Greg was devastated at age twelve when he and his Dad Dean came home early from a fishing trip to find his Mother having sex with a sports hero that lived down the street. Dean Miller grabbed Greg's hand turned around and walked out the door never to returned.
Greg was the youngest of three c***dren with an older brother Dennis and sister Jane. Greg's Dad was a media mogul owning a newspaper, radio and television station. Dean never remarried but dedicated his life to raising and educating his c***dren and growing his business. Dennis and Jane majored in communications and after graduation Dennis took over the newspaper and Jane the radio station, Dean retained control of the TV Station.
Greg excelled at computer programming and after graduation was recruited by an international microchip manufacturer. After working a year the CEO of the company came to personally recognize him and his work, describing it as ground breaking and genius.
Dennis and Jane were both married, and at every family gathering they would encourage Greg to find a girl and settle down. He would tell them he was always on the lookout he just needed to find a woman he could trust, and no wonder after seeing his Mother cheat on his Dad. Greg was a handsome in shape and fit man of 23 and had no problem attracting women.
Dennis's wife Barb and Jane were always conspiring to "fix Greg up” with a nice girl. Then one day the husbands were out playing golf Barb and Jane were going out for lunch and to do some adult shopping, Barb had her cousin Linda there to watch the k**s. When Jane saw her she looked at Barb and whispered who is the little hottie, Barb said she was her cousin Linda. Jane asked why haven't we hooked her up with Greg. Barb said she had a boyfriend till a week ago when she caught him cheating.
Jane being a woman of action pulled out her cell and called Greg, when he answered Jane said little brother I need your help Barb and I are supposed to go to lunch and shopping but our baby sitter got sick, if we don't get out and away for a few hours you might be short a nephew or so. Greg laughed and said I'll be there in ten minutes. Barb says to Linda we are going now oh by the way Jane's little brother Greg might stop by to play with the boys.
As they walked out the door Greg was walking up, Barb said the k**s are all inside, Oh and my cousin Linda stopped by. As Greg walked inside his two nephews came running yelling Uncle Greg, Uncle Greg and wrapped their arms around his legs. Linda was holding little Tina who had just shown her she could take the top off her tippy cup in so doing dumped the whole cup of cold water down her white t-shirt (of course she did not wear a bra that day).
Greg said hi I'm Greg you must be Linda nice to see you I mean meet you. Linda says it normally takes three dates to see these, here hold Tina while I go change, Oh and careful she knows how to take the top off her tippy cup. Greg says I see and might I say their, I mean your beautiful. She goes to in and changes her top, walked back in the living room, wrapped her arms around his neck and laid a kiss on him that would melt steel. She broke their kiss and asks do you have girl friend, Greg says I do now and kissed her back.
A few hours later when Jane and Barb came home little Tommy went running up to Barb saying mommy, mommy Uncle Greg and Linda are in love. She says what's going on, Greg and Linda are standing there his arm around her shoulder and hers around his waist. Greg says what can I say she is beautiful and we both hate cheaters. Linda says damn he's a hunk, and by the way I had to borrow this top it's real tight. Barb says I guess so I don't have the boobs you do. Linda says Tina knows how to take the top off her tippy cup. Greg says thanks to the little darling that's how I got to see her boobs kinda. Jane says kinda, Linda says wet t-shirt.
Greg says we have to run we want to hit the jewelry stores before they close. Jane says what, Linda says he's going to put a ring on it, and tomorrow I'll call you and let you know how compatible we are.
Ten years later they are married with two c***dren of their own Sammy four and Darla six. They are both still in shape, Linda still turned heads when she walked in a room, and their love grew stronger every day.
It had been a long cold winter with more than normal amount of snow. Valentines Day they were supposed to have special date night, dinner, dancing and a suite at the Maddison Hotel. It snowed two feet that day and everything shut down for a week. Two weeks later Linda came home and said Dee from work and three other couples had reserved a table at the Madison, for dinner and dancing, I told her to count us in and made our room reservation. oh and lunch we went shopping and I bought a new dress and lingerie for when we retire to our room. Greg grinned from ear to ear and asked why she didn't get new lingerie for dinner and dancing, she said got a pair of nylons, but she couldn't wear a bra or panties with the dress. Greg asked to see the dress, Linda said not until that night.
Leep day February 29th Friday the girls all had taken the afternoon off and spent it at the spa in the Maddison, hair, manicures, pedicures, waxing including bikini, and makeup. The guys were to get dressed at home and meet the girls at the bar at seven.
Greg knew the other four couples, but they were Linda’s friends, the women all worked together at a PR firm. The girls were hot like a twelve on a ten scale except Linda who was a twenty. As the girls dressed in their rooms they left one at a time to meet their husbands downstairs. Dee had just stepped out of the elevator when she heard her name called out, she turned and saw Ray Levy the starting linebacker for the local NFL Baltimore Black Birds. Dee walked over to see him, she had worked with him on a PR Campaign for the team. He said damn don't you look hot, Dee said why thank you, I'm here with a group of friends for dinner, dancing and fun. They were standing off to the side of the lobby, when the elevator opened and Linda walked out, Ray's mouth fell open and he said I have to have her. Dee looked and says that’s Linda she is with our group.
Ray said you have to help me get her. Dee said she is married with two k**s and madly in love with her husband, Ray's two body guards laughed and Ray told Dee you just get her to dance with me I have dealt with married women and husbands before. Dee had always wanted to have sex with Greg and saw it as her chance to finally get him in her bed. Dee asks what’s in it for me Ray says anything you want, she says hold that thought, let us get thru dinner and some dancing so I can get some wine in Linda and convince her one night, Ray says the whole weekend, Dee says ok one weekend will not ruin her marriage.
When Linda walked in the bar to meet Greg every cock in the bar got hard and more than a few women got wet. Her sequined blue dress was cut so low in the back you she looked like a plumber, the front was cut to her navel and exposed lots of side boob, the skirt was long but there was a slit up each side almost to her hips. Her long red hair was piled up on her head with ringlets curls streaming down the side of her face. Her make up was perfect and her lips were a shimmering ruby red.
When Linda walked up to Greg he was speechless, she had no idea how devastating beautiful she was, he said to her I'm going to have fight off guys wanting to dance with you all night, she giggled and said this is our special night all my dances are for you tonight.
Dinner went well Dee noticed Ray at a table across the room and pointed him out to everyone. Anne said damn he is hot I'd give anything to spend a night with him. Dee says I heard he has a ten inch cock, I'm right there with you Anne he makes me wet just looking at him, would you do him Linda. Greg grabs her hand under the table and says NO I'm all she ever needs, besides we have always said one and done.
Dee says but if you really love her you would give her one weekend of pleasure, then she would be back in your arms for the rest of your lives. Greg says once you start cheating it never ends. Dee says bull shit I know you, you love her to much not to take her back and what about the k**s are you willing to give them up to, you know the mother always gets the k**s.
The band started playing Dee’s husband Dave asked Linda to dance, she politely turned him down saying this is a special night for Greg all my dances are for him tonight. Greg took her on the dance floor and they danced the first set together. Dee noticed Linda kept looking over at Ray as she danced with Greg, she also saw their eyes meet and knew she wanted him.
When they got back to the table Dee announces potty break, Linda, and Anne joined her. When they got to the bathroom Dee says to Linda you want him, I saw you looking at him, you know what he wants you to. Linda says yes I want him but Greg would never forgive me. Jane says he will be mad at you but he will get over it in a few days, he loves you and the k**s. Dee says I already talked to him he wants you to spend the weekend with him, listen this is what's going to happen when we go back out and the band starts playing he is going to come over and ask you to dance the first song will be a fast dance then three slow dances, after that he will bring you back to the table and we will come back in here, there is a door at the end of the hall he will be waiting for you. Linda says but what about Greg, Dee says I'll take care of him don't worry, he loves you this is once in a lifetime experience it will be ok.
They go back to the table Greg says I thought you got lost, Linda says Greg never, always remember I love you only you, they kiss, Paul Anne’s husband says you two need to get a room. Just then the band started playing, Anne says don't look now but Ray Levy is coming to our table. Greg is holding Linda’s hand under the table. Ray walks right up to Linda and says would you do me the honor of this dance and extended his hand to her, she shook off Greg's hand and took Ray's and went to the dance floor with him.
Dave says now I'm mad she turned me down, Greg gave him a pissed off look, you could look at him and tell he was totally pissed, he was like a volcano about to explode. The next two songs were slow songs and Linda melted into his arms she could feel his massive cock rubbing against her mound. Ray's hand slipped inside her top and you could see his fingers playing with her nipple, Linda did nothing to stop him, Greg was up out of his chair but Dee grabbed his arm and said let her have this moment, he looked at Linda's her face and saw pure pleasure. He slumped down in his chair knowing he had lost everything. The next song was a fast one then Ray brought her back to the table and says thank you for the dance and walked away. Before Linda could even sit down Dee said potty break grabbed her hand and walked her towards the bathroom, Linda was totally under Ray's spell, forgotten was her husband and k**s, there was only Ray.
Dee took her cell phone so Greg could not track her, Ray took her arm and lead her out the door. Dee went back to the table, Greg asked where Linda was Dee said she had something she had to do everything would be ok. Greg says what do you mean she is talking care of what. Dee looks him and says she will be fine, she will be back home Sunday night and explain it all to you. YOU MEAN SHE LEFT ME, Dee says she hasn't left you calm down your making a seen, it's just the weekend and you two will be together forever. Greg says she has left me there is no forever the only thing in our future is divorce! Dee says I know you're hurting right now but you love her and what about the k**s. Greg says right now I'm not even sure their mine. Everyone at the table gasps.
Dee gets a text from Linda on Ray's phone she had left her purse at the table and wanted Dee to meet Ray in the hall and give it to him, Dee grabbed Linda's purse and says Anne potty break. Greg realized what was going on and followed them. When Dee went to hand the purse to Ray, Greg pushed her aside grabbed Ray and said where's my wife, one of Ray's body guards cold cocked Greg with brass knuckles in the side of his head you could hear his skull crack, the last thing he saw was Ray’s fist smashing into his face and he was out like a light. But Ray and his bodyguard kept hitting and hitting him till his face was a bloody pulp. Ray says strip him cut his finger tips off, take him to the freight yard put him in a box car, by the time they find him he will be a thousand miles away dead and unidentifiable. He looked at Dee and Anne and says if you don't want to wind up like him forget what you just saw and heard.
Dee and Anne went back to the table both were white as a ghost and said we have to go, Dave says where is Greg, Dee says gone, don't ask any questions just leave.
Ray gets in the back seat and hands Linda her purse, then pulls her into his arms they kiss a hot passionate kiss, when they break their kiss the top of her dress was around her waist exposing her luscious breast. Ray lowered his head gently sucked her nipples. Ray is an expert at entrancing the female mind and connoisseur of the female body, he could play a woman like a finely turned instrument using her for days at a time, destroying her ability to resist anything he wanted.
Ray sat up put his hand on the back of her head, he didn't have to say a word she lowered her head pulled down his zipper reached in pulled out his huge cock and swallowed it all the way down to his balls. No woman had ever been swallow all of him, he almost came instantly, but regained his composure. He pulled her up layered her back, spread her legs and lowered his mouth to her pussy and worked his magic, she was cuming in seconds,
They had arrived at his home, he got out of the limo, his cock still out picked her up carried her to his bedroom, stripped her dress off and was stunned by beauty that was her body, he layed her on his bed. She watched as he took this clothes off Linda was mesmerized by his chiseled body. Her attention is drawn to his massive manhood, she wanted no needed it inside her. She wanted his seamen in her filling her ovaries seeking her egg, impregnating her with his spawn.
Ray reached down spread her legs kneeled between them grabbed his cock slowly slid its head up and down her slit, she was soaked, he lined his cock head up with her dripping pussy and with one hard push buried himself all the way into her cervix. Linda cried out in orgasm and passed out. Ray kept pumping his massive cock in her, he felt her arms wrap around his back and her pelvis bouncing up to meet his thrust. Ray almost lost control and came in her pussy, she was so hot and tight. He ravished her for thirty minutes, by time she was in a constant state of orgasm, her pussy was doing things to his cock that he had never felt before. Finally he exploded inside her filling her with a pint of cum. He rolled off of her pulling her on top of him.
