About masturbation
About masturbation
Whatever you may read in my profile pages, please keep in mind there are more important things in life than erotic fantasies. Do not put at risk the well-being of your family, but feel still free to masturbate as many times as you need ;0)
General thoughts
I think people should talk more about their masturbation. It's kind of liberating, because everybody, male or female, in one or another way, masturbates in spite of all kinds of taboos. I'm convinced that masturbating is a vital necessity for the mind and the body. Let us remember also that making love with another person always involves some kind of masturbation. I'm open to discussing the subject.
Ultimately I discovered about myself how much I love to see people masturbate, mostly ladies of course (girls and women of any age, young or old), but also shemales, and occasionally some plain man...
Within a family, in case of doubt, the best is to keep sexually some wise distance. But then, thinking it over and over again, what harm is done to just masturbate together, or watch each other indulging ? The real basics of sex is first of all knowing one's own body, and in spite of all kinds of taboos, masturbating is always extremely healthy, and believe me or not, being able to just do it openly in front of friends, or even open minded family, is really liberating for the mind.
Meanwhile people would learn something intimately essential about each other ! Why hide such a nice, amusing, pleasurable activity, as nearly everyone does and loves it in one or another form. Sure this implies a real confidence in each other and some kind of mental maturity...
No offense meant to anyone : just meditating, ready to discuss the subject, and maybe have some sessions with interested people.
Meanwhile all visitors of my page will have understood I just love women, huge natural breasts, masturbating ladies, etc. Now I'd like to point out that if a lady with such huge natural boobs would like to be kindly handled, maybe even photographed or filmed, and doing all kind of naughty things together (only for the fun and satisfaction of both), please send me a message. I'm in Brussels. Origin, age and skin colour have no importance. What matters is kindness, sensuality, naughtyness, availability, friendship, etc.
Sometimes I happen(ed) to dream of having a nice pair of big natural tits, still having a dick and balls of course, and having sex and fun with a real big breasted woman... Just a fantasy, but I know for sure that this would mean a lot of fun !
Wikipedia about orgasm : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orgasm
I started masturbating really very early (4/5), without knowing, while sleeping on my belly. Actually I didn't do anything in that position, probably only little rubbing movements without purpose. An unexpected orgasm just occured now and then, still not often at all. I did not understand what that nice feeling meant.
Only years later did I masturbate on purpose, often humping on my bed. Sometimes I happened to wake up because of a spontaneous orgasm while asleep, but not always dreaming, although wet some years later...
By the way, my wife told me that during nearly whole her life she had occasional wet dreams, meaning she was aroused in her dream and woke up because of an orgasm. On some mornings, while still in bed, she told me of what happened, and was clearly a bit puzzeled about those wet dreams, which seem to have been at the same time enjoyable and harassing. Let it be clear that when we had sex together, she nearly always had a real orgasm in one or another way.
When I was a young adult I sometimes masturbated as I did in the beginning, but on purpose then, humping a pillow for instance or a deflating ball.
I masturbate now 4 to 6 times a week, which is more than when I was young. It lasts about 10 minutes, sometimes a few minutes, and sometimes I do it slowly for half an hour or nearly a full hour while watching porn as for instance today, the day writing this post.
These last years I usually masturbate during the evening, sitting on a chair in front of a computer screen while watching porn. When my wife was still alive, it could be any time, mostly in bed, and sometimes in the morning because of some urge. When I was younger I had sometimes solo fun in bath and shower, but while growing older this didn't work out anymore, and no idea why.
Mostly I use the left hand, often also the right one, mainly when using the left one to push and rub the zone beneath the balls while wanking with the right hand. I cum in my hand, in my pants, on a sexdoll, in a handkerchief or bra, etc.
Occasionally I came in my pants, at the border school and when I was in the army, and I still do it sometimes, also in bed. It feels good, even now at my age. I like to vary the way I masturbate, but I never tasted my own cum. Still, I did sometimes masturbate while on my shoulders in a yoga position, but never tried or wanted to taste my cum.
Sadly no one ever made me cum in my pants, but I did finger my wife in her pants sometimes. I really love to do that : very nice feeling and rewarding in different ways !
Edging is difficult, playing stop and go, masturbating to the edge of orgasm, but at least I did try, and sometimes I succeed in staying at the exact edge for some more seconds, but then can't help it and must let go, lest the efforts be ruined.
Concerning memorable masturbation sessions, these last years I often have non predictable extremely intense orgasms irradiating nearly in the whole body, just a little before ejaculating. By the way : the older one gets, the more intense some orgasms can be. Only a few times did I succeed in having multiple orgasms, and I never use lubrification.
Probably I have been secretely caught masturbating by my stepmother (she was not healthy in the head). Later, when I was married, I was sometimes caught by my wife, and she seemed jealous to see me having some solo pleasure (that old stupid taboo), but on some occasions, she did enjoy it and joined in. She knew I loved watching her fingering herself, and now and then she did so for the pleasure of both of us. Otherwise we usually just had plain and satisfying intercourse.
By the way, I'm still willing to masturbate with any kind and sincere lady, whatever her age (girl, woman, mature, granny). I really mean it. Long ago, and very occasionally at the border school, I masturbated with a friend, and later also occasionally when I was about 20 years old with another male friend who was a few years older.
I never use anal play, as this is not at all a pleasure to me, neither had I ever an anally-related orgasm.
The most times I masturbated in a single day is 3 times, but that happened only a very few times. One time is normally more than enough for one day.
The most unusual place I masturbated in occured during my military service, on manoeuvres, while sitting duck in the field. I needed it badly. When I was young I sometimes had spontaneous unexpected erections while being in one or another odd place, like a train for instance, or in a classroom. On those occasions I just tried to hide the bulge and waited for the lizard to calm down. Those were rather embarrassing moments.
When I was at the border school, during the last years, sometimes my roommate did masturbate, and not always very discretely. When he was doing some homework, face to the window at a table, he used sometimes to be wanking slowly with his penis in one hand. That didn't bother me very much, were it not for the little smell. That was not arousing at all for me. When I smelled that barely present odour, I knew he was wanking again. I don't think he wanted to force it on me, and he still tried to be relatively discrete to avoid some inadvertently entering person to notice. The room had no door, and his back was half turned to the entrance. One had to get closer to him to see what he was doing. Still, that has never been an issue, nor a source of arousal.
I was much more discrete, and did it mostly in bed. A very few times, we masturbated together during those silly contests guys have with each other, the kind of as quick and often as possible... Just innocent fun without consequences, at least for me.
Before I shared a room with that friend, I slept in the common dormitory. Sometimes someone could be softly heard masturbating in their bed. No one ever really bothered, set aside some casual interested discussions among friends. You'd be amazed of how ignorant many among them were about these matters.
About 40 years ago, somewhere in the eighties, my wife and I visited a young female colleague at her place. We were just sitting on chairs in front of her, and a few members of her family were there walking around. The girl did odd and strange movements with her crossed legs, and her face was a bit rosy flushed. Her attention to the conversation was clearly subject to doubt, but after a while, half an hour later maybe, she closed her eyes for a few seconds while her position on the chair became somewhat rigid and stressed. I immediately suspected her to have orgasmed and masturbated while we discussed... At the time it was new for me, and I did not understand how incredibly exciting this was. You know, my wife near me not really noticing, and the girl's own family.
What the girl obviously did regularly is called syntribating. I'm not sure how I really felt, but had it happened now, believe me I would have thanked her warmly ! I guess the girl had that kind of fetish, like getting horny by the idea of maybe getting caught. At the time I was probably still a bit stuck in some educational taboo. But now, if a girl, woman, or granny wants to please me, she only needs to masturbate right there in front of me...
Je suis Ulenspiegel / Ik ben Ulle Spiegel -
Votre Mirroir - Your Mirror - Din Spegel...
Allt Ƥr inte guld som glimmar.
Miscellaneous testimonies:
- 2024, anonymous girl aged around 21: (To be turned on, it) used to take very little. I have to take pills for my nymphomania, same stuff they treat anxiety and depression with. You know the way antidepressants kill a person's sex drive, like with men, they may have erection problems.
Things got so bad that I was hooking up with two guys one after the other at nightclubs, masturbating at work and even at my desk with a vibrating egg inside. After a night of hooking up with guys I'd go home and pleasure myself with sex toys. Things got so low that I was attending a club for dog lovers, where naked on all fours I would let multiple mount me, one after the other, while a group of guys surrounding me would jerk off cumming on me. After they were done, I was left naked and alone on the ground covered in cum, just feeling empty and so alone.
I masturbated all the time. I was hooking up with random guys all the time. I had a few good men that were serious about me, but I f*cked those relationships up because I was out of control.
- 2024, Guy aged 35: I get turned by simple things because of me overthinking things and having a dirty mind. For example, I get turned on when I see a girl in her basic everyday panties. Itās the idea that when she wears them, she isnāt trying to be sexy, and isnāt expecting anyone to see them. So itās a lucky treat to see them on accident, like if the waistband shows above her jeans when she is sitting. Or if she has some major panty lines. I love brands like Hanes.
- Oct. 2024, girl aged 24: I heard about masturbation in 7th grade (12). One day after school I sat on the toilet and fingered myself a few times. At first very ticklish but no big deal. I didn't stop then I gushed with so much pleasure. I guess I like to keep my pussy covered when I do it. My underwear gets wet too.
- Nov. 2024, man aged 50, crossdresser: My grandma caught me masturbating in her pantyhose and she jerked me off... while showing me her pussy.
- Nov. 2024, man aged 67: A good looking friend caused it (cumming in my pants), lol. Her and I were talking and no subject was off limits since we were good friends. Somehow sex came up and as we talked I got hard and before I knew it I had cummed with her standing in front of me talking. She noticed the spot and cum coming through my pants and gasped and laughed. I laughed and turned red but it also made us want to have sex. Which we had never done before. But we did and did for a period of time off and on. We are still friends and that has been years ago. We still laugh about it when the subject comes upā¦. lol. It is nice to have someone of the opposite sex that you can talk to about anything.
- Nov. 2024, man aged 44: I had a relationship/friendship with a girl I worked with, my first job out of college. She was very liberal and open about sex with me and I'm sure with others. I sent her a penis picture at work, after we had some sex discussion on the QT during and after work.
She was open to having a show-and-tell and one day at work with her boss on "travel" or "vacation" I sat in a chair opposite her, (with the door open as it were) and I jacked off, (with my hand in my pants pocket) and she opened her legs to me while l did. I was stupid enough to do that on the job, and she was sexual enough to go along. I came in pants, and then ran to the mens room to keep it from spotting my dress pants. When I returned she came by my desk, and whispered to me: "Was there very much" (semen, I guess)
Wish she had been my girlfriend, but she had a boyfriend who was a police officer.
I was in my 20's and was not thinking about getting fired for doing such a stupid think in the office. Luckily we were not discovered and
kept our jobs.
- Nov. 2024, man aged 35: In high school I accidentally cummed in my pants while I was staring at a very pretty girl wearing very short clothes. It happened while walking from 1 classroom to the next one. It's hilarious to look back at it but when it happened I felled very awkward.
- Nov. 2024, guy aged around 20: One could call it my first real ejaculation. Was out with my family to a show, and one of the female dancers was dressed in a ballet-type outfit. I kept staring and fantasizing in my mind for about 5 minutes before I suddenly had a very strong urge to pee. The urge was so much I couldn't hold it in like regular pee, and so I ejaculated in my pants. Had to tie my jacket round my waist to hide it and to stay far away from people so they wouldn't be able to smell the cum.
- Nov. 2024, guy aged 29: In winter, when I am sleeping very relaxed in a warm quilt, my feet and head are also warm in it, that's when it happens (cumming in my pants)... Then I wake up quickly to wash everything up in the cold. This disturbs my sleep. That's why I sleep with my feet out of the quilt.
- Nov. 2024, man aged 31: Many times (I cummed) in my underwear when I was in a deep sleep. Usually, it happened when I was having sex with a hot, beautiful women in my dream. I wish all those dreams were real.
- Nov. 2024, man aged around 40: From vibrations of a bus and a cleavage from a really hot woman, also abstinence for more then a month, I just bursted incontrolably, I was really amazed.
- Jan. 2025, girl aged 26: I had no other choice.
Me, my ex, the beach. All those women that are nearly naked.
The best was near us though. Hair tied up tight, basic bikini top, thong bikini. So, anyone around would basically see her naked. Her friend was there too, a considerable distance away. Both of them were dancing, shaking their asses. But this one was heart stopping to my ex and I. My ex saw and liked it. I did too. Eventually he laid down so he could stop watching her. I couldn't. I was so hot from watching her, and my ex would never consent to car sex. What's a girl to do? So I masturbated, on the beach, in broad daylight, as inconspicuous as possible. I had to take off some of the edge before I lost my mind. He already knows I did this.
