Sissy Chrissy Loves Chocolate

Sissy Chrissy Loves Chocolate
The Bitchmaker Chronicles

By Phil Blackwood

He grew up in Youngstown and his adolescent years were spent at the local cathedral, first as an altar boy, and eventually, he joined the choir. Although this wasn’t something he preferred to do, it was more of labor he performed for his overbearing mom who figured it might keep her feminine son away from the secular music scene, which she viewed as wickedly sinful, and filled with corruption. Throughout his teenage years, this effort seemed to work as young Christopher embraced the doctrines and high morality of the church. However, there were plenty of moments when the pleasantly handsome, 5-foot, 5-inch, stringy blond-haired, green-eyed, and slightly chubby youth, would access his iPod with a playlist of popular tunes and sing along with them.
One bright sunny day as he sat on a park bench, in the shadow of a large water fountain, he sang a variety of tunes as visions of his life one day away from what he considered a backward town, and far beyond the reach of his dominant mother, he was startled by a deep powerful voice.
“Excuse me, how are you.”
Christopher swallowed hard and suddenly became almost star-struck at the sight of a ruggedly handsome Black man with rich dark brown skin. He sported a thick mustache, a well-trimmed salt, and pepper beard, and slightly below shoulder-length dreadlocks. He smiled warmly at the lightly tanned younger man through his pearly white teeth.
“Hel, hello,” Christopher replied nervously, as his eyes ravishingly devoured the dark chocolate hunk, whose ripped, striated, heavily muscled, stretched the fabric of the blue tank-top he wore, and the gold chain glistened around his neck.
“Will you be sitting here for a while?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Good, would you mind keeping an eye on my gym bag while I work out on the bars.” He pointed to the recreation away 20 yards away.
Once again, Christopher swallowed hard as he fought to control his urge to reach out and touch this ebony stud.
“Sure…surely, I’ll be here.”
“Excellent, don’t worry, I’ll only need ten-fifteen minutes tops.”
“No…no problem, take your time.” Christopher stammered as he briefly glanced directly into the man’s eyes, then immediately looked down sheepishly.
“I’ll be right back.” The man stated then trotted off to the rec area.
It wasn’t until the man hopped up and performed a set of chin-ups did Christopher allow himself to even breathe.
As he starred over at the Nubian black-skinned bull, he questioned his own masculinity, for how he could he considered a real man in comparison to such manliness. He glanced down at his soft yet curvy legs and smooth elegant feet and hands as he imagined his small penis next to this man and sighed almost in defeat. He stood up to adjust his tight, tie-dyed shorts. He nervously slid his long fingernails about the curves of his thick round buttocks, then quickly sat back down to hide the small bulge that appeared between his legs.
He gently bit his bottom lip as he watched the man as he worked out with vigorous zeal. From the chin-up pole to the parallel bars the man completed set after set of his workout routine, and by the time he finished, Christopher glanced down and noticed the small stain between his legs. His breath was heavy, and his hands shook as he nervously fidgeted about on the bench and never saw the man who seemed to suddenly be only a few feet away.
“Thank you so much. I really appreciate it.”
“No…no problem…sir.”
“Let’s not be so formal. The name’s Leonidas but you can just call me Leo and your name?”
“Oh, I…I’m Chris.” He answered shyly. He felt his body and wrist go limp as he watched his small hand completely engulfed inside the large, slightly callused, beige palm of Leo’s hand but dared not to meet the force of the superior man.
“Hmm, funny, you don’t strike me as a Christopher, at any rate, I can’t thank you enough for looking out for my shit. You know, the last time I asked someone, I looked up, and not only was he gone, but he also took all my cash and my credit cards. I guess I should be thankful. At least he left my wallet. The sweat covered chocolate man laughed humorously.”
“Oh snap, you must have been pissed,” Chris interjected.
“Yeah, I should’ve known better, but there was something about you that I felt I could trust. thanks again…hey, have you ever tried vegetarian pizza?”
“No, I can’t say I have,” Chris replied humorously.
