My Wife A Stripper? No Way, Or So I Thought! PT 1
First, let me describe to you, my sexy gorgeous wife. She stands 5' 6" tall, has Big blue eyes, long raven auburn hair, large firm natural 36D breasts, and a hot curvaceous body with a nice round ass. Heads turn wherever she goes!
Please forgive me but, I thought it best to put a timeline to the story, of how all the events of our "Night Out" turned out for my wife.
As my story begins my wife and I made plans earlier in the week to have my parents watch our two sons this coming Saturday night. It's been a while since we last made the time to have a much-needed hot night together, alone without being interrupted by one of our sons!
It was now 6:00 pm, Saturday night.
It was time for me to make the drive over to my parent's house to drop off the boys. My wife was just finishing up packing their pajamas along with everything else they needed for an overnight stay at their grandparent's house.
During the drive over I knew by now my wife was trying on some of her hot outfits at home, eventually choosing the right one to wear for me tonight.
I parked my car in my parent's driveway, said my hello's, and told the boys to be on their best behavior during their sleepover at their grandparent's house tonight.
I hugged them and told them I'll be back in the morning to pick them up. My father said, "I'll drive them back to your house in the morning after they have their breakfast" I thanked him for suggesting and offering to do that.
It was now 6:45 pm
When I returned home, I entered through the inside garage door and found my wife half-dressed in her sexiest undergarments that included a 1/4 cup open demi-bra, garter belt, and black seam stockings. She was on the phone talking to someone. After she hung up the phone I asked her, "Who was that on the phone?"
She said, "That was Joanna, we have a change of plans for tonight. Joanna's coming over and the three of us are going out to one of the dance clubs tonight" I replied, "Oh, Ok If that's what you want us to do, it's ok with me, I guess!"
I was thinking to myself I hope it's not a late night out, I'm horny and I know my wife Jean is horny too. I'll just have to wait until we go home so we can still do "our thing" as planned.
My wife's friendship with Joanna began when we moved into our new house a few years ago but Joanna was her favorite go-to “party buddy” ever since Joanna and her husband separated ending in a divorce. There are no secrets between us.
You see, my wife just turned 19 when we got married, I was 21. We remained faithful to one another until some time just after our seventh anniversary, aka (the seven-year itch).
The sexual experience she gained over the years with me, and the way she matured as a woman had sparked a certain curiosity in her to explore the advances of other men. She wanted to know for herself just how good she really was in the sack and I knew the only way for us to find out was for her to be with another man, to finally take the plunge. I didn’t have a problem with that as the thought of my wife with another man has always excited us both.
Joanna has known shortly after our friendship began that my wife has the "green light", free to enjoy the pleasures of having sex with other guys whenever she wants and as long as I know about it! So far she's only been with six other guys, multiple times with or without me being there. One of those guys is as my wife calls him a "keeper." She hooks up with him at least two times a month, more or less!
It was now about 7:30 pm
Joanna just arrived at our house. My wife greeted her at the front door. From there, my wife and Joanna headed upstairs, I remained in our family room watching a baseball game on the TV.
When my wife and Joanna returned from upstairs I was blown away by how hot they looked. They were both wearing tight body-hugging micro mini dresses, stockings, garter belts, and high heel shoes. My wife's mini dress was one of her favorites, gold lame' that hugged her curves leaving nothing to the imagination, she looked absolutely stunning! My wife told me she was also wearing a skimpy little black lace G-string. Joanna was wearing one of my wife's black micro-mini dresses also with stockings, a garter belt, and high heel shoes. The two of them looked absolutely amazing!
It was now 8:30 pm.
Off we went! Destination: One of the most popular posh dance clubs in the state we live in.
It was now 9:00 pm.
When we arrived at the club the bouncers at the door knew Joanna well, knowing she was seeing one of the bartenders that work there. I'm happy to say the $20.00 per person cover charge was waived for all three of us. As we entered the club we moved through the crowd and found a place to sit at the bar. They ordered mixed drinks, I ordered a Diet Coke since I volunteered to be their designated driver for the night.
The bartender Joanna was dating gave us our drinks for free.
My wife and Joanna finished two rounds of mixed drinks then off to the dance floor they went. I remained seated at the bar still sipping on my diet coke. I had a pretty good view of the dance floor but being so crowded I could hardly find my wife and Joanna dancing within the crowd of people.
About a half-hour later my wife and Joanna returned from dancing. Except for a couple of guys tagging along behind them. My wife gave me the look that meant I had to pretend I didn't know her. Ok I thought, this is harmless, I can play this game as I have done so in the past.
The two guys bought the girls another round of drinks. They chatted for a while and I could hardly hear what they were saying over the loud music. The four of them left and went back out on the dance floor. I ordered another diet Coke. It appeared the bartender friend of Joanna knew what was going on, he didn't have to say anything, just laughed waving his hand at me, the next diet Coke was free.
It was now 10:30 pm
My wife and Joanna had enough, they wanted to leave. In the car, my wife told me that the guy she was dancing with asked for her number. She laughed saying she gave him the wrong number. I asked them, "Where to now ladies?" My wife shrugged her head as if to say she has no clue where we should go, and neither did I. She turned towards Joanna for an answer.
Joanna said, "Let's just go to a bar that's not too far from your house". I said, "Which one?" She turned towards my wife and whispered something in her ear. I couldn't make out what she said but I heard my wife say, "Oh, I don't know about that, are you serious?" Joanna commented loud enough for me to hear what she said next, "Oh, come on Jean you can do it, we'll do it together, it will be fun!"
Obviously, Joanna is trying to convince my wife to do something with her but what?, What is she talking about? I have to ask!
"Joanna, what the hell are you talking about?" I said.
My wife replied, "Joanna wants us to go to that new strip club in the industrial park near our house and strip dance together on stage"
"WHAT?", Are you joking me?" I replied. "No, she's not joking" My wife replied.
