Hello, dear followers.
This post is to explain how I am and at the same time, a "remake" of the previous one ("Why don't I respond quickly when you write me?"), since I will repeat part of what was explained there.
Ok, I continue with the sequelae of the Covid-19. I've been hospitalized and I've suffered the called “persistent covid” as I haven't cured for several months. But once cured, I'm suffering two serious sequelaes:
•Pulmonary fibrosis
•Extreme fatigue syndrome.
On the lungs, thank God (Jimi Hendrix), I am practically recovered, however, I am still very affected by extreme fatigue, because it isn’t only the feeling of being very tired, it’s like being inside Iron Man’s armor and that it weighs 300 kgs and without Jarvis helping you to move it. And not only that: any slight movement causes pain and cramps, so it is impossible to do gymnastics to strengthen yourself.
Impossible? Well, here comes the good news, and it’s that I discovered by accident taking a bath with hot wáter: being inside hot water relaxes my muscles, prevents cramps and makes bone pain disappear. It also makes tiredness disappear and activates me. So I joined a gym with a spa and hot water pool that I go to every day, and I began from simply being inside and still quiet, to walking at a good pace in the water for a long time as well as doing exercises with my arms also inside.
This was unthinkable a few months ago and the good thing is that the effect lasts longer and longer when I'm out of the water. But I also tell you that I can't stay more than two days without even taking a hot bath.
Between the baths at home and and gym, I am more soaked than a fish!
I could say that now I am at 40% energy, but a few months ago I was at 1% and could only go in a wheelchair. Now I walk on crutches. This gives me hope, although the depression is still there. She’s a fucking bitch.
Because yes, this situation has caused me a very deep depression due to not having mobility, having had to abandon my work and hobbies (including sex) and for the extra effort that my family and my girlfriend have had to dedicate to me all days and all hours.
Many clients keep calling me to work (I’m a sound technician) as well as some clients that I had to leave and want me to work with them again, so I hope that by Christmas it will be at 75% and then I will to work.
I know that most of my work is done sitting, but in my situation both moving and sitting for a long time is complicated and painful. Besides that I need to be able to keep my mind free and clear since mixing audio is a very analytical job and requires having a mind free of all shit.
And here comes why I don't answer many of you, and it is precisely seeing so many unanswered messages, from people that I also appreciate a lot, causes me anxiety and that makes me enter here many times but almost never respond.
On the other hand, I am not very satisfied with the attitude of this platform, since it has deleted almost all my videos and has only left one (but is outside the search engine of the platform itself). And also doesn't allow me to upload photos.
Hence, I am looking for other alternatives to publish my content.
Be patient with me, that sooner or later I will answer you all
This post is to explain how I am and at the same time, a "remake" of the previous one ("Why don't I respond quickly when you write me?"), since I will repeat part of what was explained there.
Ok, I continue with the sequelae of the Covid-19. I've been hospitalized and I've suffered the called “persistent covid” as I haven't cured for several months. But once cured, I'm suffering two serious sequelaes:
•Pulmonary fibrosis
•Extreme fatigue syndrome.
On the lungs, thank God (Jimi Hendrix), I am practically recovered, however, I am still very affected by extreme fatigue, because it isn’t only the feeling of being very tired, it’s like being inside Iron Man’s armor and that it weighs 300 kgs and without Jarvis helping you to move it. And not only that: any slight movement causes pain and cramps, so it is impossible to do gymnastics to strengthen yourself.
Impossible? Well, here comes the good news, and it’s that I discovered by accident taking a bath with hot wáter: being inside hot water relaxes my muscles, prevents cramps and makes bone pain disappear. It also makes tiredness disappear and activates me. So I joined a gym with a spa and hot water pool that I go to every day, and I began from simply being inside and still quiet, to walking at a good pace in the water for a long time as well as doing exercises with my arms also inside.
This was unthinkable a few months ago and the good thing is that the effect lasts longer and longer when I'm out of the water. But I also tell you that I can't stay more than two days without even taking a hot bath.
Between the baths at home and and gym, I am more soaked than a fish!
I could say that now I am at 40% energy, but a few months ago I was at 1% and could only go in a wheelchair. Now I walk on crutches. This gives me hope, although the depression is still there. She’s a fucking bitch.
Because yes, this situation has caused me a very deep depression due to not having mobility, having had to abandon my work and hobbies (including sex) and for the extra effort that my family and my girlfriend have had to dedicate to me all days and all hours.
Many clients keep calling me to work (I’m a sound technician) as well as some clients that I had to leave and want me to work with them again, so I hope that by Christmas it will be at 75% and then I will to work.
I know that most of my work is done sitting, but in my situation both moving and sitting for a long time is complicated and painful. Besides that I need to be able to keep my mind free and clear since mixing audio is a very analytical job and requires having a mind free of all shit.
And here comes why I don't answer many of you, and it is precisely seeing so many unanswered messages, from people that I also appreciate a lot, causes me anxiety and that makes me enter here many times but almost never respond.
On the other hand, I am not very satisfied with the attitude of this platform, since it has deleted almost all my videos and has only left one (but is outside the search engine of the platform itself). And also doesn't allow me to upload photos.
Hence, I am looking for other alternatives to publish my content.
Be patient with me, that sooner or later I will answer you all
3 years ago
You should try FetLife. There u can upload photos and there are groups for different kind of kinks.