Legendary Cheerleader Black Enslavement Video

Legendary Cheerleader Black Enslavement Video! Seen at Last!
My research had lead me to the long rumored amateur video known only as the cheerleader video. Bits and pieces had shown up on the web for long as there has been an internet. Sometimes it would be a screen capture, other times it was a short video clip, more often you'd go to a site promising a full video and instead get a virus for your troubles. Using a bit of detective work and some bribes I was finally given an invitation to see a full copy of the infamous tape, from a wealthy and well connected collector of erotica.

I am pledged not to reveal the name of my host but that afternoon I sat down in his house to watch the video several times and take extensive notes. The video came into his possession when a junkie boyfriend of one of the girls who was actually in the video sold a bunch of her video equipment including the tape. Now as for the rumors that the shadowy sex-cult leader Mr. Mala was involved in the filming of this tape, I will leave that to your speculation, as I value the safety of my own family and life.

The tape begins with some static and then a shot of a furnished basement somewhere in California in the early 1980's. There are six cheerleaders, the head one is Bunny, blonde and beautiful, followed by Erica, dark haired, small and tight; Cindy, a strawberry blonde who had the biggest breasts in the squad; Tracy a cute brunette with delicate features; Susan another blonde with a fairly large behind for a cheerleader, and Dori, tall and thin with nice round high tits. Rounding up the squad was Tammy, a redhead with huge tits and slightly overweight, she was the squad's student field manager, in other words not popular enough to be a cheerleader, and Ellen the curly haired tutor for the squad. I stopped the DVD, my host having wisely transferred the frayed video tape onto a more durable format, and thought of what was going to happen to these poor girls, everything you heard of was true.

Bunny began by looking right into the camera and asking Tammy was the camera on. Tammy assured her it was. "The tape will play in Sam's player?" Tammy assured her it would. "Well then fuck you Sam!" said Bunny, her blond features now snarled with anger. Some of the other girls cursed at their boyfriends also. It turns out to no surprise that the cheerleading squad members dated heavily within the team they cheered for, even Tammy and Ellen dated football players. Bunny had found out that some of their boyfriends, while pretending to be at practice were in fact at a party given by a cross-town rival school, known for its very hot nearly all Latina and black cheerleaders.

"Well we have a surprise for you, you want to date other girls, well we will cheer for other guys." There was silence, and then Bunny, repeated her line again, which was a cue, and into the room jogged in twelve young black men, all athletic, in football jerseys bearing the team logo of what I have identified as the cross-town rival school to the one Bunny's squad cheered for.

The guys came into the video all big and bold, it was clear some of the girls were uncomfortable with them being there, but they wanted to remain on the squad, so they followed Bunny's wishes. The girls did several cheers for the guys until sweaty they stopped ending with all of them giving the camera the finger. Bunny turned to ask Tammy is she got all of that and she said yes.

"Do you girls have the beer?" asked one of the guys, Tammy and Ellen fetched the beer and the girls and the other team had one or two. Some music was put on and the girls danced with the guys a bit. Bunny danced with the team captain of course. At this point I believe they thought the camera was off.

Now many have speculated what was the spark that started the torrid interracial orgy, I think I have identified it. As they danced Bunny's partner whispered something in her ear, she acted quite outraged saying "They did what!" I must assume he revealed a bit of information, true or not, concerning what their boyfriends were doing with the other team. Bunny called the other girls around her and had Ellen stop the music. The sound at this point is a bit garbled but you can clearly see the girls are pissed off, with the exception of Ellen and Tammy. Tammy is sent to check the camera and see if it is still rolling by Bunny. Then Bunny looks into the camera, at that point the sound comes back on half way through her sentence, "want to fool around with those tramps, well fine, we can do the same." She braces herself and turns to the team captain, and plants a deep hard kiss on his lips; even he was surprised by the intensity of the kiss. Bunny then looks around to ensure all the girls on her squad are doing the same.

Some of the girls like Erica and Susan were a bit hesitant but submitted to their leader's will and engaged in their first interracial kisses, others like Dori needed no encouragement. Some of the girls shouted at their boyfriends through the tape asking them what they thought of what they were doing.

