For Princess, part 3
Okay, first a little explanation:
1) This is part three explaining an evening meet up at a hotel between 3 consenting people: Me, Princess and ToyBoy
2) You need to read the first two parts before this one to get the full understanding.
3) I had written My Version of the end, nearly in its entirety when Princess sent me a suggestion taking the end in a whole different direction. I liked both ways.... but could not blend them. So you get a Boner...I mean Bones.. I mean a Bonus round, with 2 Endings (Happily).
4) If you read the story, leave a comment, even if it is just a thumbs up. Since blog posts on XH no longer give view counts and ratings are all turned off, it really is the only way I know if I am writing this just for me... and Princess..
5) Yes, Toy Boy and Princess are real people. Check out their XH page at realcutehamster.
My Version
The door clicked closed behind us. You walked into the room as Toy Boy excused himself to take leak. I followed you into the room and wondered if it was time to call it a night.
"I have one more game that I would like to play. You know how I love to edge Toy Boy, but I also enjoy being edged. The problem is, most of the time it is an either or arrangement with us, meaning, he has to wait to cum. I think I should get to have both happen tonight at the same time. What do you think?" You had walked up the area between the two beds to the night stand and picked up your lip balm. I watched as you glossed your lips. There was no question as to what my answer would be. I was trying hard to think of how best to make you cum like the fourth of July!!!
"What's in it for me?" I asked with a smug smile.
"You mean that having free reign to use your mouth, fingers and tongue on me in any way you want is not enough?" The single eyebrow rose in a warning . I gulped, hoping I had not over played my hand. "You know, we CAN just forget it and call it a night." You stared at me for a moment more, before turning to the far bed and pulling down the divan and tossing the pillows all onto the head of the other bed. With your back to me, I saw you shiver. "What about, if I decide you have given me a good enough pleasuring, I give you," you turned and stared at me, "the orgasm of your life?!?!"
I stood there silently staring at you. I did not reply, not because I wanted to create a dramatic scene. No, my mind was playing out all of the video clips where you had held TB on the very edge of eternity, touching him only enough to keep the flow of pre-cum spilling out of his slit, yet not enough for him to reach the climax. I had seen him trembling, literally quivering from head to toe in desperate need of a single touch from you.... I could only imagine what you had in mind. The question was not did I want it.... The question was, could I survive it?!?! "I think ... those are terms I can agree to." I finally said, quietly.
Your response was to pull the towel that had been hanging on your shoulders off and hold it out to me. "Then, before we get started, would you mind drying me off the rest of the way?" You dropped your chin and smiled angelically at me and I laughed as I tried not to rush too quickly to take the bait! You turned, facing away from me and literally laughed. "Help me peel myself out of this shirt."
"It will be my pleasure!" It really was plastered to you and came up slower than I would have thought. Your nipples, once free, bounced in the cool air of the room and I watched as the fine hairs on your arms stood up. Mentally, I commiserated with their plight, as my own cock was once again on alert despite the cold.
I tossed the sopping shirt onto the floor over by the closed restroom door as I heard the hair dryer begin to whine in the other room. Without waiting to give you the opportunity to change your mind, I took an end of the towel in each hand and reached around you from behind to cup your breasts gently and pull you back against me. I could feel you tug the strings at your hips free and could imagine the wet bottoms working free before feeling them fall on the tops of my feet. I moved the towel carefully over your torso... sliding one hand up to your throat... the other down to between your legs.
"Are you trying to dry me, or get me wet." You said quietly.
"Maybe a little of both." We both laughed.
You pulled away, taking the towel out of my hands as well as you spun to face me. I tried hard to keep my eyes on your eyes and that smile...but I could not ignore the siren call of your breasts and you wobbled them back and forth at me before saying. "I think I better finish this. Besides, your cold wet swimsuit on my ass is not warming me up or getting me hot."
I felt my face redden as you laughed and I turned and walked over to the chair I had sat in earlier and began to peel off my own wet swim suit.
Watching you there, backlit by the nightstand light, ... it gave you a halo. The outline of your shoulders and arms as they moved over your torso, legs, ass.... I watched, pretending to dry myself with a hand towel that had been beside the sink at the wet bar. You wrapped your hair in the towel and began to wring out the water. Your breasts rose and fell with each movement. Your feet were a little apart and light seemed to almost emanate from you there.
The door opened and you told me to go ahead and finish drying off. You were going to fill TB in on the game. My heart skipped a couple of beats. I had forgotten our "game". I scurried into the bathroom as I heard the two of you talking and laughing quietly.
When I came out a couple of minutes later, the towel was over your shoulders once more as you sat on the edge of the near bed. TB was alternately brushing and then squeezing the excess water out of your hair. It was hard not to notice that he was enjoying it. Or maybe it was the anticipation of what was about to start.
You turned and looked at me and then you were both smiling at me. I thought for a moment that this must be what a turkey feels like, walking into a room the week before Thanksgiving! But I laughed as TB suddenly nearly launched himself up to the pillow nest he had made at the top of the bed, legs spread and a huge grin on his face. You looked back at him and then to me and shook your head. "Boys...." was all you said and we all laughed.
You rolled up the bed and laid next to your husband. I asked if you had any lotion and you nodded to a bottle on the dresser. I smiled, retrieved the bottle as I watched you lean into your husband's lap and take his semi-erect cock into your mouth for a quick, suck and lick!