Whatever you may read in my profile pages, please keep in mind there are more important things in life than erotic fantasies. Do not put at risk the well-being of your family, but feel still free to masturbate as many times as you need ;0)
General thoughts
I think people should talk more about their masturbation. It's kind of liberating, because everybody, male or female, in one or another way, masturbates in spite of all kinds of taboos. I'm convinced that masturbating is a vital necessity for the mind and the body. Let us remember also that making love with another person always involves some kind of masturbation. I'm open to discussing the subject.
Ultimately I discovered about myself how much I love to see people masturbate, mostly ladies of course (girls and women of any age, young or old), but also shemales, and occasionally some plain man...
Within a family, in case of doubt, the best is to keep sexually some wise distance. But then, thinking it over and over again, what harm is done to just masturbate together, or watch each other indulging ? The real basics of sex is first of all knowing one's own body, and in spite of all kinds of taboos, masturbating is always extremely healthy, and believe me or not, being able to just do it openly in front of friends, or even open minded family, is really liberating for the mind.
Meanwhile people would learn something intimately essential about each other ! Why hide such a nice, amusing, pleasurable activity, as nearly everyone does and loves it in one or another form. Sure this implies a real confidence in each other and some kind of mental maturity...
No offense meant to anyone : just meditating, ready to discuss the subject, and maybe have some sessions with interested people.
Meanwhile all visitors of my page will have understood I just love women, huge natural breasts, masturbating ladies, etc. Now I'd like to point out that if a lady with such huge natural boobs would like to be kindly handled, maybe even photographed or filmed, and doing all kind of naughty things together (only for the fun and satisfaction of both), please send me a message. I'm in Brussels. Origin, age and skin colour have no importance. What matters is kindness, sensuality, naughtyness, availability, friendship, etc.
Sometimes I happen(ed) to dream of having a nice pair of big natural tits, still having a dick and balls of course, and having sex and fun with a real big breasted woman... Just a fantasy, but I know for sure that this would mean a lot of fun !
Wikipedia about orgasm : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orgasm
I started masturbating really very early (4/5), without knowing, while sleeping on my belly. Actually I didn't do anything in that position, probably only little rubbing movements without purpose. An unexpected orgasm just occured now and then, still not often at all. I did not understand what that nice feeling meant.
Only years later did I masturbate on purpose, often humping on my bed. Sometimes I happened to wake up because of a spontaneous orgasm while asleep, but not always dreaming, although wet some years later...
By the way, my wife told me that during nearly whole her life she had occasional wet dreams, meaning she was aroused in her dream and woke up because of an orgasm. On some mornings, while still in bed, she told me of what happened, and was clearly a bit puzzeled about those wet dreams, which seem to have been at the same time enjoyable and harassing. Let it be clear that when we had sex together, she nearly always had a real orgasm in one or another way.
When I was a young adult I sometimes masturbated as I did in the beginning, but on purpose then, humping a pillow for instance or a deflating ball.
I masturbate now 4 to 6 times a week, which is more than when I was young. It lasts about 10 minutes, sometimes a few minutes, and sometimes I do it slowly for half an hour or nearly a full hour while watching porn as for instance today, the day writing this post.
These last years I usually masturbate during the evening, sitting on a chair in front of a computer screen while watching porn. When my wife was still alive, it could be any time, mostly in bed, and sometimes in the morning because of some urge. When I was younger I had sometimes solo fun in bath and shower, but while growing older this didn't work out anymore, and no idea why.
Mostly I use the left hand, often also the right one, mainly when using the left one to push and rub the zone beneath the balls while wanking with the right hand. I cum in my hand, in my pants, on a sexdoll, in a handkerchief or bra, etc.
Occasionally I came in my pants, at the border school and when I was in the army, and I still do it sometimes, also in bed. It feels good, even now at my age. I like to vary the way I masturbate, but I never tasted my own cum. Still, I did sometimes masturbate while on my shoulders in a yoga position, but never tried or wanted to taste my cum.
Sadly no one ever made me cum in my pants, but I did finger my wife in her pants sometimes. I really love to do that : very nice feeling and rewarding in different ways !
Edging is difficult, playing stop and go, masturbating to the edge of orgasm, but at least I did try, and sometimes I succeed in staying at the exact edge for some more seconds, but then can't help it and must let go, lest the efforts be ruined.
