A Story of CFNM by ‘George’

After a spell of health issues, it was decided that I needed to get less unfit and so a regular circular walk was set up. Part along the river, over the bridge, back past the Park Home site, along the lane and back over another bridge. A pleasant circular walk with varied scenery and interest. There were a couple of places to sit and rest and so the journey began. I got to see regular people walking, some with dogs, and an elderly couple who were often on their park home balcony with whom, at first a wave, then a few words and a smile.
Time passed and I had not seen the couple for a few weeks until one day I saw the wife on the balcony, and waved, she waved back but nothing was said, and so this continued for a couple of weeks until one day she called out 'would you like a coffee?' Of course, I said, 'yes please' and she beckoned me round to the entrance.
I hope you don't mind, she said, I just need someone, preferably male, to chat to. Why would I mind, I said, it's always good to stop, sit and natter.
I sat on the patio chair, and she fetched me a coffee, and biscuits too, and we sat and chatted. Her husband had died suddenly, and she was desperately trying to rebuild and normalise her life again. Having lost my first wife to illness a few years previous has given me a little insight into her situation and soon we were chatting like old friends.
Please don't be a stranger, she said, I enjoy chatting with you, please pop in whenever you are walking by and let's keep in touch, and with that I was on my way again.
She was very nice in a homely sort of way and being a randy old git, my mind devised all sorts of fantasies as I walked, probably in vain, but very enjoyable anyway!
At that time, I had no real thought about sex, at least none that I dared mention, and so we continued with coffee and chats as the weeks passed and the weather got warmer.
I began to get the feeling that, like me, she was becoming interested in something more, but unwilling to take the chance of spoiling our friendship, so I made the occasional suggestive innuendo type joke or comment, and it always got a positive response.
I arrived one day and as I made my way to the patio, I saw the TV in the lounge, and it was showing an episode of Naked Attraction. I stopped and looked as a row of ladies bared their assets and Pam asked me if I watched it. I said that I did, and we got into a conversation about the format.
I said that I liked to see and compare the display of pussy and tits but also that I enjoyed looking at cocks.
Shall we watch, she asked, yes please, I replied, so we went indoors and watched in an awkward silence, neither of us wanting to be too forward I guess, and I could hardly believe her leap of faith in me.
I had surmised that it was a recording and as such had like as not been put on for my benefit so armed with that theory I asked, is there an aspect that you particularly like. Like you, she said, I like to see naked people, especially the well-endowed men hanging loose, and I too compare the feminine parts to my own, but my real pleasure is seeing naked men standing with all bared in front of two fully clothed women, doing their best not to be aroused, plus of course, she added, using the freeze frame or slow mo. It is safe sex for me.
I agree about very safe sex, I said, but sorry to say I don't class myself as well endowed, although I have often wondered about experimenting with what is known as cfnm - do you know what that is?
Yes, she said, I've watched a lot of cfnm porn, she added, and I love it, the thought of control, so if you do want to play, so do I, but we need to establish the rules first.
OK, I said, tell me what your rules are, and I promise to abide by them.
I will be in full control at all times, she said, and you will do exactly as I ask, plus I do not want full sex so do not try. Understood, I said, yes, I agree.
Not today, she said, I am expecting a visitor, but next time do you want to expect the unexpected.
As I was leaving, she noticed my bulge and smiled, leaning forward to give me an awkward kiss on the cheek. Thank you, I said, see you in two days.
After two days and nights of almost constant semis - or more - and trying to hide them from the wife - as well as resisting the urge to wank - I arrived at Pam's mid-morning and knocked the door. She invited me in, and I must say the warm, albeit a bit nervous smile as she looked me up and down got things growing again. We went through to the lounge and I sat whilst Pam went off to make coffee. I was relieved that she had not changed her mind.
When she returned she leaned in front of me to put the coffee tray on the table giving me a very good view down her loose blouse of her breasts and cleavage, almost, but not quite down to the nipples which were covered, just, by her low cut, but not quite low enough cut, bra. I sat transfixed as her not large but very inviting breasts moved whilst she fiddled about with cups and biscuits, taking far longer than needed, all the while me fantasising about what her nipples are like and handling, playing with and sucking those very appetising breasts.
She stood up, looked at my shorts, and smiled, nothing needed saying, she knew exactly what she was doing.
I was well turned on and more than ready so I said, Reporting for duty as instructed Mistress, I await your command.
Just then the phone rang and she answered it in the kitchen.
When she returned she had a serious look and said to me - That was my son, he lives in Derby and is working in Worcester and wants to take me out for lunch shortly. I don't see him that often so I could hardly refuse, I'm so sorry George, as I really want this to happen.
I understand Pam, I said, perhaps another day?
Yes, how about Tuesday pm
I stood up to leave and she said, can I add, I can see you are ready, but please don't wank yourself off between now and then and I will explain on Tuesday.
Tuesday is often a good day for me as my wife goes out with her friend and I have more time and so, after several days of needing to cum but refraining I arrived back at Pam's.
Pam and I had talked a lot and we seemed to have a good understanding, although I had no real idea just what exactly she had in store for me.
Never mind, just to be there in a cfnm setting was a long fantasised wish and quite something and I felt sure that whatever she wanted would be fun.
I had got caught in a rain storm on the way and was quite wet when she let me in and, seeing just how wet I was, she sent me straight to the bathroom to strip off whilst she fetched a towel.
I took off my shoes and socks, and my shorts and boxers and struggled with getting the wet polo shirt over my head as it was sticking to my body.
I was unaware of her presence until I eventually got the wretched shirt off and Pam said, I can see you are wet and, looking down at my genitalia, cold. Use this warm towel to dry yourself off.
I'll be in the lounge when you are ready - come through naked or with towel round your waist if you are shy - your choice and we will commence.
Yes mistress, I said, she laughed and said, I can see this working out really well for us both.
Having got myself dry and enough warmth back in my balls to allow them to hang normally what would you do next?
To wear the towel or not to wear?
No towel, I decided, and heart thumping, I made my way naked into the lounge and stood totally naked before Pam.
She eyed me up and down and said, hands on head, legs apart. I did as instructed and could feel my erection rising.
That's rather nice, she said, I've always wanted to watch and feel a nice cock growing, as she took hold of my manhood and held it without wanking me as it grew longer and harder.
Gosh, I love that feeling, she said, I don't think I will ever tire of seeing and holding. My pleasure mistress, I said, I am yours as you wish.
I was pretty much as hard as I get these days, just above horizontal, when she let go and told me to stand side on so could see just what I had from another angle.
She nodded approval and said, let’s see if we can get a good shine shall we, as she carefully peeled back my foreskin to reveal the purple head. She reached for a wet wipe and began to polish my cock. The wet wipe was alcohol based and it stung a bit but being polished that way was a new, and very exciting, experience.
She stopped and told me to look down and sure enough my bell end was gleaming and we both laughed.
Are you unshockable, she asked, so far yes mistress I replied. I must try harder then, she said.
I can see you have trimmed but I think we need to get rid of some more of that undergrowth, she said.
I waited patiently while Pam went off to fetch her bush trimming kit, wondering, as the intense hardness diminished and my cock began to relax, what she would use, had she done this before, how short would my bush end up, would my wife notice - and more! I had often trimmed myself before and I loved the sensations - and the end result and I wondered how it would feel to have someone else handling my cock and balls - and the thought got the juices flowing again and again I wiped the drop of pre cum off the end of my cock.
Precisely at that point Pam returned and demanded to know what I was doing, so I said, wiping the pre cum away so it did not drip on your carpet. She laughed and getting a tissue worked my cock dry, which she seemed to enjoy doing and seeing, and so did I! She sniffed the tissue and smiled but said nothing, and I did not ask!
She took the very sweet little pink lady shave out of its box and we talked about cut levels and how much to leave. I asked if she had done this before and she said only on herself so I said that if she did it on a high cut we can always come back for more, and Pam agreed.
By the way, I asked, what are the chances I could trim you one day? Every chance, she replied, one day.
I need to get access, Pam said, so sit on the edge of the sofa, legs wide and lean back.
I did as instructed and suddenly felt very vulnerable as she knelt between my legs and pulled and moved my genitalia to inspect and see what needed to be got at.
It's much easier when I trim myself, she said, no addons to impede me, but I will enjoy doing this. I will bear that in mind, I said, for one day. I think a cushion, she said, raise your bum and I'll slide one in.
Bum in the air as I felt her hot breath on my wedding tackle whilst she slid under a cushion. I lowered my bum and again felt very exposed as she again handled my dangly bits before declaring, talcum powder I think, it dries any moisture and lets the trimmer slide better, as she liberally coated the area with talc, and rubbed it around.
This of course got me hard again, with a very obvious wet area highlighted against the while talc but only where you would expect it, and she pulled my cock down hard to gain access to my bush. Is that OK, she asked, better than alright, it's fanbloodytastic, I replied, and we both laughed.
I heard the trimmer buzz as it started and felt it run up my belly from the base of my cock. I had never used an electric trimmer on myself and I enjoyed the buzz and slight vibration as it harvested my hair. Several more passes up from my well flattened willy and she declared that part done.
Shame, I said, I was just getting to enjoy the feeling. Me too, Pam said, Shall I do another run or two with the same depth? No cutting just sensations.
Oh yes please, I said, and so she gave my bush several more passes, all the while holding my ever-hardening cock down.
When finished she let go of my cock and it sprung back up against my belly. She laughed and did it again a couple of times. I could play with you all day, she said with a smile. Please, please do, I replied.
That was the easy bit, she said, now let me have a go at your sack - and the phone rang - I had better get that she said, so I sat up to look at her handiwork. Very neat and not too short, hope the wife does not notice.
I heard the phone conversation and Pam said, that was Jan, my neighbour, she knows you are here, and it was just a check to make sure all is well.
Is all well for you, I said. Yes, very much so, she said, this is a totally new experience for me, having had a very quiet and sheltered sex life for too many years, and I am loving it, the control, touching, feeling, seeing is overwhelming. Thank you for being so good.
Thank you for your trust in me, I said, I too am finding it a fantastic experience and I love feeling your hands and seeing your eyes on me.
How much does Jan know, I asked. She knows about cfnm, as we both watch porn and Naked Attraction together and talk about our likes and what we would want to do etc. she said.
How much more will you tell her, I asked. Probably very little, she said, unless you give permission. I don't mind, I said, tell all if you wish, I trust your judgement, besides you never know where it might lead.
OK, she said, I'll see how it goes, meanwhile back to the job in hand.
So, there we were, it felt almost surreal, I was naked, legs apart, on a sofa, with this very nice lady kneeling in front of me playing with and fondling my cock and balls as she ostensibly worked out how best to trim them of the few hairs they had. I had also lifted my legs high and wide for her to see how far back to trim and that image of total vulnerability remained in my mind.
I'm so sorry Pam, I said, but we will need to stop now or it will be too late, unless you want me to cum like this?
That's not what I had in mind, she said, can we talk before we go on? Of course, I said, please go on.
Being very openly honest, she said, I am on uncharted ground right now, I was very apprehensive, she said, as it was my friend Jan who encouraged me to try cfnm and to see where, if anywhere, it led. I know the mechanics of how it works but I have never had the opportunity to make or see a cock climax. Obviously, I have enjoyed sex in the past and although it has been many years, I don't think I want that now. Also, would you believe, I have never done any oral and never had a penis in my mouth, nor have I ever wanted to do either until recently, or done any of the things we have done today, but now I get this urge to try more. What do you think, can you guide me?
As far as making and watching me climax, now is as a good a time as any, if you wish. Please note that I am inviting you, not asking you, as the decision is of course as we agreed yours alone. If not, I am happy to finish myself off if you want to watch, or I can leave now without cumming?
As far as oral is concerned, I continued, this is probably not the best time to start because I am so close to climax but if you would like another meet in a few days that would be a good time to experiment with oral. Can I suggest that you have me as I am now and start by cleaning to your satisfaction, as we did earlier, then exploring with your tongue and mouth whilst I meanwhile stay still and promise not to thrust upwards - unless you ask me to. Oral sex is a very personal thing, some people love it, others hate it and all I can do is invite you to suck it and see. If you don't like it just stop and I will never ask again. So too the taste of sperm, some people love it, others hate it. Can I suggest you check out the sample that I will, hopefully, provide shortly to see if it attracts or repels you?
That all makes sense, Pam said, lay back, here we go! Don't stop when I first shoot, I said, carry on with full strokes as there will be more to come, then as I start to soften it is then up to you when you stop milking to watch me soften and shrink. Thanks, she said, noted!
It was not long, and with minimal guidance that she was wanking me like an old hand and with a grunt and a stiffening of my body I shot, almost reaching my chin, and again as she carried on, just to my chest, and again a final time just to my belly. She carried on milking my sperm out of me as my erection dissipated until she let go and watched me relax and soften.
What do you think, I said? I enjoyed that a lot, she said, the different reactions, hardness, spasms and feeling of your penis throughout just makes me want to do it more. She dabbed her finger at the spunk on my chest and put it on her tongue - not sure she said, might be tempted to try it hot one day.
We went to the bathroom, and she seemed to enjoy washing the spunk and talc off of me, as well as milking the very last from my now very flaccid cock. Do we have a convert here, I said? I think maybe you do she replied - I just love it all.
Two days later I was on my usual walk when, as I passed, Pam knocked the inside of her lounge window and beckoned me in.
There was no suggestion of anything more so we just sat on the patio and chatted openly as friends about many things, our lost spouses, the impact it had on our lives, where we are now in our lives, our sexual desires, both overt and covert, and the state of the world.
I think we both learned a lot, I know I did, especially sex wise. Pam is a very lonely and rather, aren't we all, complex lady, happy in the main with her lot and her life, but perhaps now finding that she has been missing something over the years?
I told her that I sincerely hope never to hurt her in any way and I hope that we can continue to separate our sex play from our friendship.
We meet again in a few days to continue where we left off - hopefully.
Tuesday arrived and the wait had again been full of fantasies and semi hard erections when I arrived at Pam's. I was directed straight to the bathroom and told to strip naked and come through when nude. This time, said Pam, I want you to enter with your foreskin rolled back and your hands behind your back to show you to me at your best.
This of course gave me a bit more than a semi as I walked in, cock swinging from side to side. Ooh, that I like, she said, go up to the end of the room and walk back towards me. Lovely, she said, just stand there in front of me and let me take it all in all the while feeling my cock and gently brushing my bush and balls. Trim looks pretty good, she said, I need to finish what I started. But first I want you to masturbate yourself, she said, let’s see if we can get you more erect while I watch.
Whilst I slowly worked myself harder she watched and said, you know the more I do this the more I like it and want to do more and I am finding it very addictive, if that is OK with you. I have missed so much over the years I have a lot of catching up to do. Very happy to cooperate in any and every way mistress, I said, as I too find it compulsive. Pam laughed, saying, oh goody goody!
Let go, she commanded, and my erection was just above horizontal. Not as erect as I used to get, I said demonstrating by holding my cock more upright, but it's probably the best I can manage these days. I understand, she said, as yet I have nothing to compare it with, but hopefully that will change.
Good for you, I said, but please Pam, be careful who you allow in your home. Most blokes are genuine but there are some real weirdos out there.
I understand that, she said, the guy I have in mind is a friend of Jan's and he is basically gay so no direct female sex and being used suits him and the whole idea makes me feel a bit safer.
I look forward to meeting Jan, one day, I said. Yes, I think so too, she said, that should be fun but first I want to explore what we can do ourselves. Sounds good to me, I replied.
On the cushion, she ordered, and once again I found myself wide open, cock and balls high, legs wide apart, and Pam kneeling between my legs. On went the talc and after rubbing it in all round, something we both enjoyed, the trimmer started and the feel of it buzzing on my scrotum was fabulous as she pulled and worked my scrotum taught to get the hairs around my balls, penis base and perineum really short. She fondled my genitals again and said, they are very nice, really soft and smooth.
I am not into anal play, she said, but turn over and I will trim what I can, hopefully you will feel very exposed in this position, which I will enjoy.
Following instructions, I rolled over and head buried in the back of the sofa, knees up close to my chest, legs wide apart, tackle dangling, bum in the air, cheeks held wide open with my own hands I did indeed feel vulnerable and exposed - but I loved being like that.
It went quite as, I guessed, she inspected her conquest. I ought to take a photo she said, if you don't mind. OK, I said, I don't think I can be identified from that angle! I did not hear the camera click but then the feel of the baby talc being gently applied and rubbed into my rosebud and the whole area took over and was something really new that I found very sexy and all too soon I felt the buzz of the trimmer as she tidied up the very sensitive bits.
I was not convinced there had been much hair there to be honest, more likely, I thought, this was something Jan had put her up to - and she had the proof - but I said nothing.
Without entering me she seemed to enjoy inspecting and exploring my rosebud and the gentle touches in that sensitive area were most enjoyable, but I refrained from asking for more and all too soon I was told to return to the front up position.
Pam held my cock at the base and stroked my length, not that it is that long, pulling my foreskin right back almost to a painful point before getting the alcohol based wipe again and polishing my entire manhood. Of course it stings, but I find it a very erotic vulnerability combination of sensations. Once again, my erection stood there, held firmly, purple top gleaming proudly.
When did you last cum, she asked. Yesterday evening, I said. Can you control it, she asked. Yes, for how long depends on what you do, I said, but if I get close, I can give you plenty of warning. Thank, she said, I want your erection in my mouth but please do not cum in my mouth. Of course, I said, I promise not to cum in your mouth.
With that, I watched as she gently explored my shining glans with her tongue, releasing her grip just enough to allow my frenulum and foreskin a little slack. For someone who is new to this she knows what she is doing, I thought, I wonder how she learnt?
And then her warm lips closed over my glans as she slid her mouth up and down just my short bare head. That is fantastic Pam, I gasped. Difficult to laugh with a mouth full of cock she gurgled - well that is what it sounded like - as her tongue worked its way around my frenulum and under and around where my tight foreskin was trapped in the ridge under my glans and between my shaft.
She stopped and came up for air saying, I think I love sucking cock after all.
Would you love just as sensitive cunnilingus as much, I asked. Maybe, one day, was all she said.
We sat there chatting about all and nothing, mainly sex related it must be said, as Pam leant against my thigh watching my cock as it changed according to the topic, with a little mental help from me to keep her interested!
I got the impression she was fishing for my likes and dislikes so I asked, what porn do you like.
Well, she said, at the moment I am hooked on cfnm, especially a guy being passed from woman to woman to feel and wank him or make him wank himself as they all watch. Otherwise I can look at pretty much anything from hetero to gay and lesbian, bdsm, spanking, etc., but nothing extreme, although I do enjoy a guy being used, either by men or women.
I really like what you and I are developing, she said, relaxed, both happy in our roles and I am learning so much more than by actual intimate contact than I can by watching porn.
You will have me naked, she added, one day but not today. That would be wonderful please, I said, and I can wait until you are ready and relaxed.
How about you, she said. Similar, I said, I go through phases, cfnm at the moment but bondage, bdsm, anal, gay, spanking, cross dressing all have their moments looking for joint fun but not extreme and I enjoy playing with men or women - or both. My all-time fave porn at the mo. is 'mistress Alex whips David', but that could change.
Why don't you go to the kitchen and make us a nice cup of tea, she said, one of my fantasies is being served tea and ‘biccies on a tray by a naked butler with his gear on full display under the tray!!
While you are gone I'll get mistress Alex up on screen and we can watch it together.
As I went towards the kitchen, Pam said, I have to ask you, reply honestly please, do think I am a femdom?
As I turned, she immediately looked down at my tackle as it swung and I said, yes, I think perhaps you are a bit, not a cruel but a firm and very much a dominant femdom in control of what happens as you use me primarily for your own entertainment. Is that a fair assessment, I added.
Yes, I think so, she said, do you mind being used. Not at all Pam, I said, in fact I am truly enjoying it and if you want to develop the femdom idea further who am I to argue. Shall we continue this discussion over a cuppa, I added.
I went to the kitchen and there, all laid out, was everything needed for my assigned task. I smiled and thought - talk about pre meditated control - I love it! I made the drinks, taking very great care not to scald myself, and before going back with the tray I found an apron on the towel rail and put it on, hiding my genitals.
I took the tray in, announcing, tea and biscuits are served madam, with a special treat under my apron if you wish.
I put the tray down as told and stood in front of her as she lifted the apron and gently took hold of and kissed my cock.
Who gave you permission to put anything on, she said, that is a punishable offence and I will deal with you after tea.
You were saying, I asked, and I do promise to be honest when I answer.
Give me a better understanding, she said, tell me about your sexual history, your likes and needs.
I started with wanking myself alone, then graduated to with company, and helping each other etc. I then lost my virginity to a true nymphomaniac. She just could not get enough and she liked us both to be naked so she see when I was ready to go again. That got me used to frequent sex of all kinds and over the years I have been with men and women, although nothing more than mutual wanks and sucks with a man appeals to me.
How about anal, she asked. I've never as yet been, pardon the use of the word, fucked or pegged, I said, but I live in hope. I have been fingered and dildoed several times - which I always enjoy. I have fucked a guy many years ago but nothing recent as I no longer get hard enough and I much prefer women.
How about you, I asked. I was a bit of a raver as a youngster, she said, but when I married after a very active start it soon faded. Looking back, he was very selfish and it was wham bam thank you ma'am - he always came but I never did - but without the thank you - so I lost interest with work, k**s, home etc. and we divorced amicably. Many years later I met Clive, my second husband who you met and although we loved each other deeply it was never really sexual and it was only after he died and I saw an episode of naked attraction with older people on show that my sexuality re-awakened. I was never interested in anal, she said, but today I found myself enjoying what I did.
I do think, I said, that what we have is good because we became friends before sex and we knew each other, so to speak. Anonymous or one off sex is all very well but without the trust I don't find it as enjoyable.
Are you happy to carry on as we are not having full sex with me, she asked. Yes, I said, in some ways it's better because I get what I need without being unfaithful and you remain safe particularly as you too seem to enjoy it.
That said if ever the opportunity arose I believe we are both capable of enjoying sex, or whatever you choose to offer, without it damaging our lives and I can almost guarantee to make you cum first, but I will never ever ask or pressure you so you will always remain in full control as I fully understand and respect what no means.
Never say never, was all she said, with a smile.
Right, she said, tea time over, punishment time.
I need to do some research, she said, before I decide upon the nature and extent of your punishment. The need for you to be punished still stands but the duration and severity may be added to for our next session for my enjoyment.
Wait there, she said, and no wanking or playing with yourself, I'll be back in a minute. I stood there looking at the frozen image of David's erection on the laptop with Alex standing nearby and I must admit to feeling envious, A at his erection and B at his restrained submission to his mistress. I know it's only an act for a porn video but nevertheless I still fancied doing it!
Pam returned with a bag containing who knows what, from which she took a belt and tied my hands behind my back. That pushed my cock forward and made me stand legs apart for better balance, and to give her a better view, so what with the video thoughts I was about as hard as I would ever be, although still well short of David's elevation! Oh to be young again!
It's not a short video but as it played Pam said, I can see why, as my sub, you would like this, and I must admit I would enjoy doing it all too as a femdom.
Unexpectedly, she slapped my bum, causing my cock to jump as I reacted. Lovely, she said, pulling my cock down and releasing it to spring up again, another slap, same reaction. I think she likes it, I thought.
We carried on watching and Pam put it on a faster speed, slowing it to see more of the best bits, like cock close ups and the attention Alex gave to David's cock.
There is much to consider, she said, following today's revelations. I find that I like being a femdom and you enjoy being my sub - is that a fair conclusion? Yes mistress, I said, as you say.
How do you meet people for sex, she asked. I use two websites, I said, Fabguys and Fabswingers which have served me well over the years. Bear in mind that these are primarily sex sites and there are some weirdos, dreamers and false profiles so a lot of care is needed, especially for a lone woman. That said there are a lot of very genuine guys too who just need an outlet for their lack of marital sex.
I want to watch you slowly masturbate and milk yourself dry, she said, in the kitchen as I don't want sperm on my best carpet.
We went into the kitchen and she untied my hands and stood back. You may commence, she said.
My foreskin was rolled back and my glans was dry so I had to use spit to lubricate it enough as I pulled and pushed to get it rolling and I began, long full strokes, knowing it would not take long after so much arousal. Use the other hand, she ordered, so I can see your balls move as you wank. Yes mistress, I said, changing hands, how am I doing?
You can speed up, she said, I've never watched a guy make himself cum and I want to see it happen, do what it takes and do not stop until I say so.
