Trial & Error - erotic network experiences
Since decades I love to fuck. Each variation possible, no limits, simply ecstasy. In real life as well as in virtual reality. Here's some of my experiences I've gathered while strolling through the world wide sex nets.
xhamster: been there for years now and still love it. Although the hamster is full of fakes and trolls and other kinds of mad men, it offers the widest range of great porn of all kind. I've met some real cool and sexy friends on here, it's easy to get in contact with strangers. Top quality!
pornhub: not bad at all, but full of professional lads & ladies who want your money, not your cock. Videos' quality is great, technical problem are very rare, but to me it's too elegant to become my fave station.
twitter: you must look for the dirty edges of Donald's former press agancy. Nudity, sex and things aren't allowed but tolerated (if you don't overdrive). That's why twitter is kind of complicared for true porn lovers, but it's ok. I've quit eight months ago.
instagram: rather boring if you don't like the gossip of supermodels and their friends. Deleted it after eight months membership
eronity: you can do what you want ... they won't kick you off the network. Very active website with members mainly US and Europe, which makes big fun and - sometimes - lots of trouble. I've quit when some of my best girl friends decided to leave the site. A good choice anyway.
facebok: no nudity allowed. Never! Not the smallest piece of skin. You know what I mean.
re-echo: the new alternative. The number of members is small yet but increasing quickly. To me re-echo seems to gather people who know how politeness is to be spelled. And they know all knds of sexual behaviour. Great crowd, very horny. Love to be there.
fetlife: a website for fetish lovers. Many fakes and some very arrogant "doms". You must be strong to stay there and find friends.
to be continued
xhamster: been there for years now and still love it. Although the hamster is full of fakes and trolls and other kinds of mad men, it offers the widest range of great porn of all kind. I've met some real cool and sexy friends on here, it's easy to get in contact with strangers. Top quality!
pornhub: not bad at all, but full of professional lads & ladies who want your money, not your cock. Videos' quality is great, technical problem are very rare, but to me it's too elegant to become my fave station.
twitter: you must look for the dirty edges of Donald's former press agancy. Nudity, sex and things aren't allowed but tolerated (if you don't overdrive). That's why twitter is kind of complicared for true porn lovers, but it's ok. I've quit eight months ago.
instagram: rather boring if you don't like the gossip of supermodels and their friends. Deleted it after eight months membership
eronity: you can do what you want ... they won't kick you off the network. Very active website with members mainly US and Europe, which makes big fun and - sometimes - lots of trouble. I've quit when some of my best girl friends decided to leave the site. A good choice anyway.
facebok: no nudity allowed. Never! Not the smallest piece of skin. You know what I mean.
re-echo: the new alternative. The number of members is small yet but increasing quickly. To me re-echo seems to gather people who know how politeness is to be spelled. And they know all knds of sexual behaviour. Great crowd, very horny. Love to be there.
fetlife: a website for fetish lovers. Many fakes and some very arrogant "doms". You must be strong to stay there and find friends.
to be continued
4 years ago