Beat off material for me.

The early eighties were a good movie making era, and no doubt The Cannonball Run was a good car movie. But for me, it's a movie that makes me cum like all get out. Of course, you have the babes in the Lambo, but I've always been partial to the red Monte Carlo driven by Terry Bradshaw and Mel Tillis. The reason is the scene where they are trying to get the car running after hiding it in the swimming pool. When they finally do get the car running, they rev the crap out of it and whenever Mel Tillis is really getting into it he cocks his body to where his head is almost out of the car. REALLY putting his foot in it. I try REALLY hard to time it to BLOW A NUT to whenever Mel has his head torqued all out of whack. When that happens, all is right with the world for about thirty seconds.
When I do this, I picture Mel romping on the pedal with his cowboy boots on so I've got a pair of boots that have a smooth sole so I can pump my pedal and make it throw a rod.
Published by revmeup
3 years ago
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