Being Horny is NOT an Achievement.
When someone you've never (or barely) spoken to before asks how you're doing - on any type of site - saying "I'm horny" like it's some amazing accomplishment makes you sound like an idiot. Especially when you're on a site like this one.
This is a friggin' porn site; why the fuck are you still horny? Take care of it!
I mean, what do you think is going to happen? That I am going to be sooooooo stunned at the miracle of you being hard, it's going to make me all horny and want to appease your horniness?
Again, you're on a friggin' porn site. Take care of it.
You announcing that you're horny on any site - but especially this one - is like a toddler at a beach proudly showing off their handful of sand. Wooooooooooooowwww... that's SO impressive. *eye roll*
My point? Knock it off. I'm not impressed, and your "achievement" is not impressive.
And no, that's not a hint to see your ugly-ass dick (they're all ugly; you're no different).
This is a friggin' porn site; why the fuck are you still horny? Take care of it!
I mean, what do you think is going to happen? That I am going to be sooooooo stunned at the miracle of you being hard, it's going to make me all horny and want to appease your horniness?
Again, you're on a friggin' porn site. Take care of it.
You announcing that you're horny on any site - but especially this one - is like a toddler at a beach proudly showing off their handful of sand. Wooooooooooooowwww... that's SO impressive. *eye roll*
My point? Knock it off. I'm not impressed, and your "achievement" is not impressive.
And no, that's not a hint to see your ugly-ass dick (they're all ugly; you're no different).
3 years ago
Hai davvero bisogno di cercare cosa significa la parola "opinione".
Già che ci sei, cerca anche "bloccato". Non ho bisogno di qualcuno che disprezzi la mia opinione, e lo faccia in italiano quando parla bene l'inglese.
Vai a svegliarti altrove. Grazie.
Inoltre non stavo analizzando nulla, contrariamente a quanto credi. Stavo esprimendo un'OPINIONE (a partire da ora, siamo ancora autorizzati ad averli).
Ed è davvero noioso sentire l'exuse "È un sito porno" per azioni maleducate e odiose.
Non mi interessano le dipendenze delle persone, o se si eccitano mentre mi parlano; l'unica cosa che mi interessa è come interagiscono con me.
Dirmi che il tuo arrapato è immaturo, stupido e maleducato. Questa è la mia opinione, e non cambia.
I like rambling in written form. I used to enjoy it on youtube, but with all the BS and restrictions, it's easier to write it here. LOL
I lay bets about how many people I'm going to block each day; there's also side-bets about which newbie will tick me off the fastest.
how are you doing?
I'm good, you?
The next sentence shouldn't be "I'm horny". Do they want a standing ovation or what?