xhamster new video upload requirement discussion

Calling all creators on xhamster! I want to hear from and discuss with you!

So as you may know xhamster has just implemented a new requirement to be fully verified with identity disclosure, in order to upload any videos. Many of us are verified, but only with our faces as performers and not necessarily with our real life info as well. xhamster will now require us to submit our actual info along with our performer info if we want to upload content.

I want to hear from you and discuss is what do you all think about this? What are your plans if you are unwilling to submit to their new verification? Do you think this is a safe idea to get verified in this way? Comment below, I want to hear from all my gurls and guys who make content, lets chat honey. :)

Published by harpercharli
3 years ago
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harpercharli Publisher 3 years ago
to drfranknfurther : Thank you so much! and thanks for your unique insight I appreciate you sharing :blush: Yes Im def trying to look carefully at all theoptions and make the safest decision thats good advice for sure. Ive felt the same way about xhamster's decision and kind of just took a step back from it for now. Its been good though because so far my twitter account has been good about allowing me to upload NSFW content pretty freely as long as my videos are under 2 min (so I have to make shorter clips hehe) so thats been a great platform to keep sharing my new content in the meantime. Thank you for your kind words and support it means a lot to me! :kiss:
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drfranknfurther 3 years ago
MISS HARPER, iam a police officer fro N.C  . i think x-hamster is being a bully , they let you and 1000s of people post 1000s of videos for years. and now want to change rules thats B.S. i hope you will have the right to keep posting and not give up  your right to stay safe and private as all other actors/actresses .dont do anything that may put you in any danger, i love you movies and thank you for all your hard work. but i believe  in people rights. my best to you and your family stay strong . anything  this guy can do for you hit me up,your biggest fan from N.C.
harpercharli Publisher 3 years ago
to avinacd : Totally agree! and yes Im pretty much in the same boat. I like making content but I dont want to do this to generate revenue and I feel like theyre forcing us into that with all the inherent issues and legal ramifications that come along with that. I too am most concerned about the lack of guarantee and protections for our info being submitted. For me I've been finding a fair amount of freedom with posting on Twitter for now, and Im gonna keep the vids I have already uploaded up until i can find somewhere else to host them. But ya what its going to do is just narrow the content to those who only want to do this as a money making venture and it will diminish the great truly amateur content that made this site awesome.
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avinacd 3 years ago
Well, I have some content that I'd like to upload but the current restrictions are a no-go for me. 

I'll never trust a porn site with my personal data and real IDs as they don't provide any legal security on that.

I think that there are some issues here:

1 -  As mentioned, no legal guarantee on the protection of my ID
2 -  No guarantee that the data is secure and can't be hacked
3 -  In North America, is way to easy to exploit identity theft.

As for now, I'm restricting my current contents to "friends only" and I plan to delete everything.

Of course, this covers my situation, where I don't consider myself as a "content creator" and I this is only a "hobby" and I don't expect to pursue anything other than uploading some videos now and them to share to others who might appreciate the content.

