My Tattoo Update
If you remember from my previous post...I’m not going to tell you which, so for you newbies, you’re just going to have to read them all...I have an anime playing card QoS tattoo on the back of my right right shoulder with four King of Spades cards behind it...if you want to know the story behind it, read my other posts...go and do it now, I’ll be waiting right here where you left off. What are you waiting for? Hurry up and read it...I also have another anime playing card QoS tattoo on the side of my left arm, near my shoulder.
I had hinted about getting a black spade tattoo with a Q in it and having it placed above above my clitty in my pube area. Well, I ended up getting a slightly more stylized black spade with a red Q in a cut out area on the left side of it. I placed it higher and to the left of my pubes near my bikini line area on my hip. So, depending on what I’m wearing...bikini, panties, or really low cut jeans and is visible. Very visible. I should’ve though a more about it’s placement before inking it.
I know I said I wouldn’t get a tattoo on my ankle because that area hurts like hell. Well...never say never, because I said, “Ah, fuck it”, and I got one anyway. It’s another design that you can find in my favorites gallery. It’s the black spade with a woman’s head and hair profile just above it. I just left out the extra spade on the right side. It’s placed above my ankle on the side of my right leg. And YES, it hurt like hell to get it! There was a lot of black area to color in, so it was pretty grueling. But like great anal sex, it was a good kind of hurt...and well worth it.
A funny thing happened to me shortly after getting this tattoo. Unlike the other tattoos, this one made me realize that I was addicted to BBC. I came to the realization that I was willing to put myself through a shit load of pain just to show everyone that I was openly in love with getting fucked by BBC. Depending on what I wore, no matter what angle you approached me from, anyone could easily see that I was black owned...granted you knew what you were looking at and the symbology embedded within them.
After that, I kinda went nuts with even more tattoos.
As most of you have seen, porn star Lola Fae has heart shaped areola tattoos. Well, guess what I got...spade shaped areola tattoos! I made them color match the pigments so they looked more natural. These tattoos also hurt like hell, too. But I’d rather do that than getting my nipples pierced like Lulu Chu.
Speaking of porn stars, how many of you can even remember what all of Saya Song and Kimberly Chi’s designs are? I’m pretty sure most of you remember the word “lucky” hidden among Saya’s pubes, but not much else. So, I’m not the lone Asian girl who doesn’t mind inking her innocent body. It’s just that all of mine have some sort of symbology towards BBC and QoS in them.
As for my piercings, they haven’t changed...bellybutton, tongue, barbell at the most vertical part of my clitty hood (it rests vertically against my body and the bottom ball taps the top of my clitty), and a ring through the sides of my clitty hood (the captured ball rests just below my clitty). So depending on what I’m wearing and how I’m either seated or walking, those balls do a number on my clitty. That could be the reason why I’m always horny. But it’s nothing compared to what it feels like when my bulls rub their tongues or cocks on it.
Going back to my tattoos...I also got a tramp stamp above my ass where my thong lines usually line up. If I got a tan now, it would really stand out in the non-tanned area. It’s almost a freehand design that looks like a bunch of lines in the shape of a uterus or a sideways elongated “T”. At the sides of the “T” where the ovaries would be, are a bunch of little spades at the ends of the lines. There are also small squiggly lines that look like sperm with spades for heads, swimming within the “T”. Lastly, there’s a “Q” inside of an outline of a spade, inside of an outline of a heart shape at the intersection of the two lines in the “T”. I really didn’t think about the deeper meaning of the design until after it was on me. When one of my bulls got a close look at it while fucking me doggy style, he said, “Whoa, damn! Dis bitch is getting fuckin’ crazy!” Then he promptly, shot a massive load all over it. Now that’s a tribute, I like! Yes, I may be cum drunk on BBC, however I’m not ready to get pregnant any time soon, despite what that tattoo may imply.
To think people wonder why I don’t have thong tan lines anymore. It’s not like I haven’t had the opportunity, it’s just that I can’t imagine myself going to the beach, taking off my clothes, and exposing all of my tattoos to my friends. If that were to happen, there’s going to be a lot of explaining to do on my part.
