I love you all my fans!

I love you all , my dear fans!

But ofcourse , you all write to me and I don't reply on time or you ask me question and I do not respond at all. Why is this, you might wonder?

Is she a robot , or does she not like to answer mails?

This is not at all the reason. The reason is that I have so much mail , that I cant answer them all even if it takes me a hundred years! At this moment my counter has reached the 210 mails that I still have to answer and since I am only by myself and would love to respond to you all, its just to much.

So should I stop accepting new friends or should I hire a team of horny assistents answering my mails so I can focus on being that slut you all love to watch?, ..

The most horny dutch T-girl who started on xhamster being homeless and totally broke, yet doing the dirty job ( somebody gotta do it ) secretly in the shelters of Amsterdam and other secret locations like the library or other places with public toilets.

No , I love you all, so all who wish to join me in my quest for being the most horny, yet secret shemale of the Netherlands shall always see the friendrequest answerd with a yes. As it is now I have more then 32K views a day and I am not even makling money with it since I believe that being this horny slut is a calling that has started without any money and has to be so , else it would not be as exiting and horny and slutty.

All of my outfits are found on the streets! Lots of people throw away a lot of good clothes that I happen to pick up with my bucketbike even if its wet by the rain. I dry and wash the clothes at home and then I have a new bunch of clothes that makes me happy like its my birthday! Then I see that a lot of thrown away stuff has a story behind them. I also notice that its mostly female clothes that I find and since female clothes are a lot cheaper to buy then male clothes ( which in my opinion are boring) ofcourse you will find them more often in bags thats woman who , i guess, became pregnant or got a baby, found obsolete. Most of the time a find clothes already washed and ironed and then I feel that it either was a succes story or it was sadly a woman who got a man who was not into kinky stuff for religious reasons. Whatever it is , I am a scavenger and happen to find so much stuff that now I have so much clothes in abundance and neve rrun out of sexy clothes to wear . It make me really happy and has feuled my ambition to become a t-girl. It also helped me with depression that never got a change since I had always new stuff to do ...I recommend to everybody who is living in a world of depression to go out on the streets and find clothes and wear them , making pictures and vids and post them on this wonderfull platform here on Xhamster. I t litterally saved my live more then once.

The year 2020 was a great year and it granted me a house to live in , a pretty large studio appartment where I have the time of my live and I am so happy that being homeless has not destroyed my life, in fact , it only enriched it and now I have apreciation for all the small things I already have, especially you ...my dear subscribers, you all helped me go trough a rough period that not only madf me into Rose , but also gave me Astrology and the holy science called syncretism, it made me scavenger King and now i can find everytrhing that i want outside on the streets of Amsterdam. I also became an inventor and creator of lightsabers and lightweapons that now has me occupied in the science of light. Yes even though I am a big slutt , God is a big part of my life and this is all thanks to science he/she gave me ....