I watch for a moment. You are not really completely lying on your side. Your bottom knee is slightly bent and your other is pointing toward the ceiling. The delicate thin lips of your sex are on open display... and moist. And I don't think that your nipples are hard simply because of the air conditioning either! As if hearing my thoughts, you cup one of your breasts and roll the nipple between your finger and thumb. I see you glance at me right before you rock your hips up toward me in a lewd, unmistakable invitation. One I do not intend on turning down!
With my hands slick with more than enough oil, I move onto the bed and think, "Let the games begin." I softly blow across your nether regions and you respond with another shudder and flexing of your back to bring me to you. I resist. Remember, this is to be a tease.
You certainly have not forgotten!!! You are running your fingernails over the insides of TB's thighs and across his scrotum. His groans sound hot to even me!
I lean down and starting at your knees I slowly kiss the inside of your thighs... slowly moving higher... flicking my tongue across nerves to make them twitch and dance. My long beard (as I am Gandalf) on your bare skin sends chills up your spine and I see your skin rise in goose bumps!!! I chuckle and then catch a whiff of the scent of your arousal and the primitive desires of a man awaken things deep within me.
I want to move slowly, just as I see you are taking your time with TB, building the tension, making little things into mind blowing events. But it is so difficult, so near your perfect pussy. After what I hope is several minutes but probably is only a couple, my hands have moved to the nexus of your torso and my fingers are so close... my mouth, less than a foot from heaven.
Leaning on my left arm, I slowly press the heal of my right hand over your entire pelvic floor, my fingers just wrapping over your pelvic bone. I know this first touch has to be warm... it has to be firm and it has move only a little in small circles. Most people do not know what I know. Portions of the clitoris extend down the outer portion of the puffy padded pussy region, below a layer of protective skin and fat. When given firm slow stimulation over the whole of the pelvic floor, it is like priming the engine of a jet fighter for a rapid ascent take-off. I slowly make the motion larger, and rocking the pressure from front to back until I feel your hips moving in time with my hand. You are sliding your husband's foreskin back, ever so slowly. You take the flat of your finger and press the first drop of seminal fluid and slowly rubbed it around the emerging head of his cock. Another drop soon formed and you stole it as well.
My fingers slowly turned, and sliding my ring finger and index finger to either side of your slit, I slowly massaged my way up and down the outside of your feathery lotus petals.... tickling the underside, teasing them and coaxing out more and more drops of your own excitement. Your hips moved with my slow, firm thrusts... and when I squeezed my fingers together, pressing your tender lips together between ... there was a distinct growl that was accompanied by the rotating hips.
Adding the middle finger on my next stroke proved to bring about the response I was looking for, as it passed feather light down the center of your slit, the other two fingers continued their own little fertility dance on your exposed flesh. When the fingers reached the top of the cleft, I curled my middle finger, slowly pulling back the fleshy hood at the top, just as I watched you doing to Toy Boy. Carefully, slowly, I moved it a millimeter at a time, up and back, side to side. A single clear thick drop of sweet sex juice appeared and hung for a moment in the fold where your protective flesh joined the lips... and then it spilled over and ran down into the center of your decadent flesh.... The moan that I heard then was my own!
I could see that TB was leaking more quickly now. The thin white cream was running out of his slit like liquid sugar and flowing alternately over your fingers and the underside of his shaft. Your touches, likewise were ranging from feather light, almost non-touching slow strokes to tight squeezes at the base to holding him in check. When you held his shaft tightly at one point and cupped, rubbed and polished his exposed tip with the palm of your other hand, I did not know whether to be envious of the pleasure or afraid of the torment you were giving to him!!!
Sliding up on the bed I softly blew across your now very wet pussy. The scent coming back to me was pure heaven!!! My finger was now slowly circling your clit, being careful to not touch it until I am certain that you are full aroused. Leaning in, I flicker my tongue across the base of your pussy, my nose sliding up taking the place of my fingers, my fingers now slowly opening you slowly... my tongue able to flicker into your as I slowly move higher and higher up.
You and TB both are getting closer. But so am I! I am slowly humping the bed and I can feel the precum making the sheets wet! Your moans and TB's pleas are driving me mad! Everything is so intense! The taste of your thick sweet pussy juice on my lips and tongue is simply intoxicating! I find myself repeatedly shoving my tongue as deep as it can get into your tight recesses and collecting all it can.
I raise myself up, and to finally give your pearly clit what it needs. Sliding my thumbs into your pussy, one up high and the other low, I hear you gasp. I give you a moment to relax and then I close my lips around your clit.
I give your precious Princess button, essentially a blowjob. I stroke the area around it beneath the sheath with my lips as my tongue slowly strokes and teases from every angle. Your hips thrust into my face and your hand is on the back of my head, pushing me into you. I use my left thumb to press down on the floor of your vagina as I rock my thumbs in. My right thumb presses and massages your G-spot, right inside of you and below my chin. My beard is getting soaked by pussy juice. I hope the scent never fades!!!
TB is begging now. He is shaking the whole bed as his body is crying out for release. We all are craving the same. I have rolled more or less onto my back and you are humping my face! Your delicious nectar is filling my nose and mouth and I decide to try and avoid touching your clit... after all, it is supposed to be edging! I love it! You are now humping my face with full abandon! I hear TB cry out and a moment later I feel a deluge flow down across my face as I try my best to miss none of it! Hot sperm suddenly is splattering my torso and I can just see you aiming his cock down toward me, continuing to stroke him even as he thrashes with post-orgasmic hyper sensitivity.
My nuts are tight, I am leaking like a rusty bucket and my nose and face are filled with the decadent overflow of your pussy juice! If only the throbbing of my dick and tight balls were relieved, I might think that I was in heaven!