Ray holding her tight, he had never cum so hard, he knew she was special and he had to have her forever.
At noon on Saturday, Jane was calling Greg and Linda's phones wondering when, they were going to pick up their k**s. She left a message saying WOW must have been one hell of a night give me a call and let me know when you will pick up the k**s. At four Jane began to worry and called Barb asking her if she had heard from Greg or Linda, they had dropped off the k**s for the night but had not picked them up. Barb yelled out to Dennis have you heard from Greg today he said no, Jane said she was going to call her Dad, Dennis was going to run by their house to see if they were there.
The next morning after repeated sex during the night Ray got Linda up and said we have a lot to do today we are going to one of my team mates wedding this evening in Miami. I'll have the beautician come in and do your hair and makeup, and Ruth Simons to bring in some gowns, I'm thinking white sequined for the wedding. We have to be at the airport by three to board the private plane. But right now I need you, Linda smiles and says I love it when you need me.
Fifteen hundred miles away in a stock yard in Kansas City a railway worker finds a nude male body in a cattle car and calls the police who called the Medical Examiner. Upon checking the body the attendant said he is still alive. Greg was rushed to the hospital placed in intensive care in a c***, as a John Doe.
Panic had set in with the Miller clan, Dean had called Greg's boss to see if he had heard from him, and explained that both he and Linda were missing, they had not picked up their k**s, after a night of dinner and dancing. Their clothes were in their room and their bed had not been slept in. They were not at home and were not answering their phones. Dean could not report them missing because it had not been forty eight hours. Greg's boss said he would call the CEO Bill Doors in Washington State who was very close to Greg, and would be back in touch.
An hour later Dean received a call from Bill Doors telling him he was in the air with his security team, that both the local police and FBI had been contacted, he should be at the Federal building in five hours, and would like Dean to meet him there with any information he had on their disappearance. Also for him to send out to all his affiliate stations nationwide pictures of both Greg and Linda along with descriptions of both, with a notice to contact the FBI at 999-666-8888, if they have seen them or knew of their whereabouts. Have them flash their pictures and the notice every thirty minutes until farther notice and Bill said he would cover any cost. Dean asked him how he had gotten past the forty eight hour requirement for missing persons, he said Greg was working a top secret military application that involved national security. Dean did as asked, Dennis sent out notices to every paper in the country, and Jane had her DJ's play notices every thirty minutes.
Lots of attention is drawn with the marriage of an NFL player, outside of the reception venue paparazzi were everywhere, there was much speculation about Ray’s plus one. One sharp eyed photographer recognized Linda from the TV notices and started concentrating his camera on her, then called the local TV Station and sold his photos and videos to them. The video showed they were much more than friends. The local station contacted the FBI, who dispatched a pair of special agents to the reception, Discreetly the agents confronted Linda inquired as to her identity she said she was Linda Miller, they asked if she was there on her own accord, she said she was. Then they asked her if she knew the whereabouts of her husband Gregory Miller, she said he was home in Maryland with their c***dren. They thanked her and left. Ray asked what that was about and she told him, knowing that they had not reached the forty eight hour cutoff, and the FBI was investigating, he knew there was trouble on the horizon.
When agents got back they reported that they had located Linda Miller, in Miami Florida, and she was in a romantic relationship with Ray Levy football player. Dean said no way Jane said that slut, then asked Bill how good are your lawyers, he says the best in the world, she said I want custody of the k**s, and fill for divorce on the grounds of abandonment for Greg. Then she went on to say we need to face the reality that Greg is dead. There is no way he would tolerate Linda shacking up with anyone, and no way would he abandon the k**s. Dean says actually their house belongs to me, I meant it as a wedding present but we never got around to transferring ownership.
Sunday evening Ray’s limo pulls up in front of Greg and Linda’s house. Linda had just finished sucking off Ray's cock. She rinsed her head smiled Ray pulled her into his arms and says your very special I don't want to let you go and they kiss, Ray says stay with me I'll make you the happiest woman in the world. Linda says Ray I have a husband and c***dren, Ray says I love k**s we have enough land to build a barn get the k**s pony’s and any toys they want, we can send them to the best schools, weeks in Disney World any thing they want. Linda says if we had only met before. She kissed him, he said Ill wait here till your in the house safe. Linda got out and saw the driveway was lined with trash bags and boxes, looking inside a bag she realized the bags were full of her clothes. She ran to the door it was locked her key would not work, there was a note tackled to the door telling her to call Jane.
Linda ran back to Ray's limo, and asked Ray to use his phone, she called Jane, when Jane answered Linda talked as if nothing was wrong and said this is Linda is Greg there, Jane blew up SLUT WHAT HAVE YOU AND YOUR PIMP LOVER DONE WITH MY BROTHER. Linda says what do you mean he was fine on Friday night. Jane says you mean when you abandoned him and your c***dren, she says I never abandoned my c***dren, Greg was supposed to pick them up, Jane yells HOW WAS GREG SUPPOSED TO PICK UP THE k**S AFTER YOU AND YOUR LOVER HAD MURDERED HIM. Linda says what do mean where are my k**s and why am I locked out of my house.
Jane laughed and said actually the house belongs to my Dad the title was never transferred to Greg, all your possessions are in the drive better get them before Monday trash day. As far as the c***dren go we got custody when you abandoned them Friday, there are restraining orders keeping you and your lover and his employees away from all of us our places of work and the house you use to share with Greg and that includes Greg's k**s. We have obtained a power of attorney for Greg and filed for divorce in his behalf on the grounds of abandonment and adultery. All of Greg’s funds have been put in trust for the c***dren. Oh one last thing expect to be questioned in depth by the FBI on Greg’s whereabouts.
Jane hung up on her, Linda sat in the back of the limo staring out into space, a tear rolled down her cheek, Ray asked what's going on? Linda, said I have lost everything, husband, k**s, money, home, all my possessions are in the driveway, everything else is gone. Ray told his driver to load all of her belongings in the limo and return to his home.
Over the next few weeks Linda, Ray, his bodyguards, Dee, Anne and the employees at the club were questioned relentlessly, by Bill Doors investigators, local police and the FBI, but no one broke. Ray couldn't believe that between his lawyers and the teams lawyers he couldn't even get a visit for Linda to see her k**s. Linda couldn't believe it when the divorce was granted and she got absolutely nothing. Ray married Linda and did his best to make her forget her former family.
It was December, all of Greg's injuries had healed, but he was still in a persistent c***, a new nurse had just come on shift, she entered Greg's room with the head nurse and says I didn't know he had been located. She asked what she was talking about, the nurse says he is Greg Miller his face has been plastered all over TV and the paper for months.
The hospital administrator contacted the FBI, agents and a medical team were dispatched to the hospital immediately, DNA was taken a rush was put on and the results were back in two days.
Dean got a call from Bill, he told him Greg had been found, for him to gather the family and get to the airport, he went on to say Greg had been in a c*** sense he had been found in a cattle car March first in Kansas City.
When the family arrived at the hospital they were met by Greg’s doctor, Bill and FBI Special Agents who were guarding his room. The doctor says lets let the c***dren and Jane go in first. Darla walks up to her Daddy kisses his cheek and says Daddy I love you, please wake up and play with us. She steps back and starts to leave the room when Greg says Darla is that you, all heads suddenly turn and Darla and Sammy run in jump on his bed yelling Daddy, Daddy your awake. He reaches up hugs his k**s to him and says Daddy loves you two. There wasn't a dry eye in the place, even the tuff FBI agents had a tear running down their cheeks. The doctor and his nurse ran in Jane hustled the k**s out they quickly checked his vitals, the doctor asked him how he was feeling, Greg said a bit groggy, and stiff, he said I can see I’m in the hospital how long have I been here the doctor told him, eight months, Greg says son of a bitch, sorry k**s, they laugh. Then Greg asks did you arrest that bastard Ray Levy and his body guard for putting me in here.
An FBI agent moved in close and asked if he was sure it was Ray Levy that hit him. Greg said yes, he had left the club taking my wife with him, she had left her purse and two of her friends were taking it to Ray, I figured out what was going on and followed them when they met him in the back hall I pushed forward demanding my wife, one of his bodyguards cold cocked me, the last thing I remembered was Ray Levy's fist crashing down on my face.
A camera had been setup in Greg's room when the FBI first moved in. The camera had direct feeds to FBI headquarters and the Department of Justice, both the FBI Director and the Attorney General had witnessed the feed. The AG called the FBI Director and said I have arrest warrants for Levy, his bodyguards, and the two women that had taken Linda’s purse to him, take a tack team and arrest that son of bitch.
It's the third quarter of the championship game, whoever wins goes to Super Bowl. The score is tied, Linda is in the owners suite, six months pregnant with Ray's baby. Play on the field had suddenly stopped, a SWAT team entered the field of play, as they approached Ray Levy they called out for him to separate from the rest of the players drop to his knees and put his hands on his head, figuring they wouldn't fire on him in a stadium full of spectators he ran for the other side of the field. As he approached the side line a second track team appeared, he knew he couldn't escape dropped to his knees and put his hands on his head. He was quickly cuffed and hauled off the field.
Linda was going crazy up I’m the owners suite, the owners wife was trying to calm her. The owner was on the phone trying to find out what was going on. He got a sad look on his face, Linda asked what was happening. He told Linda that Ray had been arrested for the attempted murder of her ex husband. She gasped oh my God Greg is alive. He said yes apparently he had been beat to a pulp by Ray placed on a freight train. He was found in Kansas City in a c***. He just woke up this morning and identified Ray and his bodyguard as the ones that beat him.
Linda fell Into her chair completely overcome with sorrow and grief. Why had she been weak, why had she listened to Dee that bitch had ruined her life. What would she do now, would Greg see her and let her see her c***dren.
Greg would spend months in rehab to physically regain his body, Bill put him right to work to regain his mental agility, his k**s and family helped him regain himself.
Ray and his bodyguard were both found guilty after Dee and Anne testified against them for reduced sentences. Ray and the bodyguard got twenty to life, Dee and Anne both got five years for hindering a federal investigation. Greg sued Ray and received a settlement in the millions. After Greg's successful suit husbands came out of the woodwork. All of his assets had to be sold to pay his debts. Linda took her baby boy and moved to California with an aunt. The last time Greg and Linda saw each other was that night in the club. Greg to this day says it was the worst night of his life.
Darla kept getting in trouble in her gym class finally Greg was called in for a conference. Her teacher Miss Sandy Evans was at her whit’s end. She told Greg Darla had been a model student until this spring, then suddenly it was like she did everything she could to defy her and get in trouble. Sandy said it was hard on her because she started acting up at the same time she was divorcing her cheating husband.
Greg got a big smile on his face and says that little minx, Sandy looked at him with a questioned look, Greg says that he had gone through a very painful divorce a year ago. Sandy smiles and says you mean she is trying to fix us up! Greg says she comes by it honestly, my sister is a fixer upper from way back. Sandy says while I genuinely appreciate the thought, her methods suck.
Greg says it's a shame all her efforts to go to waist, Sandy says it doesn't have to be, I haven't eaten have you, Greg says no but the k**s are waiting in the hall, she says good we can take them to McDonald's they can play in the play area while we get to know each other. When you take me home and walk me to the door a little kiss on the lips for the k**s sake of course. All went as planned Sandy told the story of her cheating husband and Greg told her his story, she had remembered the media blitz and the arrest on national TV but when Greg filled in the details she was astonished.
Greg gathered up the k**s and drove Sandy home, he walked her to her door she wrapped her arms around his neck and slid her fingers thru his hair, wrapped one of her long legs around his, pressed her mound against his cock feeling his cock jump to attention. The kiss was far longer and far hotter than he expected. When they broke their kiss Greg said one more like that and you will be carrying my baby. She smiled and said I'll hold you to that. Sandy said call me tonight and tomorrow let me know what we are doing tomorrow night.
When Greg got back in the car Darla said dang Dad your going to need a cold shower after that one, Sammy giggled, Greg says young lady I will not stand for that kind of talk, she says yes Daddy. Greg thinks a cold shower and a wank would be needed.
When Greg got home and had the k**s settled in bed, he texted Sandy, told her he never had such a good time at McDonald's, then he told her what Darla said when he got back in the car, Sandy replied LOL, then said I'll give her two extra laps tomorrow. Greg says tomorrow is Friday how about dinner at the Maddison tomorrow evening. There is a pause and Sandy asks we have a tomorrow. Greg says I was hoping for lots of tomorrow's. Again a pause Greg says I'm not trying to pressure you but I was taught by my Dad when you want something go after it. She says you want me. Greg says what warm blooded man wouldn't, you’re a beautiful sexy four foot eight inch woman wrapped in long blond hair, she says don't forget big boobs, he says that I hope to become very familiar with very soon. She says call me at ten tomorrow I have a free period and give me the details. Then she says goodnight, oh that feels so good to say goodnight to a man again. Greg says good night sweet dreams of us.
Greg calls his sister Jane, and says hi sis how is everyone, she says everyone is good and you, yes we are all fantastic, any chance you can take the k**s tomorrow night. Jane says so you can go out with that little blond that had her body wrapped around you trying to swallow your tongue tonight, WHO IS SHE. Greg says how did you know about her already. Darla sent me a video, Greg says I have to take her cell phone from her, Jane says don't you dare, how am I supposed to know what's going on with you all, and who is she. Greg says she is Darla's gym teacher, Darla set us up. Jane says I'm so proud of that little girl. How about we kept the k**s till Saturday evening and you bring her over for a barbecue that is if you don't drive her away tomorrow night. Greg says I have a really good feeling about her sis, Jane says be careful little brother I don't want you hurt again.
The next morning Greg had everything set up he called Sandy promptly at ten told her they had a seven o’clock dinner reservation at the Maddison, he had reserved a room for her to change in and she had a four o’clock appointment for her at their spa, she says what you have to get me all made up to be seen in public with me, he says no no no not at all your beautiful, she says just messing with you and thank you for saying I’m beautiful, one other thing my sister is watching the k**s tonight and she wants us to come to a barbecue tomorrow afternoon, and I'll bet she will invite my brother and Dad. She said cool, I’m quick on my feet, after we check out tomorrow, we can go by the market and pick up stuff for my world famous cold slaw.
Friday night Sandy walked into the bar Greg took a picture of her and sends it to Jane with a caption that says my date and future mother of my c***dren, she was wearing a shiny red metallic dress that we would say was on the minimal side, she definitely had more exposed skin than fabric, her long blond hair cascading over her shoulders, a pair of the highest red heels he had ever seen. She put her palms on his chest and gave him a light kiss on the lips, and says you don't get to mess up my makeup till we get to our room tonight. The bartender says Greg the restaurant just called your normal table is ready. Greg says thanks Bob , grabs their drinks and they go off to the dining room. Sandy asks do you come here often. He slides her chair out and she sits down. The waiter came over and said would you like your drinks refreshed Greg Sandy shook her head no, then the waiter went thru the specials, then said hopefully I’m not overstepping by saying it's so good to finally see you out with beautiful woman, Greg says thank you Lee and no you haven't overstepped, Greg says yes she is quite beautiful. Sandy says and if you see him here with another woman be sure to ask him where’s Sandy, oh and I'm Sandy nice to meet you Lee, I'll have the Chef's Special, medium rare, Greg says I'll have the same.
Sandy says I was going to ask you if you bring all your dates here but Lee just indicated I'm the first so do you own the place or what Oh and our room is the penthouse. Greg says remember when I told you before what happened to me, well it happened here, I didn't sue them and apparently I could have but it wasn't their fought, they have always treated me well here even before the incident. I always bring my team here for lunching and Bill has our Holiday party here. Sandy says, just where is it you work, Greg says I’m a team leader for Microhard, she asks and Bill is, he says Bill Doors of course.
Sandy says I saw you take my picture and send a message, Greg blushed and said my Sister Jane wanted to see your picture so I sent it to her, now my phone is vibrating like crazy. Sandy shoots her chair over next to Greg and says let me see, he shows her the picture, she takes his phone and says damn I do look good, then she started checking his messages, the one he sent to his sister just said my date beautiful isn't she. She looks at him and says thank you, flattery like that will get you in my panties OH wait I’m not wearing any, just one more obstacle removed.
Jane's reply was holy crap if you don't take her I will, oh make sure she dress down for the barbeque, I don't need you, Ron and Dad running around with erections all afternoon it's hard to explain to the k**s. Sandy types back this is Sandy, Greg's date don't worry about Greg by tomorrow afternoon he will be worn out, you will have to take care of your husband and it sounds like we will have to work on your Dad, but not to worry I know lots of horny older teachers that will rock his world. Jane types back I love you already take care of Greg tonight can't wait to meet you tomorrow.
As they ate their dinner Sandy teased Greg relentlessly, as they finished the band started playing, it seemed every time they got up to dance the band would switch to a slow song. Once in his arms they became one entirely their hearts beat as one, Sandy looked up at Greg and asked him what's happening Greg looks at her and says we are falling in love.
They took a break from dancing sitting at their table they were approached by Justin Timberlake world renowned cock hound, first baseman for the Baltimore Crows. He walked up to Sandy and said this is our dance and put his hand out. He was stunned when she replied no thank you. He says do you know who I am, Greg stood up and said the lady said no now shove. He took a swing at Greg, but Greg easily blocked the punch. Two bouncers were on him carried him down the back hall and opened the door with his face. In a week he was sent down to the minors and was never heard from again.
Sandy said thank you for standing up to that egotistical narcissist, dam your smart, brave, handsome and sexy I hit the jackpot, now take me to bed and make me yours. In the elevator Greg slid his hand down and cupping her ass, she said not like that pulled his hand off her ass lifted the back of her skirt and put his hand on her bare ass. Then spun in his arms and put his hand on her bare mound with just a small patch of hair above her lips and said that's to prove I'm a natural blond OH and they do bikini waxing in the spa as you can feel and soon see. Greg says I have always heard teachers are wild, she says oh you have no idea but you will soon. Greg says I hope I can walk tomorrow, she says no problem we only have one night, and I want to meet the family I'm about to marry into. Greg pulled her tight against him and gave her a kiss that made her legs shake.
The elevator opened directly into the penthouse, she took his hand lead him to the bedroom and said unzip me, he did then she said wait here I’ll be right back. She went into the en-suite a few minutes later she came out wearing a red half cup corset that pushed her boobs up exposing her exceptionally large areola and nipples, the garter straps were attached to a pair of red thigh highs, and she was wearing her red heels. She wore no panties exposing her glistening pussy. His paints immediately tended she smiled and said now that was the reaction I was going for, she laid back against the pillows and says it’s your turn to thrill me.
Greg slowly took off his sports coat and hung it up then slipped off his shoes and socks, unbuttoned his shirt and hung it on the clothes tree. Greg unbuckled his pants let them fall to the floor pick them up and folded them, then grabbed the hem of his t-shirt lifted it over his head and tossed it, and stretched his arms over his head totally exposing his tight abs and big bulge in his boxers.
Sandy says enough teasing jumped down to the bottom of the bed and yanked down his boxers sat back up with her hand over her mouth and said oh my God I just got pregnant looking at you, I think I just had an orgasm. She wrapped her arms around his neck and says we have all night but right now I'm soaking wet and I need you inside me. Greg crawled up on the bed Sandy hung on with her arms wrapped around his neck her body beneath him. When he was fully on the bed she grabbed his cock and started rubbing its head over her pussy, finally she inserted him into her and says please take your time I have never had anything near as large in me. Greg did not want to hurt her, slowly he worked his cock in her little by little, she hung on tight as her body shook in continual mini organisms. Breathing heavily she says don't stop keep going finally he bottoms out, she wraps her legs around his hips and says please don't move just hold me like this.
A few minutes later she started pumping her hips. Slowly he moves to her pace, holding her tight to him his natural instincts takes over, he is now making love to her, her pussy is so tight around his cock as he slowly increased his pace they melted together. Sandy says oh God Greg yes oh yes YES BABY NEVER LET ME GO. Sandy has a major orgasm, but Greg keeps his steady pace, Sandy had never experienced the sex she was receiving, from this man. Then she felt her pussy contracting again she was about to cum again, Greg picked up the pace ever so slowly OH GOD GREG I'M GOING TO CUM AGAIN OH GOD OH GOD Greg's cock swelled inside her, he picked up his pace then she felt his hot cum exploding inside her filling her cervix. An hour later she woke wrapped in Greg's strong arms, she smiled pushed her butt back against his cock causing it to rise slightly. Cuddled in his arms closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.
The next morning Greg was awakened to Sandy trying to swallow his cock, Greg reached down grabbed her hips flipped her over him and sat her down on his face. Greg buried his tongue in her swollen pushy, she had the sweetest pussy he had ever tasted. Sandy cradled his head holding his mouth tightly against her. He circled her clit with the tip of his tongue, she arched her back and moaned oh God Greg please don’t stop. He sucked her clit into his mouth. She screamed in orgasm and squirted in his mouth. Sandy slid off his face and down his tan body leaving a trail of her sweet juice. She only stopped when her butt met his erect cock. Greg sat up pulled her into his arms and said Sandra Connor I love you, she wrapped her arms around his head kissed him and said I fell in love with you when you walked in my class for Darla’s conference, and damn. I taste good.
Sandy pushed him back looked down at him smiled sat up on her knees reached between her legs grabbed his cock lined it up with her pussy and sat down on all the way to his balls. Beads of sweat broke out on her face and chest. She leaned forward dangled her boos in his face he grabbed one in each hand and pulled them to his mouth one at a time as she moaned and pumped her ass up and down on his cock. The harder he sucked the faster she moved. He felt her pussy tighten around his cock, she calls out GREG OH YESSSSSSSSSS GREG, her pussy was doing things to his cock that he had never felt before, suddenly he erupted directly into her cervix filling her ovaries with his hot cum. Sandy fell on his chest shaking and in a whisper I have never felt any thing that intense before.
She looks at him and says please don’t be playing with me because I’m an easy piece of ass because I’m not except for you!
Greg grabbed her hand pulled her into the shower they cleaned each other off without a word, Greg said dress in your casual clothes, then they packed, he lead her to the elevator, and down thru the lobby where he waved to the desk clerk and out to his car put their luggage in the trunk, opened the passenger door for her closed it got in and drove into town. Sandy asked did I say or do something to offend you, he simply answered yes. She asked what was it, then suddenly they pulled up to a store front, he got out walked around opened Sandy’s door took her hand and said please come with me. They were inside the store before she realized they were in a jewelry store, she pulled back put her hands over her face and said oh Greg really. He reached down took her hand again walked up to the counter and said hi Debbie, the clerk looked up and said hi Greg what can I do for you, he said I want to see your best wedding ring sets, she said of course please follow me to our private room, when inside Debbie had them sit at a table then she measured Sandy's finger went to the safe and retrieve tray of rings in her size. Sandy looked at the tray of rings and said I'm overwhelmed one is more beautiful than the next. Debbie says the best way is to try each on, you will know the right one when you see it on your hand.
Sandy tried on about ten sets. Then she said oh my God a tear ran down her cheek, Debbie said see I told you, Greg says we will take this set, Debbie said of course. She locked the tray of rings in safe. Took Sandy's set, Greg gave her his credit card , she told them to please wait she would be right back. Greg takes Sandy's hand and says you need to learn I would never string you along to get a piece of ass, you are the second woman I ever told I loved them the first I married and she cheated on me the second I'm going to marry if she realize other than my c***dren she is the most important person in my life.
Sandy says I knew better than to say what I said, but I was cheated on too and dated so many guys that just wanted to stick their cocks between my legs, none ever did. Sandy says damn Greg I love you so much I guess I just got scared we just happened so fast one evening I standing on my doorstep kissing the man I'm going to spend the rest of my life with who I didn't even know he existed four hours earlier. Damnit Greg you and the k**s are the most important things in my life hell you are my life. Then there was last night night, Greg says what about last night, she says you rocked my world like no one has ever before you were too good to be real, you made me feel things and emotions I never knew were possible, Greg I'm afraid I'll lose you. Greg pulls her into his arms and says I'm sorry I got upset with you, not sorry I made you feel things, I hope this proves to you I'm serious and your stuck with me forever.