I turned slightly to show my bouncing balls better and I went for it with rapid wanking. It didn't take long before there were several puddles of cum on the kitchen floor and my legs were weak as I kept going milking myself when every fibre in me was telling me to stop.
Eventually she told me to stop and remove my hands as she looked at one shrunken cock will the last drops hanging on the end. She reached across, dabbed her finger on my cock and tasted my cum. Ummm, she said, not sure, we shall see, as she tasted it again.
How small are you when flaccid she said. Quite small mistress, I said. I want to see your small cock, she said, can you oblige?
I think so, I said, I need to get all of the sperm out and have a wee followed by a shower and maybe even, I hate to say it, the application of cold water to the area to really shrink it. I don't know, I've never done it.
I do like a challenge, she said, follow me. We went into her bedroom and though the dressing room to the en suite shower. I saw some lovely lingerie hanging and panties on the surface, but said nothing.
You know how it is, it's sometimes not easy having a wee after cumming and it took a while, not being made any easier by Pam's presence, but we got there in the end and she watched once it was flowing. Another first, she said, I've never watched a bloke pee before so thank you. My pleasure mistress, I said, I've never watched a woman pee either. Perhaps, one day, she said.
I went into the shower and washed myself, taking care not to spend too much time exciting my recovering cock. Turn off the water, she said, and pass me the shower attachment. You can gradually turn the temperature down to cold. I felt the warm water on my genitals and quickly turned it cold before it had the reverse effect to the one sought and the shock of the cold took my breath away, and any remaining hormones with it, it seemed as poor willy shrunk to his dormant state of very small and shrivelled.
I turned the water off and she took hold of and had a good feel of my very small cock and tight scrotum and balls, saying, well what a difference that has made, another first, thank you, I love it, right from when I first saw you naked, wet and cold I have wanted to do this
Warm yourself up again, she said, and get dressed and we can talk and decide where we go from here.
On the way back I had a quick look at her lingerie and the silky feel of it made the juices start flowing again. I had a quick look in a partly open drawer and saw, on top of some delicious panties a couple of dildos, one slim and smooth and the other a very realistic cock. I turned the dildo around and shut the drawer so that if it was deliberate for me to find she would know that I did find them.
I don't recognise you with your clothes on, Pam said.
Actually, I said, I prefer to be naked with you, it gives me a heck of a buzz.
I've been looking at femdon / cfnm, she said, let me show you a few that I really fancy doing to you. With the change in emphasis there is much to discuss.
She showed me a naked guy being passed around a group of women, each openly wanking, sucking, fingering him, stretching his balls etc and ending with a titty wank of the guy who shot his load between two gorgeous huge tits all the while the women were laughing and humiliating him. I would go for that, I said. Thought you might she responded, but a group seems unlikely. A titty wank is on my bucket list I said, if the opportunity ever arises. Never say never, she said, with a smile.
Next up was a square board, a bit like a portable glory hole. The victim’s cock and balls were trapped and protruded, and the two women teased, wanked and played with him until he shot a huge load. Yes please, I said. I could make one of them.
Next was a guy being pegged by one woman and wanked by another, and again, yes please
And so, it went on, the only things I said NO to were ball busting, extreme pain and sadistic torture.
This hypothetical, but if I had another naked man here and told you to suck his cock, and he to suck yours, and maybe more, would you do it for me to watch. Yes mistress, I said, as long as he were as clean as I am.
I will be away for around two weeks, she said, visiting my son. who wants me to go and live nearer them and my grandc***dren, so shall we say two weeks today for the next episode, any different we can text.
May I enquire, I said, and I am exploring not asking, if I were caged in chastity, or restrained, would you be more amenable to being naked with me. You may have guessed but I would love to do to you a fraction of the things you do to me, but I can accept your NO.
She thought for a while, and said, actually I would trust you without chastity, but it would add a whole new dimension to it wouldn't it, as you would only be able to play with and excite me if I released your hands and only able to penetrate me if I unlocked your penis and that could be very erotic for both of us. Never say never, she said.
As I stood up to leave, she looked down, and said, I recognise that bulge, excellent recovery, bodes well.
Well, I am in good hands, and that makes a huge difference.

A lot happened in the two weeks before I found myself knocking at Pam's door, my unconcealed semi being blatantly obvious inside my trousers. She opened the door, looked down and smiled. You've come prepared then, I see, she said. You know me, I said, like the batteries - ever ready!
Once inside, Pam said, stay dressed as I suspect Jan will 'unexpectedly' arrive soon. I'll explain. She knows you are here today and I have asked her not to call but she may well have 'misunderstood' and got the 'wrong' day. She can be like that.
I am very grateful for Jan's support in recent weeks, she said, as I am yours and I value both your friendships. Jan is becoming quite intrusive, she is a nosey parker at the best of times and has been pumping me for information. The more she asks the less I tell her because she is known for her indiscretions. I know that what she really wants is to see you naked, but I don't want her to - what do you think. I don't know for sure, she continued, but I suspect that you would both be in her bed very soon after stripping off.
Well, I said, one of my fantasies was to be naked for you both together, and the thought of a sexual freebie is very tempting, but indiscretion I can do without, and I do seriously value your friendship, so I agree with you, tell her nothing and give her no reason to suspect that we are anything more than friends.
She does know about our first meet, Pam said, not all the details but she knows I have had you here naked.
Can we let her think it was a mutually agreed one off, I said, and that we have decided that our friendship is more valuable than to let sex, or sex play, spoil it?
I doubt she will believe it, she said, but I also doubt she will be able to disprove it so it could work. By the way, can you diminish the bulge?
Pam began to explain to me her plans for the future and asking me what I thought, when the doorbell rang Pam smiled, can you keep a straight face, she asked. It might be a struggle, I said, but I can if you can!
Stand by, and enjoy, she said.
I heard Pam say, Oh Jan, I was not expecting you today, do come in, George is in the lounge and he is keen to meet you. I tried not to chuckle as Jan entered and the sheer disappointment of seeing me clothed, and bulge less, was written all over her face!
Jan meet George, Pam said, George meet Jan. You two get to know each other and I'll make some tea.
Hello Jan, I said, I've heard so much about you, it's lovely to meet you at last.
Likewise, Jan said, it's good to see what you look like. Yes indeed, it is, I replied.
I said no more, and there we sat in an uneasy silence as Jan tried to figure out what was going on.
Pam poked her head round the door saying, hope you two are getting to know each other, tea is on its way.
Jan and I looked at each other and smiled, but neither of us spoke. She was quite attractive, bigger tits than Pam, and, visibly, very fuckable and I would love to be her naked plaything, but I must not let my lust over ride my discretion - at least temporarily!
Pam came in with the tray, saying, how are you two getting on, you look very cosy from the kitchen. Without waiting for any response, Pam continued, I was just talking to George about my planned move Jan, and asking him what he thought, please George, what do you think?
As long as you can make as many trusted friends in Derby, I said, as you have here, it makes absolute sense to me to be closer to your family and to where you grew up and if I can help or support you in any way I, of course, will. Obviously I will miss our chats and refreshments but you have to put your own long term needs and wishes first.
That's pretty much how I see it too George, said Jan, smiling at me in a kindlier and more inviting sort of way - or was that wishful thinking? Careful George, I thought, keep Willy under control, no clues please!
Pam and Jan began chatting, as women do, about all manner of trivia, and I excused myself to 'use the bathroom' - not the bathroom George, Pam said, it's full of washing after the trip, carry straight on and through my bedroom on the right, use the ensuite.
The drawer was shut, so I opened it and the dildo's were under her knickers, obviously having been moved, not that that told me anything. My heart was thumping as I turned the cock like dildo to a slight angle and left the knickers not quite as neat as they were.
I had a wee, holding my almost semi hard cock whilst waiting for the pee to emerge before returning to the lounge.
I'll be off, said Jan, apologies for getting the day wrong. No problem, I said, really good to meet you in the flesh, so to speak.
Pam did her best not to smirk and Jan looked at me in a confused sort of way. See you tomorrow Pam, said Jan, and she was gone - but not forgotten.
Brilliant, said Pam, she suspects that something is on but has no evidence and dares not ask, I love it!
Let's continue where we left off, shall we, said Pam
Of course mistress, I said, I await your command.
As Pam returned following Jan's departure we both smiled, then giggled. I don't think she believes us, Pam said, me neither I replied, never mind.
I would not be at all surprised if you 'bumped into' her whilst you are out walking, she said, how would you react? Not sure, I said, depends how she interacted I suppose. She is attractive and whilst she is very different to you, and I prefer your company, if the opportunity came to pass it would be hard to refuse it.
I had hoped to be naked with you both together but I can see now that is not a good idea. Far better we keep it apart. Not sure how to play this but my inclination is to do nothing until you are moved away to avoid any unforeseen complications. Pam nodded.
Do you want me naked mistress, I said. Oh yes, Pam said, strip off in front of me now and we can chat with you naked.
So I slowly undressed, trousers, socks, pants and lastly polo shirt off over my head, all the while feeling myself powering up for that wonderful erotic buzz that being the naked part of cfnm always gives me.
I had a medical 'event', a few days ago, I said, and the GP has increased my medication pending a review by the cardiologist. I feel fine, but my erection and libido have suffered.
We talked about that and then Pam said, let me help you as she took hold of my cock, rolled back the foreskin and slowly slid her hand up, down and around my cock and balls. It sort of worked as Willy did his best to stand to attention, not quite making it. Can you still cum, she asked. I don't know, I said, the last time I came was on your kitchen floor. So there could be quite a load, she said. Possibly, I said, won't know until it happens I guess.
It's a bit embarrassing, I said, sorry. Don't worry, she said, we can work it out as long as you are up to it and still want to, and I do like the feel of your cock when it's like this, so silky soft feeling. I see lubrication still works, she said, hopefully a good sign, as she licked the end of my dome dry. I do like your pre cum, she said, not sure about your spunk, perhaps I need another sample or two.
I think and hope that I can give you all you want of me, I said. OK she said, sit down, there is much to talk about before we test your output.
I've done a lot of driving this week, she said, and driving always gives me time to think. I love being a femdom in full control, she said, but I don't want to become hooked on giving pain as I much prefer the more gentle side of things particularly the visual effects, your unquestioning obedience, your awkwardness and feeling of vulnerability and lack of control sometimes, like now, if you know what I mean. I nodded and said, on balance I think that suits me too, let's just see how it goes. I have surprised myself how much I enjoy being your play thing, even just being naked and vulnerable is so erotic.
I've also become something of an addict for porn, she said, gay, lesbian, hetero, bondage, including some pretty extreme stuff. I particularly enjoy bondage and humiliation, watching, no desire to do - but never say never. I am just not at all sure how I want to develop, or even if I want to develop from where are now.
I suspect, I said, that as we proceed, sooner rather than later we will become bored with what we have and will want to push some boundaries to maintain that buzz, but I have idea which boundaries at this stage?
How about this for an idea, I said, I have been experimenting at home with a homemade humbler - any thoughts?
Let me Google it, she said, turning the laptop for me to see. She quickly flicked through the images until she found a picture of a guy in a humbler, balls stuck out behind him. I like the look of that, she said, does it hurt? It can do, depends how it is handled but it does do what the name says. Mine, being a homemade lash up, does take some care to fit and it needs more than two hands to ensure it is snug without trapping the scrotum, which is very painful. It can be fitted front or rear, just balls or just cock or both cock and balls. It's much tighter with cock and balls severely restricting movement but just balls might be entertaining as something different. I like the sound of that, Pam said, bring it next time and we can play after I have given your trim a refresh. I would also like to see you in a glory hole, she said, but I will come to that.
I've watched Alex and David many times, she said, and I can see why you like it. I like it too and would love to do our own version of a re-enactment. I know all the moves, plus a few of my own. What do you think? Oh yes please mistress, will you be clothed like Alex? You would like me wearing not very much wouldn't you, she said, and with you strung up I would be safe wouldn't I. I nodded.
Follow me, she said, as we went through the kitchen into a very compact utility area. What I thought, she said, was a beam across the tops of the opposing wall cabinets and tie your hand to it. There is not much room so a bit of ingenuity will be called for. I don't think we should put too much weight on it, just to capture and restrain you at my mercy. Absolutely, I said.
Great, she said, I thought you would like that, when you are clothed I'll show you the timber in the shed. I think we can make it work. How far up the cupboards do your hands reach. Putting my bum against the worktop I stretched my arms up and back to touch the wall cabinets. Of course I knew that by so doing I would expose myself even more. Giving me a very firm but short wank, she said, now turn round and do it properly. I did so and could see what level my hands needed to be. I felt a gentle spank on my bum, and said, harder if you like, next one stung a bit, harder please, I said, and the third one on my other bum cheek really stung, again I said, and that one had me reacting.
She stopped and said, remember the punishment you are due. Yes mistress, I said, well that is not part of it, she said, that is just for my entertainment. remember when I said I didn't want to cause you pain, she said, well that was not quite true.
Back to the sofa, she said, head down, knees up tight and bum open and exposed - NOW.
As I knelt there, head down, knees tucked up, bum in the air and skin taut, legs apart, I waited for my punishment. I heard Pam return and pulled my bum cheeks as far apart as I could to be as exposed and vulnerable as possible for her.
I felt her hand caressing my bum and genitalia and once again I felt myself almost harden when she told me to remove my hands whilst a few gentle, almost playful, slaps landed.
Pam said, I think there is a lot more to this spanking lark than the administering of pain and if you are happy I want to explore different facets with you. Yes please, I said, do you want my feedback as we go. Yes, she said, it's the only way we will learn. Do you think it's possible to cum whilst being spanked, she asked. I don't know, I said, I tend to think not - shall we find out? It might take a few sessions, she said, but I would love to try. So be it, I replied, me too.
Tell me how you feel right now, she demanded. Very vulnerable and exposed, I said, wanting more, wanting to be spanked, wanting to be wanked, wanting something hard up my bum. She chuckled, that's exactly what I wanted to achieve, she said. What about this position, she asked. Very exposed, I said, happy to stay in position for you or try other angles, as you wish.
I want to see a bright red bum, she said, as the first harder slap hit me. I winced but said nothing. That seems to be about the right level she said, I will continue. She must either have experience or read about spanking, I thought, as she seemed to know how long to leave between strokes for maximum effect.
After a while she said, how does it feel now. Starting to tingle a bit and be sensitive to the touch whilst erotically I like the sensation, am I red yet. Getting there, she said, it's starting to hurt my hand so I need to find an alternative, stay there, I'll be right back. I did as I was told, wondering how far she would take this and how red I looked from above.
Two alternatives to start with, she said, I think a leather belt or a cane will be too severe as it is arousal we seek not pain for pain's sake.
I'll give you six of each, she said, and you will count them as they strike, after that you can tell me what you think. The first one landed, and it stung, one I said, and again, two, more intense stinging, and after the six a short break. One, I said as the first one landed, that feels more like a hand, two, I said, and so on to six.
You are now very red, and by the feel of it very turned on, she said, caressing my bum which now also made me wince. Actually, I like them both, I said, they lack the intimacy and warmth of your bare hand, and sting and hurt differently, but not unpleasantly, but by the same token are more arousing. If I had to choose, first is your bare hand, second number three and third number two.
I think that will be enough for today, she said, stand up before you get too badly marked. I stood up and as I moved I winced a bit as I felt the residual pain move through my bum and genitals. The internal connections are always a turn on and I was almost able to show an above horizontal erection, which I proudly projected.
Are you OK, she said, Yes, I think so, I said, I think I enjoyed it but can I suggest next time a bit less force for maybe a bit longer with maybe the occasional stinger and longer between strokes. Noted, she said, and in case you were wondering I want to try being on the receiving end - one day.
She showed me the first, a flip flop! I laughed, and said, who'd have thought it! The second was a textured gardening glove, as I suspected. How about a hybrid, I said, a palm sized section of flip flop glued to a glove? I'll make one up for next time, she said. The feel of a gloved flip flop impact may well be different to the feel of an unsupported flip flop - looking forward to finding out, if you have any more ideas for non-brutal spankers I am happy for you to try them all, and to talk about them afterwards.
I really like the relaxed way we do this, said Pam, thank you for your understanding.
Not at all, I said, it takes two and you have been phenomenal with me - I couldn't do it without you and our familiarity and trust with each other makes it so much easier and more enjoyable, for me at least. Me too, she said.
She dropped to her knees, rolled back my foreskin and, after a long look, took at first just the purple glans in her mouth, as her warm tongue licked and sucked as much pre cum off of and out of me as she could, whilst her hands held the base of my cock and fondled my balls, then taking all of me fully in as she grabbed my still sore buttocks and pulled me in very tight.
Much nicer without hairs, she said, please don't cum in my mouth, one day perhaps, but not today. Of course, I do understand, I said.
Face fuck me, she commanded, I want to feel your hot balls banging on my chin. So I obliged, well it would be rude not to wouldn't it, but I had to stop all too soon before the inevitable happened.
So it looks like you can still cum, she said, I am so glad for you - and for me because I still love to see the ultimate vulnerability as you erupt, then watch as you subside. I don't think I am hard enough for an eruption I said, but I am in need of a conclusion when you are ready.
She took my cock in one hand and began to very slowly wank me, the other hand at first held my balls then worked its way to where her index finger found my rosebud and, with a bit of her saliva for lubrication slowly slid fully into me. That is heavenly, I said. She laughed and said, I may have just the thing for this - one day. I, of course had no idea what she meant!
Ready, she said, just let it go, be totally uninhibited, if it hits my face that would be another new experience and a bonus.
I could hold it no longer and out it all came, two weeks’ worth, shame it was more of a dribble than a spurt due to my lack of hardness, but I needed it and Pam was, as ever, enjoying milking me dry as Willy shrank back to his dormant dimensions. Unfortunately it had not reached her face, but she took a large dollop and tasted it before swallowing it. Is that another first, I asked. Yes. she said, not convinced but I do want to try giving you a full BJ - one day!
Eventually she could extract no more sperm from me and instead took to stroking and fondling which, in the afterglow, was magical. I was by that time, at the stage where any touch was not what my cock wanted, and as ever, she stopped and just looked in fascination at her handiwork.
Do you want a shower, she asked. What so you can shrink me again, I said. Of course, she said, I still have that mental image of one very short and wrinkled willy and would love to see it again.
Your wish is my command, I said, as we headed to the ensuite. Wet yourself all over with warm water and turn off the tap, then soap yourself up, she ordered, and I will wash and sooth you before we rinse it off.
Using a sponge, she carefully washed all the bits that mattered, paying particular attention to my rosebud and still very sensitive glans. She loved making me squirm as she manipulated my cock and it did seem to take a long time to get me clean, very pleasurable.
All too soon I passed her the hand spray and I turned around as she rinsed me off - then the cold water as Willy of course did his usual impression of going into hibernation.
I really do like seeing that, she said, and I shall add that image to the memory bank, thank you for letting me see aspects that many men would be far too self-conscious to allow, warm yourself up and I'll help you dry.
If you want a photo, I said, please feel free. No thanks, she said, I have deleted the photos because my son often checks my phone and I would rather he knew nothing of what his Mum gets up to.
I stepped out of the shower and she towelled me down, itself a very erotic experience with the friction of the towel and pretty soon Willy was out of hibernation and perking up. I still find it amazing how quickly Willy's mood changes, she said, and how he seems to enjoy showing me his moods.
A couple of days later it was a lovely day so I went for my usual walk but I set off too fast and had to sit on one of the benches. I shut my eyes and leaned back, the warm sun on my face, drifting away with the fairies, as I caught my breath.
Are you OK, do you need help, I heard this voice say. I opened my eyes and saw this lady in a lovely floral summer dress standing before me - was it a dream? I couldn't see her face as the sun was directly behind her, and I said, Yes, thank you for stopping to ask, I'm OK, I walked too fast and had to stop to catch my breath and I drifted away with the fairies. Ah, she said, I find fairies are very handy, especially when they grant you your wishes. I laughed and said, That does not happen too often though unfortunately. You must be talking to the wrong fairies then, she said. Perhaps I do need help after all, I said.
She laughed and sat down beside me and I recognised her as Jan. Hello Jan, I said, I couldn't see you in the sunlight, that is a very pretty dress. Oh, thank you George she said, do you like it? Yes I do like it, it's very pretty and it fits you well, I said. Sorry George, she said, much as I might be tempted, I don't think I can make it fit you! I laughed, and said, drat, the wrong fairies again.
I like to sit along here, she said, enjoying the warm peace and quiet, away from the real world, watching the birds on the river and in the trees, I don't know what most them are, but I like watching and listening to them. I have an app on my phone that shows pictures, but that can be confusing.
Have you seen the kingfishers, I asked, best place is just along the river. No, I have not, she said, when you are ready, will you show me where to look please - what is that big black bird, swimming low in the water and diving. It's probably a cormorant, I said but there is another bird it could be, not that I can remember how to tell them apart - except the other one is smaller.
Jan was looking at a cormorant on her phone and asked, what is the other bird it might be. I hesitate to say this, I replied, but it is called a shag. She laughed, and I said be careful what you ask for on your phone! Well, she said, perhaps I too should not say this but I am partial to a nice shag. Aren't we all, I replied, and left it there.
We walked on and sat on a bench close to where I had often seen a kingfisher or sometimes two and we sat chatting in general terms, and it was as if we had known each other for years. Just then a kingfisher flew in and landed on a low branch where it sat for a few seconds before flying off.
Jan was spellbound, wow, that is so beautiful, she said, thank you for showing me. Your reaction is reward enough, I said, happy to help.
You and Pam seem to hit it off, she said, please don't hurt her, she is very vulnerable right now. I promise, I said, you may know Pam and I have had just one sexy meet, but since that we have agreed on friendship only and as we enjoy each other's company I am happy to go along with Pam's wishes. That's nice, Jan said, was it a good meet? Discretion forbids me to go into detail, I said, but she got me naked and I think we both enjoyed what we did. If Pam wants to tell you more, no problems, but I don't think that I should. That's lovely, she said, I too value discretion, especially as it was me that awakened Pam's sexuality.
I didn't know that, I lied, well done, I think that you succeeded. I will never ask her for more but if and when she wants it I am fully ready to go only as far as the lady wants to. That's nice, she said, I have found respect and integrity to be rare bedfellows.
We walked on a bit and I said, sorry Jan, much as I love your company, and your dress, I don't think I can go all the way today so I am going to head back. I understand, she said, perhaps you will be able to go all the way another day. I'll have to ask the right fairies, I said, and live in hope.
Before you go, she said, you may not know I'm on Fabswingers and I've seen your profile, and yours on Fabguys too, so I know a bit about you already. You have looked at mine several times so I'll send you a message so that you can find out a bit about me. Shall we meet up here again in two days at the kingfisher bench and I'll treat you to a cup of tea if you are a good boy. Lovely, I said, but I can't guarantee to be a good boy. No problems, she said, let's see then how naughty you can be!
There was much to consider as I slowly walked back to the car, past the 'kingfisher' bench and I sat again on the first bench, what I now called 'Jan's bench'. The sun had moved a bit but was still on my face as I shut my eyes and leaned back to revisit that first contact.
Jan was a picture in that lovely dress that fitted her so well, showing off all the curves in the right places. She is not a young woman but she is in very good shape, and yes, I would very much enjoy her fitting that dress onto my naked body - if I were smaller! Oh well, a guy can dream I suppose.
I thought about all the things we had talked about, was the meeting a coincidence or was it carefully planned and carried out, as Pam had suggested? Perhaps there is more to the connection between these two than meets the eye? I will probably never know but as long as I play this right and keep the Jan and Pam encounters well apart I should be OK - although I do have to wonder about the wisdom of seeing both when they live so close.
Such a shame that I won't get a cfnm with them both - being naked, fully exposed to them both together with them competing to embarrass and use me for their own entertainment - the very thought sends my hormones racing!
I tried to recall which lady's profile I had seen more than once but my mind was not cooperating. I guess I will find out when I get home and look on the fab sites. I wonder what the profile will tell me, and better still, are there any photos so that I can get an idea of what I hope to expect.
Jeez - I need a wank - but not here!
All the way home I kept wondering, fantasising, hoping - who knows - Jan does seem keen and there certainly seems to be a connection, which always bodes well for good sex, be it play or the real thing. I visualised cfnm with her and she seems to have less inhibitions than Pam so that could end well - if the chance arises?
On the other hand I was hooked on what I had with Pam and needed to be so careful that I did not lose that - I would probably lose it soon enough anyway.