The kissing continued to get more intense, Tammy put on some slow sexy music, it made some of the girls laugh, but the kissing continued. Even Ellen and Tammy found a partner, though they had shared him. Then to the shock of all present Tammy felt his cock and Ellen opened his pants and pulled out his penis and started to rub it. Erica noticed and shrieked. There was some yelling, but Tammy said, challenging Bunny, "If you are afraid you don't have to."

"I am not afraid." Said Bunny who undid, with trembling hands her 'dates' pants and pulled out one of the biggest, black cocks ever seen on any video. Her eyes went wide, and she froze, she muttered "Its so big!" He guided her hand around it and she started to stroke it. He kissed her again deeply.

The other girls followed their leader's example. Erica muttered her father would kill her. Some of the football players began to fondle the cheerleaders' tight breasts through their sweaters. Once again Tammy led the way by allowing the player to open her blouse revealing the white bra which strained to hold her huge melons in. Some of the other girls noticed and started to protest, but the brassy red head said she did not give a shit as she was not a cheerleader anyway. "What do you think of these?" she said unsnapping the front of her bra and letting her soft white jugs tumble out. Even the player was shocked for a moment then his black hands grabbed and kneaded her soft white tits, followed by his mouth sucking on each nipple. Ellen quickly took off her top to show her pert breasts, small enough not to need a bra. The lucky man sucked her tight little nipples also.

"That is just plain nasty." Said Cindy. As she and the other girls stared on.

"Why are the big bad cheerleaders afraid of this? Gimme a B, Gimme an L, Gimme A, Gimme a C, Gimme a K, and what does that spell Black. Black Cock!" Tammy said mocking the cheerleaders' cheers, then she took his cock and took it into her mouth. All the cheerleaders stood there stunned, not only because of what she did, but because they could not believe the sheer size of his cock.

"We are not afraid, it's just wrong." Said Tracy, getting a round of supporting "Yeahs!" from the other cheerleaders. Some of the guys nodded their heads saying that was proof that they were afraid.

"If you are not afraid, you are going to grab this cock and give it a deep kiss." Said the team captain to Bunny as her pulled out his sizable cock.

"I am not afraid!" said Bunny.

"Then prove it." He challenged her.

Bunny looked around at the other girls and then over at Tammy and Ellen who were taking turns cranking and sucking on their player's cock. Bunny could not back down. She reached over and grabbed his cock and gave it a pull, her eyes wide at how big it looked and felt. Then she summoned up her courage and leaned down and gave his cock a head a huge kiss. When she came up the team captain pulled her over and kissed her deeply, as his hands squeezed those tight tits, the tits everyone in school wanted to grab.

"You see, I am not afraid." She said.

"I guess you are not." He said as her white hand flew up and down his shaft. "But are you going to suck on it some more like your friends over there."

"They are not my friends, they are not even cheerleaders." She said.

"Well then maybe I ought to join them over there." He said making Ellen turn around and smile at him invitingly.

"I am"oh".I don't know." Bunny said, and then she realized she had committed the cardinal sin of being indecisive in front of the girls she was in charge of. She had to take action then and there or she might lose her leadership position. She let go of his cock and got onto her knees, she held his cock steady in her hands. You could see she was afraid, and the fear on her face made what she did next all the sexier as she moved her head forward and took his cock into her sweet little mouth, her eyes gazing up at him the whole time. He ran his fingers through her hair as she struggle to take his cock into her mouth.

At that point the dam literally burst, cocks were pulled out and the cheerleaders, following their own squad leader serviced the black dicks of their cross-town rivals, much debate has been made over if they knew the cameras were still on at this point or not. Cindy's sweater was hiked up and her bra unsnapped, and her player sucked on her huge tits, while he fingered her through her panties, Dori's sucked on her guy's cock while he had her play with her own tits. Some of the girls had tears in their eyes while others made the guys swear never to tell, and oddly enough to the best of knowledge none ever did.

"My boyfriend is going to kill me." Said Erica even as she jerked off a black shaft with gusto. Her black lover to be told her he would beat his punk ass to the ground if that ever happened. She looked at him with a look that could almost be said to be love and said "Really?" He said yes, and then she took his cock into her mouth.

