Wills Mum makes life changing Decision

Will called his mother asking if he could visit her for the weekend. Of course she was more than happy and told him he didn’t need to ask to visit.
Hallie was all excited not only was her son coming to visit but she would get to see her grandson, who she missed dearly. They lived too far away to visit on a regular basis, so it really was exciting times for her.
Friday arrived and Hallie was as excited as a teenager. Will walked in the house and Hallie looked passed him hoping to see his son and girlfriend following him. Will realised what she was looking for and had to tell her that he was travelling alone. The disappointment was visible in Hallie’s face, so Will apologised and said that was the reason for asking to visit.
He went on to tell his mother that things were far from OK at home and needed someone to talk to. His father was away for the weekend, which made it easier for Will to speak to his mother. Hallie poured them both a large drink and sat beside him on the sofa. After taking a rather large mouthful of their drink each she held hi hand and asked him what the problem was.
Will confessed that he thought his relationship was over. His mother asked why he thought it was that bad. He said he couldn’t continue in a sexless relationship and couldn’t see another way out. They both finished their drinks and another was poured. His mother said sex wasn’t everything but also agreed it was a major part of a relationship. She made a number of reasons why things may have gone off the boil but eventually they both agreed his partner obviously had gone off sex. He said he didn’t think there was anyone else as he had discussed it with her and it wasn’t she didn’t want sex with him she just didn’t want sex at all. Will also told his mother that he wasn’t prepared to start seeing other girls behind her back as it was wrong and thought the only alternative was to split amicably. His mother was about to agree with him until he threw in the biggest of all bombshells. He told his mother that he knew if they split she would make sure she would take her grandson as far away as possible and there was every chance she would lose contact.
Hallie needed another drink, an even larger one. This in her eyes was not an option but also felt for her son. She knew she couldn’t ask him to continue as she could see how sad he was but couldn’t see any way out.
As it was just the two of them, they decided to go to the local pub for a drink and something to eat. They both tried talking about different things but the conversation always came back to the predicament Will was in. They didn’t realise it but both were packing away quite a few drinks. They walked home arm in arm, still neither of them could think of a solution that would allow Will to be sexually satisfied and not split up the relationship.
Once back home they sat and watched TV for a while, Hallie cuddled her son like she had done many times but not for 20 years or more. Will had his head on her chest and his hand was innocently resting on her thigh. He moved slightly allowing his hand to rise up and down the inside of her thigh. Hallie, probably through the drink, enjoyed the feeling closing her eyes. For a brief moment she was turned on. It was then like a bolt of lightening it hit her. “I know a way out of this” she said out loud. Will looked up at her and asked what she meant. It was then she realised that her idea was absurd and couldnt even bring herself to say it out loud. Will asked her again what her idea was. “it doesn’t matter love sorry just me being drunk”. They decided it was time to head to bed and sleep off the evenings drinking. They both said their good nights and retired into their own bedrooms. A short time after Hallie called her son, he entered her bedroom and asked what was wrong. She replied, “If I make a suggestion will you promise not to hate me and forgive me if I upset you”? Will sat on the side of his mothers bed and said there was nothing she could say or do to upset him.
“Ok her goes, what if I was to satisfy your sexual needs and you can all stay together as a family? It would not be like having an affair with someone you don’t know and this way you will be able to have safe sex without raising suspicion”
Will was flabbergasted like every boy he had always fantasised about having sex with his mother. But this was something different. Will agreed it would be an alternative but they should sleep on it and speak again in the morning just to make sure it was not the drink talking and they both did something they regret.
Neither of them fell asleep very quick after Hallie’s statement, but eventually they both did. Hallie was the first up and made Will a cup of coffee and took it to him in his bedroom. “Morning hope I didn’t upset you last night?” se asked her son. “I told you last night you could never do that” Will replied. His mother stood up and walked towards his door. “if you want to discuss the offer more it still stands” she said leaving his room “I will be in my bedroom if you do”.
Will picked up his coffee and followed his mother into her bedroom. She was laid on her bed wearing sexy lingerie smiling up at him. Will closed the door put his coffee down and went over to her bed.
Published by funpics70
3 years ago
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alibodge 6 months ago
jimmcd 7 months ago
to funpics70 : I will look forward to it
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funpics70 Publisher 7 months ago
to jimmcd : will do
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jimmcd 7 months ago
That keeps everyone happy,,,   a win win situation.. I really got hot reading it.. Maybe a follow up???
funpics70 Publisher 9 months ago
to bourneinoz : too kind
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bourneinoz 9 months ago
very erotic
1lvmtrwmn 10 months ago
What a lucky son ... the story made me so very hard
alan_inlondon 11 months ago
mmmmmm  more  please  please
Naughtynev69 11 months ago
More please
maxbet 1 year ago
such a shame and then not finishing it hahahaha
TremendousOunce1 1 year ago
Outstanding, more please
Ukchris56 1 year ago
Dont leave it there
stefan love it
alibodge 1 year ago
ooh that it had been an idea my own situation had used
grantc 2 years ago
omg so hot i was wanking like mad 
funpics70 Publisher 2 years ago
glad to be of service
dazzingtons 2 years ago
fantastic, very erotic
funpics70 Publisher 2 years ago
to nastynick45 : thanks
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nastynick45 2 years ago
great story x
drscooby 2 years ago
Even more fun when she asks you to eat her sweet pussy! Mmmmmmm so nice!
funpics70 Publisher 2 years ago
to drscooby : i know how you feel sadly
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funpics70 Publisher 2 years ago
you were very lucky to have such fond memories
drscooby 2 years ago
Mine 22 years ago, still feel her with me,!
drscooby 2 years ago
Well said! I've been a momma's boy most of my life! 
funpics70 Publisher 2 years ago
merlinhamster 2 years ago
good loving son
thighfan 3 years ago
Great stories...
funpics70 Publisher 3 years ago
how very true
funpics70 Publisher 3 years ago
Thanks for remembering brother.