Sexually I have explored always the extreme side of sexual activities like facefucking , deeptroathing and cumming in troath and swallowing hot salty Piss which ofcourse is a thing not many people would do but I discovered that drinkinkg someones piss is actually quite healthy. It is ofcourse a taste that you have to get used to but being a submissive toiletslut , caused by the porn that I have watched since Napster came out and seeing poor women being degraded to a puddle of cum, puke and piss, I have trained a lot these days and notice that it made me happy and warm and it made me feel that I have pleased my dominator and telling him that there is nothing that I find disgusting about him.
The human body is a work of art and its an great honour if you receive a man's fluids, and get to swallow it , making it part of your own fluid. Its all in the fluids that keep us alive, so even if the piss is totally orange, salty as hell and full of dirty stuff his body discarded, taking that stuff into my system is pure bliss and gratefullness of letting me be the slut that I wish to be ...Thats why i make sure i always thank my sexual partner for being so free to piss all of his golden urine in my mouth! I always let them here very well that I swallow it with pleasure and somettimes have to cough hard, puke or belch piss that in my eyes is so horny that it make me cum afterwards.
I like piss even more then cum since cum is based upon tthe man to perform well or to have a job to succeed in something, while I dont want my man to feel that he has to perform, or to be on time or to do their best....I want my man to be free and have the joy that they can do anything they like to me, without feeling the pressure to perform...
Cumshot are full with machoism and ofcours its cool if you can cum in my face or in my troath as you would like too but most of the time a slight intrerruption can make you distracted so that you can't cum and it's dissapointing that the whole sex gets judged on how or when a man should cum...I dont want my man to feel anykind of pressure to perform and to feel that they fail if they cant cum....This is difficult to explain to some men because they only think of sex as a consumerproduct that is bound by succes of the cumshot.
Pissing is always seen as wasteproduct so it does not have that compettitive function, you dont have to perform well to piss into somebodies mouth , the only thing you have to do is aim well and just empty your blatter...Its therefore in my experience, having swallowing piss many times already since I got my own house, much more nice and way more tasty and slutty and even people who cant cum or are impotent can also enjoy seeing a strong tasting fluid hitting my troath and face that destroys me and see me tremble for an hour trying to take in and process all that salty piss ...

Facebook has exposed me ...I was sleeping and in my sleep I accidentally posted an picture of me and it when into the story section of my facebook which resulted in everybody seeing my secret activity as Rose , my familly and friends and all got tto see the slutty me ....

I looked at it and thought ......I DONT CARE! :) ...

I always made sure I did not let anything asbout Rose be known to my family and friends but having so much fans and so much views a day , I was alteready expecting that most of tthem already knew and it tturned oiut that it was not the case , so goodjob xhamster...you really know how to keep a secret!
But now as I was asleep in my prison cell that i called my room ( I have no criminal record at all but homeless sshelters in Amsterdam use prisoncells to put in homeless and have them pay for it ...) somehow it was possible for me to open facebook , choosing upload pictures in the section My story and then post it while its forbidden on facebook to post pornographic images , so it was erased within a couple of hours but it was enpugh time for one of my best friend to call me and say...He dude i dont know if this is a joke but you have posted a naked picture of yourself looking as woman...i thoufght i'd call to let you know...hahaha! Sleepy I looked at the damage and thought...FUCK IT , i dont care ...It showed me how I have grown up to this.
I used to though that it would be the end of the world if people would found out but the opposite seemed to be the case. As i had to go out a lot on the streets and was scavenging everyday for sexy clothes and made pictures when I returned in my prison cell for a whole year now , I guess it changed me from the inside and now I had created a backbone that I am so proud of creating...

I dont give a fuck what anothe person thinks about me! Yes I have achieved the holy grail for Rose to flourish and it feel so good ...I can do anything I want without they fear of what another person would think about it...

Depression (thinking to much in the past) got killed because of that , Anxiety (worrying to much about the future) got cancelled as if it never was there ar all... The NoW is all that counts , and I can feel it , the Now is in me and then BAM, I got my house a couple of weeks later!!! 2020 was the yeasr of 2020 vision and the year I became fully aware of myself ! Know thyself has made me into a kingping , into a warrior of truth that now is always in a state of eternal bliss, unable to get anykind of disease because I wont let my thoughts make it into reality.

You become what you think....

Welcum 2021 and welcum my fans! I love you all and wish you the same joy that I have right now !
Sorry if Idon't respond on time but know that I wish you all to best and will comment as many post as I can...

Miss Rose aka Anoniema
Published by Anoniema
4 years ago
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Anoniema Publisher 3 years ago
to KinkySecretFun : :heart: thank you bb
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KinkySecretFun 3 years ago
im gonna marry you
prairieFreak13 4 years ago
Hi sweetie lovely post and it had been fun to watch you grow on here fro the past few years my friend!~kisses~Bri
viyk 4 years ago
May the Almighty protect you! A lot of love to you and a good guy! If I come to your country, we will definitely meet, drink whiskey and much more! :smile: