My Holy Neighbor

My name is Rob, and my family and I have been next-door neighbors of the Shook's for about 6 years. We were a lower middle class family who came into a LARGE amount of money 6 years ago, thanks to my dad buying a winning lottery ticket. We moved to this neighborhood as a result of that windfall. While no one here has ever really treated us badly, we have never really been accepted either. The people here are relatively well off, and have always known luxury, but we came from a different social status and just never seemed to fit in. We moved here when I was 12 and I just turned 18 a couple of weeks ago. I had just graduated from high school and was taking a long summer break before going off to college.

My parents had decided that since I was now 18 that I could be left alone and they had left a week earlier for a two-month around-the-world vacation. Other than the house and a decent car, they had never really taken advantage of their newfound wealth. I was glad to see them using the money for some fun finally. So there I was, all alone in the house, a large checking account and all the freedom a guy could ask for. What was I doing with this newfound freedom? Nothing, because I am extremely shy and don't have a lot of close friends, so I just stayed at home, and played on the computer. I have a passion for mature older women wearing spike high heels and black nylon stockings doing hardcore sex. I am always looking for some good quality high-heeled hardcore masturbation material on the net and that is when I made my startling discovery.

It was right there on the screen in front of me, but I still could not believe it. There on the screen was a photo of my next-door neighbor, Katie Shook, the pastor's wife, wearing black nylon stockings and spike high-heeled gray pumps. I had been browsing some voyeur-hidden high-heeled camera sites and noticed a series of shots that got my attention. As I said before I have a passion for hardcore sites that showcase hardcore sex featuring older, mature women wearing black nylon stockings and spike high heels. I had clicked on the thumbnail of one of the many pictures on this site and much to my total surprise, there was Mrs. Shook, our neighborhood leader. She was posing erotically on a bed, wearing black nylon stockings, a black garter belt and 5inch black suede spike high-heeled pumps with a naked man standing beside her. He looked familiar, but I could not place him. At first I had thought that there was no way this was Mrs. Shook, but then I looked for the one distinguishing mark that I knew she had and there it was! As plain as day, there on her left forearm in the shape of a crescent moon was a small purple birthmark. There was no denying it, this WAS Mrs. Shook. After my initial shock, I looked at the entire series of thumb-nailed pictures and was astounded to see Mrs. Shook in a variety of sexually explicit poses. She was lying, kneeling and bending over on the bed. I really got hard seeing her wearing my favorite outfit, black garter belt, black seamed nylon stockings and 5 inch spike high-heeled black suede pumps and with the man who was in the original picture.

Like I said before, an older woman in stiletto heels has always got me excited from the time I was old enough to notice older women. Some of the shots looked posed and were very clear, as though she had knowingly allowed the pictures to be taken, but others were a bit grainy, and showed her and the man fucking and him sucking her pussy. The hardcore pictures were obviously screen captures from a film taken by a hidden camera. She did not appear to be aware of the camera's presence. Even though they were not of the quality of the posed pictures, it was still unmistakably Mrs. Shook lying on the bed with the unknown man on top, her nylon legs spread wide, with his semi-hard cock filling her pussy. I was simply floored by what I had just discovered. I was in awe of this lady, as she seemed to enjoy being fucked by a total stranger. I immediately downloaded the entire series, and made several copies on floppy disks. I did not know what I was going to do with them yet, but I knew that I did not want to take any chance of losing them. After, I downloaded them I brought up her sexy poses on the screen to really study my find. She had me so excited that I had to undo my pants and free my now rock-hard cock. I slowly and purposely masturbated to her pictures, fantasizing about her being in my room, in front of me, wearing those spike high-heeled pumps, rubbing on me, making me cum.
Now, let me tell you about the Shook family. Mr. Shook is a leader in the local religious community. He is the pastor at the wealthiest church in our city. Even though he is the pastor, he rarely preaches there, as he is the author of several books on theology and spends most of his time on the road promoting his books or performing as a guest speaker around the country. To be honest, in the six years we have lived here, I have not seen very much of Mr. Shook, as he is rarely home. Then of course there is Mrs. Shook, but I will speak more of her after I have described the rest of the Shook family. I went to school with the two oldest Shook c***dren. Mike is the oldest, one year older than me and he had left a year earlier to go to college. Mike and I had actually become pretty good friends over the years and he treated my family and me very well. He is a good guy and I had come to miss him since he had gone away to school. The second oldest was their daughter Michelle. In the same school class with me, she is a beautiful girl, and I had a VERY big crush on her. But while Michelle never treated me badly, she was in a whole different league from me. She was popular in school, involved in every club and activity, including cheerleading. Me, like I said, I just never seemed to fit in.