I'm thinking, wow that would be so hot watching my wife do a strip dance in front of a bunch of horny guys, all strangers in that new strip club. Now I'm on Joanna's side, trying to convince my wife to actually do it.
I said, "I have an idea, why don't we go there like we're just there to watch the strippers? What do you think?"
Joanna said, "That sounds like a good idea, I do know the owner there. My ex-husband and I went there a few times to watch the strippers. The owner said I have the body to be a stripper and I could make a lot of money strip dancing. I told him maybe, someday I'll give it a try"
heard my wife say to Joanna "You can do it, I'm not doing it" Even though my wife fools around on the side with other guys she's very private about what she does.
I said "Let's do this, when we get there you two go inside, I'll follow a few minutes later like you don't know me. I'll sit at the bar far enough away from you both. Sound like a plan?"
My wife said, "Why do you want to do that?" I replied, "Just in case the two of you decide to, you know, do it, strip dance!" Joanna thought that was a great idea. My wife raised her eyebrows at me and I heard a Hmmm from her, whatever that meant.
It was now 11:00 pm.
When we got there I parked the car and lit up a little happiness before we go inside to calm their nerves, actually, my wife's nerves.
My wife took it from me just as soon as I lit it up. She took a few deep hits before passing it over to Joanna. The two of them smoked all my weed, nothing left for me. I'm cool with that knowing there is a stronger possibility my wife might go through with this and strip dance in front of a group of guys. I hope so!
Before stepping out of the car I heard Joanna say, "Ok, here we go!" My wife still in the back seat told me she was so high from smoking all that happiness. She asked me if she should do it or not, I told her how gorgeous she is and how hot she looked in the outfit she was wearing. She replied, "Is that a yes?" I said, "Absolutely a yes, go for it."
As she stepped out of the car she leaned in smiling back at me and said, "Maybe I will do it, you would like that wouldn't you cuckyboy?" She shut the car door before I had the chance to reply to what she just said to me. They headed towards the strip club's entrance doors and went inside.
It was now 11:30 pm.
I waited about five minutes before going inside. When I walked inside I noticed a decent size mixed crowd of guys there, about twenty-five to thirty guys give or take, along with a few black guys and some older white guys. I grabbed an empty seat at the end of the bar. A stripper was dancing on the stage. I said to myself she's not nearly as hot looking as my wife is.
I looked around and notice my wife and Joanna were talking to what appeared to be the club owner or the manager. Their conversation went on for at least another five minutes. The guy gave Joanna a hug and shook my wife's hand. Hmmm, I wondered, does that mean they're going to do it? Strip dance on stage in front of all these guys? I sure hope so!
The anticipation was killing me, I ordered a glass of scotch on the rocks! I gulped it all down and ordered another one, to calm my own nerves.
I noticed the two of them had walked over by the DJ booth talking to a middle-aged DJ. He kept nodding his head at whatever they were talking about. No sooner than that the stripper on stage had just finished her routine. The owner went over to the DJ booth. He turned to the crowd with a microphone in hand and said. "Guys, can I have your attention please?", it got quiet as everyone was about to listen up to what he had to say.
Here's what he said, "Good evening gentlemen, Thank you all for coming here tonight. I do hope you all have been enjoying tonight's show so far.
I have good news! I have two new first-time gorgeous strippers for your entertainment and viewing pleasure tonight, I'm counting on all of you guys to give praise should I decide to hire these two fine ladies or not, so allow me to introduce to you, "Gina and Joey". Some of the guys stood up and cheered them on"
I can't believe what I just heard, OMG they're doing it, my wife ok "Gina" is about to strip dance in front of all these guys. I thought that was so cool that they came up with those stripper names.
It was now Sunday at 12:00 am.
As they stepped up on the stage a song began playing by The Pussy Cat Dolls, "Buttons" Good choice, a perfect warm-up song. All eyes were on Gina & Joey.
I must say that my wife (haha) "Gina" is not new to strip dancing. She did a lot of that for my eyes only over the past few years in the privacy of our house. A few on video, pretending to be a real stripper in front of a room full of horny guys, and in doing so I must say, she really is very good at it. Well, in my opinion!
My wife smoked this song in a very sensuous way that really got the crowd cheering her on. I wasn't surprised Joanna (aka, Joey) was dancing more as she dances at a dance club.
I heard one guy say, talking about my wife, "Who is that girl?, she's so fucking hot" Another guy said, talking about my wife, "She really knows how to rock that hot body, she must be a professional stripper, she has to be". A guy standing next to him said, "I agree, she's no amateur that's for sure"
Joanna looked over at my wife a few times with a look of surprise and envy on her face, she appeared to be amazed as my wife had all the right stripper dance moves going on. And to make matters worse for Joanna, my wife "Gina" was getting most of the attention from the crowd of guys.
As the next song begin to play it had to be another one of my wife's choices when they were talking to the DJ earlier. A song by Rihanna, "Kiss It Better". The guys went nuts the way my wife "Gina" was working that song. Nothing held back, she was using the pole grinding her pussy up against the pole then bending at her waist gripping her ankles, and wiggling her butt up against the pole and towards the crowd. That did it! The guys began hollering "Take it off baby, take it all off" Turning her back to the crowd my wife grabbed the short hem of her tight shiny gold mini dress and started teasing them, pulling the dress up a little, then back down. She turned to the crowd, leaned in a little, extending both her arms, palms up, with that "come on" hands wiggling as if to say "Give me more money and I'll take it off"
I noticed off to the side right behind me two of the club's regular strippers just staring at my wife. I turned towards them and said "She has to be a pro" They both replied "We think so too, she's amazing and she knows what she's doing, she's definitely a pro"
Well, as I turned back around, the guys began to give my stripper wife "Gina" a lot of cash, $5. and $10. dollar bills like it were nothing. She must have at least a couple of hundred dollars by now, maybe more. She placed a pile of cash on the floor behind her.