Debbie came back in and had Greg sign the credit card receipt, both Greg and Sandy had to sign the insurance forms, and Sandy was given cleaning and adjustments for life. Greg excused himself for the bathroom. Debbie says you're a beautiful woman, Greg is one of nicest guys you will ever hope to know, his wife tore his heart out, I didn't think he'd ever recover. Sandy says don't worry I know how lucky I am that he chose me to spend the rest of his life with. Debbie says just take care of him, he deserves much more than he got before .
Greg comes back and asked are we ready to go, Sandy asked when do I get my ring, Greg says I was hoping for a more romantic setting, and I haven’t met your family and asked you Dad for permission. She says they will understand, and Dad will be happy to get me married off and I want to show it off at the barbecue this afternoon. Greg you will learn patience is not one of my strong points! Debbie says well you have been told if I were you I’d get down on one knee and do your thing!
Greg says why do I think I’m being ganged up on, Sandy says well, Greg gets down on one knee looks up at Sandy and says Sandra Connor will you do me the honor of becoming my wife and spending the rest of your life with me. Sandy crying says YES YES YES Greg slips the ring on her finger, she all but tackled him hugging and kissing him. They stood up, Debbie gave Sandy a hug and then Greg, and says I think you got a good one this time take good care of her, love you, you big oaf.
When they got in the car Sandy asked Greg how he knew Debbie, he said she is my ex-sister-law, Sandy says oh wow, by the way where are we going back to bed! Greg says no grocery store, to get the stuff to make Sandy's would famous cold slaw, she says oh yes but sex would be good to! Greg looks at her and she says what you make me horny your so damn sexy and you have a great butt. Greg says I don't think I have ever had a woman say that to me before, she says they better not I’ll scratch their eyes out, I am very protective of what’s mine, that includes you and our two c***dren now.
As they walked up to the rest of the family Jane says she is even more beautiful than her pictures. Greg introduced Sandy to everyone, that’s when Jane noticed her ring and said oh my God Greg what have you I mean your engaged, Sammy says we are all engaged she is our Mommy now. Jane says you two go play with your cousins, you two come with me. She took them a side and says how long have you known each other maybe fifty hours, and you have had sex, Sandy says oh yes, and did you get engaged before or after having sex, Sandy says after, then Jane looks directly to Sandy and asks do you realize the responsibility of taking care of two k**s, Sandy smiles and says no problem I take of eighty five days a week. Jane says that's right guess you can handle the k**s ok, Greg take a walk, Sandy says Greg please get the cold slaw out of the car, he says yes dear.
Jane holds Sandy's hand and says thank you, I was beginning to think he would never be happy again, the way he talks about you I can tell you have made him forget about the past and is only looking to the future and a life with you and the k**s. Sandy says he has said it was a nasty break up, but aren’t they all, mine was no joy for sure. Jane says boy that was an understatement, Linda ran off with a pro football player, he and his bodyguard beat Greg’s face to a bloody pulp, cut off his finger prints, stripped him and put him in a cattle car. He was found a day later in Kansas City, he was in a c*** for eight months, tears were streaking down Sandys cheeks, Jane says oh no no no every day he gets a little bit better and since you came along he is finally whole again.
Jane looks at Sandy and says so how was he, Sandy gives her a questioning look, Jane says in bed! Sandy says OH, Jane says once when he was f******n I accidently walked in the bathroom when he was getting out of the shower. What I saw was bigger than any man I have ever seen to this day. Sandy says he is big I was not ready for his size but he is very aware of his size and took his time as for the rest he knows what he has and knows how to use it to ensure I received maximum pleasure multiple times before he did and when he does he fills every part of my female organs full of his hot ….well you know. Sandy says one thing I noticed his thing and all the rest of him for that matter was tanned. Jane says he lives in a very private and secured home with a big pool, when the k**s aren't around he tends to sunbathe in the nude.
Greg walks up and says are you going to monopolize my fianée all afternoon. Jane says no sorry guess your right, he says one thing I want to run by you both, now that we have told the k**s you’re their Mother I think you should move in right away I mean like today. Sandy says we need to decide if we are going to move onto your house or my house. Jane says do you have twenty acres on the Chesapeake Bay, a pool, hot tub a eight hundred square foot walk in closet for you alone, she says I have a jetted tub, ok his place it is, Jane says ok I'll give you some clothes to change into in the morning and we will get together in the morning and move your stuff to Greg's.
The afternoon went well everyone loved Sandy and her world famous cold slaw, Sandy organized a game of kick ball for k**s and adults, the food was great by the end of the evening Sandy was part of the family. It was two weeks till summer vacation they decided to marry three weeks after school let out. That evening they carried two zonked out k**s out to the car and secured them in their booster seats and seat belts. When they started to drive Sandy said oh dang I have call my family they know nothing, Greg chuckles and says please put the phone on speaker.
Hi sis is Mom there
Sure hold on,
Hello Sandy
Yes Mom its me, I have some news
What’s that Dear
We're coming up to see you in two weeks
We honey?
Yes we Mom my fiancée and our two c***dren
Sara, Pete get on extension's
Everyone on yes Mom, yes dear, Sandy would please repeat what you just said
I said my fiancée and I and our two k**s are coming up to see you all I’m two weeks
I just saw you last weekend sis you were nether engaged or pregnant
What can I tell you he works fast
Yes Daddy
What is his name
Greg Miller
Wait not the guy that was on TV wanted by the FBI what did he do
He wasn't wanted he was missing
Why was he hiding
AHHHHH he was in a c*** he wasn't hiding, look we will explain in two weeks
They got to the front gate Greg pushed a button on the dash and the gate opened. Sandy said wow, as they pulled up to the front of the home she says this looks like a resort, he says actually it was a corporate retreat. They gathered the sleeping c***dren in their arms and took them to their rooms tucked them in with a kiss.
Then Greg took Sandy to the master, she gasped and said this is bigger than my house. Where do all these doors go, Greg stood behind her with his hands on her hips gently kissing her neck as he told between kisses the door on the right is your closest, the one in the center is our en-suite, the one the left is my closest. Sandy realized his hands are under her t-shirt massaging her boobs, her butt was rubbing against his cock. She says what are you doing, he says seducing you if everything goes right, she says you're doing great so far. She feels him take his shirt and t-shirt off, then reach down and pull off her t-shirt, then reach around undid her shorts and slid her shorts and panties off. She felt his shorts slide to the floor. She climbed on the bed he was right behind her, before she could turn over he grabbed her hips and pulled her to him and pushed forward slowly sliding himself into her hot wet pussy. She pushes back against him forcing him all the way in filling her pussy all the way to her his cock head just touching but not hurting perfect for mutual pleasure. He reaches around rubs her clit immediately she has an orgasm, her pussy started milking his cock and it felt to good to hold off so he proceeded to refill her female organs with his hot sperm.
Some time during the night they managed to put on a pair of his PJs her the top him the bottoms, good thing to because at first light the k**s came running in jumping on the bed get up get up Aunt Jane will be here soon to move Mommy here. Greg says ok you two go get cleaned up and dressed, Darla help Sammy. Sandy gets up takes off his PJ top walks over to looks out the French doors to the balcony to the pool below and the Chesapeake Bay beyond. Their bedroom was in the center wing of a u shaped house with a wing on ether side of the pool.
Greg just stares at her nude body silhouetted in the morning light. He instantly knew he had made the right choice. He got out of bed walked up behind her wrapped his arms around her, she settled back into his arms and says it's very beautiful here, Greg says it is now that you’re here. She asks did Linda like it here, he says she never lived here but it's because of her, we have this, the law suits out of her affair.
Ok time to shower and get dressed, and get you moved in. Sandy looked at Greg and asked how am I ever be able to work and take care of this place. He chuckled and says we have a staff, she says STAFF, Greg says our PA, cook, maid, nanny, groundskeepers, captain and mate for our charter boat. Sandy asks are you rich, he says Sandy I’m just a regular guy, I have a job that pays very well, but we do have enough money that our great grandc***dren won't have to worry.
Everything worked out well we got her stuff all moved and put away in our house. We cleaned up her house and rented it. Two weeks later were pulling into the drive of Sandy's parents home. The k**s were good a bit shy at first but grandma, grandpa, and aunt Nicole had got presents and toys to play with, when Sammy went running over to Sandy yelling Mommy, Mommy look what grandma and grandpa got me.
Sarah, Sandy's Mom went running out of the room. Sandy followed her, and found her crying in the kitchen. Sandy asks what’s wrong Mom, Sarah says you have no idea how long I have waited for you or your sister to give me a grand c***d , and you walk in here with two absolutely adorable c***dren, when Sammy called you Mommy and me Grandma, I couldn't hold it all in. Sandy says so these are happy tears, her Mom say oh yes I didn't want to upset the c***dren.
The rest of the day went great, the next morning Nicole heard Sandy sick in the bathroom. She quietly knocked on the door and asked can I come in? Sandy says just a second, she cleaned up and let her in. Nicole asks what’s wrong, Sandy says I think I got a twenty four hour virus. Nicole asks you sure it's not the nine month virus! Sandy says oh shit I’m late, Nicole says wait here, she comes back with a pregnancy test kit, Sandy asks why do you have this, Nicole says I'm not a nun, now go pee. There was a quiet knock on the door, girls what's going on, Nicole says come in Mom. Sarah asks what's going on girl's, Nicole says Sandy has a virus we are just trying to figure out if it is the twenty four hour type or nine month type. Sarah says oh my, Sandy looks at the test strip and sits on the toilet, Nicole says well, Sandy hands her the stick and Nicole starts laughing and hands the stick to her mother, who says oh my. Nicole asks so when are you going to tell Greg.
The rest of the day went well lots of playing with the k**s a trip to the zoo, but there was lots of giggling amongst the women, side eye looks. Dennis Sandys Dad pulls Greg aside and says something’s up, I have lived with those three long enough and their up to something, any idea. Greg says I thought they were smirking a lot I have checked my fly a dozen times but it's up. Dennis says all I can tell you their up to something or they know something that we should but their not telling. Dennis says don't ask they won't tell till they are ready.
Sunday evening driving home the k**s were zonked out in the back seat, Greg says your family is great, your dad is coming down in a few weeks to go out in the bay rock fishing, Sandy says you and he appeared to bond well. Sandy says we have discussed at least I thought we had addressed all the issues we needed to, but apparently there was one we, I, us failed to talk about. Greg asked what was that. Sandy says welllll I assumed that with you having a boy and a girl you were done having k**s and never asked me about birth control, well I thought it was because you had, had a vasectomy. Greg says well I assumed you were on the pill, I guess we need to, wait how did you know I hadn't had a vasectomy. Sandy says welll, reaches into her purse and digs out the test stick.
Greg gets a big smile on his face and Sandy asks your not upset with me, he says no not at all this will pull our families together, you have made me the happiest man in the world, are you ok with this, she yes, yes I'm just scared I don't know what to expect. Greg says if I wasn't driving I would hug you so tight, but let me help, the radio goes off and you hear Jane's voice saying.
Hello little Brother what’s up
I need your help sis
Anything Greg
Sandy is scared
Is she getting cold feet
Oh hi girlfriend why are you scared
I'm pregnant
OH MY GOD congratulations you two, oh honey its nothing to be scared of been happening for thousands of years. Barb and I will be there beside you all the way.
Thanks Jane I feel a bit better
Oh we have so much to do, Greg you have to put in a nursery
No problem we can divide her closet
Ok guys you need to call Dennis and Barb before I do.
Hey Barb it's Greg
What's up
Just calling to let you and Dennis know we are expecting
What are you expecting Dear
A Baby
No way I mean how
You have two k**s you should know how
I know I mean well damn congratulations
Ok we are pulling into home I'll talk to you tomorrow.
Well they got married as scheduled, Bill gave them a month long honey moon in Jamaica, after two weeks they brought Darla and Sammy down, seven months later baby Joe, joined the family and a year and a half later Carla was born. Greg at the urging of Sandy went and got sniped, but they had a slip and had sex before the waiting period was over and along came Annie.
Greg took it all in stride always in the back of his mind was his one failure in life his marriage to Linda. It was Dennis that made him realize it was not his failure it was Linda's.
