I was in my early 20's. I'd had several boyfriends, for want of a better description. Although I most certainly wasn't what you'd describe as an easy lay, I was no stranger to going to bed with a man if I felt the urge. I'd been on the pill since I was 16 so, to a point, I was practising safe sex. Also, with the exception of a couple of holiday flings, the men I screwed were in, or very close to, my circle of friends. I had my own rule, though, of never having sex on a first date and I always kept to it, well, almost always.
It was the 80's. I'd passed my law exams and had joined a firm in Cambridge. I was only a junior partner, but, still well paid. I lived at home, had a nice car, times were very good indeed. I was living the dream.
We were in a bar, my friends and I. That's when I first clapped eyes on him. He was with another group of lads and girls, all laughing and joking. Jet black hair, very tanned, muscular, more noticeable because of his short sleeved white shirt. Our eyes met several times. On one such occasion, he raised his glass and smiled. I raised my wine glass and smiled back. He smiled again, in my direction. I had this warm, fuzzy feeling, but turned away, rejoining the conversations I was involved in. A minute, or so, later, I looked back towards him. One of the girls in his group had linked arms with him. I felt such an overwhelming disappointment.
A few minutes later, I looked back in his direction. He was heading towards the toilets. I had no need to go there, myself, but, despite the presence of his girlfriend, I had this compulsion to say hello to him. I left it a couple more minutes and then headed down towards the ladies room. Perfect timing, he was just coming out of the gents. “Well, nice to meet you”, oh that lovely deep voice. “Likewise”, I confidently replied. “Maybe we should get married”, his confidence far surpassing mine. I laughed and, probably blushing a little, said, “Don't people date a little, first”. “You're absolutely, when do you want to take me on our first date”, he instantly replied. This was obviously one of his very well practised chat-up routines. “Won't your girlfriend object ?”, I asked, trying to knock him back a little. “She's just an, tomorrow, 7 o'clock. Then, over the weekend, we can start sending out the invitations, book the church. Gosh, so much to do.” I laughed and, before I could reply, he said, “The Mitre, round the corner. You will come, won't you”. I just stood there, looking at him. His eyes suddenly changed from their confidant sparkle to more of a sad puppy dog, expecting a smack for chewing the sofa. I just smiled and nodded. He brushed my arm and left. I'm not sure how long I stood there, but I was brought back to reality when my friend Lizzy tapped me on the shoulder and asked if I wanted another wine.
That night, I was lying in bed feeling quite exhilarated. I had my usual nightly play, but, it was even more intense than usual. I was slightly embarrassed, the next morning, when my mum remarked, “Somebody was a little excited at bedtime, weren't they”,
My day, at the office, dragged on a little, but, 5pm finally arrived and I rushed home to shower and change. Now, bear in mind, I'd no intention, whatsoever, of bedding this guy, but found myself selecting my sexiest undies and a very low-cut summery dress. I spent a good hour doing my hair and make up, with an extra squirt or two of Chanel. “My goodness, you're out to impress”, remarked mum, as I grabbed my car keys. “I'll be late. Don't wait up,” was my briefest of replies.

I arrived at the Mitre. “Wow, you scrub up nicely”, was all he could muster when I walked towards him. He gave me a little peck on the cheek.
So, there we sat, at a nice corner table. He was such easy company, non stop conversation between us. I felt so comfortable and completely at ease with him. And then the chatter switched. We'd been talking non-stop for a couple of hours, had a couple of glasses of wine each, discussing politics, the law, engineering (his subject), anything and everything. Then, out of the blue, he asked if I admired the Greeks. I said I'd not really thought about them very much, to be honest. Great people, he gushed. Olympians, each and every one. He asked if I wrestled. I sat back and laughed. “I'm not going to bed with you, on our first date.” “Excellent news”, he sat back in his chair, arms behind his head. “I expected you to be more disappointed at that news”, I replied, trying not to look dismayed. “Well, you mentioned our first date, so, I get the impression you are up for a second, maybe even a third.” “Maybe”, I smiled back at him.
“Now, back to the Greeks. You obviously don't want to talk about wrestling. But they were so inventive, don't you think.”
“Go on, do tell,” I encouraged him.
“Take Archimedes. He studied displacement of water, did he not.”
“Yes, I remember something about that from a science lesson. In his bath, I seem to recollect.”
“That's the story as the historians tell it. The reality was somewhat different. He was an amorous sort of chap and, of course, his wife, Mrs Archimedes, assisted him in his scientific endeavours.”
“Oh God, where's this going,” I grinned.
“Well, it was one evening, on the steps of the Acropolis. After a bit of foreplay, Mr Archimedes ventured up his wife's toga.”