Most of the time, when I’m with my friends, I’ll usually wear sleeved blouses or a jacket. Only a couple of them have seen my arm and shoulder tattoos, but they thought that it was a cute Asian anime thing that’s befitting of me. However, when I got my ankle tattoo…now, that raised some eyebrows...because when I wore a skirt, everyone could see it. Some of my girlfriends wondered why I choose that design, because it didn’t look one bit anime. Some of the guys quickly noticed the spade at the bottom and had that, double-take, “No, it can’t be” look on their faces. I tried to brush it off, saying that it was just a cute feminine design.
Of course, one of my girlfriends turned into a jackass by mentioning to everyone that I also had tattoos on my arm and shoulder. That made everyone want to see them. So, when I showed them, you could tell guys were putting “two and two together.” Yeah, three QoS tattoos, that’s pretty hard NOT to make the correlation. That’s how I could tell that most of them had watched interracial porn before. There were some whispering, but none of them openly mentioned anything about it. I think they were too afraid to ask. But, I just kept brushing my tattoos off as just being cute.
But now, with my QoS tattoo on my bikini line and the QoS tramp stamp, there’s no way I can hide it from them. It’s almost a given that one of my friends is going to be the group representative to approach me and ask, “Gina, do you have any idea what the meaning behind those tattoos designs are?” Followed by, “Do you have an any affinity towards black guys?” and “Have you started having sex with them?” Heh,, yeah, “started” in “started” a decade ago and I haven’t stopped. I probably had sex with as many different black guys in a month or two while in college as ALL of the sexual partners my friends had in their entire lives, COMBINED!
Actually, I’m surprised that one of my girlfriends, who does know about my BBC lifestyle, hadn’t already spilled the beans about me. But then again, she did fuck one of my bulls. So, I can understand why. She’d have some explaining to do as well. But I love, respect, and cherish her as a friend for it. FYI, she’s happily married to a white guy now.
In addition to those tattoos, I also have two more on my bra strap line under my arms. On one side, there’s some small script text that reads, “Queen of Spades”, and on the other side, “Black Owned.” At least those were relatively painless. But with those words, there’s absolutely no denying it. There’s no, “Oh, I just thought it was cute”, “I had no idea what the design meant”, “Really, there’s symbology and meaning behind those designs?”, “You mean a spade is more than just a playing card suit?” Yup, once you go black, there’s no turning back. Even more so when you’ve totally labeled yourself, like I have.
Yeah, and to think, I’m not done, yet.
Soon, I’m going to have four Japanese characters that spell out “ya-ri-ma-n” and another three that spell out “ko-ku-jo”. That loosely translates to, “asian slut who likes black men.” Pretty appropriate, if you ask me. In between those words will be an outline of spade with “BBC” in red ink in the middle of it and a “Q” just above and to the left of the spade. Similar to yet another design in my favorites gallery.
For those of you who can read Japanese, I know I’m missing a relational character in there. I don’t need it to read like a proper sentence, nor do I plan on walking down the street in Tokyo with my back exposed for everyone to see. So, don’t go ape-shit over it. By the time most of your read this, the ink will already be dry, as my tattoo artist has already scheduled me in.
I’m also thinking of putting another design at the top of my neck, at the base of my hairline, that would only be visible if I put my hair up. I’m not sure of the design yet. I’m considering a pink female symbol with seven black male arrows pointing through it. Hehe. Yeah, surprise, surprise. I finally gave in to years of temptation and had my seven remaining bulls from Seattle gangbang me over the course of one evening and then...into the next day! But that story is for another time. Sorry.
I honestly think my willingness to tattoo my body as of late has everything to do with my move from the Seattle area. I left behind 13 black bulls who had been fucking my mouth and pussy for years…especially the final 7 bulls...My Magnificent Seven! (If I could name you all here, I would. LOL) All of those tattoos...and the gangbang...were my way showing them how much I loved and respected much I was going to miss sucking and fucking them...and how they had totally transformed this innocent...ok, a little slutty, but nerdy girl, into a Big Black Cock Nympho, Anal Queen of Spades Slut. (Ok, I’ll explain the “anal” part, too. But later. *sigh*) My body and tattoos were a fitting tribute to them.
That’s why I mentioned in a previous post that I’m pretty much addicted to BBC. I don’t know if I can ever shake it. I’m gonna have lot of explaining to do, if I ever go back to dating white or Asian guys. More so, with all of the symbology, there’s no denying that I’ve fucked a LOT of black guys and loved every minute of it. If my friends or family ever found out the truth of my private life, I don’t know who’d keel over first, them or me.