"Come up here." It isn't a request. I look up and see you pushing TB to the far side of the bed. You want me to slide up between the two of you. So on my side, (because my cock is simply too sensitive) I worm my way up between you. We are... close. And then you start slipping down the bed...
"You have earned this." Taking your beautiful breasts, now covered in TB's Semen, you slide my cock between your breasts and I close my eyes and shudder. I could try to describe the delicious decadence but I could never do it justice. I was gliding nearly without friction between the soft fleshy fullness of your chest pillows. Your nipples were dragging up and down my lower torso.
Then you slide down a couple of more inches and when my cock slid up from your cleavage, it was now just a dip of your head for you to lick my tingling slit or slide your lips over my cock tips.
I was rocketing straight for the finish line when a wet, semi-stiff cock brushed the crease of my ass! I stiffened and looked over my shoulder. TB was looking at my cock sliding up and down his wife's breasts...slipping into her lips.... I have never had any experience with a man in any form and was about to jump out of the bed when you said, "Relax. He is lubing you up for my finger!"
That was all it took! With a roar, I arched into you and for a moment I thought I was going to turn inside out! All of the passion, lust, desire... and cum from the last couple of hours boiled up and jetted out, splashing into your chin and all across your neck and throat. I could hear you laughing urging me on as you grabbed my cock and began jacking it hard.
Something in the back of my mind set off alarms as I realized that I was passing that point where sensation crossed over from incredible orgasmic bliss to mind rending overload! TB slipped his arms through mine, holding them back and a nuclear bomb exploded in my ball sac and sent a mushroom cloud fogging reality in my mind!!! I needed to stop, yet over and over, you pounded your hands up and down my dick, urging me, telling me to keep cumming because it was going to be the last orgasm you would let me have for months!!!
I was thrashing, bucking, and feeling both pleasure and torment on a scale the like I had never had! You kept milking me, long beyond my ability to continue to control myself! Cum was everywhere. It only took the touch of your finger, a fingernail under the glans, running through my slit, sliding up the underside of my pulsating cock to cause me to again tighten every muscle in my body in a vain effort give you more and more of my baby batter.
You looked up at me with a devilish light burning behind your eyes and glee radiating from ear to ear. Then you leaned forward to lick my nipple. I shuddered and started to thank you, when your teeth bit down on my tender flesh and the world went black.
Her Version
The door clicked closed behind us. You walked into the room as I excused myself to answer nature's call.
"I have one more game that I would like to play," You say to both TB and I.
I look at him and he shrugs and holds up his hands in innocence. So we both look at you as "the Princess" paces the floor with a somewhat evil smile at the corners of your lips. Your legs look sexy as hell, still glistening from the hot tub and even with the towel over your shoulders, your wet shirt still offers tantalizing glimpses of your beautiful breasts capped with their sexy nipples.
"First, before I tell you the rules, I thought I would let the two of you dry me off." And with that you dropped your towel to the floor. We both started to dive for the towel and you laughed. "No! There are dry towels in the bathroom." We both stop and look at each other with crazy grins and then race to the bathroom and back, laughing and pushing each other to get to you first.
Our first challenge is to remove your shirt. Pulling the wet, form fitting cloth from your shapely body is a challenge and you warn us a couple of times to take it easy. Of course, our hands slip and "accidentally" grab your breasts, slide over your ass and even stray down to your bikini bottoms....
To be honest, until this moment, TB and I had treated one another with respect, but also a little warily. I had never talked with you about what was and was not allowed or wanted between us as men. In fact, I had never even talked to TB before you entered the hotel room!! It was kind of nice to finally feel comfortable with him in addition to you.
The toweling process was ever more chaotic. Together, we rubbed our hands over your flesh with our towels. Our hands were vying for time between your legs, cupping your ass....rubbing your breasts "dry". You did not seem to mind too much and there was lots of banter about it being easier to dry you between your legs if you did not keep getting wet!! Of course, the fact that you were nice enough to massage and pull on our cocks in our still wet suits and making them stiff yet again did not hurt the joyous atmosphere.
"Okay, enough, enough. Take off your suits and get dry. It's time to start playing my new game!" You walked over to your bags and retrieved a large makeup brush. The two of us guys look from it to one another. I have seen the videos of what the Princess can do with that brush and I feel my cock twitch as I towel off my lower body.
You climb up on the extra bed and motion for TB and I to sit on the side of the other bed facing you as you rise up on your knees and face us. I take the time to memorize your hard nipples and flat stomach, the way your hair frames your face, your naughty smile and dancing eyes. You definitely have my attention!!!
"Okay, I'm going to tell you first what your prize is if you win." Throwing your hands out, you motion to all of your beautiful sexy body. "The one of you that wins, gets to put their cock inside my pussy for 2 minutes. If you last that long, you will get to finish by letting me stoke you until you coat my tits with cum." That definitely got our attention and we looked at one another and back at you. "The loser, for added penalty, will have to lick my chest clean....while I ream their ass with my brush."
"So what is the game?" TB asked. To be honest, I was suddenly not nearly as anxious to find out. This was going to be some sort of challenging game for us to have those kinds of prizes waiting for us.
"I'm glad you asked. I am going to lay back on this bed and masturbate while the two of you sit over there and masturbate. First one to cum, loses." TB and I looked at her skeptically and then at one another. "Oh, Gandalf will be stroking your cock, TB and TB, you will be stroking Gandalf's cock. Winner gets me. Questions?" You looked from one to the other of us with a look as if that was just basic.
