Dangerous sex and taking chances.

"You never look at the mantlepiece when you poke the fire". I'm sure many men have laughed when they heard that one down the pub, and we all know the reference to which it makes, Fucking a woman who could be considered below par, as deserving of the cock inside her, relieving its sexual need.
There are many derogatory statements, men make when trying to impress their mates about casual fucking, like wearing two bags over their heads, in case hers falls off during the fuck and ruins his pleasure, but the reality is much different to the bragging and boasting, as any woman will tell you when the urge to fuck a woman kicks in and the same men are all over you for that 'quickie', and their mates are not there to see them begging with lame excuses and pleas with promises.

Getting horny for a fuck goes both ways. We women feel the exact same urges and responses as men do, and get embarrassed when our friends find out we did it with such and such, and blame drink and d**gs, or worse still, ****.
Here is a major difference between the sexes, we don't sit around making derogatory comments about the men we fuck, we have the brains to keep mum and pretend we don't, we don't have anything to prove, to make us look more feminine in the eyes of men, quite the opposite actually, if we did, then we would be sluts and whores, all because we enjoyed a little bit on side, out the of sight and ears of friends and family, and if the truth be known, more women do it than don't, even my husband never knew the true extent of my clandestine fucking, or the number of men who got into my panties, assuming I was even wearing any in the first place.

My average sexual encounters would put me into the sex addicts range, not that I'm counting cocks, but as an example, a visit to a swingers club, a dogging session, or a sex shop with a glory hole, I could easily handle twenty men a night using all my holes, and I can tell any men reading this, that, that kind of sex is what women crave, feeling all those men fighting to be inside you, touch you, as you're being fucked and buggered by others, covered in spunk and proving to yourself it only happened because these men found you sexy enough to shoot in your direction.

When a man and a woman make a sexual connection across a room, that's a fuck worth going for. This is why we spend a lot of money on clothes, makeup and perfume, and take our time doing it, planning it, it's because we go out to have sex with men we don't even know, and yes we know the idea that it's men who do the hunting and the women are meant to lie back and let the men do it, but the reality is, that its the women who do the final decision making, for the man to brag on the following morning to his mates what her pussy felt like, while the girl just gave a tick of approval, if his cock was up to her standard.

I went with a guy one night, more out of desperation and I suffered as he cummed too quickly. I hailed a cab and sat in the back, still smarting my pussy was just warming up, when the taxi driver, some Indian guy who smelled like a pair of over-worn socks, tried to chat me up, because I was smelling of alcohol.
I knew these men were sex addicts and that many girls had been m*****ed in the back of their cabs, so I pretended to be out of it, and sure enough, he pulled over and climbed in the back with me, it was the best fuck I could have asked for, feeling his need for me and with such a thick cock too, my constant cumming let him know I was enjoying it, and no doubt reinforced his opinion about drunk white girls gagging for black and brown cock.

I remember travelling through to Edinburgh from Glasgow on the Intercity mid-afternoon express with limited stops. I was alone with two mere schoolboys who were getting excited watching something on their iPad or something similar. I was going through for the weekend to stay with a friend who had here own flat, and we were going to a club just off Princess Street where rich old men paid for sex, a swingers club, and as a fact I was wearing netted stockings when I walked on and down past where both boys were sitting.

After leaving Queen Street the boys turned their attention to me, as I had opened a small can of Gin and Tonic, and sat there showing an expanse of netted thigh, which excited them. What better way to pass forty minutes of boring train journey, then to sexually stimulate two boys curious about the workings of a girl.

Eventually they made some crude remarks, which I tried my best to laugh off, just to show I was game and open to their advances, and sure enough they came up and sat alongside me and showed my the porn on their iPad. As I pretended to be interested in the boring fuck scenes one boy put his hand on my thigh, and I felt a deep growing urge to encourage him before we got to a point of no return, it was limited stops and anyone could get on and ruin it for everyone.

I placed my hand on top of his, as his friend sat holding his breath, "Only if you know what you're doing" I said to him, meaning he needs to know how to fuck, which he nodded quickly, he did, but I knew different, so I guided his hand all the way up to my crotch and let him feel my wetness and pubic hair, before lifting my hand off his to show I was without panties, opened my thighs and told them to get in and give it to me.

I met my girlfriend at Waverly and made straight for the bar there and downed a few drinks before telling her I just fucked two teenage on the journey in, her response was simple, she would have done the same, so now you know why so many teenage boys are fucking their young teachers at school, we women like teen boys as much as men liked us in our teens. We are not so different after all.

2.) A very interesting story.