Life got in the way of going online for the rest of the day so it was the following morning that I apprehensively opened up the Fab sites on my PC. Imagine my disappointment when there was no message, you could almost watch as my cock quickly deflated itself!
I set about various searches and found a few 'maybes' with some very intimate photos, but nothing I could be sure about, and besides it would probably not be a good idea to try to make contact as I felt that Jan, like Pam, liked to be in control, and remembering what one lady had told me not so long ago, half in jest, or maybe not, 'with what I have I can get as many of what you have as I want so I am very choosy who I allow in'.
So with my cock recovering it's semi status, and making a wet patch in my pants, I decided to sit back and wait, after all I still had tomorrow's date.
Later that day the message finally arrived and I was shaking a bit in anticipation as I read what Jan had to say and clicked on her profile. On reading and seeing I did recall looking at her profile more than once and, apart from Fabbing some of her images, I made no attempt to contact her because she was unable to accommodate. I always make a point of reading profiles and trying to comply with what I read.
I'll not go into details, and being discreet, neither will I reveal anything identifying, but the profile was very firm about what she wanted and very explicit about what she liked - and did not like. I read and looked several times before gaining the courage to write back - it is so easy to be misunderstood in an email so great care was needed.
I could see from the blue dot that she was online when I sent the reply thanking her and explaining that I was very attracted by her profile when I looked but that I respected her being unable to accommodate, and knowing that most women are inundated with messages from every wannabe on the website, I decided against becoming one of 'em!
Almost immediately, back came the reply, saying she understood and that I was right not to join the wannabes! Also arriving was friend invitation, which I likewise reciprocated, and asked her if she wanted the same status on Fabguys, which she did.
I had a long look at her friends only photos which, she said, very few people ever saw, and which would be withdrawn after a day or two for privacy, not that she doubted my integrity, more that she did not want such intimate photos left lying around.
I could see why as they very explicit, and again I'll not go into too much detail except to say she has very suckable nipples and seems to enjoy using her dildo. I conveyed my appreciation and said that I understood, and hoped that my friends photos would help not hinder what happens next.
I went onto Fabguys and the message from a member that I would never have suspected invited me as a friend. Although there were no photos on her/his profile it allowed Jan to see more of me - for good or bad?
I like what I see, her next message said, and I can foresee some interesting role play - if you are into that - shall we talk about it tomorrow?
I walked past what I called 'Jan's seat' and my mind went back to that first image of that rather attractive, shapely, curvy, all woman really filling that lovely dress, things were looking positive, but don't count your chickens just yet, try to remain enthusiastic without being over expectant or pushy, I thought.
As I approached the 'kingfisher bench' Jan was already there, looking through binoculars, kingfishers, perhaps? I stopped, exactly as she had done, with the sun behind me, and said, hi Jan, see anything you fancy. She chuckled, and said, that's a leading question, you naughty boy!
As I sat down I got a glancing view down her dress cleavage, was it deliberate or accidental, I'll probably never know, not quite nipple view, but enough to confirm there was an ample generosity of breasts to get lost between, if the opportunity arises. Oh gosh, I said, I do love to see your very pretty dress.
Seriously, she said, are you into cross dressing? Not really, I said, I must confess that I do love the feel of panties, stockings and suspenders on my body, and I do enjoy wearing a bra, but rarely get the chance. I've never worn a dress but, being honest, one of my fantasies is to dress up. Hold that thought, she said, I've never dressed a guy in woman's clothes, perhaps it would make a good role play, if I can get the right size garments. That is something I would really enjoy, I said, to have garments that fitted me and to have them fitted on me by you. We can come back to that, she said, as I would need to measure you first. For which you would need me naked, I presume, I said. She chuckled and said nothing more.
I think it is time I came clean and explained, I said. I have had some health issues this year, I won't go into details, unless you want me to, suffice say an ambulance and blue lights and a stay at Worcester were involved. I'm probably as good now as I will ever be and, according to the specialist, I am not at risk of a repeat performance. Nevertheless, I no longer get fully erect, and I don't always deliver a good load, but my liking of sex and role play remains as undiminished as ever.
She thought, and said, If you had told me this online before we met I would have said thanks for your honesty, I appreciate it, but you are probably not for me, and it would have gone no further. I am very demanding in bed and expect my partner to fully deliver to satisfy me.
She paused, then said, how would you respond to that rejection.
I said, obviously I would be very disappointed, but I do understand and respect you and your needs, and mutual satisfaction has always been my aim, so no nastiness, but if you would like to remain friends and maybe chat, so would I, and if not may I wish you all the luck in the world?
That's a nice thing to say, she said, one of my role play fantasies is as a sex ther****t, I have fantasised with helping couples, I've never played it out, she continued, but I could always practise and hone my ther****t skills with a willing man, if he wanted?
He does want, please, I quickly responded.
Again, she said, leave it with me to think through how I will handle this.
I understand you like cfnm, she said. Yes I do enjoy being controlled, and one of my fantasies was to be naked for Pam and yourself, however in view of how delicate things are, it is probably better to leave that in the land of dreams, but you get the picture.
I have done some cfnm over the years, she said, and the control freak in me loves having a naked guy under my control, so yes, we can add it to the list.
Talking of discretion , she said, my home backs onto the footpath, away from the gaze of the main entrance so it will be possible for visitors to come and go unseen by anyone else - as soon as my handy man repairs the jammed up gate that has not been used in years. Let me explain, she said, I am not indiscreet, but I have probably been too open with some of the other ladies, and it has bounced back to bite me, which is why I am getting the gate fixed. From now on nothing must be said to anyone, including Pam - is that OK with you. Absolutely, I said, it's better for all that I do not discuss you with Pam, or Pam with you. So there is more going on with Pam than meets the eye, she said, I thought as much. Not at all, I said, Pam and I are just good friends and I am helping her through a difficult patch without seeking reward. Very good reply, Jan said, I won't ask again.
By the way, she said, one of my favourite role plays has aways been as a headmistress and having a naughty boy to strip, humiliate and punish, would you be interested in that, I have not asked him yet, but Guy, the handyman, might be interested in being one of two naughty boys, which would be a new experience for me. I'm well up for that, I said, I have been a naughty boy sent to the head master's study for punishment, but never as one of two and never in front of a strict headmistress. Again, she said, leave it with me. It will be a week or two before the gate is usable.
I promised you a coffee, she said, shall we walk to the café. As we walked, Jan said, I'm not wearing anything at all under this dress, does that sound interesting? Yes indeed, I said, but I only have your word for that. She laughed, and said, you have already seen that I have no bra, when we sit down for coffee if we can find a secluded spot you can verify that I have no panties on, if you wish?
As we walked to the café, I said, I love the open way we can talk so freely and I find it very erotic, addictive even, but I need to be very careful what I say so that I don't inadvertently say something a step too far or that you misunderstand that damages what we have. I'm glad you said that, Jan replied, me too, if that happens I may ask you for clarification but I won't take offence. Me too, I replied.
On that subject, she said, do you think I went a step too far with my no panties offer, I am concerned that it makes me look like a slut or a tart?
I can see what you mean, I said, but in the context of what we have talked about I don't see you as a slut, just the opposite. I know you like a lot of sex but there is nothing wrong with that - a lot of people do - but very few feel able to discuss it as openly as we are able. I also believe that you are very fussy who you allow inside your knickers and l respect and admire that. I also consider myself very honoured to be potentially eligible and I take nothing for granted. I believe that like me, you consider no sex better than bad sex. That said, if you would rather not take this any further or have my hand up your dress, I will understand, I would of course be very disappointed, but I will always respect your wishes without any complaints. Does that help?
If I'm totally honest, she said, whilst I am of course apprehensive I really do want to feel your hand and fingers under my dress. I've not done anything like this in public before and I won't take silly risks but the thought of your hand on my naked pussy in public is a terrific turn on, let's see where we sit and perhaps you can wait for the OK to proceed. Yes ma'am, I said.
Let me know if this two plus two theory does not make four for you, she said, I think you met a lady called Sarah in Alcester (names changed!) a while ago, if so, would you be happy to tell me how it was?
I did, I said, I believe it went well, but I would rather not go into detail, similarly I would also respect your privacy. Actually, she said, I used to work with Sarah and we are good friends, having a shared interest, and we keep in touch to avoid weirdos, plus we like talking about our exploits over a glass or two of wine. I did not know you then and she did give me her feedback, which was positive. I think if you contacted her again you would not be rejected, but that is not for me to say.
That's nice, I said, thanks, I always try to do the best I can for my partner, but as I recall, and you may well know it did not quite go to plan, as first sex often does. I was unwell shortly after so we did not have a second session. It is best I say no more. I don't mind what you tell your friends as I trust your discretion.
We reached the café, and I pointed to a table in the corner of the garden, well shielded from some directions and with other tables blocking the direct view from elsewhere. She nodded, and I watched as she walked to get the coffees. Visualising her hopefully accessible pussy certainly got my juices flowing, is it bushy or shaven, will it be wet and easy to finger or will it be dry and tight, wonder if I will ever get to see it close up, play with it, enter it, as I get the feeling that is what she would like?
Jan arrived with the coffee and sat beside me in the corner as we chatted and tried to relax, but I could see the apprehension in her face, so perhaps this was not such a good idea after all?
If you are not comfortable with this Jan, shall we not do it, I said.
I think it's about as safe as anywhere is going to be, she said, so put your hand on my thigh and discreetly work your way upwards.
It would be nice to lift your dress, have a good look, and dive in head first, I said, but perhaps this is not the right time or place! I'll add that to my to do list, she said, never say never!
I placed my hand under the dress, on her upper leg and gradually moved my fingers along the inside of her thigh. She seemed to like that so I slowly carried on towards the goal, pausing every inch or so for us both to savour the moment.
I reached her pussy lips and they were lovely and warm, and wet, and shaven, then she opened her legs a bit to give me better access as I gently slid my index finger inside her where I rested it without moving as she gasped and wriggled a bit.
How am I doing, I asked. Just fine, she said, please carry on.
I slowly let my middle finger join the index finger so I had both fingers inside her feeling the warm wetness and spasms as she reacted to the insertion. I let myself take some time to find her clit and began working it, I had obviously hit the spot and it was not long before she asked me stop, so I did and withdrew my hand.
Am I doing something wrong, I asked. Not at all, she said, on the contrary, you've obviously done this before as you had me so close to an orgasm that I dare not let that happen just here.
You're the boss, I said, but I would love to give you as many orgasms as you want, if you want, when you want, where you want - even if I can't get my cock to play ball.
You will, she said, Sarah was right, you are good with your fingers.
It might not be so easy, but if you want I can open my zip for you to have a feel, maybe even a peek under the table?
She put her hand on my bulge, undid my zip and between us we jiggled her hand inside my pants.
I thought you said you could not get an erection, she said, that is not so bad and I can feel that lubrication is not a problem for you so that works OK, although as I only ever do safe sex we would depend on me for lubrication.
I think your first session needs to be with the sex ther****t and I will send you an appointment asap, she said, withdrawing her hand and licking it dry.
That's the first time I have ever done anything like that away from the privacy of home, she said, and it has really got me hooked for more, but common sense tells me that if we do this again, and I hope that we will, the second time will lack the unknown factor of the first, and if we want to take this to its natural conclusion, and I think that we both do, we need to be safe and warm at home, what do you think?
I agree, I said, thank you for allowing my fingers inside you, it was a fabulous experience and is a memory I will long cherish and I eagerly await my first appointment with the sex ther****t to investigate my issues and, hopefully, help me to perform properly.
It may take more than one appointment, she said, is that OK.
Oh yes please, I replied, I'm looking forward to your therapy so much and I will do anything you ask to cooperate.
A message from Jan arrived on Fabswingers the following day - thanks for yesterday, it read, a great experience and lots to mull over and develop. You may need more experience with your fingers but I will teach you on your first sex therapy appointment which will be as soon as the gate is fixed. I've spoken to Guy and he too relishes being the other naked pupil in together with you for suitable punishment. He is having problems getting materials for the new fence and gate at a sensible price. As soon as I am able I will book your first appointment.
I replied, thanking her for allowing me inside her, that it was for me to a very memorable WOW experience, and I am very much looking forward to her lessons.
I didn't mention that the next day I was visiting Pam and had expectations for another memorable experience.
As I set out towards Pam's, I was not sure quite what to expect, I know we are both keen to do the Alex whips David role play re-enactment, but I expect that setting up an overhead fixing may take a bit of thought. With that in mind I put some carabiners and bits and pieces and soft rope into the bag with the humbler. If we can't do the role play I was equally looking forward to a humbling experience.
In the interests of discretion I went to the back door and knocked, then let myself in. After the usual polite greetings, and an explanation of what was in the bag, including showing how the home made humbler worked, Pam said, keep your clothes on for now, come out to the shed and see what you can find to fix up for whipping. I measured the width needed on top of the wall cupboards and in the shed I found a just about long enough aluminium pole, that Pam said, she thought may have been part of a foldaway caravan bunk bed many years ago when the k**s were young. We took it indoors and it fitted well, a bit wobbly, but with care it should do the job.
Undress now, Pam said, and let's get started, so I stripped off as she watched, trousers off, pants off, polo shirt off over my head leaving me unsighted and stretched which I knew she liked to see. I was getting used to this now, but it still gave me enough of a buzz to set willy rising. I had already slung a carabiner over the pole and we giggled as she tied my hands together with another carabiner between them. I could reach the pole on tiptoe but with my hands tied could not clip the carabiners together, so Pam got a step stool and climbed up to reach. As she did so her enclosed breasts brushed past my face and although I could not be sure it was not accidental I found her right nipple, albeit not available, at my mouth, so I opened my mouth and tried to take it in. It seemed to take her a long time to clip me in during which I did my best to keep the nipple in my mouth but resisting the urge, made no attempt to suck or tongue it.
Nothing was said as she climbed down. She stood back and said, there you are, my captive and totally under my control, how does it feel to be my prisoner, in my captivity until I release you and from the look of it you find it very erotic, she continued, peeling my foreskin fully back and gently fondling and wanking me.
The careful measurement had paid off, I was able to stand feet flat on the floor but at a comfortable full stretch with legs slightly apart and totally exposed and vulnerable. Shall I fetch Jan, she said, I am sure she would love to see you like this.
That is your decision mistress, I said, whatever you wish, I would love to be naked with you both, and I have fantasised that quite a bit, but in view of what you said I didn't think it was a good idea so I did not suggest it.
You are right, she said, as things stand, I don't want to share you, but never say never.
She left me there and went away. returning wearing just a red bra, that barely covered her nipples and lacy red panties that showed hints of what lay beneath. She was carrying a sort of flogger.
WOW and double wow, I said, Pam you look fantastic, and you make me want you more than ever.
It has taken me a while, but I thought it was about time to overcome my shyness and anxiety, she said, especially with you in captivity. I trust you but it was all about finding the right moment. How am I doing?
I do understand how difficult this must have been for you Pam, I said, and believe you me, I am flattered and appreciative of your efforts.
She showed me the flogger she had made, basically a short length of broom handle with about 12" lengths of thin rope, looked like sash cord, bound to it, then she ran the fronds over and around my cock and balls, up my belly and around my small man boobs and nipples.
She slid past me ensuring lots of body contact and I felt the first, of many I hoped, tingles as she gently whipped my bum.
The response was instant, I wriggled and deliberately pushed my body forward making my cock jump about, not quite as convincingly as David's, but she liked it, so we did it again, and again, the floggings were getting harder and Pam said, we're starting to get that warm red glow on your bum that I love to see, just thought I would tell you.
She moved back to my front and took my nipples in her hands, giving each at first a gentle, then much harder tweak. I gasped, did that hurt, she said. Yes, a bit, but in a very erotic way, I replied. The next tweak was harder and I really winced. Tell me when to stop, she said, as another tweak hit me. I said nothing but had to ask her to stop after the next one which hurt more than was erotic. Nice pair of red man tits, she said, you should be proud of them, as she returned to kissing and sucking them, all the while pressing her knickers into my legs, and occasionally my cock.
Could this be the day, I thought?
How do you feel about a blindfold, she said. Not much experience, I replied, but I am hardly in a position to refuse. She opened a drawer and took out a scarf which she tied firmly around my eyes, asking if I could see anything. Nothing at all, I replied, which was not quite true as I had a glimpse of daylight down past my nose.
It went quiet, and them some more bum flogging and cock jumping, with fondling and even a very sensuous full on kiss, to which I tried to respond but she pulled away, saying, easy tiger.
I then felt her tits on my back and I realised she was, at last, bra less. That is gorgeous Pam, I said, don't stop please. I can see you like it, she said, slowly wanking my cock. I felt her warmness against my leg and realised she was naked.
That must have taken a lot of courage for such a shy lady, but I said nothing. She continued, gentle flogging, fondling, wanking, nipple teasing and then she was in front of me and I felt her lift her nipples to rub against my own and then her crotch was hard against my cock until I was almost ready to ejaculate, but I held it back as she moved away and it diminished - a bit.
She backed against me and pushed my cock between her legs, bending to let me reach the gates of heaven but denying me an entrance and I said, sorry Pam, I can't hold this much longer. Good she said, just let it go then, so I pumped away between her tightly clamped legs and it was one of the best orgasms I have ever had, and I was not even inside her.
I don't think she came, but it must have been good for her as we stood there in that clasp for some time as willy relaxed. She moved away and it went quiet as I stood there, totally drained, spunk dripping off the end of my cock.
She returned and I jumped as I felt her clean me up first with a stinging alcohol based wipe and then with tissues.
I'll let you down now, she said, come through when you are ready, dressed or naked, your choice. Please don't take the blindfold off until I tell you to as I am not ready yet for you to see me naked - sorry.
Please do not apologise Pam, I said, what you have just given me far exceeds my expectations and I truly appreciate how hard being naked with me for the first time must have been for you.
She climbed up on the step stool and again I felt her tit and nipple close to my mouth, I opened my mouth and it just popped in, maybe it had a hand to do so, who knows, but I closed my mouth and savoured that small but very erect nipple for a second or two, then it was gone, I was unclipped, my hands loosened and she was gone.
She called out from the next room, OK you can take the blindfold off now.
I undid the rope and took the blindfold off then went through to the lounge, still naked and with wee willy at his most dormant which was no surprise after what he has just been encouraged to do.
Pam was fully dressed and looking a bit flustered, so I said, shall I just dress and go?
She nodded, and said, I'll send you a message, and I left.
I was concerned that Pam seemed upset by the session, or aspects of it, so when I got home I sent her a gentle message thanking her for the sensational session and for all the thought and work that she had put in to it. I went on to suggest that if it had been a step too far for her I would quite understand if she wanted to call a halt to our meetings, or backtrack to an earlier stage, as whilst I truly enjoyed her company, I would always respect her needs. We can talk about it if you wish, I said, or pretend it never happened, as you wish.
I didn't say so, but I felt we were at a potential turning point and whilst I still had Jan to come I hoped that Pam and I had a few more sessions to explore.
It was two days before the reply arrived.
Pam's reply simply said, lot's to discuss, shall we meet for coffee and a chat somewhere neutral with no distractions, and she suggested a quiet local hotel lounge, and so it came to pass that a date was agreed.
I ordered the coffees, and a slice of cake each, and we sat down and chatted about everything except the very subject that we needed to talk about.
Eventually, I said, shall I explain exactly how I see where we are, warts and all.
Yes please, Pam replied, please do.
I am going to be disarmingly honest with you Pam, I said, you deserve that. Ever since we first waved and smiled and our eyes met, I have fancied you. To me, you have a kind and warm face and a genuine caring approach to life, and it attracts me enormously. Initially, pre that Naked Attraction moment, I never had any expectations, I just liked talking to you and being in your company. Since that first rainy day session I have come to realise that was a huge leap of faith on your part deserving much respect. I think you know that I have very much enjoyed all of our sessions and, correct me if I am wrong, but I believe that you have too. I must be honest and say that whilst it is entirely up to you and I would never ask or try it on, I would very much like to go to bed with you - but I accept that will probably never happen - and that too is fine. What I don't want to do is lose your friendship.
I stopped, and Pam thought before speaking.
Being very honest in return, Pam said, I too fancied you right from the start, perhaps it was the mutual attraction that got me started. Following my husband's death I was lost and Jan, as you know, was a huge help and support to me. I grew up in a family where sex was never spoken about and sex education did not exist so when I lost my virginity it was a very rapid learning curve. I quickly discovered that many men just wanted a conquest and once I had been conquered they lost interest. That did nothing to help my self-esteem and for too many years my sexuality and desires were suppressed and not considered by others. It was only when Jan and I, at Jan's suggestion, first watched NA earlier this year and Jan was pretty explicit about what we saw, encouraging me to be the same which led to my exploration of internet porn that all these feelings began to emerge. Jan had seen you pass and after looking at some cfnm porn, she suggested that I might be a suitable candidate and it was her idea to show a recorded NA for you to accidentally see. The rest we both know.
She paused, and I went to respond - but she put her hand up to stop me, and continued,
Bear with me, she said, as I try to choose my words. At first, she said, I just wanted safe cfnm where I was at no risk of being naked or of any emotional involvement, it was just exploring my hitherto buried desires and I found that I so liked being in control of you naked and aroused that all else paled into nothing and I just wanted more and more. When you showed me the Alex/David video something else stirred and such is the power of the video that I began to want to be naked for you and encourage you to bed me, not that I felt you would need much encouragement, which again made me more cautious. A vicious circle one might even say, so when the role play came up I devised a way of being naked with you unable to see or touch me and I think that worked because I certainly enjoyed it and I want to do it again, if you do. (I nodded but said nowt!). So, there you have it, she said, I don't want meaningless sex, but I do want more cfnm, even maybe cmnf, and for you to take charge and seduce me and see where it leads us.
Again, she paused, this is the really hard bit, she said
I felt embarrassed being naked, mainly because I had never done anything like that before and I was frightened, although having done it I don't now know why I was so frightened. I have looked in the mirror a lot of late and what I see does not impress me. I am old and overweight with saggy boobs and no waistline. How would anyone want to make love to me, and so I went into defensive mode I guess. There, it took me a while, but I've said it.
Oh Pam, I said, you've seen me naked, and that too was somewhat embarrassing for me first time. You've seen me, I too am overweight and hardly a porn star specimen of manhood with a wayward willy that I struggle to both get hard enough and to control, but you accepted me for what I am. It does not matter what you look like naked, I just want to see and touch you naked, beauty is in the eye of the beholder and I suspect that I will find, if I ever do find, the naked you very attractive if for no other reason than you are a lovely person. Does that help.
She leaned across, took my hands, and kissed me full on my lips, allowing me time to respond fully.
Thank you, she said, I've wanted a kiss like that for months. A kiss can tell you so much that words alone cannot and sensual kissing is, for me, and, I believe, you too, an essential part of love making,
We both sat back reflecting on our conversation and smiling both to each other and to ourselves.
Another coffee, I said, perhaps no more cake though, and I stood up to order.
You had better sit down, Pam said, you can't walk to the bar like that, I'll go.
It seems willy was still excited at all of the potentials we had talked about and he needed to be discreetly rearranged to be less conspicuous.
Whilst we waited for the coffees, I said, there is something I want to tell you, do you recall saying that you would not be surprised if I met Jan on my walks, well I did, twice.
Oh, do go on, Pam said, all the details please, this is fascinating.
I had walked too fast from the car and had to sit down, I said, as I felt dizzy, and I drifted almost asleep when I heard someone ask me if I was OK and it was Jan. She did seem genuinely concerned and she leaned towards me, placing her hand on my thigh, wearing her low cut, attention grabbing, floral dress. She sat down and we chatted and I did get several more flashes of cleavage, but I said nothing and enjoyed the view. We talked about birds and I mentioned the kingfishers further along which she was keen to see.
Jan does have nicer boobs than me, said Pam, less droopy and bigger nipples. I resisted the urge to ask how she knew, but I did wonder.
We walked along to where I regularly saw a kingfisher, I said, and sat on a bench and chatted some more, sometimes general, but more often with a strong hint of innuendo and it was obvious she was looking for more without being too direct. She asked about you and me and I said apart from the cfnm meeting that had me naked for you we had decided not to take it any further and to be just friends - I don't think she was convinced. She asked me if I enjoyed the meeting and I said that I did. Please take care not to hurt Pam as she has had a tough time of late, she said, and I said that I would never knowingly hurt you as you are a good friend, plus being nasty is just not my style. I really got the impression that Jan is a warm and caring lovely person who just wants to be loved, with a bit of fun along the way. I'm not sure I can risk sex with her though as she seems less level headed than you.
