Shortstop Delivers Donna a Victory
Prologue: These stories are difficult to write for many reasons. It’s hard to find the time. It’s not easy to find the privacy to sit down and write them when you’re married and don’t want your significant other knowing what you’re up to. It’s very difficult to start and finish a story like this when it makes you want to just plain “finish,” if you know what I mean. In other words, typing out such a long story is near impossible with one hand, so it takes patience.
For the inevitable questions that come, this is a fictional account. Everyone but Rob exists as described, though their names have been changed (except for Donna and Craig).
I hope you enjoy this little snippet from my naughty thoughts. I’d love your feedback. Feel free to leave comments here and/or message me.
Shortstop Delivers Donna Victory
It was a landslide victory. Craig’s softball team from the office defeated another company 11-4 in their Tuesday night league. While the league was a mix of different companies across the area, this game was a particularly special one, because the financial planning services company was facing off against another financial planning firm in the area, and bragging rights were at stake. Donna didn’t usually attend the games and reserved the time her husband, Craig, spent away for getting her nails done, hitting the gym, drinks with the girls or whatever she wanted. Craig had been talking about this one a lot, so she thought she’d play the good wife and show her support. It was the usual night of weekend warriors thinking they were better than they really are, some drinking beer during the game, others taking it way too seriously.
After the game, to celebrate the victory, most of the team and a couple wives and girlfriends headed to a small local bar. Craig ordered his usual whiskey and beers and Donna her trademark red wine. Merriment ensued with lots of talking laughing, darts and pool. Donna chatted with some of the other ladies and met a few new faces, but lost track of her husband who had been bouncing around, talking to the guys about the big game or work. She sat at the bar most of the evening, and at one point found herself alone when the woman she had been talking to about gardening left with her husband, Teddy, who was Craig’s colleague and played first base. She couldn’t even recall the woman’s name though it was a pleasant enough conversation.
The empty barstool was soon taken by Craig’s boss, Mike, a sixty-something white man who usually played pitcher and occasionally second base on the team. Mike was a good looking man and obviously very successful as part owner of the company. Craig even stopped by to chat with the two of them and winked at his wife, knowing she was playing her part to be friendly and talk to his boss who he knew was undoubtedly talking her ear off about his new boat or his recent vacation to London. After 15 or 20 minutes, Mike checked his watch, and motioned to the bartender for his check. “Gotta get back home to Kelly. She hates softball.” Mike and Kelly had been married close to thirty years and had two grown c***dren. Donna had known the couple for the eight years Craig had worked for the company and hugged Mike as he headed out.
Donna took a sip of her wine, glass number three, and scanned the bar from her barstool. She finally found Craig in the next room leaning over to take a shot on one of the three pool tables. She couldn’t tell where the ball went but from his dejected reaction and loud expletive which she could hear from where she was, he’d missed. Craig was getting drunk. With that she rolled her eyes, lifted her glass in a toast to herself in the mirror behind the bar, took a bigger sip of her wine, ordered another and resolved to watching ESPN highlights alone on the TV above the bar.
“This seat taken?” A voice Donna didn’t recognize asked from behind. She turned to find the new guy at the company and on the team standing there. Rob was the newest certified financial planner at the company and had taken over for Jerry at shortstop. “Taken over” may not have been the best way to say it. Jerry, a young, brash, white frat-boy type, was the stereotypical loudmouth athlete with too much testosterone who’d been with the company maybe two years. He was a good shortstop, but his antics and immaturity were barely tolerated by the other guys. The new guy, Rob, had joined the team and basically stole the position from Jerry when everyone got a look at his prowess on the field. He was clearly the best athlete. Rob was a tall black man at about 6 feet 3 inches, and you could tell just by looking at him that he was an athlete. He was muscular with broad shoulders, and Donna had noticed him. Everyone had noticed him. It was hard not to. He regularly knocked the ball over the fence and easily handled every ground ball and pop up that came in his general direction.
“Uhhhhh, sure,’ Donna stammered with surprise. “I mean, no.” Rob smiled, and she quickly looked him up and down as he sunk into the barstool next to her. As she looked back up at the TV so as not to get caught surveying the new guy, he introduced himself and took her hand in his.
“Nice to finally meet you, Donna. Craig has talked a lot about you,” Rob said as he shook her hand. “I saw you at the game and was hoping I’d get a chance to say hello.” He took her hand in his, and she immediately noticed how tiny she felt as his big hands practically swallowed hers. The bartender stepped up and asked what he’d like. Rob looked at Donna and at her glass as she took a sip and told the bartender that he’d take the same. “Smooth,” Donna thought to herself. Rob began to ask Donna questions, and they talked for awhile. Rob had a deep baritone voice, and she liked listening to him. She learned that he was 32 years old, divorced and had no k**s. He’d played football at a small college in the East, got his degree, got married and got his license and worked as a planner for a few years. He moved to Texas after his divorce, and had only been in the area a few months. Donna shared some of her story, and he seemed very interested. When she talked about her life with Craig, he’d even taken the time to ask specifically about her background and things she was into. If nothing else, Donna thought to herself, he definitely knows how to treat a lady. Rob ordered two more wines, and they continued to talk. Every once in a while Donna would scan the room for her husband. What would he think? Would he think Rob was coming onto her? Would he think she was interested? Would he be jealous? Angry?
Then she began to wonder…was Rob flirting with her? The more she thought about it, the more she liked the idea of this good looking man giving her all this attention. She did manage to find Craig at various times joking with colleagues, throwing darts or ordering more beers, so she turned back to her conversation with Rob. As they talked she watched him. She looked at his hands. At his shoulders. Stared at his square jaw and his lips when he wetted them with his tongue during conversation. She even snuck a peek at his crotch when he got up to go to the restroom. It was inevitable. She really couldn’t tell if the stereotype is true, but she’d already made up her mind in her head. It had to be. Everything else on the man was big. It only made sense. She knew herself enough to know that five glasses of wine would do that to her. Or was is six? Regardless, her mind was wandering for sure. She needed to maintain focus. As Donna laughed at one of Rob’s jokes, Craig walked up, very drunk, and put his arm around Donna.