I had hinted about getting a black spade tattoo with a Q in it and having it placed above above my clitty in my pube area. Well, I ended up getting a slightly more stylized black spade with a red Q in a cut out area on the left side of it. I placed it higher and to the left of my pubes near my bikini line area on my hip. So, depending on what I’m wearing...bikini, panties, or really low cut jeans and is visible. Very visible. I should’ve though a more about it’s placement before inking it.
I know I said I wouldn’t get a tattoo on my ankle because that area hurts like hell. Well...never say never, because I said, “Ah, fuck it”, and I got one anyway. It’s another design that you can find in my favorites gallery. It’s the black spade with a woman’s head and hair profile just above it. I just left out the extra spade on the right side. It’s placed above my ankle on the side of my right leg. And YES, it hurt like hell to get it! There was a lot of black area to color in, so it was pretty grueling. But like great anal sex, it was a good kind of hurt...and well worth it.
A funny thing happened to me shortly after getting this tattoo. Unlike the other tattoos, this one made me realize that I was addicted to BBC. I came to the realization that I was willing to put myself through a shit load of pain just to show everyone that I was openly in love with getting fucked by BBC. Depending on what I wore, no matter what angle you approached me from, anyone could easily see that I was black owned...granted you knew what you were looking at and the symbology embedded within them.
After that, I kinda went nuts with even more tattoos.
As most of you have seen, porn star Lola Fae has heart shaped areola tattoos. Well, guess what I got...spade shaped areola tattoos! I made them color match the pigments so they looked more natural. These tattoos also hurt like hell, too. But I’d rather do that than getting my nipples pierced like Lulu Chu.
Speaking of porn stars, how many of you can even remember what all of Saya Song and Kimberly Chi’s designs are? I’m pretty sure most of you remember the word “lucky” hidden among Saya’s pubes, but not much else. So, I’m not the lone Asian girl who doesn’t mind inking her innocent body. It’s just that all of mine have some sort of symbology towards BBC and QoS in them.
As for my piercings, they haven’t changed...bellybutton, tongue, barbell at the most vertical part of my clitty hood (it rests vertically against my body and the bottom ball taps the top of my clitty), and a ring through the sides of my clitty hood (the captured ball rests just below my clitty). So depending on what I’m wearing and how I’m either seated or walking, those balls do a number on my clitty. That could be the reason why I’m always horny. But it’s nothing compared to what it feels like when my bulls rub their tongues or cocks on it.
Going back to my tattoos...I also got a tramp stamp above my ass where my thong lines usually line up. If I got a tan now, it would really stand out in the non-tanned area. It’s almost a freehand design that looks like a bunch of lines in the shape of a uterus or a sideways elongated “T”. At the sides of the “T” where the ovaries would be, are a bunch of little spades at the ends of the lines. There are also small squiggly lines that look like sperm with spades for heads, swimming within the “T”. Lastly, there’s a “Q” inside of an outline of a spade, inside of an outline of a heart shape at the intersection of the two lines in the “T”. I really didn’t think about the deeper meaning of the design until after it was on me. When one of my bulls got a close look at it while fucking me doggy style, he said, “Whoa, damn! Dis bitch is getting fuckin’ crazy!” Then he promptly, shot a massive load all over it. Now that’s a tribute, I like! Yes, I may be cum drunk on BBC, however I’m not ready to get pregnant any time soon, despite what that tattoo may imply.
To think people wonder why I don’t have thong tan lines anymore. It’s not like I haven’t had the opportunity, it’s just that I can’t imagine myself going to the beach, taking off my clothes, and exposing all of my tattoos to my friends. If that were to happen, there’s going to be a lot of explaining to do on my part.
Most of the time, when I’m with my friends, I’ll usually wear sleeved blouses or a jacket. Only a couple of them have seen my arm and shoulder tattoos, but they thought that it was a cute Asian anime thing that’s befitting of me. However, when I got my ankle tattoo…now, that raised some eyebrows...because when I wore a skirt, everyone could see it. Some of my girlfriends wondered why I choose that design, because it didn’t look one bit anime. Some of the guys quickly noticed the spade at the bottom and had that, double-take, “No, it can’t be” look on their faces. I tried to brush it off, saying that it was just a cute feminine design.