I think you are right, said Pam, I do like Jan a lot and she has been very supportive of me and very instrumental in bringing my sexuality back to life. This is to go no further, she said, but with NA and porn on tv we did things together that I never believed I ever would with a woman, but with the help of a few glasses of el vino collapso it all felt so natural and enjoyable. Jan is very experienced, not in the least shy about her body, and she can be quietly persuasive without being at all persuasive, if you know what I mean, so if you are seduced by her charms I will understand.
I am very attracted, I said, but perhaps not until you have moved away, meanwhile I can guarantee my total discretion as I would never tell Jan what we do together. You and I are just good friends but if you want to tell her the details of us, I don't mind, but if you do please let me know.
Jan called round, she said, and I was just loading the washing machine. She saw the pole and asked what it was for and I said I was looking at ways of drying the washing on wet days without using the tumble drier, which I thought was a brilliant response on the spur of the moment. I don't think she was convinced but it's probably better that you do not mention Alex/David to her, she said, as she will quickly add two and two.
You are probably right, I said, thanks for the warning.
We finished our coffee and with our next session booked we got up to leave.
May I kiss you, I said. So we kissed, lingeringly, which again seemed to please both willy and fanny.
You can tell me about the second, and any more meets with Jan next time, were Pam's parting words.
I left it a couple of days before I returned to my walk route, it was still warm but summer was fading into autumn and it won't be long before revealing summer dresses disappear for a while. I'm not sure what I wanted, would I be pleased, and aroused, if Jan and my paths crossed again? She is certainly one very sexy and well-proportioned woman.
As I came into view of the 'kingfisher' bench Jan was not on it, relief or disappointment? I really did not need the complication of two woman living so close together and knowing the depth of their friendship could I be certain just who has told who of what? Was one playing me against the other, it would be arrogant of old and imperfect me to think that - but? All sorts of permutations jumbled through my mind again, so I guess on balance probably for the best.
As I came around the next bend there was a lot of vegetation obscuring the bench, and there sat on it, yes you guessed it, was Jan, same dress that did so much to accentuate her shape, albeit with a cardigan on today. Oh hello, she said, didn't expect to see you today, have a seat and join me and I'll show you some bird photos that I have taken. I leant across and with my usual fabulous view of her cleavage tried not to be distracted and to look interested in the photos. No bra, and presumably no knickers I thought? It seems Jan had really taken to bird watching, and she said, I take a photo of any bird I see then I can look them up when I get home to see what they are and their lifestyles.
Do you fancy a coffee, she asked, and I found myself saying, with or without benefits Jan. I caught what looked like her mild blush, before she quickly regained her composure and we walked the short distance to the café, both deep in thought so very little was said. My treat, I said, you choose the table, I'll get the coffees, and I walked indoors without looking back.
Again, was I relieved or worried that Jan had chosen exactly the same seat that we had last time? As I sat on the same seat as I used before, the memory flashed back and she looked me in the eye and said, do you remember what happened last time we sat here? Of course I do, I said, it was absolutely unforgettable, and if I might add, an unexpected and very lovely experience to feel your softy and inviting femininity in that way. Oh good, she said, I was worried that I might have gone too far. Not at all, I said, you made it a beautiful and very sexy moment for me and I felt, still feel, honoured, how about for you? Oh yes, she said, you have a very kind and thoughtful way about you and the hidden submissive in me has this urge to want you to take me. The very reason we are here now is because I want more, putting it bluntly, I've waited a few days and you are so good with your fingers, so much so that I almost came last time, but perhaps we should wait until that family with k**s running around have left.
Do you fantasise about me, she asked, please be open and honest. Taken a bit aback by her disarmingly forward question, I had to quickly think before I replied. Being honest and open, I said, yes I do fantasise about you a lot. I fantasise what the role play will be that gets me naked and under your clothed control as a first, I fantasise about when and how I will see you naked and what you will want me to do as a second, I fantasise about the two schoolboys being naked before the headmistress as my third and I fantasise about being cross dressed from naked by you for my fourth, I fantasise about how many times we will have to have sex to get a simultaneous climax for my fifth. How's that for a start.
Jan laughed, and said, well that is certainly open and honest and I think that you and I are gonna have a lot of fun together. I've not met many men who are so open and I'm still evolving where we go from here to get the best for each of us out of it, you can't get the genie back in the lamp once it is out so we have to get the order right. I can handle surprises, I said, as I may have proved, I won't ask but if you need my input no doubt you will ask.
The family had left and Jan placed my hand on her thigh, go, go, tiger, she said, and I gently worked my hand along her tender and sensitive thigh. I felt my fingertips brush against her outer lips, and I stopped, just teasingly touching and moving away. I obviously had her undivided attention so instead of entering and finger fucking her I headed to her clit and gave that some gentle, but firm, well deserved attention, gaining several gasps and twitches for my trouble. You seem to like that, I said, I wish I could take my dress off and get you between my wide open legs, she said, I don't know how many consecutive climaxes I can stand, but one of my fantasies is to find out.
I continued to work her clit until she said, you need to stop doing that, so I moved down, avoiding her clit as best I could and worked two my fingers gently inside her as deep as I could and she in turn used her muscles to grip and release my fingers until again we needed to stop. Sorry, she said but I do not cum quietly and this is not the right place.
As I reluctantly withdrew my hand, she placed her hand on my bulge and I unzipped and opened my legs for her to get her hand on my tackle. She is very good, not easy to get in via a zip and boxers open front, but she was gentle in a very intoxicating way and she soon had me out in the open and risen to the occasion. Sorry, I said, I have not wanked for a while and I too am too close for comfort, had I expected this I would have had a wank before I came out. You like being wanked, she said, when the opportunity arises I promise you will never leave my home with a stiffy.
It was starting to get complicated, with both Pam and Jan being so close, both where they lived and in their friendship - or was it more than friendship? I was not bothered by the thought of them being bisexual and having fun together, after all I had enough fun with guys over the years, so the pot should not call the kettle black. I was still fantasising about a cfnm with them both, and them competing to do different things to me for their entertainment, but that looks ever less likely, but it does not stop me using the fantasy as the basis for a good wank.
I had walked a short way when I suddenly thought, ordinarily I would relish meeting Jan and the evolution of the relationship - and coffee - with benefits - but today I didn't want to risk not making it to Pam's, so I turned back and went the other way round. I could not drive there as it would risk being seen entering the park as I passed Jan's home and at least this way I can slip in almost unseen by prying eyes.
I knocked the back door and went in, Pam was in the midst of boxes galore, packing things.
Looks like you are moving Pam, I said. Yes, things are happening a bit quicker that I had hoped, she said, I have a buyer and I'm moving into my son's holiday home temporarily whilst my new retirement apartment is finished. I have had to rethink today, she said, as I did plan a rerun of Alex whips David, but as this might well be our last opportunity I have another plan in mind.
There are still so many things to see and do, she said, the rerun, the humbler, a glory hole, to name but a few, but today I want to complete my sexual rebirth with you.
Will we be needing these then, I said, placing the packet of Durex and the lube that I had bought in Tesco on the worktop. The bad news is George, she said, keeping a straight face, we will not be needing them. I tried not to show my disappointment when she added, the good news is that I already have both.
My plan is, she said, remember that wet day when I first saw you naked. How could I forget, I said. I want to start there, she said, but instead of going into the lounge we go into my bedroom. Flippin 'eck Pam, I said, if you are sure about this - why are we still stood here.
I have wanted this for ages, and so have you, she said, as I went into the bathroom to strip off. I left the door ajar so she could watch as I did my usual, trousers and pants off, the jumper off over my head, then shirt off over my head, but as ever it seemed to get stuck, and I struggled to get it off. It was then that I felt Pam's hands easing the shirt over my head and there I was - again - totally naked as she looked me up and down. You need a trim, she said, I'll do that later before you leave.
She took my small man boobs in her hands saying, small but nice to fondle, I would love to fit you with a bra, that would be great fun as we juggled things around, she said, before tweaking my nipples to both make them erect and, I presume, to see how it affected Willy. Poor Willy was doing his best to stand to attention - perhaps he needs more encouragement.
I need not have worried as Pam took a small towel and pretend dried me off all over, missing nothing. She stood back admiring her handiwork and putting her arms around me and puling me tight kissed me, a proper passionate 'I want you' type kiss and I responded with equal passion, plus tongues, plus arms. We stood there, holding each other tight, her tits, not yet available to me, pressing into my chest and her crotch grinding against Willy - not that he minded.
I was unsure what to do next, well actually I knew exactly what to do next, but was a bit reticent to take control. We came up for air and Pam said, wow where did you learn to kiss like that. Just responding to your teachings as best I can, I replied.
She encouraged me to unbutton her blouse, not that I needed much encouragement, and placed my right hand on her left breast. Nothing was said as we kissed again, and I tried unsuccessfully to get her breast out of its container. Eventually I put my hands behind her and undid her bra, allowing her breasts the freedom to be seen, to be kissed, her ever hardening nipples to be sucked and - just as she had mine - general fondling and squeezing of her breasts.
She stood back and dropped her trousers and stood there in front of me with just a pair of flesh coloured panties on and I took in the view. You like, she said. I like, I said, and she took my hand and led me into the bedroom.
The thick curtains were drawn, and it was a romantic, erotic, atmosphere as we kissed passionately again. The bed had beautiful clean and ironed sheets and she quickly took her pants off and as she just as quickly jumped under the sheets I caught a fleeting glimpse of her very attractive vagina with its closely trimmed bush. Was I meant to catch a glimpse; I think maybe I was.
I followed her into bed and after another long kiss she put my hand between her legs. Gosh, she was dry and I was not able to get my finger in even slightly so I gently massaged around where I knew her clit was. Pam knew, and she said to me, feel up under your pillow. I found two things, a tube of lube and a dildo.
I said nothing, and Pam broke the silence by saying, I don't have the brazen lack of shyness that Jan has and I am not ready for you to do this openly, but I suspect that you know what to do and I know you have already found my flexible friend so please, please me.
I took a generous dollop of lube and gently applied it where it was needed and lo and behold her pussy gradually opened up for me and as it did I felt her react to my touch as her clit enlarged and responded. I can appreciate how difficult this must be for you, I said, but please try to relax and let my fingers do the walking. All those years of repressed desires, I thought, what a terrible loss for her, I must do my best to reawaken this sleeping beauty.
A little secret, she said, between you and I, I've had very few orgasms during sex and I've never ever had a multiple orgasm. Shhh, I said, no need to say anything, let's see what we can do, but you will need to let yourself go, trust me, and relax, and we kissed.
The flexible friend was a very good copy of a cock and, perhaps fortunately not dissimilar in colour, shape and girth to my own, albeit somewhat longer and a bit more firm to the touch - at the moment. I lubed it up and rested it against her outer lips, she wriggled a bit, I pushed gently, and in it slid, smooth as you like, resting every inch or so as she acclimatised. That's about as far as my cock would go, I said, would you like any more. Not sure, she said, I've never had it all the way in. Shall we try, I said, slowly, tell me when is enough as I want to pleasure you not hurt you and when it comes to strokes a little less insertion should be more pleasurable for you. That said, I said, some ladies do like a good long length, not that I can oblige. You will get your chance, she said.
Very gradually I worked it in but we had not gone more than an inch when she gasped and I said, enough. Enough, she said, so I withdrew it and entered again, and again, and worked it gradually quicker and at more of an angle to work her clit. Another deeply passionate kiss and I could feel her coming, until with a huge gasp and a stiffening and arching of her body she climaxed, laying there convulsing and twitching as I slowly continued with the flexible friend, gradually winding her down.
Now would be a good time to slip on a condom and fuck me, if you will pardon the use of the word, she said, I am more than ready.
I knelt up in bed and she made sure only her breasts were in view as I put the condom on. Willy, it seems, had enough stimulation to behave himself and I slipped between her wide open legs, took the dildo that was still inside her from her hand, slowly withdrew it and replaced it with my cock, going gently in balls deep where I rested, feeling her internal muscles contracting and releasing my cock.
I'm sorry, I said, it's been too long, I am not going to last long. Don't worry, she said, it does not matter, it's been fantastic and now it's your turn to let go. I added my fingers to the mix and worked her clit again until I knew she was close by which time I could hold it no more and I plunged hard and as deep as I could as I climaxed, yes a fully charged climax rather than just shooting my load, followed very closely by her second cumming as I continued whilst Willy softened, and in the end came out, as we gently came down from the euphoria.
We lay there, in each other's arms, sweating, breathing heavily as the hormones gradually subsided and I said, kissing her gently, thanks Pam, that cannot have been easy for you but for me that was the best sex I have had in years. Me too, she said, shame we have not got more time to perfect the art.
We lay there chatting, and we were both very relaxed, I've told Jan what the high level bar was for, she said, and it has gone to a good home. I told Jan that it was my plan to role play the video with you as part of our second cfnm, but that you did not know as I did not yet quite have the nerve to tell you, but as a parting gift to you I have set you up with Jan. That has left me speechless, I said, thank you, not that Jan needs any encouragement. I think you are right, Pam said, Jan and I have become close again and I believe that Jan is more genuine than I thought, perhaps a bit over enthusiastic at the wrong time, but without doubt she does like her sex.
Go and get rid of the rubber and a quick clean up, she said, you still need a quick trim. I don't know how I will manage without you, I said. I have a feeling you will cope very well, she said.
When I came back, sporting a less than semi recovering Willy, I lay down on a towel and Pam sat up, kneeling between my legs, the light was on and she was baring her all.
You are lovely Pam, I said, you should be very proud of your femininity and not hide it, nothing at all to be shy about, lovely to see, lovely to hold.
Her face coloured a bit and I thought whoops, have I said the wrong thing.
She held Willy down flat whilst she trimmed me up. I loved the buzz as the trimmer moved around my balls and up my belly. I can see and fell that you are enjoying this, she said, and I absolutely love doing it for you. There is so much I am going to miss, and it is much easier without an erection.
Days passed and the more I thought about it the more I thought that not only did I, and mainly Jan of course, help Pam to re-awaken her dormant sexuality, but they are both responsible in no small way, Pam directly and Jan indirectly, to my own sexual re-awakening. An interesting hypothesis - well it is for me anyway! Perhaps I should go back on Fabguys and see what I can arrange as I do need some sex.
Pam had moved away and I had not heard from her, perhaps unsurprisingly, following the intensity and passion of our last meet. I wonder what she is thinking, or am I being too presumptuous - perhaps she has moved on and put it all behind her? Oh well, it was fun while it lasted and my final image of her naked, openly kneeling between my legs ready to trim my bush will stay with me! Perhaps that was deliberate rather than spontaneous - who knows - but I recall it with fondness - and lust.
I had reverted to my original route but with the cooler, and sometimes wetter, days I had not bumped into Jan either. It wonder if it would ever be worth getting wet again, I mused as l walked? Walking is good for thinking, as long as the thinking does not invent what was never there.
I passed 'Jan's' seat and memories came flooding back then as I rounded the curve there, on the 'kingfisher' bench, was Jan. My heart raced and Willy was paying more attention than he had been doing for a day or three. Jan had her binocs to her eyes and was not, or was she, aware of my approach until I said, Hi Jan, is it too cold for a coffee.
She looked up and seemed genuinely pleased to see me, never too cold for a coffee, she said, but unfortunately not warm enough for a knickerless coffee. Understandable, I said, as she got up and we walked towards the café.
We talked about many things, mainly sex related, and I asked if she had heard from Pam. No, she said, not since she left. I can tell you that I have seen the video of Mistress Alex whips David and I can see why you both fancied the role play of it, I do too. I have the bar and all the bits and we can add that to your fantasy list if you wish. Oh yes, Jan, I do wish, please.
We went inside for a coffee and found a quiet corner, no benefits today, but never mind as it was shaping up well.
Was there anything else in the bag, I asked. No, she said, except a homemade wooden contraption that Pam did not explain. I think I know what it is and what it does, she said, perhaps you would like to explain? So I explained that it is a homemade humbler, do you know what a humbler is, I added. It seems she does, no surprise there then! Do go on, she said, hoping I thought to embarrass me. So I explained in great detail that it is for holding either my balls or my cock, or both, either in front of, or perhaps more humiliatingly, behind the victim and that I thought that it had good play potential. Absolutely, she said, I've never used one but I will add it to the list as I want to have you humbled.
Incidentally, she said, I have a similar device for clamping tits, makes the nipples really stand out, well it does me, and in a funny way I love wearing it. I doubt your moobs will be big enough to go in, we shall see, but mine certainly are and I suspect that it would compliment the humbler, plus I want you to be the first man to see me in it. Guy is keen to meet you, she said, and he too might be up for a humbling experience. Count me in, I said, punishment by the head mistress beckons.
I want to start the first cfnm as your sexual ther****t, she said, before the punishment session, I'll explain later, and as the gate is almost usable I will send you a message in a day or two. It could be quite a long session as I discover where you are and what you can do sexually, if that is OK. Absolutely, I said, and I realise that if you are to help me I must be totally honest and compliant. Couldn't have put it better myself, she said.
The crazy days of summer had long gone, the days were more chilly, and rain was ever present, so I decided to park nearby and make a dash for the newly installed back gate, and into Jan's home. It is identical to Pam's so I knew my way around as Jan came out to meet me. She was dressed in a clinician's type of white coat, buttoned down the front and, I hoped just bra and panties, or less, underneath the coat.
Come into my consulting room, she invited, and I follower her into what would have been the second bedroom. No bed, a desk with two computers on it, and two chairs, and apart from a narrow black padded massage bench with what looked like several movable sections, very little else in the room. She beckoned me to sit down and she sat behind the desk.
Hello George, she said, my name is Jan, I am an experienced sexual ther****t, it's good to meet you. I hope that together we will be able to explore and help you improve some of the aspects of your love making.
I will start by asking you some questions to help me build up a picture of where we are at, is that OK. The more openly you can answer me the better. I nodded and confirmed my name and dob. If you would prefer not to answer, don't worry, I want you to relax and just let it flow, I have helped lots of people and have had some very worthwhile results. Again, I nodded.
When did you last have sex with a woman, was the first question, it would have been a few years ago, I said (avoiding the recent!) and referring to the meet I had locally (that she already knew about).
How was it, she asked. I think we both enjoyed it, I said, but I was unable to get really hard and I came too soon, but I think I managed to rescue the situation for her with my fingers because it is important to me that my partner be satisfied too. It was just one-off sex but that's just the way I am.
No need to apologise, she said, thank you for the very frank answer, and she typed on the computer.
Have you ever had sex with a man, she asked, oral or anal. I have given anal sex, safely, up to some years ago, I said, but not of late and I remain an anal virgin, but I have had dildos inside me. I am not able to bring myself to kiss a man, I said, it's just sexual release for me, but I do enjoy a nice cock in my mouth and I love being sucked.
Did you enjoy it, she asked, Very much, I said, both aspects. More keyboard clatter.
Which do you prefer, she asked, male or female. Female, and very much so given the choice, I replied, but I am not averse to male.
When you are with a woman. she asked, are you able to use foreplay to get in the right move. Yes, I replied, I consider myself reasonably competent at kissing and foreplay, sometimes but not always protracted, as a mood setter, using body language and intuition to know when the time is right.
What about your last sexual encounter with a woman, tell me a bit about it. It was an internet sex site meeting, I said, after some messaging we met for coffee and she invited me back to her flat. Within seconds we were both naked and in bed and there was no messing with this lady, she knew what she wanted and she knew exactly how to get it so there was no foreplay build up.
Hmmmm, she said, that's interesting, followed by more keyboard clatter.
Before I give you a physical examination, she said, I'm going to show you some erotic images, please study and rate each one on a scale of 1 to 7, seven being the most appealing to you to be in if you had the opportunity.

The crazy days of summer had long gone, the days were more chilly, and rain was ever present, so I decided to park nearby and make a dash for the newly installed back gate, and into Jan's home. It is identical to Pam's so I knew my way around as Jan came out to meet me in the kitchen. She was dressed in a clinician's type of white coat, buttoned down the front and, I hoped just bra and panties, or less, underneath the coat.
Come into my consulting room, she instructed, and I followed her into what would have been the second bedroom. No bed, a desk with two computers on it, and two chairs, and apart from a narrow black padded massage bench with what looked like several movable sections, very little else in the room. She beckoned me to sit down and she sat behind her desk.
Hello George, she said, my name is Jan, I am an experienced sexual ther****t, it's good to meet you. I hope that together we will be able to explore and help you improve some of the aspects of your sexual experiences.
I will start by asking you some questions to help me build up a picture of where we are at, is that OK. The more openly you can answer me the better. I nodded and confirmed my name and dob. If you would prefer not to answer, don't worry, I want you to relax and just let it flow, I have helped lots of people and have had some very worthwhile results. Again, I nodded.
When did you last have sex with a woman, was the first question. It would have been a few years ago, I said (avoiding the recent!) and referring to the sex meet I had locally (that she already knew about).
How was it, she asked. I think we both enjoyed it, I said, but I was unable to get really hard and I came too soon, but I think I managed to rescue the situation for her with my fingers because it is important to me that my partner be satisfied too. It was just one off sex but that's just the way I am.
No need to apologise, she said, thank you for the very frank answer, and she typed on the computer.
Have you ever had sex with a man, she asked, oral or anal. I have given anal sex, safely, up to some years ago, I said, but not of late and I remain an anal virgin, but I have had dildos inside me. I am not able to bring myself to kiss a man, I said, it's just sexual release for me, but I do enjoy a nice cock in my mouth and I love being sucked.
Did you enjoy it, she asked, Very much, I said, both aspects. More keyboard clatter.
Which do you prefer, she asked, male or female. Female, and very much so given the choice, I replied, but I am not averse to male, especially having a cock to enjoy.
When you are with a woman. she asked, are you able to use foreplay to get in the right mood. Yes, I replied, I consider myself reasonably competent at kissing and foreplay, sometimes but not always protracted, as a mood setter, using body language and intuition to know when the time is right.
What about your last sexual encounter with a woman, tell me a bit about it. It was an internet sex site meeting, I said, after some messaging we met for coffee and she invited me back to her flat. Within seconds we were both naked and in bed and there was no messing with this lady, she knew what she wanted and she knew exactly how to get it so there was no foreplay build up.
Hmmmm, she said, that's interesting, followed by more keyboard clatter.
Before I give you a physical examination, she said, I'm going to show you some erotic images, please study and rate each one on a scale of 1 to 7, seven being the most appealing to you to be in if you had the opportunity.
Jan passed the laptop to me, explaining that it was a home-made idea cooked up by her and an ex client, it is totally unscientific and far from conclusive but it does help her to help clients, and if nothing else, is a bit of fun!
In all there were about 50 images from the sensual to the extreme, male and female, and both, and the instruction was not to think about it but to rate each one quickly based on first impressions. I found the exercise quite erotic and quite a stiffy developed. When I finished Jan told me to go to the bathroom, undress, wash and dry myself and return with just the towel for modesty, or naked if I wished.
On my return, I was directed, up flat on the bench, keep the towel over you if you wish. I nodded, and added that as this was a new experience for me and I was a bit shy I would prefer to keep the towel if that was OK. Of course it is, she affirmed, trying not to smile.
I was desperate to see what was below her white coat as it might give me a clue where this was going, but she was very careful getting up from the desk not to allow the coat to reveal anything between the buttons. It did not stop me visualising her shaven pussy and glorious tits. I wonder what her nipples are like, I thought, I know she like them played with, but how much? Having already told me about her penchant for titty bondage I felt quite optimistic. We shall see, I hope.
She looked me up and down and ran her hands sensuously over my upper body leading to my small man boobs where she massaged and tweaked my nipples. This made the nipples, small as they are, instantly erect and she nodded, tweaking them again and asking whether that had any effect anywhere else. Yes, it does, I said, it affects my penis. I had better have a look, she said, whipping the towel away to create our first cfnm.
I lifted my hands as if to cover myself but thought better of it. I was by then on the firm side of a semi, your penis appears to react exactly as I would expect, she said, stay still while I examine you. She lifted and squeezed and gently felt all around my cock and my balls and ran her hands all around my inner thighs and lower belly. You have a wee bit of soreness between your legs, she said, I have some soothing cream that will help, may I?
