Bus Blowjob

Story #2 Bus Blowjob
This is a short story about the time I went on a trip to a neighbouring town 16 miles away from where I live. I usually go to this town two or three times a year, Christmas being one of them as it gives a real festive atmosphere but, on this occasion, it was mid-July and the weather was sunny and warm. The town is an old farming town which has an outdoor market twice a week and a variety of second-hand shops. You can pick up a nice string of sausages or a pie and pasty from the market made from locally sourced produce and I like browsing round the second-hand shops mostly for books but sometimes you can find a small antique for a bargain price. On this trip however, I found something better.

It was a Wednesday morning and I caught the 9am bus from the bus depot which takes an hour and twenty minutes to get to the town as it goes through a few villages on the way. I catch the 9 o’clock to avoid the school run as it gets too busy and you can’t enjoy the ride. I always sit on the top deck of the bus on the left-hand side as you look forward so I can get a good view of the different villages as we pass through. The plants and trees are all beginning to bloom and the colours are so vibrant. About an hour into the journey we pass through a village called Ashbrook. There was what looked like a sports day about to start at the local school with lots of parents around waiting for the games to start. As we were about to leave the village I just happened to turn my head round to spot a couple in their garden naked sat on their patio. They didn’t jump or try to cover up as the bus went passed they just sat there and waved. Good start to the day I thought, I waved back but didn’t have time to take in the full picture except that it was a man and a woman of course and that he was well endowed. I’ll have to keep an eye out on the way back I thought, and maybe get a pic on my phone.

