I need you!
I get that you want her. I'm not mad over that. I'm hurt you lied.i wanted to respect both of you. But I didn't want to lose you. I lost my mom and I just want to talk to you. I cry myself to sleep missing you, our relationship and our connection. I want you back in my life so bad it hurts. I'm sorry and I dont know what to do to fix it. I don't know if you will ever see this or not. All I can do is pray. I won't be alone for long. That I can find another amazing man, friend, dom and lover at times. I want the good morning baby girls again. The how are you darlin. Making sure I am safe. Letting me know you cared or at least you were great at faking it if that is the case. You made me believe I could be wanted and maybe loved. A dream I will keep forever. Thank you for the time we did have, I just want more of it.
3 years ago