Like I was gonna decline! She went to the desk drawer and came back with an unmarked tub, dipped her fingers into it and applied it generously all around - not just the alleged sore area - it was a gorgeous sensation and felt more like a foreplay wank than a medical examination, with my foreskin repeatedly being firmly rolled back and forth before she stopped, saying, I have seen and examined lots of genitalia and I am delighted to say that yours feels and reacts within normal parameters. She had made it very clear who was in control, and again I could not help but appreciate that Jan is a cockaholic and mine was far from her first.
Thank you, I said, just as well you stopped as we were approaching the point of no return. Yes, she said, I was feeling that in you too, which is why I stopped.
Bring your knees and feet right up please. she said, pushing my legs wide apart to better display my cock and balls, and spread your legs while I inspect you internally, nice trim, who did that for you, she asked. Discretion prevents me from answering that, I said. I see, she said, Pam? Did Pam learn from you, I said. Client confidentiality was all she said. I think their friendship goes much further, I thought, but said nothing.
I did as I was instructed, drawing my legs up high and spreading my legs to a most delightfully vulnerable position and using more of the cream she gently wriggled and slid her index finger inside me. I do have to say that at that point I was feeling a bit used and embarrassed, which was, I guess, the whole point. That said, I loved being her patient. She gave my rectum a thorough finger examination, taking a long time, not that I objected, then saying you are a bit tight, tell me if this is too much as she gently worked and slid a second finger inside me. How is that she said after I flinched a bit, as she slowly worked her way inside me. Honestly, I said. Of course, honestly, she snapped. It is fantastically enjoyable actually, and a heck of a turn on, I said, you are very gentle, and I love it. I can see that you like it, she said, taking hold of my penis and giving it a firm squeeze as she rolled my foreskin back and forth a couple of times with one hand and finger fucked me with the other. I was again getting close, but she knew that, and stopped, leaving me there naked, exposed and more than ready to cum.
She stepped back and said, get off the bench so I can see you standing, so I got down and stood, legs apart, hands behind my back, cock standing up very well, for her to look me up and down thinking, I am naked now and have nothing left to hide, gee whizz how I am loving this, I wonder how long she will keep me on the edge.
She asked me what I was feeling right now, and I said, I've seen a lot of cfnm porn as I've always fancied it with the right person and I find the vulnerability, and that your experience plus you seem to enjoy your work so much quite a turn on. She was not giving much away as she nodded and smiled.
I need a semen sample, she said, for analysis. You can go to the bathroom if you wish or you can do it here while I watch, your choice. I gulped, and said, I will do it here, if it helps to reduce my inhibitions the more you see the better your understanding, hopefully. Again, she nodded and smiled. She really wants to see me wank off, I thought, and who am I to disappoint the lady!
Put this dry condom on, she said, leave a large pocket at the tip and let's see how much you can ejaculate into it.
I peeled my foreskin right back, well as far as it would reasonably go on what was turning out to be a very good erection for me, and I rolled the condom on, extracting as much air as I could and leaving about an inch of loosely flapping rubber at the tip. I took my hands away and said, like that. Yes, she said, very good, you've done that before haven't you, begin masturbation when you are ready.
I slowly wanked myself as Jan watched and, speeding up, in less than a minute it was all over, with me letting out a subdued long sigh and, after several spasms of ejaculation, Willy losing his inflation and the condom hanging loose, as they do. With the heavy end weighing it down and swinging gently I felt quite proud at what I had just done as it was not a bad load at all, but then it had been a few days since my last wank and I kinda liked her seeing me post cumming.
She reached across to pull the condom off - it did not want to slide off and took quite a hefty pull which I had to pull back against in a mini tug of war and it made us both laugh as my cock was well stretched before springing back as it plopped off, she cut off the end (of the condom!) and placed it into a small pot, tasting it before closing the pot. It’s a promising ejaculation, she said, it looks and tastes good, we will see what the lab says, and I will tell you more on your next visit.
She passed me a tissue and I dried Willy off whilst she watched, seemingly fascinated by the antics of both Willy and his owner. She must have seen this before, I thought, she just loves cocks to play with. Why not, after all I love seeing and handling a cock too! The more Jan liked it the more the shameless exhibitionist in me was emerging.
She handed me a tissue, saying, how long do you take to recover, will you be able to give me a repeat performance? I don't know, I said, it has been years, I used to be a very strong repeat performer with a receptive partner, but to do that it takes two, and whilst I have been known to wank off several times in one day, not recently.
It will help me to help you if we can investigate, she said, perhaps if I help you masturbate. Of course, I said, whatever you think best. We both looked down and sure enough, Willy was showing the early signs of coming back to life, albeit not dramatically. Up on the bench, Jan said.
Just lay back, shut your eyes, fantasise, and let me do what I need to do to investigate, she said. It seemed to me that she wanted to masturbate me almost as much as I wanted her to masturbate me. That girl just loves cock.
I felt the cold dollop of cream on my bell end and her hands gently massaged it around my cock and balls. You are very good at this, I said, it's wonderful, thank you. I have had some experience, she replied, but I'm still learning too, so thank you for giving me the opportunity. Not all men will do this, some leave when they have climaxed - needless to say I am then unable to help them develop and reduce their inhibitions.
My erection was by then about three quarters recovered, although a long way from cumming, having had such a deep climax so soon before, but it was a gentle, soothing and very sensuous experience as she worked on my cock, she knew where all the sensitive areas are but I was beginning to think we were fighting a losing battle.
Can I ask you a cheeky question, I said, call it part of fantasising maybe. Go on, she replied. Do you think I will ever be able to give you a similar massage, I asked. She chuckled, it is a tempting offer, she said, I would certainly enjoy teaching you - never say never. Thank you, was all I replied as I returned to the fantasy of mutual sensual massage, trying to imagine my fingers working her smooth pussy and clit and her back arching as she climaxed, several times. It helped me stay hard a bit longer but Willy had other ideas and he was starting to lose the will to cooperate.
Jan could feel that too, and she said, much as we both enjoy this, I think, on this occasion we are not going to get a second climax in a reasonable time, and I don't want to make you sore. Don't be concerned, it is not at all uncommon in men your age and is quite normal and it is something we will enjoy working on. It seemed to me to be erotic for her to have such power over me. Thank you, I said, I appreciate your commitment to helping me, I am in your hands. Well, it seemed like an appropriate thing to say under the circumstances!
I wonder, she said, if you can help me? If I can, I replied. I have another male patient who I am helping to develop, and he wants to explore his bisexual side. He is very shy and needs some help with group nudity and I have made a suggestion to him that he approves of. Patient confidentiality stops me from saying any more but would you be prepared to meet him, with me present, to investigate further as I feel that it could benefit you both? I felt Willy begin to surge again at the thought of cock and of course, I said yes. Good, she said, my plan will involve both of you being naked in front of the Head Mistress, initially for punishment, is that OK. I think so, I said, it sounds like fun and a new experience for me too so let's try it and see.
I will be in touch, she said, I don't think we can make any further progress now, do you think today has helped you in any way? Oh yes, I said, very much so, you have helped me remove some of my inhibitions, as well as giving me a wonderful experience and I feel totally relaxed naked with you and look forward to more guidance from you.
Before you dress, she said, I want to measure you up for the cross dressing experience we talked about, is that OK? She measure my small bust, chest, etc, then down to my inner leg and the tops of my thighs, and of course, Willy began to wake up again to her attention. She smiled, gave him a tug or two and said, that's encouraging.
If you are sure you can cope with being naked with another man, I will be in touch in a few days. Very much so, I said, and to have you watching, purely for medical or scientific reasons of course, is something to look forward to
I arrived bang on time and with some trepidation entered Jan's utility room. I did not know what to expect but I had the feeling that her planning would be detailed. I noticed the aluminium pole on top of the cabinets, and I smiled at the memory of that sensational experience which was starting to feel ever more distant. Shame, they were good times. Seeing the pole in that exact position made me ask myself, how much detail does Jan know, will she use what she knows, did Pam set me up for this with Jan, do they share experiences?
Anyway, back to the now, I read the instructions left on the worktop and smiled, typical Jan, leave nothing to chance! I went into the kitchen and closed the door as instructed. The other door was already closed. There were three chairs in the room, all facing away from doors and towards the wall so I stripped naked and chose the chair which gave me the view of the door to the hallway. I sat down, hands at my sides, as instructed, and waited, as instructed. Why three chairs, I wondered, is there a fourth participant, or is she playing mind games?
Within a minute or two the door opened and another person entered. Neither of us spoke, as instructed, but I listened keenly for any clues, to no avail, as he - or she - undressed and sat on a chair.
We waited what seemed like an eternity but was probably only about five minutes when the door opened and there stood Jan, looking more like Miss Trunchbull than I was expecting!
You boy, she said pointing at me, stand up and follow me, slapping the cane she was carrying against her leg. I did as instructed and suddenly felt very vulnerable as she looked me up and down with a disdainful gaze.
Once inside Miss Trunchbull's study she slapped the cane down on the end of the bench and ordered me to place my elbows and arms on there with my fore head touching the bench - ready to accept your just punishment - do not speak and do not look up or this will happen, she said, as the cane hit me firmly, but not violently across my bum cheeks. I gasped at the surprise, and the sting, but managed to stay in place. My bum was stinging both cheeks and it had a surprising effect on Willy who had, up to that point, been keeping a lower profile.
My partner in crime, who I had yet to see, joined me on the other end of the bench and I heard Jan give him the same orders, followed by the same cane stroke. he yelled and stood up and Jan ordered him back into position.
You two are linked, she said, you are both here because you are both disruptive and disobedient in class and whatever punishment one earns, above and beyond the pre-ordained six of the best, will be given to both. As one of you disobeyed the command not to speak and not to move you will both be punished. I am not a vindictive woman. well not always, so despite there being two acts of disobedience you will each receive just one extra stroke of my very flexible cane. Do you understand, yes miss, we both said.
The cane came down on my bum in pretty much the same place as before and it did, of course hurt, but I said nothing and stayed in place, but I could sense Willy getting well turned on and I wondered about my partner in crime. Then I heard the cane strike his bum and I felt the bench move as he flinched. I've never heard a cane hit anyone else before and I did find it incredibly arousing, with the sound staying with me. I wonder if he finds it arousing too?
Good, she said, from where I am standing I have two very frightened and vulnerable naked little boys, who may now perhaps be wishing they were somewhere else.
Now, she said, your punishment will commence and when caned you will respond with 'one' miss, thank you miss, up to the six. Any breach of discipline from either of you and that stroke will not count for both of you. Do not speak but it is important that you understand the severity of this sanction if you are to change your ways in class. If you appear before me again the caning will be more severe than today.
The cane hit me, not quite the same place but the same sting, and I said, one miss, thank you miss.
I heard the cane hit my neighbour and I heard him say, one miss, thank you miss.
My second, slightly different angle and it felt like she was creating a pattern to cover a wide area but always covering the one central area. Two miss, thank you miss, I said.
And again from next door, two miss, thank you miss.
She has done this before, I thought, superb planning, as number three hit me, that hurt and I wriggled, but managed to stay still as I said, three miss, thank you miss!
Did that hurt boy, she said, and you may answer. Yes miss, thank you miss, I said.
And again, next door and I heard him groan before he gasped, three miss, thank you miss. Thank heaven he stayed in place as I thought that six would be enough, after that it will likely cease to be pleasurable and might even break my skin.
I will take a break now, Jan said, while you two ponder what made you appear here naked before me. Do not speak, communicate or move, I shall be watching you as your bums redden and the pain spreads.
It seemed like ages, but probably was not, before unexpectedly I felt number four land. I managed to stay quiet and not move and said, four miss, thank you miss. It did not feel as severe as two and three, was that deliberate, I wondered.
And then again, pre warned by hearing my cane strike he took his and said, four miss, thank you miss.
Again, number five was not too brutal, although the compounding was having an effect that I was starting to enjoy and I gratefully said, five miss, thank you miss, quickly followed by my neighbour.
Number six was a real stinger and it brought a tear to my eye as I gasped, six miss, thank you miss. I hope my neighbour can take his, I thought, as I really do not fancy any more.
I heard the cane strike and it sounded hard and he winced and groaned but thankfully managed to keep his composure and say, six miss, thank you miss.
Stay there boys, she said, I have some lotion to help prevent bruising as your backsides do look very red and sore which is an image I shall treasure as a job well done.
I could hear her working on next door's bum, and I heard him gasp as she massaged his cheeks and then it was my turn as she rubbed the lotion into my cheeks, The friction hurt and the experience was one of sensual discomfort that I had never experienced before but would willingly experience again. Finally, she reached between my legs for a good feel of my cock and balls and a gentle tug or two. I wonder if we both had that?
Right, she said, stand up, facing me, hands on your heads and let me embarrass you both by seeing what your penises look like.
As we stood up, ready for Jan to compare our cocks, we briefly faced each other as we turned and of course all eyes went straight to each other’s cock. We are very different, mine is shortish, quite girthy and uncut, Guys is cut, longer than mine but less girthy. I suspect Jan will enjoy comparing them side by side.
As we stood there, and Jan looked from one to the other and back I began to get aroused again and I could feel Willy expanding. A quick glance and Guy was feeling no such emotion, in fact he looked quite uncomfortable about being under such scrutiny and I felt a bit sorry for him.
No reason for him to feel that his cock is any less, or more, of a desirable cock then mine - beauty is in the eye of the beholder - and she was not saying!
I rubbed my sore bum, with sound effects, which made me project and bounce my cock forward and the distraction broke the gaze enough for me to turn towards Guy and take his nipple into my mouth. It quickly hardened and I brought my hands up to hold and massage his moobs. He had bigger tits than me and unusually for me I found myself drawn to them, the texture, the warmth, their feel, so I took the other nipple into my mouth and with one hand on each tit I worked them both, something I found most enjoyable - and so did he.
This had an effect and soon his hands were on my mini tits and nipples, and I felt our cocks meet as we turned to face each other, pressing and grinding our groins together as our cocks enjoyed their close company.
I dropped to my knees and, saying, please don't cum in my mouth, kissed the end of his cock and used my tongue to tease it, making sure that Jan could see this, before slipping his length into my mouth and enjoying the feel of a hard hot cock to suck and savour. He began to face fuck me, slowly at first, waiting at each out stroke as I licked and tongued his bell end, before slowly but firmly pushing in balls deep, which made me gag but as I so loved feeling of the warmth of his balls slapping against my chin I coped as he paused each time, he was fully in.
I was mesmerised and I don't know how long this went on, I only know that I loved having his cock so deep in my mouth. I could feel that he was getting close, and I decided to trust him, so I was relieved when he pulled out and wanking himself to conclusion sprayed my face with his cum. I was surprised how much, it just seemed to go on, spurt after spurt, until gradually it ceased. I opened my eyes to see his cock still pretty rampant and I was expecting more - but he was done - it just took a while for him to subside.
I think being watched by Jan was too much for him and I did feel some sympathy when he made an excuse and left.
Jan passed me some tissues and said, as I said, work in progress, that just leaves you and me if you are happy to stay.
Before I had time to answer, Guy returned wearing his underpants. I'm sorry about that, he said, I just needed time to take it all in. I really want to do my bit for the learning process if I am not too late, is it OK for me to wear these?
Never too late Guy, said Jan, it is totally your choice where we go from here, never any pressure from either George or me. I nodded and said, thanks Guy, it must have taken some guts to do this and I for one really appreciate it.
I stood up and guy came to me, took a nipple in his mouth and the other one with his hand and began working and tweaking them. He was good at it, firm enough to give me twinges of pleasure, not quite pain, and not so hard as to cause my dis-arousal (is that a word!) and it aroused me far more than I was expecting.
He wanted to kiss, but I am still unable to kiss a guy, so I put my hand up to cover my mouth and he got the idea.
His other hand dropped to my cock whilst I held his body warmth close to me and soon he dropped to his knees, sat back a bit, one hand on my hip to hold me where he wanted me whilst he looked at my cock as he worked my foreskin back and forth, using my pre cum as lubricant, running his fingers around the rim of my glans where the foreskin was lodged and generally had a good feel of my cock and balls. I think he was far enough away from me for Jan to see but I pretended to wobble a bit, moving a few degrees round to open up her view. I glanced up and Jan nodded.
I was really turned on and I shamelessly wanted her to see me being sucked and I am sure she saw him kiss my cock, lick my balls, and very gently take my bell end into his mouth. After a few sensual ins and outs over his moist lips my very smooth and sensitive bell end was responding in the usual fashion. Using just his tongue and lips and his saliva he very skilfully worked my foreskin forward over my bell end and, using his tongue he delicately worked his way inside my foreskin and around my very sensitive frenulum. Sensing that I was perhaps getting too close he withdrew and sat back.
I like sperm, he said, so just let it cum and I will milk you dry. Fantastic, I said, please do.
He resumed the sensual kissing of my cock and balls, and I was by then aching to cum. He sensed that too and took his time. Ensuring my foreskin was pulled forward over my glans, he took me in his mouth again, ensuring his lips tightened on my cock just below the glans. I am very fortunate, I thought, Guy is a very experienced cock sucker and seems to know exactly what he is doing.
He pulled my bum in tight and I got the message to face fuck him which I did, slowly, enjoying the feeling of the tip of my cock touching the back of his throat and my balls tight against his stubble at every thrust. One of the advantages of a shorter cock is that M or F, full penetration is easier and possibly more satisfying for both because I can push as hard and as deep as I can without any problems. Can't be sure though as I have never had a long cock to fuck with for comparison!
He was doing something right because I was able to hold on for longer than I expected before really speeding up till at the peak of a very full stroke I ejaculated right into the back of his throat, and again, and again, until I was spent. He greedily swallowed the lot with no problem and continued to work me dry, working every drop up my urethra and into his mouth. I looked up at Jan, and she smiled and nodded, so I guess she was enjoying the entertainment being laid on for her.
By the time that he stopped I was well shrunken and depleted and when he released me and sat back, I looked down and thought, I wonder what Jan makes of that - the smallest version of my cock she has seen - and I thought of Pam and her inquisitive desire for me to take the cold shower to get poor Willy shrunken, shrivelled and flaccid and how much she seemed to enjoy seeing me like that.
Does it perhaps empower some women to have a male so much under their control? I sincerely hope so as it gives me a valid raison d'etre!
Whatever, I had very much enjoyed sucking and being sucked by Guy and already I found myself wanting to do it all again real soon.
'Coffee, usual place, Thurs am?', was all the message said. Yes please, love to, was all I said in reply. I wonder why we are coffee’ing there again, I thought, I know it means no nudity or sex play, but no doubt Jan has her reasons as she seems to have this, and me, well in hand.
We sat down with our coffees and Jan asked me for my honest feedback on the session with Guy.
I think we all enjoyed it, I said, I certainly did, and to have you watching was a real additional turn on. I think it went a long way to enhancing my shameless approach to sex and nudity and the only bit that left me a bit embarrassed was your final look at Mr Softee, but having done that now I get turned on by the memory of your gaze.
It is an issue for most guys, I think, once cum and the hormones have subsided it can be difficult to carry on and it can take tremendous determination, especially first time, but in my experience, it does get easier, and more erotic the more I do it. I fact, just as with Pam, I can't wait for more cfnm with you, I just want to be naked with you.
Guy is a really good cocksucker and milker and, if he wants to, I would love a repeat performance, I added.
He does, said Jan, not sure if he wants me there or not next time but leave it with me and I will try and sell him the idea of self-confidence and sexual development - we shall see. Glad you liked it, she said, and thanks for doing your discreet best to give me a good view. I have seen a lot of cocks over the years in various stages of erection and depletion, but rarely do I see one as flaccid as yours was, so I guessed that Guy had done an exceptional job on you. I went a bit red with embarrassment at that, but Jan squeezed my hand and smiled.
I've borrowed some dresses from a friend, she said, she is a big lass, double D, who likes dancing and looking good so she has some lovely dresses, she is shorter than you so they won't be as long but at least one should fit you with a bit of tweaking. I like tweaking, I said. The only stipulations are, no stains or damage please, and she wants to see a photo of you in them. I am happy with that, I said, so knickers on and probably a Covid face mask for discretion and if your friend wants to be there that could add another dimension. I'll ask her, she said, but I don't expect so as she still seems held back by the usual inbuilt societal notions of right and wrong and is as yet reluctant to release her inner desires, but I am working on her!
Like Pam, I suggested. Yes, I suppose so, she replied, in some ways.
I've dressed guys before, but they were wannabe TVs, and wanted the full works of makeup etc., can I presume that this is for fun only, no makeup. Yes, I said, I have no desire to remain or to go out dressed, it was just seeing you in that lovely summer dress suddenly brought on an image in my mind of me being dressed from nude in one by you!
That said I do like wearing and being seen, in private, in smooth silky, satiny undies as they have a dramatic effect on my erection and feel so sublime on my skin. I'll be the judge of that, Jan laughed, as I know what I'm looking for.
Great, she said, I have a few ideas of my own, and if we can do this for mutual fun and a laugh, forget the sex ther****t role play, I think it will work.
Caricature rather than convincing? I suggested. Maybe, was all she said.
Next Tues pm? she said, Excellent I replied.
In place of the trepidation of the last session as I entered Jan's kitchen, I felt a surge of excitement at the prospect ahead of me.
Not only being dressed in both delicious - I hoped - undies, but in a pretty dress, something I had often fantasised about, but being dressed by Jan and the close contact that I hoped it would entail was a wonderful fantasy.
She beckoned me through to her bedroom with its mirrored wardrobe and several free standing mirrors and she showed me the dresses she had selected. One was a pretty floral summer dress, not unlike the one she was wearing all those weeks ago and the other was a stunning mid blue satin type long party dress.
I touched them both but the satin sheen of the long dress was fabulous to feel and I found myself saying, I imagine you would fabulous in that dress Jan.
Do you think so, she said slightly coyly. Jan, coy, I thought, yeah right!
Would you like to see, she said. I would love to see you in that dress please Jan.
She unbuttoned her top and at first, I thought she was bra less and I can't call it disappointment but I had hoped to see her breasts - not a flesh coloured bra! Nevertheless she is in fine shape for her age, younger than Pam or I with a lovely cleavage which seemed magnetically attracted to my eyes. You like, she said, fishing for compliments. Yes Jan, me like, I said, you have a wonderful figure, and I can't take my eyes off of you. It was obviously the right thing to say as she unzipped her trousers and wriggled them to the floor, stepping out to be there just in matching bra and panties. Wow, wow, wow, I said, Jan you are gorgeous. Do you really think so she said, one guy told me I was fat.
Good grief Jan, you most certainly are not fat, you are very well proportioned. I know it is not gonna happen today but I really fancy you even more and I would love to be naked, preferably in bed, with you - even if it does not lead to full sex. Can I add that I respect your wishes and I would never try it on without your express consent, no matter how aroused we got.
Thank you, she said, I believe you and you are right, it's not gonna happen today!
She slipped the summer dress on over her head and whilst her arms were up high and her face hidden I feasted my gaze on her panties, and what lay beneath them. All too soon that was over as the dress dropped neatly on to her body. It was too big, but I liked what I saw and when she asked me to zip her back up poor excitable Willy almost jumped out of confinement.
She did a twirl and bent over to show me her cleavage, saying, I can see that you like the dress. I do like the dress Jan, and I like you in it, and I fancy it looks better on you than it will on me! It's a bit loose, she said, pulling on the front where her nipples would be, but I think you will be surprised when I have finished fitting you in it.
Unzip me, she said, and we'll try the other one, and I duly obliged, wanting so much to hold and feel her tits, knowing that she had already told me that she likes them played with, but I resisted temptation and it was off and back to bra and panties.
The blue dress dropped over her head, again giving me the briefest of unobserved views, and again she asked me, nay told me, to zip her up, which, hands shaking a bit, I willingly did, running my hands down her sides, bum and belly, taking care not to go anywhere near the jackpot areas.
That dress feels so lovely to the touch Jan, I said. Yes it does, she agreed, and it does things to my skin too, as she turned to show me. Despite being too big to really show off her figure she did look sensational and I told her so, thinking compliments can't harm my cause!
She walked across the room and back to which I simply said, poetry in motion. It seems a bit creased, she said, would you like to smooth it down for me. So again resisting the urge to explore I smoothed it everywhere except where I most wanted to. Jan smiled and said, well done George, you are showing commendable restraint and my trust in you is growing.
Unzip me, she ordered, and get yourself naked for me, your turn now.
I saw Jan watching me as I undressed, so I followed the usual pattern, trousers, pants then, with my bottom half naked, my shirt over my head.
