A walk down the beach
A Walk down at the Beach
Well, it has been some time since I last wrote about what I am doing, so I guess it is time. Life
has been very busy with work and social activities and finding time to sit down and put my
adventures on paper has been hard. Some things have not changed to much, we still get
together with our group of friends, usually once a month for some swinging, and on occasion
my husband brings home a friend or two for me to play with. But as I have aged I have been
slowing down a bit. What me and my husband like to do, and do almost all the time we go
out is having me flash people - I love how it makes me feel, the excitement, the thrill of it,
and in a strange way the humiliation I feel, really excites me. Living close to the beach, with
lots of tourists gives us lots of unknowing spectators that get to help me with this type of fun.
It’s one thing to go to the beach and flash or take off my bathing suit - on the beach you
always see some tit and maybe a peek of pussy. But these days we really get into flashing in
places it is not usual to see what an older lady like me has to offer up. We like to browse in
the shops along the waterfront on busy weekends with me wearing a thin summer mid thigh
length dress without a bra or panties on. Just being out like this is a thrill, the cool breeze as I
walk on my pussy is wonderful, and the feel of my hard nipples as they rub the material as I
move is orgasmic. As we window shop and go in and out of the different store I know that the
people around me can see the outline of my breast and very clearly my hard nipples through
my dress, and as the sun shine through the material more can be seen. My husband loves
standing back and watching people - guys especially - watching me. We pretty much do this
whenever we go out. We also like to do the “accidental” flash, in a store I will reach down to
look at something on a low shelf letting my dress ride up giving a good view of my ass and
maybe more. Or if it is windy my dress fly’s up and a quick look at my goodies for anyone
around me. In dressing rooms I never lock the doors, so I can give anyone opening them a bit
of a show. This is pretty much my routine all the time, with and without my husband. This
past weekend we both wanted to go out and wonder around, so I put on my pale yellow
summer dress, and as we were getting ready to head out the door my husband asked if I was
willing to try something while we were out. I, of course, without thinking said sure. He went
into our bedroom and brought out a paper bag and handed it to me. Inside was a small, maybe
thumb sized vibrator - remote controlled. Looked like fun, but it being so small it would take
concentration and muscle control to keep it in my pussy, I was kind of hoping it was for my
asshole, because than it would be 100 times easier to keep it in place. We walked out to the
car as all this was going through my mind, and once I was in the passenger seat my husband
told me to lift up my dress and he slide the vibrator into my hairy pussy. It slide in without
any problem because I was already pretty wet - being wet also presented me with a big
problem, holding it in place if I stood up. I put my dress back into place and off we drove -
top down, into town to wonder around. As we pulled into the parking lot I felt the vibrator
start up, made me jump and almost pee right there in my seat - the controls to it are on my
husbands phone and he decided to see how it worked without telling me. Well let me tell
you, for a small vibrator it really can vibrate and get me going. He only turned it on for a
second to let me know what I could expect and to make me think about how he could turn it
on at any time. We parked and as we got out he let me know that I was in for some fun. First
thing, as I stood up, it felt like the vibrator was going to fall right out of me. That little blast of
vibrations really stirred up my pussy juices and as I get excited my pussy muscles tend to
loosen up a bit, not a good thing when you are trying to hold something inside. Just standing
up took concentration and muscle control to hold it from falling onto the ground. Walking
was no easy task, and as we got to the first store I looked down and my normally hard nipples
were rock hard and could easily be seen through my dress top. We walked around for about
20 minutes and I was getting more relax about holding it in place with my pussy muscles, but
I did need to concentrate or I could feel is start to slide out. We were in one of those trinket
stores and I was going to flash this older man by bending over to look at something on a low
shelve, as I bent over my husband pressed the vibrate button, I jumped, made a small scream
noise and my muscles must have contracted and relaxed, because that vibrator slipped out and
fell on the floor. I looked back and I thought the old mans eyes were going to pop out of his
face, he was just staring at me and the vibrator on the ground. I think just than I must have
turned beet red with embarrassment, I wanted to run out of the store, but, I knew what I
needed to do. I took a deep breath, bent over and reached down to pick my tormentor up off
the ground, the old guy got another good look at my ass as I bent over, and as I straightened
up I started moving away, I looked back and saw one smiling happy face. Before we left the
store my husband made me push it back up into my now soaking pussy. As we walked out my
husband asked me if I noticed that both me dropping the vibrator and me putting it back in
were done in front of store security cameras. I didn’t even think about them or see them. I
couldn’t believe that along with the old man, now the store security will see the whole thing.
