way ahead of me. I continued, checking several times – there was no one behind me. Approaching halfway I saw the girls, sitting where they had been the week before. They were both looking my way and saw me as I saw them. I sped up a little, eager to see what would happen.
As I halved the distance between us, Sonia’s face beamed and she waved eagerly. I waved back. As I reached the girls, they both got up and walked to the fence.
“Hi Michael,” said Sonia.
“Hi,” I replied.
“We didn’t think we would see you today,” Sonia replied, “We’ve been waiting for ages. We asked your friend where you were, but he didn’t answer.”
I replied that he was shy and that I had told him I was going to be late today. I didn’t mention the reason – that I had hoped they would be there. Sonia told Amy to say hi and, after an embarrassed glance at her friend, Amy obliged. She was cute as well, with blue eyes and mousy features. Her bright blonde hair was shoulder length and bob-like. She was slim, with seemingly no breasts, but you could make out her hips and cute little ass. Sonia, on the other hand, certainly had very visible breasts and a nicely formed body, giving shape to her shapeless uniform.
We chatted harmlessly about school and whatever for a minute or two, with the girls exchanging glances at each other. At a slight lull in the conversation, I announced that I should probably get going and Sonia, with a slight panic in her tone, almost shouted,
She exchanged a look with Amy, who then seemed extremely interested in her shoes. It seemed Sonia was building up courage, so I asked her what was up.
“Ummm, we wanted to ask you something,” she said.
“Yes?” I replied.
“Well, you seem really nice…and you’re good looking…and we both like you…so…”
I waited.
“So…ummm…we were wondering…”
“Wondering what?” I asked.
“Ummm, we were wondering…” Sonia glanced over at Amy, who was still fixated on her shoes. No help would come from her, Sonia had to do it all. She steadied herself and looked down as she asked,
“So’ ummm, can we see your dick?”
I almost fell over! This cute little girl had just become my enabler! I couldn’t believe it. I had been obsessed with how I might be able to do some nasty things with one or both sexy girls and here was Sonia giving me the ultimate invitation. I played it cool.
“You what?” I asked, looking shocked.
Sonia’s reaction was one of shame and instant regret. She backed off a step and looked like she wanted to run. Damn! I had overplayed it!
“Hey, it’s ok” I said, in damage control mode.
Sonia looked up, her eyes almost teary, and I smiled at her. She smiled back, her confidence building a little and went into her own damage control.
“It’s just that, well, we’re curious, and you’re really nice…and you’re cute…and you’re a really nice guy…and you said hi to us….and…”
I smiled again and leant forward on the fence. I was now just a foot or so from the girls.
“I like you too, and you’re really cute – both of you.”
With that, Amy looked up, shocked. Her face flushed as her u*********s smile grew. Maybe she had never been admired. Sonia was definitely the alpha in the pair and had an appeal about her that just screamed “Soon to be a smoking hottie!,” but Amy was very pretty and dainty and girly.
“I’ll show you,” I said, “But not here!”
On the other side of the small field was the school pool, complete with changing rooms. I suggested we go there. Amy seemed a little apprehensive, she can’t have thought I was just going to whip it out right there! Maybe she did. She seemed a little unsure about going into the pool with this older guy they had only just met. Sonia was ok with the idea though. She grinned and nodded and eagerly agreed the changing room was an excellent choice.
I jumped the fence and together we headed across the field. The pool was surrounded by a six-foot-high wooden fence with a gate at one end of the west side facing the school. I looked around to make sure the coast was clear and opened the gate for the girls. I followed them through, and we headed to the girl’s changing room.
We stopped in the middle of the room, both girls standing side by side. They both looked nervous now, the gravity of the situation hitting them. We stared at each other for a moment in complete silence. The moment could be lost in an instant if I didn’t save it.
I looked around the room. It was a normal changing room, narrow, concrete floor and wooden bench seats running the length of both walls. I took off my bag and dropped it on the floor. Taking charge, I suggested the girls sit down on the bench and they nervously complied. They sat close, side by side, and I noticed Amy’s hand reach out to take Sonia’s. Amy was definitely scared and looked like she might be a flight risk at any second. Sonia was just staring at me, directly at my face. I smiled and she gave me an uneasy smile back.
“So,” I said, “Have either of you seen a dick before?”
