Turned into a girl

During dinner, Donna was wedged between Beth and his sister. The girls were excited about the fact that Donna would be receiving the type of punishment that Ellen had administered. "So, Donna, how does it feel to be a girl?" asked Beth."You are kinda cute and I would like to be your girlfriend, even though you have embarrassed me in the past." Donna was dumfounded that a girl would want to befriend him for all of the juvenile acts he had performed in the past.

Beth's mom then chimed in with the suggestion that perhaps Beth could help him with his budding femininity. Ellen thought that would be a nice gesture on her part. She explained that Donna was suspended for a week from school and that she would welcome Beth's invitation to make her son more feminine. Just then Donna announced that (s)he had to use the restroom, so the four girls left the table en mass. While they were walking to the restroom, Kristin, who was walking behind Donna, hiked her dress up in front of a table of older teenage boys, thereby exposing once again, the pretty rosebud print panties for their lustful eyes. "Hi, beautiful, pretty panties. Would you like a date tonight?" Donna was humiliated but scurried into the womens' restroom where she joined the other girls.

Jennifer and Beth made Donna keep the door open as she relieved herself. Then the taught her how to "dry" herself with tissue. When her dress had been smoothed out, they exiyed the restroom. Bedore they left however, Jenny told Donna to lift his dress up when the passed the boys' table. I can't and won't do that," said Donna, "they might find out that I'm a boy, and then what?" "Just do it or I will hike it up for you," replied Jenny. So, on the way back to their table, Donna, pretending that she was fooling with the hem of her dress, lifted it up to her waist as they passed the table again.

The boys were delighted with the free peep show and whistled their approval, thus embarrassing Donna no end. When they retirned to the table, the mothers were ready to go. Ellen said that Beth could come over after school any day that week to help Donna become more feminine. Beth said that she would like that and she would pass the word around in school about the new girl she was coaching. Ellen made Donna curtsy to Beth and her mom before they left. Beth's mom came over to Donna and said that Beth would help her become as girl-like as any girl in school. She then kissed Donna on the cheek.

The rest of the evening was spent shopping for more clothes for Donna. Ellen, wanting to make sure that Donna would be treated and thought of as a little girl, selected four more packaged Hanes Her Way cotton, brief style panties for Donna. Donna was made to hold them until they were done in the lingerie section.

She also bought some nylon bikini panties for Jennifer. Kristin also purchased some pretty satin bikinis and held them up to Donna's face to show how soft and smooth they were. Donna then asked her mom why she had to wear little girls' brief-style, cotton print panties when all the girls in her class and even her younger sister, all wore more grown-up nylon bikinis. "And just how do you know what the other girls in your class wear under their uniform skirts?" asked Ellen. Donna, knowing that she had opened her mouth and inserted her foot, went mute. Ellen than said that because Donna acted in a juvenile manner, she would dress as a young school girl for the entire punishment period.

Donna did not say another word as they paid for the panties. He as thinking of Beth telling all of their classmates about his little girl panties and padded bra.


Part 5

Donna was mesmerized at the myriad of dresses and skirts that (s)he had to try on. Ellen cheerfully smiled at her feminized son and told him he looked sweet in his new clothes. They left the stores with another 6 dresses, all little gurl variety, 2 Barbie nightgowns, the aforementioned packaged little girl cotton briefs, and 3 more school blouses to wear under his jumpers.

On the way home, Donna was totally freaked out as they stopped by the rectory where the parish priests resided. Ellene and the three girls went to the front door and the housekeeper let them in whil Fr. Thompson was summoned. When he came downstairs into the waiting room, he smiled at recognition of Ellen. She immediately asked for forgiveness for her son's despicable behavior and vowed that it would never happen again. To Donna's dismay, Ellen made Donna curtsy to the priest. Ellen said that since this was the third "strike" as far as she was concerned regarding Don's actions, he would experience life as a girl until the end of the school year.