“You're making all this up !” I exclaimed.
“No, every word is true, believe me. Well she got very moist, he was good with his hands, you see. And at some point, he started fucking her.”
I let out a muffled shriek. It was the first time I'd heard a profanity come from his mouth.
“Then, of course, he started to go deeper and deeper and the inevitable happened, another thrust and, whooosh, the juice came spurting out. Displacement was achieved.”
I sat back, shaking my head, trying to think of something clever to say. “So, basically, she had an orgasm.”
“Several, I remember. Well, he had to make sure it wasn't just a fluke.”
“Lucky Mrs Archimedes. And, you know all this to be true, I suppose”.
“I've actually repeated the experiment. All in the name of science, you understand. And, do you know, it works in all sorts of positions.”
“I know.” The words just slipped quietly out of my mouth, before I quickly added, “I mean, does it really ?”
We sat there, just looking at each other, in silence. “I know a great place for coffee”, he broke the silence.
“I suppose it's back at your laboratory, Doctor.”
“Is that a problem ?” he asked, reaching across the table and stroking my hand.
I was completely under his spell. “No, not really. And, I suppose we'll get more into your love affair with all things Greek. Olympic wrestling and Scientific experimentation.”
“In that order, if you like”.
“Well, I've done some science and, I know your theory works. Wrestling moves, I don't know any.”
We were stepping through the door into the warm night air, hand in hand.
“Wrestling moves it is, then. We'll have to stick to the original rules and regulations, of course.”
“OK, by me, Archie.”
He stopped walking. “They wrestled in the nude, you know”, he volunteered.
“I know. Sounds very exciting, to me”. God, why was I encouraging him so much.
“Oh, it is very exciting, believe me”, he grinned again.
I laughed loudly, as we walked, arm in arm. “I suspect that if we're wrestling naked, I'll be able to see how excited you are, Archie boy. I'll be extremely disappointed if it's not blatantly obvious.” God, I was acting like a tart, but, strangely for me, I didn't care. He turned me on. He was fun, confident, and, you know, I couldn't wait to get naked with him.
We went into the hall. I stood there, just looking at him. “Where's the wrestling ring, Archie ?”
He pushed the lounge door open. “No ring. The carpet is best for beginners”. I stood there, looking at him as he unbuttoned his shirt. Not a word said, he sat down, took his shoes and socks off. Standing up, he slipped his trousers off and, without any hesitation, he stepped out of his underpants. God, he was big. So much hair and, Jesus, what a cock. So thick and already semi-hard, resting on nice big balls. I think I gasped slightly, standing there, staring at it.
I kicked my shoes off and started to unbutton my dress. The top buttons undone, the top of my dress fell to my waist. I reached behind my back, unclasped my bra and flung it on top of his clothes. My tits bared, he let out a polite “wow”. I stepped out of my dress and stood there, his eyes diverting their gaze to my diaphanous panties, my own bush clearly visible through them. I turned my back towards him and removed my last item of clothing. He came behind me, one arm pressing against my breasts, his other hand gripping my pubic area. “The first move. My famous crutch hold and body slam.” He lifted me up and, with my feet off the carpet, I spread my legs wide, as he buried his lips into my neck. I felt his cock press against my bum cheeks. He put me gently onto the sofa, my face buried in one of the cushions. Releasing his grip on my crotch and my tits, he grabbed my ankles and pulled me towards the arm of the sofa, him standing by the side of it. My nipples hardened as the coarse fabric rubbed against my tits. Then, Christ, what was happening. With one arm around my back he lifted me so my ankles were above his head and, once in position, moved his free arm to grip my leg, behind my knee. He pulled my leg to the side and, simultaneously, I spread my other leg wide.
I was helpless. I felt his breath on my pussy. He moved his lips closer and started to blow gently, starting on my clit, along my pussy, finishing at my bum hole. Then back again, and again and again. I wriggled slightly, not that I wanted to break free, it was more of an involuntary reaction to the pleasure he was giving me. Then the tongue made contact. Clit, pussy, bum, and back again. Then the spasms. With each jerk of my body, my tits brushed against his cock, the feel of his hairs driving me wild. As his tongue moved from my pussy towards my bum, along that most sensitive of areas between my legs, my whole body jerked, uncontrollably. On and on, he went.
My cunt was dripping. A little squirt, then another. On he went. Now he wasn't licking me, he was fucking eating me alive. My back arched as I shuddered with each sensation.