“Well, there’s a spot just outside the park. How about I treat you to a slice or two.”
“Oh, that’s not necessary. You don’t have to do anything to…”
“Bullshit, I insist, in fact, let’s make it a date. Come on Chris.”
Chris was flabbergasted as he had never had another man literally asked him out on a date. The moment was surreal and although he wanted to reject the offer, he felt compelled to comply.
Twenty-minutes later…

Chris sat beneath a large umbrella-covered table and across from the chocolate hunk known to him as only Leo.
“So, how is it?” Leo asked as he closely observed the blonde-haired man.
“Actually, it’s delicious and the tofu toppings tastes like real mushrooms,” Chris replied as he fought the urge to look explore the light sweat covered, dark chocolate, heavily muscled, vascular jock who’s steel hard chest also sported a light sprinkling of black and grey chest hairs and gold chain.
Leo wolfed down the first slice of pizza and pretended not to notice his date’s nervous behavior, then stated boldly.
“Please, don’t take this as an insult but you really don’t strike me as a Chris.”
“Really, what name do you think I should be called?” He asked.
“I see you as more of a, hmm…Chrissy.” The man replied.
“But that’s a girl’s…name.”
“Yeah, but that’s just the name that comes to mind when I look at you.” Leo snatched up the protein drink and took a long gulp and then stated.
“You know, I couldn’t help but hear you singing before I initially approached you. You have a very beautiful voice. Are you professionally trained?”
“I’ve taken some lessons and thank you,” Chris answered bashfully.
Leo slowly navigated his long fingers about the cup as he listened and then seductively smiled much like a hunter when he could sense his prey was close enough to strike.
“Well, have you ever considered a career as a singer?”
“Who…me, why no…I mean, I guess It has crossed my mind a time or two.”
“Excellent, I have a close friend who owns a club over in Knightdale. I’m sure If I requested, he’d give you an audition and if he likes you, you could probably get booked for a few engagements.”
“You’re k**ding, right, come on, you really think I’m that good?”
“I only heard you for a moment, but at that moment, I was impressed. Hey, all I’m saying is, if you’d like to broaden your horizons, that might be an option.”
“Wow…I uhh, well, now that I think about it, it’s probably not a good idea. My mom would have a fit if she even thought for a moment that I’d want to do something so sinful.”
“Sinful, uh oh, mom’s a holier than thou Christian, huh?”
“Let’s just say, she thinks bourbon in barbeque sauce is a sin.” Chris chuckled.
“Those are her thoughts, what about you, Chrissy?”
“Oh,” Chris stammered as he suppressed the desire to correct the man before him. “I suppose you’re right, but if you had to live with my mom, then you’d know, there’s no living with her once she casts her judgmental eye on you.”
“Once again, those are her thoughts and judgments. Obviously, you’re too old for breastfeeding so, don’t you think it’s time you made some decisions on your own. I mean, if you’ve had ambitions of becoming an entertainer, then her desires are her issues.”
The strength, conviction, and confidence of the influential man seemed to touch Chris who for the first time, saw an opportunity to challenge his mother’s holy dogmatic crusade.
“You know, maybe you’re right Leo. After all, it is my life to live and my choices to make.”
“Goddamn right, it is. It’s time for you to find your real place…Chrissy.” Leo stated as he rose to his feet, and stretched out his hard, muscular, shredded frame.
The sight of the steel hard man’s body so close sent a literal shiver up and down Chris’s spine as erotic thoughts danced on the screen of his mind.
“So, what do you say Chrissy, I can set up the audition this afternoon if you like.”
“Huh, this…this afternoon, oh I don’t know, I’d need time to prepare, what would I even sing?”
“From your heart baby. You can take your time and allow mom to eventually break your spirit as I’m sure she’s done many times throughout your life, or you can stand up and take the opportunity that’s right in front of you.’ The buffed man stated as he slid his hand across a very noticeable bulge in his gym shorts.
Chris’s mouth dropped open as his eyes seemed captivated by the powerfully hard man’s quadriceps and shifted the hard object beneath his shorts and it became more pronounced.