Just thinking about that made me wetter, and mortified about what I had done. Now it was
getting harder to hold it in place, but my husband wanted to continue to walk and he was
having a great time at my expense. We continued to walk down the beach looking into
different stores, I did get a fair amount of looks because I was so excited, nipples rock hard as
I continued walking. After a good 45 minutes of walking/shopping we were coming to the
end and would need to turn around and walk back. Unfortunately, at the end / turnaround is
a skateboard park (I have flashed here before and had some risky fun) but it being packed on
the boardwalk and packed at the skate park, I was real nervous the closer we got. We walk
right by and turned around to head back, I looked over and you could see guys watching the
tourists / walkers when they were not skating. We were just about past the park, I was feeling
good because I was able to keep a tight grip on my little toy when all of a sudden it switches
on, this time I grunted and the feeling made me bend at the waist foreword and I tightened
my muscles around it - I was determined not to let it come out in front of all these people.
The past 2 times my husband turned it on he turned it off after only a couple of seconds, but
this time it stayed on and it was on hard. The walkway was super crowded, people walking
towards and away from me, I’m bent over holding my lower stomach area, using every ounce
of strength I have in my pussy to hold the vibrator up inside. After about 10 seconds, it felt a
lot longer, my little vibrator kicked up in speed, as it did my knees buckled and I continued to
hold it in, but the pressure, excitement, humiliation was getting to me and I started to moan
(couldn’t hold them in), after only a few more seconds the unthinkable happened, my
husband turned the vibrator even higher. Here I am, bent over, knees almost unable to hold
me up, moaning (people were watching me wondering what was going on) when he turned it
up this last time I lost it- I couldn’t hold it in anymore as I started to cum - this was no
ordinary cum, it was so intense that I fell to my knees - right there in front of a large group of
people, moaning and screaming as I was cumming, my little friend fell to the ground and as I
was cumming I peed. As I was recovering I looked up and there was a pretty big crowd
watching me, as I was cumming I didn’t even notice them. I looked down as my pee was
spreading on the cement, I was breathing real hard and there I saw my vibrator on the
ground a couple of feel from me, I felt weak, but I needed to get out of there, so I forced
myself to stand up and I started to walk away without making eye contact with anyone. I got
maybe 20 feet away when I hear someone yell at me “ hay lady you forgot this”, and this
youngish boy runs up to me and hands me my soaking wet vibrator. Humiliation on top of
humiliation, I turned after grabbing my vibrator and was walking as fast as I could towards
the car (about a 10 min walk through big crowds) I kept my eyes down not wanting to make
eye contact, so embarrassed but knowing I had to get to the car. As I got to the car and got in
I looked back and my husband was laughing and really enjoying himself. He got into the car,
started it up and as we started to pull out he said for me to look at myself. I looked at my dress
for the first time - I was so scared walking back I didn’t even think about anything but getting
to the car. The whole lower front of my pretty pale yellow dress was wet, covered in my pee
and one of my boobs was almost out at the top. Now I was even more humiliated because I
walked all the way back and people could see I peed on myself. As I was telling my husband
how this increased my humiliation, so much more, he also let me know that my pretty dress
became almost transparent being wet with my pee and my furry old pussy could be clearly
seen through it. Oh my God, what a day. As we pulled into the garage at home I had my
cloths off before the garage door had even closed and I was on my knees ready for a hard
fucking - God did I need it.. Now we have found a new way to go shopping and to have fun
Well, it has been some time since I last wrote about what I am doing, so I guess it is time. Life
has been very busy with work and social activities and finding time to sit down and put my
adventures on paper has been hard. Some things have not changed to much, we still get
together with our group of friends, usually once a month for some swinging, and on occasion
my husband brings home a friend or two for me to play with. But as I have aged I have been
slowing down a bit. What me and my husband like to do, and do almost all the time we go
out is having me flash people - I love how it makes me feel, the excitement, the thrill of it,
and in a strange way the humiliation I feel, really excites me. Living close to the beach, with
lots of tourists gives us lots of unknowing spectators that get to help me with this type of fun.