My wife turned back around facing the crowd and in a very slow cock teasing way, rocking her hips side to side she lifted the dress up and over her head and took it off. She turned around holding her dress up covering the upper part of her body, what a tease! She walked closer to the crowd of guys and tossed her mini dress into the crowd of guys. She danced stepping back towards to center of the stage.
I thought to myself, "Oh No, that was her, and one of my favorite little mini dresses she just tossed away"
All she had on now was her black 1/4 cup open demi-bra, matching black garter belt, black lace G-string, black seamed stockings, and high heel shoes. She looked stunning wearing just those few skimpy little items on stage.
My wife danced through three more hot songs, 50 Cent - "Shake Dat Ass", Pitbull Ft Jennifer Lopez - "Sexy Body", and another 80's song by George Michael - "I want your sex." In doing so she proudly flaunted her 36D boobs and her sexy ass dancing around the stage teasing the crowd of guys rocking her hips, and using the stripper pole with her every move.
Her audience of onlookers was mesmerized by her. She took complete control of the crowd of guys. I was so impressed by how incredible she took to real strip dancing, just like a pro in front of a room full of horny guys.
As the next song began paying by, Paula Cole, "Feelin' Love". Nice choice, a sexy slow song! My wife got down on the stage floor sitting on her behind. I knew right away what she was about to do. Facing the crowd she lifted her body up arching her back up and down leaning back on her arms, knees up balanced on her high heel shoes. She began spreading her legs open and closed teasing, flashing her sheer lace pussy covered G-string at the crowd of guys. The lace G-string is sheer enough to tell she shaves her pussy.
They were going nuts and showing it by tossing more money at her!
By this time the crowd of guys gathered in front of my wife, many of which were pushing and shoving one another to get a closer "Birds-eye view."
On purpose, my wife moved her body closer nearest to the end of the stage within a couple of feet from the crowd of guys as she continued to spread her legs open and closed still flashing her pussy covered lace G-string at them. Again, but this time everyone was saying "Gina, take it off, take it off, Gina"
My wife stood back up on her high heels. She turned around with her gorgeous ass facing the crowd. She took off her bra and tossed it onto the stage floor. With her now bareback to the crowd, she placed her thumbs on each side of her black lace G-string, she teased them repeatedly by wiggling her sexy ass, sliding the narrow elastic band of her G-String down to the top of her thighs, then back up again bending at her waist. The crowd of guys continued cheering her on to take off her G-string.
My wife turned around now exposing her bare 36D breasts to the crowd of horny guys. There she was, my wife, standing there nearly naked from the waist up in front of a bunch of horny guys urging her on to take off her G-string, about to expose her shaved pussy for all to see. At that moment I was equally if not more turned on by my stripper wife urging on as well to take it off.
I should have mentioned earlier as all the attention was on my wife, "Gina" Joanna quietly slipped off the stage. Being best friends I'm sure Joanna didn't mind it at all.
It was then that I noticed two distinguished-looking gentlemen, mid to late '30s dressed in what appears to me, very expensive suits. They were walking towards the stage where my wife was entertaining the crowd of guys. One thing I do know, these two suits are not cops, cops don't wear expensive suits that's for sure. I'm thinking who the fuck are these two guys anyway?
Well, that was impressive. The crowd gave way for these two guys. I saw them stuff a hand full of $100. bills in and around my wife's G-string. Now I'm thinking more seriously about who are they. Well, I'm sure I'll find out later.
Wow, my wife is now becoming a lot more aggressive on stage, rubbing the $100 bills tucked in her sheer lace-covered shaved pussy G-string.
Another song began playing and I'm sure this song was one of my wife's requests earlier. She stripped and danced to this song a few times in the privacy of our house. A song by Kirsty MacColl - "In These Shoes" and when that song ended another song began to play, A classic 80's song by Phil Collins - "In the air tonight" One thing became obvious to me, the DJ's timing is spot on knowing what song to play and when to play it!
She took the hand full of $100. bills and quickly stacked them on top of the pile of money she already had. What she did next was her own doing. She crawled on all fours back in front of the crowd of guys. Then she spun herself around on her butt facing the crowd. She leaned back and raised her legs high up in the air over her head giving everyone a view of her naked ass.
The crowd of guys went silent in anticipation of what they hoped was about to come next. My wife didn't disappoint them either.
With both hands she began peeling off her G-String, legs together raised high up in the air she worked the G-String up and over her high heel shoes one leg at a time flashing her shaved pussy, now completely exposed for all to see. All that remained on her was the garter belt, stockings, and high heel shoes.
Quickly, she glanced at me with her big blue eyes, she nodded her head at me giving me a quick wink, I just smiled back at her, my beautiful stripper wife..."Gina!"
Still sitting on her naked butt on the stage floor she raised her left leg up on one knee, completely exposing her shaved pussy lips to the crowd. With her right hand, she began rubbing her pussy to the sounds of another classic 80's song that just began playing by, "Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Relax" which just happens to be one of our favorite songs whenever we're together, getting it on.
The crowd went bonkers in disbelief. I heard one guy say he'll give her $10. bucks for her G-String. Another guy yelled out $20. bucks. Then another guy yelled out $30. bucks.
My wife spoke out and said, "The highest bidder gets my pussy scented wet G-string" Well that did it, a bidding war just started for her moist pussy scented G-String" I heard $50., $75. and more.
But then I thought I saw it all. One of those two guys wearing a suit that stuffed her G-String earlier with $100. bills held up ten more hundred bills, $1,000 for her G-string. Not another word was spoken, the guys went silent. My wife's expression on her face was that of disbelief, puzzled, and perhaps a hint of being a little scared of this guy whoever he is. I was too!