“Hey there,” he slurred. “I see you’ve met our star shortstop,” he said giving the nod to Rob. Before Donna could respond, Craig added, “I think I may have had about three too many. I need fast food. You ready?” He was oblivious to any sort of flirting that may have been taking place. She supposed to onlookers it was just an innocent conversation. She also knew her husband better than anyone and that he most likely believed that if she were to flirt with a man, it would be with someone more like Mike, who, in the end, was more like Craig...successful, wealthy and white. If her husband knew of the things that had flashed through her mind the last hour or so, though, he’d have a heart attack. It was anything but innocent in her head.
“Sure,” Donna replied, always the good wife. She held out her hand, palm up, staring at her husband. He’d seen this look before, and without hesitation, dug in his pocket and dropped the car keys in her hand. She looked at Rob as she slid out of the barstool and smirked. She didn’t even have a chance to motion the bartender over before Rob said, “I got the check. It was a pleasure talking to you.” He stood up, towering over her and looked down, making eye contact. “I hope to see you again, soon,” he said as he shook her hand again, and she swooned in secret as she felt his big warm hands swallow hers again.
Craig got his fast food and ate most of it in the car. Happy and content. They headed home and got ready for bed. Most nights like this after an evening of drinks, they both ended up feeling pretty frisky and ready for fun. And while Donna did feel that way after her wandering thoughts about Rob, she wasn’t exactly disappointed when Craig fell asleep in bed with CNN on the TV, snoring loudly. She snuck into the bathroom and locked the door, intent on releasing the sexual frustrations she’d built up staring at Rob while they talked at the bar. She was no stranger to fantasizing about black men, but she rarely had personal material like this to use in her fantasies. She sat back in her makeup chair in front of the mirror, pleasuring herself to thoughts of Rob making love to her in an expensive high rise hotel room with the lights on and the curtains open.
She spent the next week entertaining dirty thoughts about Rob. Running into him during a Caribbean vacation and making passionate love on the beach. Afternoon trysts in Craig's office while her husband is away conducting business with a client. Rob knocking on their door looking for Craig in the middle afternoon and her opening up having just stepped out of the shower. She couldn’t wait until Tuesday and the next softball game. She fully intended on supporting her husband’s team by attending and secretly cheering on the new shortstop. She had already proposed to her husband that he plan another visit to the bar after the game and even picked out what she was going to wear. Something that showed some cleavage, but not too much. Enough to catch Ron’s attention but nothing that said “needy slut,” though she’d envisioned a few outfits she might wear for him in private throughout the week. Tuesday rolled around, but so did the clouds. Donna was very disappointed when a thunderstorm hit the area around three in the afternoon, and the game was eventually canceled. She contemplated trying to figure out how she could manipulate her husband into getting everyone to the bar anyway, but she just couldn’t figure out how to make it work.
Another week went by, and she was ready and accompanied her husband to the next game wearing heels, tight jeans, and a cute blouse unbuttoned enough to make sure Rob got a good look. It was just the right outfit to show she looked damn good for 50 without looking like she’d overdone it. Unfortunately, everyone but Rob got a good look at her cleavage as he was out of town on an impromptu business trip Mike had sent him on. The team lost, and Donna caught just about every one of Craig's colleagues and even a couple wives staring at her boobs. It was a fact of life when you had big breasts. She enjoyed the attention, but she just wasn’t getting the attention she’d set out to get. Donna wasn’t looking to have an affair. But Rob was a good looking man and she enjoyed his attention when they talked, and she really enjoyed her fantasies. Craig would never understand the dirty thoughts she had about black men, particularly one that he worked with, and she wasn’t about to try and explain it. But Rob was unexplored territory for her dirty mind, and she wanted to take advantage of it. Just some more harmless flirting and hopefully some teasing on her part. Still, she made due with her imagination and continued to fantasize about what a masterful lover Rob most assuredly would be in bed. Her bed. Her and her husband’s bed. Sending her to heights of ecstasy she didn’t know existed. Bringing her to miraculous orgasm after orgasm in exotic locales using his advanced sexual skills.
The following Saturday, Craig made plans to go golfing with buddies – an all-day affair that usually involved lots of beer. Knowing her husband would be gone all day, Donna decided it would be a good time to hit the new high-end area that boasted great shopping for clothes, home goods, eateries, handbags, jewelry and more. Just the thing for a woman like Donna who had expensive taste and loved to shop. Because she’s the type of woman who likes to play dress up and would never be caught in public without the proper attire and accessories, Donna scheduled an appointment for the nail salon in the area as her first stop of the day, and then headed into the closet to choose the day’s “uniform”. She opted for a cute pale yellow sundress with spaghetti straps and a v-neck. Form fitting but not tight, extending to just above the knees. No self-respecting Texas woman would go without heels on such an excursion, so she selected a pair of matching yellow six inch heels. Of course no outfit is complete with matching bra and panties underneath, and she picked out a white, lacy ensemble to complete her attire. She showered, did her hair and make-up, and of course picked out the right amount of bling – rings, bracelets and a cute necklace with a big turquoise pendant that wrapped around her neck and rested just above her cleavage, almost as a landmark directing onlookers where to move their eyes. Feeling confident and ready to take on the world, she grabbed her favorite Gucci purse, jumped in her white convertible BMW and headed out, top down, ready to turn some heads and spend some of her husband’s well-earned money.