Both remained silent, Amy shaking her head. Sonia mumbled that she had seen her brother’s, but he was a few years younger than her.
There was silence again, and nervous looks between all three of us. Finally, I decided to go for it. I told the girls what I was about to do with each step as I didn’t want them to freak out and run. Announcing I was going to unzip my shorts, I slowly undid the button and lowered my zipper. I then slid my shorts down to the end of my reach before telling the girls I was going to drop them to the floor. Letting them go, they fell to the floor, leaving me in just by briefs.
Both girls’ eyes were fixed on my underwear, tight enough to ensure the shape of my cock was clearly visible beneath the fabric. I was excited enough that my cock was receiving more blood than normal, but I was doing everything I could to stay soft. I briefly looked down to see a package I was quite happy with before looking back to the girls. They both looked like they had stopped breathing, eyes wide open and lips slightly apart as their eyes were locked on my mid-section.
I announced my intention to remove my underwear and I saw Amy grip Sonia’s hand tighter. I slipped my thumbs into the waistband and, very slowly, started lowering them. Both girls were transfixed as I lowered my underwear. Slowly, the base of my cock came into view. Their eyes widened as more of my soft cock was uncovered until, finally, with a gasp form Sonia, the tip of my cock sprung out and bounced slightly until coming to rest. I lowered my briefs completely and let them fall to meet my shorts on the floor.
And there I was – completely naked from the waist down with my cock on full show to these cute little girls. Amy had a look of fascinated shock on her face, eyes wide and mouth agape. Sonia’s eyes were also wide, but her parted lips had begun to form into a grin as they both stared at my exposed cock.
I couldn’t resist. As I watched these two girls staring breathlessly at my exposed cock, I reached down and slowly started stroking myself. If it was possible, the girls’ eyes seemed to widen even more, and I heard Amy utter an audible gasp. Sonia momentarily dragged her eyes away from me cock and looked up at me. Our eyes met, and I smiled at her. She returned my smile with a very horny grin and looked back down.
I asked the girls if they knew what happened when you rubbed a penis. Tiny shaking movements of their heads was the only response I got. I asked if they wanted to see and Sonia replied, “Oh yes!” Amy remained silent.
With permission granted, I held back no longer. Fully enjoying the experience of being half naked and playing with myself in front of two sexy young girls, I stopped repressing the urge to get hard. Stroking slowly, my cock began to grow. Both girls stared in increased fascination as my cock hardened in front of them.
“Oooooh!” moaned Sonia as her legs came together tightly. She began to move, to wiggle really, her legs rubbing very slightly against each other. My knowledge of the female body wasn’t extensive then, but I could tell by her grin that she must be reacting well to the show. She later told me her pussy had started tingling and that rubbing her thighs together whilst watching me had almost made her cum.
When I was fully hard, I stopped my stroking. I didn’t want to cum too soon! I placed my hands on my hips, lifting my shirt as I did, affording the girls a fantastic unobstructed view of my rock-hard cock. I was proud of my cock. Six inches in length, it looked bigger than that due to being quite thin and slightly built. I wiggled my hips gently, causing my cock to sway side to side. Sonia gasped and giggled a little at the sight. Amy, on the other hand, seemed like a deer in headlights. She hadn’t moved, or said anything other than a slight gasp, and her hand remained tightly gripped to Sonia’s.
I told the girls that if I continued to stroke I would cum and asked if they wanted to see that.
“Oh! We’d love to!” said Sonia with great enthusiasm.
Nothing from Amy, but her lips had parted more, and her breathing got heavier.
Holding my shirt up with one hand, the other gripped my hard cock again. I began to slowly stroke the full length, speeding up and slowing down, trying to put on the best show I could. I waved and jiggled my cock, ran my thumb over the tip, everything I could think of to make the show more spectacular.
As my speed increased, Sonia’s movements also quickened. Her free hand moved to her leg, and she began light stroking movements as her legs slid together. Amy’s breathing was now quite rapid, her eyes bulging, and her tongue was visible between her parted lips. The sight of the girls so affected pushed me over the edge. I announced my oncoming orgasm and, not wanting to freak them out by shooting my cum in their direction, I turned left so I was diagonally facing past Sonia – I thought she would be the most receptive to a load of cum shooting past her – and thrusted my hips as I frantically pumped my cock to fruition.
