A Reluctant Farewell
Unfortunately, it appears I can no longer upload photographs or videos to this site, which means it's effectively moribund. Having been an active contributor for nearly nine-and-a-half years, I shall miss it deeply, but unless the administrators change their policy on verification, that's an end to it.
4 years ago
Writing one's own stufftakes thinking, talking long in chat if it's meant for a female friend is couple of hours or more.
Writing it up, as I with one finger, is 1-2 hours, always short stories at me 3-6.000 characters. Re-writing and editing it ten to dozen times till everything is perfect , also in lay-out takes 2-4 hours. This was my unpaid work as writer here, which no-one respected, not even most colleagues, who were jealous on my reception. Lonely at the top it was. Now it's cold and muddy in the gutter, only dumbo chaunivist pigs and gays hiding as girls are left, xh only allows worst us porn: food for gays who despise women: He is the 'money-shot , she should 100x OMG pretend to come, as real big O is unprofessional. Cum in her face, not her pussy order gay owner of production houses.
Why is the American mind too closed to perceive those simple facts. I want facts, emotions are never an argument, nor feeling, or lies, in the world. Not in the Land of the Free (Sal-ves of C(r)apitalism)! Well, I'm happy with this steep dive, soon Atlantic and pacific Oceans will shake hands. America gone. Problem solved itself!
Losing all wars after glory in WW2, after Nam things really start to get worse, including increasing hang-ups on sex.
After the last panic, I lost all my production of a dozen years, 1500 handwritten COPYRIGHTED short stories and erotic essays in 5 major languages and numerous others without a warning. I've no copies left. that's like book burning by Fascists before WW2. Censorship was weird, for Land of Free, dstroying my freedom of speech in anylanguage using atin aphabet, whch hurt lil us minds. Big Brother, newspeak, Frank Zappa's predicted Brain Police in full swing after the craze about photos of te-ens, even a-ge isa dir-ty word.
I lead rankings in number of stories in several languages, including English, in Dutch I'm twicein top-three. In total readership no-one comes close, as I averaged up 15k in Dutch to30-50k in english, mind you pro story. admins din't know me, as they change job after few month. It'sso shocking, I'm still trying to recover, working on average one week a month full time just to clean the mess its hoovering vacuum cleaning software leaves among my many fav'ed pictures and videos ... I wrote board too often, just move HQ tto Holland, like ll women site Abby Winters did from Australia, after politicians voted squirting to not exist, hence is piss and not legal. Why do people still live there in us, I wonder? I never could imagine going there for a visit. Not for a 1 million dollars, which is what xh owes as soon as I'm rich enough to take them to court.
Go to this link like you want to be a 'cam show' using the option on the far right - it is free and I have NO intentions on using that feature ==> then submit your pic of your ID and one of your face holding it with a dated note with username on IT - took two days for my verification and my new yellow creator badge, but I can now upload and the content is NOT of my camera
You need to show them your I.D., face and your username and date - no different than buying smokes, booze, porn or pot
I have been posting with my new "" proof-of-age ""
I don't wanna diss anyone, but fuck me sideways if in the past few weeks the first page of Photos doesn't have tonnage weight larger than a Nimitz carrier.