After a relaxing hour getting a classic French manicure and a relaxing pedi at the spa, Donna walked around the shopping area. She got coffee at a little café, did some window shopping at numerous little shops, and bought a few things – a new pair of heels, a few blouses, a nice formal dress for an upcoming event, some towels for the recently remodeled powder room on the first floor of the house, and a few other things. With several bags under her arms, she hopped in the elevator of the parking garage and headed up to her car on the third floor of the four-floor garage. Her pride and joy was still fairly new and she still liked to park it away from other cars, far enough away from the mass of cars on lower floors owned by drivers who didn’t want to walk the extra distance but still covered and protected from the Texas sun on the top floor. There were still just a few cars s**ttered on the third level as she made her way toward her BMW now sitting next to a new Black Chevy Tahoe. She fished out her keys, hit the unlock button and then activated the convertible top to open up from about 20 feet away. As she stood outside her car, dropping her bags in the back seat of the opened top, she heard someone call her name. She turned to see a black man walking toward her across the parking lot several cars down. He pressed the key fob in his hand and a little black Range Rover flashed its lights behind him. “I thought that was you,” he said. “getting some shopping in, I see,” he said gesturing to the bags piled in the back seat.
It took her a moment for it to register before realizing it was Rob. He looked much different than the last time she had seen him in softball pants and a t-shirt at the bar. Now he was dressed and a stylish blue suit that fit him snugly and accentuated his muscular physique. His chest looked magnificent under his tight white button down which he wore without a tie and top three buttons undone, and his arms and thighs seemed anxious to be freed from confinement. Donna responded with an air of complete surprise as if she hadn’t thought of him since the night they spoke. “Rob? Hi, what a surprise. Fancy seeing you here. What are you doing?” She had already begun thinking about what she wished he was really there for.
“Just needed to pick up a suit I ordered,” he responded. “It’s great to see you again. I really enjoyed our chat the other evening.” His baritone voice began to melt her as she imagined hearing it saying naughty things in her ear. “He took her hand yet again as if to say hello, but this time he held it out and said, “And damn girl. You look magnificent!” He smiled at her as he looked her up and down and led her in a spin, twirling her around to get a better look. “No wonder Craig talks about you all the time,” he said as he continued to take her in. Donna blushed, genuinely embarrassed as she recalled some of the naughty thoughts she’d had about him. Ron looked her up and down almost like he was a lion looking at a rare steak. He was already giving her the attention she had been craving. This was exactly why she always dressed the way she did. Life happens and you always had to be prepared. Always look your best, and she was ready for this unexpected turn of events. “What are you up to now?” he asked. He stepped closer to her, looking down into her eyes and put a hand softly on her hip. “I was hoping we could talk some more. I really enjoyed your company and thought we hit it off pretty good.”
Donna looked up at him and got lost for a moment. She was flustered, and she was pretty sure he knew it. “I, uh…now? Um, well…” she struggled to find the words. She felt warm all over. Like a teenager. But what she really wanted was for him to make her feel like a woman. His touch made her feel giddy. But she was frozen in her spot standing in front of him between her BMW and the Tahoe. “I suppose we could, uh…maybe we could go grab coffee? I don’t know…”
Ron closed what little gap remained between them and their bodies touched, and he moved his hand from her hip to her backside, just lightly cupping her right cheek. “Oh my,” Donna said. “I don’t…I’m not sure I should be…Ron…” Ron squeezed her just slightly and pulled her closely, and suddenly she could feel his arousal as well. He was much taller than Donna, and it pressed against her midsection. “Oh my god.” She wasn’t sure if she had thought it or said it out loud. Instinctively, she reached out and touched his hardness through his pants. Her hand suddenly had a mind of its own. She rubbed along its length, and this time she definitely said it out loud as she discovered how long it really was, “OH MY GOD!”
Ron leaned in as if he was going to kiss her, but he just pushed his stiff cock against her and said, “I know you want it.” He smiled down at her. He knew she did. She knew that he knew it, too.
“I really shouldn’t,” she said. “I’m married.” Donna blushed with embarrassment and shame as she tried to play the part of dutiful wife. He knew what she needed as a last bit of enticement and took a step back and reached down for his fly and began to unzip his pants. “Oh dear god, you can’t.” She exclaimed, looking around the parking garage for people watching. There was no one there. “Ron, please, don’t…” Donna stopped mid-sentence as she stared at him reaching into his pants to fish out his cock – an enormous, menacing, thick, meaty black cock that looked like it could weigh ten pounds. She couldn’t take her eyes off it. She’d never seen anything so big except in her online adventures sneaking peeks at interracial porn on her phone. Even then she wasn’t sure she ever fully bought in and thought that maybe it was just a lighting trick or even some kind of prop or just rare instances of porn stars. There was no denying it in person. He wrapped a hand around the upper half and with the other on her shoulder, pushed her back against the door of her car and began to slowly stroke himself, knowing all too well what it was doing to her mind and body. She was absolutely mesmerized and knew she would be going home with him. But it became clear he had something else in mind soon enough as he stepped forward and put a hand on her shoulder again and began to push her down. The strong, independent woman in her head was saying no, but her body wasn’t responding, and she slowly slid down to her knees, looking up at him, unsure and timid. She knew she shouldn’t be there. She knew it was wrong. She doesn’t cheat. But she couldn’t resist. She couldn’t stop herself and realized that she was just going through the motions as a married woman, trying to come up with a reason as to why she should leave. But his manhood was intoxicating, and he knew it, too. He practically laughed looking down at her. He knew he had her.
On her knees in front of him, she finally surrendered to her lust and reached out for his cock. She yearned to feel its warmth in her hand. But he pushed her hand away. “No,” he said. “If you want to touch something, start by taking those big white titties out.” His abrupt language shocked her and electrified her at the same time. He was so gentlemanly and proper before. But now…now he was crude and demanding. She contemplated for a moment, but she was too far gone and soon complied as she continued to watch him stroke his huge cock standing over her as she pulled her spaghetti straps to the side and down her upper arms and let her big breasts spill out of her dress. “Ya that’s it,” he said licking lips approvingly, staring at her breasts. “I’ve been thinking about those great titties for weeks now.” She was thrilled at the idea of him fantasizing the way she’d thought about him. She felt desired, and it gave her more courage to continue.
