Story:(George 14) and me,(Roy 11) Chapter 6.

Partway up the field George said,pulling his hand from my underpants & shorts,"Hang on Roy,Bend over",pulling my shorts & pants down off my Ass,"What the Fuck are you doing George,you,re not Fucking me here for everyone to see","Of cause i,m not,Roy,wanna lube your Hole,get you ready,now bend over",which I do,hearing George making grunting & snuffling noises in his nose & in his throat,next he spits,hitting my Boihole bang on centre,rubs his finger in it,i feel it,all slippy & slidey,he slips a finger into my Boihole making me moan,then he said,"Okay,Done,you can stand up now",as i stood up he pulled my underpants & shorts back up.
We started on our way up the field again,towards the woods,George slipping his hand back into my shorts & underpants,taking a hold of my Bum again,then he slipped his middle finger in between my Buns,every step we took had Georges middle finger slipping in & out of my Boihole,I was Luvving it,it had me so excited,my Cock was trying to burst out of my underpants.
George looking down the front of me,said,"Look at you Roy,you,ve got a Right Storker on you",I looked back at George,seeing he also has a Hard On,pretruding outwards,pushing his shorts outwards in a big Bulge.
I reached my hand back to his bulge,taking it in my hand,Woooooow,feeling the shape & size of his Cock,it was massive for his age.
"Fuck me George,that will never go in my Bumhole","Don,t you worry Roy,we,ll make it go in & you,ll Luv it", he says to me with a smile on his face,we stop for a minute,George Kissing me on the lips,i,m liking it & responding to his Kiss,s,his finger,teasing my wet Bumhole,me moaning as we kiss,then we walk on into the wood,me thinking,"I,m so ready for George".
We went about 3 hundred yards into the wood were there is a pool," Hey George lets sit here a while,if you are quiet we might see some wildlife,on & around the pool",so we sit down on the bank of the pool,after a few minutes,sitting quiet,a moorhen & her mate came out of some reeds,i gave George a nudge,pointing to them,George was more interested with stroking my Hard Cock through my shorts & underpants,then a Mallard Duck,her mate came out of some reeds,then i see a pair of rabbits on the far bank,i point nudging George,still more interested with stroking my Cock in my pants,we sit for a while chatting,mainly about my friends up the riding stables,George thinking because they horse ride they are snobs & me explaining to him that they are the same as us,they come from,working class families.
All of a sudden George is on his feet,reaching down,pulling me up to my feet & pulling me along behind him towards the far side of the wood,with a bit of an attitude in his voice."The only thing I want to be Riding Kemco,is your Fucking Ass,when we get to my Secret Place,you are definitely mine".
George drags me to the edge of the wood where runs a steel fence to keep the cattle out of the wood,there is a meadow & another wood opposite to were we are,there are cows on the meadow grazing happily in the morning sunshine,to our left,at the top end of the wood opposite,stands a great big house,infact i,d say a mansion,i can see from seeing the wood before but never been in it,it was once badly overgrown,now from where we are standing,they have started to tidy it up.
George climbs the fence into the meadow,"C,mon Kemco,we,ve got to go into that wood there",I reply,"We can,t go into that wood,that,s private,got a gamekeeper who goes about that wood",No way,he would,nt find his way through it,all the gorse & brambles,c,mon climb over",which i do.
George,taking a hold of my hand & part dragging me across the meadow to the wood,were we climb a steel fence into the wood,
George grabs a hold of a lower branch of a Rhododendron bush,pulling it to one side,him having a glance into it,"Okay Roy,in you go,crawl straight through,my Secret Place".
I look at him,"You must be having a joke",i said,"No i,m not having a joke,go on ,get in there".
I get down onto my knees & crawling into what seems like a tunnel between the branch,s,i know George is behind me,he keeps slapping my Ass & telling me to get on.
I come out of the bush,s,stand up,George pushing me on my Bum,"Okay Kemco,let me out",stepping foreward,George comes up alongside of me.
Placing his hand on my Bum he says,Okay Roy,what do you think of it",looking around,i,m amazed,,the area is as big as a football pitch,i look up,there are no tree branch,s overhanging it,the grass is beautiful,obviously,being cared for,although a little overgrown,surrounded by bush,s & a double gate in the one corner,the sun was beaming down into the whole grassy area.
"Well Roy",i reply,"It,s beautiful but someone comes here to cut the grass & the bush,s are being cut back".
"Oh!That,s the gardener,he caught me here once,you don,t have to worry about him,i gave him a Blow Job,he said it was okay for me to come in here,as long as i kept it a secret,be alright you being here with me".
George stepped away from me,kicking off his trainers,pulling his shorts down & taking his Teeshirt off,he lay them out on the grass,me looking at his Cock,although soft i could see that it was fat,stroking it George said,"C,mon Roy,Get Naked & enjoy this sunshine".
Looking at George,s Cock had given me a bit of an Hard On,George was now down on top of his cloth,s,looking up at me,"C,mon Slowcoach,you,ve not gone shy on me have you",I took my Teeshirt off,lay it alongside of George,kicked off my trainers & pulled off my shorts & underpants,now Naked,lay them with my Teeshirt,George seeing i had an Erection,said"You,re keen Kemco,you,ve not got designs on my Ass have you","don,t be silly George,i,m only here for one thing & that,s an All over SunTan".Getting myself down, lying on my shorts & Teeshirt.
George & myself are lying,faces on our arms looking at eachother,George asks me about the lads up the stables,"Don,t you fancy any of them,seen you occassionly leaving your house,early in the morning,with a Boi from the stables,I know he,s one of your stablemates,always carrying bridles,he,s Fucking Good Looking".