It’s one thing to go to the beach and flash or take off my bathing suit - on the beach you
always see some tit and maybe a peek of pussy. But these days we really get into flashing in
places it is not usual to see what an older lady like me has to offer up. We like to browse in
the shops along the waterfront on busy weekends with me wearing a thin summer mid thigh
length dress without a bra or panties on. Just being out like this is a thrill, the cool breeze as I
walk on my pussy is wonderful, and the feel of my hard nipples as they rub the material as I
move is orgasmic. As we window shop and go in and out of the different store I know that the
people around me can see the outline of my breast and very clearly my hard nipples through
my dress, and as the sun shine through the material more can be seen. My husband loves
standing back and watching people - guys especially - watching me. We pretty much do this
whenever we go out. We also like to do the “accidental” flash, in a store I will reach down to
look at something on a low shelf letting my dress ride up giving a good view of my ass and
maybe more. Or if it is windy my dress fly’s up and a quick look at my goodies for anyone
around me. In dressing rooms I never lock the doors, so I can give anyone opening them a bit
of a show. This is pretty much my routine all the time, with and without my husband. This
past weekend we both wanted to go out and wonder around, so I put on my pale yellow
summer dress, and as we were getting ready to head out the door my husband asked if I was
willing to try something while we were out. I, of course, without thinking said sure. He went
into our bedroom and brought out a paper bag and handed it to me. Inside was a small, maybe
thumb sized vibrator - remote controlled. Looked like fun, but it being so small it would take
concentration and muscle control to keep it in my pussy, I was kind of hoping it was for my
asshole, because than it would be 100 times easier to keep it in place. We walked out to the
car as all this was going through my mind, and once I was in the passenger seat my husband
told me to lift up my dress and he slide the vibrator into my hairy pussy. It slide in without
any problem because I was already pretty wet - being wet also presented me with a big
problem, holding it in place if I stood up. I put my dress back into place and off we drove -
top down, into town to wonder around. As we pulled into the parking lot I felt the vibrator
start up, made me jump and almost pee right there in my seat - the controls to it are on my
husbands phone and he decided to see how it worked without telling me. Well let me tell
you, for a small vibrator it really can vibrate and get me going. He only turned it on for a
second to let me know what I could expect and to make me think about how he could turn it
on at any time. We parked and as we got out he let me know that I was in for some fun. First
thing, as I stood up, it felt like the vibrator was going to fall right out of me. That little blast of
vibrations really stirred up my pussy juices and as I get excited my pussy muscles tend to
loosen up a bit, not a good thing when you are trying to hold something inside. Just standing
up took concentration and muscle control to hold it from falling onto the ground. Walking
was no easy task, and as we got to the first store I looked down and my normally hard nipples
were rock hard and could easily be seen through my dress top. We walked around for about
20 minutes and I was getting more relax about holding it in place with my pussy muscles, but
I did need to concentrate or I could feel is start to slide out. We were in one of those trinket
stores and I was going to flash this older man by bending over to look at something on a low
shelve, as I bent over my husband pressed the vibrate button, I jumped, made a small scream
noise and my muscles must have contracted and relaxed, because that vibrator slipped out and
fell on the floor. I looked back and I thought the old mans eyes were going to pop out of his
face, he was just staring at me and the vibrator on the ground. I think just than I must have
turned beet red with embarrassment, I wanted to run out of the store, but, I knew what I
needed to do. I took a deep breath, bent over and reached down to pick my tormentor up off
the ground, the old guy got another good look at my ass as I bent over, and as I straightened
up I started moving away, I looked back and saw one smiling happy face. Before we left the
store my husband made me push it back up into my now soaking pussy. As we walked out my
husband asked me if I noticed that both me dropping the vibrator and me putting it back in
were done in front of store security cameras. I didn’t even think about them or see them. I
couldn’t believe that along with the old man, now the store security will see the whole thing.