Again she reached for his manhood and again he told her no and instead put a hand on top of her car and leaned forward, pushing his thick cock against her lips. Without even thinking about it she closed her eyes and felt him push into her mouth. Her lips spread wide as she struggled to take him in. It definitely wasn’t like giving her husband a blowjob. She was easily able to handle all of her husband. This took work. “Yaaaaaa that’s it,” he moaned as he slowly slid his cock back and forth into her mouth. She struggled, but she also did all she could to keep up by rolling her tongue over his cock in her mouth and trying to regulate her breathing. He really didn’t even have half of its length in before he was touching the back of her throat. She gagged just slightly but continued on like a professional performing a job. It had been years since she had worked, but she loved the idea of this new job and was determined to perform it with excellence. As she worked to handle his length, he picked up the pace and soon had a handful of hair in his hand as he grunted his approval and more forcefully fed her his cock. Suddenly she realized what she must look like – a prim and proper, southern, suburban white housewife on her knees on the rough, dirty concrete ground of a parking garage between two cars while a big, muscular black man stood over her with his massive cock sticking out of his pants, literally fucking her mouth. The thought shocked her. Practically horrified her. She was ashamed and embarrassed. She probably looked like a disgusting, dirty whore, and yet she was incredibly aroused and the thought only made her hungrier for it. She moaned on his cock and made loud slurping sounds as he used her mouth. She wanted to stroke the base of his cock while he was in her mouth and take his balls out, but she kept her hands down as instructed.
“Damn girl,” he said. “You know how to suck a big cock good. Your husband know how much you like black dick?” She proudly looked up at him, mouth still full of not even half his thick cock, unable to respond to the rhetorical question he’d posed. He added, “as good as that feels, I need to break off a piece of that white meat now.” With that he stepped back and pulled her to her feet and led her to the back of the BMW. She wiped her mouth with her hand, wondering what he had in mind, part scared, part anxious, completely aroused. He wrapped both big hands around her waist and lifted her up with almost no effort and set her down on the back of the car. He reached under her sun dress with both hands and grabbed her panties and pulled them down to her thighs, and she moaned with anticipation. He grabbed her panties and pulled them apart, ripping them away from one leg easily and then pushed her onto her back, spreading her legs wide, exposing her to the world, her panties still wrapped around one leg at the knee. He looked down at her pussy. “Damn. That’s a nice white pussy,” he said. “I’m going to have to ruin it, though.” With that he unbuckled his belt and pants and let them drop top to the ground, grabbed her ankles and spread her wide, her heeled feet high in the air giving him full access. She felt his warm cock against her lips and she gasped waiting for it, wondering how it would feel. She soon had her answer as she felt his thick head push in and she closed her eyes and moaned with pleasure. He pushed in slowly, rhythmically, bit by bit, inch by inch. She rolled her head from side to side as he pushed into her, pain mixed with pleasure. She felt so stretched and he was deeper than any man had ever been. Finally he relaxed his grip on her ankles and moved one big hand to one of her exposed breasts and the other wrapped around her neck. With surprise she opened her eyes to the sensation of his hand around her neck and looked at him standing between her open legs, breathing heavily looking down at her body like a hungry a****l. Even though he’d released her ankles, she lay on the trunk of the car with her legs spread as wide as she could, knees up close to her shoulders. She knew he could get real deep if she kept her legs spread wide for him. And she wanted him deeper. With her eyes now open, she looked down at this cock. He had more cock inside her than she ever imagined possible, but she now saw that he only had half of his massive tool in. He began to push deeper with each thrust, leaving her breathless as she watched it disappear inside of her as she took his length. He grop-ed at her big breasts and kept a hand around her neck as he quickened his pace. “Fuck,’ he said. “That’s it, bitch. Take that black cock.” Again his language ignited her, and she somehow spread her legs even wider, inviting him to fuck her harder. She moaned, or perhaps whimpered, with each thrust deep inside her.
She knew she was going to explode, and she too began to talk, all inhibitions lost. “Yes! YES!” She said. “Fuck me good. Use my married white pussy! Ruin it!” And he did just that as he began to violently pump in and out of her. She could feel his heavy balls slap against her ass as he pulled out and then crashed back inside her. He began to pull out slowly, and then buried it deep inside her violently as if to somehow say “take that!” with his cock. Over and over. Five, six violent thrusts and she was there and screamed out in a glorious orgasm echoing through the parking garage. “Yessssssss!!! God yes!” She screamed. “Do it! Cum in my pussy!” She surprised herself with the words she said, but she meant it. “Fill me with your black cum. Do it now!” He erupted in what felt to Donna like a firehose spraying inside her. She could feel his thick cock spasm and the jets of warm liquid shooting inside her. “Ohhh god yesssss give it all to me,” she begged. He finally stopped moving his hips and stood still as she continued to feel his cock pulsing, emptying inside her. It was magnificent. His cock was glorious. She never felt anything like it, and she loved it. She loved how he made her feel dirty. The way he used her body for his pleasure. She loved the shame that accompanied her arousal. And she was already thinking of the next time she would get to feel that way.
“Damn,” he said out of breath. “That is some prime white pussy. Craig is a lucky man!” He stood up and pushed his still erect cock into his pants and zipped up. Donna pulled her straps back over shoulders and let the remnants of her torn panties slide off her leg and fall to the ground as she slid off the trunk of the car. Rob smiled at her and thanked her. She slid into the driver’s seat as he said, “See you at the next game,” and winked as he walked off to pick up his new suit. Donna sat in the driver’s seat of her car and fixed her makeup and hair in the rearview mirror as best she could. Her legs were wobbly, she was sore and she could still feel’s Rob’s cum between her legs, and it excited her. He hadn’t said much when he left. No plans for a rendezvous. No kiss. She decided she liked it that way. She knew she would be his sex toy from now on. And she decided she liked that, too. Toys were meant to be played with. Used. She bit her lower lip as she thought about it and looked at herself in the mirror and smiled as she pulled out of the parking garage and headed home to her husband.