I found out when I was around twelve that I was the product of a sperm donation, daddy could not have c***dren, so mother went to a specialist at a fertility clinic, so see if she could get pregnant.
She met a specialist who was well known and had a high success rate, and after talking about what she expected and a good description of daddy. she went home and waited until a call came back eight days later, he had a donor, a medical student looking for quick cash and willing to give his semen to mother and create me.

Everything was great until I grew up into my early teens and things began to be different with myself and my father, I looked nothing like him, hair, eyes, skin complexion and colour, that was when I began asking those awkward questions and found out the truth of how I came into existence.

When I found out my biological father was a medical student, I started for some unknown reason take an interest in medicine and started to gear my career in that direction.
At fifteen I fell for a boy at school and started a serious relationship, which became sexual and I lost my virginity to him, and then we split up and I started having an affair with another boy I had a strong connection with and again the sex just continued.

By the age of eighteen I had graduated with good grades and started applying for medical degree at various well known Universities, and during that Summer I started working in the city at a family planning clinic, unknown to me at the time, but with the specialist who attended to my mother to create me.
My job was to keep computer records of all appointments, something in my mothers day was hand written and now lost or destroyed to protect the donor. Another aspect about the job was the real time collection of semen, I would wait in a small adjoining room, next to where the donor was, and wait until he finished his masturbation and collect the small phial filled with warm semen. I had to get across town and maintain the temperature of the semen at body temperature, so it was freshly inseminated into the woman wanting to be pregnant, I sealed the phial, and pushed it up my vagina and walked back feeling the thrill of what I was doing and wondering if it ever leaked or broke I would be artificially inseminated, and create another me.

That never happened of course, but there was something very sexual about what I was doing and it turned me on by doing it. When I got back I fished it out and wiped it clean before handing to the doctor and even here, I wondered what he would say if he knew where I had pulled it from and handed it to him without cleaning my internal body fluids from it?
Five years into my studies I got married to a guy I met at college, and by then I was broody and trying to start a family without much success. Then one day I had went back home to mother and told her of my predicament and she suggested I get a check up, like she had and I knew exactly where to go, the same clinic I worked my first summer at, and who else, other than the same doctor, now close to retirement, in his seventies and now sitting me down on his chair with my ankles high and open, I watched with interest as he entered me with his fingers and probes, and wondered if he remembered my mothers vagina, which was silly really, as he had poked around more women's vag's then I had seen my own.

Four weeks later I got the test results I had a problem with my tubes and he suggested removing my eggs and artificially fertilising them outside my body and reinserting the fertilised egg.

To cut a long story short we went down the route and I became pregnant with twin girls, who had a strong resemblance to me and not my husband, and so he decided to have a DNA test and when those results came back we both were shocked, our daughters DNA showed “absence of heterozygosity”, which meant, i****tuous, but how?

Again to cut to the chase, it went back to my mother, who was artificially inseminated to have me, and the father was, the doctor who treated her, the same guy I worked for that summer, had also inseminated me with his semen and not my husband, but it got worse still after the investigation, he had father over 100 c***dren unbeknown to all those desperate women who idolised him, and when the reports came out, I had been sleeping with my half brothers, five of them, and no wonder I was attracted to them so it appeared that if my own biological father had not inseminated me, my half brother would, not just my ex-boyfriends, but my husband also, I married my half brother.
Published by Fridagirl
2 years ago
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Wonderful as ever x
grimsc 2 years ago
so hot as always, a wonderfil insight into your sexy world
fionaglassfield 2 years ago
Interesting and invigorating x
Onlooker2022 2 years ago
Your story is amazing to read, coming from someone personally affected, but this is something that has happened many tiimes in countries all over the world. There is a netflix documentary coming out about a case in Canada. So far they know of 50 offspring, but they expect iot will be many more. I have also heard of cases in Netherlands, US and UK.
Onlooker2022 2 years ago
Your story is amazing to read, coming from someone personally affected, but this is something that has happened many tiimes in coubntries all over the world.
There is a nteflix documentary comin gout about a case in Canada. So far they know of 50 offspring, but they expect iot will be many more.
tam55 2 years ago
Thanks Frida nice bit of breeding xx
Daikyo 2 years ago
Such wonderful stories, both really exciting ! I always enjoy reading your words, Frida, particularly while looking at your pictures.
sandytrees 2 years ago
Interesting post
AMBDS 2 years ago
to Fridagirl : Hi Frida, thank you very much for the pics you emailed me the other week....they were much appreciated and you are gorgeous....btw.......
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Fridagirl Publisher 2 years ago
to AMBDS : thanks
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AMBDS 2 years ago
Love your stories Frida, real erotic tales...mmmmm.....