Memories Of My First Groups

A recent conversation got me thinking back to the first time I went to a group "event". This was back in the mid 90's so I was only about 22-23 and hooking up was easier thanks to no internet and therefore almost never hearing from timewasters. I'd replied to a singles ad in the local paper that required a bit of reading between the lines. That was fine since I'm pretty good at that, although there was always the risk of reading more into an advert than there actually was. In this instance though, I was right.

It was to be more of a sexually charged social gathering, not an orgy or anything like that, and I was one of six guys who was there. I didn't CD as crossdressing hadn't been mentioned although it turned out another guy there also occasionally CD'ed in private, though he would just wear lingerie, not CD fully as I do. The atmosphere was every bit as electric as I'd hoped and I know I was the only one sitting there rock hard. That's when the host brought out a pair of what he said were his ex-wife's knickers and asked who wanted to wank into them. Everyone was up for it, so the 6 of us were stood around them wanking ourselves something fierce. With how turned on we all were, it really didn't take long for us all to have shot our load. I was worried that my libido would now plummet after shooting off, but I really didn't need to... seeing all these other guys cum and how hard they (and myself) still were ensured I was more than eager to keep going. This was when the host decided to strip off completely and I simply HAD to follow suit. 2 of the guys there were a bit hesitant to strip completely so for about half an hour only 4 of us were naked, but soon they overcame their slight inhibitions.

Then came the highlight of the night for me. The host suggested we each wank ourselves while the other 5 watch. This was the moment when I discovered just how much I loved being watched. Standing there, naked, wanking myself, knowing the other 5 were watching intently, waiting for the moment when I shoot off again... It was such a huge turn on, something still absolutely applies today.

After that night I didn't really expect to hear from the host again, but amazingly I did just a few weeks later. He was planning another night and asked if I was interested. He didn't need to ask twice! This time was different though as he wanted me to CD, which of course I agreed to, but then had an additional request which was slightly unusual. He asked that I didn't do anything to look feminine, so no wig, makeup, breastforms etc. He just wanted me to wear the clothes. Well, it made getting changed a lot simpler... and quicker. There were 6 of us again, but one of the guys from the first night couldn't make it or there would have been 7. Also I was the only one who had crossdressed but I was more than ok about that. This was also a more adventurous night as we weren't just wanking ourselves. I sucked and swallowed 3 guys there and really wish I'd been able to do the other 2... not least because one of those 2 had the biggest cock of all of us. It looked magnificent.. and when it shot it's load.. oh god I still think about that now, almost 30 years on. The host gave me and another guy a slow oily wank which made me shoot so damn hard. It was much more of an orgy, with fucking, cocksucking, wanking all going on together. A wonderful night.

Sadly the third night, which was a couple of months later, fell a bit flat. There was only 4 of us this time and while it wasn't a bad night at all, it really didn't compare to the first two nights. I feel sure this is why it was also the last such event this guy hosted... or at least the last that I know of since I never heard from him again. I really miss those days, well nights, and often wonder if he still hosts them and would invite me to take part again. They certainly opened my eyes to how good group sex can be when organized well and when specific needs/wants are taking into consideration. They also helped me discover just how much I love being watched and it is one thrill I will never tire of. The prospect of visiting a man and having someone else there either watching, photographing or videoing the whole thing is one that really gets me keen to visit... providing I am told in advance.

These weren't the only group "events" I've been to, but with them being the first they will always be the ones I remember the most. Maybe I can go into more detail about the first two nights, or about a later group session I went to, if there is anyone interested in reading about them.

Tina xxx
Published by Tina-TV-UK
2 years ago
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Tina-TV-UK Publisher 2 years ago
to JFet123 : It's much more difficult to arrange group meets these days. Believe it or not, it was so much easier before the internet. Last one i went to was back in 2012 and while i've been trying to arrange some myself since then, it's never come close to happening
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JFet123 2 years ago
Wow that's sounds truly amazing. I'm still trying to build up confidence to do a vanilla meet, but what you described is what I truly desire.  X