I think that the current restrictions can only be acceptable to who really wants to take this as a serious job and create a fan base and eventually move to OnlyFans and make real money. Otherwise, it's not worth it.
harpercharli Publisher 3 years ago
to malelambda : Thanks for sharing luv! I totally agree and its kinda sad to me too :frowning: This site was a nice easy way to meet and share. Also Im not doing this for earnings either so I hate that they want to impose this financial and verification thing on everybody. But ya there are better business options for those who want to make revenue
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malelambda 3 years ago
thank you for this thread; after porn hub, it's time for the #xhamsterpurge ... i feel so sad, i've already lost friends with amazing content ... this platform will miss me, i doubt we'll find another one with that quality ... they asked me to verified me in a purpose of earnings, i've read it's 1$ per 5000 views ... gosh ^^ ... i prefer give my infos to clips4sale or others for serious business !
AnnaEg 3 years ago
Личная информация это уже лишнее... 
harpercharli Publisher 3 years ago
to bluevrs : Thank so much for sharing your thoughts and plans on this. Yes its super sad, this move is so bad for the amateur producers and uploaders. Im not quite sure where to go next, but I feel a similar way to the way you do.
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bluevrs 3 years ago
I also will not be uploading any new content. Supposed to be a free site . I’m not a pornstar nor do I want to be . Do it for kicks and makes me horny, I don’t want money nor banners. So many of my friends have retired 
harpercharli Publisher 3 years ago
to Merlize45 : Thanks so much for sharing! Yes Im really of the same mindset as yourself. This was such a great outlet to slowly get into this sort of creative expression at one's own pace and comfort level, Im also not sure what other options there are out there. I heard that other similar websites wen the same route as xham so there might be so soft place to land :pensive: Anyway, I feel ya girl, I had a bunch of videos already filmed ready to go over the next few months too so now Im kinda stuck in no mans land too.
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I am very distraught about the new policy. I am only a part time CD and posting videos and photos was a great creative outlet to have fun with. I am itching to post more (and finally take a picture with a Intro Vid ID) but I am wary now. I liked the thread with Brimbles below, super informative and interesting. Hard to fathom I have been coming to this website since like 2003!! I looked around at like Spank Bang and xvideos but I really am not impressed with their format. Ugg, I hate everything 
harpercharli Publisher 3 years ago
to BigManO1960 : Im so sry to hear that luv. Thank you for sharing your experience on here though, you're right we may have to expect a similar thing on the regular xhamster site before long.
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BigManO1960 3 years ago
They locked me out of my account on Xhamster Live because I would not send them a photo of my drivers license or credit card. I told them the request for that info is too personal, and that I would not be sending it. I expect they will do something similar over here eventually. Que Sere Sere....
harpercharli Publisher 3 years ago
to biodegradablepsycho : Thanks for sharing luv! An excellent reminder for sure, that at the end of the day, xhamster is protecting xhamster and we each have to make the choices that protect ourselves best.
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xhamster does not give a monkeys about you. It cares about profit only. This is not in any way a "community site" any longer and has not been for a long time. I won't be uploading any content or giving out personal information that can be used for the purposes of committing crime.
alidelphine 3 years ago
to harpercharli : I'd say. I've sent email and gotten no reply! 
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harpercharli Publisher 3 years ago
to alidelphine : Agreed. There definitely needs to be more dialogue with its users at the very least.
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harpercharli Publisher 3 years ago
Thank you so much! :kiss: Well I will certainly keep you all updated if I switch platforms for sure, and I have the Twitter thing up now too so I can update through there too if worse comes to worse :smile: xoxo
harpercharli Publisher 3 years ago
to UnaUnique : Lol I was getting that too one nearly every post I tried to make here. i wish they'd tell you which words set off their little alarm system
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alidelphine 3 years ago
to harpercharli : Hopefully they will improve the experience here. I assume nobody wants to give them so much personal info!!
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UnaUnique 3 years ago
to harpercharli : I give up... I tried to comment on this using only kindest words from my vocabulary. At least 10 times. It was like hitting my head into a concrete wall. Obviously someone can see my face when I type... LOL
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harpercharli Publisher 3 years ago
to richfield : 100% agree. I think sites like xhamster and the rest need to be sensitive to the very real hostility that people like us could face from people in society or as you aptly put it the 'real world' and that could affect  livelihood, relationships, housing etc.
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richfield 3 years ago
to harpercharli : It definitely will. I don’t make ANY money on these vids, but I and my partners love making them…and we’ll continue to make them, either for our own personal use or for the masses. But privacy is still a huge factor. The “real world” isn’t really ready for my content, no matter how liberal they appear to be. Phobias and such still remain, and I don’t want to cause any problems with myself or my co-stars.
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MimsyB 3 years ago
to harpercharli : Oh no need to apologise about it. I write things like that every now and again. I never really expect people to pay any attention to be honest. It's just become like a little outlet for things about this whole porn world that I just dont get or that really annoy me. And believe me I totally get what you mean about the keeping distance between the porn and the personal life. I suppose I'm kinda lucky that I don't have much of a personal life for the performing to get in the way of. In fact part of me was kinda hoping that I might have been able to build a bit more of a life through my performance.

Just so you know, if you do start discourse on societal reform I may simply just listen along.I never have felt qualified for the big questions.
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harpercharli Publisher 3 years ago
Indeed Ive heard from a lot of creators who feel the exact same way.
harpercharli Publisher 3 years ago
to MimsyB : Awesome post! Sry I shouldve searched that out, Ive been so busy with work lately I havent had much time to peruse other pages as much as Id like.

Youre totally right though they are running ads whether we're getting the money or not, but thats a crazy high minimum payout amount for such a low amount they pay per each view. I definitely considered onlyfans just as a platform moreso than a money making venture but I hear they are restructuring things over there too, so Im not sure that will be any sort of panacea for nsfw user generated content hosting woes lol.