"Oh!that is Tony,has sleepovers at mine sometimes if we are going to a show,leaving the yard early,so he can get his pony,(Jukebox),& i get Bluebird"," Are you having Sex together","Well George,i,m in Love with him,i think he may feel the same but he is,nt responding to my feelings",George,"What do you mean,not respondinng to your feelings".
"Well George when we go to bed,always in our underpants,settle down,Bum to Bum,i give it about 10 minutes then turn over dropping my hand onto his hip,slowly letting my hand slide onto his Cock,he always has an Hard On,he never moves my hand away,he is always okay with me the next morning,still best of mates",He,ll come over one day Roy,he,definitely wants you,building courage up,he,ll have your Hole,you can bet on it,like i,m gonna have yours now".
Putting his hand gently on my Naked Bum,lifting himself up & swinging his leg over my back & sitting on my shoulders.
"Come up on your knees Roy",I say,"What with you sat on me","Yes Roy,with all your Ballett lessons you should be able to do that,my Little Billy Elliott","How do you know about that George,that was supposed to be secret","The only Boi in a class of girls,after school,having ballett lessons,Diane & Elsie,(Two girls in our Crescent),told me,they reckon you,re good".
"Gobby bitches,they are",I say,getting up onto my knees,chest down on my Teeshirt on the grass,"Spread your legs Kemco,let,s see your Boifanny",I do as George says,spreading my legs,"Wooooooow,that is gorgeous & it,s Winking at me,ready for munching on".
I can feel my Boihole Twitching,i,m now feeling so excited that i,m not far away from giving George my Virginity.
George gave me a slap on the one of my cheek."Ouch"I let out,I liked it really,then both his hands were pulling my cheeks apart,I felt his saliva drop onto my Boihole,then he ran a finger around it,"Mmmmmmm",i he pushed a finger into me,I gasp,"Uugggghh,Oh,George","You likin' it Roy","Yes George",I reply.
He pulls his finger out,he spits into my Hole,which is open a bit,teasing around my Boihole he push,s two fingers into me.
"Ooooooh!George",i moan,then he push,s two fingers of his other hand into me,he now has four fingers inside of my Hole,i push my Ass up,welcoming them inside of me,"Oooooooooh",i moan,George is twisting them around in all directions & pulling my Hole from side to side,stretching my Hole,he does this for about five minutes,surprisingly,I,m enjoying it & it,s not hurting me,George pulls his fingers out,i feel his warm breathe as he blows into my Boihole,"Gaping nicely",George says,then he spits more saliva into me,snorts with his nostrils & throat & spits into me again,snot & phlem,i feel it slide down the wall of my Sphincter into my Anus,then he push,s four fingers of of his one hand,direct into my Boihole,twisting it as he goes into my Sphincter,i let out a gasp & moan,"Ooooooooh",not of pain but of pleasure,i,m enjoying the attention George is paying to my Hole,getting me ready to take his Cock.
His fingers have passed through my Sphincter,he,s feeling around inside of my Anus,his fingers stroking the walls of my Anus,it feels so nice,George really has me moaning now,my Ass is moving to every touch of his fingers inside of me,then he pulls them out,then he thrusts them into me again,again & again.
After a while George stopped,still sat on my shoulders,me,chest to my teeshirt on the grassy floor,Bum in the Air,George giving my Buns a kiss,"Hey Kemco,you want to see your Boifanny now,Gaping Wide Open,can see what you had for breakfast,Hahaha,did you like that,Kemco",I reply,"George,it was Beautiful,felt like I was gonna Cum,you stroking me,inside".

Hope you,re enjoying the Story-Please leave your comments. Part 7 Shortly.
Published by DancingPony
3 years ago
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DancingPony Publisher 8 months ago
to FarkingSlut : Thank you,Sweetie..
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FarkingSlut 8 months ago
oh how I love to see yung boys gettin fucked. Love your stories, slut
buttonman 2 years ago
Takes me back to when i was 10. Horny little buddy named Tim. Nice boy story. Love reading about other guys first experiences with friends. 
darter18 3 years ago
wow really well written and exciting times...just laying naked with a mate to sunbathe at that age would have been wonderful
billt12 3 years ago
Lovely story well told of a virgin boy's first induction to the joys of boy on boy sexual love. Thanks for the pleasures invoked by the story. Bi-Bill
Edrun 3 years ago
to DancingPony : Let's hope so! Glad to know you're ok after the boy2roy page retired. X
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DancingPony Publisher 3 years ago
to Edrun : Hopefully i will find the time this week to get the next chapter done.xxxx
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Edrun 3 years ago
Having read all 6 post so far I'm eager for the next instalment! It's inspiring me to write my own...
speedobuddy 3 years ago
to DancingPony : He sure as hell saw true your facade but he knew hos to push the right buttons. Or rather button
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DancingPony Publisher 3 years ago
to speedobuddy : Hi,Thnx for your comments,the story is true,was George manipulating me,"Roy"? I knew earlier than that ,that I was different,more of the story to come.& I luv your Avatar,adding you to my friends.xxxxxxxxxxxx
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speedobuddy 3 years ago
What a great story! very well written
Hedge1472 3 years ago
to DancingPony : thanks ive accepted friends requst
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DancingPony Publisher 3 years ago
to Hedge1472 : Thanks for your comment,i,m glad you,ve enjoyed my story,at present i,m a bit busy but i will carry on with my story,ASAP.xxxxxxxxxx
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Hedge1472 3 years ago
just read all 6 parts rock hard carnt for more
skyyrocks 3 years ago
Love it, Roy