With one final flurry of rapid jerking, I groaned loudly and let loose. Both girls gasped as the first spurt of cum shot from my cock. Being a very horny teenage boy, I had some wonderfully powerful cumshots. This one was no exception, in fact, this was one of my best. I mean, who wouldn’t cum like a rocket in front of two sexy p*****n girls.
My first shot flew about three feet in the air and splashed against the wall and across the bench. It was quickly followed by five more, almost the same intensity, hitting the wall, the bench and the floor just a foot or so from Sonia’s leg. Another two smaller spurts followed, mostly landing on the floor. Amy’s mouth was wide open, and her flat chest heaved with heavy breathing. Her face was flushed bright red. Sonia’s right hand was pressed hard against her lower abdomen, her legs tight together. She was moaning and grinding her legs together, her face a sight of pure ecstasy.
We spent a minute or two, all three of us, motionless, absorbing the situation. Eventually, I was the first to do anything. I reached down and pulled my handkerchief out of my pocket and wiped the cum from my hand, then my cock. I stood there for a little longer, my softening cock on full view. Sonia had started to snap out of it, but Amy still had the same look on her face, although her breathing was coming back to normal. I reached down and pulled my underwear and shorts back up, tucked my handkerchief back into my pocket and zipped up my fly. Sonia looked up at me with the most amazing look. No one had ever looked at me like that and, I have to admit, my heart soared. We smiled at each other for what seemed like an eternity.
A loud bang snapped us out of our stupor. Only then did it occur to me that there might still be other people in the school. Sonia jumped up in an instant and ran to the door, peered around the corner, and urgently informed us the janitor had entered the gate. I looked down at the fresh cum everywhere. Sonia ran back and grabbed Amy’s hand. Amy still hadn’t moved and seemed to be completely oblivious to anything around her. She looked up with a startled look as Sonia pulled her up from the bench. She dragged the poor stumbling girl toward the door and peered out.
As luck would have it, the cleaner had started in the boy’s change room. As he disappeared into the room, we darted out, ran around the pool, and escaped through the gate. We all walked quickly in silence to the school’s main entrance. Both girls turned to face me, and Sonia smiled and thanked me. Amy smiled shyly as Sonia leaned forward and kissed me softly on my left cheek.
I watched as the girls headed down the street, looking back and waving as they went. I waved back, crossed the street, and stood at the bottom of my driveway. The girls looked back and waved a few more times until they reached the end of the street. With one final look back, we waved at each other.
Then they were gone.
Junior High went for two years, from the ages of 10 or 11 through to 12 or 13, then it was off to high school. The high school I attended was less than a 10-minute walk and was situated a few blocks over, behind the junior high. A few hundred yards up the street was a walkway, between the junior high on one side, and the local hospital on the other. I walked that path every day, to and from school.
This event occurred during my second year of high school and, like all my other writings, is 100% true.
I normally walked to and from school with a friend named Paul. We were just friends, he wasn’t my type, but he was a good guy. We would talk about music or tv, or sometimes we would have in depth discussions about aliens or whatever. Or girls. Typical teenage boy stuff.
One afternoon, I think it was a Tuesday, we were walking home together. As we approached the end of the path, I noticed two girls sitting on the grass near the fence that separated the path from the junior high grounds. They were both young, eleven or twelve, and both wore the junior high uniform – a rather unflattering one-piece light blue checkered dress, short sleeved and finishing just above the knee.
As we got closer, they were both looking at us and talking in hushed giggly whispers, the silly way young girls do. Paul seemed oblivious to them, but I was watching them like a hawk. By the time we got close to them, they were only about ten feet from the fence, the conversation between them seemed over and, with nods of agreement, the older looking girl – a cute brunette with s short, cropped haircut, readied herself. She momentarily gathered some courage and rose up a little so her back was straight. I did not miss the fact that this girl had some very visible breasts under her shapeless uniform!
With a big smile on her face, and with a big wave, she yelled,
Paul seemed shocked, like he had only just noticed them. He didn’t break stride, nor did he acknowledge the girls at all. I, on the other hand replied with “Hi.”
The girls looked at each other and smiled, and the brunette asked our names. Paul again said nothing and, eyes in front, kept his pace. I replied, “I’m Michael.”
