Well, we met for breakfast the next morning. No,one paid much attention of a young beautiful woman with an older man who could be her father until sat so close, talked in whispers and were touchy feely with each other throughout breakfast. After breakfast we put our swimsuits on and returned to the beach. I wore just normal swim trunks, but she wore a knockout tiny string bikini that just barly coveted her private parts. As we walked, I couldn't keep my hands off her. I rubbed and squeezed her little bubble butt and folded her boobs. Some people were watching with disgusted and surprised looks on their faces, but that didn't concern either of us as we were enjoying ourselves emmencely. We finally went into the water for a while. We were out far enough to be about waist deep in the water. We began to hug and feel each other, not caring if we were seen or not. I'm sure it is a commen thing to see couples doing this, just not couples with our age differences. We probably got a little bold with the sexual foreplay, but couldn't help ourselves, even though I know she is going home with her husband and I'll go my way, but I'll always remember the experience we had. It was amazing to be seen walking closely hand in hand with someone so young and beautiful, when I could have been her dad, but up to this point I was totally happy and made me feel young for a while. We made our way back to the hotel, so she would be there when her husbands meeting were finished. Hopefully, I might see her with her husband at dinner later tonight. If so, I will let you know what transpires from that.
Published by 111740
3 years ago
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searve 3 years ago
to juliacuckold : Creo haber expresado claramente la idea de Julia, una experiencia con un hombre que incluso podía ser su abuelo. Esa experiencia es significativa para ella conocer el comportamiento sexual a esa edad, aunque con la viagra se puede llegar a tener erecciones importantes para atender a una esposa de otro hombre que supone además un aliciente importante. Ese era el interés de Julia, la motivaba ese conocimiento, ella en cualquier caso siempre puede conseguir al hombre que la pueda interesar.
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juliacuckold 3 years ago
to searve : What does that mean ??
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searve 3 years ago
Julia sin duda quería saber el comportamiento de un hombre anciano ante la perspectiva de poder tener a un mujer deseable para él. Posiblemente con ayuda de esas píldoras azules conseguiría mantener esa firmeza para poder entrar en un cuerpo de mujer perteneciente a otro hombre, eso igualmente supone una excitación, ambas cosas podrán tener un resultado satisfactorio. Ella al mismo tiempo tendrá una experiencia inolvidable de sentir la firmeza de un hombre anciano dentro de ella que llega hasta el final del placer, será motivo de conversación entre si esposo y ella como igualmente con sus amigas, les dirá, he sido la amante e un hombre de 81 años, y según el resultado les hablará de lo interesante o no que puede haberla resultado.
111740 Publisher 3 years ago
There will be more chapters coming up about Julia and myself as this is only 2 days of a week stay in Mexico. Julia and I are thrilled you liked our post !
eastendboy112 3 years ago
Can't wait to read more