He handed her the ten, $100. bills took the G-string and whispered something to her. I wasn't that close to the stage within the crowd of guys however I was able to read her lips, she replied with a quick nod of her head, "OK" She looked at me as if to say "Ut oh" All I did was shrug my shoulders in a "whatever" kind of way to what just happened.
She got up and walked her naked ass back over to the pole. Just as she got there a song began to play by Rhianna, "Sexuality" My wife remained at the pole doing her thing in all her hotness, whatever she had left until the song had ended.
It was now Sunday at 1:00 am.
I'm thinking my wife just completed two half-hour strip dance sets on stage, a double shift! Probably because she wasn't aware of how long strippers dance or maybe because of how good she was strip dancing on stage tonight. The crowd loved it and so did I. A lot!
The DJ announced he would play one last song for all Gina's new fans. A song began to play by, Billy Squier - "Everybody wants you" Rock n Roll Baby. My wife pranced around the stage dancing to the song, bending at her hips, flashing her naked pussy, her tits, and her sexy naked ass at all of the guys. I overheard a few of the guys yelling out, "We love you, Gina, you're the best"
The owner walked over to the DJ booth and once again, he spoke over the microphone and told the crowd of guys that was the last song of the night. He asked them what they thought of the new girls. They yelled out loudly "Gina, Gina, Gina" followed by a big round of applause for my wife, "Gina" She couldn't be happier, nor could I. With her two hands on her lips, she blew them a big kiss.
Since it was the last song of the night the crowd began to leave but not before a few "Thank you guys telling her she was one of the best strippers they have ever seen. All she could say was "Thank you, thank you all."
My wife graciously walked off the stage. She went over to the DJ booth to thank him. He said, "Anytime Gina, you did real good" She just smiled.
My wife and I including Joanna were allowed to go into one of the back rooms where the strippers stay in between shifts. The room was empty. Joanna told us her friend Jackie will be here in a few minutes to take her home to her apartment. At least Joanna was still wearing the dress she was wearing when we got there. A few minutes later Jackie arrived and took Joanna home. I'm sure they have a lot to talk about regarding tonight's crazy events.
My wife on the other hand had tossed away her dress, bra, and of course her G-String. Lucky for my wife I was there to drive her home in a few minutes wearing only the Garterbelt, Stockings, and High heel shoes. I offered her my shirt to cover her up but in a teasing me kind of way she said, "NO, I don't mind if you don't?" I replied, "You little slut" We both laughed.
I couldn't wait to go home with my stripper wife "Gina" and probably have the best sex ever but I thought it would best to wait at least another fifteen more minutes for the entire crowd to leave. My wife agreed!
I was so horny and since we were all alone waiting around in an empty room for the crowd to leave, I began playing with my wife's wet pussy. Spreading her legs she told me to finger fuck her. But then, the owner walked in and said something to my wife, and then he left.
I asked her what did he say? She said stay right here I'll be back don't go anywhere! I said I'll be right here, don't worry about it" Five minutes later, ten minutes later, more than a half-hour later my wife has not come back yet! (getting worried)
It was now Sunday at 2:00 am.
I couldn't take it any longer, I left the room, the club was empty except for the owner cleaning up the back of the bar. I asked him where my wife went. He said, "That's your wife? I thought all along you were just a fan or maybe her boyfriend of her's certainly not her husband"
"Well now that you know I'm her husband where is she?" I said in a stern voice.
He glanced over to a door across the room as if to say, she's in there. I started walking in that direction, he didn't stop me.
When I got there I tried to open the door, but it was locked. So I knocked on it, but no one answered. I knocked on the door twice again a little harder this time.
A few minutes later the door opened, it was my wife. At first glance, I could tell her hair and makeup were all messed up.
"Gina, What's going on?" I said as she held the door slightly open. She said "What's going on?, I'll tell you what's going on so don't be mad at me, I'm getting fucked by the two hot rich guys that gave me all that money earlier, another $1,000. dollars to have their way with me right here and right now, that's what's going on and I'm loving every minute of it, like it or not!? Then she added, "Nice size cocks too, much bigger than your pathetic little dick!"
She just had to throw in that little sarcasm towards me when all the while she's the guilty one fucking those two rich guys.
I could see from the slightly opened door, she was still wearing the garter belt, stockings, and high heels shoes. I was a little upset and turned on all at the same time that she was fucking these two, whoever they are, rich guys. This is a first, my wife getting fucked by two guys.
Then she said, "Hold on" and shut the door in my face.
Again, a few minutes later the door opened. It was my wife again. She said, "Listen, I talked to the two guys and told them that I came here with my husband. At first, they were surprised but in a convincing way I talked them into allowing you to come in the room and just watch but don't talk, not one word, just sit over there on the chair and watch me getting fucked by these two hot rich guys with big cocks ok?" I said, "OK, I promise I'll be quiet and watch only".
My wife walked over to a large sofa where the two naked guys were waiting for her. She got between them on the center of the sofa.
Within seconds my wife was on all fours sandwiched between these two naked rich guys. She was getting fucked from behind by one guy, and took the other guy's cock right in her mouth, sucking on his big cock like the paid whore she is now.
Not once did she acknowledge me sitting there in the room. The small chair that I was sitting on was about fifteen feet away from the hot fucking and sucking scene going on, my wife getting double-teamed by two naked rich guys, both with huge thick cocks more than twice the size of my dick that's for sure.
She must have been so turned on more than she ever was before in her entire life to allow these guys fucking her pussy bareback, no condoms.
She went off birth control pills long before our second son was born and because of the complications of taking the pill, she never went back on them. I had a vasectomy soon after she became pregnant with our second and last son. I'm pretty sure, I hope I'm sure knowing it's not her time of the month to get pregnant.