Hope you all enjoy this story comment's about the story are always welcome, comments about grammar, punctuation or spelling you can shove. I am not a professional writer just doing this to pass time, I will say this got a lot longer then I had intended.
Greg was the youngest of three c***dren with an older brother Dennis and sister Jane. Greg's Dad was a media mogul owning a newspaper, radio and television station. Dean never remarried but dedicated his life to raising and educating his c***dren and growing his business. Dennis and Jane majored in communications and after graduation Dennis took over the newspaper and Jane the radio station, Dean retained control of the TV Station.
Greg excelled at computer programming and after graduation was recruited by an international microchip manufacturer. After working a year the CEO of the company came to personally recognize him and his work, describing it as ground breaking and genius.
Dennis and Jane were both married, and at every family gathering they would encourage Greg to find a girl and settle down. He would tell them he was always on the lookout he just needed to find a woman he could trust, and no wonder after seeing his Mother cheat on his Dad. Greg was a handsome in shape and fit man of 23 and had no problem attracting women.
Dennis's wife Barb and Jane were always conspiring to "fix Greg up” with a nice girl. Then one day the husbands were out playing golf Barb and Jane were going out for lunch and to do some adult shopping, Barb had her cousin Linda there to watch the k**s. When Jane saw her she looked at Barb and whispered who is the little hottie, Barb said she was her cousin Linda. Jane asked why haven't we hooked her up with Greg. Barb said she had a boyfriend till a week ago when she caught him cheating.
Jane being a woman of action pulled out her cell and called Greg, when he answered Jane said little brother I need your help Barb and I are supposed to go to lunch and shopping but our baby sitter got sick, if we don't get out and away for a few hours you might be short a nephew or so. Greg laughed and said I'll be there in ten minutes. Barb says to Linda we are going now oh by the way Jane's little brother Greg might stop by to play with the boys.
As they walked out the door Greg was walking up, Barb said the k**s are all inside, Oh and my cousin Linda stopped by. As Greg walked inside his two nephews came running yelling Uncle Greg, Uncle Greg and wrapped their arms around his legs. Linda was holding little Tina who had just shown her she could take the top off her tippy cup in so doing dumped the whole cup of cold water down her white t-shirt (of course she did not wear a bra that day).
Greg said hi I'm Greg you must be Linda nice to see you I mean meet you. Linda says it normally takes three dates to see these, here hold Tina while I go change, Oh and careful she knows how to take the top off her tippy cup. Greg says I see and might I say their, I mean your beautiful. She goes to in and changes her top, walked back in the living room, wrapped her arms around his neck and laid a kiss on him that would melt steel. She broke their kiss and asks do you have girl friend, Greg says I do now and kissed her back.
A few hours later when Jane and Barb came home little Tommy went running up to Barb saying mommy, mommy Uncle Greg and Linda are in love. She says what's going on, Greg and Linda are standing there his arm around her shoulder and hers around his waist. Greg says what can I say she is beautiful and we both hate cheaters. Linda says damn he's a hunk, and by the way I had to borrow this top it's real tight. Barb says I guess so I don't have the boobs you do. Linda says Tina knows how to take the top off her tippy cup. Greg says thanks to the little darling that's how I got to see her boobs kinda. Jane says kinda, Linda says wet t-shirt.
Greg says we have to run we want to hit the jewelry stores before they close. Jane says what, Linda says he's going to put a ring on it, and tomorrow I'll call you and let you know how compatible we are.
Ten years later they are married with two c***dren of their own Sammy four and Darla six. They are both still in shape, Linda still turned heads when she walked in a room, and their love grew stronger every day.
It had been a long cold winter with more than normal amount of snow. Valentines Day they were supposed to have special date night, dinner, dancing and a suite at the Maddison Hotel. It snowed two feet that day and everything shut down for a week. Two weeks later Linda came home and said Dee from work and three other couples had reserved a table at the Madison, for dinner and dancing, I told her to count us in and made our room reservation. oh and lunch we went shopping and I bought a new dress and lingerie for when we retire to our room. Greg grinned from ear to ear and asked why she didn't get new lingerie for dinner and dancing, she said got a pair of nylons, but she couldn't wear a bra or panties with the dress. Greg asked to see the dress, Linda said not until that night.
Leep day February 29th Friday the girls all had taken the afternoon off and spent it at the spa in the Maddison, hair, manicures, pedicures, waxing including bikini, and makeup. The guys were to get dressed at home and meet the girls at the bar at seven.
Greg knew the other four couples, but they were Linda’s friends, the women all worked together at a PR firm. The girls were hot like a twelve on a ten scale except Linda who was a twenty. As the girls dressed in their rooms they left one at a time to meet their husbands downstairs. Dee had just stepped out of the elevator when she heard her name called out, she turned and saw Ray Levy the starting linebacker for the local NFL Baltimore Black Birds. Dee walked over to see him, she had worked with him on a PR Campaign for the team. He said damn don't you look hot, Dee said why thank you, I'm here with a group of friends for dinner, dancing and fun. They were standing off to the side of the lobby, when the elevator opened and Linda walked out, Ray's mouth fell open and he said I have to have her. Dee looked and says that’s Linda she is with our group.
Ray said you have to help me get her. Dee said she is married with two k**s and madly in love with her husband, Ray's two body guards laughed and Ray told Dee you just get her to dance with me I have dealt with married women and husbands before. Dee had always wanted to have sex with Greg and saw it as her chance to finally get him in her bed. Dee asks what’s in it for me Ray says anything you want, she says hold that thought, let us get thru dinner and some dancing so I can get some wine in Linda and convince her one night, Ray says the whole weekend, Dee says ok one weekend will not ruin her marriage.
When Linda walked in the bar to meet Greg every cock in the bar got hard and more than a few women got wet. Her sequined blue dress was cut so low in the back you she looked like a plumber, the front was cut to her navel and exposed lots of side boob, the skirt was long but there was a slit up each side almost to her hips. Her long red hair was piled up on her head with ringlets curls streaming down the side of her face. Her make up was perfect and her lips were a shimmering ruby red.
When Linda walked up to Greg he was speechless, she had no idea how devastating beautiful she was, he said to her I'm going to have fight off guys wanting to dance with you all night, she giggled and said this is our special night all my dances are for you tonight.
Dinner went well Dee noticed Ray at a table across the room and pointed him out to everyone. Anne said damn he is hot I'd give anything to spend a night with him. Dee says I heard he has a ten inch cock, I'm right there with you Anne he makes me wet just looking at him, would you do him Linda. Greg grabs her hand under the table and says NO I'm all she ever needs, besides we have always said one and done.
Dee says but if you really love her you would give her one weekend of pleasure, then she would be back in your arms for the rest of your lives. Greg says once you start cheating it never ends. Dee says bull shit I know you, you love her to much not to take her back and what about the k**s are you willing to give them up to, you know the mother always gets the k**s.
The band started playing Dee’s husband Dave asked Linda to dance, she politely turned him down saying this is a special night for Greg all my dances are for him tonight. Greg took her on the dance floor and they danced the first set together. Dee noticed Linda kept looking over at Ray as she danced with Greg, she also saw their eyes meet and knew she wanted him.
When they got back to the table Dee announces potty break, Linda, and Anne joined her. When they got to the bathroom Dee says to Linda you want him, I saw you looking at him, you know what he wants you to. Linda says yes I want him but Greg would never forgive me. Jane says he will be mad at you but he will get over it in a few days, he loves you and the k**s. Dee says I already talked to him he wants you to spend the weekend with him, listen this is what's going to happen when we go back out and the band starts playing he is going to come over and ask you to dance the first song will be a fast dance then three slow dances, after that he will bring you back to the table and we will come back in here, there is a door at the end of the hall he will be waiting for you. Linda says but what about Greg, Dee says I'll take care of him don't worry, he loves you this is once in a lifetime experience it will be ok.
They go back to the table Greg says I thought you got lost, Linda says Greg never, always remember I love you only you, they kiss, Paul Anne’s husband says you two need to get a room. Just then the band started playing, Anne says don't look now but Ray Levy is coming to our table. Greg is holding Linda’s hand under the table. Ray walks right up to Linda and says would you do me the honor of this dance and extended his hand to her, she shook off Greg's hand and took Ray's and went to the dance floor with him.
Dave says now I'm mad she turned me down, Greg gave him a pissed off look, you could look at him and tell he was totally pissed, he was like a volcano about to explode. The next two songs were slow songs and Linda melted into his arms she could feel his massive cock rubbing against her mound. Ray's hand slipped inside her top and you could see his fingers playing with her nipple, Linda did nothing to stop him, Greg was up out of his chair but Dee grabbed his arm and said let her have this moment, he looked at Linda's her face and saw pure pleasure. He slumped down in his chair knowing he had lost everything. The next song was a fast one then Ray brought her back to the table and says thank you for the dance and walked away. Before Linda could even sit down Dee said potty break grabbed her hand and walked her towards the bathroom, Linda was totally under Ray's spell, forgotten was her husband and k**s, there was only Ray.
Dee took her cell phone so Greg could not track her, Ray took her arm and lead her out the door. Dee went back to the table, Greg asked where Linda was Dee said she had something she had to do everything would be ok. Greg says what do you mean she is talking care of what. Dee looks him and says she will be fine, she will be back home Sunday night and explain it all to you. YOU MEAN SHE LEFT ME, Dee says she hasn't left you calm down your making a seen, it's just the weekend and you two will be together forever. Greg says she has left me there is no forever the only thing in our future is divorce! Dee says I know you're hurting right now but you love her and what about the k**s. Greg says right now I'm not even sure their mine. Everyone at the table gasps.
Dee gets a text from Linda on Ray's phone she had left her purse at the table and wanted Dee to meet Ray in the hall and give it to him, Dee grabbed Linda's purse and says Anne potty break. Greg realized what was going on and followed them. When Dee went to hand the purse to Ray, Greg pushed her aside grabbed Ray and said where's my wife, one of Ray's body guards cold cocked Greg with brass knuckles in the side of his head you could hear his skull crack, the last thing he saw was Ray’s fist smashing into his face and he was out like a light. But Ray and his bodyguard kept hitting and hitting him till his face was a bloody pulp. Ray says strip him cut his finger tips off, take him to the freight yard put him in a box car, by the time they find him he will be a thousand miles away dead and unidentifiable. He looked at Dee and Anne and says if you don't want to wind up like him forget what you just saw and heard.
Dee and Anne went back to the table both were white as a ghost and said we have to go, Dave says where is Greg, Dee says gone, don't ask any questions just leave.
Ray gets in the back seat and hands Linda her purse, then pulls her into his arms they kiss a hot passionate kiss, when they break their kiss the top of her dress was around her waist exposing her luscious breast. Ray lowered his head gently sucked her nipples. Ray is an expert at entrancing the female mind and connoisseur of the female body, he could play a woman like a finely turned instrument using her for days at a time, destroying her ability to resist anything he wanted.
Ray sat up put his hand on the back of her head, he didn't have to say a word she lowered her head pulled down his zipper reached in pulled out his huge cock and swallowed it all the way down to his balls. No woman had ever been swallow all of him, he almost came instantly, but regained his composure. He pulled her up layered her back, spread her legs and lowered his mouth to her pussy and worked his magic, she was cuming in seconds,
They had arrived at his home, he got out of the limo, his cock still out picked her up carried her to his bedroom, stripped her dress off and was stunned by beauty that was her body, he layed her on his bed. She watched as he took this clothes off Linda was mesmerized by his chiseled body. Her attention is drawn to his massive manhood, she wanted no needed it inside her. She wanted his seamen in her filling her ovaries seeking her egg, impregnating her with his spawn.
Ray reached down spread her legs kneeled between them grabbed his cock slowly slid its head up and down her slit, she was soaked, he lined his cock head up with her dripping pussy and with one hard push buried himself all the way into her cervix. Linda cried out in orgasm and passed out. Ray kept pumping his massive cock in her, he felt her arms wrap around his back and her pelvis bouncing up to meet his thrust. Ray almost lost control and came in her pussy, she was so hot and tight. He ravished her for thirty minutes, by time she was in a constant state of orgasm, her pussy was doing things to his cock that he had never felt before. Finally he exploded inside her filling her with a pint of cum. He rolled off of her pulling her on top of him.
Ray holding her tight, he had never cum so hard, he knew she was special and he had to have her forever.