The next thing I remember was being lifted aloft. God, he was carrying me, upside down, up the stairs while he carried on eating me. Such strength. He laid me, face down on the bed and lay behind me. I felt his cock against my bum. Christ, I didn't need to see it to know how big it was. And so fucking hard. Still behind me, he raised one of of my legs. I felt his cock at the entrance to my pussy. He lay still, except for one of his hands tweaking my nipples, in turn.
Then, the tip of his cock went inside. I had no control, whatsoever, over what he was doing. Nor did I want any. Then that rhythmic dance started. The tip of his cock in, then out. Oh my God. It was awesome. Even as wet as I was, it was so thick it touched the sides of my gaping hole. Further in he ventured. From the angle he was at, his cock started to push into the front of pussy. Then out again, then back in. So slow and measured.
I was gripping the eiderdown tightly, when I felt him push my shoulder into the bed. Without taking his cock fully out, he got onto his knees, lifted my body up by my thighs and pushed his cock deeper inside me. Ever so slow and deliberate, slightly deeper with each thrust, then that moment of pure ecstasy when he pushed it fully inside. That's when the fucking really started. Gyrating his bum, every inch of that cock filled my pussy. Fully in, then fully out, each thrust sending me wild. I was gasping for air as he fucked me senseless. Then the first real gush. Even my loud gasping couldn't drown the noise of those splashes as he drove in and out, faster and faster. Pussy farts galore, splashing, gasping, whimpering. Those glorious sounds of a woman being fucked by a man who knows what he's doing and has the equipment to do it, of course.
One position after another. On the bed, on the floor, back on the bed. Bent over the back of a chair. Stood against the bedroom door. We fucked and fucked. And still his cock stayed rock hard, glistening with all the juices I'd sprayed on it.
Pausing for breath, we lay on the floor, side by side. “I forget to ask if you take milk and sugar”, he grinned. “Neither, thank you,” I replied.
I couldn't resist reaching down and stroking his cock, still absolutely rigid. “Maybe later”, I added.
He stroked my breasts, my nipples hardening instantly, again. “I'm ever so sorry you broke your first date rule. Will you ever forgive me?” he asked. “Only if you do it again, right now”, was my greedy response.
As he lifted me back on the bed, I pushed him onto his back and straddled him. His cock slid straight inside me. “My turn to fuck you, Archie,” I said, starting to slide myself up and down his cock. Gyrating away, up and down, off we went again. Oh those sensations coming all over me. Rough, then gentle, fast then slow, deep then half in. Then that heat rising as another orgasm engulfed me. Still I rode him. My face looking towards the ceiling, my toes curling, my mouth agape. God, this was the fuck of my life. Time stood still. Then another explosion deep inside my cunt. I was swathed in sweat, droplets running down my tits, dripping onto his belly.
He pushed me off him and, as I automatically spread my legs wide, his cock went straight back in. “Fucking's over now. Time to make love”, he said, as, ever so slowly, he started to inch in and out, deeper and deeper. I put my arms around his waist, my nails etching faint lines across his back. Oh that incessant motion. Two bodies entwined, expertly thrilling the other. Both my legs were wrapped tightly around his bum, my body rising and falling with each movement of his body. On and on we went. One of my legs slipped from round his bum. As it reached the bed clothes, I dug my heel in, raising and lowering one side of my body as he pushed his cock into me and then pulled it out. We were in a perfect rhythm. As he pushed inwards, I raised my side. Oh that glorious horizontal dance. Perfect harmony. Wave after wave of heat. One orgasm after another. Another began as one faded.
Our mouths locked together. My nails digging into his back. My vision blurred. “Oh my fucking God”, I blurted out as that nuclear bomb went off inside me. Juice spurted out of my cunt as he came too. Oh that spunk felt so good inside me, prolonging my own gushing. I gripped my arms so tightly round his neck, I nearly strangled him. We were both gasping now, completely out of breath.
We lay there, motionless, his cock twitching, inside me, as more spunk seeped out.
I was completely drained. I looked around the room. God Almighty. There was a clock on the wall. It was 2 am. We'd got to his house before 10 pm and had stripped off almost straight away. I looked back at him and, leant over and kissed him on his lips. Well, that was the least he deserved for 4 hours of the best fucking I'd ever had.
He walked me home after I finally got the coffee he'd promised me. “About bloody time”, I'd joked after he'd given me the cup.
We kissed on my doorstep and promised to meet the following lunchtime.
Did I see him again, you may ask. Yes I did. Many times. Well, I'd have been a fool to myself, wouldn't I, to let that gorgeous sex machine go. He got married a year or so later. Did that upset me ? Actually, no it didn't. Well, why would it ? It was me who married him.