Fr. Thompson carefully looked over the quivering Donna and announced that perhaps the one week suspension could be lifted now that Donna was going to join the ranks of the girls in school. Ellen also told the priest that Donna was to be treated as a younger girl and he would be wearing little girls' jumpers to school rather than the older girls' plaid skirts. This was perfectly okay with the priest who announced that he would take care of the paperwork to have Donna continue as a girl. Donna was then told to get on her knees and apologise to Fr. Thompson for making a fool of himself. He was also told to say that he would be a good girl for the rest of the school year.

They then left the priests' house and went home. Donna was completely quiet for one of the few times in his life. As they exited the car, Kristin asked Donna to show her his pretty panties, and he was quick to oblige.

Once home, Ellen drew a bubble bath for the girls and put them into the tub together, because after all, she indicated, we are all girls here from now on.

When done, Ellen combed Donna's hair out and dried it. He was then given his new Barbie nightie to put on and he went downstairs to join his sister and mom for some hot chocolate.

Donna knew that the worst was yet to come, particularly on Sunday church service, when all of his classmates would see his new look.

story: turned into a girl by mom #6

Saturday morning found Donna, Jenny and their mom reading the newspaper while still clad in their nighties. Jennifer asked if she could go over to Kristin's house to play CD's and talk about clothes and the latest teenage heart-throb, Ricky Martin. Ellen surprised Jenny by saying she could go only if she "took" her new sister with her. One look at his mom indicated that Donna better not say anything and go along with the program.

"By the way, Jenny, wear your new clam-digger pants and baby "t" shirt," Ellen exclaimed. "Donna, I'll find a dress that is appropriate." Jenny cheerfully went upstairs to change while Ellen took her sissified son up to his new Barbie bedroom. "Mom, why can't I at least wear pants like Jenny," intoned Donna. "Because, sweetie, you know that your new wardrobe doesn't include any pants at all.

You know that's the punishment," Ellen smiled as she brushed Donna's hair away from his eyes. "If Jenny hikes up my dress, everyone will see my little girl panties," sniveled Donna. "I am 12 years old and I shouldn't have to wear little girl's, flowered panties. After all, you forced me to wear bras that make me bigger than any girl in my class, so I should at least wear more grown-up panties. Even Jenny and Kristin wear nylon bikini panties, and they are only 10.

Everyone will laugh at me when they see my cotton, flowered, baby panties." "Before you can be a big girl, you have to be a little girl, exclaimed Ellen. "Would you like it better if I put you back in diapers? Remember, it was only three years ago that you stopped wetting the bed and no longer had to wear diapers and rubber panties to bed. We could return to those days if you like." Donna was stuck and he knew it. "No, mom, I'll wear the little girl panties," he said as he quickly pulled on a pair of yellow briefs with blue, red and green daisies throughout. Ellen handed him a pale yellow bra and full-bodiced petticoat, also in pale yellow.

She then had him hold his arms up so she could put the lemon-yellow dress over his head. It came just above his knees and the petticoat was about one inch longer. A pair of white, yellow lace trimmed anklets and white Mary Janes followed. Ellen then fixed his hair in the two pigtails look with yellow ribbons that she preferred. Ellen told Donna that she was too young for make-up, but she did put a little lipstick on him, just to give his Lips some color. She then kissed her pantied son on the cheek saying that he was going to make a beautiful daughter.

Reluctantly Donna hiked up his dress when Jenny entered his bedroom and asked him to. "Very cute panties, sis," Jenny squealed as Donna held his dress and petticoat up to his waist for her edification. "You're going to drive the boys crazy when they see your pretty undies, "said Jenny as she laughed mischeviously. Donna wondered what was in store for him.


turned into a girl by mom #7

Ellen asked Jenny if she would like a ride over to Kristin's house. "No, mom, I'll think we should walk as it is such apretty day," replied the 10 year-old Jenny. Donna thought a ride would be perfect, and nobody would get a chance to see him in the full-skirted dress if they rode to Kristin's house, which was about a half-mile away.