Concerning memorable masturbation sessions, these last years I often have non predictable extremely intense orgasms irradiating nearly in the whole body, just a little before ejaculating. By the way : the older one gets, the more intense some orgasms can be. Only a few times did I succeed in having multiple orgasms, and I never use lubrification.
Probably I have been secretely caught masturbating by my stepmother (she was not healthy in the head). Later, when I was married, I was sometimes caught by my wife, and she seemed jealous to see me having some solo pleasure (that old stupid taboo), but on some occasions, she did enjoy it and joined in. She knew I loved watching her fingering herself, and now and then she did so for the pleasure of both of us. Otherwise we usually just had plain and satisfying intercourse.
By the way, I'm still willing to masturbate with any kind and sincere lady, whatever her age (girl, woman, mature, granny). I really mean it. Long ago, and very occasionally at the border school, I masturbated with a friend, and later also occasionally when I was about 20 years old with another male friend who was a few years older.
I never use anal play, as this is not at all a pleasure to me, neither had I ever an anally-related orgasm.
The most times I masturbated in a single day is 3 times, but that happened only a very few times. One time is normally more than enough for one day.
The most unusual place I masturbated in occured during my military service, on manoeuvres, while sitting duck in the field. I needed it badly. When I was young I sometimes had spontaneous unexpected erections while being in one or another odd place, like a train for instance, or in a classroom. On those occasions I just tried to hide the bulge and waited for the lizard to calm down. Those were rather embarrassing moments.
When I was at the border school, during the last years, sometimes my roommate did masturbate, and not always very discretely. When he was doing some homework, face to the window at a table, he used sometimes to be wanking slowly with his penis in one hand. That didn't bother me very much, were it not for the little smell. That was not arousing at all for me. When I smelled that barely present odour, I knew he was wanking again. I don't think he wanted to force it on me, and he still tried to be relatively discrete to avoid some inadvertently entering person to notice. The room had no door, and his back was half turned to the entrance. One had to get closer to him to see what he was doing. Still, that has never been an issue, nor a source of arousal.
I was much more discrete, and did it mostly in bed. A very few times, we masturbated together during those silly contests guys have with each other, the kind of as quick and often as possible... Just innocent fun without consequences, at least for me.
Before I shared a room with that friend, I slept in the common dormitory. Sometimes someone could be softly heard masturbating in their bed. No one ever really bothered, set aside some casual interested discussions among friends. You'd be amazed of how ignorant many among them were about these matters.
About 40 years ago, somewhere in the eighties, my wife and I visited a young female colleague at her place. We were just sitting on chairs in front of her, and a few members of her family were there walking around. The girl did odd and strange movements with her crossed legs, and her face was a bit rosy flushed. Her attention to the conversation was clearly subject to doubt, but after a while, half an hour later maybe, she closed her eyes for a few seconds while her position on the chair became somewhat rigid and stressed. I immediately suspected her to have orgasmed and masturbated while we discussed... At the time it was new for me, and I did not understand how incredibly exciting this was. You know, my wife near me not really noticing, and the girl's own family.
What the girl obviously did regularly is called syntribating. I'm not sure how I really felt, but had it happened now, believe me I would have thanked her warmly ! I guess the girl had that kind of fetish, like getting horny by the idea of maybe getting caught. At the time I was probably still a bit stuck in some educational taboo. But now, if a girl, woman, or granny wants to please me, she only needs to masturbate right there in front of me...
Je suis Ulenspiegel / Ik ben Ulle Spiegel -
Votre Mirroir - Your Mirror - Din Spegel...
Allt Ƥr inte guld som glimmar.
Miscellaneous testimonies:
- 2024, anonymous girl aged around 21: (To be turned on, it) used to take very little. I have to take pills for my nymphomania, same stuff they treat anxiety and depression with. You know the way antidepressants kill a person's sex drive, like with men, they may have erection problems.
Things got so bad that I was hooking up with two guys one after the other at nightclubs, masturbating at work and even at my desk with a vibrating egg inside. After a night of hooking up with guys I'd go home and pleasure myself with sex toys. Things got so low that I was attending a club for dog lovers, where naked on all fours I would let multiple mount me, one after the other, while a group of guys surrounding me would jerk off cumming on me. After they were done, I was left naked and alone on the ground covered in cum, just feeling empty and so alone.
I masturbated all the time. I was hooking up with random guys all the time. I had a few good men that were serious about me, but I f*cked those relationships up because I was out of control.