And, as a final point, we still fuck several times a week and he has never, ever failed to make me cum. Oh, and his real name is Steve, although I do still sometimes call him by his Greek name of Archie, especially when I've got my legs wrapped round his bum.
Published by mrsrobinsonx
3 years ago
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cuck1943 5 months ago
Very hot cock stroking story!
Guy49007 1 year ago
to mrsrobinsonx : Ha ha well I had to read it with one hand also
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mrsrobinsonx Publisher 1 year ago
to Guy49007 : I'm so glad you enjoyed it. Bear in mind, I had to type most of that one-handed. Anne.
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Guy49007 1 year ago
Wow well written and hot story it’s a wonder I haven’t cum as I’ve been wanking myself whilst reading it I even thought I was tasting your pussy als
twolookingforfn2 1 year ago
So hot and sexy 
exige 1 year ago
to mrsrobinsonx : My pleasure, I will be reading the rest of your stories as I love the way you write xx
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mrsrobinsonx Publisher 1 year ago
to exige : I did come off well, didn't I. Thank you for reading. Anne.
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exige 1 year ago
Anne, that is amazing and Steve / Archie is a truly lucky man (and you didn't seem to come off badly either :wink: )
mrsrobinsonx Publisher 1 year ago
to Jojomids62 : I love writing them and, they are all true, I assure you. Anne.
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Jojomids62 1 year ago
Love reading your posts, very erotic x
mrsrobinsonx Publisher 1 year ago
to AngelababysDaddy : Ha Ha. Same here. Typing one-handed is such a slow process. I learnt, long ago, to always put a towel on the chair, before I get to grips with my Qwerty friend, because the change of use for my fingers is inevitable. 
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AngelababysDaddy 1 year ago
to mrsrobinsonx : Yes I fully understand, I must admit I can't hardly write a story without having at least 2 wanks. So pleased that there are more on the way xx
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mrsrobinsonx Publisher 1 year ago
to AngelababysDaddy : I have a few more stories, each partly written. They take me ages to write. And, as you can imagine, being true stories, the memories flood back and I have to take, what I lovingly call, regular comfort breaks. If they excite you, imagine what the memories do to me. Be'll be worth it, I assure you. Anne. 
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AngelababysDaddy 1 year ago
A really great story, it is such a shame that you haven't  written anything lately. I rate you in my top 5 story tellers.
mrsrobinsonx Publisher 1 year ago
to csoc622 : I'm so glad I've aroused your interest in ancient history. 
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csoc622 1 year ago
I have revised my opinion of Archimedes now. He was so knowledgeable and ahead of his time :smile: Wonderful story Anne. As always well versed.
Greensleevees 2 years ago
to mrsrobinsonx : Oh my, Anne... I'm ~blushing, too. And a bit... warm ~ggls~
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mrsrobinsonx Publisher 2 years ago
to Greensleevees : Thank you, Loree. A true story, I must add. And I still get the same thrill when I wrap my legs round him. Gosh, I'm blushing now. Anne.
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Greensleevees 2 years ago
omg!!! ~spread-legged, dazed and drenched~ he is a dreamboat..... oh my... yes I did ~blush~
denierfan2 2 years ago
mrsrobinsonx Publisher 2 years ago
If I had to chose a favourite, this would probably be the one. And, yes, it took me weeks to complete. Yes, although I tried to stifle my pleasure, the night before, mum knew exactly what I was doing. Thank you for reading every detail. Anne. 
tunca 2 years ago
So sexy
mrsrobinsonx Publisher 2 years ago
Yes, it was a wonderful experience. We're still married and have, of course, enjoyed each other thousands of times since that night. Thank you for reading. Anne. 
ErosUndaunted 2 years ago
It's a rare thing to see someone so invested in recounting sexual memory, as though you are preserving those most fondly remembered aspects of your past self. Passion is so worthy of remembrance in this way. It is a shame so many people treat it in such a fleeting way, as it it is disposable. Experience like this is so important. I have had a tiny bit of it, and I didn't marry her, but I return to that encounter in my mind all the time. Perhaps I will write about it. I ought to. It is important. Anyhow, I am rationing your posts. Slowly I will work my way through them. I want to savour your words and your shared experiences. Thank you again.
n2oral 3 years ago
Steve knew a keeper when he first entered you?
fdj 3 years ago
Fucking excellent.
benmacdui 3 years ago
So well written too
benmacdui 3 years ago
Thanks for that hot and horny story,,,I have just had my morning want thanks to you Mrs. Robinson
ramannab 3 years ago
Sooo erotic! Well written!
mrsrobinsonx Publisher 3 years ago
to Mickeytake : A joy to be there that night, too. Glad you liked it. Anne.
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