The hitch hiker
I was on my way out to my favorite fishing spot just cursing when I noticed a big black guy standing at the side of the road trying to catch a ride. This wasn't a good area for a black guy to be trying to get a ride, so I slowed down and turned around pulled up to him and asked where he needed to go. He smiled and said anywhere off this hot ass road would be great, so I said come on get in we'll do something about that for sure! As he got in I told him I was on my way to do a little fishing to kick back cool off and let me know if he saw a place that he wanted to be let off! As I drove I glanced over while talking to see him stroking a monster that hung down his pants leg almost to his knee. He said if it was alright with me he would just ride along and watch me fish for awhile, sliding a little further down in the seat. We were approaching my turn off going into my fishing area I asked again if he was sure he wanted to watch me fish and he said hell yea. So off we went down the dirt road into my fishing area, he said man this is really remote out here you could probably do anything you wanted here? He said excuse me I got a real itch here I hope you don't mind as he pulled his sweat pants down plopping out his monster and began stroking it with long slow strokes. I almost lost control of my truck as I glanced over to see what he had released his big balls were like tennis balls as he shook his anaconda that was already awake and seemed to have a mind of it's own. He said maybe you should pull over, maybe you can help me with this itch. There was a side road coming up and I pulled off stopped to turn in the seat to get a good look at what he released and see what he had in mind. He asked if I liked what I saw saying don't answer that just kiss it make it feel better as he slow stroked at least a foot of black milk meat. I was tongued ted all I could do was lean over to lick that big head of this big black monster. He said all you white boys are alike I learned in prison so get down here and suck my balls dry you sweet little cock sucker. That big nigger cock was all I had on my mind I leaned over to attempt to get the big head in my mouth (which was a chore in it self) it was plum size but after a little licking I ma naged to get it in and began to slow suck getting a little reward right away. He get comfortable cock sucker cause these balls haven't been milked since I got out of prison. I said I don't know if I can do it as I started sucking trying to milk him off. I thought he must have drove them crazy in prison feeding them this monster, just then it began to throb letting me know I was about to be feed, wow what a load pulse after pulse of tasty black milk. I managed to suck till the very last pulse. Guess what he wasn't through as I backed off letting the big cock head slid from my lips he said get back down there cock sucker there is more hot cock milk just for you! He said this nigger will let you know when he's finished feeding you so back to work put those sweet lips back to work suck all that cum over load out drain my balls! Dam that big cock seemed to be getting bigger as I licked it but I was in a trance all I wanted was more milk. All afternoon he kept me busy milking off those big balls and my jaw was getting sore three loads and still more to be milked. This time he let me jack it a little to give my over worked lips a brake, his big balls were hanging a little lower with each milking causing it to take a little longer to suck seed. I thought I won't won't to see anything else for at least a week if I can get through this, just as the sun was beginning to set he said "good enough cock sucker" take me back to where you found me drop me off, see you next week same time same place for your next feeding!
1 year ago