Ellen said that perhaps the walk would do Donna good since she would no longer be involved in "her" basketball or soccer activities at school. Jenny and Donna thus went out of their front door, with Ellen giving Donna one of Jenny's purses to carry with her as they left. Donna felt foolish since she was clad in a short dress with petticoats that made the skirt portion stand almost straight out. He knew that if he did any serious bending, his flowered print panties would be exposed. Jenny had ideas of her own however, and as they neared the park that was on the way to Kristin's, she asked Donna if she wanted to "shoot a few hoops" since they were about 20 minutes early.

Donna was torn. His first love was basketball and he was one of the stars of the school's seventh-grade team. Here he was clad in a little girl's dress, a padded bra and little girl panties underneath. He was not that much bigger than his 10 year-old sister who was obviously in charge. "Why don't you check out a basketball with the park's director?" said Jenny to Donna. Donna was shocked but went into the office building and asked the director if "she" could check out a basketball. "Why sure you can, sweetie," said the director. "Just fill out your name and address on the form."

Don was embarrassed but signed his name "Donna" on the name line. He exited the office with a basketball and dribbled it over to where Jenny was waiting. Jenny, who was also a very good player, and Donna traded jump shots for about five minutes. It was obvious that his panties were exposed every time he bent over or shot the ball. This fact was not lost on the teenaged boys on the next court. "Hey, nice panties, cutie," said one as they quit their game and went over to watch the "girls" shoot the ball.

Donna's face went from red to white as the taunts of "shoot the ball, pretty panties" erupted every time he had the ball. After another 2-3 minutes, Jenny decided that they didn't want to get sweaty before they got to Kristin's. She told Donna to check the ball in. She then rolled it under the bench so that Donna would have to really bend over to retrieve it, thus giving the 3 boys a very nice peep show of his panties. This act elicited a round of applause and cheers from the boys. They huddeld around Jenny and Donna and asked each their name. "I'm Jennifer, and this is my sister, Donna," exclaimed Jenny. "Why is she wearing such a short dress?" asked the bravest of the teenagers. "Because she is going to a birthday party," replied Jenny.

Donna was too shocked and embarrassed to say anything. She instead went back in the office to turn in the basketball, fearful of what could possibly happen next.

story: turned into a girl by mom #8

Posted by Jeanie on January 16, 2000 at 04:25:58:

Jenny and Donna left the playground hand in hand and finally made it to Kristin's house. Kristin's mom answered the bell and welcomed the "girls" inside. She already knew what the situation was via Kristin and went out of her way to make Donna feel comfortable as a girl. "Donna, you look lovely," said Kristin's mom. "That is a very pretty dress. Where did your mom find it?

Kristin had one that was similar when she was 8 and she loved it. In fact, the birthday girl, Laurie, is wearing it right now. Come and let me introduce you to the other girls," said a very cheery Mrs. MacPherson. "Donna, show Mrs. MacPherson your panties first," chimed in Jenny. Donna was mortified as he had to hike his dress up to show a grown woman his little girl's flower-print, cotton briefs. Mrs. MacPherson, barely able to hold back a chuckle, said that his panties were adorable and the other girls would think so too.

At that time Kristin came into the foyer and gave Jenny and Donna a kiss on the cheek. She wanted to see Donna's panties also, and Donna had to repeat the ritual once more, this time for a younger girl. Kristin was dressed in pants too, and Donna was confused about that. He was even more mystified when Kristin produced a present that had birthday wrapping, and told him to carry it.

Then the three girls went into the great room of Kristin's house where there were about 15 other girls, all 8 years old and classmates of Kristin's sister, Laurie. They were karaoking and dancing to music and were all also clad in party dresses. Laurie was the only other girl who knew of Donna's situation other than her mom and sister. She thought it was great that an older boy was forced to wear dresses and be a girl for what he had done to Kristin, and she was going to make the most of his predicament.