For the inevitable questions that come, this is a fictional account. Everyone but Rob exists as described, though their names have been changed (except for Donna and Craig).
I hope you enjoy this little snippet from my naughty thoughts. I’d love your feedback. Feel free to leave comments here and/or message me.
Shortstop Delivers Donna Victory
It was a landslide victory. Craig’s softball team from the office defeated another company 11-4 in their Tuesday night league. While the league was a mix of different companies across the area, this game was a particularly special one, because the financial planning services company was facing off against another financial planning firm in the area, and bragging rights were at stake. Donna didn’t usually attend the games and reserved the time her husband, Craig, spent away for getting her nails done, hitting the gym, drinks with the girls or whatever she wanted. Craig had been talking about this one a lot, so she thought she’d play the good wife and show her support. It was the usual night of weekend warriors thinking they were better than they really are, some drinking beer during the game, others taking it way too seriously.
After the game, to celebrate the victory, most of the team and a couple wives and girlfriends headed to a small local bar. Craig ordered his usual whiskey and beers and Donna her trademark red wine. Merriment ensued with lots of talking laughing, darts and pool. Donna chatted with some of the other ladies and met a few new faces, but lost track of her husband who had been bouncing around, talking to the guys about the big game or work. She sat at the bar most of the evening, and at one point found herself alone when the woman she had been talking to about gardening left with her husband, Teddy, who was Craig’s colleague and played first base. She couldn’t even recall the woman’s name though it was a pleasant enough conversation.
The empty barstool was soon taken by Craig’s boss, Mike, a sixty-something white man who usually played pitcher and occasionally second base on the team. Mike was a good looking man and obviously very successful as part owner of the company. Craig even stopped by to chat with the two of them and winked at his wife, knowing she was playing her part to be friendly and talk to his boss who he knew was undoubtedly talking her ear off about his new boat or his recent vacation to London. After 15 or 20 minutes, Mike checked his watch, and motioned to the bartender for his check. “Gotta get back home to Kelly. She hates softball.” Mike and Kelly had been married close to thirty years and had two grown c***dren. Donna had known the couple for the eight years Craig had worked for the company and hugged Mike as he headed out.
Donna took a sip of her wine, glass number three, and scanned the bar from her barstool. She finally found Craig in the next room leaning over to take a shot on one of the three pool tables. She couldn’t tell where the ball went but from his dejected reaction and loud expletive which she could hear from where she was, he’d missed. Craig was getting drunk. With that she rolled her eyes, lifted her glass in a toast to herself in the mirror behind the bar, took a bigger sip of her wine, ordered another and resolved to watching ESPN highlights alone on the TV above the bar.
“This seat taken?” A voice Donna didn’t recognize asked from behind. She turned to find the new guy at the company and on the team standing there. Rob was the newest certified financial planner at the company and had taken over for Jerry at shortstop. “Taken over” may not have been the best way to say it. Jerry, a young, brash, white frat-boy type, was the stereotypical loudmouth athlete with too much testosterone who’d been with the company maybe two years. He was a good shortstop, but his antics and immaturity were barely tolerated by the other guys. The new guy, Rob, had joined the team and basically stole the position from Jerry when everyone got a look at his prowess on the field. He was clearly the best athlete. Rob was a tall black man at about 6 feet 3 inches, and you could tell just by looking at him that he was an athlete. He was muscular with broad shoulders, and Donna had noticed him. Everyone had noticed him. It was hard not to. He regularly knocked the ball over the fence and easily handled every ground ball and pop up that came in his general direction.
“Uhhhhh, sure,’ Donna stammered with surprise. “I mean, no.” Rob smiled, and she quickly looked him up and down as he sunk into the barstool next to her. As she looked back up at the TV so as not to get caught surveying the new guy, he introduced himself and took her hand in his.
“Nice to finally meet you, Donna. Craig has talked a lot about you,” Rob said as he shook her hand. “I saw you at the game and was hoping I’d get a chance to say hello.” He took her hand in his, and she immediately noticed how tiny she felt as his big hands practically swallowed hers. The bartender stepped up and asked what he’d like. Rob looked at Donna and at her glass as she took a sip and told the bartender that he’d take the same. “Smooth,” Donna thought to herself. Rob began to ask Donna questions, and they talked for awhile. Rob had a deep baritone voice, and she liked listening to him. She learned that he was 32 years old, divorced and had no k**s. He’d played football at a small college in the East, got his degree, got married and got his license and worked as a planner for a few years. He moved to Texas after his divorce, and had only been in the area a few months. Donna shared some of her story, and he seemed very interested. When she talked about her life with Craig, he’d even taken the time to ask specifically about her background and things she was into. If nothing else, Donna thought to herself, he definitely knows how to treat a lady. Rob ordered two more wines, and they continued to talk. Every once in a while Donna would scan the room for her husband. What would he think? Would he think Rob was coming onto her? Would he think she was interested? Would he be jealous? Angry?
Then she began to wonder…was Rob flirting with her? The more she thought about it, the more she liked the idea of this good looking man giving her all this attention. She did manage to find Craig at various times joking with colleagues, throwing darts or ordering more beers, so she turned back to her conversation with Rob. As they talked she watched him. She looked at his hands. At his shoulders. Stared at his square jaw and his lips when he wetted them with his tongue during conversation. She even snuck a peek at his crotch when he got up to go to the restroom. It was inevitable. She really couldn’t tell if the stereotype is true, but she’d already made up her mind in her head. It had to be. Everything else on the man was big. It only made sense. She knew herself enough to know that five glasses of wine would do that to her. Or was is six? Regardless, her mind was wandering for sure. She needed to maintain focus. As Donna laughed at one of Rob’s jokes, Craig walked up, very drunk, and put his arm around Donna.