“I’m Sonia,” said the brunette, “And this is Amy.” The pretty girl with almost platinum blonde hair gave a little wave and then slumped down and tried her best to hide behind her more outgoing friend. They were so cute!
“Stop and talk to us” said Sonia, but with Paul there, and him obviously wanting nothing to do with members of the other sex, I was a little reluctant to stop…no matter how much I wanted to. I replied that we were sorry, we had to be somewhere, and continued walking. I did manage to glance back as we reached the end of the path and Sonia was still watching.
I definitely got a vibe off the girls, especially Sonia. I wished I had been alone!
The next few days I made every effort to walk home alone, and did a couple of times, but I didn’t see either of the girls again. One morning, with Paul in tow, we walked down my driveway and onto the street and there, less than 50 feet ahead and walking towards us was Sonia! A beaming smile flashed across her face.
“Hi Michael,” she said as we approached each other.
“Hi,” I replied as we passed each other.
She didn’t take her eyes off me as we passed, smiling all the time. I realized I was smiling back. She was very pretty. Her hair was done in a Pat Benatar style, with a fringe that hung down over her beautiful brown eyes. She had freckles across her nose and cheekbones, making her look super cute, and a very pretty smile. Definitely a cutie!
I couldn’t stop thinking about her all day, but the walk home proved fruitless.
As we had seen the girls on Tuesday afternoon, but not since, I wondered if they might be there on the next Tuesday. Monday’s walk home ended without seeing them, so I made sure I walked home alone on Tuesday. I had to lie to Paul and tell him I had to see one of the teachers after school. This meant I had to hang back after the bell, which also meant I was one of the last to leave school that afternoon. I certainly didn’t want anyone else to see me chatting to two young girls, but I was also running the risk of the girls having left by the time I got there.
As I entered the walkway, there were only a few others on the path, and they were way ahead of me. I continued, checking several times – there was no one behind me. Approaching halfway I saw the girls, sitting where they had been the week before. They were both looking my way and saw me as I saw them. I sped up a little, eager to see what would happen.
As I halved the distance between us, Sonia’s face beamed and she waved eagerly. I waved back. As I reached the girls, they both got up and walked to the fence.
“Hi Michael,” said Sonia.
“Hi,” I replied.
“We didn’t think we would see you today,” Sonia replied, “We’ve been waiting for ages. We asked your friend where you were, but he didn’t answer.”
I replied that he was shy and that I had told him I was going to be late today. I didn’t mention the reason – that I had hoped they would be there. Sonia told Amy to say hi and, after an embarrassed glance at her friend, Amy obliged. She was cute as well, with blue eyes and mousy features. Her bright blonde hair was shoulder length and bob-like. She was slim, with seemingly no breasts, but you could make out her hips and cute little ass. Sonia, on the other hand, certainly had very visible breasts and a nicely formed body, giving shape to her shapeless uniform.
We chatted harmlessly about school and whatever for a minute or two, with the girls exchanging glances at each other. At a slight lull in the conversation, I announced that I should probably get going and Sonia, with a slight panic in her tone, almost shouted,
She exchanged a look with Amy, who then seemed extremely interested in her shoes. It seemed Sonia was building up courage, so I asked her what was up.
“Ummm, we wanted to ask you something,” she said.
“Yes?” I replied.
“Well, you seem really nice…and you’re good looking…and we both like you…so…”
I waited.
“So…ummm…we were wondering…”
“Wondering what?” I asked.
“Ummm, we were wondering…” Sonia glanced over at Amy, who was still fixated on her shoes. No help would come from her, Sonia had to do it all. She steadied herself and looked down as she asked,
“So’ ummm, can we see your dick?”
I almost fell over! This cute little girl had just become my enabler! I couldn’t believe it. I had been obsessed with how I might be able to do some nasty things with one or both sexy girls and here was Sonia giving me the ultimate invitation. I played it cool.
“You what?” I asked, looking shocked.
Sonia’s reaction was one of shame and instant regret. She backed off a step and looked like she wanted to run. Damn! I had overplayed it!
“Hey, it’s ok” I said, in damage control mode.
Sonia looked up, her eyes almost teary, and I smiled at her. She smiled back, her confidence building a little and went into her own damage control.
“It’s just that, well, we’re curious, and you’re really nice…and you’re cute…and you’re a really nice guy…and you said hi to us….and…”
I smiled again and leant forward on the fence. I was now just a foot or so from the girls.