Of course, one of my girlfriends turned into a jackass by mentioning to everyone that I also had tattoos on my arm and shoulder. That made everyone want to see them. So, when I showed them, you could tell guys were putting “two and two together.” Yeah, three QoS tattoos, that’s pretty hard NOT to make the correlation. That’s how I could tell that most of them had watched interracial porn before. There were some whispering, but none of them openly mentioned anything about it. I think they were too afraid to ask. But, I just kept brushing my tattoos off as just being cute.
But now, with my QoS tattoo on my bikini line and the QoS tramp stamp, there’s no way I can hide it from them. It’s almost a given that one of my friends is going to be the group representative to approach me and ask, “Gina, do you have any idea what the meaning behind those tattoos designs are?” Followed by, “Do you have an any affinity towards black guys?” and “Have you started having sex with them?” Heh,, yeah, “started” in “started” a decade ago and I haven’t stopped. I probably had sex with as many different black guys in a month or two while in college as ALL of the sexual partners my friends had in their entire lives, COMBINED!
Actually, I’m surprised that one of my girlfriends, who does know about my BBC lifestyle, hadn’t already spilled the beans about me. But then again, she did fuck one of my bulls. So, I can understand why. She’d have some explaining to do as well. But I love, respect, and cherish her as a friend for it. FYI, she’s happily married to a white guy now.
In addition to those tattoos, I also have two more on my bra strap line under my arms. On one side, there’s some small script text that reads, “Queen of Spades”, and on the other side, “Black Owned.” At least those were relatively painless. But with those words, there’s absolutely no denying it. There’s no, “Oh, I just thought it was cute”, “I had no idea what the design meant”, “Really, there’s symbology and meaning behind those designs?”, “You mean a spade is more than just a playing card suit?” Yup, once you go black, there’s no turning back. Even more so when you’ve totally labeled yourself, like I have.
Yeah, and to think, I’m not done, yet.
Soon, I’m going to have four Japanese characters that spell out “ya-ri-ma-n” and another three that spell out “ko-ku-jo”. That loosely translates to, “asian slut who likes black men.” Pretty appropriate, if you ask me. In between those words will be an outline of spade with “BBC” in red ink in the middle of it and a “Q” just above and to the left of the spade. Similar to yet another design in my favorites gallery.
For those of you who can read Japanese, I know I’m missing a relational character in there. I don’t need it to read like a proper sentence, nor do I plan on walking down the street in Tokyo with my back exposed for everyone to see. So, don’t go ape-shit over it. By the time most of your read this, the ink will already be dry, as my tattoo artist has already scheduled me in.
I’m also thinking of putting another design at the top of my neck, at the base of my hairline, that would only be visible if I put my hair up. I’m not sure of the design yet. I’m considering a pink female symbol with seven black male arrows pointing through it. Hehe. Yeah, surprise, surprise. I finally gave in to years of temptation and had my seven remaining bulls from Seattle gangbang me over the course of one evening and then...into the next day! But that story is for another time. Sorry.
I honestly think my willingness to tattoo my body as of late has everything to do with my move from the Seattle area. I left behind 13 black bulls who had been fucking my mouth and pussy for years…especially the final 7 bulls...My Magnificent Seven! (If I could name you all here, I would. LOL) All of those tattoos...and the gangbang...were my way showing them how much I loved and respected much I was going to miss sucking and fucking them...and how they had totally transformed this innocent...ok, a little slutty, but nerdy girl, into a Big Black Cock Nympho, Anal Queen of Spades Slut. (Ok, I’ll explain the “anal” part, too. But later. *sigh*) My body and tattoos were a fitting tribute to them.
That’s why I mentioned in a previous post that I’m pretty much addicted to BBC. I don’t know if I can ever shake it. I’m gonna have lot of explaining to do, if I ever go back to dating white or Asian guys. More so, with all of the symbology, there’s no denying that I’ve fucked a LOT of black guys and loved every minute of it. If my friends or family ever found out the truth of my private life, I don’t know who’d keel over first, them or me.
3 years ago
and yes ヤリマン 黒人専用 have better balance with 4 and 4 as you said.
i cannot say which is better.
"黒人の女" means woman owned black man. it may be good.
or "黒人専用" only for black man. this is nastier