Want to see me get fucked by a big black monster ?
Part 2 :: He slowly took his pants off, he had on a thong, his ass was so fine, firm as hell ! God I thought “ he wants me ? “. His back side was facing me , a body of a black god was in my bedroom and he was going to make love to Me! I had to pinch my arm hard to wake up from this magnificent dream and come back to reality, I am an older gal , nice looking but no young black guy would ever want me ! I pin he my arm , it hurt a bit, this was really happening to me ! I was dizzy with excitement, soaked as never before. He turned around and there before me was the finest black god of a man standing before me my bedroom with me ! He tried to get me to lay down kinda quickly but I was frozen stiff ! That beautiful creature had me in a trance ! He stepped back a few feet and asked if I was ok. Ok ? I said, I am crazy ok ! He put his arms around my neck ,I swear , my pussy leaked orgasm ! He kissed me on my neck and I came, right then, I came ! I was trembling! I was soaked! He laid me back on the bed , shaking, trembling and oh so ready!
3 years ago