“Hey there,” he slurred. “I see you’ve met our star shortstop,” he said giving the nod to Rob. Before Donna could respond, Craig added, “I think I may have had about three too many. I need fast food. You ready?” He was oblivious to any sort of flirting that may have been taking place. She supposed to onlookers it was just an innocent conversation. She also knew her husband better than anyone and that he most likely believed that if she were to flirt with a man, it would be with someone more like Mike, who, in the end, was more like Craig...successful, wealthy and white. If her husband knew of the things that had flashed through her mind the last hour or so, though, he’d have a heart attack. It was anything but innocent in her head.
“Sure,” Donna replied, always the good wife. She held out her hand, palm up, staring at her husband. He’d seen this look before, and without hesitation, dug in his pocket and dropped the car keys in her hand. She looked at Rob as she slid out of the barstool and smirked. She didn’t even have a chance to motion the bartender over before Rob said, “I got the check. It was a pleasure talking to you.” He stood up, towering over her and looked down, making eye contact. “I hope to see you again, soon,” he said as he shook her hand again, and she swooned in secret as she felt his big warm hands swallow hers again.
Craig got his fast food and ate most of it in the car. Happy and content. They headed home and got ready for bed. Most nights like this after an evening of drinks, they both ended up feeling pretty frisky and ready for fun. And while Donna did feel that way after her wandering thoughts about Rob, she wasn’t exactly disappointed when Craig fell asleep in bed with CNN on the TV, snoring loudly. She snuck into the bathroom and locked the door, intent on releasing the sexual frustrations she’d built up staring at Rob while they talked at the bar. She was no stranger to fantasizing about black men, but she rarely had personal material like this to use in her fantasies. She sat back in her makeup chair in front of the mirror, pleasuring herself to thoughts of Rob making love to her in an expensive high rise hotel room with the lights on and the curtains open.
She spent the next week entertaining dirty thoughts about Rob. Running into him during a Caribbean vacation and making passionate love on the beach. Afternoon trysts in Craig's office while her husband is away conducting business with a client. Rob knocking on their door looking for Craig in the middle afternoon and her opening up having just stepped out of the shower. She couldn’t wait until Tuesday and the next softball game. She fully intended on supporting her husband’s team by attending and secretly cheering on the new shortstop. She had already proposed to her husband that he plan another visit to the bar after the game and even picked out what she was going to wear. Something that showed some cleavage, but not too much. Enough to catch Ron’s attention but nothing that said “needy slut,” though she’d envisioned a few outfits she might wear for him in private throughout the week. Tuesday rolled around, but so did the clouds. Donna was very disappointed when a thunderstorm hit the area around three in the afternoon, and the game was eventually canceled. She contemplated trying to figure out how she could manipulate her husband into getting everyone to the bar anyway, but she just couldn’t figure out how to make it work.
Another week went by, and she was ready and accompanied her husband to the next game wearing heels, tight jeans, and a cute blouse unbuttoned enough to make sure Rob got a good look. It was just the right outfit to show she looked damn good for 50 without looking like she’d overdone it. Unfortunately, everyone but Rob got a good look at her cleavage as he was out of town on an impromptu business trip Mike had sent him on. The team lost, and Donna caught just about every one of Craig's colleagues and even a couple wives staring at her boobs. It was a fact of life when you had big breasts. She enjoyed the attention, but she just wasn’t getting the attention she’d set out to get. Donna wasn’t looking to have an affair. But Rob was a good looking man and she enjoyed his attention when they talked, and she really enjoyed her fantasies. Craig would never understand the dirty thoughts she had about black men, particularly one that he worked with, and she wasn’t about to try and explain it. But Rob was unexplored territory for her dirty mind, and she wanted to take advantage of it. Just some more harmless flirting and hopefully some teasing on her part. Still, she made due with her imagination and continued to fantasize about what a masterful lover Rob most assuredly would be in bed. Her bed. Her and her husband’s bed. Sending her to heights of ecstasy she didn’t know existed. Bringing her to miraculous orgasm after orgasm in exotic locales using his advanced sexual skills.
The following Saturday, Craig made plans to go golfing with buddies – an all-day affair that usually involved lots of beer. Knowing her husband would be gone all day, Donna decided it would be a good time to hit the new high-end area that boasted great shopping for clothes, home goods, eateries, handbags, jewelry and more. Just the thing for a woman like Donna who had expensive taste and loved to shop. Because she’s the type of woman who likes to play dress up and would never be caught in public without the proper attire and accessories, Donna scheduled an appointment for the nail salon in the area as her first stop of the day, and then headed into the closet to choose the day’s “uniform”. She opted for a cute pale yellow sundress with spaghetti straps and a v-neck. Form fitting but not tight, extending to just above the knees. No self-respecting Texas woman would go without heels on such an excursion, so she selected a pair of matching yellow six inch heels. Of course no outfit is complete with matching bra and panties underneath, and she picked out a white, lacy ensemble to complete her attire. She showered, did her hair and make-up, and of course picked out the right amount of bling – rings, bracelets and a cute necklace with a big turquoise pendant that wrapped around her neck and rested just above her cleavage, almost as a landmark directing onlookers where to move their eyes. Feeling confident and ready to take on the world, she grabbed her favorite Gucci purse, jumped in her white convertible BMW and headed out, top down, ready to turn some heads and spend some of her husband’s well-earned money.