Just thinking about that made me wetter, and mortified about what I had done. Now it was
getting harder to hold it in place, but my husband wanted to continue to walk and he was
having a great time at my expense. We continued to walk down the beach looking into
different stores, I did get a fair amount of looks because I was so excited, nipples rock hard as
I continued walking. After a good 45 minutes of walking/shopping we were coming to the
end and would need to turn around and walk back. Unfortunately, at the end / turnaround is
a skateboard park (I have flashed here before and had some risky fun) but it being packed on
the boardwalk and packed at the skate park, I was real nervous the closer we got. We walk
right by and turned around to head back, I looked over and you could see guys watching the
tourists / walkers when they were not skating. We were just about past the park, I was feeling
good because I was able to keep a tight grip on my little toy when all of a sudden it switches
on, this time I grunted and the feeling made me bend at the waist foreword and I tightened
my muscles around it - I was determined not to let it come out in front of all these people.
The past 2 times my husband turned it on he turned it off after only a couple of seconds, but
this time it stayed on and it was on hard. The walkway was super crowded, people walking
towards and away from me, I’m bent over holding my lower stomach area, using every ounce
of strength I have in my pussy to hold the vibrator up inside. After about 10 seconds, it felt a
lot longer, my little vibrator kicked up in speed, as it did my knees buckled and I continued to
hold it in, but the pressure, excitement, humiliation was getting to me and I started to moan
(couldn’t hold them in), after only a few more seconds the unthinkable happened, my
husband turned the vibrator even higher. Here I am, bent over, knees almost unable to hold
me up, moaning (people were watching me wondering what was going on) when he turned it
up this last time I lost it- I couldn’t hold it in anymore as I started to cum - this was no
ordinary cum, it was so intense that I fell to my knees - right there in front of a large group of
people, moaning and screaming as I was cumming, my little friend fell to the ground and as I
was cumming I peed. As I was recovering I looked up and there was a pretty big crowd
watching me, as I was cumming I didn’t even notice them. I looked down as my pee was
spreading on the cement, I was breathing real hard and there I saw my vibrator on the
ground a couple of feel from me, I felt weak, but I needed to get out of there, so I forced
myself to stand up and I started to walk away without making eye contact with anyone. I got
maybe 20 feet away when I hear someone yell at me “ hay lady you forgot this”, and this
youngish boy runs up to me and hands me my soaking wet vibrator. Humiliation on top of
humiliation, I turned after grabbing my vibrator and was walking as fast as I could towards
the car (about a 10 min walk through big crowds) I kept my eyes down not wanting to make
eye contact, so embarrassed but knowing I had to get to the car. As I got to the car and got in
I looked back and my husband was laughing and really enjoying himself. He got into the car,
started it up and as we started to pull out he said for me to look at myself. I looked at my dress
for the first time - I was so scared walking back I didn’t even think about anything but getting
to the car. The whole lower front of my pretty pale yellow dress was wet, covered in my pee
and one of my boobs was almost out at the top. Now I was even more humiliated because I
walked all the way back and people could see I peed on myself. As I was telling my husband
how this increased my humiliation, so much more, he also let me know that my pretty dress
became almost transparent being wet with my pee and my furry old pussy could be clearly
seen through it. Oh my God, what a day. As we pulled into the garage at home I had my
cloths off before the garage door had even closed and I was on my knees ready for a hard
fucking - God did I need it.. Now we have found a new way to go shopping and to have fun
3 years ago
Overall, it’s a challenging adventure. It's good if it ends in a wonderful sexual experience.