So another idiot out there - bigcocklover8585

This person - bigcocklover8585 claimed I was a fake ass cunt because they did a search and found videos associated with my Avatar. What kind of stupid is this person? They forwarded me a link to show their search results and it literally took me back to my page and a lot of the videos saved in my favorites. I have no time for morons like that person.
You can't make this stupid crap up.
Published by Kathylu
2 years ago
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Mmmm3920 2 months ago
I just don’t get it. Apparently some boys (that’s a good word for them) are really insecure. 
ElectricSpring88 2 months ago
lol watching ur profile, especially ur posts, really provides me lots of fun. I see a how a cutie with kindness been driven into losing sanity... because of these morons. Sadly u do not take any friend request now. Pls just forget those losers. They are just pure trash people.
mmmbrunettes 6 months ago
some people are assholes indeed! please don't let them ruin your fun girl xxx erik
orhans 6 months ago
to orhans : Big black cock and white pussy's magic
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_CheshireCat_ 1 year ago
Sometimes when people block you its like they're doing you a favour, they are applying a don't talk to me I'm an asshole filter for you! Lol

BTW, I'm not really a cat from Wonderland, I'm a man in his thirties sorry, if this is a shock to anyone they are welcome to block me!! :grinning:
arguy69 1 year ago
Unfortunately there are some very sad people out there with nothing better to do with their lives than to criticise, berate and put real genuine people down.... We got lives, what is so difficult that they can't get one of their own????? x
Neugierig61 1 year ago
Sweetie stop wasting your time on idiots, and ooh we men have to deal with them too. If you want to know an actual chat just ask me kisses from Switzerland 
toddryan 2 years ago
to Kathylu : i agree! it just would be nice to get to know someone a bit before they blast you with tributes! then like you said, if you dont respond right away or god forbid you say no or not interested, then they start to talk shit!
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Kathylu Publisher 2 years ago
to toddryan : Yes, Not everybody is a troll or up to no good.
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toddryan 2 years ago
i get the constant...hey tribute my and send please!  Its like WTF! first off...hi! idk people are so rude! This site used to be amazing! It was a great community...reading thru ur comments on your least there are some "normal" people out there still!
DrWhoWhatandWhere 2 years ago
to naughtyminx2 : so many friends I have here typically do not post their own photos and post photos in profile that they like and not themselves and might be close to their looks/physique.. These trolls think because you post that pic and is found on the internet that you are trying to assume a female identity when you are one...losers
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KateandGreg 2 years ago
I get it we have been attacked by a few fools. If you don't like what we offer, fuck off. We don't owe anybody anything. I am not my husbands porn star so I sure as hell won't be yours dude. I am a chubby 50 year old woman and don't like how I look naked as long as the guys who actually pleasure me do all's cool. I do enjoy interacting with others (mostly other women) who are getting what they want sexually and my husband and I like different porn clips. That's why we are here. My husband picked our avatar because it reminded him of the view he saw of me and a former fuckbuddy from years back. No pretence it's me. Have fun Hon. don't let the idiots ruin your experience. Kate
Kathylu Publisher 2 years ago
to naughtyminx2 : That's the same with me. I don't want to share more than I am comfortable with and once I've talked with someone then we can maybe share pics.
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naughtyminx2 2 years ago
This person did the same to me. I was then blocked before being able to explain why I do not use a genuine profile photo. Like a lot of people, I need to protect my identity. When I get talking to a user and can trust them, then we swap photos.
she is girl in her profile but i think she or he may be guy too. i think this fake profile .
Cerebral_Corsex 2 years ago
fucking pinhead,,, we love you and your love of cum,, why can't that be good enough? always some fucktard out there
Kathylu Publisher 2 years ago
to tootall36 : I just sent a request to you
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tootall36 2 years ago
to Kathylu : Love your profile photo.                                                                                               Please accept my friend request.
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Kathylu Publisher 2 years ago
to JB1633 : exactly!
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JB1633 2 years ago
yea, pricks like that just need a block. Wtf is his endgame with that anyway, not worth your time
cocksucker868 2 years ago
gtx440cid 2 years ago
You are real and very honest. Plus you have been on here a long time. 
squirtluvr1 2 years ago
The entire world is awash with mental midgets my dear, all there is to it.
There was someone of that name on here yesterday and they were showing obvious signs of being a fake user. 
hellyeeeeah 2 years ago
You'd be surprise how dumb people can be...
Kathylu Publisher 2 years ago
to Looking108 : Thank you
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I have talked to you before about all sorts of things. You’re as real as they get!!
Kathylu Publisher 2 years ago
to tootall36 : I did. Some people think they are really smart, had "She" looked at all items found in her search she would have recognized she found some of the videos saved in my favorites.
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