At noon on Saturday, Jane was calling Greg and Linda's phones wondering when, they were going to pick up their k**s. She left a message saying WOW must have been one hell of a night give me a call and let me know when you will pick up the k**s. At four Jane began to worry and called Barb asking her if she had heard from Greg or Linda, they had dropped off the k**s for the night but had not picked them up. Barb yelled out to Dennis have you heard from Greg today he said no, Jane said she was going to call her Dad, Dennis was going to run by their house to see if they were there.
The next morning after repeated sex during the night Ray got Linda up and said we have a lot to do today we are going to one of my team mates wedding this evening in Miami. I'll have the beautician come in and do your hair and makeup, and Ruth Simons to bring in some gowns, I'm thinking white sequined for the wedding. We have to be at the airport by three to board the private plane. But right now I need you, Linda smiles and says I love it when you need me.
Fifteen hundred miles away in a stock yard in Kansas City a railway worker finds a nude male body in a cattle car and calls the police who called the Medical Examiner. Upon checking the body the attendant said he is still alive. Greg was rushed to the hospital placed in intensive care in a c***, as a John Doe.
Panic had set in with the Miller clan, Dean had called Greg's boss to see if he had heard from him, and explained that both he and Linda were missing, they had not picked up their k**s, after a night of dinner and dancing. Their clothes were in their room and their bed had not been slept in. They were not at home and were not answering their phones. Dean could not report them missing because it had not been forty eight hours. Greg's boss said he would call the CEO Bill Doors in Washington State who was very close to Greg, and would be back in touch.
An hour later Dean received a call from Bill Doors telling him he was in the air with his security team, that both the local police and FBI had been contacted, he should be at the Federal building in five hours, and would like Dean to meet him there with any information he had on their disappearance. Also for him to send out to all his affiliate stations nationwide pictures of both Greg and Linda along with descriptions of both, with a notice to contact the FBI at 999-666-8888, if they have seen them or knew of their whereabouts. Have them flash their pictures and the notice every thirty minutes until farther notice and Bill said he would cover any cost. Dean asked him how he had gotten past the forty eight hour requirement for missing persons, he said Greg was working a top secret military application that involved national security. Dean did as asked, Dennis sent out notices to every paper in the country, and Jane had her DJ's play notices every thirty minutes.
Lots of attention is drawn with the marriage of an NFL player, outside of the reception venue paparazzi were everywhere, there was much speculation about Ray’s plus one. One sharp eyed photographer recognized Linda from the TV notices and started concentrating his camera on her, then called the local TV Station and sold his photos and videos to them. The video showed they were much more than friends. The local station contacted the FBI, who dispatched a pair of special agents to the reception, Discreetly the agents confronted Linda inquired as to her identity she said she was Linda Miller, they asked if she was there on her own accord, she said she was. Then they asked her if she knew the whereabouts of her husband Gregory Miller, she said he was home in Maryland with their c***dren. They thanked her and left. Ray asked what that was about and she told him, knowing that they had not reached the forty eight hour cutoff, and the FBI was investigating, he knew there was trouble on the horizon.
When agents got back they reported that they had located Linda Miller, in Miami Florida, and she was in a romantic relationship with Ray Levy football player. Dean said no way Jane said that slut, then asked Bill how good are your lawyers, he says the best in the world, she said I want custody of the k**s, and fill for divorce on the grounds of abandonment for Greg. Then she went on to say we need to face the reality that Greg is dead. There is no way he would tolerate Linda shacking up with anyone, and no way would he abandon the k**s. Dean says actually their house belongs to me, I meant it as a wedding present but we never got around to transferring ownership.
Sunday evening Ray’s limo pulls up in front of Greg and Linda’s house. Linda had just finished sucking off Ray's cock. She rinsed her head smiled Ray pulled her into his arms and says your very special I don't want to let you go and they kiss, Ray says stay with me I'll make you the happiest woman in the world. Linda says Ray I have a husband and c***dren, Ray says I love k**s we have enough land to build a barn get the k**s pony’s and any toys they want, we can send them to the best schools, weeks in Disney World any thing they want. Linda says if we had only met before. She kissed him, he said Ill wait here till your in the house safe. Linda got out and saw the driveway was lined with trash bags and boxes, looking inside a bag she realized the bags were full of her clothes. She ran to the door it was locked her key would not work, there was a note tackled to the door telling her to call Jane.
Linda ran back to Ray's limo, and asked Ray to use his phone, she called Jane, when Jane answered Linda talked as if nothing was wrong and said this is Linda is Greg there, Jane blew up SLUT WHAT HAVE YOU AND YOUR PIMP LOVER DONE WITH MY BROTHER. Linda says what do you mean he was fine on Friday night. Jane says you mean when you abandoned him and your c***dren, she says I never abandoned my c***dren, Greg was supposed to pick them up, Jane yells HOW WAS GREG SUPPOSED TO PICK UP THE k**S AFTER YOU AND YOUR LOVER HAD MURDERED HIM. Linda says what do mean where are my k**s and why am I locked out of my house.
Jane laughed and said actually the house belongs to my Dad the title was never transferred to Greg, all your possessions are in the drive better get them before Monday trash day. As far as the c***dren go we got custody when you abandoned them Friday, there are restraining orders keeping you and your lover and his employees away from all of us our places of work and the house you use to share with Greg and that includes Greg's k**s. We have obtained a power of attorney for Greg and filed for divorce in his behalf on the grounds of abandonment and adultery. All of Greg’s funds have been put in trust for the c***dren. Oh one last thing expect to be questioned in depth by the FBI on Greg’s whereabouts.
Jane hung up on her, Linda sat in the back of the limo staring out into space, a tear rolled down her cheek, Ray asked what's going on? Linda, said I have lost everything, husband, k**s, money, home, all my possessions are in the driveway, everything else is gone. Ray told his driver to load all of her belongings in the limo and return to his home.
Over the next few weeks Linda, Ray, his bodyguards, Dee, Anne and the employees at the club were questioned relentlessly, by Bill Doors investigators, local police and the FBI, but no one broke. Ray couldn't believe that between his lawyers and the teams lawyers he couldn't even get a visit for Linda to see her k**s. Linda couldn't believe it when the divorce was granted and she got absolutely nothing. Ray married Linda and did his best to make her forget her former family.
It was December, all of Greg's injuries had healed, but he was still in a persistent c***, a new nurse had just come on shift, she entered Greg's room with the head nurse and says I didn't know he had been located. She asked what she was talking about, the nurse says he is Greg Miller his face has been plastered all over TV and the paper for months.
The hospital administrator contacted the FBI, agents and a medical team were dispatched to the hospital immediately, DNA was taken a rush was put on and the results were back in two days.
Dean got a call from Bill, he told him Greg had been found, for him to gather the family and get to the airport, he went on to say Greg had been in a c*** sense he had been found in a cattle car March first in Kansas City.
When the family arrived at the hospital they were met by Greg’s doctor, Bill and FBI Special Agents who were guarding his room. The doctor says lets let the c***dren and Jane go in first. Darla walks up to her Daddy kisses his cheek and says Daddy I love you, please wake up and play with us. She steps back and starts to leave the room when Greg says Darla is that you, all heads suddenly turn and Darla and Sammy run in jump on his bed yelling Daddy, Daddy your awake. He reaches up hugs his k**s to him and says Daddy loves you two. There wasn't a dry eye in the place, even the tuff FBI agents had a tear running down their cheeks. The doctor and his nurse ran in Jane hustled the k**s out they quickly checked his vitals, the doctor asked him how he was feeling, Greg said a bit groggy, and stiff, he said I can see I’m in the hospital how long have I been here the doctor told him, eight months, Greg says son of a bitch, sorry k**s, they laugh. Then Greg asks did you arrest that bastard Ray Levy and his body guard for putting me in here.
An FBI agent moved in close and asked if he was sure it was Ray Levy that hit him. Greg said yes, he had left the club taking my wife with him, she had left her purse and two of her friends were taking it to Ray, I figured out what was going on and followed them when they met him in the back hall I pushed forward demanding my wife, one of his bodyguards cold cocked me, the last thing I remembered was Ray Levy's fist crashing down on my face.
A camera had been setup in Greg's room when the FBI first moved in. The camera had direct feeds to FBI headquarters and the Department of Justice, both the FBI Director and the Attorney General had witnessed the feed. The AG called the FBI Director and said I have arrest warrants for Levy, his bodyguards, and the two women that had taken Linda’s purse to him, take a tack team and arrest that son of bitch.
It's the third quarter of the championship game, whoever wins goes to Super Bowl. The score is tied, Linda is in the owners suite, six months pregnant with Ray's baby. Play on the field had suddenly stopped, a SWAT team entered the field of play, as they approached Ray Levy they called out for him to separate from the rest of the players drop to his knees and put his hands on his head, figuring they wouldn't fire on him in a stadium full of spectators he ran for the other side of the field. As he approached the side line a second track team appeared, he knew he couldn't escape dropped to his knees and put his hands on his head. He was quickly cuffed and hauled off the field.
Linda was going crazy up I’m the owners suite, the owners wife was trying to calm her. The owner was on the phone trying to find out what was going on. He got a sad look on his face, Linda asked what was happening. He told Linda that Ray had been arrested for the attempted murder of her ex husband. She gasped oh my God Greg is alive. He said yes apparently he had been beat to a pulp by Ray placed on a freight train. He was found in Kansas City in a c***. He just woke up this morning and identified Ray and his bodyguard as the ones that beat him.
Linda fell Into her chair completely overcome with sorrow and grief. Why had she been weak, why had she listened to Dee that bitch had ruined her life. What would she do now, would Greg see her and let her see her c***dren.
Greg would spend months in rehab to physically regain his body, Bill put him right to work to regain his mental agility, his k**s and family helped him regain himself.
Ray and his bodyguard were both found guilty after Dee and Anne testified against them for reduced sentences. Ray and the bodyguard got twenty to life, Dee and Anne both got five years for hindering a federal investigation. Greg sued Ray and received a settlement in the millions. After Greg's successful suit husbands came out of the woodwork. All of his assets had to be sold to pay his debts. Linda took her baby boy and moved to California with an aunt. The last time Greg and Linda saw each other was that night in the club. Greg to this day says it was the worst night of his life.
Darla kept getting in trouble in her gym class finally Greg was called in for a conference. Her teacher Miss Sandy Evans was at her whit’s end. She told Greg Darla had been a model student until this spring, then suddenly it was like she did everything she could to defy her and get in trouble. Sandy said it was hard on her because she started acting up at the same time she was divorcing her cheating husband.
Greg got a big smile on his face and says that little minx, Sandy looked at him with a questioned look, Greg says that he had gone through a very painful divorce a year ago. Sandy smiles and says you mean she is trying to fix us up! Greg says she comes by it honestly, my sister is a fixer upper from way back. Sandy says while I genuinely appreciate the thought, her methods suck.
Greg says it's a shame all her efforts to go to waist, Sandy says it doesn't have to be, I haven't eaten have you, Greg says no but the k**s are waiting in the hall, she says good we can take them to McDonald's they can play in the play area while we get to know each other. When you take me home and walk me to the door a little kiss on the lips for the k**s sake of course. All went as planned Sandy told the story of her cheating husband and Greg told her his story, she had remembered the media blitz and the arrest on national TV but when Greg filled in the details she was astonished.
Greg gathered up the k**s and drove Sandy home, he walked her to her door she wrapped her arms around his neck and slid her fingers thru his hair, wrapped one of her long legs around his, pressed her mound against his cock feeling his cock jump to attention. The kiss was far longer and far hotter than he expected. When they broke their kiss Greg said one more like that and you will be carrying my baby. She smiled and said I'll hold you to that. Sandy said call me tonight and tomorrow let me know what we are doing tomorrow night.
When Greg got back in the car Darla said dang Dad your going to need a cold shower after that one, Sammy giggled, Greg says young lady I will not stand for that kind of talk, she says yes Daddy. Greg thinks a cold shower and a wank would be needed.