She rushed over to where the new girl was and gave him a kiss on the cheek - while she "accepted" his present. "Girls, this is Donna, Jenny's sister," said Laurie. "Donna, say hello to the other girls." When Donna turned around to look for his sister and Kristin, he discovered that they had left the room and closed the door. Donna was now the center of attention of fifteen, 8 year-old girls who were dressed like him. He rolled his eyes and decided that he better act like a girl unless he really wanted to be humiliated in front of girls that were 4 years younger than himself. Donna smiled his best and most feminine smile as he was escorted out to the dance floor by Laurie. He knew that his panties were going to be exposed as soon as he twirled around by Laurie. What was next he thought to himself.


turned into a girl by mom #9

Donna knew that his panties were exposed every time he "twisted" or shook his hips when dancing. Nevertheless, he decided that he had really better act like a girl unless he was "outed" by a bunch of 8 year-olds. After about 4 more songs, he was really into the movements of the dance and spun around thereby having his panties in full view of the rest of the girls - and also Laurie's mom - who had come into the room to announce the opening of the presents. "Why, Donna, you are the little tease, deliberately showing off your pretty panties when you dance. Does your mom know you are so open about showing them off?"

With the music stopped, Donna could hear the other girls snickering about his yellow cotton briefs with the red, blue and green daisies. "Hey, Donna, how old are you," laughed one of the girls. "Why are you wearing panties that are like my little sister's, when you obviously have boobs?" Another spoke up, "I haven't worn little girl panties since I was 6." Donna, completely embarrassed by the reactions he received because of his dancing, immediately clung to Mrs. MacPherson's skirt. He knew that the other girls, their dresses also flaired when dancing, were wearing fancy, lace-trimmed panties, even though they were only 8 years old, and he was the only one who was wearing little girl's briefs.

He could have died at the humiliation of dressing in a younger style than the 8 year-olds, and he started to sniffle. "There, there, little one, it is perfectly all right to wear cotton briefs. I think they are very cute," said Mrs. MacPherson. "I also like your petticoat and anklets. Your mom must be proud of her new daughter." Donna was ashamed of his little girl's cotton panties and in a whisper asked Mrs. MacPherson if he could borrow a pair of Kristin's nylon bikinis. He was just about ready to lose it and told Mrs. MacPherson that he knew he had to dress like a girl for the rest of the school year, but the little girl style of clothes his mom had bought for him were humiliating, especially the flower print panties. He then burst into uncontrollable sobbing, and Mrs. MacPherson held him on her lap.


turned into a girl by mom #10

Donna was still sobbibg while on Mrs. MacPherson's lap after 10 minutes. His short dress was hiked up even further by his position and the front of his yellow, flower print panties was again completely exposed as he clung to Kristin's mom's neck. A few of the 8 year-old girls, puzzled as to why an "older" girl, one who was already wearing a bra, would be crying so hysterically, came over to Mrs. MacPherson. Donna's bulge in the front of his panties, obviously identifying him as a boy, were unmistakeable. "Hey look," shouted little Julie, "Donna's got a winkie! He's a boy!" All of the other girls rushed over to where Donna was sitting to see the newly outed sissy. Because his arms were around Mrs. MacPherson's neck, and in the sitting position he was in, Donna could not cover his panties. His panty-covered "manhood' was thus wide open for inspection.

Okay, girls, stand back," said Mrs. MacPherson. "Yes, Donna is a boy who is being punished by his mom." "What did he do?" shouted another of the party goers. "Donna, why don't you tell the other girls why you are wearing a dress and little girl panties?" volunteered Mrs. MacPherson. "Keep your dress up while you explain also."