“I like you too, and you’re really cute – both of you.”
With that, Amy looked up, shocked. Her face flushed as her u*********s smile grew. Maybe she had never been admired. Sonia was definitely the alpha in the pair and had an appeal about her that just screamed “Soon to be a smoking hottie!,” but Amy was very pretty and dainty and girly.
“I’ll show you,” I said, “But not here!”
On the other side of the small field was the school pool, complete with changing rooms. I suggested we go there. Amy seemed a little apprehensive, she can’t have thought I was just going to whip it out right there! Maybe she did. She seemed a little unsure about going into the pool with this older guy they had only just met. Sonia was ok with the idea though. She grinned and nodded and eagerly agreed the changing room was an excellent choice.
I jumped the fence and together we headed across the field. The pool was surrounded by a six-foot-high wooden fence with a gate at one end of the west side facing the school. I looked around to make sure the coast was clear and opened the gate for the girls. I followed them through, and we headed to the girl’s changing room.
We stopped in the middle of the room, both girls standing side by side. They both looked nervous now, the gravity of the situation hitting them. We stared at each other for a moment in complete silence. The moment could be lost in an instant if I didn’t save it.
I looked around the room. It was a normal changing room, narrow, concrete floor and wooden bench seats running the length of both walls. I took off my bag and dropped it on the floor. Taking charge, I suggested the girls sit down on the bench and they nervously complied. They sat close, side by side, and I noticed Amy’s hand reach out to take Sonia’s. Amy was definitely scared and looked like she might be a flight risk at any second. Sonia was just staring at me, directly at my face. I smiled and she gave me an uneasy smile back.
“So,” I said, “Have either of you seen a dick before?”
Both remained silent, Amy shaking her head. Sonia mumbled that she had seen her brother’s, but he was a few years younger than her.
There was silence again, and nervous looks between all three of us. Finally, I decided to go for it. I told the girls what I was about to do with each step as I didn’t want them to freak out and run. Announcing I was going to unzip my shorts, I slowly undid the button and lowered my zipper. I then slid my shorts down to the end of my reach before telling the girls I was going to drop them to the floor. Letting them go, they fell to the floor, leaving me in just by briefs.
Both girls’ eyes were fixed on my underwear, tight enough to ensure the shape of my cock was clearly visible beneath the fabric. I was excited enough that my cock was receiving more blood than normal, but I was doing everything I could to stay soft. I briefly looked down to see a package I was quite happy with before looking back to the girls. They both looked like they had stopped breathing, eyes wide open and lips slightly apart as their eyes were locked on my mid-section.
I announced my intention to remove my underwear and I saw Amy grip Sonia’s hand tighter. I slipped my thumbs into the waistband and, very slowly, started lowering them. Both girls were transfixed as I lowered my underwear. Slowly, the base of my cock came into view. Their eyes widened as more of my soft cock was uncovered until, finally, with a gasp form Sonia, the tip of my cock sprung out and bounced slightly until coming to rest. I lowered my briefs completely and let them fall to meet my shorts on the floor.
And there I was – completely naked from the waist down with my cock on full show to these cute little girls. Amy had a look of fascinated shock on her face, eyes wide and mouth agape. Sonia’s eyes were also wide, but her parted lips had begun to form into a grin as they both stared at my exposed cock.
I couldn’t resist. As I watched these two girls staring breathlessly at my exposed cock, I reached down and slowly started stroking myself. If it was possible, the girls’ eyes seemed to widen even more, and I heard Amy utter an audible gasp. Sonia momentarily dragged her eyes away from me cock and looked up at me. Our eyes met, and I smiled at her. She returned my smile with a very horny grin and looked back down.
I asked the girls if they knew what happened when you rubbed a penis. Tiny shaking movements of their heads was the only response I got. I asked if they wanted to see and Sonia replied, “Oh yes!” Amy remained silent.
With permission granted, I held back no longer. Fully enjoying the experience of being half naked and playing with myself in front of two sexy young girls, I stopped repressing the urge to get hard. Stroking slowly, my cock began to grow. Both girls stared in increased fascination as my cock hardened in front of them.