First, let me describe to you, my sexy gorgeous wife. She stands 5' 6" tall, has Big blue eyes, long raven auburn hair, large firm natural 36D breasts, and a hot curvaceous body with a nice round ass. Heads turn wherever she goes!
Please forgive me but, I thought it best to put a timeline to the story, of how all the events of our "Night Out" turned out for my wife.
As my story begins my wife and I made plans earlier in the week to have my parents watch our two sons this coming Saturday night. It's been a while since we last made the time to have a much-needed hot night together, alone without being interrupted by one of our sons!
It was now 6:00 pm, Saturday night.
It was time for me to make the drive over to my parent's house to drop off the boys. My wife was just finishing up packing their pajamas along with everything else they needed for an overnight stay at their grandparent's house.
During the drive over I knew by now my wife was trying on some of her hot outfits at home, eventually choosing the right one to wear for me tonight.
I parked my car in my parent's driveway, said my hello's, and told the boys to be on their best behavior during their sleepover at their grandparent's house tonight.
I hugged them and told them I'll be back in the morning to pick them up. My father said, "I'll drive them back to your house in the morning after they have their breakfast" I thanked him for suggesting and offering to do that.
It was now 6:45 pm
When I returned home, I entered through the inside garage door and found my wife half-dressed in her sexiest undergarments that included a 1/4 cup open demi-bra, garter belt, and black seam stockings. She was on the phone talking to someone. After she hung up the phone I asked her, "Who was that on the phone?"
She said, "That was Joanna, we have a change of plans for tonight. Joanna's coming over and the three of us are going out to one of the dance clubs tonight" I replied, "Oh, Ok If that's what you want us to do, it's ok with me, I guess!"
I was thinking to myself I hope it's not a late night out, I'm horny and I know my wife Jean is horny too. I'll just have to wait until we go home so we can still do "our thing" as planned.
My wife's friendship with Joanna began when we moved into our new house a few years ago but Joanna was her favorite go-to “party buddy” ever since Joanna and her husband separated ending in a divorce. There are no secrets between us.
You see, my wife just turned 19 when we got married, I was 21. We remained faithful to one another until some time just after our seventh anniversary, aka (the seven-year itch).
The sexual experience she gained over the years with me, and the way she matured as a woman had sparked a certain curiosity in her to explore the advances of other men. She wanted to know for herself just how good she really was in the sack and I knew the only way for us to find out was for her to be with another man, to finally take the plunge. I didn’t have a problem with that as the thought of my wife with another man has always excited us both.
Joanna has known shortly after our friendship began that my wife has the "green light", free to enjoy the pleasures of having sex with other guys whenever she wants and as long as I know about it! So far she's only been with six other guys, multiple times with or without me being there. One of those guys is as my wife calls him a "keeper." She hooks up with him at least two times a month, more or less!
It was now about 7:30 pm
Joanna just arrived at our house. My wife greeted her at the front door. From there, my wife and Joanna headed upstairs, I remained in our family room watching a baseball game on the TV.
When my wife and Joanna returned from upstairs I was blown away by how hot they looked. They were both wearing tight body-hugging micro mini dresses, stockings, garter belts, and high heel shoes. My wife's mini dress was one of her favorites, gold lame' that hugged her curves leaving nothing to the imagination, she looked absolutely stunning! My wife told me she was also wearing a skimpy little black lace G-string. Joanna was wearing one of my wife's black micro-mini dresses also with stockings, a garter belt, and high heel shoes. The two of them looked absolutely amazing!
It was now 8:30 pm.
Off we went! Destination: One of the most popular posh dance clubs in the state we live in.
It was now 9:00 pm.
When we arrived at the club the bouncers at the door knew Joanna well, knowing she was seeing one of the bartenders that work there. I'm happy to say the $20.00 per person cover charge was waived for all three of us. As we entered the club we moved through the crowd and found a place to sit at the bar. They ordered mixed drinks, I ordered a Diet Coke since I volunteered to be their designated driver for the night.
The bartender Joanna was dating gave us our drinks for free.
My wife and Joanna finished two rounds of mixed drinks then off to the dance floor they went. I remained seated at the bar still sipping on my diet coke. I had a pretty good view of the dance floor but being so crowded I could hardly find my wife and Joanna dancing within the crowd of people.
About a half-hour later my wife and Joanna returned from dancing. Except for a couple of guys tagging along behind them. My wife gave me the look that meant I had to pretend I didn't know her. Ok I thought, this is harmless, I can play this game as I have done so in the past.
The two guys bought the girls another round of drinks. They chatted for a while and I could hardly hear what they were saying over the loud music. The four of them left and went back out on the dance floor. I ordered another diet Coke. It appeared the bartender friend of Joanna knew what was going on, he didn't have to say anything, just laughed waving his hand at me, the next diet Coke was free.
It was now 10:30 pm
My wife and Joanna had enough, they wanted to leave. In the car, my wife told me that the guy she was dancing with asked for her number. She laughed saying she gave him the wrong number. I asked them, "Where to now ladies?" My wife shrugged her head as if to say she has no clue where we should go, and neither did I. She turned towards Joanna for an answer.
Joanna said, "Let's just go to a bar that's not too far from your house". I said, "Which one?" She turned towards my wife and whispered something in her ear. I couldn't make out what she said but I heard my wife say, "Oh, I don't know about that, are you serious?" Joanna commented loud enough for me to hear what she said next, "Oh, come on Jean you can do it, we'll do it together, it will be fun!"
Obviously, Joanna is trying to convince my wife to do something with her but what?, What is she talking about? I have to ask!
"Joanna, what the hell are you talking about?" I said.
My wife replied, "Joanna wants us to go to that new strip club in the industrial park near our house and strip dance together on stage"
"WHAT?", Are you joking me?" I replied. "No, she's not joking" My wife replied.
