As Requested ... Teenage Fumblings

As requested by ... A tale of my sexual awakenings and adventures. As with all my memoirs every single word is true, just names changed to protect the, not so, innocent!

Deborah and myself had been friends since Junior School, now we had both made the jump to Pendlebury High School. We were both t....een, our birthdays were just ten days apart. We had always called ourselves " The Twins".

Debs was a blonde, hair cut in a page-boy type hairstyle, rosy cheeks that tanned easily and often erupted into a mass of gorgeous freckles. Lads loved her, however she was a tom-boy at heart, just like me and boys were only a secondary importance to us at that age! Or course we had our pop star pin-ups, but basically we were into playing and getting up to adventures exploring the town.

The year was 1974 and Deb's parents had booked a late Autumn break for half term , ostentatiously for our Birthdays. So on the Saturday of half term we piled into their family car, an old Hillman Imp, and set off for Pontins at Southport. The site had only been opened for a few years so we were very excited to be going. I won't bore you with all the minutiae of our stay except to say our chalet had two bedrooms, one large double for Deborah's parents and one for Deb and myself.

We had a great time, though the weather wasn't too brilliant, and we enjoyed ourselves playing table-tennis and the like, watching the cheesy cabaret shows with the Bluecoats, etc. We would chat through to the wee hours about the cuteness of some of the staff and of how we'd end up getting we'd to some guys that we knew from school or maybe one of the Bluecoats here!

Wednesday evening we attended the evening entertainment as usual. On that night that had booked two outside acts, a magician and a local teen band. Deb's parents were determined, it seemed to have a good time regardless. All week they had enjoyed two or three drinks but tonight they were on drink five before 9pm! By the time 10.30pm arrived and the teenage band was playing its last song, they were literally swaying as we left the hall. Hell they'd even let Debs and me have two bitter shandys!

We got back to our chalet, Deb's mum and dad said they were going to bed as they were very tired, so would we get ourselves a night time drink and make sure all the lights were off. So saying they more of less stumbled into their bedroom. Deb made us both an instant hot chocolate, made with hot water and we had a couple of biscuits with it.As we say drinking it we heard a loud giggle from her parent's room.

I looked at Debs as the giggle repeated itself. " They OK? They had a fair bit to drink? " Deb's eyebrows watched skywards as if a sudden realisation hit her, " Oh God no! Oh my God Jayne! " As she whispered this the unmistakable squeaking of a bed came from her Mum's bedroom. Every now and again a little sigh would accompany the squeaks. " You sure they're OK? " I asked sounding more than a little worried, " Yes they're fine! " Deb hissed at me, " You know what they're doing? " Puzzled I shook my head and looked at her quizzically. She urged me to finish my chocolate, snatching my cup from me and dropping them into the sink, she ushered me into our bedroom.

The squeaks and signs were not as loud but still audible, " You do know what they're doing? " Deb's face was almost a grimace as I shouted my head in the negative, " they're doing IT! " She whispered almost angrily, still bemused I stared at her, " they are doing it! Listen! They are having a shag! " I almost blushed at hearing the word, " Yes they're fucking each other, always when they've had a bit to drink they get tired and go to bed, then you hear them doing it! Have you never heard yours? "

As she spoke the squeaks got busier and a short cry followed by a grunt before we heard their door open and rapid footsteps headed to the loo, then silence! " I can't believe they'd do it on holiday! Eugh! They're like a****ls, " Don't be up too late girls, goodnight! " Deb's mum called out as she left the loo, we heard the bedroom door close, a few more squeaks then all was quiet. " Do they do IT a lot, " I spoke quietly, " can't say I've ever heard mine? Seen them kiss or Dad pat her bum, but that's all! "

Deb moved to sit besides me. " Three, maybe four times a week, we get their metal bed squeaking and mum panting along, I mean it's wrong isn't it? They're nearly forty! " I nodded adding that forty wasn't that old and how I hoped I'd still be doing IT at that age! " You ever done it or seen it done? " Deb asked me, I shook my head answering her,
" You remember that Stephen guy at school who tried to kiss me and feel my boobs? That's all really, have you done anything? " Deb stood up pulling her sweater off as she stripped off ready to put on her pyjamas, " No nothing at all, though that creepy bloke on the gates keeps rubbing up against me and stares at my boobs! "
" Oh I know! He's just a perv, I mean he's in , what his 50s? And he's trying to touch two young girls, I can feel his eyes undressing me every time he sees me! " Deb agreed, I stood up pulling my own top over my head, followed by my white bra, " You have got lovely tits though Jayne, I mean for your age they are huge! " Deb's words made me cover my breasts subconsciously, " and yours are lovely too, " I tentatively reached out and touched her left breast, my finger brushing her rosebud
of a nipple. Deb gasped then repeated the movement, her fingers lingering upon my own nipple.