- 2024, Guy aged 35: I get turned by simple things because of me overthinking things and having a dirty mind. For example, I get turned on when I see a girl in her basic everyday panties. Itās the idea that when she wears them, she isnāt trying to be sexy, and isnāt expecting anyone to see them. So itās a lucky treat to see them on accident, like if the waistband shows above her jeans when she is sitting. Or if she has some major panty lines. I love brands like Hanes.
- Oct. 2024, girl aged 24: I heard about masturbation in 7th grade (12). One day after school I sat on the toilet and fingered myself a few times. At first very ticklish but no big deal. I didn't stop then I gushed with so much pleasure. I guess I like to keep my pussy covered when I do it. My underwear gets wet too.
- Nov. 2024, man aged 50, crossdresser: My grandma caught me masturbating in her pantyhose and she jerked me off... while showing me her pussy.
- Nov. 2024, man aged 67: A good looking friend caused it (cumming in my pants), lol. Her and I were talking and no subject was off limits since we were good friends. Somehow sex came up and as we talked I got hard and before I knew it I had cummed with her standing in front of me talking. She noticed the spot and cum coming through my pants and gasped and laughed. I laughed and turned red but it also made us want to have sex. Which we had never done before. But we did and did for a period of time off and on. We are still friends and that has been years ago. We still laugh about it when the subject comes upā¦. lol. It is nice to have someone of the opposite sex that you can talk to about anything.
- Nov. 2024, man aged 44: I had a relationship/friendship with a girl I worked with, my first job out of college. She was very liberal and open about sex with me and I'm sure with others. I sent her a penis picture at work, after we had some sex discussion on the QT during and after work.
She was open to having a show-and-tell and one day at work with her boss on "travel" or "vacation" I sat in a chair opposite her, (with the door open as it were) and I jacked off, (with my hand in my pants pocket) and she opened her legs to me while l did. I was stupid enough to do that on the job, and she was sexual enough to go along. I came in pants, and then ran to the mens room to keep it from spotting my dress pants. When I returned she came by my desk, and whispered to me: "Was there very much" (semen, I guess)
Wish she had been my girlfriend, but she had a boyfriend who was a police officer.
I was in my 20's and was not thinking about getting fired for doing such a stupid think in the office. Luckily we were not discovered and
kept our jobs.
- Nov. 2024, man aged 35: In high school I accidentally cummed in my pants while I was staring at a very pretty girl wearing very short clothes. It happened while walking from 1 classroom to the next one. It's hilarious to look back at it but when it happened I felled very awkward.
- Nov. 2024, guy aged around 20: One could call it my first real ejaculation. Was out with my family to a show, and one of the female dancers was dressed in a ballet-type outfit. I kept staring and fantasizing in my mind for about 5 minutes before I suddenly had a very strong urge to pee. The urge was so much I couldn't hold it in like regular pee, and so I ejaculated in my pants. Had to tie my jacket round my waist to hide it and to stay far away from people so they wouldn't be able to smell the cum.
- Nov. 2024, guy aged 29: In winter, when I am sleeping very relaxed in a warm quilt, my feet and head are also warm in it, that's when it happens (cumming in my pants)... Then I wake up quickly to wash everything up in the cold. This disturbs my sleep. That's why I sleep with my feet out of the quilt.
- Nov. 2024, man aged 31: Many times (I cummed) in my underwear when I was in a deep sleep. Usually, it happened when I was having sex with a hot, beautiful women in my dream. I wish all those dreams were real.
- Nov. 2024, man aged around 40: From vibrations of a bus and a cleavage from a really hot woman, also abstinence for more then a month, I just bursted incontrolably, I was really amazed.
- Jan. 2025, girl aged 26: I had no other choice.
Me, my ex, the beach. All those women that are nearly naked.
The best was near us though. Hair tied up tight, basic bikini top, thong bikini. So, anyone around would basically see her naked. Her friend was there too, a considerable distance away. Both of them were dancing, shaking their asses. But this one was heart stopping to my ex and I. My ex saw and liked it. I did too. Eventually he laid down so he could stop watching her. I couldn't. I was so hot from watching her, and my ex would never consent to car sex. What's a girl to do? So I masturbated, on the beach, in broad daylight, as inconspicuous as possible. I had to take off some of the edge before I lost my mind. He already knows I did this.
3 years ago