To be or not to be that is the question.
Imagine living a straight life. You have no interests in gay sex whatsoever then comes along the internet which later leads to easy access to pornography. You then find yourself looking more and more at gay porn and confusingly you become so turned on that you cant bare it any longer. You go to a gay sauna because you’re curiosity is killing you but you do nothing when you get there but you cant believe how excited you felt when you took off all your clothes and watched the gay porn playing back on the monitor in the cinema it is just like the first time you was with a girl so you go again because you regret nothing happened the first round. This happened to me and I finally built up the courage to perform fellatio on a guy not to completion but all the same I sucked cock and I liked it (see video). Question: I cant ever imagine myself wanting to fuck a guy it’s just not for me but the urge to be fucked is killing me. Imagining his cock pushing hard against the soft tissue of your anus and you feel it going inside you inch by inch untill its whole length is inside and you feel the warm liquid filling your anal canal. Are you more likely to be 100 percent gay if you are the guy wanting to be fucked rather than the guy wanting to do the fucking. I so wanna be fucked bareback the urge is killing me. The urge is as strong as wanting a guy to cum in my mouth which I havent experienced yet. A 3some would be awesome…
3 years ago
I'm not in the slightest bit interested in being fucked (I've tried it many times, it's just not for me). Fucking other guys isn't always at the top of my list of things to do with other men either.
Basically, anal sex isn't the be-all-and-end-all for me (and many others), despite many people automatically assuming that if you're a Gay man, you automatically have to engage anal sex.
I have a few friends who generally speaking, identify as being heterosexual yet they enjoy being fucked (either with a strap-on or in an MMF threesome, should the chance arise).
They enjoy anal penetration but don't enjoy sucking cock or being sucked by other guys and definitely don't enjoy kissing.
Despite having the occasional play-around with another man in a threesome, they don't consider themselves to be bisexual or even bi-curious. They have zero emotional or physical attraction to the other guy, they just like being fucked.
I wouldn't worry about labelling yourself or trying to fit into any particular pigeonhole just because you enjoy certain types of sexual activities. Just enjoy what you do and try to ensure that you both have a damn good time in the process.