I'm thinking, wow that would be so hot watching my wife do a strip dance in front of a bunch of horny guys, all strangers in that new strip club. Now I'm on Joanna's side, trying to convince my wife to actually do it.
I said, "I have an idea, why don't we go there like we're just there to watch the strippers? What do you think?"
Joanna said, "That sounds like a good idea, I do know the owner there. My ex-husband and I went there a few times to watch the strippers. The owner said I have the body to be a stripper and I could make a lot of money strip dancing. I told him maybe, someday I'll give it a try"
heard my wife say to Joanna "You can do it, I'm not doing it" Even though my wife fools around on the side with other guys she's very private about what she does.
I said "Let's do this, when we get there you two go inside, I'll follow a few minutes later like you don't know me. I'll sit at the bar far enough away from you both. Sound like a plan?"
My wife said, "Why do you want to do that?" I replied, "Just in case the two of you decide to, you know, do it, strip dance!" Joanna thought that was a great idea. My wife raised her eyebrows at me and I heard a Hmmm from her, whatever that meant.
It was now 11:00 pm.
When we got there I parked the car and lit up a little happiness before we go inside to calm their nerves, actually, my wife's nerves.
My wife took it from me just as soon as I lit it up. She took a few deep hits before passing it over to Joanna. The two of them smoked all my weed, nothing left for me. I'm cool with that knowing there is a stronger possibility my wife might go through with this and strip dance in front of a group of guys. I hope so!
Before stepping out of the car I heard Joanna say, "Ok, here we go!" My wife still in the back seat told me she was so high from smoking all that happiness. She asked me if she should do it or not, I told her how gorgeous she is and how hot she looked in the outfit she was wearing. She replied, "Is that a yes?" I said, "Absolutely a yes, go for it."
As she stepped out of the car she leaned in smiling back at me and said, "Maybe I will do it, you would like that wouldn't you cuckyboy?" She shut the car door before I had the chance to reply to what she just said to me. They headed towards the strip club's entrance doors and went inside.
It was now 11:30 pm.
I waited about five minutes before going inside. When I walked inside I noticed a decent size mixed crowd of guys there, about twenty-five to thirty guys give or take, along with a few black guys and some older white guys. I grabbed an empty seat at the end of the bar. A stripper was dancing on the stage. I said to myself she's not nearly as hot looking as my wife is.
I looked around and notice my wife and Joanna were talking to what appeared to be the club owner or the manager. Their conversation went on for at least another five minutes. The guy gave Joanna a hug and shook my wife's hand. Hmmm, I wondered, does that mean they're going to do it? Strip dance on stage in front of all these guys? I sure hope so!
The anticipation was killing me, I ordered a glass of scotch on the rocks! I gulped it all down and ordered another one, to calm my own nerves.
I noticed the two of them had walked over by the DJ booth talking to a middle-aged DJ. He kept nodding his head at whatever they were talking about. No sooner than that the stripper on stage had just finished her routine. The owner went over to the DJ booth. He turned to the crowd with a microphone in hand and said. "Guys, can I have your attention please?", it got quiet as everyone was about to listen up to what he had to say.
Here's what he said, "Good evening gentlemen, Thank you all for coming here tonight. I do hope you all have been enjoying tonight's show so far.
I have good news! I have two new first-time gorgeous strippers for your entertainment and viewing pleasure tonight, I'm counting on all of you guys to give praise should I decide to hire these two fine ladies or not, so allow me to introduce to you, "Gina and Joey". Some of the guys stood up and cheered them on"
I can't believe what I just heard, OMG they're doing it, my wife ok "Gina" is about to strip dance in front of all these guys. I thought that was so cool that they came up with those stripper names.
It was now Sunday at 12:00 am.
As they stepped up on the stage a song began playing by The Pussy Cat Dolls, "Buttons" Good choice, a perfect warm-up song. All eyes were on Gina & Joey.
I must say that my wife (haha) "Gina" is not new to strip dancing. She did a lot of that for my eyes only over the past few years in the privacy of our house. A few on video, pretending to be a real stripper in front of a room full of horny guys, and in doing so I must say, she really is very good at it. Well, in my opinion!
My wife smoked this song in a very sensuous way that really got the crowd cheering her on. I wasn't surprised Joanna (aka, Joey) was dancing more as she dances at a dance club.
I heard one guy say, talking about my wife, "Who is that girl?, she's so fucking hot" Another guy said, talking about my wife, "She really knows how to rock that hot body, she must be a professional stripper, she has to be". A guy standing next to him said, "I agree, she's no amateur that's for sure"
Joanna looked over at my wife a few times with a look of surprise and envy on her face, she appeared to be amazed as my wife had all the right stripper dance moves going on. And to make matters worse for Joanna, my wife "Gina" was getting most of the attention from the crowd of guys.
As the next song begin to play it had to be another one of my wife's choices when they were talking to the DJ earlier. A song by Rihanna, "Kiss It Better". The guys went nuts the way my wife "Gina" was working that song. Nothing held back, she was using the pole grinding her pussy up against the pole then bending at her waist gripping her ankles, and wiggling her butt up against the pole and towards the crowd. That did it! The guys began hollering "Take it off baby, take it all off" Turning her back to the crowd my wife grabbed the short hem of her tight shiny gold mini dress and started teasing them, pulling the dress up a little, then back down. She turned to the crowd, leaned in a little, extending both her arms, palms up, with that "come on" hands wiggling as if to say "Give me more money and I'll take it off"
I noticed off to the side right behind me two of the club's regular strippers just staring at my wife. I turned towards them and said "She has to be a pro" They both replied "We think so too, she's amazing and she knows what she's doing, she's definitely a pro"
Well, as I turned back around, the guys began to give my stripper wife "Gina" a lot of cash, $5. and $10. dollar bills like it were nothing. She must have at least a couple of hundred dollars by now, maybe more. She placed a pile of cash on the floor behind her.