“I uh…I, I…well…I have a few songs I have memorized, but I’m not really much of a performer,” Chris confessed.
“I believe in the power of attraction. I other words, if you see the opportunity, and you feel it calling you, just reach out and put your hand on it, it’s right, there.” The thin dreadlock man declared as he squeezed his semi-hard tool, only a foot or so away from Chrissy’s face..
For several seconds Chris lost himself in a moment of erotic lust which did not falter until he saw the large dark fingers snap before his eyes and brought him back to the present.
“Hey Chrissy, I know you’ve got a lot of desire, so why not take a chance,” Leo stated as he drove home his point.
“Well, I guess it can’t hurt, but I don’t think I could do it alone. Do you think you could help me, Leo?”
“Give me your hand Chrissy.” The dark man stated as he extended his hand out to the blonde-haired youth. The second Chrissy reached out, Leo snatched and squeezed his hand firmly as he declared.
“Listen to me baby, I think you have lots of untapped potentials, and if you want me to, I’ll be right there for you, but you really need to loosen up. It’s not like you’re about to take the bar exam.” He laughed, then just as quickly his voice became strong and authoritative. “I’ll agree to help you, but you need to trust me, do you think you could do that?”
“I guess but honestly I just met you.”
“True, but as I said earlier, there is something I liked about you from the jump, that’s why I trusted you with my shit, you know what I’m sayin?”
“Good, then if you got some time, we can make our way over there right now.”
“Oh, I don’t know. I’m not properly dressed, are you really sure…”
“Hey Chrissy,” the dominant stud barked as he waved the younger man silent and squeezed his hand tightly “Don’t be such a wet-noodle. Either you trust me, and yourself enough to do this or not.”
“You’re right, yes Leo, you’re right.”
“You don’t have to agree with me baby, agree with what’s really in your heart, and stop bullshittin yourself.”
“Okay sir, I have the time, let’s go,” Chrissy replied.
Forty-five minutes later…

Leo shook his head as he sipped a glass of wine, then glanced up at his new friend who looked like a deer-in-the-headlights on the stage as he nervously stood petrified and could barely remember the lines of the songs he knew so well.
A well-built elderly man, with a walnut complexion, bald-head, and a platinum-colored well-trimmed beard stepped up behind Leo, and firmly placed his hand on his shoulder as he stated.
“You could really use a shower buddy.” He laughed and then added. “The k**’s got talent. I imagine that’s what you thought. the only problem is he doesn’t believe it. Maybe if you put her in her place, she just might be a little more…confident.”

Leo glanced back at the senior man and nodded to give notice that he fully understood the implications of the statement.
As day turned to darkness, Chris made sure to follow a few feet behind the dreadlock Nubian man. He kept his head down as he entered the parking lot. Just as the streetlights came on. He announced.
“Sorry, I let you down, Leo.”
“You didn’t let me down baby, you disappointed me, but more to the point, you let yourself down. It was supposed to be a moment of fun, a chance for you to do something you have a passion for. If you had approached it like that, you would’ve passed that audition. Matt liked you. He thinks as I do that you have the talent. You can go to some places with that talent, but it seems you’re too much of a sissy to be anything else.”
“A sissy,” Chris repeated.
“Yeah, that’s right, sissy. That’s just what you are.”
“Goddamn right, you’re sorry, embarrassing me in front of a man I respect. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised considering you’re a doormat for your mom.” Leo snapped.
“Why did you call me a sissy?” Chris inquired.
“Because that’s what the fuck you are, now give me your hand punk.” The black man demanded, and Chris quickly complied.
“Better your hand than you spirit. Listen up, Chrissy. Earlier you asked for my help and I agreed. In spite of your pathetic display back at the club, I still think you have talent enough to do something, but it’s obvious to me, you’re gonna need a lot of help. I believe I can help you with that, but before we go any further, I need to know you’ll follow my orders, and submit yourself to me in every way, cause that’s the only way it will work.”