Donna had a look of complete subjugation and resignation as he slid off of Mrs. MacPherson's lap. He knew that he was doomed as soon as this day was over. Nevertheless, he obediently hiked up his dress and petticoat to his waist and got into the middle of the circle that the 8 year-olds had formed. He tearfully informed the "crowd" that he had been caught hiking up the skirts of his sister and Kristin. His punishment was to dress as a little schoolgirl for the rest of the year, and to experience the joys and tribulations of what a girl goes through on a daily basis.

"Do you like your girls' clothes?" asked Julie, the younger sister of a girl in Donna's class. "I thought you were a real girl and I think you look cute." "What grade are you in at school?" asked another. Laurie, Kristin's younger sister, piped in with the fact that Donna was in the seventh grade, the same class as Tammy, Julie's sister. "Oh, wow, does Tammy know yet?" inquired Julie.

Mrs. MacPherson then took charge by telling the girls, Donna included, to take their seats at the table. When Donna, relieved that he could put his dress down, arrived at his place, he discovered that the plate had a paper with his name on it. Also there was a present in front of each girls' plate. All the girls - except Donna - excitedly ripped open their presents to each find a Barbie Doll. Donna reluctantly opened his present to the cheers of the other girls. His present was a Skipper Doll. He knew that Skipper was Barbie's younger sister and that obviously Mrs. macPherson was in on the plot to feminize him. His started to cry again.

story: turned into a girl by mom #11

Posted by Jeanie on January 23, 2000 at 04:43:41:

After Donna was "forced" to show the other girls his Skipper doll, things quieted down somewhat as the cake and ice cream were served. All during the cake and ice cream session, Donna was continually asked how he liked being a girl and wearing a pretty party dress. Julie, who had a sister in Donna's class at school, finally elicted the response that he "kinda liked" the dress, bra, frilly petticoat and anklets. but he hated wearing his flowered briefs as they made him look like a 6 year-old.

He said that as long as he had to dress like a girl, he wished he could wear silky nylon or satin bikini panties "like Tammy does." As soon as he had opened his mouth and confided to Julie that he knew what style of panties her older sister wore, he wished he could take it back. Tammy was one of the girls in his class whose skirt he had hiked up on occasion and who had complained to the teacher. Besides, she was probably the prettiest girl in his class and he got the typical boyhood thrill in seeing a pretty girl's panties. Little Julie got a funny look on her face as she was given this information. She thought she would tell Tammy what Donna said and thought when she got home.

Just then Mrs. MacPherson advised that the girls should go into the living room where Laurie could open up her presents.

Donna accompanied Julie into the room where the girls sat down on the floor, their frilly rhumba style panties showing - as if by design. Donna's panties of course were exposed, not so much by the manner he was sitting, but by the length of his dress and stiffness of his petticoat. He noted in looking around at the other girls' panties that he was the only one who was wearing cotton briefs. He knew now that he had been set-up for all the humiliation.

Each time that Laurie opened a present, the other girls would express their approval, and she would give the bearer a hug. When she opened Donna's present - which had been delivered earlier by his mother - Laurie held up a set of seven "Day of the Week" bikini panties in shimmering satin. Each pair was a different color and had contrasting lace trim around the waist and leg openings, with the "day of the week" embroidered in the same color as the lace trim. "Oh how pretty," squealed the other girls, as they were passed around to the girls. "They are almost too pretty not to show them off," said Julie. "Here, Donna, feel the satin. I'll bet you would love to wear panties like these," she teased. Donna reluctantly felt the pretty, pink, "Sunday" bikini panties that he had "given" to Laurie.

Down deep in his psyche, he knew Julie was correct and he fervently wished he could wear big-girl panties like these. He blushed furiously as Laurie came over and gave him a kiss on the cheek and a big hug, and he was startled when he saw the flash of a camera record it all.


turned into a girl by mom #12

Every time that Laurie opened a present that contained lingerie. it was passed around for all the other 8 year-old girls to inspect. Of course Donna had his turn with the various slips, nighties and other panties as they made their way around the group. He would blush whenever one of the girls would tell him that he would look pretty in whatever he was holding.