It was as my shirt was part way over my head that Jan suddenly said, have you and Pam got something going? I stopped, deliberately of course, unsighted at this most exposed of positions, and said. No, not really, I like Pam very much and I value her friendship. I think she values me too if only because having lost my first wife, I have some understanding of what she is going through, what makes you ask? Call it female intuition, she said. In return, I asked, Can I ask, have you and Pam done more together than meets the eye? What makes you ask, she said. Male intuition, I replied.
I carried on removing my shirt to be naked for her and she was stood there, in nothing but her bra and panties, legs slightly apart looking me up and down. She is a bit cuddly, I thought, but then again, I am no Adonis! So I too stood there, legs slightly apart and looked her up and down. Her panties were a very good fit and the gusset between her open legs revealed nothing other than the outline known, I believe, as camel toe.
I suspect that, just as I do, she knows exactly what she is doing, and the wonderfully erotic image of her practising how she looks in front of the mirror flashed through my mind.
Much as I wanted her naked, we both knew that once that genie is out of the lamp you can't put it back and a new phase is entered, so I was very happy for her to keep the secret a little longer. Maybe topless - if I am a lucky boy?
She went to the drawer and took out a pile of garments which she carefully laid out on the bed and at the very sight Willy woke up and showed his interest, which was, of course, exactly what she wanted to see.
Shall we start with the bra, she said, every dress needs a good display of tits to show at its best. I held my arms out as she passed the straps over my shoulders and, ensuring my mini tits were inside, fastened it at the back. I felt her tits in my back and her breath on my neck and she slid her hands round and checked all the moving parts.
Standing in front of me and smiling, she looked at the empty bra and said, well it's a start!
I must tell you about the implants, she said, I went to Linda's to collect the dresses, her and I go way back and we went out for lunch, talking about all sorts of girly things. We giggled about falsies and how we could make them work for you and we went back to her place to see what we could find. It needs some internet research, Linda said, to determine how big his 'A' cup boobs are and how much volume we need to create to get to DD. I said that as it was a one off, and just for a bit of fun, probably, I wanted to minimise the costs.
So, bottle of wine in hand we set about our research, great fun, looking at the different shapes of tits and nipples always turns me on, and the occasional view of a cock or two with suitable comments from us, mostly unrepeatable, only enhanced that wine induced frivolity.
We decided roughly what size we thought we needed to create and Linda produced an old pair of tights that we could cut up to use as falsie containers. We tried dry rice as a filler, but it crunched when squeezed and did not feel natural so we settled on the contents of an old grain filled microwavable heat pad to construct your titties! The possibility of warming them slightly to mimic body heat has only just occurred to me!
What to use as nipples that should show through the bra like nipples do for real, and we settled on a hazel nut sewn into the tights! And this is what we ended up with, she said, uncovering the two falsies on the bed. We laughed as we handled them and tweaked the very hard 'nipples'.
We jiggled about, having a lot of fun in the process, and eventually ended up with a well filled bra that looked like a decent breast shape, with nipples showing through. Can I take a photo for Linda, Jan asked, of course - I would like to see how they look too!
Not convincing, but I liked my new tits, and they felt nice to handle, although with remote nipples some of the intimacy was lost. Jan had a good feel and she nodded her approval.
May I feel the real thing for a comparison, I asked. Cheeky, she said, but go on then, just this once. I moved behind her and with my cock and my new titties pressing I slid my hands around to gently feel the real thing, as I breathed on her neck and ear. I was just getting to massage her nipples when she said, a bit breathlessly, I think that will do for now, and she moved away. That confirmed my understanding that her nipples are very sensitive, and hard wired to her pussy, and that she loved being played with. I could not have asked for more at this stage.
Right, she said, trying not to look flustered, time for the next stage.
Let me just see how my newbies look under my shirt, I said, as I slipped it on. The shirt was not overly large and they stood out proudly.
That has to be worth a photo, Jan said, so I posed. The photo was good with just the tip of my cock showing beneath my shirt, and the refection of my bum showing in the mirror. I think Linda will like that one, she said, and after one last look in the mirror I took off my shirt again.
I was surprised at how much I liked my newbies, and most of all the lack of embarrassment at Jan seeing me in them.
Newbie boobies, said Jan, I like that, I must remember to tell Linda! I stood there projecting my two new puppy’s outwards, feeling and squeezing them, and tweaking my hazelnuts, whilst turning to different poses. Another photo or two I think, said Jan, and the camera clicked. I saw what she had taken, with all of my cock and balls showing as well as my newbies neck down. Is that OK, she asked. Yes, it is fine, I said, as long as they won't offend Linda. You don't know Linda, she said, she may not want sex or to play, but she does enjoy saucy pictures and having a laugh and we will enjoy these on the TV screen with a glass of wine. That almost embarrassed me, but I was not going to show it!
Next stage, she said, handing me a black suspender belt, do you know how this works? Yes, I said, it's been a while, but I have worn one before, as I inspected and felt it before clipping it together around the front of my waist and turning it around my body so the fastening was in my back. Very good, she said, adjusting it to perfection, it's nice to see a guy that knows how to handle these things.
I stood there with my manhood neatly framed by the belt which, thankfully, did not extend far enough down my belly to cover anything. It did not match the white bra, but who cares, it's not a fashion show as I posed!
Sit down, she said, I'll fit the stockings on you as they are a bit fragile and easy to damage. I sat on the bedside chair as Jan lightly talc dusted my feet and legs, talcing just that bit higher than the stocking will fit whilst accidentally catching my cock as her hand passed it. We need to dry off your pre cum,she said, getting a tissue and milking and wiping me dry. That's better, we don't want any stains do we, she said.
Semen Staines, I said, now where have I heard that, and we both laughed. It was a wonderful experience, two friends, no hang ups, just having a bit of sexy fun, and all the while I was getting provocative glances down her cleavage - but no more - although I could at times see the outline of her nipples on her bra as they hardened. Jan likes it too, I thought, and why not, safe sex and cock play with no risk for her, just relaxation, I am so pleased I can please Jan so much whilst she pleases me!
The first stocking was eased over my foot and gently but firmly rolled up my legs, what a feeling as the sheer nylon touched my skin, it made Willy sit up and take notice. It's my guess that you like that, she smiled, moving to do the other leg.
I stood up when told whilst she pulled the stockings up tight and clipped and adjusted all four fittings, faffing about for ages, and I do have to say that having her face that close and feeling her hot breath on my genitalia and upper thighs as she worked around was a gorgeous feeling that I was not expecting.
She finished and stood back, not bad, she said, how does it feel. Fan-blooming-tastic, I said, I can see why guys get hooked on cross dressing.
Do you think you will get hooked, she said. I don't think so but maybe on bra and stockings, especially if my partner enjoys the same kind of play and I would relish the chance to do this again, I said, as I just love the feelings it causes, mind you, it is you as much you Jan, if not more, than it is the undies as you are so good and gentle with me and you seem to enjoy having me to play with. A wee secret, I am loving doing it with you too, so never say never!
The panties she had chosen for me were red and a bit tight, probably deliberately, as she slid them up my legs, manhandling my cock and balls to lay flat, almost feminising my bulge, but no camel toe!
She stood back, lovely, she said, you are a picture of sex appeal, white bra, black suspender belt, beige stockings and red panties, and no Willy - I love the look - gotta take a photo or two, and again I posed as she took several shots to show Linda.
Now for the moment we have both been waiting for, she said.
It felt so good, walking about half dressed, and I found myself really enjoying it, especially when Jan looked at me as I felt that, certainly in her eyes and body language, she too was wanting more but holding back.
That she was still in just bra and panties suggested there was more to come, but it was a waiting game that I was thoroughly in tune with as I too did not want it to end just yet.
She came up behind me and with her tits firmly in my back squeezed my newbies and slid her hands down me and across my poor flattened Willy and down between my legs. Her touch was wonderful, as I felt her hot breath on my neck, and I said so, so she carried on and it felt like I was being seduced by Jan - not that I was complaining! This is fabulous Jan, I said, thanks for not getting dressed.
Actually, she said, in all honesty I am aching to undress for you but I want to save full sex with you another time. I have a plan if you can wait.
That is fine by me, I said, I thought you might well have a plan and I can wait, the anticipation is intoxicating.
She moved away and picked up the blue gown, try this one first, she said, and I put my arms out as she slid the dress over my head. She was right, the soft silky feel of the dress did do things to my flesh as it slid, more or less, into place and Willy tried again to surge as I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. Much more caricature than convincing, but it did feel amazing.
Then Jan was buzzing about, adjusting, pulling here and there, and manipulating my newbies into place before zipping me up. Of course it did not fit exactly, but it was near enough for the purpose and did not look too bad in the mirror as I did a twirl. I could see the damp patch forming in her panties, but said nothing.
She is seducing herself, I thought, using me as the catalyst. I'm flattered that an old fart like me should be used like this. I suppose it is a bit like wanking to porn, I thought, only more so!
I know what you need, said Jan, and opened a wardrobe door to take out a long blonde wig on a plastic head. The hair was beautifully brushed, long and straight and Jan asked me if I had ever worn a wig. Never, I said, it has never appealed to me before - but it does now!
Oh good, she said, I saw this in a charity shop and I immediately thought of you and wondered how you would look in it, so I took a chance and bought it, sit on the chair and we will see how it fits. Let me reimburse you, I said. No need, she said, I am having more than my money's worth today!
I sat down, whilst Jan gently and sensuously brushed my hair, watching her and looking at my own multi coloured cleavage in the mirror, and thought, never did I ever expect to see this, and I love it!
She wriggled the wig about but and using some clips fitted it as near as it would go in place. It was always going to look what it is - another falsie - but who cares!
That definitely deserves a photo or three, she said as I stood up, long blonde hair flowing over my shoulders.
I've thought this through, she said, and if you agree I would like full length photos for Linda, taking a Covid type face mask out of the drawer. Linda and I made this out of an old pair of her panties, and we had a lot of fun doing it, she said, I can’t wait to see and photo you with it!
She showed me the mask, complete with false nose, very red lipsticked lips - and a moustache - drawn on it! I said that I thought it really enhanced the caricature we were creating and I quickly put it on to cover my face. looking in the mirror we both laughed a lot, and I stood up for another twirl.
I posed, full frontal and all around as the camera clicked away, and Jan told me to stand bent over with my hands on the chair as she photoed my multi coloured cleavage. She then lifted the dress up over my back and took pictures from behind with me bent over, panties and stockings exposed, but no cock. Linda will love these, Jan said, thanks. My supreme pleasure ma'am, I said.
Shall we try the other dress, she said. Yes please, I replied, can I just walk up through the house to see how it feels before taking it off. Of course, she said, spotting another photo opportunity, as she went ahead of me camera in hand. I walked towards her, enjoying the skin contact with the dress, and doing my best to glide and look serene, and failing miserably, but who cares as the photos were not bad!
We need to get one dress off and the other one on without disturbing your wonderful hair do, or your new puppies, said Jan. Try kneeling in front of me, she added, but don't kneel on the dress!
Placing a large towel over my head to keep my wig straight, and leaving me effectively blindfolded as she unzipped the dress and eased it up over my newbies, and outstretched arms. Her warm soft hands were creating all sorts of feelings within me as she went about her task, and I suspect that she knew exactly what she was doing as her panties drifted across my face, probably not really needing the close contact that they made. You really are a naughty temptress Jan, I thought, but did not say!
The lovely blue dress was off and I sort of mourned it's passing, and then the coolness of the summer dress hit my skin, causing me goosebumps in all sorts of places, which Jan found amusing! The soft cotton was a very different feeling to the silky sheen of before, no less erotic, but quite different, and with the dress half on I again felt the proximity of a pussy that seemed to be begging to be stroked or kissed, but I resisted the almost impossible to resist urge to respond.
Stand up, she said, and the towel carefully came off my head and I found my face close to hers, our eyes meeting, and I thought we were going to kiss, but no, not yet, as she busied herself tucking my puppies into and adjusting the new dress. She stood back, and said, not bad, photos for Linda time I think.
I looked in the mirror and said, wow Jan, I love it. I never dreamed all those weeks ago when I half-jokingly said to you about wearing your dress that anything like today would happen and I want to thank you, and Linda, for taking the time and effort to make it happen for me.
We loved doing it, Jan said, and I am enjoying dressing and undressing you, more than I expected, so no need for thanks as you have given us much pleasure - with more to come when we look at, and talk about, the photos on the big screen!
If you would like to do this again sometime, Jan said, I would too, and I will see what other dresses and lingerie I can borrow from Linda in return for some photos for us to laugh over. Yes please, I said, and can you say to Linda from me, I've shown her mine, would she show me hers please! Jan laughed, I'll certainly ask Linda, she said, but don't hold your breath. I could not resist that, I said, but I have no expectations! Are you asking me the same question George, she said. No, I don't think so Jan, I said, I love what we have together, it's very special to me, and am very happy to let it take its course, steered by you!
She picked up the camera, and I did some poses and twirls as the shutter clicked. I went to the chair and bent over, legs apart as she raised my dress over my bum for the camera and again I heard the shutter - more than once.
I stood up and raised my dress for frontal shots, and Jan said, how about I pull your panties down for some special shots, front and back, Linda and I will both enjoy looking at them. Willy is feeling a bit boxed in, I said, so he would appreciate a bit of breathing space!
She slowly worked my tight red panties down gradually exposing first my neatly trimmed bush, then Willy's base and the start of my squashed scrotum and contents.
She stopped and stood back for another photo saying, I think we can make this a kinda what happens next series, as she dropped my panties a bit further.
My legs were firmly shut together as the panties were tight and she had to fish about with her fingers to get a bit of my balls showing each side of Willy, who was again getting really excited at all the attention. I must admit that, whilst very erotic, it was quite painful as she wriggled these very delicate possessions. Sorry, she said, kissing my cock and balls. Well worth it just for the kiss, I said, and Jan laughed, kissing them again.
More photos, another inch of panties down, more posing, more photos, another inch and we both knew what was coming as the waistband neared the tip. Another photo, and then Willy did his Zebedee impression, springing sprightly upwards as the waistband cleared him and he found his freedom. I have, for years, always wanted to do that, Jan said, thank you. My pleasure, I said, pushing Willy right down and letting him spring back up.
Are you happy for me to try and photo that, she said, I'm sure Linda would love it as much as I do and we had a good laugh. It was easy to get the before and after shots, but she kept missing Willy in flight, so to speak, so I said, why not video it, so she did and again we had a very good laugh, bringing tears to our eyes, whilst doing it - I hope Linda enjoys it!
Do you fancy a coffee and biscuits, Jan said, I like seeing you like that, shall we go through to the lounge.
Your panties are a bit damp in places, Jan said, shall we take them off - would you like a fresh pair? By 'we' do you mean you, I said, of course, she replied, there is nobody else available!
On her knees, Jan carefully negotiated my tight red panties over the stocking tops and slid them down my legs. I did not know what to watch, the intoxicating feel of nylon on nylon, or the even more intoxicating presence of her face so close to my cock, good job they were both in the same direction! I'll dry you off, shall I, she told me, taking a tissue or two to milk out the available pre-cum and dry my bell end and foreskin. It is a lovely feeling and worth not cumming for that alone!
Try these, she said, for a different sensation, as I stepped into a pair of pink panties, generous in size, they were very quickly up with the crotch pulled tight. She looked, then lowered the panties a bit to give me more space, and make Willy project himself fully forward.
I let go the dress hem and it fell, covering my panties, and Willy could clearly be seen protruding into the dress, looking as if he were trying to escape. A photo, I think, she said, and once more I posed as she used different angles to get the best shot. Her wet patch was also growing and I suspected she knew that and was using it as a kind of green light, so I said nothing.
We went through into the lounge and I sat where she beckoned on the sofa whilst she went out to get the coffee.
Imagine my surprise when she returned with the coffee and biccys wearing the colourful summer dress that had first caught my attention all those weeks ago.
She put the tray on the table and stepped back, giving me a twirl.
Unfinished business, she said, I have wanted to do this ever since that first outdoors coffee, she said, lifting her dress to show me her most delightful pussy, clean shaven and undamaged by c***dbirth, it looked exceedingly tempting to see, to touch, to excite, to bring to a climax, a climax that we have twice already come so close to, and maybe, dare I think it, to kiss and make love to.
You like, she said, holding the dress high. Oh yes very much I like Jan, I said, you are a gorgeous lady and when you are ready I feel that a close encounter of the sensuous kind would be so good for both of us.
I'll take a photo of you sat there, she said, raise your dress. I had suspected as much, Willy had worked his way out of the pantie leg and was protruding provocatively - well worth a photo, said Jan.
I suspect that you are working on Linda to see if you can open her up, so to speak, I said, and I wonder if a photo of you with your skirt up might help?
My turn with the camera, everything from full length to close up and I even managed to get a shot from behind with her bent over, a picture I loved seeing, a picture etched into my mind!
Unfinished business, she said, again, sitting beside me. She lifted her dress a little, enough to show her thighs, but nothing else, and said, the door is open, please enter. As my hand neared the honey pot, she stiffened slightly, and I said, Shhh, just let it happen, as I found the front door, a bit wet, but ready to enter. As my finger worked its way in and I once again found her clit she was responding to my every touch and I sensed that it would not take long to bring her to a climax so I backed off and, starting again with two fingers gently worked my way as far inside her as I could. I don't think her clit needs any more, I thought, as I gently but firmly finger fucked her. Gradually I felt her twitch and stiffen and it was good to be in control at last as she was so close as I again eased off before going for the big one. It was obvious when that moment of supreme pleasure swept over her with her body flexing and twitching, as did her lovely warm, wet, vaginal muscles and the accompanying sound effects were convincing too. Hmmm, I though, I think I got that right!
I kept my fingers there or thereabouts, enjoying the sensations as she gradually came down from the high, and breathing heavily, she said, Sarah was right, you do know what you are doing. Thanks, leaning towards me, inviting a kiss it seemed. Never one to knowingly miss an opportunity, we kissed, gently at first, quickly followed by much more passionate and much longer kisses.
Having that connection and the mutual wanting to be with the one you are kissing makes all the difference and there seemed no doubt that it was mutual as we lay there kissing and simply enjoying each other’s presence.
Eventually, Jan said, unfinished business again, last time you were here I was unable to make you cum - I don't expect this time will be that way and I want to return the complement that you have just given me.
Let's get you undressed first, so she stood up, unzipped my dress, and withdrew it over my head. I breathed in as I felt the bra being unclipped and soon my newbie boobies were, sadly, gone. Whilst sat down she unclipped the nylons and gently rolled them down my legs and they too were gone. I stood up whilst my panties and suspender belt were taken off and there I was, stark naked again, being looked at by this well turned on woman with lust still in her eyes.
I sat down again, this time much closer to the edge of the sofa and she dropped to her knees, pushing my legs wide apart. This is something else I have wanted to do for a while, she said, holding my balls and the base of my cock as she gently closed her mouth over most of my very firm manhood, pausing to let the sensation waft over me, before starting work with her tongue. She has certainly done this before, I thought, I can't teach this lady anything new.
She raised and lowered her had giving me a mouth wank and soon enough I cottoned on and began to face fuck her. It was heavenly as we fucked and sucked in sync and all too soon I knew that I was at the point of no return as I gasped, in or out Jan. She nodded and really went for it so I let it go, not that I could have stopped it and she took the lot and, returning the favour gently sucked me soft and dry. Letting me drop out of her mouth, she sat back admiring her handiwork of a job well done.
One last photo, she said. For Linda, I said, For Linda, she said and giggled.
Several days had passed when I got the online message, please pop in for a coffee when you can, no sex, just friends for coffee. The following day I popped in and was greeted by a Jan close to tears. She threw her arms around me and I hugged her and held her tight. Whatever is the matter Jan, I said, what has happened. Has seeing me made you cry, and I felt her almost giggle at that.
I'm sorry, she said, I just need a friend that I can talk to. One of my very best friends, I've known her from schooldays, younger than me, had a stroke, never regained consciousness and died, she said, I thought I was a tough old bird, but it has really hit me. Everybody has been so kind but so politically correct and humourless and I just need cheering up a bit.
Can I be irreverent, I said, without being in any way disrespectful. Please do, she said, I need to laugh again. I thought you were going to tell me your puppies had gone into hibernation, I said, and would not wake up to play until the spring! Jan laughed, said thanks George, I knew I could rely on you to cheer me up. Or even worse, I said, your gorgeous pussy had gone on strike for more attention and better working conditions, working to rule and refusing to get moist. Now you are really being ridiculous, she laughed, I can't ever see either of those two ever happening. We kissed, and hugged, and I said, that's a relief, and Jan said, come on in, I'll get the coffee, I feel better already.
We sat, chatting about all sorts of things, health, strokes - as a stroke survivor I know a lot of it is luck, or bad luck, our own mortality and the need to make the most of what time we have because tomorrow is promised to nobody.
She started to talk about her puppies and how they are keen to come out to play. Can I be open with you, she said, I nodded. I may have hinted, she said, that I am into tit, nipple and clit play and you don't know this but I have loads of clips, chains, clamps etc. Some of them I really like wearing but they can be painful when tightened. I love the thrills and sensations of tight but without the pain, It is something I have enjoyed for years but have only ever done alone, she said, but as I keep telling others to push their boundaries to try new things perhaps I should be doing the same, and now may be the time?
Funny you should say, I said, I've never had nipple clamps but I do like my cock played with and tormented as we develop the scenarios, not too painful, bondage, weights, clips, whatever I can think of and I too have only ever done this alone. It is not so easy to find someone of a similar mind who you trust enough to do it with you just as erotic play, to see and feel what it looks like, with laughs and mock embarrassment, and maybe the odd photo. Jan smiled and nodded.
Would you like me to have a look at the clamps and see if I can help, I said, I am a very experienced modifier and bodger of many things, although this would be a new field of play for me!
We went through to her bedroom, and she opened a bedside drawer. I was speechless at the jumble of clamps, chains and gadgets that I saw within. We sat on the bed and she took out a neck chain with two sturdy and heavy nipple clamps and a clit clamp. This is one of my favourites, she said, I love the feel of them and the weight, especially as I walk, but to get them tight enough to produce the buzz I seek they hurt and leave marks which, for me, takes away the sensuality.
I held them up, and said, I think I can help with that, not sure yet how, maybe either file the tips down or build up and fill them level, or a bit of both, so they clamp without excess pain. That said anything tight will probably hurt on your three most sensitive points so can I think it through. We looked at several devices, some I felt were too lightweight to alter, and others looked like they could be quite easily be made to be worn tighter but with less additional pain.
She showed me her much larger full tit clamps and explained that they were difficult to fit as they needed three hands, but they stretched her tit skin tighter and made her areolas bulge and her nipples even more sensitive, but to get them tight enough was painful as they have serrated edges and I want tight not painful.
I looked at the two individual pairs of clamps, and said, what springs to mind is covering the jaws with pipe insulation, I'll show you on Google, in fact that might also help take the bite out of my home made humbler that was in the bag from Pam which also needs three hands and if one is not careful can inflict a lot of pain in a delicate area - not thought of that before!
I digress, I said, I'm sorry, the insulation being thickly padded might also help to stretch things more - won't know until we try it and see - but I have some at home, so it's a freebie I can bring!
We looked at the tubular insulation online and she said, I can see how that might work, shall we try it? I hesitate to say this Jan, but to do this we will both need to be naked - are you ready for that.
Yes, she said, I want you to see and play with me naked, I too am an exhibitionist at heart.
I've spoken to Linda, she said, and told her about the photos, mentioning that some are very explicit and she is keen, very keen, to see them all but I've not yet set a date due to other circumstances this week.
Perhaps you should do this sooner rather than later, I said, a good laugh, perhaps over a bottle of wine, would relax you and do you good. Do let me know how it goes as it is quite a turn on to be seen as a porn object.
I take it you have no regrets about our last session, she said, None whatsoever, I replied, it was a fabulous experience and one I would love to repeat sometime as, even with the garments, I could never have done it without you, or Linda. No need to thank me, or Linda, she said, I loved every minute of it too, and Linda enjoyed her part in it too.
You're not getting attached, I hope, she said. Not at all, I replied, I would struggle to do what we are doing if I did not like you, or we both did not feel some sort of a connection, but I see us as friends with benefits, no more, no less.
I returned to Jan's a couple of days later and she was in a much better state of mind, thanking me for my empathy as we sat for a cuppa - and biccys - chocolate covered of course, good for the figure!