I was too tall, too skinny and just too damned backwards and shy to be involved in any of the school social programs. Michelle was courted by all the popular guys in school and was rarely home, always out on dates, so I just appreciated what few glimpses of her I got when she was home. Mrs. Shook had noticed my crush on Michelle and had taken me aside one day and told me that she understood my affection for her daughter, but she felt that it would be best if I did not act on it. She said she was looking out for my feelings, but I knew she just felt that Michelle was too good for a guy like me.
Then there was the youngest Shook c***d, a second daughter named Melissa, Lisa for short. She was several years younger than I, just turning 15. She was just as pretty as her sister, and turning out to be quite the turn-on, but until recently, I had just always thought of her as a k**. Both Michelle and Lisa had gone to visit relatives out of state as part of their summer vacation and would not be home for over a month. I hated hearing that they were going away for the summer as I enjoyed watching them lounge around their home. I was especially sad that I would not be seeing them getting sun in their backyard. I did not know that I would soon have reason to be glad that they were out of the picture.

Now, let me tell you about Mrs. Shook. Mrs. Shook is a very attractive woman. I would not say she is beautiful in a movie star way, but she has a very pretty face, sensuous lips and a great body that looks so damned classy in the type of clothes she always wears. She is always dressed in a very dignified dress that hugs her curves and she would always wear a pair of spike high-heeled stiletto pumps. That always drove me to my room on many occasions to relieve myself when she strutted around the neighborhood on whatever pretense she needed. The Shook's had a backyard pool and I made a habit of being near the window when she chose to take a swim. While conservative in public, she had no problem being an exhibitionist and in wearing skimpy clothing at home. Her preferred outfit was an extremely skimpy bikini and 5inch spike high-heeled pumps to match that showed off all her assets to the fullest. Even though she was nearing 50, she had a body that a 20 year old would be proud of. Mrs. Shook was a petite woman, but she had gorgeous breasts, about 36D, a tiny waist and a tight, perfectly formed ass that filled her tight, just above the knee dress suits to perfection. Her spike high heels made her ass jet out and her breasts ride high, she would always walk very sexy around the pool admiring her assets in the waters reflection. Mrs. Shook liked to be the center of attention. She was always calling together some kind of neighborhood meeting for some type of project. She organized charity drives and spearheaded local programs.

She was very active in her husband's church and she loved the sense of power her position as the pastor's wife gave her. While she was not a bad person, and was tolerant of my friendship with Mike, she always seemed to be a little condescending towards my parents and me. I could tell that she just did not think that we were good enough for the neighborhood. Mrs. Shook also had something of a mean streak in her that came out on many occasions when I was visiting Mike in their home. I think she knew that I always noticed her considerable physical charms, and she would almost always go out of the way to change into some tight dress or a revealing nightgown with spike high heels when I was there late. She would make excuses to parade around in front of me, sometimes rubbing her spike heel up against my thigh as she walked by. This drove me crazy, seeing her in spike high heels and sexy outfits, watching her purposely bend over for whatever reason, giving me an eagle shot at her ample cleavage and gorgeous high-heeled legs. I could tell her behavior bothered Mike but we never spoke of it. I have no illusions that her actions were meant not to be an offer to me, but rather I think she just enjoyed teasing and got off knowing how it affected me and knowing what I would do when I got home.

Now there I was sitting at my computer, stroking my rock-hard cock, staring at what was obvious proof of Mrs. Shook being unfaithful to her pastor husband. I was beginning to form a plan to make those pictures work for me, but I was unsure if I had the courage to actually go through with what I was planning in my mind. With these pictures, I figured that I could blackmail Mrs. Shook. Not for money, my family had plenty of that. What I wanted was Mrs. Shook. I wanted to have her every way I could imagine and fantasize about. I wanted her to parade and pose for me in sexy outfits and spike high-heeled stiletto pumps. I also wanted to get back at her for the times she had teased and tortured me with her near nudity in her home. I wanted to get back at her for every time I felt she was turning up her nose at my parents and me. The more I thought about seeing her all dressed up for me the more excited I got. I stroked my cock faster and faster imagining shooting my cum in her mouth, breasts, pussy, or legs, and a few strokes of my cock later I shot a huge amount of cum all over the napkin that I had laid out. My orgasm was so intense and exciting thinking of her that just maybe I could figure a way to shoot cum all over her for real. The two biggest hurdles would be figuring out just how to approach her, and getting up enough nerve to actually go through with it. Luckily, several things were working in my favor. With her family gone, Mrs. Shook would be home alone. Second, without a man at home, she had gotten into the habit of asking me over to help her do various chores that she could not, or would not do herself. It was not unusual for me to come to her door during the day. The more I thought about it, the more I felt that what I had in mind could actually have a chance in succeeding.