By the end of the afternoon, Donna had mellowed out somewhat and he rather enjoyed playing the silly games, like TWISTER, with the younger girls. They always cheered at him whenever he bent over to fully expose once again his little girl briefs. Mrs. MacPherson was always there to take pictures of the girls and Donna knew that his mom and sister would be seeing him in all his unladylike poses.

When Jenny and Kristin arrived, the party was just ending and all the girls gave Donna a hug, told him he made a pretty girl, and that they would see him at church service on Sunday. Julie also wanted to know what color panties he would be wearing to church. That got Donna thinking with much trepidation about the following day when the entire student-body would be present to see him in his Sunday finery.

On the way home, Jenny asked her brother if he enjoyed the party, and if Laurie had liked his present. Sheepishly he answered yes to both questions. "Did the girls also like your pretty panties?" questioned Jenny. Donna was forced to admit that all of the younger girls, led by Laurie and Julie, repeatedly told him that he looked absolutely darling in his print panties.

When the "girls" walked into the house, their mom was waiting for them. She had them go into the office where the family's computer was turned on.

After she brought up the e-mail page, Donna's face turned ashen as his mom brought up the digital photos of him at the party. Seems like Mrs. MacPherson had uploaded all of the pictures she had taken of Donna in various poses, his panties completely exposed, and laughing and smiling with the other girls. She then sent them all as e-mail attachments to his mom, who was delighted in seeing how her feminised son seemed to be totally enjoying himself at the 8 year-old Laurie's party. "I'm glad you had such a good time, sweetie," she said as she hugged her son. "I know that there will be more events for you to attend in the future." Donna thought to himself that his future looked bleak indeed, and he knew he was correct.


turned into a girl by mom #13

During dinner that evening, Donna and Jenny were told that they would be going to breakfast after church service with the MacPhersons. That got Donna thinking that his days of humiliation were just beginning. So far only girls that he knew or their mothers had seen him in his feminine finery and the next day the world would know that he was a sissy.

Jenny cheerfully asked what she was going to wear to church. Ellen said that since this was Donna's debut, both of her daughters would wear their best dresses. Donna knew that would mean he would be wearing his white satin "First Communion" style dress. This dress was knee-length, had a built-in petticoat and cap sleeves.

When his mom had taken him to the dress shop to try it on, he discovered that if he bent over in the slightest, his panties would be "available for inspection" by everyone. The woman at the dress shop even remarked that the shop had special, matching, white satin, lace-trimmed panties that went with the dress. Ellen looked at the panties and advised that she thought her daughter's flowered briefs would do just fine.

Donna's thoughts harkened back to the pretty satin panties and he wished that his mom had bought them. Later, with both "girls" again in her oversize bathtub, Ellen washed and rinsed their hair. She told them that her girls would be the prettiest girls at service tomorrow. After their bath, with both daughters in their nighties, Ellen did their nails in a light pink. They went downstairs to enjoy a cup of hot chocolate before bed.

All night Donna tossed and turned. He wondered what his team-mates would think of him in a dress, bra and panties. He knew that he would be humiliated by all the boys in school and most of the girls, particularly Beth and Tammy. He had been so worried that he forgot to go to the bathroom after the hot chocolate, and about 5:00 a.m., he woke up to a soaking wet bed.