"Umm, you're joking, right?" TB said quietly.
"You can rest assured, I am not. Furthermore, if you don't want to play, Gandalf wins and we will have some fun while you go to the bathroom and wait. But when he leaves it won't be the end of YOUR waiting. I will have to think about how long you will have to wait for your next orgasm."
I wanted to also say that I was not certain I was onboard with this either, but TB only waited a beat, before reaching for the lotion bottle and squirting it into his hand. I looked from you to him and back. Then I felt his hand on my cock! When I looked back at him, he was offering me the tube of lube. "Good luck," was all he said as I mechanically took the bottle and lubed up my hand and took his cock in my hand.
For a moment I thought this was going to be easy for me to win, because instead of my cock getting hard, it had softened significantly in the last 30 seconds. But I was surprised at how nice TB's strokes felt. His thumb rubbed the bottom side of my cock head. I suddenly realized that it really didn't matter whether it was a female hand or a man's, masturbation felt... GOOD!
Being circumcised, I have never touched a foreskin. TB's slid and moved beneath my fingers and hand. He had not seemingly softened one bit. My strokes were slow, with a little twist. They seemed to appeal to him!
I looked up and you were leaning back on your elbows, knees splayed out to the side and even in the dim light it was obvious that your pussy lips were wet and hungry. You locked your eyes on me and took your brush and began to stroke your left nipple. I was amazed to see your nipple thicken and lengthen! I could almost feel how the nipple would change under my lips!!!
You then started stroking below your breast and to my amazement I watched as your breasts literally rose and the areola puckered out! Your other hand went over your thigh, fingers moving to either side of your pussy, and you open yourself up. The cool pink flesh inside gleams with your honey and I find myself licking my lips!!
TB and I are both stroking each other with definite purpose. I remember seeing you bring TB to the ruinous brink on many videos by palming his glans. I am rapidly heading toward a climax. I can tell his breathing is becoming more ragged just like mine. I go for it and cup the palm of my hand over the head of his cock and begin rapidly rocking it back and forth.
You are truly masturbating now. The brush has fallen onto the bed next to you and you are pinching the nipple on one breast as you cradle the other in your elbow. Your ring and middle fingers are alternating between sliding in and out of your wet pussy and rubbing vigorously across your clit. We all are moaning and the race is truly on.
TB suddenly squeezed the shaft of my cock hard and I could feel him stiffening. I moved my hand to his shaft and gave him several easy, loose strokes followed by a couple of hard strokes. That was it. His cum shot out and I continued to stroke him. His loss was bad enough, I owed him at least not to let it end with a ruined orgasm. Besides, there was something incredibly erotic about feeling the pulse of his jizz rocketing through the veins within my hand!!!
You look up at me and say, "If you are finished with him, I'm going to start your 2 minutes right about... now."
I scrambled up off of the bed and between your legs. Your hands grab my throbbing cock and guide it into you. We are both already so wet that you yield easily. I suck my breath in as do you as the electric connection of a man sliding into a woman consumes us. You are so much tighter than I imagined... or I am that much larger.... I wish I could say there was wonderful technique and precision to our fucking, but instead it was more the definition of frenetic, wham, bam, thank you ma'am! The touch and sensation is simply different enough from what TB was doing to me that I was able to just stop from blowing my seed deep inside of you. Still, our bodies writhe and fuck in a primitive a****listic fashion, with your nails digging into my shoulders and arms and my hands pawing aggressively at your breasts, turning your nipples between my fingers and thumbs.
"That's two minutes and then some." TB says quietly. At the same moment, the walls of your pussy clamp down by hidden muscles like a vice on my shaft. Your orgasm forces your fluids to spray out over my balls and thighs, my cock screams for release, and so I give in to it.
You are rubbing your clit hard and fast as I rock back. Your breath catches and you stare at me as if to scream, NO!!! But then I erupt. I cannot stop as wet thick frothy stream after stream shoots out of my tip and onto your tits, belly and, yes... your hand as your fingers keep you riding the ecstatic waves of pleasure washing over you. I am bucking my hips into the air above yours and I am fighting for consciousness....
TB moves to the bed and is looking over your body, glazed in my cum sugar.... He slowly runs his fingers over your heaving chest as you finally begin to relax. The smile of satisfaction up at me causes me to push out yet one last dribble of cum out. You reach out and collect my cum and bring it to your mouth..... My eyes glaze over.
"Okay, babe clean me up." you languidly say. From someplace that seems so far away I think I watch TB lean over you and start licking my sperm from your tits. "And Gandalf, clean my cunt. I think you may have got some of your juice deep inside of me... Don't, touch my clit!"
I start to sink to the floor. "No. I want you both up here on the bed with me... and put your cocks where I can grab them." I watch TB get up on all fours, so I go to the other side of you and lean forward to lick your incredible pussy dew out. Your hands are full of two cocks. Both drained, sensitive and content.
After a couple of minutes you push us back. "Thank you Gandalf. I hope that the next time we come to Ohio we might be able to do this again. I hope you understand, but, I want TB to finish his job of cleaning me in the shower. Can you let yourself out?"
I smile down at you, both drained and surprised. You smile at me and lean up as you pull my hair down to you. We kiss and it is...mmmm wonderful.
I watch as TB leads you to the bathroom and close the door a minute later before gathering my clothes and letting myself out the door.
Okay, first a little explanation:
1) This is part three explaining an evening meet up at a hotel between 3 consenting people: Me, Princess and ToyBoy
2) You need to read the first two parts before this one to get the full understanding.