I decided that it would be best to not approach her directly. I wanted her to be on the defensive and I knew that if I tried to show her what I had acquired face to face, I was liable to maybe have second thoughts and back down and ruin it before it even began. I sat down and wrote a detailed note to her on my computer and printed it out with instructions on how to open the files that were on the accompanying floppy disk. I put these in an envelope and mailed them to her using the US Postal Service. The note also included instructions on how to contact the sender (me, although she would not know that), through her Internet ICQ Account, which I knew she had on her system because I was the one who set it up for her. I also created another identity on my ICQ just for this very occasion. Once I had mailed the package, all I had to do was wait. The days went by slowly and the more I thought about her, the more excited I would get. I masturbated at least daily to her pictures, sometimes more often depending on my frame of mind. I would watch her intently each time she came out for a swim and especially when she would parade around the pool in her spike high-heeled shoes.

At the appointed time I had specified in my note, I was sitting at my computer, as nervous as a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs, waiting for a message from her to pop up on the screen. I knew at this moment that I had the upper hand, and that she would not know whom it was trying to contact her, until I was ready to let her know. I made sure that I had plenty of time to make her agree to whatever I asked from her, before she found out what she was agreeing to. I stood up and started to pace my room, constantly looking out my window into her computer room window, making sure she was there. She was. I could see her pacing nervously as well. I was afraid that she would not contact me, that she might just attempt to call my bluff. Then it happened, I heard the ICQ tone to let me know that a message had come through. It had to be her. "Hello. Are you there?" What a pleasant greeting to someone who was trying to blackmail you, I thought. "Yes" I replied excitedly. "What do you want from me?" she asked. Ah, getting right down to business. "We'll get to what I want soon enough" I replied through the computer. "What is more important at the moment is that you understand what I already know and have."

"Where did you get those pictures?" she demanded knowing. "Is this you playing some kind of sick practical joke, Dave?" "Dave" I thought. Who's Dave? Then it dawned on me that the man in the pictures must be Dave. I searched my mind for any "Dave" that I was aware of that knew the Shook's, and a picture of one of the church deacons flashed into my mind. I had seen him visit the Shook home on many occasions, but had always assumed that he was there on church business. That's why he had seemed so familiar; he was there for some monkey business. "No, this is not Dave." I responded. "I know that Dave is the man posing in the pictures with you. I am also sure that your husband would love to know what one of his trusted deacons and his very sexy, loving wife have been up to while he is out spreading the gospel" There was no message from her for a few seconds. I assumed that she was taking in the severity of her problem. "You had best not disappear from here." I typed and sent. "I won't." came her reply. "Who are you?" she asked. "How do you know so much about me? Do I know you?" "Yes, you know me, but that is my secret until I am ready to let you know more." "Where did you get those pictures?" she asked for the second time. "I got them from a very obscure hardcore site on the internet.

I doubt very much that you have to worry that anyone else you know will stumble across them" I said. "Are you sure about that?" She asked. "I can't guarantee you anything regarding that, but it is a very small site, and chances are like most small sex sites, it will be closed in a couple of months. I was just lucky when I came across it." I reassured her, smiling a bit at my unintended pun. "I think that the only thing you should now worry about regarding the pictures is me." "How much money is this going to cost me?" she asked, trying to take control of the situation. "It's not money I want." I informed her. There was another long pause. I figured that she was mulling over just what that implied. "What is it you want then?" she asked. But I believed she already knew the answer. "I want sexual stimulation from you and I want you to indulge me in my fantasies." I came right to the point. "That is out of the question! I don't even know who you are, and there is no way I will let you or anyone else for that matter touch me!" She screamed across the Internet. "I think that you will." I calmly replied. "NO!!! There is no way in hell!" she argued. "I think there is. In fact I don't think you have accepted your real position here. I have collected the e-mail addresses of all the important people at your church and with the touch of a button, they will all find some very interesting correspondence the next time they log on. Now just what do you think that would do to your standing in this community?" I threatened.

