Story:(George14) and me,(Roy 11) Chapter 2.
"George,My Torment or What".
I,m trying to ignore George & his comments about he is going to Fuck me,my intentions are to go back into the kitchen & close the door between the livingroom & the kitchen.
I hear the letterbox flap open,George,s voice,"You know i always have my way Roy,you,re Ass is mine so you may as well let me in",i go into the kitchen & close the door,trying to ignore George,s comments,but something about his comments is exciting me,i have a Full Erection,i try to ignore it,switching the kettle on to make myself a cup of tea,it,s warm in the kitchen from the outdoor temperature,it,s lovely & sunny outside so i open the kitchen/back garden door.
"BOOOOOOH",it,s George outside the backdoor,I jump back in fright,not realising he was there,I let out at him,"For Fucksake Greenie,you scared the shit out of me,how the Fuck you got into our backgarden",Climbed over the backgate,how do you think I got in, now what we having for breakfast",pushing his way into our kitchen,having a feel of my Cock & Balls as he pushed his way in,he makes his way over to the cupboards were the tea mugs & cereal bowls are kept, taking 2 mugs out & 2 cereal bowls out.I stand there amazed,him knowing his way around our kitchen,he looks at me,obviously,mouth open,wondering about him.
"Oh!your Mom invites me in regular for breakfast,sometimes a dinner,you,re usually up the stables with your snobby friends,come on get the tea poured,what cereals we having?",he says.
Then he points at my lower parts,my Cock is stood up my Belly,Throbbing away,me thinking,"What is he doing to me",him looking at me ,he says,"Nice Cock Roy,Come here",without hesitation I go over to him,he takes my Balls & Cock in his hand,I can feel myself shaking,feels like so much sensations running through my body,he goes down on his knees & takes me into his mouth,licking up & down my Cock,sucking on my Little Balls,he is driving me crazy,i,ve never knew sensations like it,then he pushes his one hand between my legs,me spreading them without being told to allow his fingers access to my Rosebud.
Woooooow,he played with it for a while,then Guilt hit me,pushing away from George,calling him"All the Queer names I could think of",
He got up calmly,sat back on the kitchen chair & said,"That,s alright Roy to feel Guilty,you maybe will for a few times when you have sex with a guy,but you will still look foreward to someone having sex with you,now for Fucksake pour the tea".
I do exactly what he,s telling me,I pour the tea for us both,put the cereals in the bowls,pour the milk on them,sit on my seat,my Cock still Erect,doing my best to ignore it.
George is talking about me going to the same school as him after the summer hols,"Have my own Little Bum Boi,wont I Roy",I look at him & I almost said,Yes,"Fuck off George,Your the Queer,I Aint"."We,ll See",George said,at no time did i think of getting dressed, Innocently,Exhibiting my Nakedness.
Doing the bacon sandwiches I was thinking,"Am I Gay,I enjoyed him Sucking me & Teasing my Boihole,is Barbara right,am I a Puff".
I put a bacon sandwich down in front of him,he reach,s out & strokes my Cock,still Erect,I don,t snatch away from him,I turn & go & pick up my sandwich,not objecting to him running a finger up my Crack,infact I smile at him as I return to my chair at the table opposite him.
"Oh!by the way,I want my Bois Hole clean every day,want your Hole Douched,nice & clean for my Cock",without thinking I say,"What do you mean,Douched","I,ll show you when we,ve had our sandwich,s,Okay",with excitement I say"Yes,OKay"
I hope you enjoyed,(Pt 2),Please leave your Comments,(Pt 3) shortly .
I,m trying to ignore George & his comments about he is going to Fuck me,my intentions are to go back into the kitchen & close the door between the livingroom & the kitchen.
I hear the letterbox flap open,George,s voice,"You know i always have my way Roy,you,re Ass is mine so you may as well let me in",i go into the kitchen & close the door,trying to ignore George,s comments,but something about his comments is exciting me,i have a Full Erection,i try to ignore it,switching the kettle on to make myself a cup of tea,it,s warm in the kitchen from the outdoor temperature,it,s lovely & sunny outside so i open the kitchen/back garden door.
"BOOOOOOH",it,s George outside the backdoor,I jump back in fright,not realising he was there,I let out at him,"For Fucksake Greenie,you scared the shit out of me,how the Fuck you got into our backgarden",Climbed over the backgate,how do you think I got in, now what we having for breakfast",pushing his way into our kitchen,having a feel of my Cock & Balls as he pushed his way in,he makes his way over to the cupboards were the tea mugs & cereal bowls are kept, taking 2 mugs out & 2 cereal bowls out.I stand there amazed,him knowing his way around our kitchen,he looks at me,obviously,mouth open,wondering about him.
"Oh!your Mom invites me in regular for breakfast,sometimes a dinner,you,re usually up the stables with your snobby friends,come on get the tea poured,what cereals we having?",he says.
Then he points at my lower parts,my Cock is stood up my Belly,Throbbing away,me thinking,"What is he doing to me",him looking at me ,he says,"Nice Cock Roy,Come here",without hesitation I go over to him,he takes my Balls & Cock in his hand,I can feel myself shaking,feels like so much sensations running through my body,he goes down on his knees & takes me into his mouth,licking up & down my Cock,sucking on my Little Balls,he is driving me crazy,i,ve never knew sensations like it,then he pushes his one hand between my legs,me spreading them without being told to allow his fingers access to my Rosebud.
Woooooow,he played with it for a while,then Guilt hit me,pushing away from George,calling him"All the Queer names I could think of",
He got up calmly,sat back on the kitchen chair & said,"That,s alright Roy to feel Guilty,you maybe will for a few times when you have sex with a guy,but you will still look foreward to someone having sex with you,now for Fucksake pour the tea".
I do exactly what he,s telling me,I pour the tea for us both,put the cereals in the bowls,pour the milk on them,sit on my seat,my Cock still Erect,doing my best to ignore it.
George is talking about me going to the same school as him after the summer hols,"Have my own Little Bum Boi,wont I Roy",I look at him & I almost said,Yes,"Fuck off George,Your the Queer,I Aint"."We,ll See",George said,at no time did i think of getting dressed, Innocently,Exhibiting my Nakedness.
Doing the bacon sandwiches I was thinking,"Am I Gay,I enjoyed him Sucking me & Teasing my Boihole,is Barbara right,am I a Puff".
I put a bacon sandwich down in front of him,he reach,s out & strokes my Cock,still Erect,I don,t snatch away from him,I turn & go & pick up my sandwich,not objecting to him running a finger up my Crack,infact I smile at him as I return to my chair at the table opposite him.
"Oh!by the way,I want my Bois Hole clean every day,want your Hole Douched,nice & clean for my Cock",without thinking I say,"What do you mean,Douched","I,ll show you when we,ve had our sandwich,s,Okay",with excitement I say"Yes,OKay"
I hope you enjoyed,(Pt 2),Please leave your Comments,(Pt 3) shortly .
3 years ago
Maybe,one day you will get me into your bed.xxxxx