It was at this point that the next chain of events happened that would take this evening's events to a higher level. At the corner of the video you can see Tammy has left Ellen and their guy to make a telephone call as she takes special care not to be overheard. She hangs up and then rejoins Ellen and the cock she was servicing.

"No I can't!" said Bunny as the captain's black fingers rubbed and pushed the crotch of her white panties aside as they entered her pussy. She made the guy chuckle and he told her he would change her mind. He got down between her knees and with a single pull her panties were down, and as she struggled to close her legs he put his head between them and started to lick. Her eyes closed in ecstasy; she made feeble attempts to push him away even as she panted. He reached up and played with her taunt breasts. "I can't! My mom will disown me!" she said more trying to convince herself than him. "Please!" finally even she could not take it anymore. "If you do it you can't tell anyone!" she said as he got up. He placed her legs on top of his shoulders and slowly pushed his cock into her tight little twat. I cursed the fact that there was only one camera in the room so there was no close up of the defiling of this little blonde cheerleader. She groaned and made an attempt to ask him to put on a rubber but by that time it was too late, and he was deep inside of her. She laughed and said that this would show her boyfriend.

It did not take long for the room to erupt into an orgy, clothes were tossed aside and young pussies were penetrated by some of the biggest cocks they had ever felt. Cindy's partner grabbed and sucked on her huge tits as he fucked her, while Dori sucked on her own nearly perfect tits, partially to muffle her screams as she was fucked. As evidenced by the video all the young pussies present were now and forever being ruined for any smaller penis.

"Suck each other's tits. Come on do it!" said the guy fucking Dori as he turned her on her side to face Cindy. Dori hesitated for a moment and then moved her mouth over to her friend's tit and started to suck on the nipple presented, much to the approval of both guys. Cindy protested for a moment and then she bent her head forward and sucked on her friend's nearly perfect skinny nipples.

"Ewww! You are such a lez." Said Bunny looking over at the two girls. Her partner told her no, they were just obeying the black man. He then stood up making her blow him while sitting, he motioned for Tammy to come over to him. Tammy disengaged herself from the guy she was on top of and came over to her friend.

"How much you like black cock?" he asked her, Bunny took his cock out of her mouth to ask something and he glared down on her asking her if he had told her to stop sucking his cock. At this point I must interject that these cheerleaders were caught up in a frenzy, a herd-instinct if you will. Their mentality was to work in unison, and this may have lead to the wild abandon of social mores, as evidenced on the tape.

But I digress. Tammy looked into his eyes and said she loved all black men. "Enough to lick your friend's pussy?" Tammy looked at him and told him to just watch her. Bunny tried to shut her legs but Tammy already had her face between them, she plunged her tongue into Bunny's blond trim pussy.

Bunny made weak protests to stop, that she was not a lez; but then she saw Dori was now sitting on Cindy's face, and knew she must give in to her black master's wishes. Under Tammy's expert tongue Bunny came, her eyes reduced to mere slits as the intense pleasure washed over her face.

The formerly reluctant Erica was fucked standing up by her black lover, even as cum from a previous load ran down her legs.

The orgy continued on, with partner's swapping continuously. This video would have been astounding in of itself, but what happened next is the stuff of underground video legends.

At the moment that the captain came in Bunny's mouth, even as the sperm dribbled down her face, and as Cindy took a load of hot black spunk on her tits; f******n more black men walked into the room. Make no mistake these were men in their late twenties at the very least, and clearly not from any high school. They came into the room naked, carrying something in their hands that you cannot make out.

"Who are you?" Erica cried out even as she rode her guy's cock, coating it with the juice of her young, formerly tight, pussy. "Uh! We are these boys older brothers, we heard there was a party and all, and here we are." Now I must speculate. Was that the call Tammy had left to make, and who asked her to do it? Could this have been a type of revenge for her not making the squad?

"I think you guys should leave." Said Erica. The man walked over to her with such anger that she cringed.