Another long pause, a very long pause. I stood and looked out my window and I could see her pacing again through the window. Then she disappeared from view and a few moments later I received her response. "OK then, how do you want to go about starting this?" She replied in apparent defeat. "Ok. First, I want you to understand that you now belong sexually to me. This is not a one-time thing. You are now my sexual property to please me anyway I want you to. I have these pictures copied and hidden in several locations, so anytime you think that you can get out of this, I will make sure that they are on every computer in the church. Do you fully understand this and accept it as well?" Another pause, but shorter this time. "Yes." came her weak reply. "I will come to your home in one hour. I will be sure that no one sees me. I want you to greet me at the front door wearing one of your very sexy outfits. Don't make me wait. I want you to be wearing one of your classy jacketed suits, The red one with the white silk blouse, Black nylon stockings, black garter belt, I want glossy red lipstick applied and you wearing your highest spike black suede high-heeled pumps. I had always got so turned on when I saw her dressed like that. "My God! Who are you? How do you know so much about me and what I wear?" she cried. "That isn't important now. All that matters is that you know your role and be ready to service and participate in my needs and fantasies. Is that understood?" "Yes." "Then look for me in an hour." I then signed off ICQ, ending the conversation. I spent the next hour in some kind of weird time warp. In one way the time seemed to be crawling, due to my anticipation of what I was hoping was going to happen. On the other hand, it was passing much too quickly, because I was scared to death. I finally realized that I had gone this far and could not turn back now. I composed myself and decided that I had the upper hand and would have to maintain my composure. When I got there I could not let her intimidate me. I was in charge.

I left my house and walked the few yards to the Shook's front door and rang the bell. True to her word to be prompt, I heard Mrs. Shook rushing down the tiled front hallway in her spike high-heeled pumps to the door. She was somewhat apprehensive in opening it though. I watched her eyes widen in surprise at seeing me, then quickly looking past me to survey the street and driveway. "Rob! What do you want?" She quickly spit out the words at me. "I'm in the middle of something important, so I don't have time to see you right now." I now knew she could not even fathom the idea that I might be her blackmailer. I quickly pushed past her into the foyer, shutting the door behind me. "Yes you do." I said. "You're going to have all the time for me that I want." I almost shouted. "ROB! What do you think you're..." I heard her voice trail off. Then I saw her face contorting, morphing before my eyes. First anger, then confusion, then understanding, and finally a smile of confidence. "You?" she asked boldly. "Yes, me!" I said in my boldest voice.

"Ok. Now it all makes sense. This stops right here young man! Who the hell do you think..." "SHUT UP!" I yelled. Her eyes widened at my volume. "You are NOT in control here!" I exclaimed forcefully. "Nothing has changed. I am still the person that has the pictures of you fucking Deacon Dave and the consequences will be the same as I told you over the computer if you don't follow my rules!"
"This is ridiculous." She said, but not as confidently as before. "Not at all." I said. My voice calming. "There is nothing funny about this at all. This is as serious as a heart attack. As sure as a heart attack can kill you, the pictures I have of you can kill your reputation in this town and the life as you now know it. Got it?" "Why are you doing this to me Rob?" she whimpered as tears started to well up in her eyes. "Because I can and because you made it possible for me to do." "But why, Rob" she repeated. "I've always been good to you." " 'Good to me.' YEAH RIGHT!" I almost spit at her. "Were you good to me when you told me that I wasn't good enough for your daughter. Were you good to me every time you raised your nose to my parents and I. Were you good to me every time you teased me by flaunting and torturing me with your body when I was over here seeing Mike. I don't think you were that good to me at all! But starting now, you are going to be REAL good, exceptionally good to me!"

"Rob. That's not true. I never did any of those things." she said trying to deny it. But I could tell that she knew that it was true and I was right. "Don't even try to talk your way out of this. I'm not here for a debate. You know why I'm here, so quit stalling or I go back home, click a few buttons and your life as you know it is over!"