After a relaxing hour getting a classic French manicure and a relaxing pedi at the spa, Donna walked around the shopping area. She got coffee at a little café, did some window shopping at numerous little shops, and bought a few things – a new pair of heels, a few blouses, a nice formal dress for an upcoming event, some towels for the recently remodeled powder room on the first floor of the house, and a few other things. With several bags under her arms, she hopped in the elevator of the parking garage and headed up to her car on the third floor of the four-floor garage. Her pride and joy was still fairly new and she still liked to park it away from other cars, far enough away from the mass of cars on lower floors owned by drivers who didn’t want to walk the extra distance but still covered and protected from the Texas sun on the top floor. There were still just a few cars s**ttered on the third level as she made her way toward her BMW now sitting next to a new Black Chevy Tahoe. She fished out her keys, hit the unlock button and then activated the convertible top to open up from about 20 feet away. As she stood outside her car, dropping her bags in the back seat of the opened top, she heard someone call her name. She turned to see a black man walking toward her across the parking lot several cars down. He pressed the key fob in his hand and a little black Range Rover flashed its lights behind him. “I thought that was you,” he said. “getting some shopping in, I see,” he said gesturing to the bags piled in the back seat.
It took her a moment for it to register before realizing it was Rob. He looked much different than the last time she had seen him in softball pants and a t-shirt at the bar. Now he was dressed and a stylish blue suit that fit him snugly and accentuated his muscular physique. His chest looked magnificent under his tight white button down which he wore without a tie and top three buttons undone, and his arms and thighs seemed anxious to be freed from confinement. Donna responded with an air of complete surprise as if she hadn’t thought of him since the night they spoke. “Rob? Hi, what a surprise. Fancy seeing you here. What are you doing?” She had already begun thinking about what she wished he was really there for.
“Just needed to pick up a suit I ordered,” he responded. “It’s great to see you again. I really enjoyed our chat the other evening.” His baritone voice began to melt her as she imagined hearing it saying naughty things in her ear. “He took her hand yet again as if to say hello, but this time he held it out and said, “And damn girl. You look magnificent!” He smiled at her as he looked her up and down and led her in a spin, twirling her around to get a better look. “No wonder Craig talks about you all the time,” he said as he continued to take her in. Donna blushed, genuinely embarrassed as she recalled some of the naughty thoughts she’d had about him. Ron looked her up and down almost like he was a lion looking at a rare steak. He was already giving her the attention she had been craving. This was exactly why she always dressed the way she did. Life happens and you always had to be prepared. Always look your best, and she was ready for this unexpected turn of events. “What are you up to now?” he asked. He stepped closer to her, looking down into her eyes and put a hand softly on her hip. “I was hoping we could talk some more. I really enjoyed your company and thought we hit it off pretty good.”
Donna looked up at him and got lost for a moment. She was flustered, and she was pretty sure he knew it. “I, uh…now? Um, well…” she struggled to find the words. She felt warm all over. Like a teenager. But what she really wanted was for him to make her feel like a woman. His touch made her feel giddy. But she was frozen in her spot standing in front of him between her BMW and the Tahoe. “I suppose we could, uh…maybe we could go grab coffee? I don’t know…”
Ron closed what little gap remained between them and their bodies touched, and he moved his hand from her hip to her backside, just lightly cupping her right cheek. “Oh my,” Donna said. “I don’t…I’m not sure I should be…Ron…” Ron squeezed her just slightly and pulled her closely, and suddenly she could feel his arousal as well. He was much taller than Donna, and it pressed against her midsection. “Oh my god.” She wasn’t sure if she had thought it or said it out loud. Instinctively, she reached out and touched his hardness through his pants. Her hand suddenly had a mind of its own. She rubbed along its length, and this time she definitely said it out loud as she discovered how long it really was, “OH MY GOD!”
Ron leaned in as if he was going to kiss her, but he just pushed his stiff cock against her and said, “I know you want it.” He smiled down at her. He knew she did. She knew that he knew it, too.
“I really shouldn’t,” she said. “I’m married.” Donna blushed with embarrassment and shame as she tried to play the part of dutiful wife. He knew what she needed as a last bit of enticement and took a step back and reached down for his fly and began to unzip his pants. “Oh dear god, you can’t.” She exclaimed, looking around the parking garage for people watching. There was no one there. “Ron, please, don’t…” Donna stopped mid-sentence as she stared at him reaching into his pants to fish out his cock – an enormous, menacing, thick, meaty black cock that looked like it could weigh ten pounds. She couldn’t take her eyes off it. She’d never seen anything so big except in her online adventures sneaking peeks at interracial porn on her phone. Even then she wasn’t sure she ever fully bought in and thought that maybe it was just a lighting trick or even some kind of prop or just rare instances of porn stars. There was no denying it in person. He wrapped a hand around the upper half and with the other on her shoulder, pushed her back against the door of her car and began to slowly stroke himself, knowing all too well what it was doing to her mind and body. She was absolutely mesmerized and knew she would be going home with him. But it became clear he had something else in mind soon enough as he stepped forward and put a hand on her shoulder again and began to push her down. The strong, independent woman in her head was saying no, but her body wasn’t responding, and she slowly slid down to her knees, looking up at him, unsure and timid. She knew she shouldn’t be there. She knew it was wrong. She doesn’t cheat. But she couldn’t resist. She couldn’t stop herself and realized that she was just going through the motions as a married woman, trying to come up with a reason as to why she should leave. But his manhood was intoxicating, and he knew it, too. He practically laughed looking down at her. He knew he had her.
On her knees in front of him, she finally surrendered to her lust and reached out for his cock. She yearned to feel its warmth in her hand. But he pushed her hand away. “No,” he said. “If you want to touch something, start by taking those big white titties out.” His abrupt language shocked her and electrified her at the same time. He was so gentlemanly and proper before. But now…now he was crude and demanding. She contemplated for a moment, but she was too far gone and soon complied as she continued to watch him stroke his huge cock standing over her as she pulled her spaghetti straps to the side and down her upper arms and let her big breasts spill out of her dress. “Ya that’s it,” he said licking lips approvingly, staring at her breasts. “I’ve been thinking about those great titties for weeks now.” She was thrilled at the idea of him fantasizing the way she’d thought about him. She felt desired, and it gave her more courage to continue.