With the tension of the previous two days' activities welled up inside him, and knowing he was going to be put on dispaly in his little girl outfit at church, he immediately broke down and started crying and this woke up his mom, who slept in the adjoining room. When she saw what had happened, she was not mad. Instead she comforted Donna and drew the bath for him again. "looks like my baby girl still has accidents," said Ellen as she stroked Donna's head. "We'll have to make sure this doesn't happen again." Donna's thoughts went back three years when he finally "graduated" from his bedwetting and nightly diapers.

story: turned into a girl by mom #14

Posted by Jeanie on January 28, 2000 at 02:32:53:

Ellen had her soaking wet son draw another scented bath. Donna was extremely uneasy about what his mom would do because he had wet his bed. "I just forgot to go to the bathroom after the chocolate," mom, he said. "It won't happen again, promise." Ellen hummed as she washed Donna's body again. "We'll talk about it later, sweetie," she cheerily said. When dry, Donna went to his Barbie-styled room and saw that his mom had laid out his Sunday clothes on the bed.

There was the gorgeous white satin Communion dress with built-in petticoat, another full slip, one of his passed bras, a pair of pink cotton briefs with lavender and white rosebuds, a pair of white anklets with a wide pink band of lace that folded over and lastly, a pair of white Mary-Janes. There was even a satin purse that matched the dress. Mom had thought of everything to make me a little girl he thought. He shuddered at the thought of being paraded in front of everyone in church.

Just then Jenny came bouncing into his (her old) room. She was also wearing a white, satin dress, but much older looking than his First Communion dress. "Hurry up and get dressed, sis," she smiled. "You are far worse than a girl, but I'll help you if you want." Donna, naked as a jaybird, made no attempt to cover up.

After all, his mom had repeatedly told both of her "daughters," we are all girls from now on and girls walk around in front of each other naked or in their lingerie. So Donna slipped on his pretty pink and flower print Hanes Her Way briefs. "Boy I hate wearing little girl's panties," Donna matter-of-factly told Jenny. "I know I have to accept my punishment, but these panties make me feel like a silly little girl. What kind of panties do you have on?" he inquired. Jenny proudly lifted up her dress to show Donna a beautiful pair of white satin bikini panties with a rose lace applique on the front and two inches of lace trim on each leg.

They were gorgeous and Jenny looked very grown-up in them. "Boy those are really pretty, Jenny," Donna said. "Do you think mom will ever let me wear big girl panties like those?" Jenny, quite mature for her ten years, thought for a couple of seconds and told her feminised brother that mom was really nupset with him for all he had done to her and her friends and this was her way of getting back at him. She said that he should try to act like a girl at all times and not like a boy in dresses so that he would pass more easily. Donna then put on his bra, full slip and dress. Jenny zipped it up in back.

He then sat on his bed and pulled on his anlkets and Mary-Janes. He was sitting very unladylike and Jenny pointed at his exposed pink panties. "Nice shot, Donna. The boys will love that view," laughed Jenny. "Keep you knees together or everyone will see your dainties." Just then the girls' mom came into the room where she announced that she would do their hair. She combed Donna's and Jenny's hair into identical pig-tails with the obligatory ribbons ties off at each end. Even though Donna was slightly taller than Jenny, she had the more grown-up looking dress and appeared to be the older sister. Ellen had them go onto the front lawn, hold each other's pink nailed polish hands and pose for pictures. Suddenly Donna felt very girlish.


turned into a girl by mom #15

After the entire roll of twelve pictures was taken, Ellen had her girls get into the car for the 10 minute drive to church. Donna's heart was racing as he could see his friends and classmates who were lining up by class before "marching" into the church. They were lined up with the boys on one side and the girls on the other.

All of the teachers were making sure everything was perfect for the usual and solemn display of the k**s in their Sunday finery. Jenny immediately kissed her brother on the cheek and whispered, "Good luck, pretty panties," to her now frozen brother. Donna was reluctant to leave his mom's side so she walked him over to his seventh grade class and "introduced" him to his teacher. "So, this is the lovely Donna. I have been waiting to see his transformation. Donna, take your place with the girls. You are about the same height as Beth and Tammy, so you can stand between them."