“OUCH…SHIT…LEO PLEASE, YOU’RE CRUSHING MY HAND!” Chris screamed as he slowly sank to his knees.
“Here are your options. You can submit yourself to me and let me put you where you need to be, or you can run home like a breastfed little bitch and suckle up on your momma’s tit. So, what’s it gonna be, Sissy Chrissy?”
“I’ll do whatever you tell me to Leo, I promise…I promise!”
“You better goddamnit, or I’ll kick your punkass to the curb, you understand me…faggot.” Leo barked.
“Yes, yes…I swear.”
“Good, that’s what I want to hear and I promise you that if you stick with me, I WILL…put you in a sissy’s place and as a bonus, I’ll give your something much harder than a tit to suckle on.” The powerfully built man stated as he grabbed and squeezed his semi-hard cock with his free hand.
“Oh shit,” Chris cried as he saw the bulge only inches away from his face.
“Yeah bitch, you see that shit, that’s right, I know you do. From now on, I’m the teacher and that’s my ruler.” Once again, he squeezed his cock. “I’m the judge, and that’s my gavel. I’m the warrior and this is my spear, I’m the king and this is my big black scepter, and your job along with my guidance is to please it. You got that shit, huh, you understand me pussy?”
“Yes sir”
“Nah, fuck that, I don’t need additional names, mine will do because it already has relevance, I’m Leo like the lion, and what’s your job bitch.”
“Huh…ouch!” The young man cried as he felt the large dark hand as it slapped his head.
“What is your primary goal, punk?”
“To please your…cock.”
“Then what the fuck are you waiting for bitch, get to it.”
“No, on your kitchen table stupid-ass, now get with the program, take out my dick right here in this parking lot and play with it.”
“Oh god Leo, you can’t be…ouch!” he shouted as he felt the hand as it slapped his face once again.
“You know Chrissy, you’re really starting to piss me the fuck off.” I don’t have time for this bullshit. Go back to your momma’s tit, stupid bitch. Leo barked as he released the sissy’s hand and walked away.
“No…no please Leo, I’ll do it, please let me…suck your big black dick.”
Leo stopped in his tracks, turned back to the sissy with a devious grin on his face as he ordered bluntly.
“Get it done, pussy, and stay on your knees, crawl over here and show me your commitment.
With tears of humiliation and shame in his eyes, Chrissy crawled on his knees, slid her hand about the fully hard cock, then quickly moved to free, the warm, long, thick, flesh and felt it twitch in her hands as she planted soft, gently kisses upon the uncut crown.
“Yeah, suck that shit right pussy, worship that shit.” the steely hard-bodied man demanded.
Almost instinctively, Chris slid the enormous tool between his lips and into his mouth.
Leo heard the ooos and ahhhs from people who passed by and saw the man on his knees, and between his legs, but he preferred to enjoy the succulent warmth of the tight, moist mouth that licked, kissed, and sucked about his manly hard flesh.
Chrissy’s nose twitched from the hot, funky, and sweaty odor of the dominant man.
Leo grabbed and guided the stringy-haired blonde about his seriously hard cock, then shoved his face down the shaft and below his legs.
“Kiss them balls faggot. Make your king proud that he chose you.”
He grabbed Chrissy’s hair and forced him up against his car, positioned his head against the rear door and commenced to face-fuck him with a fiery zeal.
“Go on now, suck that dick bitch, eat that cock up hoe. Now I can see why you crapped out during that audition. You needed some real motivation and I think I found it.” Leo growled as he face-fucked himself into a hot, intensely powerful orgasm that gushed from his cock, down Chrissy’s throat, and filled her belly.
Leo pushed Chrissy’s head away as he wiped the sweat from his own forehead.
“Damn slut, you may struggle with a mic on stage, but you sure know how to suck one made of flesh. Shit, now I’m really hungry. Has anyone plastered that pretty fat booty you got, slut?”
“No sir…I mean, Leo.”
“Good then I’ll be the one that breaks your ass in. Don’t worry, I know just how to bust out a little virgin like you. In fact…fuck it. I’m gonna fuck your faggot ass right here in this parking lot.”