"Please don't do this!" she cried. "I never meant to do anything bad. I ended the affair with Dave months ago. Please Rob, I don't deserve this!" "That's probably why he decided to post those pictures." I said. "To get back at you for breaking it off with him. I'll bet he just did it thinking it was safe, that no one would recognize either one of you or even ever find them, but he was wrong, I found them and now you belong to me!"
"DAMN HIM!" she yelled. "This is all his fault. That sorry bastard knew I was lonely and vulnerable. He came on to me while my husband was gone. I was so alone and he was there and I needed some attention from a man." She tried to explain to me, but I really did not care. "Turns out the lousy son-of-a-bitch couldn't even sexually satisfy me. He just made things worse. At first I didn't mind. The attention was great, but the sex was terrible. He couldn't last more than a few strokes. But after a while, I needed more and he couldn't give me more, so rather than just keep torturing myself, I just stopped seeing him. When he asked why, I told him. I told him that he was not man enough to satisfy me and my sexual yearnings." So, now I was beginning to understand how her callus attitude had wounded his manly pride and to get back at her he had done something very stupid. In retaliation, he had posted the photos of her, probably not thinking that he could get busted too. I figured that he had probably regretted it later, but by then the damage had been done and it was too late to get them removed and now thanks to her desires I had them. "That is enough talking for now, let's get the show on the road." I insisted as I walked into the Shook's living room. The same room that I had spent many evenings in, watching Mrs. Shook scamper about in her sexy outfits and spike high-heeled pumps, never knowing or thinking that I would one day have her in the position she was now in.

I sat on the couch, spreading myself across it lazily, my arms lying across the back. "I think it's time for you to tantalize me a bit." I said with my newfound confidence. "You're really going to go through with this then?" She questioned halfheartedly, knowing the answer. "Yes." "Well then, what do you want me to do?" she asked with resignation. I knew exactly how I wanted it to go. I had been planning and fantasizing about this very moment for days. "Should I undress for you?" she questioned with a bit of fear and embarrassment making her voice tremble. "Not yet. We have plenty of time and I'm going to take full advantage of it. Now come stand in front of me." She walked slowly to the center of the room and stood there looking at me. "Turn around." I ordered. "Slowly" She did as she was told, turning around slowly so I could drink in her classy, dignified appearance. Damn, she did look good. For the first time that day, my nerves were calming and I could feel my cock slowly starting to stir in my pants. "Ok. Now hike up your skirt. Slowly. I want to see your black nylon tops, garters, bare thigh and then what kind of sexy panties you wore for me." I was really starting to enjoy this. "Rob, please don't make me do this." she pleaded being very embarrassed and subdued. "You're doing fine. You really are a very sexy, beautiful woman." I encouraged her. She lowered her eyes, and grasped the sides of her tight skirt, knowing that my mind was made up. Slowly she hiked her skirt up her shapely nylon thighs, the fabric bunching in her grasp. I watched as it passed the tops of her sexy black stockings, exposing her garters then her tanned, creamy thighs. I had not expected to be this excited and my cock sprang to full erection. She continued hiking up her skirt, her sexy panties coming into view. I was LOVING this. I could see the darkness of her pubic hair through the sheerness of the filmy black fabric.

My cock was now straining against my jeans, so I reached down to adjust it and I caught a glimpse of her peeking up, watching me grip it. I decided to also put on a bit of a show for her as well, and began stroking my hard cock through my pants, showing her the full length. "Turn around again." I said. She began her turn without hesitation and I noted that she did not protest this time. I watched as she slowly pivoted on her spike high-heeled pumps, her lovely, round, hard ass coming into view. She continued her spin and I saw her eyes dart back to my hand massaging my rock hard cock. This was starting to look like it might turn out better than I hoped. "Reach your hand inside your panties and massage your clit for me." I saw her lips part in what I thought was going to be another protest, but she stopped and eased her fingertips past the top of her panties. I watched as they slid lower and I could see them moving up and down her clit under the thin black material. This was incredible! Mrs. Shook was masturbating herself in front of me and enjoying it while watching me stroking my cock! I couldn't take much more. "Ok! Enough of that." I choked out, my voice raspy from desire. "Lower your skirt and smooth yourself back out. I want you looking the way I always see you." I thought I detected a hint of hesitation before she pulled her hand from her panties. "Is that enough?" She asked a bit of hope in her voice that I was done with her. "Oh no! We're just getting started!" I replied with glee. I stood up from the couch, and walked toward her. There was a bit of fear in her eyes as I moved closer. I stepped directly in front of her. I gently placed my mouth against hers and gave her a quick full-mouthed kiss, I could taste her lipstick, damn this was one hot woman. I then reached out and slid my hands beneath her jacket, taking both breasts in my hands.

