First very ever masturbation

My first wank was when I was 11, I didn’t really know what I was doing, as I hadn’t ever done anything like this before, and nobody had told me about it, but it felt so unreal, wrong, naughty and wonderful at the same time, and I knew this was something I wanted to keep doing to myself. I grabbed my cock tighter and started to go faster and harder and I didn’t know why, but to just keep going. I was breathing fast and loud but was in my own world by then, I was totally, totally aroused, then to my surprise, I seemed to be out of control, my cock started to twitch and spurted my first spunk fountain ever, omg it was so wonderful, the cum was all over the bathroom floor, and I wondered what I’d done to myself, but it felt so natural to me and I was amazed to what I’d done to myself. My cock was bright red and purple from the intensity of it, and was still throbbing, and was like it had been strangled, but it was so beautiful for my first ever orgasm. I never told or mentioned it to my friends, as I thought it was wrong at the time, and didn’t realise that they were doing it as well. I was going to the bathroom most days after that to wank my cock to enjoyment and empty my balls of my lovely seed. Been doing it ever since, and still enjoy as much if not more.

Please let me know of your very first wank and cum.
Published by cum_nicely
4 years ago
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Plonk123 1 month ago
Love to read early stories. 🦴👋💦
Juicygob2 3 months ago
I was about the same age and haven’t stop wanking since then 
joolsp74 4 months ago
I was 13, found a massage machine that for some reason I decided to put on my dick. It felt great, was erect is instantly, didn’t know what I was doing till my dick started to twitch and I shot cum over my trousers. Felt great and that’s were it started.
Juicygob2 4 months ago
1st wank was when with a mate behind garage block we were only 11 ish still fresh in my mind  56 years later loved it 
cum_nicely Publisher 5 months ago
to cmc66 : And do it again and again for total pleasure alone
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cmc66 5 months ago
Fairly young age, rubbing my cock against a teddy bear thinking about a female teacher. Overwhelming feeling that I had no control over it, scary but knew I was going to try it again and pay attention next time. 
cum_nicely Publisher 6 months ago
to goldscorpguy : I agree, the first time to cum you went the bit extra and couldn’t stop until the beautiful moment to treasure for all time, the first cum
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goldscorpguy 6 months ago
Like others i was around 11 or 12. The first few times i used to rub myself up to the edge and then get scared about what would happen and pull back. Then one time it became too much and i finally came. After that i was at it on a regular basis. Saturday mornings were my favourite time. I always woke up early, stroked one out, then went downstairs to watch Saturday tv. My high school ( from 11-16) was boys only. When i was 14 my best mate stayed some weekends on sleepovers. We used to wank each other off. Happy days. 
cocklover57 6 months ago
Very similar for me and at same age
smithy59 7 months ago
to cum_nicely : mmmmm wondering whats happening , but cant stop , the feeling was amazing  
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cum_nicely Publisher 7 months ago
to smithy59 : Yes, and don’t really know what you’re doing to yourself, but just keep doing it because it’s the best thing ever and shooting your first cum
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smithy59 7 months ago
to cum_nicely : sure is , all that exploring then to finally cum
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cum_nicely Publisher 7 months ago
to smithy59 : It’s the best ever
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smithy59 7 months ago
my 1st time  i was about 12 , in the bath rubbing my cock , put shampoo on it , felt so good , all slippery and cock was very hard , just kept rubbing and rubbing , then that intense feeling , felt dizzy as i shot my 1st spunk , after that i was addicted
robertaverage 9 months ago
to cum_nicely : especially with friends 
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cum_nicely Publisher 9 months ago
to robertaverage : Everybody’s first wank was so very special and also the most memorable, a beautiful thing to treasure forever 
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robertaverage 9 months ago
My first time, i was 13, I was shown how to by a older friend, we stood over bathroom sink. I nearly fell over as I spunked for the first time, we did it often together after that 
Bobblehat12 1 year ago
My experience would be very similar to everyone who has posted already. When I was 12 I went swimming with a friend the same age, and in the cubicle we shared to change at the end we thought it would be fun to touch each others cocks and rub them together. It was, but we never took it any further. I suppose my first wank was about then. I had had a couple of wet dreams, though my parents never said anything. I had some idea of what was happening and used a towel laid on my bed to wank. I would lie on top and start thrusting. When I came I would moan into the pillow. The towel was used a lot and never washed. It was stained and stiff when I finally got rid of it. Never wanked into my mother’s underwear though. Moved on a bit from that now! 
Leomoore 1 year ago
My older brothers encouraged me to have my first wank.  I thought i was going to piss, they said keep going.  It was lovely to cum that first time.  Still regularly wank and cum.  Had many adventures since, see my posts. 
nwukcupl 1 year ago
Yes, the first time that we found out "what it's for" was amazing ???
hrdguy01 2 years ago
Mine ill never forget.  I was 13 staying at neighbors while parents were gone  went to take a shower  abd bra and panties on the floor. I got hard jacked and it happend 
cum_nicely Publisher 2 years ago
And in your cock forever
hairybear2013 2 years ago
And to add that I was raised in an ultra religious household and was told that masturbation was a sin so I did everything I could to hide it, knowing God would send me to hell for “spilling my seed”. Awful really…making a teenage lad feel guilty for a perfectly natural activity. And raised as a single parent with no father, these things were never discussed with me by my mother so all I learned, I found out for myself (pre internet too). And if I thought the church hated masturbation…well imagine what they said when they found out I liked doing guys up the arse 😂
hairybear2013 2 years ago
Not sure I fully remember but I guess I was 11-12 and had this frustrating itch in my penis that I couldn’t get rid of. I call it an itch as that was the only way to describe it but now i know it was the feeling of being horny and needing a wank. I couldn’t make sense of it really and would do things to my willy to try and make it go away. I’d draw pictures of Fanny and willy on paper and rub my penis over them and at one point, drew a Fanny on a piece of paper, cut a hole in it and put my willy through. That didn’t stop it either. I guess over a few weeks of doing that, I discovered that “shaking” my penis intensified the feeling so I kept going with it, out of instinct I guess. It was also about this age I noticed the first of my pubes appear around the base of my penis. Anyway, I imagine one day I kept shaking my penis until I spunked up and suddenly the “itch” was gone (for about five minutes lol) and so I knew how to deal with it. And that was that :smile:). Then of course I discovered gloryholes in public toilets but that’s a whole other story 
hip12out 2 years ago
lovely dear, seduced my first boyfriend at that age too xxx chats soon yes xxx
cum_nicely Publisher 2 years ago
to onetowatch : glad you liked, that first time was so amazing for me
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onetowatch 2 years ago
That is so wonderful. Thank you for sharing. 
cum_nicely Publisher 2 years ago
to coltag1947 : Best time ever
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oooh yes, very nicely described. I started about 10 or 11, rubbing my dick on the bedsheets and feeling so excited. Had what you would call dry orgasms then. At 12 I noticed drops of liquid oozing out of my cock
bsegerct 2 years ago
I have never told anyone first cum from wanking was after I lost my virginity in first year of college.  Lots of tugging from my dad's books and mags...but no cum.  This lead to lots of wet  Losing my virginity opened up a whole new world...wish i had cum earlier.  Love hearing all these yng stories....nice stuff