“Oooooh!” moaned Sonia as her legs came together tightly. She began to move, to wiggle really, her legs rubbing very slightly against each other. My knowledge of the female body wasn’t extensive then, but I could tell by her grin that she must be reacting well to the show. She later told me her pussy had started tingling and that rubbing her thighs together whilst watching me had almost made her cum.
When I was fully hard, I stopped my stroking. I didn’t want to cum too soon! I placed my hands on my hips, lifting my shirt as I did, affording the girls a fantastic unobstructed view of my rock-hard cock. I was proud of my cock. Six inches in length, it looked bigger than that due to being quite thin and slightly built. I wiggled my hips gently, causing my cock to sway side to side. Sonia gasped and giggled a little at the sight. Amy, on the other hand, seemed like a deer in headlights. She hadn’t moved, or said anything other than a slight gasp, and her hand remained tightly gripped to Sonia’s.
I told the girls that if I continued to stroke I would cum and asked if they wanted to see that.
“Oh! We’d love to!” said Sonia with great enthusiasm.
Nothing from Amy, but her lips had parted more, and her breathing got heavier.
Holding my shirt up with one hand, the other gripped my hard cock again. I began to slowly stroke the full length, speeding up and slowing down, trying to put on the best show I could. I waved and jiggled my cock, ran my thumb over the tip, everything I could think of to make the show more spectacular.
As my speed increased, Sonia’s movements also quickened. Her free hand moved to her leg, and she began light stroking movements as her legs slid together. Amy’s breathing was now quite rapid, her eyes bulging, and her tongue was visible between her parted lips. The sight of the girls so affected pushed me over the edge. I announced my oncoming orgasm and, not wanting to freak them out by shooting my cum in their direction, I turned left so I was diagonally facing past Sonia – I thought she would be the most receptive to a load of cum shooting past her – and thrusted my hips as I frantically pumped my cock to fruition.
With one final flurry of rapid jerking, I groaned loudly and let loose. Both girls gasped as the first spurt of cum shot from my cock. Being a very horny teenage boy, I had some wonderfully powerful cumshots. This one was no exception, in fact, this was one of my best. I mean, who wouldn’t cum like a rocket in front of two sexy p*****n girls.
My first shot flew about three feet in the air and splashed against the wall and across the bench. It was quickly followed by five more, almost the same intensity, hitting the wall, the bench and the floor just a foot or so from Sonia’s leg. Another two smaller spurts followed, mostly landing on the floor. Amy’s mouth was wide open, and her flat chest heaved with heavy breathing. Her face was flushed bright red. Sonia’s right hand was pressed hard against her lower abdomen, her legs tight together. She was moaning and grinding her legs together, her face a sight of pure ecstasy.
We spent a minute or two, all three of us, motionless, absorbing the situation. Eventually, I was the first to do anything. I reached down and pulled my handkerchief out of my pocket and wiped the cum from my hand, then my cock. I stood there for a little longer, my softening cock on full view. Sonia had started to snap out of it, but Amy still had the same look on her face, although her breathing was coming back to normal. I reached down and pulled my underwear and shorts back up, tucked my handkerchief back into my pocket and zipped up my fly. Sonia looked up at me with the most amazing look. No one had ever looked at me like that and, I have to admit, my heart soared. We smiled at each other for what seemed like an eternity.
A loud bang snapped us out of our stupor. Only then did it occur to me that there might still be other people in the school. Sonia jumped up in an instant and ran to the door, peered around the corner, and urgently informed us the janitor had entered the gate. I looked down at the fresh cum everywhere. Sonia ran back and grabbed Amy’s hand. Amy still hadn’t moved and seemed to be completely oblivious to anything around her. She looked up with a startled look as Sonia pulled her up from the bench. She dragged the poor stumbling girl toward the door and peered out.
As luck would have it, the cleaner had started in the boy’s change room. As he disappeared into the room, we darted out, ran around the pool, and escaped through the gate. We all walked quickly in silence to the school’s main entrance. Both girls turned to face me, and Sonia smiled and thanked me. Amy smiled shyly as Sonia leaned forward and kissed me softly on my left cheek.
I watched as the girls headed down the street, looking back and waving as they went. I waved back, crossed the street, and stood at the bottom of my driveway. The girls looked back and waved a few more times until they reached the end of the street. With one final look back, we waved at each other.
Then they were gone.
1 year ago