They were full and hard under my palms. This woman took incredible care of her body! I began kneading them and used my thumbs to find her nipples, they were hard and erect beneath her silk blouse and bra. I kissed her neck while playing with her breasts, her breathing increasing each time I squeezed her breasts and pinched her nipples. I WAS getting to her! I removed my hands from her jacket and took one of her hands in mine. I guided it to my hard cock, which was still confined to my pants. At first she just held her hand there, pressed open-palm against my hardness. Then I felt her fingers slowly wrap around my jean covered shaft. A gentle squeezing at first then I felt her hand begin to really start working it up and down. Her eyes were closed and her breathing was deep and labored. I continued to kiss her neck and nuzzle her ears. I let my hands roam all over her body, tracing her body before finally gripping that lovely hard ass that I had so longingly thought about. I massaged her muscular butt for a full minute as she continued to squeeze and run her hand up and down my rock hard cock. I let my hands move up to her shoulders, where I started to slowly, then forcibly push her downward. She resisted and I tried to push harder. "What are you doing?" she questioned, letting go of my cock. "I want you on your black-nylon knees." I said. "Why." she asked. She was honestly confused. "Because I want you to suck my cock until I cum." I replied bluntly.

"ARE YOU CRAZY? I don't do that!" "Sure you do." I said. "No way!" She replied forcefully. "What's your problem? It's just a blowjob." I said, starting to get a little irritated. "It's disgusting, is what it is! I DON'T do that. I never have and I'm not going to start now!" she exclaimed, backing away a step. "A lady does not put a man's cock in her mouth!" "You mean that you've never sucked off your husband, or Dave or anybody?" I asked in disbelief. "NO!" she said adamantly. "Well guess what lady? I think it is high time you learned how!" I could not believe this. Her sexy mouth was virgin territory and I was going to get it! "No! Please! I can't do it. It's nasty." "I think that you've forgotten our agreement. YOU are my sex slave and you ARE going to do anything and everything I tell you to do. Think, remember the pictures and what they mean to your sterling reputation." She looked at me horrified, knowing that she had no choice in the matter.

"You are a fucking BASTARD!" "That may be, but YOU are about to become a high class cocksucker." I blurted out almost laughing. "Now get down on your nylon knees and take my pants off. Reluctantly, she lowered herself to the floor. I could see the hate in her eyes as she reached up for my belt buckle. She undid the belt and then unbuttoned my jeans, and lowered the zipper. She gripped the waistline of my pants and pulled them down slowly, obviously hating the idea of what was to come. Her head jumped back startled, when my stiff cock sprang out, not knowing that I had not worn underwear. I did not want them to get in the way when the fun began. Her eyes were glued to my shaft. She just sat there on her knees, staring at my cock bobbing in front of her society matron's face. "What's wrong now?" I asked impatiently. Her voice stuttered a bit when she said, "'s just bigger than I thought it would be. You're just a boy, but that is...big! Rob. Please honey, I really don't think I can do this. Could we do something else? Anything else you can think of, please?" "We will get to all that later, but right now, you ARE going to suck my cock. I've dreamed of your wet, red mouth on my cock for years, and now that I'm this way am I stopping now." She turned her face to look up at me pleadingly, but saw the resolve in my eyes. Reluctantly she looked back at my cock and took it in her hand.

She began stroking it and looking at it with revulsion, but I did not care. What she was doing to me felt really good, and what she was going to do would feel even better. Her hand continued to slowly pump me, electrifying me with each movement, with each stroke, with each pump of her hand. God! It felt so good. "Lick it." I said softly. "Just lick it all over to start. You'll get used to it." She stuck out her tongue and with much reluctance, touched the tip to my flesh. I watched her face to see how she would take it. She turned her head to the side and took a big lick along the length. She pulled back and I could see her mind working. She leaned in again and licked it up the other side. The feel of her hot wet tongue on my cock made it twitch in her hand. She pulled back again and I could see her contemplating the taste and texture. She lowered her head again and started licking my hard cock all over, up and down her tongue went. I could see her tongue curl around the shaft as she began to cover my entire shaft with her saliva. I reached down and slid my fingers into her hair and took a firm grip on her head as she continued to lick me. I had her do this for several minutes, loving every touch of her tongue to my cock. Finally I was ready. I turned her face up to mine and looked her right in the eyes. "Enough playing. It's time for me to teach you how to suck cock!" "Where is your glossy red lipstick?" I asked, she reached into her jacket pocket and pulled it out. "Put a heavy coat on your lips for me" I instructed,