My wife turned back around facing the crowd and in a very slow cock teasing way, rocking her hips side to side she lifted the dress up and over her head and took it off. She turned around holding her dress up covering the upper part of her body, what a tease! She walked closer to the crowd of guys and tossed her mini dress into the crowd of guys. She danced stepping back towards to center of the stage.
I thought to myself, "Oh No, that was her, and one of my favorite little mini dresses she just tossed away"
All she had on now was her black 1/4 cup open demi-bra, matching black garter belt, black lace G-string, black seamed stockings, and high heel shoes. She looked stunning wearing just those few skimpy little items on stage.
My wife danced through three more hot songs, 50 Cent - "Shake Dat Ass", Pitbull Ft Jennifer Lopez - "Sexy Body", and another 80's song by George Michael - "I want your sex." In doing so she proudly flaunted her 36D boobs and her sexy ass dancing around the stage teasing the crowd of guys rocking her hips, and using the stripper pole with her every move.
Her audience of onlookers was mesmerized by her. She took complete control of the crowd of guys. I was so impressed by how incredible she took to real strip dancing, just like a pro in front of a room full of horny guys.
As the next song began paying by, Paula Cole, "Feelin' Love". Nice choice, a sexy slow song! My wife got down on the stage floor sitting on her behind. I knew right away what she was about to do. Facing the crowd she lifted her body up arching her back up and down leaning back on her arms, knees up balanced on her high heel shoes. She began spreading her legs open and closed teasing, flashing her sheer lace pussy covered G-string at the crowd of guys. The lace G-string is sheer enough to tell she shaves her pussy.
They were going nuts and showing it by tossing more money at her!
By this time the crowd of guys gathered in front of my wife, many of which were pushing and shoving one another to get a closer "Birds-eye view."
On purpose, my wife moved her body closer nearest to the end of the stage within a couple of feet from the crowd of guys as she continued to spread her legs open and closed still flashing her pussy covered lace G-string at them. Again, but this time everyone was saying "Gina, take it off, take it off, Gina"
My wife stood back up on her high heels. She turned around with her gorgeous ass facing the crowd. She took off her bra and tossed it onto the stage floor. With her now bareback to the crowd, she placed her thumbs on each side of her black lace G-string, she teased them repeatedly by wiggling her sexy ass, sliding the narrow elastic band of her G-String down to the top of her thighs, then back up again bending at her waist. The crowd of guys continued cheering her on to take off her G-string.
My wife turned around now exposing her bare 36D breasts to the crowd of horny guys. There she was, my wife, standing there nearly naked from the waist up in front of a bunch of horny guys urging her on to take off her G-string, about to expose her shaved pussy for all to see. At that moment I was equally if not more turned on by my stripper wife urging on as well to take it off.
I should have mentioned earlier as all the attention was on my wife, "Gina" Joanna quietly slipped off the stage. Being best friends I'm sure Joanna didn't mind it at all.
It was then that I noticed two distinguished-looking gentlemen, mid to late '30s dressed in what appears to me, very expensive suits. They were walking towards the stage where my wife was entertaining the crowd of guys. One thing I do know, these two suits are not cops, cops don't wear expensive suits that's for sure. I'm thinking who the fuck are these two guys anyway?
Well, that was impressive. The crowd gave way for these two guys. I saw them stuff a hand full of $100. bills in and around my wife's G-string. Now I'm thinking more seriously about who are they. Well, I'm sure I'll find out later.
Wow, my wife is now becoming a lot more aggressive on stage, rubbing the $100 bills tucked in her sheer lace-covered shaved pussy G-string.
Another song began playing and I'm sure this song was one of my wife's requests earlier. She stripped and danced to this song a few times in the privacy of our house. A song by Kirsty MacColl - "In These Shoes" and when that song ended another song began to play, A classic 80's song by Phil Collins - "In the air tonight" One thing became obvious to me, the DJ's timing is spot on knowing what song to play and when to play it!
She took the hand full of $100. bills and quickly stacked them on top of the pile of money she already had. What she did next was her own doing. She crawled on all fours back in front of the crowd of guys. Then she spun herself around on her butt facing the crowd. She leaned back and raised her legs high up in the air over her head giving everyone a view of her naked ass.
The crowd of guys went silent in anticipation of what they hoped was about to come next. My wife didn't disappoint them either.
With both hands she began peeling off her G-String, legs together raised high up in the air she worked the G-String up and over her high heel shoes one leg at a time flashing her shaved pussy, now completely exposed for all to see. All that remained on her was the garter belt, stockings, and high heel shoes.
Quickly, she glanced at me with her big blue eyes, she nodded her head at me giving me a quick wink, I just smiled back at her, my beautiful stripper wife..."Gina!"
Still sitting on her naked butt on the stage floor she raised her left leg up on one knee, completely exposing her shaved pussy lips to the crowd. With her right hand, she began rubbing her pussy to the sounds of another classic 80's song that just began playing by, "Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Relax" which just happens to be one of our favorite songs whenever we're together, getting it on.
The crowd went bonkers in disbelief. I heard one guy say he'll give her $10. bucks for her G-String. Another guy yelled out $20. bucks. Then another guy yelled out $30. bucks.
My wife spoke out and said, "The highest bidder gets my pussy scented wet G-string" Well that did it, a bidding war just started for her moist pussy scented G-String" I heard $50., $75. and more.
But then I thought I saw it all. One of those two guys wearing a suit that stuffed her G-String earlier with $100. bills held up ten more hundred bills, $1,000 for her G-string. Not another word was spoken, the guys went silent. My wife's expression on her face was that of disbelief, puzzled, and perhaps a hint of being a little scared of this guy whoever he is. I was too!