3) I had written My Version of the end, nearly in its entirety when Princess sent me a suggestion taking the end in a whole different direction. I liked both ways.... but could not blend them. So you get a Boner...I mean Bones.. I mean a Bonus round, with 2 Endings (Happily).
4) If you read the story, leave a comment, even if it is just a thumbs up. Since blog posts on XH no longer give view counts and ratings are all turned off, it really is the only way I know if I am writing this just for me... and Princess..
5) Yes, Toy Boy and Princess are real people. Check out their XH page at realcutehamster.
My Version
The door clicked closed behind us. You walked into the room as Toy Boy excused himself to take leak. I followed you into the room and wondered if it was time to call it a night.
"I have one more game that I would like to play. You know how I love to edge Toy Boy, but I also enjoy being edged. The problem is, most of the time it is an either or arrangement with us, meaning, he has to wait to cum. I think I should get to have both happen tonight at the same time. What do you think?" You had walked up the area between the two beds to the night stand and picked up your lip balm. I watched as you glossed your lips. There was no question as to what my answer would be. I was trying hard to think of how best to make you cum like the fourth of July!!!
"What's in it for me?" I asked with a smug smile.
"You mean that having free reign to use your mouth, fingers and tongue on me in any way you want is not enough?" The single eyebrow rose in a warning . I gulped, hoping I had not over played my hand. "You know, we CAN just forget it and call it a night." You stared at me for a moment more, before turning to the far bed and pulling down the divan and tossing the pillows all onto the head of the other bed. With your back to me, I saw you shiver. "What about, if I decide you have given me a good enough pleasuring, I give you," you turned and stared at me, "the orgasm of your life?!?!"
I stood there silently staring at you. I did not reply, not because I wanted to create a dramatic scene. No, my mind was playing out all of the video clips where you had held TB on the very edge of eternity, touching him only enough to keep the flow of pre-cum spilling out of his slit, yet not enough for him to reach the climax. I had seen him trembling, literally quivering from head to toe in desperate need of a single touch from you.... I could only imagine what you had in mind. The question was not did I want it.... The question was, could I survive it?!?! "I think ... those are terms I can agree to." I finally said, quietly.
Your response was to pull the towel that had been hanging on your shoulders off and hold it out to me. "Then, before we get started, would you mind drying me off the rest of the way?" You dropped your chin and smiled angelically at me and I laughed as I tried not to rush too quickly to take the bait! You turned, facing away from me and literally laughed. "Help me peel myself out of this shirt."
"It will be my pleasure!" It really was plastered to you and came up slower than I would have thought. Your nipples, once free, bounced in the cool air of the room and I watched as the fine hairs on your arms stood up. Mentally, I commiserated with their plight, as my own cock was once again on alert despite the cold.
I tossed the sopping shirt onto the floor over by the closed restroom door as I heard the hair dryer begin to whine in the other room. Without waiting to give you the opportunity to change your mind, I took an end of the towel in each hand and reached around you from behind to cup your breasts gently and pull you back against me. I could feel you tug the strings at your hips free and could imagine the wet bottoms working free before feeling them fall on the tops of my feet. I moved the towel carefully over your torso... sliding one hand up to your throat... the other down to between your legs.
"Are you trying to dry me, or get me wet." You said quietly.
"Maybe a little of both." We both laughed.
You pulled away, taking the towel out of my hands as well as you spun to face me. I tried hard to keep my eyes on your eyes and that smile...but I could not ignore the siren call of your breasts and you wobbled them back and forth at me before saying. "I think I better finish this. Besides, your cold wet swimsuit on my ass is not warming me up or getting me hot."
I felt my face redden as you laughed and I turned and walked over to the chair I had sat in earlier and began to peel off my own wet swim suit.
Watching you there, backlit by the nightstand light, ... it gave you a halo. The outline of your shoulders and arms as they moved over your torso, legs, ass.... I watched, pretending to dry myself with a hand towel that had been beside the sink at the wet bar. You wrapped your hair in the towel and began to wring out the water. Your breasts rose and fell with each movement. Your feet were a little apart and light seemed to almost emanate from you there.
The door opened and you told me to go ahead and finish drying off. You were going to fill TB in on the game. My heart skipped a couple of beats. I had forgotten our "game". I scurried into the bathroom as I heard the two of you talking and laughing quietly.
When I came out a couple of minutes later, the towel was over your shoulders once more as you sat on the edge of the near bed. TB was alternately brushing and then squeezing the excess water out of your hair. It was hard not to notice that he was enjoying it. Or maybe it was the anticipation of what was about to start.
You turned and looked at me and then you were both smiling at me. I thought for a moment that this must be what a turkey feels like, walking into a room the week before Thanksgiving! But I laughed as TB suddenly nearly launched himself up to the pillow nest he had made at the top of the bed, legs spread and a huge grin on his face. You looked back at him and then to me and shook your head. "Boys...." was all you said and we all laughed.
You rolled up the bed and laid next to your husband. I asked if you had any lotion and you nodded to a bottle on the dresser. I smiled, retrieved the bottle as I watched you lean into your husband's lap and take his semi-erect cock into your mouth for a quick, suck and lick!
I watch for a moment. You are not really completely lying on your side. Your bottom knee is slightly bent and your other is pointing toward the ceiling. The delicate thin lips of your sex are on open display... and moist. And I don't think that your nipples are hard simply because of the air conditioning either! As if hearing my thoughts, you cup one of your breasts and roll the nipple between your finger and thumb. I see you glance at me right before you rock your hips up toward me in a lewd, unmistakable invitation. One I do not intend on turning down!