"Don't tell me what to do you little privileged white ho-to-be." He said, then he took what was in his hands, and pulled it over her head, it was some sort of leather bondage hood. While the guy she was fucking held her steady, he adjusted the mask, and locked its collar around her neck.

He sat down on the couch and the men pushed her over to the new man's lap. "What the fuck are you doing!" she said trying to get up. He grabbed her hips and pulled her straight down onto his already hard cock, she struggled to get off but he kept pulling her down, and began to rub her clitoris. Soon the struggles turned into willing copulation. Tammy went over to the man and put some lube on the cock of the man who had held Erica, then he spread Erica's ass cheeks and slowly pushed his fat cock up her tiny asshole, as all the other girls watched.

The men set upon the other cheerleaders then and with the help of the football players soon all the cheerleaders were in their bondage masks. But then Tammy came in with the rest of their equipment, as she did before the games. She helped the girls strip out of every last remaining iota of clothing they had, and produced from a bag stockings and garter belts for all the girls.

"Why do we have to put these on?" said Susan which earned her a fairly hard slap across her ample ass. She was told that all she had to do is obey. The girls again complied, thinking that it might end with them giving in to the new guys' request, how wrong they were.

In the background Erica moaned and cried as her pussy and ass were still being fucked by two huge black cocks.

"Now look in the mirror." One of the men said, they saw stunned at how they now look. "From this point on you are not cheerleaders, you are not some privileged spoiled little white girls playing some game with the brothers here." A game I might add that could get them in a lot of trouble, maybe even shot or locked up. "No you are just a bunch of little hos that are about to be banged all night."

"My parents will kill me." Dori said. Making the man laugh saying that was the least of her worries. At some point the tape was changed, probably by Tammy. It was hard to tell the girls apart now, them with their bondage hoods on, unless they spoke.

I watched while their young pussies were repenetrated by the new men. The younger men stood on the side and joined in with the encouragement and permission of their older counterparts. With Tammy's willing collaboration the men began further double penetrations of the cheerleaders assholes and pussies. Tammy lube up one man's cock, and as Bunny rode her stud's cock facing him the new man came up behind her. The other man held her steady as the new one pressed his cock against her young tight asshole. "What the? Oh no!" she was told to relax as it was going in no matter what. She groaned and moaned and cried out as the head pushed into her asshole. I cursed again at there being only one camera as I could not see what was going on in more detail. But soon Bunny was being double penetrated.

Through the next few hours the girls swallowed, and were fucked in every hole they had to offer. They willingly ate each other's pussies without hesitation. Loads of cum covered their lithe bodies and stained their masks, as the loss of identity allowed them to unleash all their sexual inhibitions. Their collective moans and cries were one of the most erotic sounds I have ever heard.

Finally the guys all left, leaving the women lying exhausted throughout the room, as sperm drained from their used bodies. Finally Bunny got enough strength up to get up and shut the camera off.

I thanked my host and left, after being warned very strongly again that while I may report about the contents of the video I must not ever name him as the owner. Why, you may ask, was I so curious about the video? Why did I go to the extent and expense of finding a copy and writing a report about it? All I can say is that my wife was a cheerleader and her name is Bunny.
Published by hondo1906
3 years ago
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Silverbiguy 6 months ago
Damn horny 
to yariman : Pretty little Asian SlutKitties definitely should be collared and owned made to wear a strippers version of a Cheer leaders SlutFit then taken to a ghetto nightclubs VIP room with at least a dozen or more thug Bulls waiting to gap and seed her tight Asian FuckHoles bareback mercilessly all night long. Airtight, DAP & DVP with BBC Ho written on her forehead and other BlackCockFuckToy slogans written all over her. Of course with a party going on around her she's shameless about being used as a 3 hole CockSocket FuckBunnyWhore. No romance, respect or courtesy shown her just fucked silly so she almost can't walk the next day. Don't even try to deny you'd love being used like that slut. 
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yariman 2 years ago
I wish I were a cheerleader and went to that school.
HermanTheGhost1950 3 years ago
I think, you should let her know what you know.
This might be a great push for the relationship ???
I think, you have to be a lucky guy  !!!!