Im still on the fence about streaming, I definitly like the idea and Im comfortable performing live but I hate setting up stuff like that. One idea I had is kind of like a remote guest panel where 2 or more streamers could go on the same stream (not sure how that would work out for screen real estate for the views) but I thought it could be fun kind of like a sexy chat or meet and greet at least where it would be fun to have some live interaction. Like a nude live broadcast lol idk, a thought.

Well I totally enjoyed reading your insights and yes things have certainly changed to being more user based and created, I think we need to see a change in how we perceive adult content now, and perhaps maybe thats the key here, seeing that societal shift to where its not considered a fringe element anymore . I think that will only start when society lets go of censorship and worrying about what everyone else is doing ( lol not holding my breath on that one :wink: )  I guess what Im trying to say is Id rather not have to worry about my real life identity and my porn performing identity getting amalgamated, rather than worrying about submitting my info for verification. If I felt comfortable and accepted doing what I do amongst the general public then this whole thing would be a non issue. Oh my have I just opened the door for a societal reform discussion? :wink: hehe
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MimsyB 3 years ago
to harpercharli : Ad revenue so far I've found to be lacking. I mean I don't get a huge amount of views on my content.but I actually made a little post earlier today where I worked out roughly how much I believe it is per view.. I uploaded a video in January that has had just over 18K views in that time and the amount of ad revnue on that video is a whopping $2:40. Roughly about 0.00013 cents per view. It's very difficult to tell how they calculate the ad revenue tbh due to the format that they give it to you in. There's some screenshots of the page on the post ( https://xhamster.com/posts/10227107 )

Honestly I wouldn't count on the ad revenue to be any kind of major part of an income.Some rough figures to go on. I've got 58 active videos on my account with 278.5K views across them over the past 2 years or so and in total the ad revenue I have made is $33.76... and I can't actually access anything until it gets to $100 due to the minimum payout amounts.

I have also added a few videos for sale through Faphouse but honeslty I don't get any kind of interest in those at all which is fair enough considering that I'm relatively new to the creating stuff and don't have an established base who would be willing to pay for it.

The most viable way so far that I can see to see any form of appreciable payout is through places like OnlyFans, JFF and Fansly. I opened an OF at the beginning of August and so far have only got 4 fans subscribing to me but have an active balance of just short of $40 available to take out when I want. And I can actually take it out as OF has a $20 minimum payout.

That said though I have heard that streaming and accepting tips is actually the most profitable and effective method of building an audience. A couple of girls I've speken to have recommended it alonside a site like OF or JFF. Honestly I'm not quite confident enough for live performances yet but it is something I will work towards over time.

And please, you don't need to thank me. I'm super happy to read the thoughts of you and all the people who have responded to your post too.I mean you are right that its the users who make and contribute content that are central to the porn industry of today and the future. It's no longer an industry exclusive to the publishers and corporations like it used to be. The problem with that of course is that it means it's very much on the shoulders of the users themselves to push, produce and deliver the content. That's hard to do if the sites we use aren't transparent with us and if they don't give us the tools to be able to do it. I mean it's not like they aren't making money off of us whether we're verified or not. They run ads on all videos and make money regardless. Whether it is my content on my account or my content on someone elses account it makes no difference because they will still be getting advertisers investing.
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harpercharli Publisher 3 years ago
to UnaUnique : Thats really the critical issue for sure, the fact that this was a good starting point for so many, it was like 'pornstar lite' lol. And Im not sure where else offers that ability. Im not sure I wouldve gotten into it at all had I not had the  opportunity to start when I did on xhamster. At this point I feel I have as many reasons to verify as to not verify so its a viable option but a year ago, I definitely wouldn't have been ready or I dont think it wouldve been right for my life to jump in to that kind of commitment.

I think thats a good idea you suggested, going back to a tiered system idea, for different categories of users. Im not sure how that would look or be implemented, but I think its something that needs to be explored.
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alidelphine 3 years ago
to harpercharli : Thanks. Sound entirely doable to me! Hopefully they're listening! 
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harpercharli Publisher 3 years ago
to maxmilyen77 : Im not really sure, maybe someone with a little more legal knowledge can weigh in? I suspect it may have to do with some concern over liability for content but Im not honestly sure
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