She turned up the tube and applied a bright red coating to her lips, god she was so sexy, I almost came right then. When she had finished applying a thick coat to her mouth I turned her face back downward to my hard cock and then said, "Put me in your mouth." She looked hard at my cock and then using her hand pointed the head at her bright, red, lipstick covered, mouth. She leaned forward and placed her closed lips tight against my cock head. She pulled back and I saw that she was reacting to the pre-cum that had just coated her red, wet lips. Instinctively, she darted her tongue out, and licked my fluid from her lips. A strange look crossed her face and she turned her eyes up to mine and parting her lipsticked mouth, slid her lips over my engorged cock head. While still looking me square in the eyes, I felt her tongue swirl around the hot tip of my manhood. I was in heaven. I gently tugged on her hair, pulling her face forward. I felt my shaft slide past her lips, and over her tongue.

Then I pulled back marveling at the red lipstick smears on my dick. This time, she moved forward on her own, taking even more of my cock in her mouth. We played this game over and over. Sliding it in, pulling it out, going an inch deeper with each stroke. Her eyes had never left mine and she stared at me intently when without warning, she dove down on my cock, taking it all the way to the hilt. I felt her nose in my pubic hairs, pressed to my groin. She gagged and pulled back, but repeated her efforts, and took me all the way into the back of her throat. She just held me there, getting used to my cock deep in her warm, wet mouth. I could not believe this! Mrs. Shook was a natural born cocksucker and she was starting to get into having my cock deep in her throat. I looked down at this beautiful woman with my cock sticking between her red glossy lips, when she started instinctively bobbing her head up and down. She began applying suction to it with each bob of her head. I was going insane. I had not told her that I was a total virgin and this was my first blowjob, but I think somehow she knew. I began pumping my hips into her mouth, matching her motions, and realized that I was fucking Mrs. Shook's face. This realization, along with the feeling of her sucking mouth on my cock drove me over the edge.

I felt my orgasm starting. It was stronger than anything I had ever felt in the past. At that moment, a bomb could have gone off in the next room and it would not have mattered. Nothing mattered except that I was about to cum in Mrs. Shook's sucking mouth. She WAS going to swallow my hot cum! I gripped her head and pulled her onto my cock as I felt the first load of cum travel up from my balls and fill my cock. She knew what was about to happen and tried to pull away, but I held her fast. The white liquid shot from my cock, filling her mouth, coating the back of her throat with cum. My body stiffened as my cock jerked again between those bright red lips, shooting another blast of cum into her mouth. She had no choice but to swallow the load that I was giving her. Her initial reaction had been to pull away, but after she swallowed the first blast, she must have realized that she COULD do this and reaching up she began quickly pumping the entire length of my cock with her fist. She was milking me with her hand and mouth and I released my grip on her head, allowing my cock to stay in her mouth. She continued to take my heaving spurts across her tongue, shooting over and over into her sucking mouth, filling it up. I watched in fascination as the white, creamy fluid spilled from around my cock, dribbling down her chin, and dripping into her sexy cleavage. I felt her mouth tighten around me as she swallowed more of my cum.

She continued to hold me in her mouth, her tongue swirling around as I began to soften. She nursed me with her mouth and red lips until I was spent. She then let me slip wetly from her mouth with a soft pop from the suction. She leaned in and using her tongue, licked the remaining cum from my shiny cock. She looked down her blouse and saw the cum that had run into her bra, and smiled. I stumbled backward and fell on the couch, exhausted from the greatest sexual experience of my life. I was gasping for breath, my head dizzy. I watched Mrs. Shook get up off her knees and sit in the chair opposite from me. Her skirt riding high up her nylon thigh, exposing her stocking tops and bare tanned thigh, she had a dazed look on her face and appeared to be as exhausted as I was. We both sat there collecting ourselves, until she finally looked up at me and asked hopefully, "Was that what you wanted? Did I do it right? Are you finished with me now?" I could see that her face was flushed and even though it was obvious that she had gotten into sucking me off, she was ashamed and still could not wait for this nightmare to end. I took a deep breath and stared her in the eyes and replied,

"Lady, like I said earlier, we are just getting started!" I knew you were talented, a total fantasy come true, your mouth and luscious lips are incredible and I want to feel more of them. It was then that I saw her resign herself to the fate that I had in store for her. I just had to humiliate her even more. "You liked that didn't you? You liked sucking my hard cock and swallowing my hot cum, didn't you?" She gave no reply, just hanging her head. "C'mon, Mrs. Shook, admit it! You loved the feeling of my hard cock in your mouth. You loved the taste of my cum sliding down your throat, didn't you? DIDN'T YOU?"