With my hands slick with more than enough oil, I move onto the bed and think, "Let the games begin." I softly blow across your nether regions and you respond with another shudder and flexing of your back to bring me to you. I resist. Remember, this is to be a tease.
You certainly have not forgotten!!! You are running your fingernails over the insides of TB's thighs and across his scrotum. His groans sound hot to even me!
I lean down and starting at your knees I slowly kiss the inside of your thighs... slowly moving higher... flicking my tongue across nerves to make them twitch and dance. My long beard (as I am Gandalf) on your bare skin sends chills up your spine and I see your skin rise in goose bumps!!! I chuckle and then catch a whiff of the scent of your arousal and the primitive desires of a man awaken things deep within me.
I want to move slowly, just as I see you are taking your time with TB, building the tension, making little things into mind blowing events. But it is so difficult, so near your perfect pussy. After what I hope is several minutes but probably is only a couple, my hands have moved to the nexus of your torso and my fingers are so close... my mouth, less than a foot from heaven.
Leaning on my left arm, I slowly press the heal of my right hand over your entire pelvic floor, my fingers just wrapping over your pelvic bone. I know this first touch has to be warm... it has to be firm and it has move only a little in small circles. Most people do not know what I know. Portions of the clitoris extend down the outer portion of the puffy padded pussy region, below a layer of protective skin and fat. When given firm slow stimulation over the whole of the pelvic floor, it is like priming the engine of a jet fighter for a rapid ascent take-off. I slowly make the motion larger, and rocking the pressure from front to back until I feel your hips moving in time with my hand. You are sliding your husband's foreskin back, ever so slowly. You take the flat of your finger and press the first drop of seminal fluid and slowly rubbed it around the emerging head of his cock. Another drop soon formed and you stole it as well.
My fingers slowly turned, and sliding my ring finger and index finger to either side of your slit, I slowly massaged my way up and down the outside of your feathery lotus petals.... tickling the underside, teasing them and coaxing out more and more drops of your own excitement. Your hips moved with my slow, firm thrusts... and when I squeezed my fingers together, pressing your tender lips together between ... there was a distinct growl that was accompanied by the rotating hips.
Adding the middle finger on my next stroke proved to bring about the response I was looking for, as it passed feather light down the center of your slit, the other two fingers continued their own little fertility dance on your exposed flesh. When the fingers reached the top of the cleft, I curled my middle finger, slowly pulling back the fleshy hood at the top, just as I watched you doing to Toy Boy. Carefully, slowly, I moved it a millimeter at a time, up and back, side to side. A single clear thick drop of sweet sex juice appeared and hung for a moment in the fold where your protective flesh joined the lips... and then it spilled over and ran down into the center of your decadent flesh.... The moan that I heard then was my own!
I could see that TB was leaking more quickly now. The thin white cream was running out of his slit like liquid sugar and flowing alternately over your fingers and the underside of his shaft. Your touches, likewise were ranging from feather light, almost non-touching slow strokes to tight squeezes at the base to holding him in check. When you held his shaft tightly at one point and cupped, rubbed and polished his exposed tip with the palm of your other hand, I did not know whether to be envious of the pleasure or afraid of the torment you were giving to him!!!
Sliding up on the bed I softly blew across your now very wet pussy. The scent coming back to me was pure heaven!!! My finger was now slowly circling your clit, being careful to not touch it until I am certain that you are full aroused. Leaning in, I flicker my tongue across the base of your pussy, my nose sliding up taking the place of my fingers, my fingers now slowly opening you slowly... my tongue able to flicker into your as I slowly move higher and higher up.
You and TB both are getting closer. But so am I! I am slowly humping the bed and I can feel the precum making the sheets wet! Your moans and TB's pleas are driving me mad! Everything is so intense! The taste of your thick sweet pussy juice on my lips and tongue is simply intoxicating! I find myself repeatedly shoving my tongue as deep as it can get into your tight recesses and collecting all it can.
I raise myself up, and to finally give your pearly clit what it needs. Sliding my thumbs into your pussy, one up high and the other low, I hear you gasp. I give you a moment to relax and then I close my lips around your clit.
I give your precious Princess button, essentially a blowjob. I stroke the area around it beneath the sheath with my lips as my tongue slowly strokes and teases from every angle. Your hips thrust into my face and your hand is on the back of my head, pushing me into you. I use my left thumb to press down on the floor of your vagina as I rock my thumbs in. My right thumb presses and massages your G-spot, right inside of you and below my chin. My beard is getting soaked by pussy juice. I hope the scent never fades!!!
TB is begging now. He is shaking the whole bed as his body is crying out for release. We all are craving the same. I have rolled more or less onto my back and you are humping my face! Your delicious nectar is filling my nose and mouth and I decide to try and avoid touching your clit... after all, it is supposed to be edging! I love it! You are now humping my face with full abandon! I hear TB cry out and a moment later I feel a deluge flow down across my face as I try my best to miss none of it! Hot sperm suddenly is splattering my torso and I can just see you aiming his cock down toward me, continuing to stroke him even as he thrashes with post-orgasmic hyper sensitivity.
My nuts are tight, I am leaking like a rusty bucket and my nose and face are filled with the decadent overflow of your pussy juice! If only the throbbing of my dick and tight balls were relieved, I might think that I was in heaven!