Slowly Deb took down her trousers and removed them, then lying back down on her bed in her pink, lacy knickers. I slipped down my own jeans and lay by her side. My fingers traced the outline of her breasts as I manoeuvred myself to gently kiss her left nipple. In response she pushed her head back and have a faint coo of pleasure as my novice exploration of her boobs carried on. Instinctively I allowed my right hand to traverse her flat, teenage tummy and gently touched her most personal place over her panties.

At my first touch Deb gasped and have a short gasp. I felt her own hand caress down over my arse faltering for a moment as she traced my bum crack. It was my turn to gasp. My body tensed and I sucked harder on her hardening nipple. We lay there, neither of us knowing what we were doing or were supposed to do. Slowly Deb moved position as she raised her bum from the bed removing her panties as she did. My fingers touched her hairy pussy, blonde curls surrounding her pink lips. I lifted my own arse, sliding my own knickers down my thighs, rolling them slowly over my calves and feet.

There we lay, naked together like a pair of Greek nymphs locked together in a loving, sapphic embrace. I gave a short cry as I felt her stroke my pussy lips, my tongue returning to lap at her erect nipple. I touched her pussy, feeling the surprising wetness, and felt Deb grip my body tighter as I allowed a finger to enter her wet pussy. Suddenly Deb tensed and gently bit into my shoulder, my finger turned into two as I felt inside another girl for the first time in my short, teenage life.

I gasped as I felt Deb push a finger of her own into me, she moved it in and out as her mouth sought my own breasts, my body stiffened as she latched on to my noon suckling like an infant. I continued to finger fuck my friend as she did the same to me with a little more vigour, " God you're so wet Jayney! " She whispered quietly, I stopped guzzling her breasts as my head fell backwards and I released her from my grasp.

Almost immediately Deb turned and I felt her fingers pull from my virginal snatch to be replaced by a soft kiss from her lips and a lapping tongue, for complete novices we had begun to learn very quickly, I had to stifle a cry as Deb's tongue touched my bud of a clitoris causing a strange feeling of euphoria to coarse through me. All I could do was lie back and enjoy it!
Published by JayneG
2 years ago
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JayneG Publisher 2 years ago
to durangoman2006 : More to come over the next few days x
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durangoman2006 2 years ago
Great story !  I love hearing girls having fun 
Leomoore 2 years ago
Great post, thanks for sharing.  
fannylicker57 2 years ago
I love stories and recollections of teenage lust and exploration. I remember getting my first teenage wank from a girl who realised that I wanted to fuck her but by her tossing me off would relieve my needy balls and prevent me from going all the way............Shame I didn't have the experience to relieve her too........just shot my spunky load and walked away...........
DaveCoach 2 years ago
Love this story xx
dick4549999 2 years ago
What excitement and feeling trembled through your bodies, I can only imagine mmmmmm❤️❤️❤️🩲
cuntwhipper 2 years ago
to JayneG : Im sure she remebers and enjoys ya teen fun together though x
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cuntwhipper 2 years ago
to JayneG : Yes friends drift apart as life happens but how sexy it was to share you … teen … memorys 
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JayneG Publisher 2 years ago
to cuntwhipper : Yes but I think that it's not unusual to lose touch with old school friends. Last I heard she was on husband number three and living in Devon.
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cuntwhipper 2 years ago
to JayneG : Very sad you girls lost touch but you hade the time together and shared it so well xx good girl x
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boateman47 2 years ago
POPPERMAN 2 years ago
to JayneG : Sad that you lost touch with each other but did it get better after that first time ?
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JayneG Publisher 2 years ago
to POPPERMAN : We did it a few times after, but by the time I was 14 my life had changed completely and me and Debs lost touch
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POPPERMAN 2 years ago
OMG that was    good     , Did you do it again ? PS  thanks for my orgasm  x
elsid1969 2 years ago
Sounds great, cant wait to read  your Sexploits.
deepin 2 years ago
definitely can't wait to read it x
POPPERMAN 2 years ago
to JayneG : Thank you im looking forward to reading it x
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JayneG Publisher 2 years ago
to POPPERMAN : Will complete it over this weekend, hopefully XxX
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POPPERMAN 2 years ago
Im pleased thats the one i wanted to read .
touche1 2 years ago
Looking forward to it very much indeed Jayne! Xxx
JayneG Publisher 2 years ago
to sailornumber9 : Patience! It'll be written soon xxx
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sailornumber9 2 years ago
where is the tale ?