Once again, she raised her eyes to mine and answered me, "Yes, it was better that I had ever imagined." "Good. Because you are going to suck my cock many, many more times in the future. And speaking of the future, I have several things planned for tonight that I think you will also learn to enjoy just as much." "Do you want to do these things with me?" I asked. "No." she answered. "But you will do them, won't you Mrs. Shook?" "Yes." "Then come over here and straddle me and sit in my lap, we have a long night ahead of us." I smiled. She got up slowly, parting her nylon legs for me to see her glistening pantied pussy and walked over to me and straddled my legs. I moved my lips toward hers and she responded, we kissed deeply and passionately. Her arms were around my neck as we kissed and I felt her start to rub her pantied pussy against my now hardening cock. She broke off the kiss, looked me deeply in the eyes and forcefully kissed me again, her tongue sucking mine, her red mouth sliding all over mine, her breathing increasing, her rubbing becoming more frantic. "I will do whatever you want me to, just let me cum toooo.
Published by retcntryboy
4 years ago
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retcntryboy Publisher 11 months ago
to SancheZ069 : awesome
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retcntryboy Publisher 11 months ago
to SancheZ069 : awesome
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SancheZ069 11 months ago
to retcntryboy : I do :smile:]
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retcntryboy Publisher 11 months ago
to SancheZ069 : Maybe just fantasize about what would happen next,,  thank,  love writing them
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SancheZ069 11 months ago
to retcntryboy : pity your stories get me hard :smile:
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retcntryboy Publisher 11 months ago
to SancheZ069 : Sorry it was a one and done, I have a habit of doing that, all my imagination goers into the first fantasy
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SancheZ069 11 months ago
WOW . love the story so far :smile: I am hard and leaking , I hope there are more parts to cum
retcntryboy Publisher 1 year ago
to crzs : true, but the way you do it, leaves the lasting impression
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crzs 1 year ago
what makes this story enjoyable is we've all know women like this who think they are better then us and need put in their place 
retcntryboy Publisher 1 year ago
to crzs : thanks
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crzs 1 year ago
very erotic and 2nd time reading it , looking for more about her
retcntryboy Publisher 2 years ago
to michele_c : thanks, fantasies on paper
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michele_c 2 years ago
Stunning story, brilliant story telling 
retcntryboy Publisher 2 years ago
good idea, unfortunately for me, sorry to say, it is a one and done  lol
fdj 2 years ago
Fucking fantastic.
retcntryboy Publisher 2 years ago
to neal73 : you bet
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to retcntryboy : Billion to one im sure, but still would be hot at any age
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retcntryboy Publisher 2 years ago
to neal73 : yeah, what would be the odds of coming across something like that
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Damn this got me so hard 
retcntryboy Publisher 2 years ago
to grantc : glad you liked, a great fantasy
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grantc 2 years ago
wow so horny made me cum 
austinjames2813 3 years ago
If there ever is a part 2, 3, 4,..... i hope it becomes a mother and daughter, eventually daughters. And of course sisters. But really i think she was getting ready to seduce him anyways.
retcntryboy Publisher 3 years ago
to littlestiffie : so true
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littlestiffie 3 years ago
isn't it nice to find that some religious woman are sufficiently hypocritical that they allow themselves to behave like sexy sex-starved sluts - never happened to me, but one lives in hope - that's what fantasies are for
Rooster60 3 years ago
Brill story, so well written. Does need a second episode though :wink:
Cactus36 3 years ago
to retcntryboy : Yeh it would be 
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retcntryboy Publisher 3 years ago
to Cactus36 : actually to, have no private time to compose or come up with a second chapter,  would be fun tho
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Cactus36 3 years ago
to retcntryboy : Ahh ok
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retcntryboy Publisher 3 years ago
to Cactus36 : not sure, normally it is one and done
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Cactus36 3 years ago
to retcntryboy : Part 2 ?
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