You know what? Probably not , so let me tell you.

I'm so pissed at myself for not doing something so simple and easy back when I first came onto this site. And now it's like this vaccine mandate garbage and now I know I won't be doing it. In fact I'm very sure I won't be on this site much anymore. If at all. I should have live verified 640 days ago. I didn't and I stopped posting pictures. I really just stopped living a life at all. Something about the way our government seems to be bent on vaccinating us all and forcing us to do things we don't want to that has me in a place of civil disobedience, and just plain defiant.
Published by RowdyRhonda
3 years ago
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aazlock 3 years ago
I agree this vaccine mandate is wrong to be mandated, I wrote a lot more to the previous message but they would not let me post it. I wanted to say this site is not mandated it is of your own free will you have come here. Don"t let  them drive you out, if you do then it is like saying ok you win, 
aazlock 3 years ago
It would be a shame to loose you,, but this site is not. This is sight is done of your own free will, There has to be something this site offers you, that you deep down inside of you need.