You were right, Jan said, Linda was here yesterday and she loved the photos and asked me to thank you for playing your part in it all. We had a good laugh, mainly at your expense, over a bottle of wine, so much so that Linda had to get a taxi home and will get her car later today. She would love to see any more photos, if they happen, and perhaps meet you to put a face to the cock, so to speak, but I can't see she will ever want to play or have sex because the desire and curiosity just do not seem to be in her. Unlike Pam, I said. Unlike Pam, Jan said, Pam has been well and truly sexually liberated and is one of my greatest successes!
I showed her the modifications that I had made to her nipple clamps, and she approved - without offering to test drive them then and there - I hid my disappointment as I understood why, at least, I hope I did!
Being an ex-ardent angler, sea and freshwater, I said, I have a large selection of swivels, split rings and clips, heavy and light and if you wish we can modify your chains and clips to get some flexibility, but I would not do this without your consent. I have some tools with me - just in case!
She did wish, and she did consent, tell me more, she said, so we sat there for quite a while whilst I suggested and made changes and added numerous swivels and clips to the chain and to various clamps that she fetched from her bedside - all of which I found very erotic, visualising their use, as we laughed and joked about how we would try them, this time mainly about her nipples and her clit rather than my Willy - for a change!
I get most of my toys online, she said, they have a huge range of all sorts of toys - shall we have a look.
This is an entirely new world for me, I said, but it is fascinating and I find it very, very tempting so I'm happy to splash some cash, within reason. I don't want to inflict or experience pain, I said, but I would love to play if you would.
Me too Jan said, apart from the clamps and dildo's I have not tried anything on myself - or on a guy - yet - but I would love to if you are up for it. Cost is always a factor but there may be some scope for homemade toys once the seed of an idea is planted - and experimenting could be great fun as long as we don't take it too seriously.
She opened the page showing me loads of toys for use on cock and balls? Some were inexpensive and some were very expensive, some I had seen before, but never used, and some were new to me.
Some gave me ideas for us to try if we started with some of my experimental DIY and we talked about these ideas openly and enthusiastically.
It was clear, but unspoken that Jan was not yet in the mood for sex or play and with that in mind we agreed to meet in a few days, after her friend's funeral.
I'm not at all sure where we are going with this, I thought, as I walked to Jan's the day after the funeral. There is so much going on I don't want to risk losing it all by making the wrong call. I hope that normality will return as I could do with some sex as it's been a while now.
As I entered it was good to see her smiling again after what had been a rough couple of weeks - our eyes met and although nothing was said I felt the surge of lust once more and can only hope that she did too?
How did yesterday go, I asked. It was painful at first, she said, but it got better. I met some people that I only ever see at funerals, and we all got a bit philosophical before it lightened up and people began to move into a sort of party atmosphere. You know how these things are. Indeed, I do, I said, I've been to a few. I think it did what it was supposed to, she said, and gave many of us some closure. There is something very final about seeing the coffin disappear behind the curtains.
Anyway, she said, what have you been up to? I've found the pipe insulation, I said showing Jan the offcuts.
That looks like it might work on my tits, and your cock, she said after handing it, including running her hand up and down it as if she were wanking it - and giving me a sly grin. Much tighter without pain, sounds good to me! That's encouraging, I thought, as I smiled coyly, but said nothing.
I've made some homemade nipple clamps, I said, just prototypes, fine tuning required to get them just right.
She looked at one set made from modified hard plastic, and said, why is it lopsided? My thought was to attach them almost vertically, I said, and let their own weight tip them to apply a twisting effect to the nipples. I see, she said, sounds like it's worth a try for a new sensation.
Have you ever worn a chastity cage, she asked. Never, I said. Would you, she asked. Of course, I would love to for you - do you have one. No, she replied, shall we look online?
We looked. I think the cheapest plastic one, she said, does not look at all comfortable but if we like it perhaps we can buy a posher one. To get free delivery we could spend a bit more, she said. Anything in mind, I asked, and she showed me several items that had piqued her fancy. I can make one of those very easily, I said pointing to one, but that other one looks like fun, for you at least, not sure how painful. That depends how tight I fit it, she said, tight enough to be very uncomfortable, I'm thinking, with you handcuffed so that you are unable to interfere in my handiwork. They usually take a week or two, she said, is that OK. I'll go with that, I said, and she completed the order for which I gave her some cash.
I have a little gift for you, from Linda, well we both had a hand in the design but Linda made it and we did have some laughs doing it. I opened the paper and there it was - a willy warmer - woolly coat for a trouser snake! It was hand knitted in green wool with two little eyes and a red tongue. I love it, I said, shall I see if it fits - I suppose Linda wants a photo?
What we thought, Jan said, was we make a series of photos, starting with you in just boxers, then naked, then fitting, fitted - not sure where we go from there?
Getting back to normal, I thought, as I stripped, usual way, trousers then boxers first then jumper and then shirt over my head. I put my boxers back on for the photo, then another with my cock and balls out through the fly, then naked. I was quite a way from hard and Jan said, it will be easier to fit and look better on an erection, so I wanked myself for the camera.
It did not take long and I was soon slipping my very own willy warmer on. It fitted well over my shaft and tight enough to look good without being ball bustingly tight as I pulled the ribbon tight around my cock and balls.
I don't know how many photos she took but I stood there, hips thrust forward, snake standing proud for the camera. It is a very good fit, I said. Good, said Jan, I did not measure you but I've seen and handled you enough to know more or less what size - as Linda knows - and, as I said, we have had some laughs. I think you may have some more laughs, I said. Jan nodded smiled and said, I think Linda will love these and I feel another bottle of wine coming on!
I did promise you that you would never leave here with a stiffy and I am very aware that twice you have left here unfulfilled. Don't be silly Jan, I said, exceptional circumstances and the thought never crossed my mind, I am not that selfish and I was only too pleased to be of support.
She laid a towel on the sofa and commanded, lay back and enjoy as she got down between my legs. Hello Willy, she said, nice to see you again, as the lotion went on for a full sloppy genitalia massage. It was lovely and she is not only an expert in her work but she clearly loves what she does.
I held back for as long as I was able but eventually she smiled as I shot, saying you made me work for that you bugger, thanks, I love it when you cum. Once again she showed her experience of milking as my cock enjoyed being worked dry.
Stay there, she said, I want to clean you up, as she disappeared. I sat back and shut my eyes while I basked in the sheer relief of having been so tenderly and expertly wanked dry, All too soon I heard a voice say, oh lovely, happiness personified, I always enjoy making you cum, and I know that you love giving yourself over to my control.
With a bowl of warm water and a soft sponge she washed and bathed me and dried me off by which time Willy was waking up again, with a bit of help from Jan. She looked at me so I said, I really would love to Jan, but I doubt we will get any further than last time. OK, she said, just a short play then as I don't want to let him go! Just lay back, shut your eyes and let my fingers do the walking.
I shut my eyes and relaxed whilst Jan applied some more lotion and massaged the dangly bits again. Willy did his best to respond but the lazy little devil eventually lost interest and tried to hibernate! Jan got the message and softly rubbed in the last of the lotion before sitting beside me and absent mindedly stroking and touching my cock and balls.
Thank you Jan, I said, turning to kiss her, that was amazingly wonderful. I'm so glad you liked it, she said, makes it all the more enjoyable for me too, as we enjoyed a long and deeply passionate, Willy hardening, kiss.
She pulled away, looking flustered, saying, best to stop before we reach the point of no return, save that for another time, shall we?
I was looking forward excitedly to the impending 'coffee' morning as I was beginning to feel that after the latest 'coffee and biccys' meeting normality was returning and that perhaps I would soon be able to reach one of my two outstanding goals - to see, feel and enjoy Jan naked and/or to bed her and see if we can get a joint climax. Probably doubtful first time, but Jan knows the score so perhaps? I smiled at the thought of the trouser snake, their less than subtle scheming, and what it led to.
It is hard not to be led by my natural instincts to just get in and shag, but I have been around long enough to know how much better the sex is with proper foreplay and build up to making love rather than just having a quickie shag and the chance of an opportunity seemed well worth waiting for. Perhaps Jan knows this too and is afraid of being led by her emotions? Getting it right bothers me, we should perhaps have achieved more by now, or am I just being greedy and insensitive? Perhaps it is no bad thing that we slow it down a bit?
The events of the last few weeks had broken the circle and had certainly overshadowed things for Jan, understandably, but perhaps her perceptions of what she wants from life are changing following the loss of her close friend?
On the other hand the last hand job that Jan, with Linda's indirect help, manipulated me into, not that I needed much manipulation, was given with such feeling and attention to detail and obvious enjoyment by her, that it has given me cause for hope - and yet the detailed discussion of nipple and clit clamps I was expecting, with perhaps some visual if not tactile elements did not happen as she steered us away and towards cock play but I did not push it - perhaps I should - is she waiting for me to assert myself? Dare I risk it? On the other hand Jan can play with my cock on her terms anytime - please!!
Perhaps someone has hurt her, mentally or physically, and perhaps that is holding her back? There have been flashes of her starting to open up but they fade as her control freak aura takes over again. She is a complicated lady, it is well established that she has always loved cock and sex, on her terms, always her leading and her staying in control, never allowing herself to let go to reach the heights that I believe she is capable of.
Perhaps it's a self-image problem, a lot of women suffer with this, a lack of confidence in their own appearance, sex appeal and desirability? I do recall Jan saying that someone had recently told her she was fat - she isn't fat - cuddly maybe, curvy certainly, but all the bits are good and in the right places - and how many of us are perfect specimens - especially as the years pile on! I can't imagine her tits and nipples being unappealing, I have never seen a tit that was unappealing - even those older than Jan's - and her shaven pussy certainly is attractive and very appealing.
I suppose if what we have is what we have I can live with hand and blow jobs and the joy of Jan letting me use my fingers to give her pleasure. Not perfect, but very acceptable from what was only meant to be a casual cfnm!
Anyway, enough speculation, time to go if I am not to be late.
It was always unpredictable meeting Jan and much of the pleasure came from not knowing what would happen next and so it was that I found myself once more letting myself in through the back gate and into the utility room.
The bar was in place on top of the wall units and that bode well, I thought, and Jan quickly disrupted my thoughts by saying, strip off and come into the lounge naked.
Once there I stood in front of her, hands on head, legs apart, as instructed, as she passed her hands over my face, provocatively inserting her fingers in my mouth, moving down to my little moobs and nipples, running her warm hands smoothly on down to the important bit which she duly fondled and manipulated to attract it's full attention. The TV was playing some cfnm porn and that also grabbed my attention.
She grabbed a handful of my pubes saying, time for trim I think, I'll enjoy that. Me too, I added, as she continued to massage my cock working my foreskin gently but firmly back and forth to tease my hyper sensitive glans whilst stretching and kneading my balls and feeling and tugging on the hairs.
She let go and sat back watching as I was still not getting fully erect. Shut your eyes and relax, she said, as I felt her warm breath around my bare glans, followed by some gentle kisses all around my cock and balls, as she gently closed her lips around my cock and held me there, her hot breath swirling around the region as her tongue inquisitively sought out every nook and cranny. This girl certainly loves cock, and she certainly knows how to work it, I thought!!
All too soon it stopped as she sat back and looked. That's better, she said, looks like it means business now!
I'm sorry, I said, it's not that I don't want to, because I absolutely do but you know how it is. I do, she said, don't worry, it's all about the overall experience for us both.
She went off and returned with the trimmer and a bowl and brush of talc, and leaving me to think on that she went off again and returned grinning from ear to ear, holding up a set of leg restraints and a pair of wrist cuffs.
Time to add a little extra, she said, and without waiting for me to comment I found my ankles cuffed, feet pushed apart, and separated by a bar about two feet long.
Hands behind your back, she ordered, and my wrists were efficiently cuffed behind me, followed by a chain connecting the cuffs to each of my ankles. It was not too tight but it did make me project my genitalia forwards and it was impossible to lean forwards or to walk, so I stood there on the spot totally vulnerable whilst Jan walked around me admiring her handiwork, pulling on each part to emphasise her control over me. I must confess that I loved the vulnerability, the humiliation, the total submission of being naked and helpless and the lack of control over what she would choose to do next.
As she dusted my nipples with the brush and talc I could again feel my cock stiffen as my nipples hardened and stood out in response. Very nice, she said, giving each a sharp twist which made me gasp, and her laugh, so she did it again, before moving down to give my hairy region a dusting prior to trimming. I look forward to doing the same for you, one day, hopefully, I said. Me too, was all she said.
What an exquisite experience, having your cock and balls expertly teased with brush and talc whilst being held totally captive and submissive. I love it!
All too soon the trimmer was buzzing away and I was enjoying the vibrations as she deftly trimmed me up again, not too short but as she trimmed around my balls, but maybe a bit shorter than last time.
She sat back, admiring my restyled pubes and started a new cfnm video which we watched as she checked to ensure my erection was standing up to the task. It was - just about - and with a little help!
The porn ended and she released my wrists, telling me to go to the kitchen and get the vacuum cleaner to vacuum up the mess I had created. It is not easy walking with leg spreaders and it causes all sorts of un natural movements, but I managed it and I cleaned the carpet satisfactorily, much to Jan's amusement.
How is it for you so far, she said. Wonderful, I replied, you do seem to be able to get the best out of me!
My pleasure too George, she said, I do so enjoy having you to work on - ready for part two?
Go through to the bar and see if you can hook yourself up, Jan commanded as she cuffed my hands in front of me, adding a couple of carabiners to the cuffs so that my fingers could reach them, you don't need to be pulled tight, she added, just helpless and unable to use your hands as I work on you. She has obviously thought this through, I thought!
I know that you did this with Pam, Jan said, but not the full details. I nodded, and waddled through to the utility, watched by Jan before she disappeared leaving me to reach up and hook myself up which was easy enough and, as expected, left me feeling vulnerable and exposed as I looked at the reflection of my semi erect cock in the opaque glass door.
Jan appeared wearing a very skimpy bright red satin and lace bra and panties and she looked sensational! You may recall this, Jan said, showing me the flogger that Pam had created, as she dragged it across my cock, making it stand up a bit more.
Sorry Jan, I said, I am no David, and I can't get anything like his enviable erection but I really want to serve you as best I can. No problem, she said, I'm no Mistress Alex either but I am sure we will manage very well with what we have.
She stood back and massaged my cock and balls, peeling my foreskin back before again slowly dragging the flogger over my exposed glans followed by a couple of gentle flogs which had me flinching as that most sensitive part of me was teased. That seemed to amuse her. She squeezed my cock and gave me a couple of wanks before moving behind me to start work on my bum, gentle flogging at first before, by the feel of it, the ever harder lashings brought some colour and tingle to my bum cheeks.
Moving back to face me, she placed my cock between her legs and squeezing it tight worked it in and out, safe in the knowledge that entry was blocked. It was apparent from the way she kissed me and moved her body that she too was enjoying it and I yearned to be deep inside her.
Behind me once more, I felt her warm tits and hard nipples in my back and her breath on my neck as she gently but firmly worked down from my moobs to my cock and balls using both hands. That was quite a moment, and I was starting to find it difficult to separate the emotion from the passion. I wonder if Jan is feeling the same, I thought?
Facing me again, her bra had gone, allowing me to see, if not touch, her gorgeous tits and nipples. She held her left tit tightly and moved it about to display and tempt me, before rubbing her nipple across my lips and feeding as much as I could take into my mouth. I responded by gently working the nipple with my tongue and teeth. Bite it, she commanded, so I did, not hard but it made her gasp. Sorry, I said, I do not want to hurt you. You didn't, she said, harder, much harder, I'll tell you when to stop.
Gripping the base of her nipple firmly between my teeth, I worked it very hard with my tongue, all the while tightening my bite as she again worked my cock between her legs, the dampness confirming that indeed her nipples were hard wired to her vagina and perhaps she wanted me as much as I wanted her.
She pulled the left nipple out of my mouth and offered up the right one which I gratefully accepted, sucking and nibbling enthusiastically before she again said, harder, much harder and I gave the right nipple the same treatment as the left, allowing my teeth to work up the nipple to grip the highly sensitive tip. I've worked on and always enjoyed quite a few nipples over the years and many women like theirs nibbled but I had never before met anyone who so enjoyed the intensity and arousal of pain.
Jan was looking quite flustered as she pulled away and again moved behind me to flog my bum and genitals from behind, possibly to get a breather and compose herself, and again I felt her nipples in my back and her hands tweaking my own nipples hard enough to make me gasp in pain and pleasure before moving down to again hold, squeeze and manipulate my cock and balls.
Moving back round to face me I was again fed a nipple, this time it was a lot more erect than before as I gratefully took it into my mouth and began work. Once again I felt her hand direct my cock between her legs but this time, no panties as I eagerly sought to find my way in.
All of this was getting me very close to cumming, so I told Jan that I was close, and she admitted that she was too, but hopefully she might get more than one.
We are both experienced, she said, and as you know, we will only ever get one chance at a gloriously satisfying first full penetration and I for one would sooner we did it in bed. I agreed.
She stepped back and I saw her totally naked for the first time, and I wanted her more than ever. Nothing was said as she undid my wrist and ankle cuffs and, taking my hand she led me to her bedroom.
If I had planned this, she said, I would have put the electric blanket on, but I want you to know that this is totally spontaneous, not planned.
I slid into bed next to Jan and we lay there just holding hands like two teenage lovers as the cool sheets warmed to our bodies.
When my hand was warm, I moved it between her legs and Jan opened them slightly to invite me in and we lay there whilst I played gently opening her soft lips and playing with her clit gradually working my two fingers fully inside her.
She rolled towards me and we kissed, deeply, greedily, passionately, and all the while I was sensing her getting closer to an explosion of hormones.
Jan lifted her breast and placed the nipple in my mouth and I knew exactly what to do, gripping it with my teeth and using my tongue to excite and stimulate the ultra-sensitive tip, sending ripples of pain and pleasure to her pussy.
I eased off a bit, still persistent but not too rough on her nipple whilst maintaining the finger thrusts in her pussy as I felt her start to cum, gasps at first, body trembles, deeply and passionately kissing through her orgasm as she let herself go into my care. For the first time I felt a bit of control and it was good.
We stayed together, able to keep her edging on that high as our tongues intertwined and she ground her clit and pussy against my hand, and then quick as a flash she was on top and astride me, her cleanly shaven, albeit very wet, pussy and her lovely pear shaped swinging tits with fully erect nipples hanging provocatively in full view.
No more hesitation, no more coyness, just pure unadulterated open lust from us both.
Her body language was screaming, take me, I'm yours, but apart from being mesmerised by what I was seeing and doing I was, to be honest, unsure how best to proceed.
I was used to being on top and in control but this was a new experience and I was a bit bemused, being underneath her, how much control did Jan want or does she want me to take control?
I returned my hand to where we both wanted it and Jan dropped onto it immediately to carry on working herself. She leaned forwards and I was able to take a tit in each hand and knead and work them both simultaneously. I switched both hands to one tit and made like a tit clamp, holding it very tight and making her areola and nipple area bulge. Pulling it towards me I was again able to clamp my teeth and suck the nipple whilst rubbing it's tip with my tongue.
That seemed to work as she sat up and spreading her outer lips with one hand offered up my cock to the holy grail of her body, letting it rest with my naked glans in full view touching her clit and beyond, just enough in to not fall out but a long way from penetration. My goodness this lady is good at this, I thought, as her hand released her outer lips, which quickly and warmly closed around my cock as she steadied my cock where she needed it.
Gradually she worked my cock inside her, she was surprisingly tight and I could feel every nuance of her body shape, but being very well wet I slid very easily as she worked me slowly deeper, in and out, in and out, until I was fully in, balls deep and she sat astride me, eyes closed, savouring the moment of that first full penetration.
I've never been able to watch the actual moments of penetration before and it was quite a turn on to watch my cock gradually disappear inside her. It transcended just sex and had become so beautiful and so natural to behold that the memory will stay with me for a long time.
She was absolutely right, it was far too good a moment for both of us to be wasted on anything less than this very sensual total commitment to each other and we rested there, eyes closed, savouring the feeling of oneness.
I knew we were both very close and that it was not destined to win any prizes for duration as Jan, eyes still closed, slowly began to fuck me. I took one tit in each hand and did my best to stimulate them and her nipples to add to the mutual pleasure as we settled into a very much Jan controlled rhythm, pausing when she sensed that one of us was too close and all the while, I hoped, building towards something very special.
We both knew when I was cumming and was beyond being able to stop, and Jan said, let it go, so I did, and so did she as we came together in a togetherness of sound effects and convulsing tightly held bodies.
As we gradually came down from the high, it was very wet in there and much as I did not want to vacate, and neither did Jan want my cock to leave, it gradually slipped out and we both looked, and smiled, at my very red, very depleted cock as it lay on my belly gradually shrinking.
She climbed off and lay down beside me and we cuddled, basking in the afterglow, neither of us speaking. So much to say, but nothing needed saying. 5/10 for duration, I thought, but 10/10 for intensity and passion!
Remembering my duties as a considerate and caring lover I kissed her gently and again placed my hand between her legs which she again spread slightly to express her approval as I touched and gently fingered her, not to get her going, but to help her wind down and we both found that extremely satisfying, albeit more than a little wet and sticky!
I must have drifted off as the next thing I remember is Jan standing next to the bed, totally and unashamedly naked, holding a cup of tea for me.
She returned to bed and we sat there, holding hands, kissing contentedly from time to time, again, no words spoken.
Several days passed since the session and it's high points remained very visibly in my mind. I was starting to wonder where, if anywhere, Jan and I might be heading next, or had I shot my bolt, so to speak, with a one off?
Then the message arrived, inviting me for a coffee at a neutral location. I did not want to seem over keen, so I waited over night before accepting. It seemed unlikely but I had a shower before meeting and just for my pleasure rolled my foreskin back exposing my glans to the everyday friction of my under pants. It didn't make me hard, but it certainly gave me a head start, and it felt lovely too!
It was a very quiet and discreet location and as I arrived I ordered two coffees from the bar before joining Jan in the corner. She smiled warmly as we greeted and I sat down beside her. Perfectly normal meeting of two friends - what a relief - and already, just being in Jan's presence I felt myself start to stiffen; such was her effect on me!
There are lots of things to talk about, Jan said, I had it all neatly planned but I think maybe it's getting the better of me now we are here!
Me too, I said, don't worry about how it comes out, just relax, let's talk, clarifying as we go if we need to avoid misunderstandings?
It all began some while ago, Jan started, just before you came on the scene. I have long been bisexual, as well as an unashamed cockaholic too. Pam's husband, Clive, was not a nice person and Pam, although fiercely loyal to him, was frustrated. Pam and I used to go shopping and on girls’ days out together when lots of girly things were talked about over time. After one such trip we were in my place and I showed her some vibrators and dildos, and not being shy, I offered to demonstrate. Pam declined but did ask if she could borrow a couple to try. A couple of days later, Pam came over for coffee, and she was in tears as Clive had been very unkind to her. I held her tight as she sobbed, and we kissed, gently at first, then passionately. With the ice broken I asked her if she wanted to go to the bedroom and Pam nodded and before long, following my lead, we were naked and in bed tenderly exploring each other's bodies.
It seems, like many women, Pam had often fantasised about being with another woman, but was wary of asking and it seems it was my confidence and experience that was bringing her out of her shell.
I won't go into details but it was the first of several sessions as we evolved as lovers, becoming more open and intimate together.
Then Clive died suddenly, as you know, and Pam's world fell apart. After a respectable wait, Pam told me about this guy who was a regular walker, how he always had a smile and a joke in passing, sometimes suggestive and how she fancied him, but she did not know how he felt. Between us, Pam and I hatched a plot to give you the opportunity to move the game on and fortunately you took it! As things developed, I was fully informed and I know everything that Pam and you did together.
Pam had papers to sign so she stayed last week and now she too knows everything we have done - except that I kept back details of the exceptionally intense climax we enjoyed. I ought to tell you that Linda came round and we had a good look at all the photos, and Pam loved them!
Pam will be here again shortly for the last time to clear the last of her furniture and effects - would you like to meet her again? I would, I said, I do have a soft spot for Pam, but I can only cope sexually with one woman at a time so it must be purely as a friend - unless you both want more?
Interesting thought, Jan said, and a few weeks ago I would have jumped at the chance for Pam and I to have you cfnm - but now it maybe better to let that plan go.
How is it developing with Linda, I asked. She loves the photos and in her heart I think she wants to play, but we are not there yet. I'm not taking or showing her any more photos as I think she has more than enough info to decide for herself.
