Why am i fucked in the head???
i had a girlfriend in 1989 i went in the army sent to germany JUNE 1989 our plans where to marry in OCT.1989 the guys tried to get me to go to frankfurt to the whore houses but i didn't wana cheat on her.. i told them this but they didn't care .... a few weeks went by and they accused me of being a queer. they told me that we're going to a swingers party if i didn't go they'll make my time in the army hell, so i went got drunk found myself nude and tied to saw horses and was getting fucked by men and women with strap-ons and forced to swallow and suck this went on from JUNE 1989 to FEB.1990 was discharge in MARCH 1990 with no benefits gi bill va loan nothing they sent my girlfriend polaroids and my life sucks think about suicide every day...
2 years ago
A wise man once said, "If you want to lift yourself up, lift up someone else." Though I've never consciously employed this as a strategy against depression, in retrospect I see that trying to inspire young people around me with reasons to believe in themselves more than anything else has never failed to infuse my life with HOPE and JOY. It has always felt good to do this, so I've continued to do it. It seems a bit uncanny that doing this has empowered me so much, because in my mind it's never been about me.
One suggestion I have for anyone struggling with depression (IN ADDITION TO getting professional mental health help) is find something meaningful to dedicate yourself to.