When Greg got home and had the k**s settled in bed, he texted Sandy, told her he never had such a good time at McDonald's, then he told her what Darla said when he got back in the car, Sandy replied LOL, then said I'll give her two extra laps tomorrow. Greg says tomorrow is Friday how about dinner at the Maddison tomorrow evening. There is a pause and Sandy asks we have a tomorrow. Greg says I was hoping for lots of tomorrow's. Again a pause Greg says I'm not trying to pressure you but I was taught by my Dad when you want something go after it. She says you want me. Greg says what warm blooded man wouldn't, you’re a beautiful sexy four foot eight inch woman wrapped in long blond hair, she says don't forget big boobs, he says that I hope to become very familiar with very soon. She says call me at ten tomorrow I have a free period and give me the details. Then she says goodnight, oh that feels so good to say goodnight to a man again. Greg says good night sweet dreams of us.
Greg calls his sister Jane, and says hi sis how is everyone, she says everyone is good and you, yes we are all fantastic, any chance you can take the k**s tomorrow night. Jane says so you can go out with that little blond that had her body wrapped around you trying to swallow your tongue tonight, WHO IS SHE. Greg says how did you know about her already. Darla sent me a video, Greg says I have to take her cell phone from her, Jane says don't you dare, how am I supposed to know what's going on with you all, and who is she. Greg says she is Darla's gym teacher, Darla set us up. Jane says I'm so proud of that little girl. How about we kept the k**s till Saturday evening and you bring her over for a barbecue that is if you don't drive her away tomorrow night. Greg says I have a really good feeling about her sis, Jane says be careful little brother I don't want you hurt again.
The next morning Greg had everything set up he called Sandy promptly at ten told her they had a seven o’clock dinner reservation at the Maddison, he had reserved a room for her to change in and she had a four o’clock appointment for her at their spa, she says what you have to get me all made up to be seen in public with me, he says no no no not at all your beautiful, she says just messing with you and thank you for saying I’m beautiful, one other thing my sister is watching the k**s tonight and she wants us to come to a barbecue tomorrow afternoon, and I'll bet she will invite my brother and Dad. She said cool, I’m quick on my feet, after we check out tomorrow, we can go by the market and pick up stuff for my world famous cold slaw.
Friday night Sandy walked into the bar Greg took a picture of her and sends it to Jane with a caption that says my date and future mother of my c***dren, she was wearing a shiny red metallic dress that we would say was on the minimal side, she definitely had more exposed skin than fabric, her long blond hair cascading over her shoulders, a pair of the highest red heels he had ever seen. She put her palms on his chest and gave him a light kiss on the lips, and says you don't get to mess up my makeup till we get to our room tonight. The bartender says Greg the restaurant just called your normal table is ready. Greg says thanks Bob , grabs their drinks and they go off to the dining room. Sandy asks do you come here often. He slides her chair out and she sits down. The waiter came over and said would you like your drinks refreshed Greg Sandy shook her head no, then the waiter went thru the specials, then said hopefully I’m not overstepping by saying it's so good to finally see you out with beautiful woman, Greg says thank you Lee and no you haven't overstepped, Greg says yes she is quite beautiful. Sandy says and if you see him here with another woman be sure to ask him where’s Sandy, oh and I'm Sandy nice to meet you Lee, I'll have the Chef's Special, medium rare, Greg says I'll have the same.
Sandy says I was going to ask you if you bring all your dates here but Lee just indicated I'm the first so do you own the place or what Oh and our room is the penthouse. Greg says remember when I told you before what happened to me, well it happened here, I didn't sue them and apparently I could have but it wasn't their fought, they have always treated me well here even before the incident. I always bring my team here for lunching and Bill has our Holiday party here. Sandy says, just where is it you work, Greg says I’m a team leader for Microhard, she asks and Bill is, he says Bill Doors of course.
Sandy says I saw you take my picture and send a message, Greg blushed and said my Sister Jane wanted to see your picture so I sent it to her, now my phone is vibrating like crazy. Sandy shoots her chair over next to Greg and says let me see, he shows her the picture, she takes his phone and says damn I do look good, then she started checking his messages, the one he sent to his sister just said my date beautiful isn't she. She looks at him and says thank you, flattery like that will get you in my panties OH wait I’m not wearing any, just one more obstacle removed.
Jane's reply was holy crap if you don't take her I will, oh make sure she dress down for the barbeque, I don't need you, Ron and Dad running around with erections all afternoon it's hard to explain to the k**s. Sandy types back this is Sandy, Greg's date don't worry about Greg by tomorrow afternoon he will be worn out, you will have to take care of your husband and it sounds like we will have to work on your Dad, but not to worry I know lots of horny older teachers that will rock his world. Jane types back I love you already take care of Greg tonight can't wait to meet you tomorrow.
As they ate their dinner Sandy teased Greg relentlessly, as they finished the band started playing, it seemed every time they got up to dance the band would switch to a slow song. Once in his arms they became one entirely their hearts beat as one, Sandy looked up at Greg and asked him what's happening Greg looks at her and says we are falling in love.
They took a break from dancing sitting at their table they were approached by Justin Timberlake world renowned cock hound, first baseman for the Baltimore Crows. He walked up to Sandy and said this is our dance and put his hand out. He was stunned when she replied no thank you. He says do you know who I am, Greg stood up and said the lady said no now shove. He took a swing at Greg, but Greg easily blocked the punch. Two bouncers were on him carried him down the back hall and opened the door with his face. In a week he was sent down to the minors and was never heard from again.
Sandy said thank you for standing up to that egotistical narcissist, dam your smart, brave, handsome and sexy I hit the jackpot, now take me to bed and make me yours. In the elevator Greg slid his hand down and cupping her ass, she said not like that pulled his hand off her ass lifted the back of her skirt and put his hand on her bare ass. Then spun in his arms and put his hand on her bare mound with just a small patch of hair above her lips and said that's to prove I'm a natural blond OH and they do bikini waxing in the spa as you can feel and soon see. Greg says I have always heard teachers are wild, she says oh you have no idea but you will soon. Greg says I hope I can walk tomorrow, she says no problem we only have one night, and I want to meet the family I'm about to marry into. Greg pulled her tight against him and gave her a kiss that made her legs shake.
The elevator opened directly into the penthouse, she took his hand lead him to the bedroom and said unzip me, he did then she said wait here I’ll be right back. She went into the en-suite a few minutes later she came out wearing a red half cup corset that pushed her boobs up exposing her exceptionally large areola and nipples, the garter straps were attached to a pair of red thigh highs, and she was wearing her red heels. She wore no panties exposing her glistening pussy. His paints immediately tended she smiled and said now that was the reaction I was going for, she laid back against the pillows and says it’s your turn to thrill me.
Greg slowly took off his sports coat and hung it up then slipped off his shoes and socks, unbuttoned his shirt and hung it on the clothes tree. Greg unbuckled his pants let them fall to the floor pick them up and folded them, then grabbed the hem of his t-shirt lifted it over his head and tossed it, and stretched his arms over his head totally exposing his tight abs and big bulge in his boxers.
Sandy says enough teasing jumped down to the bottom of the bed and yanked down his boxers sat back up with her hand over her mouth and said oh my God I just got pregnant looking at you, I think I just had an orgasm. She wrapped her arms around his neck and says we have all night but right now I'm soaking wet and I need you inside me. Greg crawled up on the bed Sandy hung on with her arms wrapped around his neck her body beneath him. When he was fully on the bed she grabbed his cock and started rubbing its head over her pussy, finally she inserted him into her and says please take your time I have never had anything near as large in me. Greg did not want to hurt her, slowly he worked his cock in her little by little, she hung on tight as her body shook in continual mini organisms. Breathing heavily she says don't stop keep going finally he bottoms out, she wraps her legs around his hips and says please don't move just hold me like this.
A few minutes later she started pumping her hips. Slowly he moves to her pace, holding her tight to him his natural instincts takes over, he is now making love to her, her pussy is so tight around his cock as he slowly increased his pace they melted together. Sandy says oh God Greg yes oh yes YES BABY NEVER LET ME GO. Sandy has a major orgasm, but Greg keeps his steady pace, Sandy had never experienced the sex she was receiving, from this man. Then she felt her pussy contracting again she was about to cum again, Greg picked up the pace ever so slowly OH GOD GREG I'M GOING TO CUM AGAIN OH GOD OH GOD Greg's cock swelled inside her, he picked up his pace then she felt his hot cum exploding inside her filling her cervix. An hour later she woke wrapped in Greg's strong arms, she smiled pushed her butt back against his cock causing it to rise slightly. Cuddled in his arms closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.
The next morning Greg was awakened to Sandy trying to swallow his cock, Greg reached down grabbed her hips flipped her over him and sat her down on his face. Greg buried his tongue in her swollen pushy, she had the sweetest pussy he had ever tasted. Sandy cradled his head holding his mouth tightly against her. He circled her clit with the tip of his tongue, she arched her back and moaned oh God Greg please don’t stop. He sucked her clit into his mouth. She screamed in orgasm and squirted in his mouth. Sandy slid off his face and down his tan body leaving a trail of her sweet juice. She only stopped when her butt met his erect cock. Greg sat up pulled her into his arms and said Sandra Connor I love you, she wrapped her arms around his head kissed him and said I fell in love with you when you walked in my class for Darla’s conference, and damn. I taste good.
Sandy pushed him back looked down at him smiled sat up on her knees reached between her legs grabbed his cock lined it up with her pussy and sat down on all the way to his balls. Beads of sweat broke out on her face and chest. She leaned forward dangled her boos in his face he grabbed one in each hand and pulled them to his mouth one at a time as she moaned and pumped her ass up and down on his cock. The harder he sucked the faster she moved. He felt her pussy tighten around his cock, she calls out GREG OH YESSSSSSSSSS GREG, her pussy was doing things to his cock that he had never felt before, suddenly he erupted directly into her cervix filling her ovaries with his hot cum. Sandy fell on his chest shaking and in a whisper I have never felt any thing that intense before.
She looks at him and says please don’t be playing with me because I’m an easy piece of ass because I’m not except for you!
Greg grabbed her hand pulled her into the shower they cleaned each other off without a word, Greg said dress in your casual clothes, then they packed, he lead her to the elevator, and down thru the lobby where he waved to the desk clerk and out to his car put their luggage in the trunk, opened the passenger door for her closed it got in and drove into town. Sandy asked did I say or do something to offend you, he simply answered yes. She asked what was it, then suddenly they pulled up to a store front, he got out walked around opened Sandy’s door took her hand and said please come with me. They were inside the store before she realized they were in a jewelry store, she pulled back put her hands over her face and said oh Greg really. He reached down took her hand again walked up to the counter and said hi Debbie, the clerk looked up and said hi Greg what can I do for you, he said I want to see your best wedding ring sets, she said of course please follow me to our private room, when inside Debbie had them sit at a table then she measured Sandy's finger went to the safe and retrieve tray of rings in her size. Sandy looked at the tray of rings and said I'm overwhelmed one is more beautiful than the next. Debbie says the best way is to try each on, you will know the right one when you see it on your hand.
Sandy tried on about ten sets. Then she said oh my God a tear ran down her cheek, Debbie said see I told you, Greg says we will take this set, Debbie said of course. She locked the tray of rings in safe. Took Sandy's set, Greg gave her his credit card , she told them to please wait she would be right back. Greg takes Sandy's hand and says you need to learn I would never string you along to get a piece of ass, you are the second woman I ever told I loved them the first I married and she cheated on me the second I'm going to marry if she realize other than my c***dren she is the most important person in my life.
Sandy says I knew better than to say what I said, but I was cheated on too and dated so many guys that just wanted to stick their cocks between my legs, none ever did. Sandy says damn Greg I love you so much I guess I just got scared we just happened so fast one evening I standing on my doorstep kissing the man I'm going to spend the rest of my life with who I didn't even know he existed four hours earlier. Damnit Greg you and the k**s are the most important things in my life hell you are my life. Then there was last night night, Greg says what about last night, she says you rocked my world like no one has ever before you were too good to be real, you made me feel things and emotions I never knew were possible, Greg I'm afraid I'll lose you. Greg pulls her into his arms and says I'm sorry I got upset with you, not sorry I made you feel things, I hope this proves to you I'm serious and your stuck with me forever.