He handed her the ten, $100. bills took the G-string and whispered something to her. I wasn't that close to the stage within the crowd of guys however I was able to read her lips, she replied with a quick nod of her head, "OK" She looked at me as if to say "Ut oh" All I did was shrug my shoulders in a "whatever" kind of way to what just happened.
She got up and walked her naked ass back over to the pole. Just as she got there a song began to play by Rhianna, "Sexuality" My wife remained at the pole doing her thing in all her hotness, whatever she had left until the song had ended.
It was now Sunday at 1:00 am.
I'm thinking my wife just completed two half-hour strip dance sets on stage, a double shift! Probably because she wasn't aware of how long strippers dance or maybe because of how good she was strip dancing on stage tonight. The crowd loved it and so did I. A lot!
The DJ announced he would play one last song for all Gina's new fans. A song began to play by, Billy Squier - "Everybody wants you" Rock n Roll Baby. My wife pranced around the stage dancing to the song, bending at her hips, flashing her naked pussy, her tits, and her sexy naked ass at all of the guys. I overheard a few of the guys yelling out, "We love you, Gina, you're the best"
The owner walked over to the DJ booth and once again, he spoke over the microphone and told the crowd of guys that was the last song of the night. He asked them what they thought of the new girls. They yelled out loudly "Gina, Gina, Gina" followed by a big round of applause for my wife, "Gina" She couldn't be happier, nor could I. With her two hands on her lips, she blew them a big kiss.
Since it was the last song of the night the crowd began to leave but not before a few "Thank you guys telling her she was one of the best strippers they have ever seen. All she could say was "Thank you, thank you all."
My wife graciously walked off the stage. She went over to the DJ booth to thank him. He said, "Anytime Gina, you did real good" She just smiled.
My wife and I including Joanna were allowed to go into one of the back rooms where the strippers stay in between shifts. The room was empty. Joanna told us her friend Jackie will be here in a few minutes to take her home to her apartment. At least Joanna was still wearing the dress she was wearing when we got there. A few minutes later Jackie arrived and took Joanna home. I'm sure they have a lot to talk about regarding tonight's crazy events.
My wife on the other hand had tossed away her dress, bra, and of course her G-String. Lucky for my wife I was there to drive her home in a few minutes wearing only the Garterbelt, Stockings, and High heel shoes. I offered her my shirt to cover her up but in a teasing me kind of way she said, "NO, I don't mind if you don't?" I replied, "You little slut" We both laughed.
I couldn't wait to go home with my stripper wife "Gina" and probably have the best sex ever but I thought it would best to wait at least another fifteen more minutes for the entire crowd to leave. My wife agreed!
I was so horny and since we were all alone waiting around in an empty room for the crowd to leave, I began playing with my wife's wet pussy. Spreading her legs she told me to finger fuck her. But then, the owner walked in and said something to my wife, and then he left.
I asked her what did he say? She said stay right here I'll be back don't go anywhere! I said I'll be right here, don't worry about it" Five minutes later, ten minutes later, more than a half-hour later my wife has not come back yet! (getting worried)
It was now Sunday at 2:00 am.
I couldn't take it any longer, I left the room, the club was empty except for the owner cleaning up the back of the bar. I asked him where my wife went. He said, "That's your wife? I thought all along you were just a fan or maybe her boyfriend of her's certainly not her husband"
"Well now that you know I'm her husband where is she?" I said in a stern voice.
He glanced over to a door across the room as if to say, she's in there. I started walking in that direction, he didn't stop me.
When I got there I tried to open the door, but it was locked. So I knocked on it, but no one answered. I knocked on the door twice again a little harder this time.
A few minutes later the door opened, it was my wife. At first glance, I could tell her hair and makeup were all messed up.
"Gina, What's going on?" I said as she held the door slightly open. She said "What's going on?, I'll tell you what's going on so don't be mad at me, I'm getting fucked by the two hot rich guys that gave me all that money earlier, another $1,000. dollars to have their way with me right here and right now, that's what's going on and I'm loving every minute of it, like it or not!? Then she added, "Nice size cocks too, much bigger than your pathetic little dick!"
She just had to throw in that little sarcasm towards me when all the while she's the guilty one fucking those two rich guys.
I could see from the slightly opened door, she was still wearing the garter belt, stockings, and high heels shoes. I was a little upset and turned on all at the same time that she was fucking these two, whoever they are, rich guys. This is a first, my wife getting fucked by two guys.
Then she said, "Hold on" and shut the door in my face.
Again, a few minutes later the door opened. It was my wife again. She said, "Listen, I talked to the two guys and told them that I came here with my husband. At first, they were surprised but in a convincing way I talked them into allowing you to come in the room and just watch but don't talk, not one word, just sit over there on the chair and watch me getting fucked by these two hot rich guys with big cocks ok?" I said, "OK, I promise I'll be quiet and watch only".
My wife walked over to a large sofa where the two naked guys were waiting for her. She got between them on the center of the sofa.
Within seconds my wife was on all fours sandwiched between these two naked rich guys. She was getting fucked from behind by one guy, and took the other guy's cock right in her mouth, sucking on his big cock like the paid whore she is now.
Not once did she acknowledge me sitting there in the room. The small chair that I was sitting on was about fifteen feet away from the hot fucking and sucking scene going on, my wife getting double-teamed by two naked rich guys, both with huge thick cocks more than twice the size of my dick that's for sure.
She must have been so turned on more than she ever was before in her entire life to allow these guys fucking her pussy bareback, no condoms.
She went off birth control pills long before our second son was born and because of the complications of taking the pill, she never went back on them. I had a vasectomy soon after she became pregnant with our second and last son. I'm pretty sure, I hope I'm sure knowing it's not her time of the month to get pregnant.
1 year ago