"Come up here." It isn't a request. I look up and see you pushing TB to the far side of the bed. You want me to slide up between the two of you. So on my side, (because my cock is simply too sensitive) I worm my way up between you. We are... close. And then you start slipping down the bed...
"You have earned this." Taking your beautiful breasts, now covered in TB's Semen, you slide my cock between your breasts and I close my eyes and shudder. I could try to describe the delicious decadence but I could never do it justice. I was gliding nearly without friction between the soft fleshy fullness of your chest pillows. Your nipples were dragging up and down my lower torso.
Then you slide down a couple of more inches and when my cock slid up from your cleavage, it was now just a dip of your head for you to lick my tingling slit or slide your lips over my cock tips.
I was rocketing straight for the finish line when a wet, semi-stiff cock brushed the crease of my ass! I stiffened and looked over my shoulder. TB was looking at my cock sliding up and down his wife's breasts...slipping into her lips.... I have never had any experience with a man in any form and was about to jump out of the bed when you said, "Relax. He is lubing you up for my finger!"
That was all it took! With a roar, I arched into you and for a moment I thought I was going to turn inside out! All of the passion, lust, desire... and cum from the last couple of hours boiled up and jetted out, splashing into your chin and all across your neck and throat. I could hear you laughing urging me on as you grabbed my cock and began jacking it hard.
Something in the back of my mind set off alarms as I realized that I was passing that point where sensation crossed over from incredible orgasmic bliss to mind rending overload! TB slipped his arms through mine, holding them back and a nuclear bomb exploded in my ball sac and sent a mushroom cloud fogging reality in my mind!!! I needed to stop, yet over and over, you pounded your hands up and down my dick, urging me, telling me to keep cumming because it was going to be the last orgasm you would let me have for months!!!
I was thrashing, bucking, and feeling both pleasure and torment on a scale the like I had never had! You kept milking me, long beyond my ability to continue to control myself! Cum was everywhere. It only took the touch of your finger, a fingernail under the glans, running through my slit, sliding up the underside of my pulsating cock to cause me to again tighten every muscle in my body in a vain effort give you more and more of my baby batter.
You looked up at me with a devilish light burning behind your eyes and glee radiating from ear to ear. Then you leaned forward to lick my nipple. I shuddered and started to thank you, when your teeth bit down on my tender flesh and the world went black.
Her Version
The door clicked closed behind us. You walked into the room as I excused myself to answer nature's call.
"I have one more game that I would like to play," You say to both TB and I.
I look at him and he shrugs and holds up his hands in innocence. So we both look at you as "the Princess" paces the floor with a somewhat evil smile at the corners of your lips. Your legs look sexy as hell, still glistening from the hot tub and even with the towel over your shoulders, your wet shirt still offers tantalizing glimpses of your beautiful breasts capped with their sexy nipples.
"First, before I tell you the rules, I thought I would let the two of you dry me off." And with that you dropped your towel to the floor. We both started to dive for the towel and you laughed. "No! There are dry towels in the bathroom." We both stop and look at each other with crazy grins and then race to the bathroom and back, laughing and pushing each other to get to you first.
Our first challenge is to remove your shirt. Pulling the wet, form fitting cloth from your shapely body is a challenge and you warn us a couple of times to take it easy. Of course, our hands slip and "accidentally" grab your breasts, slide over your ass and even stray down to your bikini bottoms....
To be honest, until this moment, TB and I had treated one another with respect, but also a little warily. I had never talked with you about what was and was not allowed or wanted between us as men. In fact, I had never even talked to TB before you entered the hotel room!! It was kind of nice to finally feel comfortable with him in addition to you.
The toweling process was ever more chaotic. Together, we rubbed our hands over your flesh with our towels. Our hands were vying for time between your legs, cupping your ass....rubbing your breasts "dry". You did not seem to mind too much and there was lots of banter about it being easier to dry you between your legs if you did not keep getting wet!! Of course, the fact that you were nice enough to massage and pull on our cocks in our still wet suits and making them stiff yet again did not hurt the joyous atmosphere.
"Okay, enough, enough. Take off your suits and get dry. It's time to start playing my new game!" You walked over to your bags and retrieved a large makeup brush. The two of us guys look from it to one another. I have seen the videos of what the Princess can do with that brush and I feel my cock twitch as I towel off my lower body.
You climb up on the extra bed and motion for TB and I to sit on the side of the other bed facing you as you rise up on your knees and face us. I take the time to memorize your hard nipples and flat stomach, the way your hair frames your face, your naughty smile and dancing eyes. You definitely have my attention!!!
"Okay, I'm going to tell you first what your prize is if you win." Throwing your hands out, you motion to all of your beautiful sexy body. "The one of you that wins, gets to put their cock inside my pussy for 2 minutes. If you last that long, you will get to finish by letting me stoke you until you coat my tits with cum." That definitely got our attention and we looked at one another and back at you. "The loser, for added penalty, will have to lick my chest clean....while I ream their ass with my brush."
"So what is the game?" TB asked. To be honest, I was suddenly not nearly as anxious to find out. This was going to be some sort of challenging game for us to have those kinds of prizes waiting for us.
"I'm glad you asked. I am going to lay back on this bed and masturbate while the two of you sit over there and masturbate. First one to cum, loses." TB and I looked at her skeptically and then at one another. "Oh, Gandalf will be stroking your cock, TB and TB, you will be stroking Gandalf's cock. Winner gets me. Questions?" You looked from one to the other of us with a look as if that was just basic.
"Umm, you're joking, right?" TB said quietly.