Donna was blushing mightily as he attempted to walk over to the girls in as dainty a manner as he could. He was instantly recognized by everyone in his class, even though he did look like a girl. "Hey look, everybody," shouted Tammy, the girl who had been the recipient of the "old Don's" skirt hiking incidents, "Don's mom really did put him into dresses. My little sister told me he was at Laurie's birthday party. Look, he even has a bra on!" The boys were even more cutting. "Hey cutie, what color panties are you wearing?" said Nick.

At that moment, Tammy, who was standing behind Donna, hiked his pretty dress to his waist and the entire student body was treated to the view of Donna's flower print, pink briefs. Donna wanted to cry but instead pulled his dress down as the teacher came over to him. "Nice girls don't show their panties off to the world," she said. "You act like a proper young lady or you will be put with the third grade class. Do you understand?" Donna, knowing that Julie and Laurie were in the third grade, could only mumble a "yes, Maam."

Donna then held his arms at his sides so that Tammy could not lift his dress again. He was still white with fear as he could hear the taunts of his (now former) basketball buddies. "Hey pretty pink panties, what are you doing tonight," whispered Jeff. "Do you like showing of your undies to the guys?" intoned Bill. "Are you gay or something?" said Marco. "Nice boobs," said Denny. "Wow, you are bigger than my 15 year-old sister."

Then Beth stepped out of the girls' line, glared at Denny and told the boys to stop picking on Donna. "I think Donna looks very nice and he makes a very pretty girl," she said. 'Besides, she is my friend." This outpouring caught the boys by surprise and they became silent. Beth was a popular - and pretty - girl and none of the boys wanted her mad at them. Just then the lines started moving into the church and Tammy started snickering as Donna's petticoat swished in front of her, almost showing off his panties as he walked. Donna wanted to die.

story: turned into a girl by mom #16

Posted by Jeanie on February 06, 19100 at 03:05:31:

Donna was terrified during the church service that Tammy would hike his dress up again (and with good reason). When it came time for the 7th grade girls (14 now that Donna had joined them) to enter the altar area and sit in the choir seats, he almost lost it. He was almost paralyzed with fear as he realized that the entire congregation would be seeing him in his little girl's communion dress - petticoats nearly extending straight out so that his panties were nearly showing - while the other girls wore their age-appropriate, Sunday best dresses.

He searched the congregation for his mother's beaming face and wanted to cry as they made eye contact. Then he looked for Jenny and Kristin in the 5th grade section. They had what appeared to be a grin on their faces as he realized they were smiling at him. He was going over in his mind at the number of times he had humiliated his little sister and her classmates and what they must have gone through with their dress or skirt hiked up in front of others. Now he knew the feeling and he felt vulnerable.

When it came time for the 7th grade girls to rise and sing a number of songs, Donna really felt embarrassed. All 14 girls were facing the congregation and Donna knew he looked like an 8 year-old c***d among teenaged girls, even though his padded bra made his breasts the most prominent among the choir girls. What made matters worse was that Tammy, who was still standing next to him, had put her hand up the back of his dress (outside the view of the crowd) and began rubbing his flowered briefs. Donna could do nothing except continue to sing. When the song was over the girls sat back down. Donna was so flustered that he forgot to smooth his dress down in back before sitting down. He was exposing his pink flowered briefs to the entire congregation!

When he had realized what was happening, he looked over at Jenny and Kristin, both of who had their hands covering their mouths in amazement. He wanted to die. There he was, a 12 year-old boy, wearing a short communion dress, sitting in front of the entire church congregation, and he was flashing them all. A small tear formed at the corner of his right eye as he realized that every eye in the place was on him. He fervently prayed that the time for next song would arrive quickly so he could fix his predicament. Tammy and Beth, who were on either side of Donna, quickly sized up the situation. "Boy, you really are a slut," whispered Tammy. "Are you trying to steal our boyfriends by showing them your panties?" Donna wanted to melt into the woodwork, but there was more humiliation to come.
Published by lisa_monteir
2 years ago
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CUMSLUT888 1 year ago