How about Guy, I asked. Don't know, she said. I had sex with him twice, with condom, but it was mechanical and emotionless and lacked passion so I have not invited him again. He tried with Pam but she did not fancy it and he left after being wanked off by her.
So where do you want us to go from here, is the BIG question, I said.
What we had was exceptional, she said, but I think it would be a mistake to try and recreate it. Hopefully it will happen again, unplanned and spontaneous, as before.
I agree, I said, you managed to get so much out of me, so much more than ever I thought I could give, and I too think that to try and manufacture a repeat performance would not work fully - that said I do still want to make love with you, or at least have sex, but it does not have to end with full penetration. Maybe we can separate play from love making, I said, I still want to be cfnm with you and I have a couple of things on my wish list.
Oooh, tell me do, Jan said. We have those toys on order, I said, and as a titaholic I so want to play with your gorgeous tits and nipples and I also have this fantasy of being between your well spread legs, playing with your labia and clit and exploring the depths of your pussy. That I would really enjoy, she said, I have speculum that you could use. WOW was all I said.
How about you, I asked. I think the whipping role play is worth another go, she said, with variations and perhaps a role reversal so I would be suspended and helpless to your fancies?
Whether play will turn into foreplay, who knows, she said, but I want us to enjoy each other and to give it every chance.
We had talked it through and for the first time I had some idea of what the session was about, but as I let myself in, I couldn't help but wonder what surprises Jan might spring on me.
Coffee first? she said. Yes, please I answered, it would be very nice to have you serve it naked, but that is of course up to you.
I waited excitedly to see Jan return carrying two coffees. She was stark naked - apart from nipple clamps closely linked by chain and a long dangling heavy chain which pulled her nipples downwards erotically. Wow, I said, you never cease to amaze me Jan.
I looked but did not touch. Jan smiled and said, I have prepared the bedroom, hope it meets with your approval.
We chatted as we d*unk our coffee, a total role reversal, cmnf, Jan sat there, legs apart, totally relaxed and in full view to me, not even pubic hair to obscure her femininity, and it was impossible for me to hide my arousal.
A couple of things, Jan said, I just need to check that you would be up for. Firstly, I want to be spit roasted, two guys preferably, but pegging by a female and one cock would be a start - it may very well never happen but if the opportunity ever arises would you be up for it? Thank you for asking, I said, of course - you know me - up for pretty much any form of nudity and kink.
I'm seeing a lot more of Linda of late and we again looked at your photos. I've introduced her to cfnm porn and I think she may be about to express an interest in watching, probably not taking part - what do you think?
As you know, I said, being cfnm with two females has long been on my wish list, so yes please, bring it on!
I am thinking provisionally, Jan said, how about I dress and sissify you as before with her clothes whilst Linda watches, she is familiar with that and I know she likes the photos so it should be a natural progression to work her in gradually. That I would love, I said, I'll leave it to you and I'll go with the flow. Do you think you will bed her, I asked? Don't know, Jan said, hope so, one day, I'll let you know!
We went through to the bedroom, and I approved of her bed preparations. Two large pillows at waist level should make her mound stand proud and exposed, two pillows at the head end so she can watch, and a rope at each corner of the bed to tie her down.
She climbed up and positioned herself, pussy high on the pillows, legs and arms wide in a St Andrew's cross format. I was spellbound by her gorgeous and very accessible pussy and her tits as gravity spread them over her chest, her nipples being held closer together by their tether than nature would have otherwise allowed.
It is a 6' bed so plenty of width as I fixed the ankle cuffs to her and threaded the ropes through their shackle points. I moved to the top and fixed both wrists tightly in place before returning to her ankles and really tightening the ropes stretching her full body wide and tight. I think it was uncomfortably tight for her, but she nodded and seemed to like the helplessness she was in.
I stripped off and slowly wanked myself as she watched, before climbing on the bed between her legs. It was a very sexy place to be as I gently kissed her pussy, opened her outer lips and kissed and began to suck her clit. It is not a huge clit, but it is there and the more I kissed and sucked it the more it grew. I was finding it addictive, kissing, tonguing, sucking, feeling her twinge and shudder as her arousal rose and a climax became closer - so I stopped and just looked at her most intimate parts, parts that were for now, all mine and mine alone. A wonderful feeling!
Sorry, Pam gasped, I can't find the speculum, I think Pam may have it. No worries, I said, we can leave that for another time. Hope Pam enjoys it!
I returned to my task, opening wider, delving gently deeper, burying my face to insert my tongue ever deeper into her warm moist love tunnel until with a loud yell and a massive convulsion she climaxed and I returned my attention to her clit to keep her gently on the boil.
I sat up and inserted my cock, slowly working around her clit and deeper inside her. Once fully inside I held the pose balls tight and then I began to fuck her, no regard for her needs, just a raw and rough fuck for my own benefit. Having had a wank earlier that day I was able to last quite well and eventually I came hard and deep, working myself soft once more.
I pulled out, red and depleted again and she looked at my cock as I squeezed the last out of it, before falling in a heap across her body, pulling the nipple clamps off her tits as I went. I know that hurts as I have had it done to me but she took it well.
We lay there a while, catching our breath, and eventually, she said, Thank you George, I have long wanted to be taken like that, I want you to do it again soon, perhaps a bit more rough and inconsiderate next time?
I reached across for some tissues and sat up whilst Jan watched me clean myself, my cock was still quite red and pretty flaccid, but was at that stage where it was not quite sure what it wanted, to lie down and totally deflate or to be aroused again. Because she was watching I rolled my foreskin right back which, due to the frenulum connection made my softie bend and distort as my foreskin went right down to my cock base pulling the glans with it.
I do like to see that, she said, I'll do it for you when my hands are free. Shall I untie you, I said.
Actually, she said, I want more fucking, tighten the ropes and let's go again. I don't think I can cum again for a while, I said, twice today already, as I wanked off first thing to give me better staying power.
It worked, she said, you did good and I really felt well fucked, but that was then and being a cockaholic I want more. Your cunt is very wet and dripping, I said, I'll clean you up. I got a handful of tissues and enjoyed working her dry getting some tissues. Being a second cumming I did not think I had shot a big load and I have never before seen spunk running out of a pussy and it was a huge turn on. Judging by her reactions I think she too enjoyed the intimate contact.
I climbed off to tighten the ropes, my cock showing mild signs of life and my semi erect and exposed glans shining like a beacon. I pulled her arm tight and adjusted the rope to fully tension her body diagonally, then went around to the other arm and did the same. She was much tighter than before and was nodding and trying to smile. Nipple clamps, please, she said, and I sensuously reattached them both, slightly tighter than before.
She opened her mouth and looked at my cock, so I climbed across her, taking care not to disturb the clamps and offered my cock up to her mouth. She greedily took it all in, although it was far from erect, and I fucked her mouth balls deep for what seemed a long time.
Top drawer, dildo, she gasped, and I opened the drawer. That's a nice one, I said, Pam has one just like it!
I had this vision in my mind, Pam and Jan naked on the bed side by side with me between them dildoing them both to climax, one with each hand. I told Jan and she laughed and said, nice thought, I would love to, but realistically it probably won't happen, but I'll see if she is up for it when she stays next week.
Kneeling between her legs I again opened the doors to her clit which was still showing a good size, and Jan said, no foreplay please, just shove it in my cunt - cunt, I love that word, so descriptive - and fuck me as hard and as deep as you can.
So I did, and I was amazed at how she loved it, taking the extra 2" length more than my cock with ease made me feel a bit inadequate, but I carried on hand fucking her with the imitation cock, well beyond her shuddering climax until it was me that had to stop for a rest!
She looked down and said, do you think it is hard enough to go in. Maybe, I said, you are well opened up, as I withdrew the plastic penis and inserted my own. I slid in easily and rested fully in, or at least as fully in as I was able to muster as I instinctively fondled her tits and nipples, flicking and manipulating the two clamps.
As I tweaked her nipples so I felt her vaginal muscles clamp on my cock and that helped it rise as we both lay there savouring the moment.
Are you ready to stop or do you want more, I said. I could take more, Jan replied, but perhaps another time.
Fair enough, I said, pulling on the chain to ease each clamp off of its nipple, which did hurt her and did make her internal muscles clamp up on me one last time before I pulled out to show her my now almost ready erection.
Time for a shower together, she said.
I untied her still very tight wrists and ankles and she flexed and relaxed her arms and legs. The pillows were still in place and I just could not take my eyes of her very open and invitingly raised clean shaven mound and pussy. I could still see that her clit, although hidden from view, was still engorged and trying to protrude and I wanted to get back in there to see it and play with it, but I said nothing - I just looked admiringly.
I love it that we are so relaxed with our own and each other's nudity, Jan said and I just love seeing you look at me like that.
I know you were less keen than I, Jan said, but I love being taken like that and I trust you, I have some ideas for variations we can talk about if you would like to do it again sometime?
You are right, I said, I was not keen on the whole concept of me selfishly taking without giving, but having tried it and seen how much me being selfish turns you on, and as a consequence turns me on too, I now love it too, so yes, I am a convert and I would love to do it again with you sometime - anyway you like.
I held out my hand and she took it as she climbed off the bed and stood up. I was totally addicted to watching the way her tits and glorious nipples swung and how her pussy changed as she moved - I could watch her all day!
I think we need to be careful, she said, that we don't overdo this and lose interest. I think you are right, I said, I would enjoy more cfnm or cmnf and perhaps other forms of non-penetration sex play, saving full sex in all and any of its formats for special occasions.
Yes, she said, the next one should be cfnm with Linda and I, I'm still working on that but hopefully it will be fun for us all.
We had reached the shower and the water was running warm over our bodies which were of course close together under the flow. A squirt of shower gel and her hands were all over me, and the feeling was gorgeous, soft silky hands touching all the sensitive areas, especially working my foreskin and dangly bits which quickly rose from flaccid to semi erect. I too used a generous squirt of get to wash Jan's body, paying particular attention to her tits, a wonderful experience, soapy silky smooth tits and nipples, working my way down to her pussy which I was able to give a good cleansing both inside and out, feeling her twitch as I touched her really sensitive areas.
It had been many years since I shared a shower with a woman and I had forgotten just how wonderful an experience it could be, so I said, this would make a very good foreplay and pre love making build up. I was just thinking the same thing, Jan replied, I'll add it to the list!
We dried ourselves, and each other and so ended another most memorable meet and I hurried off home as I needed another wank after that shower!
A couple of days later I got a message from Jan asking to meet along the river bank where we first met. It was a cold but dry day as I walked to the bench, remembering well those first few meets, and wondering what this was all about.
I sat down next to her, and I could feel the sexual tension rise - that was not all that rose - and Jan said, I guess you are pleased to see me!
I met Linda yesterday, she said, and she has medical issue that I won't go into, and the worry is getting to her. I'm taking her to the hospital for a biopsy and various other tests and if it is serious they might keep her in so she has to go prepared to stay. She is coming here for lunch tomorrow and whilst I very much doubt anything will happen she would like to meet you if you can make it. It would be good to give her something else to think about.
Clothed or naked, I said, if it helps please tell Linda that she would be helping me if she sees me naked, even if nothing else happens, as I get a huge buzz out of being seen naked with clothed people, especially when they are in control.
That might well work, Jan said, as she is teetering on the edge, I am sure she wants to do cfnm, if no more, but something is holding her back.
Do you still get a buzz out of being cfnm with me? Oh yes, very much I do, I said, I love it.
Even if nothing else happens, she said. Even if nothing else happens, I said, I am an exhibitionist at heart and I just love being naked, especially as I am watched as my arousal make my cock grow.
You will be present, I said, so there is no risk for Linda, if that aspect worries her, and if it helps reassure her you can restrain or blindfold me - in fact I would love it if you did!
OK, Jan said, leave it with me and I will see what I can arrange. Please say nothing to Linda, let it all come as a surprise to you as she knows nothing of this meeting.
What does Linda know, I said, just so I know what not to say. She knows all about our cfnm meets and of course she has seen the photos, she knows we have had that very sensual sex, but not about the last session as that might be a step too far for her at this stage.
Just follow my instructions, Jan said, say very little, and it should work out OK.
Nothing new there then, I said, I am looking forward to this.
Me too, she said.
What is the worst that can happen, I thought to myself as I approached Jan's. No connection with Linda, no desire, no nudity - hope not but who knows - on the other hand Linda might just be very sexy and ready to play - or something in between - who knows - but I soon will!
In here, Jan called as I let myself in, and I went through to the lounge. I smiled at Jan, and said, hello Linda, very good to meet you. Hello George, Linda said, likewise, I've heard so much about you.
Linda is a large woman and I can see why her clothes would fit me, and that alone must open up some opportunities - hopefully. Short dark hair, almost butch like features, but with a sort of kind face, she could have been a Bulgarian weight lifter! Not entirely unattractive for all that and my instant diagnosis was, yes, I would, if it were mutual, but I suspect she would eat me for breakfast - but what a way to go!
They were sat side by side on the sofa and it the size difference was very clear. An awkward silence descended, and it was Jan who broke it by reaching in her handbag and pulling out a bag of shower curtain rings. Plastic, with a small attachment ring on the bottom and an internal hole of about 1". Pam and I found these last week, she said, sliding a ring up and down her finger suggestively. We had a good laugh fantasising about how we could use them and I promised to send her a photo. what do you think George?
I think they would slide on fairly easily before I get too hard, I said, don't know how we would go about it with a decent erection, but I would love to find out if you would?
How many are there, said Linda, they might need lubrication, I wonder how many we could get on, and how it would look?
Jan began to count and stack the rings and it turns out there are 29 @ 5mm each equals 145mm - under 6" - and I know I am now under 6" fully erect! Could be fun George, Linda said, depends how long you are. Sorry Linda, I said, I'm not that long, nor as erect as I once was, but I am up for whatever you girls want to try.
That's as good a cue as any, Jan said, come on George, now is the time to show Linda what you've got. I looked at Linda and she nodded her agreement. I used my usual tactic for stripping off, trousers and pants off first, giving glimpses, then jumper and shirt slowly over my head giving full unimpeded views.
I stood there naked, hands behind my back watching them watching me as my cock rose and stiffened, stopping, as usual, when it reached about 9 o'clock. I had my foreskin rolled back and my glans was wrinkled when soft, gradually stretching out to a smooth purple surface as it hardened, which I am rather proud of!
Are you over sensitive Linda asked. Yes, I said, I find having a rolled back foreskin reduces sensitivity and helps me last longer.
Interesting, Linda said, I had a boyfriend a couple of years ago who suffered from premature ejaculation. I like a good long session which he was unable to give me, so we bought a spray on delaying de-sensitiser which worked quite well. I think it is in the bathroom cabinet - just in case - it may be out of date, but would you like to try it. Yes please, I said, it would be better for all if I could last longer.
We're getting short of time, said Jan, shall we ask George to wank for our entertainment. Good idea, said Linda, nodding her approval.
I took hold of my cock and slowly started, full strokes, quickening up so my balls slapped at each end of the stroke. I was fully charged and had not cum for a few days, so it did not take long before my spare hand was under my cock to catch the cum before it hit the carpet. I carried on until my cock went soft, and having squeezed the last out, I removed my hands to give the ladies a full view of the end result.
Sorry to rush you George, said Jan, we need to leave, can you dress and we will see you on Tuesday.
As I left, Jan followed me, pressed a shower ring into my hand, put her finger across her lips and said, say nothing but I think we are on, try this for size and message me before Tuesday.
I took the ring, smiled, and said, full report tomorrow. Good luck to Linda, let me know please.
I could hardly wait to play with the ring and on getting home I checked the internal diameter and found it to be 33mm (1¼" in old money!). It slid on easily when I was soft, and even stayed on a softie - just about! As I arose to a semi, so it was harder to get on and off, but I enjoyed wriggling and squeezing to get it on and once on it sat beautifully behind my bell end holding my foreskin back and making me even more sensitive to clothes friction. This in turn made me harder and I fantasised about weights being hung from the ring, pulling on my bell end, and dragging my erection downwards while being watched. I found I could get it all the way down a semi with some stretching and plenty of lubrication and it felt lovely at my cock base with a full hard on, it might be easier with three hands! I hope that gives you some useful feedback, I added, as I sent the message to Jan. I also said that I was thinking of Linda, and how did it go?
After that initial 'quickie' meet I did at least know that I was onto a winner and that all three of us were on the same page. The sheer euphoria of wanking myself so openly all the way in front of two women, one of whom I had never met before, and one of whom knew every inch of my body is indescribable. Shame that first time cannot be repeated - but hey ho - onwards to pastures new! At least I now knew that Linda's test results were suggesting she was clear. Hopefully I will find out more?
I let myself in, as ever, and went through into the lounge. They were both sat there on the sofa, unsexily dressed, as expected, but this time Linda had more of a warm smile for me. On the table were some of the curtain rings, Jan's tub of cream (lubrication?), and a small pump type spray - not unlike the ones used for angina (hope not!).
I placed my stainless-steel cock ring, that I had forgotten I still had until last week, on the table. It is nearer to 1 1/2" internal and a far more comfortable fit on my cock than the curtain ring, saying, I don't know what you ladies have planned but it might pay to have a plan B and this is a tight enough fit.
Nothing was said, so without being invited, I stripped naked, ready for inspection - and whatever else they had planned. Once again I felt that I was being set up and Linda knew more than Jan had said, and I found that thought both flattering and arousing.
I was already up well beyond a semi as Jan beckoned me over towards her and with her face very close to my cock tried to work a ring onto my cock. Willy was having none of it and the more she tried the more funny it became as it wriggled around eluding her. Of course that just made me harder and the job more difficult - but oh how I loved having my cock played with, especially being watched. It was both humiliating yet exhilarating being used as an exhibitionist, especially when they giggled.
Let me do it, said Linda, so I moved in front of her. Nice trim, Linda said, who does it for you? Jan, I said, I am sure she would love to do it for you too, perhaps? Never say never, said Linda, catching Jan's eye.
Jan had left my foreskin rolled forwards so Linda peeled it back and, wetting my glans with her spit, slid the ring as far as it would go onto my cock - taking her hands away to show me, and Jan, the captured ring halfway across my bell end. She got hold of my bell end tightly enough to make me gasp and in one swift movement pulled my cock very tight, at the same time sliding the ring over my bell end where it rested nicely in the groove. Again, letting go so that we could see and admire her expertise. Looks and feels like you've done that before Linda, I said. Once or twice, came the reply.
She worked the little attachment ring round to below my glans and pulled downwards on it, saying to Jan, I just know that between us we can have some fun with this, and George's steel ring. Jan agreed, saying, but perhaps not today as we have a sissy to sissify.
I heard the word 'sissify' and was immediately turned on, with umpteen thoughts and fantasies rapidly running through my mind. I have never had any desire to be female, but I do love the feel of feminine clothes on my bare skin in private, and as being dressed by Jan had been so fantastic, how would being dressed by Linda and Jan be? WOW! I wonder what 'variations' they have conspired to add in?
Shall we try this spray, said Linda. She had watched my cock straining to get more erect as she fitted the ring and I felt that she too was starting to get into the spirit of cnfm. It's been a while but I think it still works, we shall see, as she generously sprayed my bell end, on top, each side and underneath, and again on top. Does it work on nipples, I said, Don't know, she said, let's find out giving me a spray on each of my nipples. It was a strange feeling, cold as it evaporated, almost stinging, but not really as gradually a numbness not dis-similar to a recovering mouth after a filling took over.
I had an overwhelming urge to feel my cock but Linda stopped me, saying. Careful, we need to wipe you dry before your cock touches anything as experience knows that the residue transfers, and some things don't need de-sensitising! She got a tissue and dried my cock and moobs, a strange feeling, I could tell they were mine, but yet they felt remote. It seems to work, I said, at least so far. I had a feel and it did indeed feel strange, the connection between my nipples and my cock had gone and whilst I was unable to wank due to the ring my bell end certainly felt remote and lacking in feeling. The initial spray had hardened me, but as it took effect my erection dropped a bit. At least manual stimulation brought it back up!
Jan, who had been watching, felt my cock and said, it feels normal, how long does the effect last. Depends, said Linda, probably about 10 - 15 mins of worthwhile effect, tailing off to completely gone after about 30 mins. Mind you that is only my limited experience of it, and it may affect different people in different ways, but it was certainly enough to be well worth the effort and if a continuation is wanted you can always spray again, just be careful not to do any damage to anything de-sensitised .
Can I try something, Linda said, never done it, often wanted to. Of course, I said, sounds ominous! She took a long cord from her handbag and, using a slip knot tied it around my balls, threading the line up through the curtain ring. She pulled sharply on the cord and said, follow me boy. Yes mistress Linda, I said, standing up, enjoying the feeling of the pressure on my scrotum, with some discomfort to my balls and my cock being steered, but even more the joy of them both having me under their control and watching me, as Linda pulled and manipulated me as we walked to the bedroom.
I was steered to sit on the dressing table stool, and I loved it. Linda d****d the cord across the dressing table tying it to the mirror, signalling that although she was not holding it, she was still in full control.
My cock, and nipples, still had that strange remote sort of feeling and I did indeed feel that, should the occasion arise, I could last a lot longer than usual, and I looked forward to the opportunity to find out.
I held my arms out and on went the bra and the soft sheen material felt as good as ever. Jan prodded the empty bra cups and said to Linda, remember those titties we had such a laugh making - would you like to see how they fit? Linda took my two puppies in her hands and let me see her feel them before gently but firmly easing them inside my bra, ensuring the nut shaped false nipples were in the anatomically right places! Due to the numbness I did not get the sexual impetus that I did last time - but small price to pay if I can fuck for longer!
She fiddled around and felt them, saying, they're not bad for a first attempt. How do they feel George. I love them, I said. If you really want to play, Linda said, I have some real falsies at home we can experiment with, even some that stick on to give a more natural look and feel. Yes please, I said, I would love to, and no doubt we can all have a good laugh in the process. Sounds like a plan, said Linda.
I think it is time to explain, said Linda. I had breast cancer some years ago and I only have one breast. I did not say so before as it often puts people off, how does it affect you both? I have a good selection of prosthetics at home, some singles, some in pairs and I would love to have a trial and error session with them if you are up for it.
Many years ago, I said, I met a lady via internet dating and there was an instant magnetism, and yet something prevented us from getting intimate. Eventually she told me that she had had a double mastectomy and had no breasts, her bra being a double prosthesis. She had not told me before as she had already lost one boyfriend because of it. I told her that it did not matter as she was still the lovely lady that I had grown to know - and besides - there were other uses I could put my hands and mouth to, especially if you are able to not take it too seriously and have a laugh and occasional joke in bad taste!
The proof of the pudding was that we met again and seeing her naked was different, but it did not put me off and we had a lot of fun. On that basis Linda, I have great respect for what you been through but it does not put me off in the least.
I saw a tear in her eye, and realising she was very human after all, I went to hug her - but my cord pulled tight and stopped me and we all burst out laughing!
Jan produced the stockings and rolled each one part way up my legs and I stood up for the suspender belt and stockings fitting which they both took far longer than was normal to execute, not made any easier by my leash.
By this time my cock was as rampant as it would ever be these days and Jan felt my bell end and asked how does it feel. Slowly coming back to life, I said, don't know how it would now affect my staying ability?
Jan produced some cute lacy panties and Linda untied the leash as between them they fitted the panties on me but with my cock and balls outside the gusset, and once again I was tied to the mirror. My goodness it felt sexy and I must have looked very odd dressed and restrained like that.
The dress went over my head and again I stood up and was untied from the mirror as they fiddled around adjusting me and my puppies to look as good as it gets.
Lift your dress, Georgina dear, said Jan, I need a photo for Pam. They both giggled as photos with my frilly panties both up and down were taken.
Now for the best bit, said Jan, real sissification with full make up, earrings and wig.
Oh yes, said Linda, let the real Gina emerge…
Published by andrew-r
2 years ago
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Naughtynev69 10 months ago
captJack33 1 year ago
GREAT story 
Plonk123 2 years ago
Fantastically well written, I read it all in one go . Jan is a sexy lady. 🥰💦👍
pussa1957 2 years ago
to andrew-r : God the stories just get me so hard and sopping wet with pre cum!
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andrew-r Publisher 2 years ago
to pussa1957 : This was not written by me but published with permission of the Author...he may write more in the future...
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pussa1957 2 years ago
WOW fantastic I hope you do a follow up of this! Thank you.