I had a lovely day and met some nice people. I got some food off the market, a couple of books from a second-hand shop, something to eat in the ‘The Brown Cow’ before heading for the 2pm bus back home before the schools kick out. There were around 10 - 15 people at the bus stop most of them elderly. The bus had just pulled up. I had 10 minutes before the bus left for a quick pee in the bus stop toilets. I hate public toilets, they stink but this one was usually ok and this time was no different. I got back to the bus in 5 minutes, showed my return ticket and headed upstairs to choose my seat. I headed toward the back of the bus and sat on the last row from the back. There were only 2 other people on the top deck sat right at the front. I securing my shopping between my feet and picked up one of the books I’d bought and began reading the back cover and the bus pulled away, right on time. Another guy must have got on last minute cause he came upstairs and looked at me with a smile and sat two rows in front of me on the right of the bus. A couple of minutes later he turned and said “hello, don’t I know you?”. I recognised him from the pub and said “I had lunch in ‘The Brown Cow’, I sore you in there” I remember checking him out then in his skinny jeans, young, fit, nice bulge! “Ah” he replied “it’s a nice pub that, good food, pity they don’t do afters”. “Afters?” I said, he replied “Ye, you know, sweets, puddings I like a nice homemade apple pie and custard” “Oh” I replied “I thought you meant blowjobs or something like that for a second there” he laughed and said “yes, that would have been nice” as he turned away I took this opportunity and lowered my voice to say ”I’ll suck you off if you’re interested?” he didn’t reply or turn round so I didn’t say anything else, ‘he probably never heard me’ I thought to myself. I settled in for the journey and put my book away to take in the scenery and the bus stopped just outside town for someone to get off. The guy in front of me took me by surprise by plonking himself down beside me making me jump “Ah! Hello! you ok?” I said “Hello, did you say you’d suck me off?” “I Did”, ”I’m not gay!” he replied “neither am I” I said “I’m bi and I like giving blowjobs” there was a short pause then he said “I do feel horny and I love my cock sucked but I’ve never had it done by a guy before so not sure if I’d get a hard on.” I looked down and sore his crotch and teased his bulge with my right index finger and I could feel a semi hardening had developed in his skinny jeans “I don’t think you’ll have a problem there and if you’ve never had it done by a guy then I’m your man” I said “do you want it sucking? Or…. If you get your cock out I could give a stroke for you” he hesitantly went to his crotch with his hand and undid his top button. I didn’t give him chance to change his mind I turned slightly toward him, I could see his cock hard in his Levis and stroked it. I tugged at his waist band to undo the rest of his buttons and they all undid, one after another in one smooth motion. He said “you’ve done that before, haven’t you?” I could hear his voice trembling and said “once or twice” He never had any pants on and I could see his light brown hair and the top of his shaft. He pulled his jeans down a little to let his cock out, he was fully erect now, with a good length and girth. It slapped against his belly as it came out of his jeans and I closed my left hand around his shaft. I started moving my hand from base to tip in a slow motion and he sucked air in through his nostrils and said in a low voice “that’s nice.” I carried on with the same steady pace for a few minutes and the bus stopped again. I swapped hands and continued jerking him, pointing his cock forward, at a nice steady pace for the next 10 minutes or so as we passed through Ashbrook village. I didn’t even look up to see if the nude bathers were still there, nor did I notice that other people had joined us on the top deck but I’m sure my new friend would have done something if they’d noticed what we were doing. He had begun to move his hips in time with my hand jerking him off when he said “suck it!” I didn’t hesitate I slipped down my seat slightly and swapped hands on his cock lowering my head I put my right arm over his belly bending it and placing his balls in my hand pulling down on them which pulled back on his foreskin exposing his swollen tip. I wrapped my left hand round his shaft and lowered my head to suck his cock tasting his precum leaking out. I took his cock out of my mouth and pulled up on his shaft squeezing gently and another ooze of precum left the end of his dick and ran down his shaft I licked up his length and gorged on it again, sucking hard on his tip swallowing his sweet juice and then forced down with his cock in my mouth leading my hand up and down his shaft. I sore his hands grip the seat and with a silent, short thrusts of his hips, he released his load with an ever so quietly Ah, Mm, Mm, Mmmmm, and he was empty. I took his cock out of my mouth and swallowed my prize pushing up on his cock a little more cum squeezed out and I glided my tongue over his tip and had one last suck before getting back on my seat.
He put his cock away and after a small pause said in a low voice “that’s better, thanks! that was great. I’m not gay but you can suck my cock, anytime!” as he was buttoning his jeans up, he said “can I have your number?” I gave him my number and said ‘I’m Steve’, ‘Jack’ he said. We reached Jack’s bus stop just out of town he stood up “see you soon” and left. I got off the bus in town with a smile on my face, Just waiting for a text
Published by Steviemh69
1 year ago
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Surwankalot 1 month ago
A very sexy story
SancheZ069 1 year ago
another hot story :smile:
tonybigs46 1 year ago
to Steviemh69 : Thank you
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Steviemh69 Publisher 1 year ago
to tonybigs46 : Would have loved to see you grow as you read my story 🫶
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tonybigs46 1 year ago
to Steviemh69 : Yes thank you
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Steviemh69 Publisher 1 year ago
to toollkit : You like?? 😋
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Steviemh69 Publisher 1 year ago
to tonybigs46 : Thanks I hope it gave you a hard on 😛
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Steviemh69 Publisher 1 year ago
to cbx1000 : Thank you 🥰
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toollkit 1 year ago
wow  xx
tonybigs46 1 year ago
Good story
cbx1000 1 year ago
Love it
Steviemh69 Publisher 1 year ago
to Plonk123 : Mmm delicious 🫶
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Plonk123 1 year ago
Lovely salty cream… 💦👅
Steviemh69 Publisher 1 year ago
He texted me an hour later with a picture of his dick, jeans down to his ankles and the words I'm horny 
Steviemh69 Publisher 1 year ago
to nwukcupl : It was 😮
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nwukcupl 1 year ago
Sounds like a great 'day out'...
Steviemh69 Publisher 1 year ago
to SancheZ069 : thank you 😮
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SancheZ069 1 year ago
Hot :smile:
Steviemh69 Publisher 1 year ago
to DoctorEuro : Thank you, with that hot body of yours I wish you'd caught that bus too xx
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DoctorEuro 1 year ago
That's a great story of my favourite kind of random encounter. You send like you know what you're doing, I wish I'd caught your bus! :wink: xx
Steviemh69 Publisher 1 year ago
to Plonk123 : Why thank you 🫶I am in the process of writing more of my memoirs so keep watching 😘
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Plonk123 1 year ago
Beautifully written. Unexpected adventures are always exciting. Please write more stories. 🥰💦
Steviemh69 Publisher 1 year ago
to hornybusdriver : Nice to know 👍
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hornybusdriver 1 year ago
to Steviemh69 : This one wouldn't :smile: 
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Steviemh69 Publisher 1 year ago
to hornybusdriver : I know, the driver may have kicked us off, you think? I will have to consider cameras in future if I get another opportunity that is!
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hornybusdriver 1 year ago
to Steviemh69 : Agreed. A look, a smile, a nod or a simple hello. Who knows where it can lead. Shame the driver hadn't spotted you :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
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Steviemh69 Publisher 1 year ago
to hornybusdriver : Thank you, I know its all about timing and having the guts to say hi, and do you want a blowjob 
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Steviemh69 Publisher 1 year ago
to Dfunone : Thank you
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hornybusdriver 1 year ago
Excellent story and detail. Love the unexpected. Right place, right time moments.
Dfunone 1 year ago