Wrong or Right

Is it wrong for a man that says we wants a woman to be his and shares her with the world? When you tell someone that thay are yours or tell them and make them yours and they make your thier own full time. The question is when your fully devoted to another should you share them and tell them or order them to take another to bed or force them against their will is that wrong because your partner would enjoy it more then them? I want to be in love but I want to share that woman with the world not to embarrass her but to show her off like this is mine and if you want I will make her yours for the night but is that fair to do to her when all she wants is you and only you
Published by alpawolf
2 years ago
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alpawolf Publisher 2 years ago
to LilFatWhoreNEmom : My wants and desires are to make you mine and to own that ass and make you beg for me always but know i want to share you 
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LilFatWhoreNEmom 2 years ago
Another but... if we are talking you specifically being right or wrong for having this fantasy, you should know that you are ALWAYS right! :0) Every want and desire of yours is right.
LilFatWhoreNEmom 2 years ago
Geeze, I cut myself off. :0) Ummm, yeah but! I do believe there are real submissive women that do enjoy being shared. I would imagine they might get more enjoyment from please their owner/master/dom by fulfilling his request or demands.
LilFatWhoreNEmom 2 years ago
It could be right if it works for you and your partner. A lot of women are have complicated thoughts and mixed emotions when it comes to this these topics.  So I feel like it is impossible to give it a general label of right or wrong. Two people could agree to this type of scenario, experience it, and then one or maybe even both might experience conflicting feelings. Maybe not feeling like you are enough for that one person. Or like you mentioned, worrying about whether they are liking the new partner more than you... I am sure there are many things that could run through peoples minds. 