to wkm109 :I am yearning to suck on a tiny dick again. Fucking my stepsisters sloppy cunt after three or four of my freinds had already pleasured themselves was fucking hot!
to SherriT :I had a Jack Russel whom I used to masturbate regularly until he would spray his semen all over my hand. We both enjoyed those times immensely.
Although I had my stepsister take my virgin and fucked her many times after that, with and without some of my freinds, I do not see that as being a taboo sexual issue. Stepsisters are there to be fucked! When I was much younger and in boarding school, I used to masturbate and suck my room mates tiny little dick almost every night when he started crying for his Mommy. Even when I think about those times today, it still makes my cock rock hard and yearning for tiny little dick.
to Andre_Morris :I absolutely love reading mother daughter stories on nifty or literotica, better than any porn, i think it is because of my first love and my infatuation with her mother