Again she reached for his manhood and again he told her no and instead put a hand on top of her car and leaned forward, pushing his thick cock against her lips. Without even thinking about it she closed her eyes and felt him push into her mouth. Her lips spread wide as she struggled to take him in. It definitely wasn’t like giving her husband a blowjob. She was easily able to handle all of her husband. This took work. “Yaaaaaa that’s it,” he moaned as he slowly slid his cock back and forth into her mouth. She struggled, but she also did all she could to keep up by rolling her tongue over his cock in her mouth and trying to regulate her breathing. He really didn’t even have half of its length in before he was touching the back of her throat. She gagged just slightly but continued on like a professional performing a job. It had been years since she had worked, but she loved the idea of this new job and was determined to perform it with excellence. As she worked to handle his length, he picked up the pace and soon had a handful of hair in his hand as he grunted his approval and more forcefully fed her his cock. Suddenly she realized what she must look like – a prim and proper, southern, suburban white housewife on her knees on the rough, dirty concrete ground of a parking garage between two cars while a big, muscular black man stood over her with his massive cock sticking out of his pants, literally fucking her mouth. The thought shocked her. Practically horrified her. She was ashamed and embarrassed. She probably looked like a disgusting, dirty whore, and yet she was incredibly aroused and the thought only made her hungrier for it. She moaned on his cock and made loud slurping sounds as he used her mouth. She wanted to stroke the base of his cock while he was in her mouth and take his balls out, but she kept her hands down as instructed.
“Damn girl,” he said. “You know how to suck a big cock good. Your husband know how much you like black dick?” She proudly looked up at him, mouth still full of not even half his thick cock, unable to respond to the rhetorical question he’d posed. He added, “as good as that feels, I need to break off a piece of that white meat now.” With that he stepped back and pulled her to her feet and led her to the back of the BMW. She wiped her mouth with her hand, wondering what he had in mind, part scared, part anxious, completely aroused. He wrapped both big hands around her waist and lifted her up with almost no effort and set her down on the back of the car. He reached under her sun dress with both hands and grabbed her panties and pulled them down to her thighs, and she moaned with anticipation. He grabbed her panties and pulled them apart, ripping them away from one leg easily and then pushed her onto her back, spreading her legs wide, exposing her to the world, her panties still wrapped around one leg at the knee. He looked down at her pussy. “Damn. That’s a nice white pussy,” he said. “I’m going to have to ruin it, though.” With that he unbuckled his belt and pants and let them drop top to the ground, grabbed her ankles and spread her wide, her heeled feet high in the air giving him full access. She felt his warm cock against her lips and she gasped waiting for it, wondering how it would feel. She soon had her answer as she felt his thick head push in and she closed her eyes and moaned with pleasure. He pushed in slowly, rhythmically, bit by bit, inch by inch. She rolled her head from side to side as he pushed into her, pain mixed with pleasure. She felt so stretched and he was deeper than any man had ever been. Finally he relaxed his grip on her ankles and moved one big hand to one of her exposed breasts and the other wrapped around her neck. With surprise she opened her eyes to the sensation of his hand around her neck and looked at him standing between her open legs, breathing heavily looking down at her body like a hungry a****l. Even though he’d released her ankles, she lay on the trunk of the car with her legs spread as wide as she could, knees up close to her shoulders. She knew he could get real deep if she kept her legs spread wide for him. And she wanted him deeper. With her eyes now open, she looked down at this cock. He had more cock inside her than she ever imagined possible, but she now saw that he only had half of his massive tool in. He began to push deeper with each thrust, leaving her breathless as she watched it disappear inside of her as she took his length. He grop-ed at her big breasts and kept a hand around her neck as he quickened his pace. “Fuck,’ he said. “That’s it, bitch. Take that black cock.” Again his language ignited her, and she somehow spread her legs even wider, inviting him to fuck her harder. She moaned, or perhaps whimpered, with each thrust deep inside her.
She knew she was going to explode, and she too began to talk, all inhibitions lost. “Yes! YES!” She said. “Fuck me good. Use my married white pussy! Ruin it!” And he did just that as he began to violently pump in and out of her. She could feel his heavy balls slap against her ass as he pulled out and then crashed back inside her. He began to pull out slowly, and then buried it deep inside her violently as if to somehow say “take that!” with his cock. Over and over. Five, six violent thrusts and she was there and screamed out in a glorious orgasm echoing through the parking garage. “Yessssssss!!! God yes!” She screamed. “Do it! Cum in my pussy!” She surprised herself with the words she said, but she meant it. “Fill me with your black cum. Do it now!” He erupted in what felt to Donna like a firehose spraying inside her. She could feel his thick cock spasm and the jets of warm liquid shooting inside her. “Ohhh god yesssss give it all to me,” she begged. He finally stopped moving his hips and stood still as she continued to feel his cock pulsing, emptying inside her. It was magnificent. His cock was glorious. She never felt anything like it, and she loved it. She loved how he made her feel dirty. The way he used her body for his pleasure. She loved the shame that accompanied her arousal. And she was already thinking of the next time she would get to feel that way.
“Damn,” he said out of breath. “That is some prime white pussy. Craig is a lucky man!” He stood up and pushed his still erect cock into his pants and zipped up. Donna pulled her straps back over shoulders and let the remnants of her torn panties slide off her leg and fall to the ground as she slid off the trunk of the car. Rob smiled at her and thanked her. She slid into the driver’s seat as he said, “See you at the next game,” and winked as he walked off to pick up his new suit. Donna sat in the driver’s seat of her car and fixed her makeup and hair in the rearview mirror as best she could. Her legs were wobbly, she was sore and she could still feel’s Rob’s cum between her legs, and it excited her. He hadn’t said much when he left. No plans for a rendezvous. No kiss. She decided she liked it that way. She knew she would be his sex toy from now on. And she decided she liked that, too. Toys were meant to be played with. Used. She bit her lower lip as she thought about it and looked at herself in the mirror and smiled as she pulled out of the parking garage and headed home to her husband.
2 years ago