"You can rest assured, I am not. Furthermore, if you don't want to play, Gandalf wins and we will have some fun while you go to the bathroom and wait. But when he leaves it won't be the end of YOUR waiting. I will have to think about how long you will have to wait for your next orgasm."
I wanted to also say that I was not certain I was onboard with this either, but TB only waited a beat, before reaching for the lotion bottle and squirting it into his hand. I looked from you to him and back. Then I felt his hand on my cock! When I looked back at him, he was offering me the tube of lube. "Good luck," was all he said as I mechanically took the bottle and lubed up my hand and took his cock in my hand.
For a moment I thought this was going to be easy for me to win, because instead of my cock getting hard, it had softened significantly in the last 30 seconds. But I was surprised at how nice TB's strokes felt. His thumb rubbed the bottom side of my cock head. I suddenly realized that it really didn't matter whether it was a female hand or a man's, masturbation felt... GOOD!
Being circumcised, I have never touched a foreskin. TB's slid and moved beneath my fingers and hand. He had not seemingly softened one bit. My strokes were slow, with a little twist. They seemed to appeal to him!
I looked up and you were leaning back on your elbows, knees splayed out to the side and even in the dim light it was obvious that your pussy lips were wet and hungry. You locked your eyes on me and took your brush and began to stroke your left nipple. I was amazed to see your nipple thicken and lengthen! I could almost feel how the nipple would change under my lips!!!
You then started stroking below your breast and to my amazement I watched as your breasts literally rose and the areola puckered out! Your other hand went over your thigh, fingers moving to either side of your pussy, and you open yourself up. The cool pink flesh inside gleams with your honey and I find myself licking my lips!!
TB and I are both stroking each other with definite purpose. I remember seeing you bring TB to the ruinous brink on many videos by palming his glans. I am rapidly heading toward a climax. I can tell his breathing is becoming more ragged just like mine. I go for it and cup the palm of my hand over the head of his cock and begin rapidly rocking it back and forth.
You are truly masturbating now. The brush has fallen onto the bed next to you and you are pinching the nipple on one breast as you cradle the other in your elbow. Your ring and middle fingers are alternating between sliding in and out of your wet pussy and rubbing vigorously across your clit. We all are moaning and the race is truly on.
TB suddenly squeezed the shaft of my cock hard and I could feel him stiffening. I moved my hand to his shaft and gave him several easy, loose strokes followed by a couple of hard strokes. That was it. His cum shot out and I continued to stroke him. His loss was bad enough, I owed him at least not to let it end with a ruined orgasm. Besides, there was something incredibly erotic about feeling the pulse of his jizz rocketing through the veins within my hand!!!
You look up at me and say, "If you are finished with him, I'm going to start your 2 minutes right about... now."
I scrambled up off of the bed and between your legs. Your hands grab my throbbing cock and guide it into you. We are both already so wet that you yield easily. I suck my breath in as do you as the electric connection of a man sliding into a woman consumes us. You are so much tighter than I imagined... or I am that much larger.... I wish I could say there was wonderful technique and precision to our fucking, but instead it was more the definition of frenetic, wham, bam, thank you ma'am! The touch and sensation is simply different enough from what TB was doing to me that I was able to just stop from blowing my seed deep inside of you. Still, our bodies writhe and fuck in a primitive a****listic fashion, with your nails digging into my shoulders and arms and my hands pawing aggressively at your breasts, turning your nipples between my fingers and thumbs.
"That's two minutes and then some." TB says quietly. At the same moment, the walls of your pussy clamp down by hidden muscles like a vice on my shaft. Your orgasm forces your fluids to spray out over my balls and thighs, my cock screams for release, and so I give in to it.
You are rubbing your clit hard and fast as I rock back. Your breath catches and you stare at me as if to scream, NO!!! But then I erupt. I cannot stop as wet thick frothy stream after stream shoots out of my tip and onto your tits, belly and, yes... your hand as your fingers keep you riding the ecstatic waves of pleasure washing over you. I am bucking my hips into the air above yours and I am fighting for consciousness....
TB moves to the bed and is looking over your body, glazed in my cum sugar.... He slowly runs his fingers over your heaving chest as you finally begin to relax. The smile of satisfaction up at me causes me to push out yet one last dribble of cum out. You reach out and collect my cum and bring it to your mouth..... My eyes glaze over.
"Okay, babe clean me up." you languidly say. From someplace that seems so far away I think I watch TB lean over you and start licking my sperm from your tits. "And Gandalf, clean my cunt. I think you may have got some of your juice deep inside of me... Don't, touch my clit!"
I start to sink to the floor. "No. I want you both up here on the bed with me... and put your cocks where I can grab them." I watch TB get up on all fours, so I go to the other side of you and lean forward to lick your incredible pussy dew out. Your hands are full of two cocks. Both drained, sensitive and content.
After a couple of minutes you push us back. "Thank you Gandalf. I hope that the next time we come to Ohio we might be able to do this again. I hope you understand, but, I want TB to finish his job of cleaning me in the shower. Can you let yourself out?"
I smile down at you, both drained and surprised. You smile at me and lean up as you pull my hair down to you. We kiss and it is...mmmm wonderful.
I watch as TB leads you to the bathroom and close the door a minute later before gathering my clothes and letting myself out the door.
3 years ago
Either ending works for me, but overall......(drum roll please.....) - the winner is.....YOURS
Quite like the idea of a tit wank to bring you off, but then again TB stoking your cock and making you cum has a certain quality to it. Thanks for writing a great tale