Debbie came back in and had Greg sign the credit card receipt, both Greg and Sandy had to sign the insurance forms, and Sandy was given cleaning and adjustments for life. Greg excused himself for the bathroom. Debbie says you're a beautiful woman, Greg is one of nicest guys you will ever hope to know, his wife tore his heart out, I didn't think he'd ever recover. Sandy says don't worry I know how lucky I am that he chose me to spend the rest of his life with. Debbie says just take care of him, he deserves much more than he got before .
Greg comes back and asked are we ready to go, Sandy asked when do I get my ring, Greg says I was hoping for a more romantic setting, and I haven’t met your family and asked you Dad for permission. She says they will understand, and Dad will be happy to get me married off and I want to show it off at the barbecue this afternoon. Greg you will learn patience is not one of my strong points! Debbie says well you have been told if I were you I’d get down on one knee and do your thing!
Greg says why do I think I’m being ganged up on, Sandy says well, Greg gets down on one knee looks up at Sandy and says Sandra Connor will you do me the honor of becoming my wife and spending the rest of your life with me. Sandy crying says YES YES YES Greg slips the ring on her finger, she all but tackled him hugging and kissing him. They stood up, Debbie gave Sandy a hug and then Greg, and says I think you got a good one this time take good care of her, love you, you big oaf.
When they got in the car Sandy asked Greg how he knew Debbie, he said she is my ex-sister-law, Sandy says oh wow, by the way where are we going back to bed! Greg says no grocery store, to get the stuff to make Sandy's would famous cold slaw, she says oh yes but sex would be good to! Greg looks at her and she says what you make me horny your so damn sexy and you have a great butt. Greg says I don't think I have ever had a woman say that to me before, she says they better not I’ll scratch their eyes out, I am very protective of what’s mine, that includes you and our two c***dren now.
As they walked up to the rest of the family Jane says she is even more beautiful than her pictures. Greg introduced Sandy to everyone, that’s when Jane noticed her ring and said oh my God Greg what have you I mean your engaged, Sammy says we are all engaged she is our Mommy now. Jane says you two go play with your cousins, you two come with me. She took them a side and says how long have you known each other maybe fifty hours, and you have had sex, Sandy says oh yes, and did you get engaged before or after having sex, Sandy says after, then Jane looks directly to Sandy and asks do you realize the responsibility of taking care of two k**s, Sandy smiles and says no problem I take of eighty five days a week. Jane says that's right guess you can handle the k**s ok, Greg take a walk, Sandy says Greg please get the cold slaw out of the car, he says yes dear.
Jane holds Sandy's hand and says thank you, I was beginning to think he would never be happy again, the way he talks about you I can tell you have made him forget about the past and is only looking to the future and a life with you and the k**s. Sandy says he has said it was a nasty break up, but aren’t they all, mine was no joy for sure. Jane says boy that was an understatement, Linda ran off with a pro football player, he and his bodyguard beat Greg’s face to a bloody pulp, cut off his finger prints, stripped him and put him in a cattle car. He was found a day later in Kansas City, he was in a c*** for eight months, tears were streaking down Sandys cheeks, Jane says oh no no no every day he gets a little bit better and since you came along he is finally whole again.
Jane looks at Sandy and says so how was he, Sandy gives her a questioning look, Jane says in bed! Sandy says OH, Jane says once when he was f******n I accidently walked in the bathroom when he was getting out of the shower. What I saw was bigger than any man I have ever seen to this day. Sandy says he is big I was not ready for his size but he is very aware of his size and took his time as for the rest he knows what he has and knows how to use it to ensure I received maximum pleasure multiple times before he did and when he does he fills every part of my female organs full of his hot ….well you know. Sandy says one thing I noticed his thing and all the rest of him for that matter was tanned. Jane says he lives in a very private and secured home with a big pool, when the k**s aren't around he tends to sunbathe in the nude.
Greg walks up and says are you going to monopolize my fianée all afternoon. Jane says no sorry guess your right, he says one thing I want to run by you both, now that we have told the k**s you’re their Mother I think you should move in right away I mean like today. Sandy says we need to decide if we are going to move onto your house or my house. Jane says do you have twenty acres on the Chesapeake Bay, a pool, hot tub a eight hundred square foot walk in closet for you alone, she says I have a jetted tub, ok his place it is, Jane says ok I'll give you some clothes to change into in the morning and we will get together in the morning and move your stuff to Greg's.
The afternoon went well everyone loved Sandy and her world famous cold slaw, Sandy organized a game of kick ball for k**s and adults, the food was great by the end of the evening Sandy was part of the family. It was two weeks till summer vacation they decided to marry three weeks after school let out. That evening they carried two zonked out k**s out to the car and secured them in their booster seats and seat belts. When they started to drive Sandy said oh dang I have call my family they know nothing, Greg chuckles and says please put the phone on speaker.
Hi sis is Mom there
Sure hold on,
Hello Sandy
Yes Mom its me, I have some news
What’s that Dear
We're coming up to see you in two weeks
We honey?
Yes we Mom my fiancée and our two c***dren
Sara, Pete get on extension's
Everyone on yes Mom, yes dear, Sandy would please repeat what you just said
I said my fiancée and I and our two k**s are coming up to see you all I’m two weeks
I just saw you last weekend sis you were nether engaged or pregnant
What can I tell you he works fast
Yes Daddy
What is his name
Greg Miller
Wait not the guy that was on TV wanted by the FBI what did he do
He wasn't wanted he was missing
Why was he hiding
AHHHHH he was in a c*** he wasn't hiding, look we will explain in two weeks
They got to the front gate Greg pushed a button on the dash and the gate opened. Sandy said wow, as they pulled up to the front of the home she says this looks like a resort, he says actually it was a corporate retreat. They gathered the sleeping c***dren in their arms and took them to their rooms tucked them in with a kiss.
Then Greg took Sandy to the master, she gasped and said this is bigger than my house. Where do all these doors go, Greg stood behind her with his hands on her hips gently kissing her neck as he told between kisses the door on the right is your closest, the one in the center is our en-suite, the one the left is my closest. Sandy realized his hands are under her t-shirt massaging her boobs, her butt was rubbing against his cock. She says what are you doing, he says seducing you if everything goes right, she says you're doing great so far. She feels him take his shirt and t-shirt off, then reach down and pull off her t-shirt, then reach around undid her shorts and slid her shorts and panties off. She felt his shorts slide to the floor. She climbed on the bed he was right behind her, before she could turn over he grabbed her hips and pulled her to him and pushed forward slowly sliding himself into her hot wet pussy. She pushes back against him forcing him all the way in filling her pussy all the way to her his cock head just touching but not hurting perfect for mutual pleasure. He reaches around rubs her clit immediately she has an orgasm, her pussy started milking his cock and it felt to good to hold off so he proceeded to refill her female organs with his hot sperm.
Some time during the night they managed to put on a pair of his PJs her the top him the bottoms, good thing to because at first light the k**s came running in jumping on the bed get up get up Aunt Jane will be here soon to move Mommy here. Greg says ok you two go get cleaned up and dressed, Darla help Sammy. Sandy gets up takes off his PJ top walks over to looks out the French doors to the balcony to the pool below and the Chesapeake Bay beyond. Their bedroom was in the center wing of a u shaped house with a wing on ether side of the pool.
Greg just stares at her nude body silhouetted in the morning light. He instantly knew he had made the right choice. He got out of bed walked up behind her wrapped his arms around her, she settled back into his arms and says it's very beautiful here, Greg says it is now that you’re here. She asks did Linda like it here, he says she never lived here but it's because of her, we have this, the law suits out of her affair.
Ok time to shower and get dressed, and get you moved in. Sandy looked at Greg and asked how am I ever be able to work and take care of this place. He chuckled and says we have a staff, she says STAFF, Greg says our PA, cook, maid, nanny, groundskeepers, captain and mate for our charter boat. Sandy asks are you rich, he says Sandy I’m just a regular guy, I have a job that pays very well, but we do have enough money that our great grandc***dren won't have to worry.
Everything worked out well we got her stuff all moved and put away in our house. We cleaned up her house and rented it. Two weeks later were pulling into the drive of Sandy's parents home. The k**s were good a bit shy at first but grandma, grandpa, and aunt Nicole had got presents and toys to play with, when Sammy went running over to Sandy yelling Mommy, Mommy look what grandma and grandpa got me.
Sarah, Sandy's Mom went running out of the room. Sandy followed her, and found her crying in the kitchen. Sandy asks what’s wrong Mom, Sarah says you have no idea how long I have waited for you or your sister to give me a grand c***d , and you walk in here with two absolutely adorable c***dren, when Sammy called you Mommy and me Grandma, I couldn't hold it all in. Sandy says so these are happy tears, her Mom say oh yes I didn't want to upset the c***dren.
The rest of the day went great, the next morning Nicole heard Sandy sick in the bathroom. She quietly knocked on the door and asked can I come in? Sandy says just a second, she cleaned up and let her in. Nicole asks what’s wrong, Sandy says I think I got a twenty four hour virus. Nicole asks you sure it's not the nine month virus! Sandy says oh shit I’m late, Nicole says wait here, she comes back with a pregnancy test kit, Sandy asks why do you have this, Nicole says I'm not a nun, now go pee. There was a quiet knock on the door, girls what's going on, Nicole says come in Mom. Sarah asks what's going on girl's, Nicole says Sandy has a virus we are just trying to figure out if it is the twenty four hour type or nine month type. Sarah says oh my, Sandy looks at the test strip and sits on the toilet, Nicole says well, Sandy hands her the stick and Nicole starts laughing and hands the stick to her mother, who says oh my. Nicole asks so when are you going to tell Greg.
The rest of the day went well lots of playing with the k**s a trip to the zoo, but there was lots of giggling amongst the women, side eye looks. Dennis Sandys Dad pulls Greg aside and says something’s up, I have lived with those three long enough and their up to something, any idea. Greg says I thought they were smirking a lot I have checked my fly a dozen times but it's up. Dennis says all I can tell you their up to something or they know something that we should but their not telling. Dennis says don't ask they won't tell till they are ready.
Sunday evening driving home the k**s were zonked out in the back seat, Greg says your family is great, your dad is coming down in a few weeks to go out in the bay rock fishing, Sandy says you and he appeared to bond well. Sandy says we have discussed at least I thought we had addressed all the issues we needed to, but apparently there was one we, I, us failed to talk about. Greg asked what was that. Sandy says welllll I assumed that with you having a boy and a girl you were done having k**s and never asked me about birth control, well I thought it was because you had, had a vasectomy. Greg says well I assumed you were on the pill, I guess we need to, wait how did you know I hadn't had a vasectomy. Sandy says welll, reaches into her purse and digs out the test stick.
Greg gets a big smile on his face and Sandy asks your not upset with me, he says no not at all this will pull our families together, you have made me the happiest man in the world, are you ok with this, she yes, yes I'm just scared I don't know what to expect. Greg says if I wasn't driving I would hug you so tight, but let me help, the radio goes off and you hear Jane's voice saying.
Hello little Brother what’s up
I need your help sis
Anything Greg
Sandy is scared
Is she getting cold feet
Oh hi girlfriend why are you scared
I'm pregnant
OH MY GOD congratulations you two, oh honey its nothing to be scared of been happening for thousands of years. Barb and I will be there beside you all the way.
Thanks Jane I feel a bit better
Oh we have so much to do, Greg you have to put in a nursery
No problem we can divide her closet
Ok guys you need to call Dennis and Barb before I do.
Hey Barb it's Greg
What's up
Just calling to let you and Dennis know we are expecting
What are you expecting Dear
A Baby
No way I mean how
You have two k**s you should know how
I know I mean well damn congratulations
Ok we are pulling into home I'll talk to you tomorrow.
Well they got married as scheduled, Bill gave them a month long honey moon in Jamaica, after two weeks they brought Darla and Sammy down, seven months later baby Joe, joined the family and a year and a half later Carla was born. Greg at the urging of Sandy went and got sniped, but they had a slip and had sex before the waiting period was over and along came Annie.
Greg took it all in stride always in the back of his mind was his one failure in life his marriage to Linda. It was Dennis that made him realize it was not his failure it was Linda's.
Hope you all enjoy this story comment's about the story are always welcome, comments about grammar, punctuation or spelling you can shove. I am not a professional writer just doing this to pass time, I will say this got a lot longer then I had intended.
3 years ago