“Oh god no…please Leo…you can’t, you’re way too big and…OUCH!” He screamed as the black man pulled his hair.
“Apparently, you have a hard time hearing me bitch. This ain’t no request, that’s a goddamn order, now open the door, climb up on that seat and poke that fat ass out at me.”
“Oh god,’ Chrissy sobbed yet complied with the command.
“I told you bitch; I know just how to bust a bitch-boy like you out. Just keep that ass up and out toward me and I’ll handle the rest.”
Chrissy’s cries turned to moans as she felt the warm, moist pricked tongue as it pierced her sphincter.
Leo’s large dark hands squeezed, slapped, and manipulated the shiny globes of the sissy ass until he felt just the slightest of a push back, then he stood up, clutched his rock-hard ebony lumber, and slid it about the young sissy’s ass crack.
“Hmm, yeah bitch, you gonna get it now,” Leo growled as he slowly and steadily drove his hard-Nubian flesh inside the ass-pussy.
“Shut the fuck up bitch, this is exactly what you’ve been longing for and you gonna it that shit, right…now” Leo barked as he felt the head of his cock as it stretched then penetrated his new sissy’s rear entrance.
“Bite down on the seat cushions if you have to, but if you leave a hole, I’m gonna put my foot up your ass you hear me…ahh fuck,” Leo whined as he saw the lights of a police car that entered the parking lot.
“Saved, by the bell bitch. We’re gonna have to pick this up later, so for now…get the fuck in the car.” Leo snapped as he withdrew his hard cock, then kicked the sissy’s ass into the car, jumped in the driver’s side, started the car, and sped off.
Two days later…

Leo convinced his partner to let him use a portion of the club as a rehearsal spot for him and Chrissy. He sat at the bar along with Matt behind it as Chrissy entered and walked nervously up to them.
“So, you decided to come back to me, aye sissy?”
“I am ready to do whatever you need me to do, Leo.” Chrissy humbly replied.
“Good girl. Now the first thing I need you to do is take this bag.” He tossed a large plastic bag over to his sissy. “Alright, you have your phone?”
“Yes Leo”
“Great. I’m gonna send you a video and you do whatever she says in regard to what’s in that bag. He quickly took note of the confused expression on Chrissy’s face, then snapped.
“Well, what the fuck you waiting for pussy, let’s get that ass in gear.”
Chrissy covered her mouth as she withdrew a long red, floral pattern sun-dress, red slingback heels, flaming-red panties, lipstick, makeup, and hair ribbons. It was a struggle to follow the instructions in the video but after twenty-minutes, she looked in the mirror and was amazed at how truly feminine she looked. With her stringy blonde hair pulled back and clipped with a floral ribbon barrette, for the first time in her life, young Chrissy saw herself as someone worthy of herself. She was reluctant but took the two red capsules at the bottom of the bag and washed them down with a glass of water. She gingerly made her way back into the club and on the barroom floor as strips of sunlight pierced through the doors and windows of the club.
“Looking good baby,” Leo remarked as he slid his hand across the bulge in his pants. “Alright Chrissy, are you ready to do this?” Leo asked.
“Yes,” She answered nervously.
“Hey, get rid of that nervous bullshit, that’s Chris’s stuff, not yours. From now on, you will be known and perform under the title of Chrissy Spade. That means’ you belong to a black man, but a slave to all big black cock. You got that shit?”
Chrissy nearly stumbled as the words singed her ears and burned into her mind.
“Hey, take that stupid-ass look off your face slut, and get ready. Cue the music, Matt.” He shouted to his friend.
“You got it k**,” Matt answered as he flicked the switch, and immediately music loudly filled the air.
Chrissy sang each song beautifully.
Matt leaned over the bar counter, tapped his friend’s forearm to capture his attention, then gave him a wink, and a smile as he stated.
“Not bad, she’s sounding pretty damn good k**.”
“Yeah, but something’s missing. Hey bitch, you’re supposed to be an entertainer so stop standing around like a goddamn mannequin. Let me see you shake that ass around like you got some passion.” Leo snapped.
“I’m not much of a dancer.” Chrissy lamented.
“Bullshit, I know exactly what your problem is bitch.” He bellowed as she stood up and made his way up on to the stage.
Chrissy’s eyes lit up like a Christmas tree as she saw the dynamically muscular physique of the black man whose arms and chest stretched the fabric of the bright white designer shirt which contrasted strikingly against his ebony skin.
“Kiss me, bitch.” He ordered and the sissy was zealously compliant.
Leo wrapped his powerful arms around the stringy blonde’s waist and pulled her close as his tongue engaged hers, in an erotic dance of passion.
“Open my shirt, hoe.”
“Yes, Leo,” she cooed as her hands practically ripped open his shirt and revealed his massively large, hard chest.
“Oh my god, your body is so beautiful.’ She cooed.
“Good, then licked the center of my chest, then get down on your knees and do what you do best, bitch.”
Matt slowly cleaned off the glasses behind the bar-counter but stopped in his tracks as he saw the hot blonde submit herself to her black muscle god.
Chrissy smooched, and kissed her daddy’s breast nipples, sucked his steel hard chest, licked about his snake-like abdomen, and finally released his manly hard flesh from its fabric prison and then proceeded to devour the warm, precum covered tool.
Leo glanced down and smiled as he saw his long, thick, hard, vascular man flesh as it disappeared between his sissy’s lips. suddenly, he raised his arms into a double-bicep pose as if on stage at a bodybuilding contest, then roared.
“You see, this is what the fuck I’m talkin bout. There’s nothing better than bitching a sissy out.”
“Hah, I hear ya k**, Give that sissy hell.” The older man barked.
“Hey old dude, don’t be bashful, she’s a Spade now, so if you care to indulge come on up,” Leo shouted.
“Don’t mind if I do.” The elderly stud answered as he dashed from behind the counter with a youthful spring in his step and his hand clutched firmly around his man tool.
He jumped up on stage, just as he released his humongous flesh spear and immediately slapped it about the shocked sissy’s face.
“Get on that dick bitch, you know the drill.” Leo barked as he grabbed and turned her head toward the older man’s cock that dangled low down his legs.
“Mmmmpppphhhhh…mmpphh…” Chrissy moaned as she tasted the salty, yet musty precum from the old black cock that throbbed inside her mouth.
“That’s right, hoe, suck that dick, that’s all you’re good for, so you may as well make yourself useful.” Leo snapped as he darted off the stage, over to the bar, picked up a bottom of scotch, and a barstool then returned to the stage.
He firmly placed the stool on the stage and then ordered.
“Take a seat bitch and prepare to have your throat stretched the fuck out.”
For several minutes the two black Cocksmen, Bitchmakers had their way with the hapless sissy as they face-fucked her mouth until she could barely see straight.
“Hey Leo, mind if I coat this pretty sissy’s throat?”
“That’s what she’s here for bro, fire that shit when ready.”
He watched curiously as Chrissy’s mouth sucked and drank down Matt’s Nubian brew, then stepped forward, forced her mouth open, and dumped the equivalent of three shots of scotch down her throat.
“Wooowee, damn son, you got a winner here, I’m ready to hire that bitch without another audition.” Matt cried.
“Nah, if she’s my bitch, she’s got to bring more than that mannequin bullshit. Stand up bitch, turn around, face out as if there was an audience.”
Once Chrissy complied, Leo stepped up, wrapped his arms around her waist, as he lifted her dress, and grinned tightly against her fat bubble booty.
“Oh god Leo, are you going to…fuck…fuck me, again?”
“I’m gonna do, whatever the fuck I want, now throw that ass back at me.”
Matt retreated from the stage but never took his eyes off the hot couple as they danced slowly and seductively on stage. He stopped one of his head barmaids as she walked through the door, and then ordered.
“Hey Glenda, cut on the stage lights.”
“Oh shit, what the hell’s going on here.” She cried as she saw the figures on stage.
“I believe you’re old enough to see what’s happening baby, now cut on those lights.
The d**gs and the alcoholic beverage made her blood hot, along with the hot, hard flesh of the powerful man against her skin, allowed Chrissy to lose herself in a wave of hot, lust and soon she seductively moved her body like an exotic dancer.
“You want all this hot, black dick inside you, don’t you sissy?” Leo growled, as he pulled back her blonde hair, and nibbled about her neck.
“Yessss…yesss Leo, make me your bitch, I need you to breed me. I don’t care how much it hurts, kill me with it, just…just take me.” Chrissy cried in a wave of hot lust.
“Oh, don’t you worry. You’re gonna get, every single inch of this big black dick inside that pretty pink hole, but first. He raised his head and shouted. “Put on something hot to dance to and turn that shit up.”
In seconds, the hot couple, now bathed in a flood of lights and erotic music. Leo bit down into her shoulder, then raised her head and whispered in her ear.
“Sing for me, bitch, sing as if you want to tempt me to fuck your faggot ass.”
Like magic, the hot young sissy came alive on the stage as she pranced and waltzed about the dance floor under the lights that flashed down on her.
Matt caught Glenda before she could exit the kitchen and ordered.
“Why don’t you take the inventor of those glasses we got in last week.”
“Oh, come on Matt, that’s gonna take an hour to count all those boxes.”
“You came in early so, you may as well get to work.”
“This is some bullshit; you and your friend just want to make that bitch your cock cushion.” The stout busty black woman snapped.
“That’s none of your concern, or would you prefer to stand outside until your starting time,” the bar owner fired back.
He watched as the woman stumped her way back into the kitchen before, he darted across the bar and locked the front door.

“Hey Leo, you got forty minutes to do your thang, and I’ll be back in the kitchen doing mine.”
“Leo glanced up at the older man and could see, the blow job was not quite enough to slay his lust.
“Do your thang old man.” He turned to Chrissy, spun her around, and kissed her with so much passion, her knees buckled.
“You know I’m bout to fuck the shit out of you. You know that, right?”
“Yes Leo, I’m ready for you,” she stammered as she fought her fear.
“Bend that ass over that stool and poke it out to me.”
The brute hard, dark chocolate Nubian sneered as he watched the hot in the ass sissy surrender her underused hole to him for penetration.
He twisted open the bottle of scotch and liberally poured it all over Chrissy’s back, the squatted down and made a meal of her tight pinkish hole. He used his strong arms to steady her as he slobbered between her ass cheeks and heard her deep guttural moans. He slapped her ass, and gently bit her as the level of his lust grew by the second.
In spite of the high volume of the music within the club, the sound of Chrissy’s screams seemed to blend right in and added to the frenzy atmosphere.
With a little more than six inches deep inside the tight ass pussy, the granite-hard black man withdrew his cock, bent down and bit his sissy’s ass, before, he stood back up, and drove his cock back inside the hot pink canal balls deep. His large hands firmly gripped Chrissy’s waist as he pounded her like a well-oiled machine.
Chrissy’s arms flailed wildly as she felt her hole stretched completely open and the black drill borrowed to the very depths of her love channel. Tears fell freely down her face and merged from the saliva that dripped from her mouth, and yet that paled in comparison to her multiple clitty and assgasms that also created a frothy, white form that splattered about her back, down onto the barstool and floor beneath her.
“Yeah, you take this cock slut, take every…god…damn…inch…you black cock loving slut.” Leo growled as he slapped the shiny ass below him and vigorously dicked her down.
In a move that could only be described as b**sty, the ebony-skinned black bodybuilder stretched out his arms, then lowered them, took hold of the crown of the stool, and literally lifted the cock-crazed sissy and the stool as if he performed a clean and jerk exercise.
Bathed in light and hot sweat, the frantic couple fucked like wild a****ls until Leo inadvertently slipped on the slimy dance floor just as he thrust forward with so much force that he lost his balance and they both fell to the floor.
Down but definitely not out, Leo wrapped his arms around the sissy’s throat and drilled her into the floor.
Chrissy could feel, and although she had never experienced the sensation before she could tell that the Jurassic size cock had grown stiffer, long, and thicker which told her that soon, her insides would be filled with this manly alpha’s Nubian rich DNA. She literally held her breath as she felt the cock grow to maximum stiffness, and then…
“Goddmanit…goddamnit…you cock hungry slut, you, filthy little hoe, your ass pussy’s bout…bout to make…me…blow…FUCK…FUCK…AARRGGHH…AHHH…GRRRRRR!” Leo roared as his cock spit-fired a massive load of hot, white sperm insides Chrissy’s hungry hole.
After nearly a full minute of intense physical spasms, Leo’s dark brown body collapsed down on the traumatized blonde and there they lay for several more minutes. Unable to speak, unable, to think, and totally lost in a moment of total ecstasy.

Several nights later…
The club was packed and filled with hundreds of people thirsty for drinks, and hungry for hot and spicy eye candy. There was a strong sexually charged invisible buzz in the air, as they all waited for the featured artist of the night.
Backstage, Chrissy gripped the velvety soft silky black curtain to keep her balance as she squatted on the floor. Although she heard the audience as they applauded three queens who danced exotically about the stage, she could hardly concentrate as she feverishly sucked the long, thick, vascular ebony tower. She moaned lustfully, as she tasted the salty precum, then wrapped her arms tightly around the steely hard, striated buttocks of her daddy as she sucked with a hot urgency.
“Yeah, such that pacifier baby. Damn you sucking the fuck out my cock, shi…shit, work that cock like a 9-5 bitch. I’m bout to get your tonsils pregnant slut, oooh yeah…oooooh…yeah…FUCK…YEAH…YEAH…YESSSSSS!” Leo groaned as his cock twitched intensely and discharged a massive load of sperm into his sissy’s mouth.
Like an attendant in a maternity ward, Chrissy nursed and sucked every drop of cum from his nutsack.
Leo saw the announcer as he hopped up on the stage, and made his way center stage, and snatched the mic from the stand. He quickly yanked his sissy to her feet, spun her around, dropped to one knee, and attacked her tight sphincter until her legs shivered like jelly. In one swift motion, he jumped to his feet, snatched his Nubian spear, and drove it inside Chrissy’s unprotected ass-pussy which she slowly slid down to take him.
Just then, she heard the mc announce.
Leo grabbed his sissy’s throat as he slid his cock out and left only the crown inside her overstretched entrance, then leaned forward, bit down on her shoulders, licked her neck, and finally whispered in her ear.
“You want this cock up in you, don’t you hoe?”
“God yes Leo my King, you know how much I do.” Chrissy moaned.
“Then you know what you must do to get it…don’t you?”
“Yes, my King,”
He declared as he quickly withdrew his sex tool, helped her to lower her dress, then slapped her ass as he barked.
“Good, then get it done sissy.”
The announcer finished his comic routine then stated loudly as the crowd roared.
“Ladies, gentlemen, alphas, betas, omegas, sissies and everyone else in between, it’s showtime, and I’m about to give you a dose of some serious eye and ear candy, I hope you brought some ice water, cause it is about to get hot…up in…herre. People put your hands together for Ms. Chrissy Rider…the Queen of Spades.
Chrissy strutted on stage like a temptress, then turned toward the mic as she stated.
“My name’s Chrissy, and I’m a whore for big black cock.”
The crowd went wild as the sissy spun in a circle came to a stop, and began to sing.

Published by GrandNubian8x
4 years ago
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mrclint1957 3 years ago
GrandNubian8x Publisher 4 years ago
to faggyboi : Thanks as always for your sweet chocolate support!
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GrandNubian8x Publisher 4 years ago
to hornytvsophie : Beautiful!
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faggyboi 4 years ago
nicely done
GrandNubian8x Publisher 4 years ago
to hornytvsophie : Thanks!
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hornytvsophie 4 years ago
Great story, and great transformation example for any sissy